#isle of man android
petnews2day · 5 months
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/p5uWy
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
Thursday, 18 April 2024 06:52 A businessman has found himself in court after a cat triggered an alarm at his home. Property developer and food waste company owner Michael Osborne of the Ballamodha Straight in Ballasalla appeared before Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood at Douglas Courthouse. The 75-year-old admitted two counts of illegally possessing ammunition. […]
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cellarspider · 7 months
Spider's Big Prometheus Thing: Index Post
Being a list of all the posts produced in the course of this inexplicable project of mine. This project is now complete, at an unexpectedly extensive thirty entries long.
I swear, I didn't intend for it to go like that, but it was fun to write.
All entries have at least a minimum level of citations for where to start looking for more facts on any subject external to the movie itself, which includes everything from how DNA is sequenced to how Nickolodeon slime is made, and from the comedy in mislabeled portraits of early church fathers to the correct attribution of a cat's contributions to historical linguistics.
Be aware that there's also hidden rambling and bonus facts in the image alt text. A lot of them.
0. Introduction
Setting the scene, including my background, my intent, and where this movie is going.
1. Opening
Expectations, landscapes, and aliens.
Rambles: DNA, whether aliens would have it, and why it doesn't look like a pale bacon ladder.
Alt-text rambles: nano-bubbles.
2. Discovery
The Isle of Skye is gorgeous, the movie attempts to establish its themes, and why it had already got my hackles up. Rambles: how cool ancient and pre-modern peoples were, the implications of humanoid figures in European cave paintings, and misplaced lions. Alt-text rambles: seriously, Skye is just so cool. Erich von Däniken and modern publishing royalties are not.
3. David
We meet the loneliest android, and his fandom of choice. Rambles: I go nuts for a paragraph over Proto-Indo-European. Alt-text rambles: Help me remember a dude's name, that time Ron Perlman saw Sigourney Weaver do something so cool he forgot to act, and a Coronation Street conspiracy theory.
4. Humans (Derogatory)
We meet the human crew, and analyze why they're a mismatch to the movie's established expectations, and what subgenre they fit in most. It isn't the one the movie seems to be aiming for. Rambles: 50s B-movies and their Men Of Science, modern movies and their quietly suffering scientists. Alt-text rambles: inconsistently moist characters, Idris Elba's christmas tree decorations.
5. Pseudoarchaeology (Extremely Derogatory)
We meet Old Man Capitalism, poor logistics, and how the movie began to really lose me through dropping in some racist pseudoscience tropes. Rambles: more logistics (of alien bioengineering), historical art styles, what the world was getting up to in the 600s CE Alt-text rambles: Linguistics, more ranting, the life and extraordinarily ornate death of Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal. Rants: the existence of writing, people who don't look like you can still think, stargazing and how conspiracy theorists don't understand it.
6. Roads
Poor firearm safety with Chekhov's Gun, when movies move too fast, atmospheric chemistry, and the moment I began to yearn for blood. Rambles: First contact protocols, why 3% CO₂ won't kill you but it will make you weird, my personal experience digging up a Roman road. Alt-text rambles: the logistics of securing items in moving craft, linguistics, atmospheric science, colorblind-friendly diagram design, swearing about orology, and cursing the crew for their fictional crimes against archaeology. Rants: Why they should've stayed in orbit, and my impassioned defense of historically significant transportation infrastructure.
7. Masking
The bit that made most people realize these characters were idiots. Featuring an attempt at themes. Rambles: NASA's policies on biological contaminants Alt-text rambles: Benedict Wong having nothing to do, helmet design, driving on dusty track, the tiny overlap between archaeological horrors and Minecraft, the CDC's excellent captions on men sneezing. Rants: Nominating a man for the Heinrich Schliemann Archaeology Award, all these people are catching space covid
8. Ghosts
Comparing the Engineers to their series antecedents, and I develop a slight soft spot for the geologist. Rambles: Set design in Alien, how carbon dating works. Alt-text rambles: Adventure games, GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT, I get very excited for Dune: Part Two, the archival devotion of people with rare blorbos.
9. Dignity
Personal, professional, social, and media context for the treatment of people's remains. Rambles: Personal experiences around the archaeological discovery of human skeletons, professional codes of ethics, movies that handle dead bodies better by being more crass about it. Alt-text rambles: None, the main text gets full focus this time.
10. Atmosphere
How intertextual imagery is overused, how the one major character arc is developing, and a whole grab bag of miscellaneous shambolic events. Rambles: How tourist-breath can destroy artifacts, and a deleted scene Alt-text rambles: Whether explaining mysteries is always the wrong decision in fantasy, the usefulness of helmets, Mass Effect's loading screens, please someone give me more recommendations for things where Giger creatures aren't all bad, and how cultural variation in gestures can make you look like an asshole. Rants: they aren't done desecrating the dead oh boy it's just gonna get worse
11. Decontamination
How to present an audience with events that make no sense, how to do it eerily, and how Prometheus does this by accident. Rambles: NASA's Apollo 11 quarantine policies Alt-text rambles: How 2001: A Space Odyssey put on a cosmic lightshow, how traditions are faked for political and social power in Midsommar, confusing lab equipment, robot arm safety, the use of camper vans in space exploration, umarell behavior, and robot horror movies. Bonus text rambles: pressurized gas cylinder safety, and how the cargo of one truck apparently tried to join Roscosmos. Rants: Laboratory safety
12. Shocking
Mary Shelly would not be proud of them. Rambles: Which home electrical appliances their tomfoolery is equivalent to. Alt-text rambles: Semiotics and Alien, reuse of props and art department equipment, the cast's inability to look at things, how the first chestburster scene intelligently incorporated spontaneity, and I completely lose my mind over a single computer readout, finding out in the process that the Engineers are close cousins to the common house mouse. Rants: I didn't think that "don't stick electrical plugs in people's ears" would be something that needed to be said, but here we are.
13. Family Tree
A soothing ramble about some of the cool bits of my job. Rambles: How evolution has made some vertebrate blood white or green, how genomes are sequenced, and how to determine the relatedness of species. And more. A lot more. I love my job. It's so cool. Alt-text rambles: How Nickelodeon slime was made, how hecking tiny molecules are, why blue-tongued skinks have blue tongues, my review of Dune: Part Two, how hard I worked to not turn Gene Wilder into a jumpscare, lots of enthusiastic explanations of DNA sequencing techniques, the aesthetics of the machines wot do that for you, how "snip" no longer sounds like a verb to me, and how I started out as a computational scientist.
14. Cheers
David poisons a man, and how his character arc ties into christian-influenced existential dread. Rambles: series continuity, gnostic theology, Ridley Scott's beliefs. Alt-text rambles: How to ruin petri dishes, Vickers' questionably carbon-based existence, the game of Operation, hand doubles in filming, how the funniest possible misidentification of an early church figure is wandering around the internet, the cool genders of suit actors, gnostic Archons, and the Engineers as Sophia. Rants: Holloway seems unaware that archaeologists study dead people, Ridley Scott is his own biggest problem.
