#isola open.
flarecasts · 2 years
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" they take my rod, my abilities .. but what cuts deepest is that they took my pride and joy, my triple triad deck, as well. " how is a woman supposed to find entertainment without a game of triple triad, the greatest card game known to mankind ? oh, gold saucer -- how you are missed.
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doctornota · 14 days
IT'S THE SORT OF AFFAIR LEONARD TENDS TO LOATHE, stiff high collars and slick dress shoes, all those people spinning in dizzying circles. The masks everyone sports are like an echo of a bygone era in Earth's history, sort of charming albeit eccentric. If McCoy was smarter he wouldn't be here at all; but a few dozen crash courses in diplomacy have taught him the importance of making an appearance. He has to find his bearings here eventually, and turning into a hermit won't help in that regard.
Besides, there's supposedly free drinks ( though perhaps he should have selected a mask that's a bit easier to drink with - the hooked beak attached to his won't do him any favors there ).
The benefit of being in a room full of masked strangers is that he doesn't have to feel any associated guilt for being a bother. Not everyone is dancing; there's a fair share of stragglers on the edges of the room, perusing the snacks or admiring the decor. He elbows a couple here and there.
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"Think they've got anything stronger, or are we talking just dry wines and fancy champagne?" What? It's an honest question.
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plantamagicae · 7 months
[ ❄️ ] it had now been a full day since the witch had began to display these strange vulpine physical traits. they were supposed to grand her some semblance of warmth, but, unfortunately it was still not enough.
plush tail remained wrapped around her dear palisman as she carefully studied the two branches that were gripped in each hand; she was completely lost as to how to manually start a flame... she didn't have any access to her magic although what good would plant magic do her in this situation except make her a warm cocoon of sorts.
ears slicked back against her skull as she just stood there. do you say a spell or something to make them catch on fire?
she gave clover a confused look who simply tilted her head to the side in response; she was as lost as willow.
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kleinstar · 3 months
*this open happens during empatheorem but this isn't an event thread lol
Eiden wakes up slowly, unwilling to lift his head from the pillow to meet the daylight. The nauseous dwelling within his body mixes with a throbbing headache that someone else gained from him. He wishes he had the energy for to feel angry but alas he's too preoccupied with his light headedness as he drags himself up towards the painkiller drawer. As he finds out there's none he can only grab the water he's got in the fridge before heading out towards the pharmacy.
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Normally Eiden would be happy to greet the sun but alas he can only try his best to avoid the worst of the rays. What a waste for day that's clearly turning out to be beautiful one.
Before long his steps grow more and more sluggish until he loses his balance and fall forwards, right onto someone walking out there.
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dreadwyrmcaller · 2 months
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an rp ad for Mimiette! shockingly this is not the most jarring world hop she's experienced so we'll see how she handles this one.
capped at 3, but castmates exempt
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wolfshrouded · 1 month
Euini knows that if Alaira was around, she'd chastise him for reverting back to the form of a scalewolf, but this feels like an exceptional situation. Especially given the fact that he had the fortune of being housed in Golden Ward rather than the more familiar Cotes. The bustling modern town being centuries ahead of the world he's used to. It's loud and confusing and, as far as he knows, he's utterly alone.
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So, the citizens of Golden Ward get a black wolf with iridescent blue scales wandering down it's streets. It's size is massive at around six feet at the shoulder. However, that ferocious appearance is made less impactful when combined with the body language of a low tail and head with ears pressed firmly back against it's skull.
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zenobomber · 6 months
"Man, I haven't really been to a party like this since I was a kid..."
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Aki's hands dance over the deck of cards he has settled in them, shuffling them idly as he talks. He isn't really the best at card games - Tsugino and Fuyu always managed to beat him, something about having a bad poker face - but there were a few people sitting around them, so he might as well join in and get to know some more people here, start a conversation with someone else who was just sitting around.
"'Course those parties were a lot less fun," A small breath escapes him, the start of a laugh. Naturally those parties were always at the Ushirono's house, and always some kind of big political get together. He only got to go as a neighbor and a friend to the family. "You ever been to a get together like this? I feel like they aren't really common anymore."
