#ist ent
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trigger and armageddon being in the same universe is canon right ??
#crazy mv absolutely insane ist ent i fcking hate u couldnt u wake up sooner#cinematic masterpiece im gonna watch again and then album time 🙂↕️#pt
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Ob sie sich gegenseitig 'Hurensohn' genannt haben?
#christoph martin wieland#Dem Wieland seine Frau#Ich weiß ihreb#Namen nicht#Sophie Dorothea Gleim#Deren Namen kenn ich. Meine Ente ist nach ihr benannt#Ach ja und#johann wilhelm ludwig gleim#german stuff#deutsches zeug#18th century#gleim
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Hmm für 60€ Sendung mit der Maus-Ohrringe oder für 20€ GZSZ Katjes bestellen....
#schwierige Entscheidungen#wahrscheinlich werd ich am Ende gar nichts bestellen#auf der anderen Seite...#meine Schwester hat letztens fürn einmaliges Konzert 130€ ausgegeben...#Ente- und Elefant-Ohrringe sind für die Ewigkeit!#(und halb so teuer)#kosten btw eigentlich zusammen 71‚80€ aber wenn man den Newsletter abonniert kriegt man 10€ Rabatt <33#Das mit den GZSZ Katjes ist btw weil man ab 20€ Einkaufswert nen gratis-Jutebeutel dazukriegt 💀
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gestern am Vilsalpsee
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Ich versuche bei mir und meinem zu bleiben. ICH habe mich dem gestellt! ICH bin nicht weggelaufen. ICH habe mich anders verhalten und mich nicht in meine alten Muster begeben. ICH habe angesprochen/geschrieben, was für Veränderungen und Verbesserungen ich mir erhoffe. Andere werden davon profitieren und das ist MEIN Verdienst, weil ich nicht still geblieben bin und einfach hingenommen habe!!!
Ich habe den üblichen Pfad verlassen und bin mutig in neue Pfade eingetreten.
DAS nehme ich mit!! DAS habe ich geschafft und mich gut damit gefühlt.
Nun ist das Ergebnis scheinbar (!!!) das gleiche wie in früheren (familiären) Situationen, und es tut mir weh, diesen Schmerz und die Sorgen und mir unbeantwortete Fragen aushalten zu müssen.
Aber: es wird weiter gehen! Und andere Möglichkeiten entstehen. Und meine Veränderung, meine Klarheit, kann mir keiner mehr nehmen!!
Ich bin echt und gerade. Die leider nicht. Was das angeht: nicht mehr mein Problem.
Es wird ganz gewiss GUT werden!!! Jemand anderes wird mich, meine Klarheit und meine Fähigkeiten zu schätzen wissen!!!!
#herzensschoene#leben#momentaufnahme#mut#selbstvertrauen#neubeginn#chance#wachstum#ent-wicklung#authentizität#jobwechsel#alles ist möglich#klarheit#kopfhoch#weitergehen
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E’LAST, a group with no English speakers: thrill
The Boyz, a group with three English speakers: sseurilleu
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Term/suffix ending list
Not necessarily alts for -ic just ideas and ones I've seen used
-ae, -am, -ation, -able, -ance, -ate, -at, -ant, -al/-all, -ade, -age, -ac, -act, -acity, -aholic, -algia, -ar, -ard, -arian, -ariam, -ary, -ation, -ative, -anne, -asion
-ble, -bia, -bess, -best
-cle, -cion, -cide, -cracy, -craty, -crat, -cule, -cy, -cycle, -ci, -carpe, -cèle/-cele
-dom, -dox, -dex
-er, -ea, -ette/-et, -es/-ess/-esse, -en, -ed, -el/-ell,/-elle, -ence, -ent, -ectomy, -ee, -eer, -emia, -ency, -ern, -essence, -etic, -ei, -ée, -eur
-ful/-full, -fy, -fic
-gam, -gamy, -gon, -gonic
-holic, -hood
-ic, -ix, -is, -ist, -ism, -ity/-itty, -io, -ion, -ify, -ise/-ize, -ible, -ive, -ing, -ish, -ia, -ial, -ie, -ical, -ile, -ine, -ily, -ious, -issime, -iste, -ice
-ly, -less, -lic, -lia
-ment, -mik, -my, -mia, -misia
-num, -ness, -nem, -no
-or, -ous, -out, -ocity, -oholic, -orium, -opsy, -onym, -ory, -oire
-phy, -path, -pathy, -phile, -philia, -pia, -phobia, -phone, -pnea
-rio, -ris, -rise
-ship, -s, -sio, -sion, -sive/-ssive, -sentive, -sect, -some, -sophy, -sophic
-tude, -ty, -tion, -tive, -th, -tome, -tile/-tyle
-um, -us, -ual
-ward, -ware, -wise
Feel free to suggest more!