15. Unworthy
The movie does something I'm not going to joke about. Don't read this if you're having a bad day. Big content warning for Holocaust imagery.
16. Intimacy
Your asexual commentator grapples with Hollywood's terrible track record on romantic and sexual chemistry. Rambles: Why we don't say an archaic-looking species is "older" than another, how religious scientists do what they do Alt-text rambles: the human family tree, Abbott and Costello, pitcher plant cultivars, the creative possibilities of a Buddhist version of this movie, and Stephen Still's lack of accordions. Rants: I've never been a boyfriend but I'm pretty sure that's not how you do it
17. Threat
Prometheus takes a hard turn into old slasher movie tropes. Rambles: A movie trailer that gave Wee Spider the screaming heebies Alt-text rambles: The age rating of Prometheus, a spontaneous X-Files crossover AU, Pitch Black, how likely it may or may not be that the images in the post will get flagged, critter behavior, insufficient EVA suit design, and the content balancing I take into account when selecting screenshots. Rants: This movie does not seem to know what it is. Alt-text rants: Ditto, focusing on characterization.
18. Flames
"Mac wants the flamethrower!" Rambles: I wandered off in the middle to watch a 40k comedy video, does that count? Alt-text rambles: More content-balancing, what kind of very English critter David appears to be, dune buggy design, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth your time, Dune: Part Two is worth your time, an extremely long ramble about integration of CG background elements, and Oblivion memes. Alt-text rants: Movie color grading and lighting, undercutting scares.
19. Stars
The movie shows how good it can be when no dialog is involved. Rambles: The movie Contact and how Prometheus could've learned from it. Alt-text rambles: How I estimate large numbers from a still image, a brief Baldur's Gate 3 appearance, the set design and staging of a room made for giants with squishy computers, the use of color to make a cohesive scene, facts about Uranus, visual intimation of threat, VFX wizardry, practical FX wizardry, Michael Fassbender's wordless acting.
20. Expectant
The movie shows how good it can be when character choice is removed from the horror. Rambles: the inspiration and place of chestbursting in Alien movies, the continuing religious symbolism in the movie, the clunky dialog, how to build or undermine tension, and the good blending of practical and CG effects, and how tiny creatures of the ocean manage to be more uncanny than horror critters. Alt-text rambles: reading details the prop department never meant for you to see. Alt-text Rants: the return of the head-exploder and the first sight of actual PPE, slowly mangling a plot point's name until it has been thoroughly folded, spindled, and mutilated.
21. Underdelivered
The movie shows how terrible it can be when horror doesn't build tension. Rambles: Contortionists in horror, hillbilly horror/hixploitation movies. Alt-text rambles: Resident Evil 7, Dead Space and "strategic dismemberment"
22. Hubris
The movie tries to do some themes again Rambles: my ineffable desire to genetically sequence ditch weeds, Left Behind Alt-text rambles: Brad Dourif's commitment to the bit in The Two Towers, nigh-invisible wheelchair product placement, the Fallout series in general and the upcoming show in particular, praise for an epic-length critique of Left Behind, Robert Zemeckis' bizarre quest to mocap everything Rants: This movie does a terrible job representing both religiosity and atheism
23. Informed
Exposition is delivered, and plot points try to knit together. Rambles: The Silent Hill movie, Pacific Rim Alt-text rambles: Pyramid Head's secret unclothed backside, demanding environmental enrichment for scientists, greebling, Tumblr's favorite shitty copper merchant Rants: What could've been done instead of an exposition dump and daddy issues Alt-text rants: these people and their interior design are tempting fate and testing my patience
24. Inscribed
I go rogue and ramble about constructed languages and cuneiform for an entire post. Guest appearances from Klingon pop music and a delightfully eccentric Assyriologist. Rambles: All of it. Alt-text rambles: the self-awareness of conlangers, fingernail length, Schleischer's Fable as a warm-up for the next section, my primary conlang derangement, speculation about whether cuneiform was legible for the blind, my beef with the cowards at Lucasfilm for refusing to use Star Wars' coolest letters, my love for Warframe's Grineer, going into far too much detail about redesigning Prometheus' Engineer script, and finally, the many crocodiles of ancient egyptian hieroglyphs. Rants: None/all of it
25. Judgement
We discuss some of what the movie doesn't. Rambles: Fiction and morality, Blade Runner, biblical allusions the story could've made and doesn't Alt-text rambles: Lance Henriksen's insane career, the paintings of John Martin and a surprise George Washington, Rutger Hauer's effect on Blade Runner, my tentative plans for the next essay series. Rants: Germs, old man makeup. Alt-text Rants: The characters are reading ahead in the script again, the half-assed Engineer writing system continues to hurt me
26. Awoken
I go bananas over PIE. Rambles: fix-it fic for this damned movie, PIE, how to avoid PIE, how to analyze PIE, and my personal alternative to PIE. Alt-text rambles: calculating how long the Engineer's overslept, their potential spiritual kinship to Moominpapa, behind the scenes photos of the suit actors, Prometheus rants in the days of LiveJournal, the game Hades, how hard it personally is to get PIE right, the linguistics nerdery of the Hittite empire, and watermarks. Rants: how the movie fails its premise and hurts my soul with linguistics
27. Shortcomings
The characters, and movie, fail to get their message across to someone bent on their destruction. Rambles: David's confused religious symbolism, Star Trek Alt-text rambles: My desire for fanfic, behind the scenes photos, what other critters the Engineer's suit actor has played, the naming of Australopithecines, crash-proofing a movie set, alien gender, Gandahar and how French animated SF in the 80s was awesome, Scorn and its expert consultation from a cenobite, and Doctor Strangelove. Rants: the assumptions of the human characters, I go from trying to be measured to actively spiting the writer for his take on thoughtful SF Alt-text Rants: Del Toro is the only one who gets me, the movie has forgotten its main character just had a major surgery, one last rant about how terribly unsafe the Prometheus was as a ship, before it becomes definitively not a ship.
28. Momentum
It's the bit where she doesn't turn. Rambles: How to fix the dumbest thing we've seen in a hot minute, Edge of Tomorrow and feeling Tom Cruise's fear, how the dead thing is never really dead in horror. Alt-text rambles: How hard it is to find the most catchy song in We Love Katamari, more behind the scenes pictures of my blorbos, Friday the 13th Part IV, bad braille, and trilobites. Rants: I mean how can you not when the movie forgets how space works? Like, the idea of 3D space as a concept? Also, a particular rock earns my ire, and my ranting about interior designs on ships finally pays off.
