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maria-1976 · 3 months ago
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wasia project - 12/11/24
o2 forum kentish town
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blueiscoool · 7 days ago
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A Looted Bronze Statue That May Depict Marcus Aurelius Is Returning to Turkey
The repatriation comes after years of legal disputes over the true identity and provenance of the 6-foot-4 artwork, which has been housed at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
A headless bronze statue that may depict the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius will be repatriated to Turkey after an investigation determined that it had been looted, smuggled and sold through a web of antiquities dealers before arriving at the Cleveland Museum of Art in 1986.
The Manhattan district attorney’s antiquities trafficking unit first identified and took possession of the looted statue in 2023. But the statue remained in Cleveland while the museum challenged the seizure.
Last week, the museum relented and agreed to return the statue to Turkey. According to a statement, “new scientific testing” had revealed that the second-century C.E. statue was “likely present” at the Sebasteion, a shrine near the ancient Roman settlement of Bubon.
“The New York district attorney approached us with a claim and evidence that we felt was not utterly persuasive,” William M. Griswold, the director of the Cleveland Museum of Art, tells the Art Newspaper’s Daniel Grant. Officials then requested scientific tests to determine the validity of the claim.
All parties agreed that the scientific investigation would be led by Ernst Pernicka, an archaeologist and chemist who serves as the senior director and managing director of the Curt-Engelhorn-Center for Archaeometry in Germany.
As Pernicka tells the Art Newspaper, his tests followed a “well-established scientific procedure,” which included soil samples, lead isotope analysis and 3D modeling of the shrine site. Soil from within the statue matched soils in Turkey, and lead at the foot of the statue matched lead residue on a stone base where it may have been attached at the Sebasteion. Investigators also traveled to nearby villages to conduct interviews with locals who remember the looting.
Per the New York Times’ Graham Bowley and Tom Mashberg, the story goes something like this: Built nearly 2,000 years ago, the shrine featured bronze statues of Roman emperors, including Lucius Verus, Valerian and Commodus. An earthquake later buried the site, which was discovered by farmers in the 1960s. Villagers plundered the shrine and sold the bronzes to antiquities dealers like Robert Hecht, who faced allegations of smuggling before his death in 2012. After covert restoration in Switzerland and Britain, the items were sold to collectors and museums around the world.
With the statue of Marcus Aurelius returning to Turkey, the antiquities trafficking unit has seized 15 items looted from Bubon, collectively valued at nearly $80 million, according to a statement.
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Turkish officials are celebrating the news. In a social media post, Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy lauded the efforts to return the statue “to its rightful land,” per a translation by Türkiye Today. He added, “History is beautiful in its rightful place, and we will preserve it.”
In a legal sense, the case is closed. But mysteries about the bronze remain. The most glaring question: Who does the headless statue really depict?
When the Cleveland Museum of Art bought the statue from the Edward H. Merrin Gallery for $1.85 million in 1986, the receipt said “figure of a draped emperor (probably Marcus Aurelius), Roman, late second century [C.E.], bronze,” according to the Times. Standing at 6-foot-4, even without a head, it’s now thought to be worth around $20 million.
n its statement, the museum claims to have made a “relatively recent determination” that the statue is an unnamed philosopher rather than Marcus Aurelius. One stone base at the Sebasteion is inscribed with the ruler’s name, but the tests revealed that the statue was likely positioned on a different stone base without an inscription.
“Without a head or identifying inscription, the identity of the statue remains uncertain,” the museum adds.
However, Turkish officials dispute the museum’s claims, suggesting that the statue does depict Marcus Aurelius—both an emperor and philosopher—and may have been moved around between plinths, per the Times.
For now, the mysterious statue remains in the Cleveland Museum of Art. As Griswold tells the Art Newspaper, “The Turkish authorities are prepared to consider permitting the work to remain here in Cleveland for a brief period, so that our visitors may say farewell to the sculpture and so that we may explain to the public some of what we’ve learned in this process.”
By Eli Wizevich.
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uranium420 · 10 months ago
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Hello! I wrote this symposium presentation for my master's degree in artistic practise in 2022 :) If you would like to cite this symposium please message me off-anon and I will give you the details needed :)
I considered adapting this presentation into essay format for tumblr, however that would be a massive effort, given that all my sources for this presentation are not formatted for the essay structure.
This is NOT a quick read, but I appreciate you even considering reading :) thank you!
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It’s 2nd  December 2001, near the Enguri Dam, Georgia. Three men walk into a nearby forest, looking for firewood. The winter sun sets early so the men decide to spend the night in the forest and take the wood back to their trucks the next morning. Around 6pm they find two strange objects, cylindrical in shape, and 15 cm in length. The snow around these objects is melted, and the wet soil is steaming from the heat. One of the men picks up one of the objects, and drops it immediately, as it is too hot to hold. They decide to use the objects as personal heaters, while they sleep in the forest waiting for daylight. They begin to feel sick; so sick they don’t sleep, and spend all night vomiting. The next morning they only load half the firewood into their truck, they are exhausted. 
It’s 22nd December 2001. All three men are admitted to hospital. On 23rd January 2002, one of the men is discharged from hospital. On 18th March 2003, a second man is discharged from hospital. On 13th May 2004, the third man dies, having never been well enough to leave.
What they found were radioactive sources of Strontium-90, removed from radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which were scrapped and abandoned upon Georgia’s independence from the Soviet Union, and the termination of the project for which they were to be used. They killed one person, and injured two more. They held no warning signs, marks, or messages.
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Art has been used as a form of communication ever since people have been making art. It can transcend current language barriers by virtue of shared cultural ideas and representational imagery, especially in the modern day where we have more access to shared culture and art than ever.  Art is hard to define, and there still isn’t a consensus on what it is, however, as journalist Daniel Oberhaus notes, many people know it when they see it. He also notes that cultural context plays an important role in the understanding of art; a urinal is not art, unless it is displayed in a gallery. In The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, Arthur Danto explicitly states that it was a urinal, until it became a work of art- the cultural knowledge of an art gallery changes the meaning of the piece. Niklas Luhmann in his essay The Medium of Art explores the idea that works of art exist to communicate meaning before anything else; that they are produced of a medium, and then become a medium themselves, one of communication. So what do we do, then, when neither consistency of language nor culture is guaranteed? What do we do when art must communicate messages to people so far in the future we cannot make any assumptions about the preconceptions a viewer will bring, or the culture in which they operate? What do we do when the message we have to bring to them is extremely important, and does not leave room for misinterpretation? 
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One message that is incredibly important for humans now to send is marking our long term deep geological nuclear waste repositories as dangerous and the areas above them as uninhabitable. However, working with nuclear isotopes, and their long half-lives, confronts us with the aforementioned questions; the message is extremely important, cannot be misinterpreted, and we can safely assume any viewer will share no language or culture with us today. 
Most storage involves transuranic elements- that is, isotopes heavier than uranium- used for both creation of nuclear arms, and nuclear power stations, with two of the most common contaminants being Plutonium-329 and Uranium-235. This is the half-life of Plutonium-329. 
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And this is the half-life of Uranium-235. 
And this is the time scale on which people have had to think to design warnings for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, in New Mexico, USA- licensed to store waste from nuclear arms development which opened for operation in 1999, and is due to be backfilled between 2025 and 2035.
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Gabrielle Hecht said of the issue in 2018, “It is not just that ten thousand years exceeds human design horizons. That sort of time scale exceeds human language horizons.”
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To put a bit of context to these unthinkably large numbers and the issue with communicating over time spans on this scale, this is a fragment of Old English from the Franks Casket, written in Anglo-Saxon runes. This is estimated to have been written only 1,300 years ago. It is unintelligible to English speakers today.
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And to put that onto the timeline, we can see the distance in time between the Franks Casket and now is tiny compared to how long the warnings need to last. In his letter declining the invitation to join the Sandia National Laboratories report on nuclear waste markers, Carl Sagan described the problem as such:
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“... artistic conventions, written and spoken language… might, for all we know, change drastically. What we need is a symbol invariant to all those possible changes. Moreover, we want a symbol that will be understandable not just to the most educated and scientifically literate members of the population but to anyone who might come upon this repository.”
Sagan brings up a very important point: the need for any symbol to be universally understood, regardless of the viewer's education, age, or cultural background. This, I think, is the largest obstacle we face, given that we didn’t even have this problem solved until 2007, despite having infinite access to research the people that live now.
