superbellsubways · 1 year
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ermm awkward
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doctorjohcoy · 18 days
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minecraft mobvie
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lucidicer · 11 months
why is relight only now on yalls radar did i miss smth
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wingedscribe · 6 months
6 & 7 for the wip asks?
Absolutely, and thank you!
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
The scrivener file title of the WIP is "Hollis & Ware" after the two main characters' surnames but the funniest title of a document within the file is "Local Idiot Gets Fucking Shot" bc I dunk on Slaine Hollis constantly in my drafts. 🖍Post Any sentence from your wip Time for "Casper's notoriously overlong sentences": Even in the Greenhouse, children shared rumors, and one of the most prevalent despite all attempts of our minders was simple: that when the land under the Reaches buckled and shuddered, when the earth itself rebelled against searing shut the gates to Fairyland, the masters of witchcraft at the time had opened those forbidden records and spilled blood on the ground until the land drank its fill. If anyone wants to ask more questions and help me procrastinate the list is here: https://wingedscribe.tumblr.com/post/745968081166352384
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 8 months
kin horrors got my ass last night but i like dont even remember it really so its fine
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closetdbisexual · 7 months
okay im finally returning to movie sorry.
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solfinite · 9 months
oh girl help the night pains and stiffness oughhhh
and i can't find my ankle brace truly battling the demons right now
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toadbelly · 1 year
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launitaspeciale · 1 year
one thing about me is i have watched every nostalgia critic video made before 2017
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uglyandtraveling · 2 years
A Quick Guide & Top 10 US Visa Interview Questions [Tips for Success]
Get ready for your US visa interview with this quick guide and top 10 frequently asked questions. Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and tips for success to increase your chances of being approved for a nonimmigrant visa. Don’t miss this comprehensive resource before your interview.
Read more at https://www.uglyandtraveling.com/a-quick-guide-top-10-us-visa-interview-questions-tips-for-success/
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
what does "theyre really hard selling it!" mean? istopped whating qsmp for a little bit and now i camt find any context for that 😭
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it's taken from this youtube comment!
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bovineblogger · 10 months
What about winter wrangler cookie from cookie run.
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He is the most cow cookie.
I ADORE HIIIIMM AAAGGGHHH istopped playing cookie run a little while ago but looking at him.. ough... no i shant.. i shant...
PERSONAL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
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dettiqueen · 1 month
OK GUYS HERES ANOTHER ABANDONED EDIT 😿 lmk if i should continue
a little off beat at the end and i think thats why. istopped workikg on it :(
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aikofanfan · 1 year
Obey me, Themis! [Part 3]
Summary: Things get more intense as more information rises to the surface.
Warnings: Tot Luke gets his shit rock by a demon I’m so sorry my boy.
A/n: Hey part 3 finally! Aside from Shay the rest are random OCs I made up for this story hope ya like em!
Tags: @noetophat how bout I just tag you myself :3
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“Who’s Meph….um….istop….heles?” Rosa asks slowly as Diavolo was talking on his DDD.
“A pain in the neck.” You huff. “He’s a school reporter at RAD. I doubt he’ll tell us much willingly. Leave questioning him to me.”
“MC.” Lucifer says in a warning tone.
“I’ll behave!” You retort. Even Rosa and Artem gave you a doubtful look. You’ve barely been around Artem and he was doubting you already! Rude!
“MC are you sure?” Rosa asks.
“Absolutely.” You give her a thumbs up. Dia walks back over at that very moment.
“He should be here soon.” The prince informs. “MC, I heard you’ll be questioning him.”
“Yep- ARE YOU DOUBTING ME TOO?” You gawk at the Prince who only gives a sheepish smile. You cross your arms and pout as Dia doubles down but tries to reason his doubts. Just then Barbatos walks over with the demon of the hour.
“Lord Diavolo what is it you need from me? Oh Lucifer is here yet you called me? I’m honored!” Mephistopheles bows once he’s close to the Prince. Clearly ignoring you and the two attorneys.
“Mephis I actually asked him to call you here.” You spoke up, the purple head turned to you.
“Oh? And do you want?” He asks. You pulled up a picture of the plant Rosa sent you prior and show him.
“What do you know about this? Dia says you heard about some students passing it around at RAD.” You explain. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you.
“So what if I did?” He retorts. “It’s a plant found here, what’s a human like you need it for?” He scoffs.
“That plant somehow ended up in the human world and it’s already harmed or killed many people.” Rosa spoke up, getting irritated with this guy.
“Ah no wonder you two look so out of place. More humans.” Mephistopheles walked up to Artem and Rosa. “Well that’s too bad.”
“Mephistopheles this is serious.” You grab his forearm and yank him back over. “Whatever you might know will be a huge help.”
“Whatever is happening in the human world isn’t my problem.” He snaps, smacking your hand away. Just when you’re about to pop a vein, Diavolo spoke up.