29. Dissonance
The ending of the movie, and its tonal incoherency. Rambles: Protagonist-centric morality and lack thereof Alt-text rambles: Star Trek TNG, green blood, caecilian teeth. Rants: shallow christian themes, sequels that could have been, Shaw's confusingly deployed robo-racism Alt-text rants: sequel disappointments, inadvisable post-caesarian activities, how the hell do you fit that much 'burster into one chest, biological plausibility in alien extend-o-mouths
30. Justification
A breakdown of a post-release interview with Ridley Scott, explaining some missing details. Rambles: Gnosticism again, Mesoamerican and European human sacrifice and the exoticization of shared cultural practices, and a hearty book recommendation. Alt-text rambles: Icelandic volcanoes, The Collector (2009), Stephen Speilberg's War of the Worlds and how scaring the shit out of someone isn't necessarily the job of a horror film, the Tollund Man, unique cultural practices, Hello Future Me, and my opinions on what we've seen of Alien: Romulus. Rants: Ancient peoples weren't stupid, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, an unexamined christian-centric worldview, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGh
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chaoticclaybomber · 2 months
Deidara had been putting this off for a while now.
Ever since the ball, where he'd very obviously cuddled up to and flirted with Uriah, in front of everyone there, where Uriah had been more then happy to flirt back and make implications that could not be mistaken, where Uriah had then turned around and handed himself over to be arrested and thrown in a jail cell, Deidara had been in a foul mood.
He'd avoided everyone he knew, and those that knew him just well enough that they might do something awful like check on him, and had taken his anger out on the furthest reaches of the Isle where he was not likely to be disturbed but by people, only by things that would oblige him with a fight.
Here he'd been, all but hanging off Uriah for everyone there to see clear as day, being flirted back to and getting his hopes up, and the guy goes and pulls that instead. Stood up in favor of going to jail.
He's just mad about that, not worried over the niggling fear that, when they can't kill him because he's an Echo they'll just spend the time torturing him instead. Or stung because he actually likes Uriah and wants his attention and there's a void he'd hoped the other man might fill a little bit. He's only angry and spurned and it has nothing to do with any attachment.
But once he works off the anger with explosions and punching holes in trees, he has very little to do that will help with the other parts of it that he's absolutely not feeling. And Deidara is not someone who is known for being a coward or indecisive.
So it's no surprise to him that he ends up silently walking up the wall of the AIPD building in the shadows of night, carefully keeping himself hidden from the stupid police androids. He pauses outside the window where he can sense Uriah's strange not-chakra energy, slipping a small clay lizard inside to scope it out and get the man's attention. It sticks to the wall as any lizard would, and climbs down to scamper into Uriah's field of view. Hopefully he's not asleep, or he's getting a clay lizard to the face.
Nonexplosive, lucky for him. As someone Deidara actually likes, he's not likely to blow him up for funsies.
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siremasterlawrence · 10 months
Surf’s up Dude
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The legacy of a truly majestic and magical Royal Family of Hemsworth from a secret isle not to far from Australia are on vacation from their Royal duties on surfing away in to utter excitement.
Unfortunately for them a camera man is on the beach storm front chasing after them in a matter of seconds one by one they will fall under my spell for a lifetime waiting and see it will be fun.
My first victim Chris the crown prince official heir to the thrown with droids flying through the air the camera clicks on them I want from my cellphone using the keys to pilot it to the areas I have spotted him.
The android locks on to him with precision of laser focus a triggered is pulled shooting in to the sky the darts descending on to him hitting him hard as he breaks part losing it he spazzes.
His body falling completely straight ahead all the way face forward on to the ground of the beach awaiting for me to collect him and I glide to the end of the beach picking up his feet.
I begin dragging him in to the bushes the farthest reaches of one laying him in to the gravel I tap my high tech cell phone spinning the dials on my screen and I can see the dart going down .
The bloodstream is roaring red steaming up in to the nerves burning up like crack I can see the firing of multiple colors appear on my screens showcasing I am the one who is ruled by me.
Slapping the bitch hard the scan of his brain burns red, orange, yellow and green hinting at the fact that I have literally lit him up once more like a Christmas tree and tap behind his ear.
The dart exploding upon impact fusion to his bones, setting up every nerve, fiber and neuron to charging him up changing every which way to create a brand new slave in my image.
“Prince Chris!”
“Yes Master!”
“I need you to help me”
“As you please”
“Whatever you need “
“I submit to you and I will bring in both of my bros “
“Master Lawrence!”
“Here he comes in fact”
“Go get him Tiger “
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“Hey Liam! “ Chris waves him down with a hot hand movement.
“I have someone I want you to meet.”
“Do you consider no one else is supposed to be here?”
“Whatever bro! Come here “
“Hey! Chris stop”
“This is Master”
“Lawrence “
“What did you do to him?”
“The same thing I will do to you “
“Hey now! Wait a second”
“Nice ass by the way”
“Dart activate”
“Code talent”
“I can see how hard you are “
“You are struggling “
“Fighting me so hard “
“Fool! Those days are over “
“The resistant”
“Never want to Prince”
“Fuck up!”
“Get harder “
“Give me a smile”
“Rise up “
“Do a little dance “
“Party away “
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“Luke over here “
“Luke help”
“What’s up?”
“Are you ok?”
“It’s time to join us”
“Bois gather around”
“Teach him a lesson”
“Grab him”
“Pull him to the side”
“Strip him off”
“Give me the scissors”
“Prince Luke”
“I am your God now”
“Kneel before me”
“Yes Master”
“Grab my waist”
“Unzip me”
“Pull down my pants”
“Grab my cock and suck it off “
“Master Lawrence”
“Drink it all up”
“Eat my cum”
“Consume every part of it “
“Free yourself! Forever! Be my slave and puppet.”
The end
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Original Five X-Men were exploring in the cave where they get attacked by Dragon Man the android until it/he befriended Jean Grey. They brought Dragon Man to the X-Mansion even though Charles Xavier was skeptical about Jean having Dragon Man as a companion. The X-Men bring Dragon Man along for their crime-fighting adventures but unfortunately, it brought them bad PR because Dragon Man was too simple-minded to tell the difference between right and wrong. Thus, Jean Grey was forced to let Dragon Man go by setting the android free at Monster Isle.
X-Men First Class Special #1, 2007
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enkisstories · 9 months
Blog sticky
Franchises: The Sims, Detroit: Become Human, Star Wars (sequels) and some Fire Emblem.
This blog is visually Safe For Work, but under the colorful hood of my sims and amidst my jokes some serious stuff takes place that may not be everyone's taste.
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Who are those guys in my header? Find out in this post.
I'm currently answering "Which OC" questions for them in this series.
Currently playing:
Emperor's Return
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A Star Wars themed Sims 4 story/gameplay mix centered around Rose Tico and General Hux. Palpatine is back, but nobody believes the heroes. In an unheard of alliance key members of the Resistance and the First Order prepare to combat this threat on their own.
Edge of Detroit
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A crossover of Detroit: Become Human and the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
The main characters are androids in a theme park, playing the role of the Star Wars characters. Their only desire is to make children happy. But what if ensuring happiness for all humans requires attaining sorld domination?