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In 2001 the International Atomic Energy Agency and International Organisation for Standardisation were faced with the challenge of making a new symbol to denote immediate severe radiation hazard after a 2000 incident, where three people in Samut Prakan province, in Thailand, died from radiation exposure after coming across a cobalt-60 source, previously used for cancer radiotherapy, in a scrap yard. The source was secured properly (although not disposed of properly), and displayed the proper warning symbols, but it made no difference, because the people didn’t recognise the symbol, and none of the written warnings were in Thai. 
The original warning design was conceived at the University of California Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1946, by a group of people who were doodling out designs that could be used to symbolically represent radiation hazards. Nels Garden, one of the scientists involved in the designing process, gave insight into the design in letters sent after the event. The design was supposed to represent an atom emitting radiation. The first design was this one, with the magenta trefoil on the blue background. Magenta was chosen because it didn’t conflict with any existing colour coding rules, and the ink was expensive, which they hoped would ensure people did not use the symbol frivolously and reduce its impact as a warning. The blue was chosen because there were no other blue warnings and labels used in radioactive work of the time, meaning it was distinctive, however it received criticism for being low visibility, as well as the fact that blue was not supposed to be used on warning signs, as it fades quickly.
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In 1948 yellow was standardised for the sign at the Oakridge National Lab, following requests for a standardised colour scheme, after a committee viewed the magenta symbol stapled to different coloured cardboard, and deemed magenta and yellow the best combination. Until its final standardisation by the American National Standards Institute in the 1950s, there were a few variations of the symbol. In 1974 the ISO approved a design for international use, in which the trefoil is black instead of magenta.
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And, in a town in Thailand, none of that mattered. Faced with foreign language warnings and a symbol none of the scrapyard workers recognised, the immediate danger they were in was not adequately communicated by the trefoil. The 2001 assignment, the New Warning Symbols Project, needed a symbol that would unfailingly communicate “danger, run away, do not touch.” In 2007 they presented the high level sealed-source ionising radiation symbol. In target groups of children of many nationalities, the trefoil symbol meant something like a propeller or a windmill, and the colour yellow did not indicate the immediate life threatening danger. In many more tests conducted around the globe, they settled on the current design as being the one that most clearly portrayed the message without words. Of all the symbols tested, skull and crossbones was the only one that consistently conveyed the meaning of “this may harm you so much that you will die.” The yellow was replaced with red to move the warning from “caution” to “active danger” in the eyes of viewers.
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The result of the research echoes what Sagan wrote in his letter to Sandia Labs, recommending skull and crossbones as symbols to be placed around the WIPP, which he said has “unmistakable” meaning, referring to pirate flags, bottles of poison, and Nazi divisions- all things which are bad and to be avoided; although the report itself points out that in Mexico bones are considered to hold life force, so alternative messages would also be required, especially considering the WIPPs proximity to the US-Mexico border, and Oberhaus points out that it only emerged as a symbol of toxicity relatively recently, that is- recently on the scale of radioactive isotopes, with no guarantee it will last.
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The first published attempt to solve the problem of producing a universally understood message that is as clear in 100 years as it is in 10,000, though posed as a thought experiment rather than as part of government action like the at the time recently formed Human Interference Task Force, was the 1982/1983 poll in the Berlin Institute of Technology’s Journal of Semiotics, which asked “How do we tell our children’s children where the nuclear waste is?”
The suggestions with the least amount of subsequent research (or, at least, subsequent research in English) are, with one exception, the most conceptually mundane, so I will only give an overview of the exciting one. Polish science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem suggested satellites that endlessly transmit the messages back to Earth. He also proposed encoding messages into the DNA of plants that he dubbed Atomic Flowers which would replicate and renew into forever. He suggested that the plants be only grown in the vicinity of the repositories, and contain information about the danger of the camp. The major issue with this, pointed out by Lem himself, was who would ever even think to decode DNA for a hidden message? And if the message was known about would they consider the decoding an endeavour worth pursuing.
Two of the suggestions connected to this poll are more fleshed out, the Ray Cat Solution and the Atomic Priesthood.
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The Ray Cats solution is my personal favourite, in theory. In reality it's wholly problematic, for ethical reasons. 
Ray Cats proposes genetically engineering cats to change colour in the presence of radiation, and the message will be passed down and preserved via fairy tales, poems, and nursery rhymes- which are typically long lived and cross-culturally intelligible. It hopes to build off the superstition surrounding black cats- either bad luck or good luck depending on where you are, and your cultural background. 
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One such cultural marker was a song written 2014 by physicist turned musician Chad Matheny, also known as Emperor X, who described the brief as to create a song “so catchy and annoying it might be handed down… over a span of 10,000 years.” It was titled “10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories”
Beyond the song, there isn’t much art here. There’s a lot of science, and a lot of ethics, but little has been considered artistically.
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The concept from this poll which has been expanded upon the most is the Atomic Priesthood, suggested by linguist Thomas Sebeok, and it is currently being developed by the Atomic Priesthood Project- a collective of artists working towards preserving the messages of the dangers of nuclear waste and their locations. The Atomic Priesthood is built from the principle that the Catholic Church has survived with a pretty consistent message for 2000 years, and had to convene groups to enact significant change in their doctrine. For example, they would create rituals and myths surrounding the consequences of disturbing the waste. They would dictate which areas are forbidden, and dictate what retribution awaits those who disobey, literal or metaphysical. Issues with this idea arose almost immediately, for example schisms akin to the Protestant Reformation distorting the message, and what happens if Nuclear Atheists emerge, denying the existence of the danger?
Despite the issues, a lot of lore, doctrine, and rite has been established for the Atomic Priesthood. They have worked in collaboration with many artists across many disciplines, including Dana Sherwood, Helen Lee, Duy Hoang, Claire Beaumont and many more.
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One of their projects, beginning in 2017, was to develop nuclear warning monoliths. They used the WIPP as a base, and followed the guidelines set out in the 1993 Sandia Labs report on Expert Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, and came up with the Black Sun Rose. They are interlocking monoliths, following a Penrose  pattern - meaning they can be tiled infinitely outwards. The blocks are to be cast from black dyed concrete; concrete being readily available and extremely long lasting, and dyed black to discourage animal and human habitation on the site, due to its absorption of New Mexico desert heat. The structure must be at least 4 square miles, large enough to fully cover the underground footprint of the site. At this size, it will also be visible from space. 
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They will also use glass for the embedding of written messages. Glass will be used as it is the most geologically stable and chemically inert material that can be mass produced. The messages will be produced by embedding coloured rods in clear glass, making a sort of 3 dimensional font, based on the work ‘Alphabit’ by Helen Lee. The letters can then be fused into one large wall, with the rods being slightly curved to bounce sunlight through the rods, using the same principle as fibre optic cables. This will cause the walls of text to illuminate. The properties of the glass mean that any writing system or image that can be embedded in this way will not be obscured or removed by damage. This seemingly solves the issue that arises with stone carvings, where chipping of stone can make the message unintelligible. 
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The rose structure will be perimetered by kiosks, containing the glass panels, and they will warn people to leave, and of the danger, in various languages and through pictograms. There will also be “deep dolmen” and these will be created of the same penrose blocks as the rest of the structure, and be entirely enclosed, with no way of access except removing one of the large blocks- a daunting, but not impossible task, depending on the technological level of the people who find them. The hope is that uncovering something, anything through means of brute force and excavation will be enough of a satisfying result for intruders that the actual danger remains undisturbed. The information stored in these will be much more in depth than what is displayed in the kiosks, but also redundant, such that if they are never opened, the message of the whole site remains intelligible and complete. 
As of 2020, these designs are just a proposal. 
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The largest body of research and design concepts comes from the aforementioned 1993 Expert Judgment on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant produced by Sandia National Laboratory for the United States Department of Energy. 
One of the things it covers is the use of pictograms. Working under the assumption that any language spoken today will be gone, they decided that using pictograms along with written warnings would stop the warning signs from becoming entirely obsolete after the extinction of current languages.
The pictograms are more faces and less abstract representations. Usage of Munch’s The Scream was done to portray “abject horror and terror”, and the report concludes that usage of faces is most suitable for cross-cultural intelligibility, as the expressions associated with fear, apprehension, and disgust, are universal. A 2009 study by Matsumo and Willingham analysed the spontaneous expressions produced by congenitally blind, non-congenitally blind, and sighted athletes, and found that there was little difference between the facial emotion configuration between the groups, and no difference at all cross-culturally. So using faces is likely a good call, because unless humans are wiped out and replaced by something else, there shouldn’t be much major change in cultural understanding of expressions, as at least something about them appears to be innate. 