#lucys dictionary#term coining#alternative terms#term list#suffix list#alt terms#terms#liom coining#mogai coining#word coining#qai coining#qai terms#qai term
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Why do so many people not like Star Trek Enterprise?
Different reasons.
The theme song broke the rules Star Trek traditionally had big orchestral arrangements as intro songs. Enterprise tried something different. The song “Where my heart will take me” is a pop rock song with actual lyrics. It also sounds like country music, which many fans associated with a rather conservative mindset. Many fans criticised the song for being campy, right wing, not Star Trek. I personally like the song, but I'm not from the US. They ruined it with a horribly worse version from season 3 on, though.
Enterprise right-wing mindset 9/11 happened two weeks before the first episode of the show aired. Especially Enterprise's 3rd season gets a lot of criticism for being too right-wing, it's basically an allegory for 9/11. This assessment seems a bit unfair. in contrast to the real US, the Enterprise crew went out of their way to clear the air and explain a misunderstanding. Not let their emotions and rage control their actions. In that regard, it's very Star Trek.
Character development The show focuses on Archer, Trip, P’Pol. Phlox and Malcolm Reed get their (fewer) moments too. But Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather are totally abandoned by the writers. And those two are the black man and the asian woman. Malcolm’s actor wanted to play the character gay, which was shut down by Rick Berman. So what we get from ENT (Enterprise) ist straight white characters, others get left behind. The Original Series (TOS) did the same thing. The show focusses on Kirk, Spock, McCoy. But time moved on since then. We had DS9, with a great diverse cast, a black, widowed father as the captain. Voyager with Janeway and a (sadly, fake) native American XO. After this, ENT felt out of date. The focus on the core characters gets also critiziced on Discovery.
Sexism Also out of date and forced felt the blatant “sex sells” attitude. Decon gel. Hoshi falling out of an air shaft, losing her shirt so she has to cover her breasts. Shower scenes. Star Trek in the past liked to code their sex stuff into alien metaphors. ENT was more like “look, sexy straight white people in the nude!” No nuance. Gets critiziced a lot up to this date.
Simply bad episodes Star Trek always had episodes that are really bad, since TOS. Spock's Brain is a good example for that. But ENT did worse: They even copied previous episodes. In season 1, we have an episode where a man fills his home with fake hologram people, for his daughter. Ironically the man is played by Rene Auberjonois, who played Odo in the Deep Space 9 (DS9) episode where a man fills his home with fake hologram people. Phlox in season 3 has to stay awake while the whole crew sleeps. For weeks. He starts hallucinating. In a precious Voyager episode, Seven of Nine had to stay awake while the whole crew sleeps. For weeks. She starts hallucinating. Even in the (liked and well received by many) season 3, there are episodes that are just bad, like Extinction. And they are so bad that you can't even watch them and have fun, like DS9’s Move Along Home. And the there are episodes where the solution of the ethical dilemma just feels off and un-Star Trek-y. Cogenitor. Dear Doctor. Yeah, some episodes of ENT simply suck. More than usual.
Akiraprise The NX-01, the titular ship of Enterprise, is just an upside down version of the Akira class from the TNG (The Next Generation) era. Felt like copy-paste. People were upset.
Enterprise is still good Finally, I want to tell you that , besides the bad stuff, I like ENT. I love the design of the NX-01. They had to ruin it with the refit, though. Although this doesn't happen in the show. Just in extended canon. There are great characters here, great stories, great retro design. The interior design, the retro bridge, the retro warp core were actually of the most expensive assets created at the time. For all of TV. So I recommend to watch Enterprise. It's mostly nice. It has Shran. The final episode never happened.
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Du sagst Plüschi??? Absolut ent-schießstandet. Das ist ein Kuscheltier Brudi (m/w/d)
Kuscheltier, Stofftier, Plüschtier...war alles geläufig! Was sagst du denn wenn es kein Tier ist? Kuschli? Kuschel..puppe? Nah. Da muss ne Abkürzung her: Plüschi!