Some of my text-only stories:
The wrecking of the Steadfast (Hux & the rebels teamup after Exegol)
Mutiny on the Steadfast (WIP) (The First Order brainwashes Poe Dameron into thinking he is one of them)
The man who shot Connor Stern (Daniel PL600 goes to prison)
Belle Isle Secure Center for incurably deviant androids (Failed revolution AU with Daniel and the Jericho androids)
Hank's android (Not Connor)
Just like them (Daniel PL600 x Gavin Reed)
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partyanimalshu · 8 months
Wes Anderson várva-várt filmje, az Asteroid City január 6-tól elérhető – kizárólag a SkyShowtime-on
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A film főszereplői Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson és Tom Hanks, és a kisebb szerepeket is népszerű és kritikusok által is elismert színészek játsszák. https://youtu.be/UB376bobhSQ?si=HHZ-vSPkQMJ8ES4d Az Asteroid City, Wes Anderson legújabb filmje Jason Schwartzman (The French Dispatch, The Grand Budapest Hotel), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow, Jojo Rabbit), és Tom Hanks (Elvis, News of the World) főszereplésével január 6-ától elérhető – kizárólag a SkyShowtime kínálatában. A hétszeres Oscar®-jelölt Wes Anderson (Isle of Dogs, Moonrise Kingdom) által írt és rendezett, a Focus Features által forgalmazott Asteroid City főszerepeiben világhírű sztárok brillíroznak, a mellészereplői gárda pedig olyan népszerű, kritikusok által is elismert színészeket vonultat fel, mint Jeffrey Wright (Westworld, No Time To Die), Tilda Swinton (Suspiria, Michael Clayton), Adrien Brody (The Pianist, The Darjeeling Limited), Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Trumbo) és Edward Norton (Glass Onion, Birdman). A történet 1955 körül játszódik egy fiktív sivatagi városban, Amerika délnyugati részén. Az évente megrendezett Aszteroida-napi ünnepségre az ország minden tájáról összegyűlnek az ifjú csillagászok és űrkadétok – ám a tudományos versenyt fenekestül felforgatják a bekövetkező események. Az ifjú csillagászok eredményeinek tiszteletére rendezett ünnepségen ugyanis váratlan látogató jelenik meg: egy földönkívüli. Az Asteroid Cityt lezárják, és a hadsereg hamis fedősztorival igyekszik leplezni az igazságot, de a koraérett zsenik – Spielberg klasszikus filmjeinek ifjú hőseihez hasonlóan – kieszelnek egy tervet, hogy a külvilág tudomást szerezzen az eseményekről. Ám Andersonról lévén szó, a történet természetesen ennél jóval többről szól. Visszatérve keletre, az Asteroid City szereplői egy színdarab bemutatására készülnek, amelynek a címe „Asteroid City”. Itt 1955 körül kukkantunk be a kulisszák mögé, és ismerjük meg az előadókat. A színházi színészek, akiknek nevét hamarosan szárnyára kapja a hírnév, épp színészi játékukat csiszolják tökéletesre. A film kétségtelenül ugyanolyan vicces, mint Anderson bármelyik műve, de kozmikusabb is: a bonyolult családi kapcsolatok és új románcok, szülők és gyerekek, titkok, felfedezések és a felnőttek kijátszásának befelé forduló, személyes vizsgálata, a széles Nyugat és a szürke Kelet, mindez olyan tökéletes egyensúlyban egymással, amire csak Wes Anderson képes. A népszerű mellékszereplő-gárda olyan színészeket vonultat fel, mint Liev Schreiber (Ray Donovan, X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Hope Davis (Your Honor, Succession), Stephen Park (The French Dispatch, Fargo), Rupert Friend (The Young Victoria, Pride & Prejudice), Maya Hawke (Stranger Things, Do Revenge), Steve Carell (The Office, The Morning Show), Matt Dillon (There’s Something About Mary, The House That Jack Built), Hong Chau (The Whale, The Menu), Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man-filmek , The Florida Project), Margot Robbie (Barbie, Suicide Squad, I, Tonya), Tony Revolori (The Grand Budapest Hotel, A Marvel-moziverzum Spider-Man-filmjei ), Jake Ryan (Moonrise Kingdom, Eighth Grade) és Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park-filmek , Independence Day). A SkyShowtime az előfizetők számára közvetlenül elérhető a SkyShowtime alkalmazáson keresztül Apple iOS, tvOS és Android-eszközökön, Android TV-n, Google Chromecaston, LG és Samsung tévéken, valamint a www.skyshowtime.com/hu honlapon keresztül. A reklámmentes SkyShowtime-előfizetés ára havi 1999 Ft. További információk a szolgáltatással kapcsolatban: Honlap: www.skyshowtime.com/hu A SkyShowtime-ról A SkyShowtime Európa következő nagy streamingszolgáltatója. A Comcast és a Paramount Global közös vállalkozásaként a SkyShowtime saját sorozatai mellett elhozza a legjobb hollywoodi produkciókat és helyi szórakoztató műsorokat, filmeket és eredeti sorozatokat a Universal Pictures, a Paramount Pictures, a Nickelodeon, a DreamWorks Animation, a Paramount+, a SHOWTIME®, a Sky Studios és a Peacock kínálatából. A SkyShowtime a prémium szórakoztatás új európai otthona. A SkyShowtime szolgáltatása Európában 2023-ban indult és jelenleg Albániában, Andorrában, Bosznia-Hercegovinában, Bulgáriában, Horvátországban, Csehországban, Dániában, Finnországban, Magyarországon, Koszovóban, Montenegróban, Észak-Macedóniában, Norvégiában, Hollandiában, Lengyelországban, Portugáliában, Romániában, Szerbiában, Szlovákiában, Szlovéniában, Spanyolországban és Svédországban érhető el a választott televíziós szolgáltatónál vagy Apple iOS, tvOS és Android-eszközökön, Android TV-n, Google Chromecaston, LG és Samsung okostévéken, illetve az interneten. Read the full article
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ayeeitslinlin · 2 months
Đánh Giá Chi Tiết Các Nhà Cái Uy Tín Năm 2024
Trong bối cảnh cá cược trực tuyến ngày càng phát triển, việc lựa chọn một nhà cái uy tín trở thành yếu tố quan trọng để đảm bảo an toàn và mang lại trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho người chơi. Dưới đây là đánh giá chi tiết về các nhà cái uy tín nhất năm 2024, giúp bạn có cái nhìn tổng quan và lựa chọn phù hợp.
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Ưu điểm:
Độ uy tín cao: 188BET được cấp phép hoạt động bởi Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission, một trong những cơ quan quản lý uy tín nhất.
Giao diện thân thiện: Thiết kế trang web dễ sử dụng, hỗ trợ nhiều ngôn ngữ, trong đó có tiếng Việt.
Khuyến mãi hấp dẫn: Nhiều chương trình khuyến mãi cho người chơi mới và người chơi thường xuyên.
Hỗ trợ khách hàng 24/7: Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng nhiệt tình, hỗ trợ nhanh chóng qua nhiều kênh khác nhau.
Nhược điểm:
Hạn chế rút tiền: Quy trình rút tiền có thể mất thời gian hơn so với một số nhà cái khác.