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mystiya · 1 year
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oh, he hates this  -  he does not like this one bit and there is a very empty feeling that wells within his chest. his magic is gone, and if he hadn't panicked before trying to spark some sort of fire, kuya would be doing it now. he's visibly angered, how dare  . . . whoever did this to him! in what sense would it be fine to trifle with kuya? he huffs, and he cannot even light his own kiseru to relax, this had gone from terrible to disastrous. but when mismatched eyes look around  . . .  it makes him feel so small. the fox tucks his kiseru into the sleeve of his gilded kimono and he begins to walk. click, click, click  -  his heels hit the pavement and a clawed hand fiddles with the fabric of his sleeve.  "  for once  . . .  i hate this predicament.  "
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enchiiridion · 6 days
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"The people of Spirale will come to know the name of Volo just as much as the people of the Realms do! I'll make that certain--"
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sanpatron · 4 months
Now, Django can't deny the fact that he mostly came to this wedding as an excuse to gorge himself on cute little appetizers and whatever drinks they had in stock. He wasn't exactly close to either of the men—though Vash's uncanny ability to show up at most places Django wound up could net him familiarity points. But that sure wasn't going to prevent the former gangster from getting swept up in the emotions of it all. To see a display of love and vulnerability that strong could make just about anyone's heart swell the tiniest bit.
He was happy for them. Sincerely. And it gave him some peace of mind in knowing that, despite everything this island could do to a person, there was still the chance at finding your own sort of happiness here. Something you can cherish forever more.
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" Mmm. These boys sure didn't skimp out on the grub. Maybe I should get married again just for the food. "
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eldritchtechno · 14 days
"Anyone want to head out to the City of Glass, wander the caves for a while? Mostly just to get our, gwt to know each other."
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ciphertone · 14 days
First things first; he's going to see what's complimentary. Especially with the drinks. The whole... fancy ball party thing is less his speed then a get wasted and commit crimes party, but he can work with this. Besides! There's hardly a better place for swapping gossip. Once he's got a glass of wine in hand, that second part comes into play fairly quickly.
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cyandelightz · 16 days
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At a fairly normal record store in a fairly normal Islolan mall, there is a man working there, adding new CDs into the CD display in the center of the store. One might not think that he works there, given he's wearing a helmet and spiked shoulder pads like some cosplayer, but he has an employee tag on on a band tee - the same type that the store sells - indicating the store's name, Meteor Records, and his name. Buzzo. No last name is given.
But clearly, if you need help with something, this would be (one of the) guy(s) to ask. He's not at the check out station, he's out restocking. He's even got a smile on his face - a more genuine and subtle one than he normally has…
Truth is, he finds it pleasant to work here. His father had always said there's not a stable future in the music business, and maybe he was right, a lot of musicians are starving artists. But working this sort of low-stakes job around music is nice. It exposes him to new musicians and new types of music, everything from heavy metal to world sound to prayer hymns (he's already thinking of inventive ways to co-opt and twist the latter into something darker).
Beats the laboratory any day. Not as fun as warlording, but it's nice.
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nohrsrose · 17 days
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"I really feel we have this love conversation every week..."
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kleinstar · 7 months
🫀 🫀 🫀
When Eiden comes to he's face down to red cradle of innards, meat in in between his teeth. He reaches for support, feeling his hand sink into something soft with a squelch. The attempt to wipe his face only serves to spread the blood to is face even more.
Like that, a little out of it, he stares at the one that ended up sort of waking him up from it.
" Err... I found this and... "
Shoved my face onto it? Started munching? What am I supposed to tell here?
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" ....didn't mean to? Sorry? Is it uhhhhh yours ? "
He'll deal with the whole weirdness of this later.
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unxdeadly · 28 days
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i'll get to the rest of my replies after class, but i also wanted to put out a small lil rp ad to get some new stuff going! cap is 2 for now and they'll be of varying length ♡ ! *as always, i gotta mention that gigi here isn't nice! she might be at first but she will eventually be mean to your muse, i promise!
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