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They also considered large structural designs that would go on to inspire the Atomic Priesthood’s Black Sun Rose. As well as emphasising the fact that the structures need to only deny land habitation and produce deep emotional response in the viewer, the report described the designs as provoking feelings of “danger to the body”, “fear of the beast”, “dark forces emanating” and “abyss.”
A 2012 study showed that shapes with sharp abrupt angles are associated with emotions with abrupt onset, such as surprise and anger, and a 2021 study showed, using 3d objects instead of 2d drawings, spiked objects being associated with unpleasant, uncontrolled and high arousal emotions, and we can see this from the designs presented in the report, although no specific research of the kind is mentioned.  
The structures are separated into two groups:
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Shapes that hurt the body, and shunned land. 
The report describes them as such: 
Danger seems to emanate from below. The shapes suggest wounding forms, like thorns and spikes, even lightning. They seem active, in motion cut and up, moving in various directions. They seem not controlled. Walking through it, at ground level, the massive earthworks crowd in on you, dwarfing you, cutting off your sight to the horizon, a loss of connection to any sense of place.
An image of an enormous black hole; an immense nothing; a void; land removed from use with nothing left behind; a useless place. It is a massive effort to make a place that is fearful, ugly, and uncomfortable.
An anomaly both topographic and in roughness of material. An enormous landscape of large-stone rubble, one that is very inhospitable, being hard to walk on and difficult to bring machinery onto. It is a place that feels destroyed, rather than one that has been made. They are deliberately irregular and distorted cubes. The cubic blocks are set in a grid, defining a square, with 5-foot wide’’streets” running both ways. You can get “in” it, but the streets lead nowhere, and they are too narrow to live in, farm in, or even meet in. It is a massive effort to deny use. It is an ordered place, but crude in form, forbidding, and uncomfortable.
None of our designs use any of the regular or “ideal” geometric forms. Why? The geometry of ideal forms, like squares and cubes, circles and spheres, triangles and pyramids is a fundamental human invention, a seeking of perfection in an imperfect world. Historically, people have used these ideal forms in places that embody their aspirations and ideals. In our designs, there is much irregularity both of forms and in their locations and directions, yet done by people with obvious knowledge of pure geometry. This shows an understanding of the ideal, but at the same time a deliberate shunning of it... suggesting we do not value this place, that it is not one that embodies our ideals.
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And will any of this work?
No. At least in my opinion.
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Already the WIPP and its warning messages and structures have become memes; framing the forbidding spires as cool formations that must be there to protect the valuable treasure below. 
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A tumblr user compares an image from the Sandia  National Labs report to the meme Loss.jpeg, and jokes that Loss will be interpreted in the future as a nuclear waste warning. And it’s funny, I think it is a funny bit, but underlying a lot of the jokes about these markers is a resignation that we already know none of this will prevent intrusion into the sites. 
Physicist Woodruff Sullivan points out in the report that it’s largely a self correcting problem anyway. Nothing is as good a deterrent for disturbing nuclear waste as the consequences of disturbing nuclear waste; but that view requires people to potentially die over and over as each new generation finds the site. 
But on the prospect of a more artistic warning, Jon Lomberg succinctly states that:
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One. Art is ambiguous
Two. Art is an end in itself. 
Three. Art draws people to it. 
And I am tempted to agree with him. 
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As “One can hardly imagine a more titillating prospect for archaeologists of the future.”
And here is the 10,000 year earworm.
List of Figures:
Figure 1. International Atomic Energy Agency (2014) The Radiological Accident in Lia, Georgia. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency. pp. 14
Figure 2. Duchamp, M. 1917, replica 1964. Fountain. [Readymade] At: London: Tate Modern. T07573
Figures 3, 5 & 7. Chung, N. (2018) Radiation Symbol (1948)  Available at: https://medium.com/fgd1-the-archive/radiation-symbol-1948-fcc2ddc33ff0
Figure 4. Origin of the Radiation Warning Symbol (Trefoil) (no date) Available at: https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/articles/radiation-warning-symbol.html 
Figure 6. Prototype Trefoil Warning Sign with Yellow Background (1948) (no date). Available at: https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/warning-signs/prototype.html 
Figure 8. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) ‘Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant’, Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports. pp. G-13
Figure 9. Hargreaves, A. 2022. Literally just a photograph of my cat, Luna. [Photograph]
Figure 10. Matheny, C. (2014) 10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories. Available at: https://emperorx.bandcamp.com/album/10000-year-earworm-to-discourage-settlement-near-nuclear-waste-repositories 
Figures 11-13, & 15-20, Black Sun Rose (WIPP) (2017). Available at: http://www.theatomicpriesthoodproject.org/artists#/black-sun-rose-wipp 
Figure 14. Lee, H. 2018. Alphabit. [Glass murrine, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, LEDs] Available at: https://pink-noise.org/portfolio/alphabit/ 
Figure 21. United States Department of Energy (2004) Permanent Markers Implementation Plan. Carlsbad: Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services an affiliate of Washington TRU Solutions, LLC. pp. 23
Figure 22. Munch, E. 1893. The Scream. [Oil, tempera, pastel, and crayon] At: Oslo: Nasjonalgalleriet. NG.M.00939
Figure 23. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories. pp. F-115
Figures 24-31. Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories. pp. F-61-F-75
Figure 32. Love How This Implies That After The Downfall Of Humankind That Doge Is The Species To Supercede Us. (2020) Available at: https://parakavka.tumblr.com/post/635856004706418688/
Figure 33. #super honourable place. (2022) Available at: https://epilepticsaints.tumblr.com/post/696755723763367936
Figure 34. alright. well.  (2021) https://wumblr.tumblr.com/post/646314177178255360/wumblr-alright-well-after-a-quick-speedrun-of 
Atomsemiotik (no date). Available at: https://www.chemie.de/lexikon/Atomsemiotik.html 
Barrett, R. and Stephens, L. D. (1978) A Brief History of a “20th Century Danger Sign.” Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Available at: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7cz9p0m6#main 
Benford, G. (2001) Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia. New York City: Avon Books
Dahlstrom, D. (2007) ‘New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers’, International Atomic Energy Agency. Available at: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/new-symbol-launched-warn-public-about-radiation-dangers 
Fakultät I Geisteswissenschaften: Bd_6_Hft_3 (no date). Available at: https://www.semiotik.tu-berlin.de/menue/zeitschrift_fuer_semiotik/zs-hefte/bd_6_hft_3/
Griffenhagen, G. and Bogard, M. (1999) History of Drug Containers and Their Labels. Madison: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. 