“It is your problem. It’s all of our problem. That plant came from the Devildom, and whatever damage it causes is on our hands.” The Prince says. “So please. Whatever you might know, tell them.”
Demon and human alike knew that was more of an order rather than a request. Mephistopheles grumbles before turning back to you.
“I don’t know much. But I do know some students were passing it around the school and I happen to over hear one of them say something about ‘getting it to the human world’ or something to that effect. I didn’t think much of it but.” He trails off and glances at the two lawyers.
“Who were these students?” Rosa asks.
The demon took a moment to think before giving some names. “Zek and Crow.”
“Ah those guys.” You groan.
“You know them?” Artem asks.
“Yeah. They use to bug me and my mentor about making pacts with them just so they could have easy access to the human world.” You explain. “But wait, we never made pacts with any of them.”
You turn to Rosa and Artem. “I’d contact the rest of your group if I were you. We need to head back.”
Luke sneaks around an old shack, shoved in a small corner of the city. It’s one of the few places they could find that had held some sort of stash of these weird plants. But it seems it’s been cleared out already.
“There has to be something in here.” He whispers to himself. He moves boxes and old gardening tools around, before finding a small filing cabinet hidden away. Just as he was about to try and open it, something from behind grabs the back of his jacket and throws him away. He hits the wall with a loud SMACK.
“So you’re the one that’s been sneakin around.” A man about his height and looked about his age says, hands in pockets with a smaller framed woman behind him. “Nosy little bugs aren’t ya?”
Luke was about to get up but the man was faster and slams his foot on his back, making him grunt in pain. What was this guy?
“Hey you said you wouldn’t hurt him too bad!” The woman spoke up.
“I won’t I won’t. Just enough to get my point across.” The guy says, smushing the heel of his foot into Luke’s back some more. “Grab that filing cabinet though would ya?”
The woman nods and hurried off into the corner where Luke had found it. Luke tried to get up but was promptly pushed back down by the guy’s foot.
“Be a good human and tell me somethin. How did you find this place?” He asks.
“I have my ways.” Luke said and that result in the guy raising his foot and slamming it hard into his back, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“I got the flies. Let’s go and leave him alone.” The woman came rushing back and tried to pull the guy off but he shooed her away.
“Not until he talks first. I wanna know how this guy learned about my gig here.” The man says and was about to kick Luke in the ribs until there was noise outside.
One bang on the door.
Two bangs on the door.
Footsteps came rushing over.
Green eyes met indigo eyes and you grit your teeth.
“Ah now I see.” Zek, one of the demons that use to bug you and Solomon, gave you a lazy smile. You looked down and found Luke on the ground, Zek’s foot digging into his back.
“Get off of him. NOW.” You order. Zek, ever the shit, just steps off before kicking Luke to the side like an empty soda can. You rush over to his side and that gave Zek and the lady with him enough time to vanish into thin air.
“Friend of yours?” Luke tried to joke through his obvious pain.
“Hardly. How was your first encounter with a demon?” You asked and that cut through the pain judging by the face he makes. You used a bit of healing magic to help Luke to his feet but a hospital visit was still needed. You pick Luke up piggyback style and take him to the car where Artem and Rosa was waiting.
“LUKE!” Rosa gasps as she rushes over, Artem not too far behind.
“I’m fine.” He smiled but was clearly still in pain. Fighting a demon never ended well even if they held back a bit.
“Our suspicions were right. Zek and probably Crow made a pact with humans in the city and brought that plant here.” You explain. With Artem’s help, you both get Luke into the back of the car while Rosa used your DDD to text Diavolo and Lucifer.
“He said something about a gig. This is probably more than just that.” Luke huffs and you lightly poke his forehead.
“We can talk it over once you get checked out.” You state. “I’ll stay behind and give this little box of a shack another look over.”
“But these guys know we’re onto them now.” Rosa says, handing you back your DDD. “Plus what about Marius and Vyn?”
“Relax, Rosy. I’ll be fine and meet up with you guys later. As for the other two, I called a friend or two.”
A friend or two was Shay and Solomon. It was only natural Solomon gets involved and Shay well, she had become a close demon friend outside of the boys and you trusted her with this. Just as you thought that your DDD rings.
“Hey sugar!”
Speak of the devil, literally. It was Shay. You watch Artem and Rosa drive off to get Luke checked out while you walk around the old shack.
“Hey Shay. How are things on your end?” You asks, having your DDD on speaker and float with magic as you move stuff around.
“Boring so far. By the sounds of it not much else has been found and it looks like no one has a clue that there’s more of us onto their little scheme.” She explains. “How about you?”
“Luke found a shack but got attacked by Zek.” You report.
“That damn Zek! Your friend okay?” Shay asks.
“Yeah we got to him in time. Artem and Rosa are taking him to the hospital now.” You tell her. “Any word from Solomon and Vyn?”