Ưu điểm:
Độ tin cậy: W88 được cấp phép hoạt động bởi First Cagayan Leisure & Resort Corporation (Philippines).
Nhiều kèo cá cược: Đa dạng về kèo cá cược và tỷ lệ cược hấp dẫn.
Ứng dụng di động tiện lợi: Hỗ trợ trên cả nền tảng Android và iOS, giúp người chơi dễ dàng truy cập mọi lúc, mọi nơi.
Chương trình VIP: Nhiều ưu đãi cho thành viên VIP với các phần thưởng và dịch vụ đặc biệt.
Nhược điểm:
Giới hạn khu vực: Một số quốc gia có thể bị hạn chế truy cập.
Ưu điểm:
Đa dạng trò chơi: Ngoài cá độ bóng đá, Fun88 còn cung cấp các trò chơi casino, game bài, và thể thao ảo.
Giao diện hiện đại: Thiết kế web đẹp mắt, dễ điều hướng.
Tỷ lệ cược cạnh tranh: Fun88 cung cấp tỷ lệ cược cao, đặc biệt là trong các giải đấu lớn.
Bảo mật tốt: Sử dụng công nghệ mã hóa SSL, bảo vệ thông tin người chơi.
Nhược điểm:
Khuyến mãi có điều kiện: Một số khuyến mãi có điều kiện khó khăn để đạt được.
Ưu điểm:
Số lượng kèo cược lớn: 1XBET cung cấp hàng ngàn kèo cược mỗi ngày từ các giải đấu khắp thế giới.
Nhiều phương thức thanh toán: Hỗ trợ nhiều phương thức nạp và rút tiền, bao gồm cả tiền điện tử.
Chương trình khuyến mãi phong phú: Nhiều khuyến mãi hấp dẫn cho cả người chơi mới và người chơi lâu năm.
Ứng dụng di động tiện lợi: Ứng dụng dễ sử dụng, tương thích với cả iOS và Android.
Nhược điểm:
Quá nhiều lựa chọn: Đôi khi quá nhiều lựa chọn có thể gây bối rối cho người chơi mới.
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Ưu điểm:
Uy tín lâu năm: 12BET đã hoạt động nhiều năm trong ngành cá cược và có uy tín cao.
Giao diện trực quan: Trang web dễ sử dụng, hỗ trợ nhiều ngôn ngữ.
Tỷ lệ cược tốt: Cung cấp tỷ lệ cược cạnh tranh và nhiều kèo hấp dẫn.
Hỗ trợ nhiều giải đấu: Từ các giải đấu lớn đến các giải đấu nhỏ đều có mặt trên 12BET.
Nhược điểm:
Hỗ trợ khách hàng: Một số người chơi phản ánh rằng dịch vụ hỗ trợ khách hàng chưa thực sự tốt.
Lời Kết
Việc lựa chọn một nhà cái uy tín không chỉ giúp bạn an tâm hơn khi tham gia cá cược mà còn t��i ưu hóa cơ hội thắng lớn. Các nhà cái uy tín như 188BET, W88, Fun88, 1XBET và 12BET đều đã khẳng định được vị thế của mình trên thị trường với những ưu điểm vượt trội và cam kết bảo mật thông tin người chơi. Hãy cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng các yếu tố như độ uy tín, giao diện, tỷ lệ cược, và chương trình khuyến mãi trước khi quyết định đăng ký và nạp tiền. Hy vọng rằng bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn có cái nhìn tổng quan và đưa ra lựa chọn phù hợp nhất.
Xem thêm: https://nhacaiuytin77.com/
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petnews2day · 6 months
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/awzSz
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
Friday, 22 March 2024 10:40 The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture will consider making microchipping compulsory for cats. It comes after responses to a consultation have been published, asking for views on the welfare code for the animals.  Following suggestions, DEFA says it will possibly consult on cat microchipping in the future, but it […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/awzSz #CatsNews #8216More8217, #Iom, #Manxradio, #3FM, #3Fm, #3Fm, #3Fmradio, #BenSowrey, #ClubClassics, #CommonwealthYouthGames, #Cyg, #Cyg2011, #Cyg2011, #DerekRichardson, #EnergyFm, #GeorgeFerguson, #IOMNews, #Iomradio, #IsleOfDeals, #IsleOfMan, #IsleOfManAdvertising, #IsleOfManAndroid, #IsleOfManDeals, #IsleOfManFacebook, #IsleOfManMarketing, #IsleOfManMedia, #IsleOfManNews, #IsleOfManOnline, #IsleOfManRadio, #IsleOfManRadioAdvertising, #IsleOfManRadioStation, #IsleOfManRadioStations, #IsleOfManSchoolClosures, #IsleOfManTelevision, #IsleOfManTv, #IsleOfManTwitter, #Isleofdeals, #Isleofmandeals, #JasonQuinn, #KevinFord, #LateNightLoveSongs, #Manx, #ManxRadio, #MattFletcher, #MoreMusicOnAirOnlineOnIPadAndOnIPhone, #Moremusic, #MorningCrew, #MorningCrew3FMMorningCrew, #Music, #NjWilliams, #RadioPlayer, #Radio3Fm, #Radioplayer, #RadioplayerCoUk, #RonBerry, #SchoolClosures, #TheMorningCrew, #ThreeFm, #Threedotfm, #Threefm, #TonyJames, #Tt, #TtRace, #TtRaces, #Ukradioplayer
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go88zday · 3 months
Link tải/ truy cập cổng game bài go88
Lý do cổng game bài Go88 được yêu thích Go88 là lựa chọn hàng đầu của nhiều game thủ với những lý do sau:
Hoạt động hợp pháp: Go88 tuân thủ quy định của Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission và có giấy phép kinh doanh trò chơi điện tử hợp pháp tại Philippines.
Minh bạch và công bằng: Go88 cam kết kiểm tra nghiêm ngặt các trò chơi để đảm bảo tính công bằng và kết quả không can thiệp.
Giao diện website tiện ích: Giao diện web hiện đại, tinh tế và dễ sử dụng giúp người chơi tìm kiếm thông tin và thực hiện giao dịch một cách thuận tiện.
Đồ hoạ game mượt mà: Go88 sử dụng công nghệ hiện đại để mang đến hình ảnh sắc nét và chân thực.
Chế độ hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ: Go88 hỗ trợ nhiều ngôn ngữ khác nhau, giúp game thủ trên toàn thế giới truy cập và tương tác dễ dàng.
Ứng dụng di động tiện lợi: Ứng dụng di động dễ sử dụng trên cả iOS và Android, giúp người chơi tham gia cá cược mọi lúc, mọi nơi.
Phòng chơi game hiện đại: Go88 mang đến không gian chơi đẳng cấp và sang trọng, với sự phân loại khoa học của các trò chơi.
Quá trình nạp/rút tiền siêu tốc: Go88 có tính năng siêu tốc để hỗ trợ việc nạp và rút tiền, giúp mọi người dễ dàng giao dịch.