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Personifizierung – oder: Die Ente ist an allem schuld
Der graublaue 2CV von anno 1960 da vorn hält alles auf – das Ding kriecht im ersten Gang den Berg hinauf und keiner kann überholen. Direkt dahinter ein fetter Discovery, sichtlich verrückt vor Ungeduld. Hat schon mehrmals Ausbruchversuche nach links gemacht, dann wieder Schiss gekriegt. Ist halt doch Überholverbot. Jetzt kommt plötzlich ein unverschämter Audi von hinten geschossen, prescht an der…
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Foto von Marc Kleen auf Unsplash
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Nachdem ich gestern ja schon den Zettel entschlüsselt habe, hier noch der Tagebucheintrag von Maxis Oma (Achtung Spoiler!). Rechtschriebfehler habe ich korrigiert.
Während ich dies schreibe sitzt meine kleine Tochter Soraya bei mir. Sie lächelt ein bisschen so wie du.
Ich bin glücklich, dass Soraya in einem Land aufwachsen wird in dem sie singen, schimpfen und lachen kann ganz worüber sie will. Aber der Preis ist hoch und bricht mir das Herz. Sie wird dich nie kennenlernen, ihren Vater.
Du wirst nie wissen dass wir dieses wundervolle Kind zusammen haben.
Die zweite Seite sieht man leider nicht vollständig
Ein Kind, das lächeln wie d[...].
Ich habe dir nichts erzählt da[...]. Dein ganzes Leben lang hin-und [...] bist. Es ist meine Ent[...]. Ich bin überzeugt, dass ich [...] tue. Mein liebes Edo (Udo?), du wirst [...] fehlen.
In Liebe deine Ma[...]
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IN WHICH ✶ — Everyone thought that after LOVLUSION’s disbandment Suzuki Y/n would have returned back to Japan and debut there but the public was shocked at her disappearance. They were even more shocked to hear that two years later she’d be joining a new subunit of group ETERNAL under SOS (sea of stars) ENT. The public was lost for words at how she was able to rebrand herself in those two years, debuting with a sharp and cold look rather than her cute and angelic look back then in LOVLUSION.
THE BOYZ IN DA HOUSE 🥶 | profile two.
• THE BOYZ is a South Korean boy band formed and managed by IST Entertainment. The group debuted on December 6, 2017, with the lead single “Boy” from their debut EP The First.
lee juyeon ; has had an interest in y/n ever since he seen her trip on the carpet of the company building. They had trained for a little while together before Juyeon was preparing for his debut. After that the two rarely saw each other. The last time the two had an actual conversation for more than a minute face to face was the day Y/n was set to leave for GIRLVERSE filming.
lee sangyeon ; literally the father of everyone. thinks juyeon is as delulu as jake stan’s, juyeon will cry if he doesn’t get a daily y/n photo and sangyeon is the one he goes too about it.
bae jacob ; thee biggest luvlusion stan. he was there since the girlverse days 🤞🏽. yelled uncontrollably when he found out lovlusions disbandment was announced.
kim younghoon ; best friends w/ tu and prim from eternal youth, they r thee acting trio. he was so devastated when they left korea to go film in thailand for a couple months.
lee jaehyun (hyunjae) ; bffs with y/n, experiences all her delulu stages with her. fully believes in taehyun birthing y/n since the two resemble each other.
moon kevin ; shaking ass is his personality, him and y/n shake ass to beyoncé and nct songs. if you start playing firetruck by nct 127 at night in the mirror y/n and kevin will appear behind you twerking.
choi chanhee (new) ; hes still wondering when chanel will make him an ambassador. he reps chanel everywhere, everyday, and every-night.
ji changmin (q) ; the cutest ever. he could fit in someone’s pocket if he really really really wanted to try. he adores y/n and misses when the two would have late night talks in the practice room.
ju haknyeon ; thinks everyone is mother. jokes about how SOS ENT finds the most talented and gorgeous people ever. will go to all lengths to defend his fav girl tu tontawan 🫡.
kim sunwoo ; doesn’t know how he lives another day everytime haknyeon fanboys over tu. litersly the worst menace to exist. will never and won’t ever stop clowing y/n about her predebut side quests.
sohn eric ; the sweetest and energetic boy you’ll ever meet. constantly reminds everyone he loves them!