Hecht, G. (2018) ‘Interscalar Vehicles for an African Anthropocene: On Waste, Temporality, and Violence’, Cultural Anthropology 33, no. 1
Human Interference Task Force (1984) Reducing the Likelihood of Future Human Activities That Could Affect Geologic High-level Waste Repositories. Technical Report. Columbus: Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation. Available at: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/6799619 
Ialenti, V. (2020) Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 
International Atomic Energy Agency (2002) The Radiological Accident in Samut Prakarn. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency. Available at: https://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/pdf/pub1124_scr.pdf 
International Atomic Energy Agency (2014) The Radiological Accident in Lia, Georgia. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency. Available at: https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/Pub1660web-81061875.pdf
Jess and Zak (2016) “The Puzzling Meaning and Origin of the Radiation Sign,” University of California Research blog. Available at: https://ucresearch.tumblr.com/post/148796081116/the-puzzling-meaning-and-origin-of-the-radiation 
Kawahara, S., and Shinohara, K. (2012). A tripartite trans-modal relationship among sounds, shapes and emotions: A case of abrupt modulation. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 34, pp. 569-574. Available at: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/47b452vw  
Lin, A. et al. (2021) “Feeling Colours: Crossmodal Correspondences Between Tangible 3D Objects, Colours and Emotions,” Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445373 
Lodding, L. (2007) ‘Drop It and Run! New Symbol Warns of Radiation Dangers and Aims to Save Lives’, International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin, 48(2),  pp. 70-72. Available at: https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/publications/magazines/bulletin/bull48-2/48202087072.pdf
Macfarlane, R. (2019) Underland: A Deep Time Journey. London: Penguin Books
MacKenzie, C. (2006) ‘Reducing the Risk from Radioactive Sources’ International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin, 47(2),  pp. 61-63. Available at: https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/publications/magazines/bulletin/bull47-2/47202006163.pdf 
Matheny, C. (2014) 10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories. Available at: https://emperorx.bandcamp.com/album/10000-year-earworm-to-discourage-settlement-near-nuclear-waste-repositories 
Matsumoto, D. and Willingham, B. (2009) “Spontaneous facial expressions of emotion of congenitally and noncongenitally blind individuals.,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(1), pp. 1–10. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1037/a0014037
Oberhaus, D. (2019) Extraterrestrial Languages. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Origin of the Radiation Warning Symbol (Trefoil) (no date). Available at: https://www.orau.org/health-physics-museum/articles/radiation-warning-symbol.html 
The Franks Casket/The Auzon Casket. ca. 700. [Whalebone] At: London: British Museum, Britain, Europe and Prehistory. 1867,0120.1
Trauth, K.M., Hora, S.C. and Guzowski, R.V. (1993) Expert judgment on markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratories. Available at: https://doi.org/10.2172/10117359
United States Department of Energy (2004) Permanent Markers Implementation Plan. Carlsbad: Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services an affiliate of Washington TRU Solutions, LLC. Available at: https://www.wipp.energy.gov/library/permanentmarkersimplementationplan.pdf 
United States Department of Energy (2018) Site Markers. Available at: https://wipp.energy.gov/pdfs/site_markers.pdf 
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themesfores · 7 months ago
Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme v4.4.17
https://themesfores.com/product/archi-interior-design-wordpress-theme/ Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme v4.4.17 Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme specially made for Interior Design, Dining Room, Exterior Design, Kitchen Design, Living Room Design, Master Bedroom Design, Residential Design, Furniture Design, Office Design, Commercial Design, Hospital Design, Cottage, Architecture, Contractor, Construction, Building, Industrial, Industry & Manufacturing, Factory, Gardening, Lawn & Landscaping, Staging Website, Construction & Business, etc. Archi – Interior Design WordPress Theme Archi Theme Features WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) Drop & Drag page buider with 50+ custom web elements Revolution Slider for create unlimited sliders Power Theme Options with Reduxframework Woocommerce Integrated: WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Beautifully. Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks! Import demo content with just one click Watch Video Guide Demo Data xml file included Solid and transparent header options Translation-ready using provided .POT file Multilingual Compatible with plugin WPML Easy translate your themes and plugins to your language with Loco Translate plugin Support RTL layouts for languages like Hebrew and Arabic Isotope filterable gallery Animated elements on scroll Parallax background HTML 5 video background Isotope filterable gallery Lightweight page loader (for project details page) OWL Carousel Slider Fully Responsive Just so you know, any digital products presented on this website do not have malicious code, viruses or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/archi-interior-design-wordpress-theme/ #Multi-PurposeThemes #WordpressTheme
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goldlikehoney · 1 year ago
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Recently I’ve become a little obsessed with prints of tree rings, and with the massive storm that swept through town a little while ago there are plenty of trees that have fallen and are slowly being taken apart. Sad but also useful.
I really like the idea of tree ring prints because they are one, absolutely beautiful (when done well which I’ve not done but oh well), and two, a wonderful way to actually look at the life of the tree not to mention the climatic conditions it has lived through.
In archaeological practice, it has actually become a method to take cores from long-lived trees (keeping in mind that the goal is NOT to harm the environment) and read the rings in terms of their thickness to corroborate climate data retrieved from stable isotope analysis. In the patterns of each ring one can actually read the weather of the world without any text!
My own attempt was done, admittedly, out of a lack of patience. I did NOT feel like going to the print studio so I took a bunch of black walnut ink that I had made and simply poured it on. I was of course incredibly humbled by my quasi-positive attempt. I’m still eager to try more though, and perhaps even properly next time!
In the book that I’m binding, I feel like these prints would be a good way to reach into the local environment without too much stress to read (which audiences are not the most prone to do in a gallery experience).
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com - Eh, ada nih cerita seru buat kalian! Baru-baru ini lagi ngetren film Oppenheimer. Film seru yang ngebahas tentang seorang ahli nuklir top asal Amerika, Julius Robert Oppenheimer. Dia ini salah satu yang bikin bom atom yang digunakan di Hiroshima-Nagasaki, loh! Tapi, tau nggak sih, di Bandung ada tempat wisata yang keren banget buat yang penasaran tentang dunia nuklir. Yap, benar-benar ada wisata nuklir yang bisa kamu kunjungi! Tempatnya ada di Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Terapan Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (PSTNT Batan) di Jalan Tamansari. BACA JUGA: Grey Art Gallery, Tempat Keren Baru di Bandung Ini Lagi Pameran Lho Di sini, kamu bisa sambil berlibur sambil belajar tentang nuklir, cocok banget buat jalan-jalan sama keluarga. Wisata nuklir di PSTNT Batan ini udah resmi dibuka dari tahun 2019, loh. Pas pembukaannya, hadir juga ketika itu Wali Kota Bandung, Oded Muhammad Danial. Didampingi, kepala BATAN, Anhar Riza Antariksawan, dan kepala PSTNT BATAN, Jupiter Sitorus Pane. Seru banget deh di sini, kamu bisa liat langsung ruang teknik analisis radiometri, laboratorium radio isotop, dan senyawa bertenda. BACA JUGA: Libur Sekolah Bareng Keluarga, 5 Hotel di Bandung ini Bisa Jadi Pilihan Pengolahaan Limbah Jangan ketinggalan juga tempat pengolahan limbah yang menarik! Pokoknya di ruang pamer di PSTNT Batan ini keren banget, luas dan nyaman abis. Di sini dipajang segala macem info teknologi tentang nuklir. Termasuk yang bisa dipake buat kehidupan sehari-hari. Mulai dari jamu herbal irridasi, kit radioisotop dan radiofarmaka untuk dunia medis. Sampe plastik biodegradable dan iridasi gamma buat buah-buahan unggulan Indonesia, semuanya ada! BACA JUGA: Gedebage Bandung Didorong Jadi Destinasi Wisata Tekstil, Keren Dong Tak perlu khawatir, karena wisata nuklir ini, kamu bakal dibimbing sama tim dari PSTNT Batan Bandung. Mereka ramah-ramah kok, siap ngebahas tentang nuklir dan manfaatnya bagi kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Yang paling asiknya lagi, ini semua gratis, nggak perlu bayar! Keren kan? Selain itu, keamanan dan keselamatan pengunjung juga jadi perhatian utama di sini. BACA JUGA: Wisata Sejarah ke Rumah Inggit Garnasih di Bandung Dan yang mau liat langsung reaktor nuklir PSTNT BATAN Bandung, bisa banget kok. Tapi inget, yang boleh liat reaktornya harus usia 18 tahun ke atas ya. Kalo yang di bawah 18 tahun tetep bisa seru-seruan di ruang pamer yang penuh info menarik tentang nuklir. Jadi, buat kamu yang suka penasaran sama dunia nuklir, ayo dateng ke PSTNT Batan Bandung! Asyik banget bisa jalan-jalan sambil nambah ilmu tentang nuklir, bro! ***
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maferror-blog · 4 years ago
Download Elementor Widgets - Gallery, Hover Effects, Charts - WPCroc.com
Download Elementor Widgets – Gallery, Hover Effects, Charts – WPCroc.com
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $15 Elementor hover effects have 12 different hover effects and this plugin has a flexible option to change hover effects easily. The isotope gallery has a great pop-up window and also has the option to change the column with the same data. Charts widget has bar chart, line chart, pie chart, radar chart, polar area chart, donut chart. You have flexible…
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years ago
Top 10 DC Characters?
In no particular order...
Bruce Wayne - Love him, rich and hot and generally nice, though his head gets stuck in his ass soooooo much. I have so much to say about him and to analyze. But like, if he needs a sugar baby who won't ask questions, I'm right here babe.