Cam kết bảo mật tuyệt đối: Bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân của người chơi là ưu tiên hàng đầu của Go88 với các công nghệ bảo mật hiện đại.
Hotgirl dealer hót hòn họt: Sân chơi live casino với dàn hotgirl xinh đẹp, tạo bầu không khí sôi động và hấp dẫn.
Tỷ lệ đổi thưởng cao: Go88 tự tin cung cấp tỷ lệ đổi thưởng cao nhất trên thị trường, giúp game thủ có cơ hội rinh về những phần thưởng hấp dẫn.
Dịch vụ CSKH tận tình: Đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng chuyên nghiệp, sẵn sàng giúp đỡ người chơi 24/7 qua nhiều kênh liên lạc.
Chi tiết tại: https://go88z.day/
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vhl1 · 3 months
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หากคุณชอบความท้าทาย มองหาที่เล่น สล็อตออนไลน์เว็บไหนดี นี่เป็นข้อมูลที่คุณห้ามพลาด! เพราะเราได้รวบรวม 10 อันดับเว็บเดิมพันสล็อตออนไลน์ที่ได้มาตรฐานระดับสากล และปั่นสล็อตง่าย จ่ายเงินจริง มาไว้ให้คุณแล้ว ในบทความนี้เราจะแนะนำเว็บชั้นนำสำหรับการเดิมพันสล็อต และช่วยให้คุณเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับประเภทของเกมสล็อตได้มากขึ้น แนะนำเกมที่น่าสนใจ เกมไหนที่คุณควรลองเล่น รวมทั้งจะอธิบายว่า RTP คืออะไร ? และเหตุใดจึงเป็นเรื่องสำคัญในการเลือกเกมสล็อต นอกจากนี้ จะให้คำแนะนำในการเล่นที่ผู้เล่นมือใหม่ก็เข้าใจได้โดยง่าย อย่างการเลือกเว็บไซต์เดิมพัน ระบบการหมุนสล็อตอย่างยุติธรรม วิธีการสุ่มในเกม อีกทั้งจะแบ่งปันเคล็ดลับและกลยุทธ์ที่เป็นประโยชน์ เพื่อให้คุณมีโอกาสในการเอาชนะแจ็คพ็อตในเกมได้มากขึ้น
หากคุณชอบความท้าทาย มองหาที่เล่น สล็อตออนไลน์เว็บไหนดี นี่เป็นข้อมูลที่คุณห้ามพลาด! เพราะเราได้รวบรวม 10 อันดับเว็บเดิมพันสล็อตออนไลน์ที่ได้มาตรฐานระดับสากล และปั่นสล็อตง่าย จ่ายเงินจริง มาไว้ให้คุณแล้ว ในบทความนี้เราจะแนะนำเว็บชั้นนำสำหรับการเดิมพันสล็อต และช่วยให้คุณเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับประเภทของเกมสล็อตได้มากขึ้น แนะนำเกมที่น่าสนใจ เกมไหนที่คุณควรลองเล่น รวมทั้งจะอธิบายว่า RTP คืออะไร ? และเหตุใดจึงเป็นเรื่องสำคัญในการเลือกเกมสล็อต นอกจากนี้ จะให้คำแนะนำในการเล่นที่ผู้เล่นมือใหม่ก็เข้าใจได้โดยง่าย อย่างการเลือกเว็บไซต์เดิมพัน ระบบการหมุนสล็อตอย่างยุติธรรม วิธีการสุ่มในเกม อีกทั้งจะแบ่งปันเคล็ดลับและกลยุทธ์ที่เป็นประโยช1. Betflik Slot ข้อดี การสมัครสมาชิกง่ายและรวดเร็ว สามารถเข้าเล่นเกมได้ทันที มีระบบความปลอดภัยสูงสำหรับรักษาข้อมูลส่วนตัวและการทำธุรกรรม ข้อเสีย แบรนด์ยังไม่ค่อยมีชื่อเสียงมากนัก จึงอาจยังไม่เป็นที่รู้จัก การให้บริการมีเฉพาะเมนูภาษาไทย ทำให้มีข้อจำกัดในการใช้งานภาษาอื่น
BK88 ข้อดี ค่ายเกมหลากหลาย เช่น NextSpin Spadegaming Game Play เป็นต้น รองรับการเล่นผ่านทางเว็บ และมือถือทั้ง IOS และ Android โปรโมชั่นมากมายให้เลือกรับ ยอดทำเทิร์นต่ำ เงินคืน และโบนัสพิเศษที่น่าสนใจ ข้อเสีย เกมสล็อตมีโอกาสแตกน้อย ช่องทางการให้บริการมีจำนวนจำกัด
Fun88 ข้อดี เว็บใช้งานง่าย สมัครสมาชิกได้อย่างรวดเร็วและไม่ซับซ้อน ฝาก-ถอนเงินได้ตลอด 24 ชม. มีช่องทางการฝากที่หลากหลาย เช่น QR Code ทรูมันนี่ วอลเล็ท ข้อเสีย บางเกมเป็นเวอร์ชันภาษาอังกฤษ อาจไม่สะดวกสำหรับบางคน มีเกมทดลองเล่นฟรี แต่จำกัดเฉพาะบางเกมเท่านั้น
W88 ข้อดี ติดต่อได้หลายช่องทาง เช่น แชทสด Line E-mail ตอบคำถามได้เร็ว โปรโมชั่นร่วมสนุกรางวัลใหญ่ เช่น สล็อตทัวร์นาเมนท์ จาก EVOLUTION PRAGMATIC PLAY ชิงรางวัลมูลค่าหลายล้านบาท ข้อเสีย บางค่ายเกมมีปัญหาเมื่อเชื่อมต่อผ่าน Wifi และใช้เวลาโหลดนาน การฝากเงินครั้งแรกซับซ้อน ต้องรอติดต่อเจ้าหน้าที่ก่อน
Dafabet ข้อดี เว็บใช้งานง่าย การเติมเงินสะดวก โอนเงินและเข้าห้องเกมได้ทันที การบริการลูกค้าที่รวดเร็ว มีช่องทางติดต่อหลากช่องทาง เช่น ไลน์ E-mail โทรศัพท์ ข้อเสีย ไม่มีเกมให้ทดลองเล่นก่อน โปรโมชั่นบางอย่างต้องการยอดฝากขั้นต่ำที่สูง
Happyluke ข้อดี ได้รับการรับรองจากองค์กรพนันหลายแห่ง เช่น PAGCOR BMM Testlabs GC ซึ่งเพิ่มความน่าเชื่อถือ โปรโมชั่นสล็อตมากมาย เช่น โบนัสต้อนรับสมาชิกใหม่ ฝากเงินรายวัน และคืนเงินรายวัน ข้อเสีย ช่องทางการฝากเงินค่อนข้างจำกัดและไม่ทันสมัย ช่องทางการให้บริการมีน้อย และบางครั้งแอดมินตอบไม่ตรงคำถาม
Yes8 ข้อดี ได้รับการรับรองจากองค์กรพนันหลายแห่ง เช่น PAGCOR BMM Testlabs GC ซึ่งเพิ่มความน่าเชื่อถือ โปรโมชั่นสล็อตมากมาย เช่น โบนัสต้อนรับสมาชิกใหม่ ฝากเงินรายวัน และคืนเงินรายวัน ข้อเสีย ช่องทางการฝากเงินค่อนข้างจำกัดและไม่ทันสมัย ช่องทางการให้บริการมีน้อย และบางครั���งแอดมินตอบไม่ตรงคำถาม