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taglist (open) 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ @yujuyioh @jangwonie @cwsana @luvyrin @amara-mars @ineedaherosavemeenow @mintydayeon @love-4-keum @kpopx-xlover @abdiitcryy @beepjeongie @ox1-lovesick @ja4hyvn @shinsou-rii @winkura @astrae4 @ilovewonyo @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @nyujjan @garbageandhot @ifearjwn @seesaweun @wtfhyuck @rreynca @luveuly @tnyhees @lcv3lies
#the boyz smau#the boyz scenarios#the boyz x reader#the boyz fluff#juyeon fic#juyeon smau#juyeon x reader#juyeon scenarios
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@┊BASICS! . . . ៸៸៹ ࿐.
BIRTHDATE: October 11, 2000
BIRTHPLACE: Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Dong-gu, Busan, South Korea
LANGUAGES: Korean, Basic English
@┊CAREER! . . . ៸៸៹ ࿐.
COMPANY: Cre.ker Ent. (Former); IST Ent.
CAREER: Idol, Actor, MC
TRAINING TIME: 2015 - 2017
POSITION: vocalist
@┊SOCIALS! . . . ៸៸៹ ࿐.
INSTAGRAM: sojuseojun
TWITTER: sojuseojun
@┊PERSONALITY! . . . ៸៸៹ ࿐.
NEGATIVE: stubborn, gullible, perfectionist
POSITIVE: honest, respectful, ambitious, funny
@┊BACKGROUND! . . . ៸៸៹ ࿐.
Kim Seojun was born in Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, South Korea on October 11, 2000 to a medical doctor couple. He lived a pretty normal childhood in his birthtown, until his parents needed to move to Busan because of their work. Seojun was mostly raised by his grandparents, as his parents were busy with their work at the hospital.
At school, most of his friends enjoyed listening to k-pop and k-rock, where he eventually fell in love with the genre of music. During his middle school and early high school years, he took lots of vocal classes and learned dancing with his friends. In 2015, Seojun was scouted by Cre.ker Entertainment and Starship Entertainment after his performance at his school's music festival. Originally planning to audition for Starship anyways, he first accepted Starship's offer and went through the auditions, but however, Seojun didn't pass the last round. He then went to Cre.ker and auditioned, eventually passing and getting accepting into the training program.
In 2016, Seojun went with JuHaknyeon to participate in Produce 101 S.2 as trainees from Cre.ker but was eliminated in the final round, placing 15th. He and Haknyeon eventually went back to Cre.ker together, and in late 2017, Seojun debuted in THE BOYZ as a vocalist.
#im the stealer ↬ seojun#im the stealer ↬ profile#im the stealer ↬ introduction#tbz addition#the boyz addition#kpop oc#kpop male oc#kpop boy oc#kpop idol oc#idol oc#oc idol#idol au#fictional kpop idol
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It's in German but very interesting, so maybe a translation to read might be worthwhile (honestly not sure if you already posted about it, so if you have just ignore this 😅)
love the title
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Die arme. CSU, Freie Wähler und AfD zusammen haben zusammen knapp über 50 % der Stadtratsmandate. Für Bayern ist das vergleichsweise wenig, für die arme Ente allerdings eine große Belastung.
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Alle Jahre wieder
Wir ham’, wie alle Jahre wieder
zu Weihnachten zu viel geschlemmt.
Drum kneift die schöne Lieblingshose
und über’m Bauch da spannt das Hemd.
Vergessen warn die schlimmen Stunden,
die mit Diäten wir vertan.
Wir labten uns an Gans und Ente
und Rotkohl mit viel Schmalz daran.
Wir dachten nicht beim Bommerlunder
wie er denn wird, der nächste Tag.
Wir spülten ihn mit Glühwein runter
und tranken etwas Sekt danach.
Wir taten uns am Stollen gütlich,
am Königsberger Marzipan,
an selbstgebacknen Mandelplätzchen,
am Schokoladenweihnachtsmann.
Wir strapazierten nicht das Fahrrad,
dazu war’s Gott sei Dank zu kalt.
Wir schliefen auch mal bis zum Mittag
Und liefen langsam durch den Wald.
Wir sahen schönen Märchenfilme
und gingen nicht ans Telefon.
Wir sangen alte Weihnachtslieder
und kriegten kaum genug davon.
Wir trafen uns mit unsren Freunden
und schwatzten lange am Kamin.
Bei einer Feuerzangenbowle
da floss die Zeit ganz sanft dahin.
Oh heißgeliebte Feiertage!
Ihr kommet einmal nur im Jahr.
Danach gibt’s Quark mit Pellkartoffeln-
und stilles Wasser- ist doch klar!
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