Silver St. Cloud - So, Silver St. Cloud was a blorbo of mine for a while when I first found out about her. She's an environmentalist and socialite, I believe, but what makes her relevant is that she dated Bruce Wayne for a while, and she, totally on her own, FIGURES OUT that he's Batman. Like, this is something that only people on par with Barbara Gordon and Tim Drake have figured out on their own. And she remarkably understands the logical drawbacks of being with a vigilante and she fuckin books it. She breaks up with Bruce, and doesn't reveal his secret. And Bruce like, for a while, rethinks his whole life because this one lady figured him out, down to the core, and said no, I don't want to be involved. I love her, and I want to see more of herrrrrrr. (In my own fanfic before tumblr, I made her the new owner of STAR Labs and responsible for releasing an ionizing wave that would be harmless to people but turns any Kryptonite on Earth into Kryptonium, a more-stable isotope that is non-lethal to Kryptonians and only weaken them)
Clark Kent - People tend to forget just how incredibly intelligent Clark is, and the fact that so many stories deal with "what would happen if Superman was EVIL?" just convinces me that so many people don't get him. Like, yeah, he's powerful, and he's moral, but every day he chooses to be a good person and not overstep and like, that's something so incredible. He's like, a god, but was raised human, and likes being human. He's Clark before he's Superman or even Kal-El.
Dick Grayson - He's hot, yes, but his true superpower is people-skills. He's so friendly and kind, just by nature, that he ends up having people willing to fight for him wherever he goes.
Barbara Gordon - Barbara is amazing, whether as Batgirl or as Oracle. I feel like often she gets placed to the side, but really she ends up being like, the perfect mission control for the whole League, imo. Though she gets treated like shit by the narrative very often.
Barry Allen - THE hot scientist with a heart of gold (usually). I like Barry a lot, and it seems like people tend to forget that he's actually super intelligent.
Alan Scott - Gay, an icon, and another Green Lantern not affiliated with the corps! Although he's got a weakness to the color green.
Pamela Isley - The particular awesomeness of Poison Ivy is that she's one of the most sympathetic of the extremists of Batman's rogue's gallery, so it makes sense why she's the one that so often appears as a hero - I like her character as an anti-hero much more than Harley Quinn
Siegfried - I know nothing about him other than he was a Wonder Woman love interest and he's incredibly, amazingly hot. I love him.
Kyle Rayner - He's the Green Lantern done right - he becomes the Lantern on his own, and is the first one imo to do the whole Willpower thing correctly - he's not completely fearless, he just has the willpower to move past his own fear. I like his ability to more creatively use the Lantern ring because he's an artist with an imagination and not yet another boring space cop. But then, of course, he ends up being part of the boring-ass space cop group.
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scriptnews · 5 years ago
Elementor Widgets - Gallery, Hover Effects, Charts
Elementor Widgets – Gallery, Hover Effects, Charts
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pretordh · 3 years ago
The Russian occupiers damaged a nuclear research facility in Kharkiv by an air strike
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After war begin, the nuclear installation was transferred to a deep subcritical state. There is talk of a long stop mode. "Source of neutrons" is intended for scientific and applied research in the field of nuclear physics, radiation materials science, biology, chemistry and for the production of medical radioisotopes. The installation was already bombed:
- the 0.4 kV RU substation was completely destroyed;
- cables of air conditioners of the cooling system of the cluster gallery of the linear electron accelerator are damaged;
in some places there were superficial damages of the main building of the installation;
- the heating main to the complex of buildings and structures of JAPU "Source of neutrons" was damaged;
- windows in the building of the pump and cooling towers, in the isotope laboratory were broken. First photo shows an undamaged device.
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sunshinesquash · 4 years ago
Happyhoganon: Oh, no prob. Here's the next qs. If Invincible thought that Titan could be lying to him for his own agendas at play after their little chat (thinking on the comic books he read depicting villains tricking heroes for their own means and figuring that he's going through that same situation) and flew off before the henchman gotten an opportunity to show the new hero his family while talking about them, what would Titan do since Mark wouldn't want to hear him out?
Also, how happy would Amber be once Mark appears on time at the shelter to help her & Eve out? Could him showing up repair their fractured relationship and have the two teens-in-love stay together for a little while longer?
Ok, so if Mark left, Titan’s whole coup would be at risk. Mark was his heavy-hitter, ace-in-the-hole. As we saw in the episode Machine Head has the money and connections to hire a formidable rouge’s gallery (especially when you think of Battle Beast.). Titan would have to make up the difference somehow. He’d either have to try and bring other villains in on his plan to replace Machine Head which would bring its own trouble; other villains would either be too scared to cross Machine Head or would demand too much power/leverage in whatever Titan’s new order would be. If not for that, Titan could try and talk another hero into helping him, but I feel like Mark would definitely give the guardians 2.0 a heads-up, even if he thought he was being overly cautious or paranoid about the whole thing.
There’s also the possibility that Titan would try and go it alone if he got really desperate. In that situation, I don’t think Isotope would back him up when it came down to the wire and he would most likely be killed by Machine Head’s hired muscle. I think Titan wanted to make a move on Machine Head for a long time; he saw how people suffered under him yet knew without backup and planning that he couldn’t take him down. Because of this, there’s the chance that Titan would just abandon his plan altogether without Invincible’s help.
As for Mark and Amber, I think Mark being at the shelter on time would help to show that he’s committed to her, and cares about what’s important to Amber. It would go a ways to show that Mark isn’t a total flake and that maybe he can be relied on a bit more, even in the face of his earlier, poorly explained disappearances. The thing is, Mark loves Amber, and it’s his superheroing that always got in the way. This would give him time to actually be with the person he loves while doing something that is meaningful and important both to them and the people they’re helping. While I do think it would definitely strengthen their relationship, I don’t know if it would alter things in the long run.
The straw that broke the camel’s back in their relationship was Mark not telling Amber that he was a superhero. In the show, they said that months passed and Mark concealed the truth for the whole time. He did this because of his responsibility as a hero and so forth. But, maybe if Mark had gotten to spend more time with Amber, especially at significant moments like the night at the shelter, it could have acted as a bit of a reality check for him; that if he really cared about Amber it meant telling her the truth, even if it was dangerous. At the very least Mark would earn some goodwill by making it to the shelter that night, and maybe it could even snowball into their relationship developing further.
One last thing though; If Titan did try and make a move against Machine Head himself and ended up dead, when Mark found out he’d blame himself. His guilt and feeling of responsibility would be like a dark cloud over everything, and I don’t think his relationship with Amber could survive that.
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years ago
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Masquerade
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Okay, whenever I see the title of this episode, I immediately think of that one scene in Phantom of the Opera.  But of course, this episode has nothing to do with the Phantom.  Although, if you liked They Call Me MISTER Slimer, you’ll probably enjoy this one, too.
The episode opens at with a bunch of kids playing around in a park somewhere.  The focus quickly shifts to a select group of kids gathered by a park bench. I’ll give the animation team credit here because while most of these kids aren’t actually given names in the episode, they are a bit diverse in terms of character design. But there are two in particular that stand out the most.  The first is the one who is named Willie Bradford.  He’s a rather heavyset kid, and the obvious leader of the group of kids.  The other is simply called Cindy, and she’s one of the only two girls in the group. (The other girl is nameless, though I think she could be the twin sister of one of the other kids there, as they do resemble each other a bit.)  I have something to say about these kids, but I’ll get to that in a bit.
Willie announces that they should think of something to do since school was out for the weekend, and he suggests things like a trip to the beach or having a baseball game.  But that’s when Cindy points out another kid is heading towards them.  This new kid is named Kenny Fenderman.  And we immediately see that Kenny is a Ghostbusters fanboy.  He’s even dressed in a homemade Ghostbusters jumpsuit, complete with a Proton Pack replica.  Right away, Willie and the other kids begin teasing Kenny about this.  And this teasing gets worse when Kenny insists that he’s not wearing a costume and is in fact a full-fledged Ghostbuster.  The only one who isn’t joining in with the other kids in mocking and laughing at Kenny is Cindy.
Okay, this is where I want to talk about these kids.  While I did mention earlier about how these kids all have diverse character designs, you can still tell just by looking at them which character trope they fall under. Willie is clearly meant to be seen as a swollen bully and Cindy is the Nice Girl™ and potential love interest of the Nerd Kid™ (which Kenny is clearly meant to be.)  I’m seriously wondering what it says about our collective psyche that we can tell just by looking at a character design what character trope that character is meant to represent.