Huc99 ข้อดี การฝากเงินง่ายและมีช่องทางการฝากหลากหลาย ฝาก-ถอนขั้นต่ำเพียง 10 บาท ความน่าเชื่อถือสูง ได้รับใบรับรองจาก GLI และ First Cagayan ใน Philippines ข้อเสีย ช่องทางการติดต่อและบริการลูกค้ามีจำนวนจำกัด บางเกมไม่มีคำอธิบายเป็นภาษาไทย
Ole77 ข้อดี เว็บไซต์ใช้งานง่าย มีหมวดหมู่ชัดเจน ดูทันสมัย และมีแอดมินบริการ 24 ชม. เว็บไซต์น่าเชื่อถือ ได้รับใบรับรองจาก Isle of Man Government และ PAGCOR ข้อเสีย บางค่ายเกมต้องใช้เวลานานในการดาวน์โหลด บางค่ายเกมไม่มีระบบทดลองเล่น
AW8 ข้อดี สมัครสมาชิกง่าย ฝากเงินขั้นต่ำ 50 บาท ถอนขั้นต่ำ 300 บาท แอดมินบริการ 24 ชม. เว็บมีใบรับรองถูกต้อง และเข้าเล่นได้หลายช่องทาง เช่น เว็บไซต์ ผ่านแอปบนมือถือ IOS หรือ Android ข้อเสีย ช่องทางการฝากเงินมีไม่หลากหลาย บางเกมไม่มีระบบทดลองเล่นน์ เพื่อให้คุณมีโอกาสในการเอาชนะแจ็คพ็อตในเกมได้มากขึ้น
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casinovnorg · 4 months
HIT CLUB – Game Bài Uy Tín 2024 – Đăng Nhập Android/IOS, APK
HIT CLUB được cấp phép hoạt động bởi tổ chức cá cược uy tín Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission. Với sự đảm bảo này, HIT CLUB chính là địa chỉ cược đáng tin cậy mà mọi cược thủ để có thể yên tâm tham gia.
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fun888thaiio · 6 months
สัมผัสประสบการณ์ความบันเทิงใหม่ล่าสุดบน Fun888
Fun88 แสดงให้เห็นถึงความมุ่งมั่นอย่างแน่วแน่ต่อความโปร่งใสและการปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบ และด้วยเหตุนี้ จึงได้รับรางวัลด้วยใบอนุญาตอันทรงเกียรติ รวมถึงใบอนุญาตการพนันออนไลน์ของ Isle of Man และใบอนุญาตการดำเนินงานจากต่างประเทศจาก Philippine Entertainment and Gaming Authority (PAGCOR) ใบอนุญาตเหล่านี้เป็นข้อพิสูจน์ถึงความทุ่มเทอย่างแน่วแน่ของ Fun88 ในการสร้างสภาพแวดล้อมการเล่นเกมที่ปลอดภัยและยุติธรรม ในขณะเดียวกันก็สร้างชื่อเสียงให้ตัวเองเป็นผู้นำที่เชื่อถือได้ในอุตสาหกรรมคาสิโนออนไลน์ ในขณะที่ Fun888 ยังคงเติบโตอย่างต่อเนื่อง บริษัทยังคงมุ่งมั่นที่จะยอมรับความก้าวหน้าทางเทคโนโลยีและปรับปรุงข้อเสนอเพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไปของลูกค้าที่ฉลาด ทางเข้า เว็บพนันFun88 นำเสนอตัวเลือกการเล่นเกมออนไลน์ที่หลากหลาย รวมถึงสล็อตออนไลน์ คาสิโนสด เกมโต๊ะสามมิติ เกมด่วน และตั๋วลอตเตอรี สัมผัสประสบการณ์ความตื่นเต้นและความตื่นเต้นของ Fun888 ด้วยแอพคาสิโน ฟัน88 ใหม่ พร้อมให้ดาวน์โหลดแล้วบนอุปกรณ์ iOS และ Android ด้วยแอปนี้ โลกแห่งเกมออนไลน์ก็อยู่ใกล้แค่เอื้อม Fun88 มอบสิ่งจูงใจมากมายเพื่อยกระดับประสบการณ์การเล่นเกม ตั้งแต่โบนัสต้อนรับสำหรับสมาชิกใหม่ไปจนถึงโปรโมชั่นต่อเนื่องสำหรับผู้เล่นผู้ภักดี โปรโมชั่นเหล่านี้ประกอบด้วยโบนัสเงินฝาก ฟรีสปิน และข้อเสนอคืนเงิน พร้อมด้วยรางวัลวีไอพีสุดพิเศษ เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่าผู้เล่นรู้สึกมีคุณค่าและมีแรงบันดาลใจในการเล่นต่อไป ด้วยความเข้าใจถึงความสำคัญของความสะดวกสบายทางการเงิน Fun888 จึงเสนอวิธีการชำระเงินที่หลากหลายเพื่อรองรับฐานผู้ใช้ทั่วโลก ไม่ว่าจะฝากเงินหรือถอนเงินรางวัล ผู้เล่นสามารถเข้าถึงตัวเลือกการชำระเงินที่ปลอดภัยและเชื่อถือได้ รวมถึงบัตรเครดิต/เดบิต กระเป๋าเงินอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ การโอนเงินผ่านธนาคาร และอื่นๆ อีกมากมาย นอกเหนือจากข้อเสนอมากมายแล้ว Fun88 ยังให้ความสำคัญกับความพึงพอใจของลูกค้าด้วยการให้ข้อมูลการติดต่อที่ครอบคลุมและช่องทางการสนับสนุนที่มีประสิทธิภาพ ผู้ใช้สามารถขอความช่วยเหลือในเรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบัญชี ปัญหาทางเทคนิค หรือการสอบถามทั่วไปได้อย่างง่ายดายผ่านทีมสนับสนุนลูกค้าเฉพาะของ ทางเข้า Fun88 Thai เว็บตรง นี่คือรายละเอียดการติดต่อของ fun88: เว็บไซต์อย่างเป็นทางการ: https://fun88thai.io/ ที่อยู่: 932 ถนน นางลิ้นจี่ แขวง ทุ่งมหาเมฆ เขต สาทร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10120 สายด่วน: 6624554258 อีเมลล์: [email protected] Line ID: @fun88thaiio
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enkisstories · 1 year
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(I have this in my head since this morning and need to get it out. May take screenshots later for illustration purpose, but don’t count on me doing a full video)
CSI: DETROIT - Opening
The camera slowly flies over Belle Isle, showcased are the CyberLife tower and the android production plants
The camera moves down to reveal a beach and recreation area for the employees at the very edge of the island. It swoops down.
