#issac hayes
citizenscreen · 2 months
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John Carpenter’s ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK hit theaters across the U.S. on July 10, 1981. The movie stars Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence, Isaac Hayes, Adrienne Barbeau, and Harry Dean Stanton.
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danicalzone · 2 years
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fudge 'ems, go fudge yourself, and fudge this
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MEMPHIS…The most beautiful land in the world 🌎
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roseillith · 3 months
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evilrashida · 2 years
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bayareabadboy · 3 months
In The Rock 6/27/1969: ‘Hot Buttered Soul’, the second LP from Issac Hayes, hits the racks. It’s a double album with 4 songs, recorded at Ardent Studios with the fabulous Bar-Kays, with finishing touches laid down at United Sound Studios in Detroit, Hayes smashed the mold, topped the RnB chart, hit #8 on the hot 100, and went gold.
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pknn18 · 10 months
A blog post about South Park, Chef, Issac Hayes, and Scientology
I'm already kind of preemptively looking for things to focus on for my next video while I'm still working on another script. And so I think "Oh yeah, Exploding Rabbit, what the hell happened to that guy?" It could be explained just by looking at his small Wikitubia page and his YouTube. And while there's obviously.a way to turn it into a short video, it honestly was just kind of lame and even deflating seeing what happened explained so plainly.
Now, I have a better idea for a essay and an excuse to be a dork about something other than video games. Issac Hayes, South Park, and his exit from South Park along with his character's exit. Because upon kind of reluctantly revisiting the episode where Chef is killed off, "The Return of Chef"
Holy shit, this is one spitefully made episode, like Matt and Trey don't just assassinates Chef's character for the plot and thinly veiled Scientology reference, they fucking nuke it until it's turned into ash and soot. Like, this is probably more of their more vitriolic driven episodes besides "Mecha-Streisand" and "The Biggest Douche in The Universe". They're very clearly mad at Hayes' departure from Scientology, perhaps they found it insulting considering the show Hayes was signed up for. 
In the episode, Chef had left South Park, depicted in a "Previously on.." sequence that doesn't actually continue off of anything, very funny. Some time later, he returns to the town, but something's off about him. For starters, they didn't get Hayes to record new audio for Chef, for obvious reasons. Instead, they make him speak with comically spliced archive audio from over the years. Oh yeah, also he's a pedophile now. He joined a club named the Super Adventure Club, which is a club for: pedophiles. And also a less than thinly veiled stand-in for Scientology, with Hayes being Chef.
 Later in the episode, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny manage to undo Chef's brainwashing from the Super Adventure Club, but SAC - I'm calling them that now - manages to re-brainwash him. This pisses off God, aka Matt and Trey, and as Chef crosses the bridge back to SAC, a lightning bolt hits the bridge, causing it to break and for Chef to fall to his death. 
This death is probably one of the most brutal and vicious in the entire series and is pretty much the peak of this episode’s treatment of the Chef character. However, It is followed up by a rather touching eulogy from Kyle at Chef's funeral that serves as a message that although Chef, or rather, Hayes, is no longer on the show, his character will still be remembered by the townspeople and by extension, the audience. Then they cut to a Star Wars prequel parody and SAC turns Chef into Darth Chef so he can diddle more kids.
This is a really harsh way for them to depart with the character and Hayes and I have the suspicion they didn't immediately know the truth behind his departure at the time.
He suffered a stroke in 2006 which left him very shaken mentally to say the least. Scientology, the absolute fucking scumbags they are, took advantage of them and basically told him to quit, which he did while not in sound mind at the time. This all comes from his son, Issac Hayes III, who revealed all of this information ten years after The Return of Chef aired in 2016. This information would also reveal that Matt and Trey were aware of some funny business, though whether they knew as they were writing the script for The Return of Chef, I couldn't tell you. Tragically, Issac Hayes passed away in 2008. And just as bad, it's unfortunately, it's quite likely Scientology had something to do with Hayes' death. 
When his body was found, it was next to a treadmill that was still running. A victim of a stroke running a treadmill raises some questions. Ordinarily, one would see a neurologist and a psychiatrist for a thing like a fucking STROKE. But one of the things that we know about Scientology that we probably weren't supposed to know initially is that they make you sign a form prohibiting "psychiatric or mental assistance". This specific quote is from Roger Friedman's article where he explains Issac Hayes' history with Scientology, but this was also common knowledge by the time that article was written and published. Not only that, but Scientology even has a page discussing why they're against psychiatry, but I'm not giving them traffic. Anyway, most likely Scientology placed Issac under some strange kind of workout routine just so he wouldn't run to a neurologist or psychiatrist.
It is absolutely depressing what cults can do individuals as it did in this instance. They try to chip away at that individual's personality so that they act in only the cult's best interest. This can affect relationships, personal or business, which of course ruins the individual's life. But that won't matter because if all goes well, their life belongs to the cult. Yeah, this is a "no shit" string of texts but I just wanted to reiterate: Scientology' fucking suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I do apologize if this blog post isn't perfect - this swelled from what happened in the beginning and I just kinda kept going. This was done in a day, and not in a very long period of time. This is essentially just a organized infodump. If you actually fucking read this however, thank you.
Also yeah I watched the hbomberguyvideo I might've absorbed some of his style in the process OOPS-
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louisvlos · 2 years
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iamtryingtobelieve · 13 days
California sun has sunk behind Anaheim hills Here comes the night I was high on junk And the warm winds of Santa Ana feel alright
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madamshogunassassin · 1 month
Issac Hayes- A Few More Kisses To Go
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harrelltut · 11 months
Theme From Shaft (Remastered 2009)
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Theme From Shaft (Remastered 2009)
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roseillith · 3 months
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evilstrawberry · 5 months
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Presenting Chef!
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myimaginaryradio · 6 months
Theme From Shaft - Isaac Hayes
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