Anyway, Kenny gets really upset over how the other kids are laughing at him for insisting that that he’s a full-fledged Ghostbuster, so he turns and heads off, announcing that he’ll prove it to them.  It then cuts over to the Firehouse, where Egon is hard at work in his lab, with Ray watching him work.  It’s quickly established that Egon had called for a staff meeting, but Peter is late showing up for it.  (Don’t ask me why Winston seemed to be excluded from this meeting.  Was it just because he doesn’t have a Ph.D. like the others, or did the animators just forget to include him in the scene?)  The meeting was supposed to discuss a prototype for a new invention of Egon’s.  This invention is called the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator, and it was designed to help eliminate the foul odors that are left behind from entities that were Class 3 or higher.  Because it seems that those particular groups of ghosts emit a distinct smell.  Of course, Egon makes it clear that this is still just a prototype, so the device is still experimental and therefore highly dangerous.  
At that moment, Peter finally showed up to attend the meeting.  But before Egon could get down to filling Peter in on what he’d missed, Janine calls Peter down to the lobby, announcing he has a visitor.  The visitor turns out to be Kenny, who announces that he’s there to apply for a job with them.  (And we see Winston is there with Janine.  Again, why wasn’t he included in the staff meeting?)  Peter brings Kenny into his office, where Kenny tells Peter that he’d already told the other kids he was an official Ghostbuster, but they all made fun of him.  And he proceeds to beg Peter to give him an assignment.  Peter, it seems, takes pity on Kenny and decides to humor him by reaching into a drawer and pulling out an old pin from the 1964 World’s Fair.  He gives it to Kenny, announcing that the pin makes him an official member of the Ghostbusters Auxiliary.  (Interestingly, this might be an Easter Egg.  In one of the deleted scenes for the original movie, Janine gave Egon a coin from the 1964 World’s Fair as a good luck charm before they head out to battle Gozer.)  Peter then announces, as a part of the Ghostbusters Auxiliary, Kenny should get a special guided tour of the Firehouse.  This tour ends up including a trip into Egon’s lab.  While in Egon’s lab, Kenny asks if he could have a piece of official Ghostbusters tech.  After all, if he is an official Ghostbuster now, he should be able to have some official Ghostbusters tech.  Peter, rather foolishly, shrugs and decides there’s no harm in this.  And he hands Kenny the prototype Ecto-Aroma Eliminator. Because he missed the staff meeting where Egon made it clear this device was not perfected yet.
Kenny’s tour of the Firehouse is cut short when an official Ghostbusters call comes in.  Although, Peter decides to invite Kenny to tag along with them. Ray, upon seeing Kenny sitting next to Peter in the Ecto-1, questions the advisability of this, but Peter insists it’s fine.  Of course, to Peter’s credit, when they actually arrive at the sight of the paranormal disturbance (which turns out to be a ghost causing mayhem at a museum gallery of imported crystal glass items), he instructs Kenny to wait by the Ecto-1. So at least Peter isn’t being completely reckless in terms of Kenny’s safety.
Inside the gallery, the Ghostbusters get to work in dealing with the ghosts causing mischief.  While trying their best to avoid damaging the crystal ornaments.   Because the owner of the establishment stated that anything broken would be deducted from their payment.  They have an easy enough time catching three of the ghosts, but there’s still one more ghost that manages to elude them. Just when they’re about to corner the last remaining ghost, however, Kenny decides to come bursting in to help. This naturally backfires, and Peter has to shove Winston aside to make sure Kenny doesn’t get hit by an Ion Stream by mistake.  Still, despite the mishap, which also results in a few vases getting destroyed, they are successful in capturing the final ghost.
A short time later, Egon, Ray and Winston are loading up the filled Ghost Traps in the back of the Ecto-1.  Ray states that, while Kenny is a nice enough kid, Peter never should have let him tag along.  While Winston and Egon don’t disagree with him, they do point out that it was nice to see how Kenny seemed to bring out a different side of Peter. Which is a really good point.  It was quite surprising to see Peter being so supportive of Kenny’s desire to be a Ghostbuster.  It makes one wonder if Peter was picked on when he was a kid, too. Did Peter see a bit of his childhood self in Kenny?  If so, the episode never confirms it.  
Meanwhile, Peter is scolding Kenny for not waiting by the Ecto-1 like he was supposed to.  Kenny is clearly apologetic, stating that he just got excited and didn’t mean to do anything wrong.  In response, Peter harshly tells him that sorry isn’t good enough, stating that Kenny should just go home.  Without another word, Peter gets into the Ecto-1.  Winston and Ray tell him that he might have been too hard on the kid, but Peter doesn’t really respond to this.  And so, they drive off, leaving Kenny standing there, visibly miserable.
Sometime later, Kenny is shuffling along, still clearly upset over what happened.  He winds up at the park, where he runs into Willie, Cindy and the other kids again.  Willie doesn’t hesitate to start making fun of Kenny again, and even shoves him to the ground.  Kenny, trying to save face, once again insists that he really is a Ghostbuster, showing them the badge he got from Peter as proof.  Of course, Willie quickly notices that it’s really just a pin from the 1964 World’s Fair, and the teasing continues.  So Kenny shows them the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator, which he still has with him.  This does stop the other kids from laughing, and Cindy asks Kenny what it does. Kenny, of course, doesn’t know. So he simply responds that it’s top secret, but that it puts away ghosts.  Willie, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be happy about this and ends up daring Kenny to prove he’s a Ghostbuster- by spending the night in the old Halliwell Mansion, a building in the park that is reportedly haunted by the ghost of Old General Halliwell.  Kenny, despite clearly feeling reservations about this, decides to accept the dare, and he enters the Halliwell Mansion.
Back at the Firehouse, Egon has noticed the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator is missing.  When he confronts Peter about the matter, Peter admits he’d given it to Kenny, thinking that there wouldn’t be any harm in it.  After all, it was rather small.  Egon informs him that Kenny is in serious danger, and that if the boy pushed the wrong button, it could destroy an entire city block due to the isotopes inside the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator being unstable.  Therefore, it’s imperative they find Kenny ASAP.  Their only chance of doing so would be to track down the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator with a Geiger Counter.  Although, Egon points out that their chances of locating Kenny in time inside a city as large as New York are still rather slim.  Still, they have to try, so off they go.
Elsewhere, Kenny is wandering around the Halliwell Mansion.  He ends up turning on the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator and begins fiddling with it in an effort to figure out how it works.  When he thinks he’s got it figured out, he makes his way upstairs.  There, he comes face-to-face with a glowing red door. This is apparently the ghost of Old General Halliway, and Kenny tries to confront the ghost.  But he only gets blown backward against a railing.  Out of nowhere, three other ghosts appear and begin making their way towards Kenny menacingly.  Just as they are about to reach them, Kenny half-falls over the edge of the railing, just managing to grab onto a conveniently placed chandelier, preventing him from falling.
At that moment, the Ghostbusters appear on the scene.  It seems that when Kenny switched the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator on, it helped Egon get a lock on his current location.  Peter, spotting Kenny hanging up on the chandelier, tells him to sit tight and be their lookout while they deal with things.  The Ghostbusters proceed to go after the ghost minions inside the mansion, but the ghost minions seem to outwit them without much effort. So Egon consults his copy of Tobin’s Spirit Guide.  In doing so, he determines that all the spiritual activity in the mansion is being directed by a single intelligence.  But this presents an issue because if this singular intelligence has this much psychokinetic energy at its command, it could even be strong enough to blow up the Containment Unit from within. However, Egon theorizes that if an equally powerful kinetic force could blow it up upon being trapped, the conditions inside the Containment Unit would prevent the entity from reforming.  Winston asks how powerful this kinetic force should be for it to work, and Ray states it would have to be at a near-atomic level.  This gives Peter an idea.  And, as he and the other Ghostbusters fire their Proton Packs at Old General Halliway’s ghost, Peter instructs Kenny to throw the Ecto-Aroma Eliminator at the entity. Kenny does so, and this results in the successful capture of the ghostly general.
After getting Kenny down from the chandelier, the Ghostbusters escort him outside where Willie and the other kids are waiting.  (Were these kids sitting outside the mansion all night?  Because based on the lighting in this scene, it’s early morning now. Where are their parents?)  Willie and the other kids are all flabbergasted to see the Ghostbusters with Kenny, especially when they thank him for his help.  And, when the Ghostbusters head off to return to the Firehouse, Willie sheepishly asks Kenny if he could introduce him to the Ghostbusters sometime.  Kenny responds with a noncommittal answer and waves goodbye to the Ghostbusters as they drive off.