“No. I think those two get along a little too well if you ask me. It’s creepy.” She shivers as she spoke. The two of you talk as you keep looking around the shack, after about 30 minutes you sigh.
“I figured there was nothing left but I’m no less disappointed.” You huff.
“No luck huh?” Shay asks as you take a hold of your DDD and turn off the speaker.
“Nope. I’m gonna go meet up with Rosa. And thanks again for helping out, Shay.” You say.
“No worries, hun! Stay safe now!”
“Now that they’re onto to us, they’ve no doubt cleared out their other hiding spots.” Rosa mumbled to herself as she looks over what Luke, Marius and Vyn dug up while she and Artem was gone.
“I must’ve gotten there right when he did.” Luke comments from his hospital bed. He wasn’t badly hurt after he was healed with magic but the Doctor wanted him to rest there for the night just to be safe.
“Do we know anything about the woman that was with this Zek?” Artem asks. Luke shakes his head.
“Well once MC comes back, I think we can get an idea on where to look.” Rosa says. You had just walked into the room when she spoke.
“What about lil ol me??” You bat your eyes as you walk over to the three. They catch you up to speed and all you can do is scowl.
“I can unfortunately give you an idea on where to start looking. RAD has a whole class on how demons can lure humans into a pact with them. Since Zek and Crow are RAD students it probably wasn’t hard to find targets for whatever the hell they’re planning.” You explain, arms crossed as you began to think. Although after this they might end up as ex students.
“Or we can just tell you now.”
You turn around and look at the door, finding Solomon and Vyn walking in.
“Shay called me and filled us in, told me you’d all be here.” Solomon says. Vyn types at his phone before all of your phones chime.
“Luke, does this woman look like the one you saw?” Vyn asks. Luke looks over the picture he was sent for awhile before he nods. “She’s a patient of mine.”
“And the plot thickens.” You hum and lean against the wall.
“Her name is Maya Row, she came to see me just to talk and find the root of her problems. She suddenly stopped a few months ago.” Vyn explained. “I tried to call her a few times but she never answered.”
“Sounds like we found out why she stopped seeing you.” You comment. “A patient for a Psychiatrist definitely sounds like it fits the bill for a pact by a demon’s standards.
“Given she wasn’t in the best place of a mind the last time I spoke with her I’d have to agree.” Vyn sighs.
“Poor Maya…” Rosa frowned as she reads over the flies Vyn sent everyone.
“We find her we can find Zek.” You spoke up. Solomon holds his hand up to you, his way of saying to back down.
“While that’s true there’s still Crow and whoever he may have lured into a pact.” He points out. Ah right.
“So Zek and his human Maya huh?” Marius hummed as he reads over what Shay sent him. He was stuck in meetings most the day so Shay filled him in.
“We still don’t know where Crow is or who he may have made a pact with.” Shay says. “So get used to having me around.
“Oh how will I ever cope?” Marius teased and Shay sticks her tongue out at him. Just then she jolts before grabbing Marius and jumping to the left, a stop sign landing where they were, crushing into the sidewalk.
“Ah did you really have to go and dodge that, Shay?” A voice spoke up. Shay looks and finds a man yanking the stop sign out of the ground and looks over at her and Marius. Yellow and black mixed eyes stare into her own icy blue ones.
“Crow.” She hisses and helps Marius up. Crow spins the stop sign around a few times, eyes never moving off the pair.
“You know Shay it’s not too late for you leave and let me have a little chat with the human here.” Crow suggests only for his fellow demon to flip him off.
“You know as well as I do what you’re doing goes against what Lord Diavolo wants for the Realms, Crow.” Shay retorts, glancing at Marius who was hiding his phone in his hand. Gotta by him some time to inform the others.
“Blah blah blah. Get off your soap box, Shay. I don’t care.” Crow groans, stepping closer which made Shay move Marius closer behind her. “Why are you even protecting him? You made a pact or somethin?”
“No. Is it so wrong of me to want to keep him away from you and your stop sign?” Shay sassed at him. Marius hits send on his phone and hides it away in his pocket.
“If he starts a fight, I want you to run, understand? A human like you isn’t gonna put up a fight very long.” Shay whispers, still shielding Marius from Crow who hasn’t stopped eyeing him.
“Got it. You don’t have to worry about me.” Marius nods.
You were talking when all the phones of the NXX group chimed at the same time. Rosa was the first one to get her phone out and check.
“Uh oh!” She gasps and goes pale. All she does is show her screen to everyone.
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spoonbenders · 9 months
hiw d o istop peoplw form seeing live updates of me ediitng pages on neocities itmakes me fuckin g anxious
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hanrinz · 1 year
kung sino man gumawa nung kazuha au sa tiktok mahal na mahal po kita 🥹 kilig na kilig to the max po aq maawa po kayo sakin,, si scara ba naman yung boy best friend KUYA ISTOP THE CAR PLS
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