#israel doesnt give a shit about hostages
news4dzhozhar 4 months
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strawberrylightss 4 months
Trying to have a conversation with my brother about antisemitism in the pro pali movement, and I feel coming up with nothing. Im feeling so lost and i feel like everything is just too much.
He said he got uncmfortable with the conversation, which i understandable in a way because it's a heavy topic, but it still feels so disingenuous. For instance, he talks to our grandmother who I KNOW is a raging antisemite (FROM East Germany. She is one of the main ways I became aware of what antisemitism looks like growing up), about israel/palestine.
He didnt even know what blood label or duel loyalty was until i explained what it was, and whenever I ask a question he goes quiet. When i say these things, and how i am geneuinly scared for my boyfriend's (Who is Jewish) safety, he goes quiet. I tell him it's important to check in on Jewish people around you and listen to them and he gives me a little "yeah." It feels like im having a conversation with a brick wall/ just talking to myself. I know when he disagrees because he goes quiet. he doesn't have a backbone and he doesn't debate on anything, and when he goes quiet I know that's when he disagrees but doesnt want to speak his mind. It's not like I WANT to argue with him / want to pick a fight of course but I feel completely ignored.
Part of the issue is that I had a really bad falling out with the majority of my family and he is basically all I have left. For him to not listen to me is just like the rest of them, although this problem isnt about me, it just adds to the hurt I already feel since I'm trying to talk about something extremely important to me, and I feel like I'm BEGGING him to hear me, it hurts.
He at least agrees Hamas should release the hostages? But I feel that's bottom line. I send him resources but I doubt he'd actually read any of it at this point and I'm at a complete loss. I've lost so much these past few years and I have this feeling again.
I don't even know what to do anymore. my boyfriend is sleeping right now but I know when I talk to him about this he will feel the same. I try so hard but he doesn't want to talk to me. He doesn't even tell me what our grandmother was saying either. Our parents are pro israel but he wont even tell me what they were saying. He tells me nothing ever. Months ago when he originally told me he talked to our grandmother he never told me what she said even when I asked him, and showed concern. I tried again and still nothing substantial, just saying "Yeah we agree its fucked up"
Like no. tell me what she's saying, please. I know it's all bad, I know her and I remember in detail the shit she has said about Jewish people in the past. I literally cant handle the thought of him going down an antisemetic pipeline and I feel he is already down the path and there is nothing I can do. It breaks my heart. Seriously. Why doesn't he care?
What the fuck is going on? I live across the country and he is my only way of knowing whats going on there, and he tells me nothing.
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news4dzhozhar 8 months
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