Overall, a rather cute episode. And I was particularly impressed with the animation during the climactic scene towards the end.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they put a bit more money into the animation budget for that particular moment.  That being said, I was wondering something in regards to Kenny throughout the episode.  I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, particularly since there doesn’t seem to be any comments on the matter on the Ghostbusters wiki. But something about him made me think that he might have been on the autism spectrum.  After all, he clearly had the obsessive interest down. Of course, I might be making something out of nothing.  
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
From Battle Beast to Titan, The Invincible Rogues’ Gallery is Taking Shape
As its blood-splattered title card makes clear, Amazon Prime’s Invincible is quite a bit more intense than other animated superhero shows.
Adapted from Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker’s comic series of the same name, Invincible takes place in a stylized, yet realistic world where superpowered punches have real consequences. It’s rare that an episode goes by without our titular young hero getting drenched in blood, whether it be his own or some poor villain’s. 
Despite Invincible’s commitment to the violent bit, however, the show still does have quite a bit in common with its more all-ages animated peers. The series animation from Wind Sun Sky Animation studio is based off of comic illustrator Ryan Ottley’s art but it also harkens back to a golden era of superhero animation.
The character designs, with chiseled jaws, chunky limbs, and very deliberate movements is highly reminiscent of ‘90s Warner Bros. Animation classics like Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, and Justice League. And just like those earlier series, each episode of Invincible thus far has proven dedicated to introducing interesting and novel villains for its hero to confront. 
There’s an old adage about superhero stories that a hero is only as good as its villain. That might be oversimplifying things a bit as Batman, Superman, Invincible, and the like are all pretty interesting figures on their own. Still, the animated series surrounding these heroes always know how to put a compelling villain to good use. Batman: The Animated Series in particular built up the Caped Crusader’s impressive rogue’s gallery and each new episode was a treat for viewers in guessing which villain would take center stage. In fact, the all-time best episodes of that series were often great due to the deployment of its villains, like in the beloved Mr. Freeze installment “Hear to Ice.”
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While Invincible is only five episodes into what will hopefully be a long run, the series has already proven to be particularly adept at introducing colorful villains to challenge Mark Grayson as he trains to be a superhero. Now that we’ve crossed the halfway point of Invincible’s eight-episode first season, let’s take some time to examine the young hero’s rogues’ gallery. 
The Mauler Twins
The Mauler Twins, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, are the very first villains introduced in Invincible. The Guardians of the Globe (R.I.P.) are able to put a halt to their assault on the White House, but not before the twins reveal their awesome strength. The Mauler Twins are an unusual combination of brains and brawn. First we see heavy machine gun fire bounce off of them like pebbles and then they embark on a very brainy mission for none other than Robot (Zachary Quinto).
The Mauler Twins are a consistent presence in the comic and their dynamic only works because neither of them knows who is the original and who is the clone. Their inclusion on the list is cheating a bit because Mark hasn’t crossed paths with them yet but he is sure to soon.
Titan, voiced by Academy Award winning actor Mahershala Ali, is the first great example of how Invincible will allow its villains to recur and evolve like Batman: The Animated Series’ baddies. Titan first pops up in episode 1, then he is essentially the main character of episode 5. There is quite a lot of depth to this rock-man as he tricks Mark into helping his criminal underworld coup, but he also seems to really believe he can make his city a safer, more equitable place. 
Kill Cannon
Kill Cannon (Fred Tatasciore) is an extremely minor villain in the Invincible comic. He first appeared as Atom Eve’s nemesis in her standalone comic before making his proper series debut in Issue #58. Kill Cannon arrives in the Amazon series much earlier and has already popped up again as a recurring villain. He seems to fulfill the role of a particularly easy training dummy for Mark to take care of. Unfortunately, all the other villains won’t be as simple.
The Flaxans
The Flaxans, an aliens species from another dimension, are the first baddies to really test Mark. Their lifespans are short in Earth’s timeline, but they are also tremendously capable of learning from their mistakes. Led by the hateful “Slash” (voiced by Richardson), the Flaxans embark on three increasingly successful invasions. Omni-Man appears to have wiped out their society for now but all it will take to rebuild is a handful of dedicated Flaxans. 
Doc Seismic
Every superhero story needs a good old-fashioned mustache-twirler and Doc Seismic (voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos) fits the bill here…despite having no mustache or even hair to speak of. Through his advanced weaponry and seismological knowledge, Doc Seismic is able to manipulate the earth around him. In our first introduction to him, he puts these powers to a surprisingly progressive use by attempting to blow up Mt. Rushmore and its depiction of “oppressors.”
The Doc did his undergraduate in sociology and women’s studies, with a minor in African dance as it turns out. Invincible and Atom Eve are able to dispatch him ease and he appears to fall to his fiery death. Of course, these kinds of villains normally don’t go down that easy, so it’s safe to expect seeing him again. 
Roarface is an entirely new creation for the Invincible TV series and she gets only a very brief bit of screentime in episode 5. According to Amazon’s helpful episode trivia feature, Roarface was developed by comic illustrator Cory Walker and the collar she wears prevents her entire body from becoming a werewolf. Only her head succumbs to lycanthropy. 
Machine Head
Every superhero story needs a Wilson Fisk-style underworld crime boss figure. Invincible has one, it just so happens that his head is a machine, leading to the brilliant nickname Machine Head (voiced by Jeffrey Donovan). This villain loves Italian maple and is eventually usurped by Titan then arrested by Cecil Stedman. Machine Heads teleporting partner is named Isotope. 
Battle Beast
Oh yeah, now we’re talking. Battle Beast is a fan favorite of Invincible comic readers and TV viewers may now have a better sense of why. Battle Beast (voiced by Michael Dorn) isn’t so much an enemy to Mark Grayson as he is an enemy to everyone who crosses his path.
As his name suggests, this beast is really about battling. His real name is Thokk and he travels the universe looking for worthy foes to fight. Machine Head was able to lure him to Earth with the promise of a real competition. Unfortunately, he found Mark Grayson and the new Guardians of the Globe extremely wanting in this regard.
“This battle is beneath me. There is no honor in killing insects,” Thokk mutters before peacing out. Rest assured that Battle Beast will be returning to this series at some point…preferably once Mark has leveled up quite a bit.
The other villains who battle alongside Battle Beast in episode 5 are unrelated mercenaries who all fight on Machine Head’s time. They are: Furnace, Kursk, Magmaniac, and Tether Tyrant. The comics has a sixth villain involved in this battle named Magnattack, but Amazon’s episode notes indicate that production couldn’t fit him in.
Invincible streams every Friday on Amazon Prime.
The post From Battle Beast to Titan, The Invincible Rogues’ Gallery is Taking Shape appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3dNZYqR
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themepluginpro · 4 years ago
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Download Glossier - Multipurpose Sections Shopify Theme #160558 | Premium themes & Plugins
Description Glossier - Multipurpose Sections Shopify Theme #160558 :
Download Glossier - Multipurpose Sections Shopify Theme #160558. The Theme author on templatemonster. It’s uses with#Glossier #Multipurpose #Sections #Shopify #Theme. Item Title: Glossier - Multipurpose Sections Shopify Theme #160558 Category: website templates Author: Published Date: Wednesday 10th March 2021 10:45:51 PM More Info / DownloadDemo
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Theme Overview
Glossier - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme is a Stylish and Multipurpose Cosmetic Shop SHOPIFY theme. For fashion Stores, cosmetics Shops, beauty Stores, Spa Products Online, Salon Equipments, Makeup Kits, eCommerce Gifts Stores,
Clothing Business, and fragrance products, Perfumes Shop, skincare creams, beauty salon, beauty spa, beauty center, beauty shop, face creams, handmade foundation, organic cosmetic shop, cosmetic store, cosmetic products, beauty products,
cosmetics makeup, eye care, lip care, neck creams, body care, wellness and healthcare Stores Online!
Everything is customized easily. 5 main designs will give you more choice for your store.
Glossier - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme is the right choice if you want to create a professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.
Fully Responsive design makes to be compatible with all of mobile devices
SEO friendly
Glossier - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme supported by SEO standard of electronics major.
This module allows you to write blogs about the benefits of using your products or services, or on any topic related to your business, this can help your visitors to understand about services or products you offer, it also helps you rank in search engines and get you more traffic.
