folditdouble · 8 months
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Women in Film Challenge 2024: [11/52] The Tolstoy Defense, dir. Dunya Smirnova (Russia, 2018)
Treat a Russian nicely, and you’ll come to regret it.
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habitual-sadness · 2 months
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A Scary Story, Barinova Galina, 1979
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russianperioddrama · 5 months
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rwpohl · 5 months
evropeyskaya istoriya, igor gostev 1984
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billornot · 10 months
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Wall and fireplace paintings in interior and exterior design of Ukrainian rural cottages from Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih and Kremenchuk areas, 1924-1928.
The book (where the main text is ukrainian, but attribution of photos you may see also in German) is here : https://uartlib.org/istoriya-ukrayinskogo-mistetstva/yevgeniya-berchenko-nastinne-malyuvannya-ukrayinskih-hat-ta-gospodarskih-budivel-pri-nih-dnipropetrovshhina/
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genyapluton · 3 months
Flag for trans people who, for one reason or another, do not transition
🪐 My name is Evgenia Arkhangelskaya, and in narrow circles I am known under the pseudonym Genya Pluton. I was born and live in Russia and I am not going to leave this country, because I decided to work for the benefit of people, including queer people, just like me. You can read my story here (if necessary, use a translator): https://parniplus.com/lgbt-movement/gej-iz-glubinki-istoriya-iz-kuznetska/
🪐 At the moment, I identify as non-binary, but I know that at heart I am a man who remains supposedly in a female body, although it is not female, it is precisely the body of a trans man in which his consciousness is contained
🪐 I created this flag as a sign of support for people in such a difficult situation. The colors of the classic trans pride flag are light blue and pink, which are shades of blue and red. Among the seven colors of the rainbow, red is followed by orange, and blue is followed by purple. Thus, the colors of my flag show that we are part of the trans community, that we may stand somewhere behind, but we exist
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aureatchi · 6 months
hnnn miss reverie… the thoughts of fyodor is currently filling my brain… i need to let it out-
AXNAJXJS fyodor dostoevsky would akin your love to a chess game, each piece and movement signifying the decisions and the outcomes that both of you would make throughout your relationship. but then he thinks your love is like playing the cello, each note resonating with the memories you’ve made with each other, but that each wrong melody is like a misunderstanding, both (wrong note and misunderstanding) of which happens rarely, if at all.
he’d burn the world to see his plans in effect, but then he changes his mind. he’d burn the world still, but he’d burn it for you if you asked, so long as it goes well with his plan.
(i know he wouldn’t literally but please listen-) he’d give his heart out for you, in all its bloody, visceral mess, because while he believes secrets and plans make him invincible, he has finally gotten the courage (and he’d finally decided after a long, long while) to give you his heart as it is. he believes that his love should be presented as it truly is. messy, bloody, and all for you.
he’d give his brain too, if you wanted, but he’d dangle it like a game first, see if you can read between the lines and decipher it. but when all is said and done, fyodor dostoevsky is a man of secrets, allure, and the charisma that drew you towards him in the first place.
fyodor dostoevsky can finally be vulnerable (to an extent) around you, because to him, he considers you important. now have some tea with him and listen to him read in his mother tongue, da?
adjajs that’s all !! i could talk about him for months, i recently just got possessed with testing his character out, sorry for the long ask qwq
ouu miss lia you’re my fav for sending these thoughts to me !! >ᴗ< pls don’t apologize i was so happy to read this ask <3 big BIG AGREE !! on the comparison to love as a chess game ♞ …i’ve always envisioned tht fyodor would imagine his lover as his queen on the chessboard (& honestly off the board too !!) bcz the importance of the piece…i could delve into tht sm more but it will be saved for a fic ehe ;)
second thought reminds me of how he would canonically gift a country to someone he loved. so so true, his plans rly would shift to include u. you got so poetic w this <3 this whole thing gave me sm thoughts ate !! def sitting down w/ him rn to listen to him read an istoriya :)
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kazeofthemagun · 8 months
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Tema, the Guide of Windaria.
[Before the prophecy was ever set in motion, the galaxy-reshaping empire of the Architects used the remains of the old magic to glean the future and divine the birth of the Unlimited. With this newfound knowledge, three of the Oracles were appointed as the Guides - Fabula as the Guide of the Cradle (now known as Wonderland), Tema as the Guide of Windaria, and Istoriya as the Guide of Misterica. Persisting in a half-alive state as astral projections bound to crystal vessels powered by Empyreans, the Guides set to work in orchestrating the future in which the destined wielders arose from their respective worlds, ready to wield the Demon Weapons and lay waste to Chaos' schemes.]
