yuval-david · 5 years
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MC’ing last night and sharing the stage for an evening of theatre and music performances with @israeliartistsproject — #YuvalDavid #IsraeliArtistsProject #MC #Host #Actor #IsraeliArtist #IsraeliTheatre #IsraeliMusic #MasterOfCeremonies #StagePerformance #TheatrePerformance #PerformingArts #PublicSpeaker #NewYorkTheatre #nyctheatre #MaleActor #MalePerformer #JewishActor #JewishPerformer #IsraeliActor #IsraeliPerformer #OnStage #PerformancePhotography (at Triad Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wv_EQhEY9/?igshid=1wsw0qsrhvzy
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shpieltheatre · 11 years
A small group seeks to force Theater J, a Washington D.C. cultural treasure, to toe its line on Israel. That’s McCarthyism, pure and simple, David Y. Chack writes.
ShPIeL's Artistic Director writes on the importance of Motti Lerner's play, and that "theatre is meant to enlarge us, not constrain us."
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yuval-david · 6 years
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In a rehearsal for a play being done in Hebrew and English...one language per performance night. #theatre #nytheatre #israelitheatre #offbroadway #playrehearsal #actorslife @laba.nyc (at 14th Street Y) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDqMYPAnfD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iyv2fvyqy0st
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