Theme Features
Section Drag & Drop Page Builder
05+ Pre-made Demos
Multiple Header and Footer
Product Details
Mutiple languages support
Multiple currencies
Smart Megamenu
New, hot, sale labels
Popup newsletter
HTML5 video, Product video, Youtube, Vimeo
Countdown timer – Deal time
Google map
Instagram, Social media, Social sharing
Promotion announcement bar
Sticky header
Transparent header
Promotional text on header
Isotope – Masonry with 2/3/4/5 columns
Slick carousel
Product list
Product tab
Customer Reviews
Team member
Unlimited color options
Go to top button
Pre-made Our story page
Pre-made FAQs page
Pre-made About page
Support Online 24
Well Documented
v1.0.0 Initial release
More Info / DownloadDemo #Glossier #Multipurpose #Sections #Shopify #Theme
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t-3-planet · 2 years ago
All In One TYPO3 Gallery
TYPO3 ALL in One Gallery plugin includes a wide range of variations like Album Gallery, Album Gallery, Google Search View Gallery, Masonry Gallery, Mosaic Gallery, Isotope Gallery, Slider Gallery & Carousel Gallery, and Zoom View Gallery. All In One TYPO3 Gallery Extension is the best TYPO3 gallery extension for adding custom, unique, and responsive galleries to your website.
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Make browsing easier with these TYPO3 extension features
Built In Albums Organize your photo galleries, choose cover photos, and more with the convenience to open in a new tab or the same tab with All In One TYPO3 Gallery.The Albums Built In feature is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for you to create and manage your albums without any technical expertise.
Advanced Masonry Gallery View One of the standout features of the Advanced Masonry Gallery View is the smart resizing mode, which automatically resizes images to fit seamlessly into the masonry grid layout with Pre-configured 3 styles for the masonry grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings.
Slider Gallery View With Pre-configured 2 styles for the slider gallery views, slider Gallery view comes up with two formate Carousel Layout and Classic Slider Layout with additional features scrolling, controls, cropping, and animation modes for images to build slider gallery layout.
Advanced Mosaic Themes The mosaic themes are highly customizable and include features that adjust the layout, spacing, and size of your images and videos to suit your specific needs.
In conclusion, All In One TYPO3 Gallery Extension provides the tools and features you need to showcase your media files in unique and captivating ways. All In One TYPO3 Gallery is the ultimate solution for anyone looking to create beautiful and visually appealing galleries.
If you're looking to more about TYPO3 extensions, T3 Planet is the perfect place to start.
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florence839 · 4 years ago
Cartmarket – Electronics, Organics, Shoes, Glasses, Tools, Fashion & Affiliates WooCommerce Theme is our answer to new trends in full resolution designs. Clean, smart, robust and flexible multi-demo & electronics store WordPress WooCommerce theme with vertical and horizontal menu variants – ideal for any type of eCommerce Shop. This theme is brought to you by the same team that developed Electro – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme, MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme, Pizzaro – Fast Food & Restaurant WooCommerce Theme and MyBag – Single Product WooCommerce Theme.
Statistics says that much more potential customers are browsing websites in 1920px wide resolution now. In that way using old 1170 or even 980 grid system only, we are losing so much space we could use to show more products on for the user.
Cartmarket – Electronics, Organics, Shoes, Glasses, Tools, Fashion & Affiliates WooCommerce Theme, concept idea is to use as much space in very clean and user-friendly way to show lot of products in various ways.
You can find 7 different shop demos, 8 different Home Page styles, 2 Landing Pages and lot of shop pages to choose your favourite. Any content from each single Homepage or shop page can be transferred into another one very easily.
The design is well suited for Electronics Store, organics stores, retail stores, shoes store, garden tools store, glass store, vendor based marketplaces using plugins like Dokan, WC Vendors or WC Marketplace and affiliate websites using plugins like Prosociate or WooZone. It is built and comes bundled with most of the advanced features available in most popular eCommerce websites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, walmart, alibaba, aliexpress, souq, jadopado etc. So if you are an amazon affiliate or want a multi-vendor marketplace for your niche market or a store owner, this theme is for you.
The theme is built on top of Underscores framework. The code is lean and extensible. This will allow developers to easily add functionality to your side via child theme and/or custom plugin(s).
It features deep integration with WooCommerce core plus several of the most popular extensions:
King Composer
Visual Composer ( not included with the theme )
Slider Revolution
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
YITH WooCompare
Dokan – Multivendor Marketplace
WC Vendors – Multi-vendor plugin for WooCommerce
WC Marketplace
WCFM Marketplace – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace
Cartmarket – Frequently Asked Questions
I have a silly ( or basic or simple ) question related to Cartmarket, Can …
Please don’t worry about asking any type of questions related to our theme. We are happy to answer them all. Please reach us from the support tab.
How do I update the theme ?
We release updates on need basis. You can check our changelog to see our release history. Please use Themeatlas plugin (included in the theme) to update the theme. We have documented the steps to update the theme here : Updating a Themeatlas Theme
Can I trial your theme before purchase ?
We strongly recommend you to trial our theme before purchase and ask as many as questions you may have before purchase. Please request a trial along with any plugins you wish to test the theme with and we’ll setup a trial for you.
More questions answered here : FAQ
Trial & Dummy Data
If you’d like to try out the theme before purchasing, please email our support and we’ll setup a trial website for you.
Also a word about the Dummy Data. Once you import the dummy data provided with the download package, you will get a website.
This is with placeholders and default WooCommerce products. If you are looking for dummy data similar to demo, please email our support and we’ll provide you with our dummy data.
Please note that the demo has lot of images and it would take sometime to import all images. You need to have higher PHP execution time. However you can simply skip the images if you don’t want images. If your importer stops in the middle it is more like due to execution time out. In that case you will simply have to re-import it again ( don’t worry it will not duplicate ).
Cartmarket Extensions
To take your stores to the next level we have bundled this theme with the Cartmarket Extensions plugin which provides advanced features like :
Advanced Live Search
Youtube like Page loader
Advanced Vertical Menu
Megamenu Dropdown
Products Carousel
Products Carousel Tabs
Products Carousel Tabs with featured product
Products Isotope
Products Tab
Products Card Carousl with Gallery
Deals Carousel with countdown timer
Products Cards Carousel
Product Deals
Products categories filter
Products categories carousel
Advanced Reviews
Accessories Management
Advanced Product Specifications
Store Directory
Cartmarket Features
Easy One click Installation and Setup
Free Updates and one-to-one support
Comes with importable dummy data
Built on Bootstrap 4
Cross-browser compatible
Built with SASS – All SASS files included
7 Shop Demos
8 Different types of home pages
2 Different types of Landing pages
Responsive Megamenu
Supports various post formats and post thumbnails feature.
Includes 17 widgets
WPML Compatible
Youtube like page loader
Advanced Products Live Search
3 Different layouts for Single Product Pages.
Advanced Reviews
Advanced Specifications tab
Accessories for Products like in amazon
Catalog Mode available.
Shop Page Jumbotron.
Wishlist and Compare from YITH
Brands Carousel
Products Carousel
Ability to display products in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 columns
Custom Product Comparison page.
3 Different types of layout : Classic, List View, Grid View
Choose from Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar or Full-width layouts
Enable placeholder images
Integrated with Google Fonts
Can choose from FontAwesome icons
Integrated with Social Media
Can paste custom CSS easily.
Import/Export customization options
Demo Pages
Shop Demos
Bright Eye
Bow Market
Garden Deals
Organic Deals
Sports Market
NewLook Market
Home & Landing Pages
Home v1
Home v2
Home v3
Home v4
Home v5
Home v6
Home v7
Home v8
Landing v1
Landing v2
Shop Pages
Categories 7 Column
Shop Grid 5 Column Extended
Shop Grid 5 Column
Shop Grid 6 Column
Shop Grid 7 Column
Shop Listing Large
Shop Listing
Shop Listing Small with Product Sidebar
Shop Listing with Product Sidebar
Shop Right Sidebar
Shop Full Width
Shop List View Small
Single Product Pages
Single Product Extended
Single Product Fullwidth
Single Product Sidebar
WooCommerce Pages
My Account
Track your Order
Blog Pages
Blog v1
Blog v2
Blog v3
Blog Full Width
Single Blog Post
Other Pages
About Us
Contact v1
Contact v2
Store Directory
Terms and Conditions
Refund Policy We strongly recommend you to trial our theme before purchase and ask as many as questions you may have before purchase. Being a digital product there is a stringent refund policy. Please read about our refund policy here.
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