[Tema, through the use of her multi-limbed Empyrean and the ancient technology of her people, manufactured a species of Soil-sensitive creatures known as Moogles to aid in her mission of slowly uplifting the Soiltech world of Windaria and directing them towards eventually unearthing the Magun. Ever secretive, she only elected to show herself to very few chosen - coming to be known in fairytales and myths as Loahni Mavuahddi, the Yellow Witch.]
[Through her experiments - a grand work for the greater good, but not without its sacrifices - she had formed an updated hypothesis on the process of Esper birth, often utilizing mortals as oblivious ingredients in manually facilitating the evolution of Esperkind.]
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pc7ooo · 6 hours
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График выхода серий 3 сезона аниме «Реинкарнация безработного: История о приключениях в другом мире»
Работа над созданием третьего сезона нашумевшего аниме «Реинкарнация безработного: История о приключениях в другом мире» (Mushoku Tensei: Isekai...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/23/291-grafik-vyhoda-seriy-3-sezona-anime-reinkarnaciya-bezrabotnogo-istoriya-o-priklyucheniyah-v-drugom-mire-grss-343639650.html
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7ooo-ru · 1 day
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«Искать здесь больше некого»: опустошающая история Сергея Бодрова
Сергей Бодров — младший — один из тех актеров, имя которого помнит вся страна.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/21/046-iskat-zdes-bolshe-nekogo-opustoshayuschaya-istoriya-sergeya-bodrova-grss-343059502.html
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romanshorts · 17 days
Ворон Внутренние конфликты
В фильме "Ворон" можно выделить несколько ключевых внутренних конфликтов:
Борьба между жизнью и смертью
Главный герой Эрик Дрэйвен находится на грани между миром живых и мертвых. Он возвращается из загробного мира, чтобы свершить месть, но при этом уже не принадлежит полностью ни одному из миров[1][3]. Это создает внутренний конфликт между его человеческой сущностью и сверхъестественной природой Ворона.
Любовь и месть
Центральным конфликтом фильма является противостояние между всепоглощающей любовью Эрика к Шелли и его жаждой мести за ее убийство[6]. С одной стороны, им движет чистое чувство, с другой - разрушительная ненависть к убийцам.
Справедливость и беззаконие
Эрик становится мстителем, вершащим собственное правосудие в городе, погрязшем в преступности. Это порождает конфликт между его стремлением к справедливости и методами, которые он использует, зачастую выходящими за рамки закона[3].
Человечность и бесчеловечность
Несмотря на свою сверхъестественную сущность, Эрик сохраняет человеческие чувства и воспоминания. Это создает внутреннее противоречие между его человеческой природой и жестокостью, с которой он расправляется с врагами[1].
Прошлое и настоящее
Герой постоянно находится между воспоминаниями о счастливом прошлом с Шелли и мрачным настоящим, в котором он вынужден существовать как Ворон. Этот конфликт подчеркивает трагичность его судьбы[3].
Эти внутренние конфликты придают глубину персонажу Эрика Дрэйвена и делают историю "Ворона" более многогранной, выходящей за рамки простого боевика о мести.
Citations: [1] https://dtf.ru/cinema/1116406-vse-franshizy-popadayut-v-rai-voron-the-crow-1994-2005 [2] https://www.kinopoisk.ru/media/article/4009824/ [3] https://ru.ruwiki.ru/wiki/%D0%92%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD_%28%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC,_1994%29 [4] https://www.mirf.ru/kino/voron-istoriya-sozdaniya-goticheskogo-filma/ [5] https://www.kino-teatr.ru/kino/movie/asia/145482/content/ [6] https://dzen.ru/a/ZgxapayiQEqRgFzF [7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3jRQr3ls1o [8] https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/11501/
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russianperioddrama · 6 months
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beyondxxxblr · 1 month
My Story: Choose Your Own Path - версия 0.9.9
My Story: Choose Your Own Path - незатейливая игра в жанре RPG. Другие приложения данной категории представляют собой прос...
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rwpohl · 2 months
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evropeyskaya istoriya, igor gostev 1984
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offscreenbrake · 2 months
История Маркула: От Звукоинженера до Звезды Российского Рэпа - Тусовка
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