We now see Tina, wearing a police uniform’s pants, a blue buttoned shirt and tie, in a yoga pose, looking out at the Detroit river. A gentle breeze ruffles her hair. The moment is calm, almost serene.
Gavin (in his leather jacket) and Daniel (in an android polo, carrying an evidence kit) GLOMP Tina!
All three roll over each other, then sort out whose limbs are whose.
The camera focuses on the laughing Gavin.
Caption: “Neil Newbon as Gavin Reed”
The camera moves out to reveal Daniel’s LED flickering between blue and yellow, he raises his hand to rub his forehead
Caption: “Ben Lambert as Daniel Phillips”
Gavin’s smile turns into a concerned expression and he moves closer to Daniel, however, before the audience fully realizes what’s happening (their enemies to lovers arc is a major plot point of Season 1), Tina gets up, grabs her jacket and police cap and dons both, obscuring the men from view.
Caption: “We were too dumb to google her name” as Tina Chen
The camera now follows a police car crossing McArthur bridge into the city of Detroit. It moves at about rooftop height (the cam, not the car).
Briefly seen are Markus and other members of Jericho, discussing something on a roof (Jericho gets teased here because they will often show up as suspects, witnesses or victims in the show).
The police car enters the DPD central station’s parking lot. Chris exits, but isn’t credited yet.
In the DPD crime lab the camera now sits at desk height. A man in a suit approaches two solutions on a lab table. He carefully inserts a pipette to get a sample.
As the man moves his hands, the camera pulls back and reveals him as Connor, wearing his android uniform.
Connor looks over his shoulder, puts away the pipette and instead puts his finger into the flask. He then puts it in his mouth for analysis.
Hank approaches from behind a shelf and gesticulates his protest.
Time stops briefly, focus on Connor still with the finger in mouth, fade out Hank
Caption: “Bryan Dechart as Connor Stern”
Time still stopped, fade out Connor, focus on Hank
Caption: “Clancy Brown as Hank Anderson”
Hank slaps his forehead and leaves.
(I love Hank a lot, but I suck at writing him, so that’s why he’d end up as comic relief along with Connor in the show)
The camera is now back in the DPD’s reception hall.
The ST300 twins sit behind the desk, one of them talks to Chris, who just entered with an evidence bag in hand. Next to them both stands a woman in techie clothes and holding a tablet (her name tag says “System Admin S. Miller”, she’s Chris’ wife and if the audience looks closely, the tablet is revealed to have a gardening hobby magazine loaded).
The trio turns into the camera when Hank and Connor approach.
The camera moves to capture each of the three’s heads until they are arranged in a triangle formation, then one caption for all three (since they are only minor/supporting characters in the show):
Lower left corner: “Edwin Gaffney as Chris”
Upper corner: “Jacqueline Berces as Rika”
Lower right corner: “This is an OC as Susan“
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8liveredd · 6 months
Giới thiệu 8LIVE – nhà cái được yêu thích nhất hiện nay
https://8live.red/  là một trong những nhà cung cấp hàng đầu về sản phẩm cá cược trực tuyến tại khu vực Châu Á, được cấp giấy phép hoạt động bởi Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission (IOM). Hiệp hội này thực hiện quá trình thẩm định nghiêm ngặt, bao gồm đánh giá các yếu tố như quy mô đội ngũ nhân viên, chất lượng phục vụ, trung tâm dữ liệu internet, sản phẩm, và an toàn tài chính.
Giới thiệu 8LIVE
8LIVE cung cấp sản phẩm BONG88 với các hình thức đặt cược hàng đầu trên thị trường, bao gồm các môn thể thao như bóng đá, bóng rổ, tennis, bóng bầu dục và nhiều giải đấu khác trên toàn thế giới. Ngoài ra, 8live còn cung cấp các loại cược khác như thể thao ảo, E-Sport, casino trực tuyến, lô đề, xổ số, numbergame, tài xỉu, xóc đĩa, bầu cua,...
Khách hàng của 8live có cơ hội nhận hoàn trả cược lên đến 1.5% tổng tiền đặt cược trong ngày, không phân biệt kết quả thắng hay thua. Ngoài ra, 8live cũng có các chương trình tri ân khách hàng nhân dịp lễ tết, giúp khách hàng vừa thư giãn vừa nhận được những phần quà hấp dẫn để tiếp tục tham gia và trải nghiệm dịch vụ từ 8live.
8LIVE cam kết cung cấp dịch vụ hỗ trợ nhanh chóng và chất lượng nhất cho khách hàng. Dịch vụ hỗ trợ khách hàng tận tình 24/7 sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và hướng dẫn khách hàng trong quá trình tham gia cá cược trên trang.
Với 8live, người chơi có thể yên tâm về tính minh bạch và không lo lắng về rủi ro lừa đảo. Ngoài ra, họ cũng có cơ hội nhận được hàng loạt ưu đãi và khuyến mãi hấp dẫn mà không phải nhà cái nào cũng có thể cung cấp.
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8LIVE – hỗ trợ đa nền tảng
8LIVE có ưu điểm là được hỗ trợ trên mọi thiết bị chạy hệ điều hành Android và iOS. Điều này cho phép người chơi trải nghiệm những trò chơi thú vị và tận hưởng cảm giác Jackpot tuyệt vời ngay trong tầm tay của mình. Bạn có thể tải ứng dụng trực tiếp từ Google Play Store hoặc App Store để đăng ký tài khoản và tham gia vào hệ thống 8LIVE. Nếu gặp khó khăn trong việc tải ứng dụng 8LIVE, bạn có thể liên hệ với đội ngũ hỗ trợ của nhà cái uy tín 8LIVE để được hỗ trợ tạo tài khoản và hướng dẫn về các thao tác nạp và rút tiền sau khi đã đọc xong giới thiệu về 8LIVE.
Xem thêm: https://8live.red/gioi-thieu-8live/ 
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app9606com · 6 months
Giới thiệu App 9606
App 9606 — Link tải app nhanh nhất về iOS và Android
Nhà cái 9606 đã xây dựng thành công sân chơi cá cược trực tuyến uy tín hàng đầu Châu Á và riêng tại Việt Nam đã có hơn hàng nghìn lượt đăng ký mỗi ngày. Nhà cái 9606 được cấp giấy phép hoạt động hợp pháp bởi khu kinh tế Isle of Man & Cagayan Economic Zone and Free Port.
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Tuy là một nhà cái mới hơn nhưng với tốc độ tăng trưởng cực kỳ mạnh mẽ tại Việt Nam, nhà cái 9606 đã dần khẳng định được vị thế vững mạnh của mình. 9606 luôn quan tâm đến các sản phẩm, dịch vụ giải trí trước khi tung ra thị trường. Luôn tận tình và chu đáo với mọi khách hàng tham gia vui chơi giải trí của nhà cái. Sự hài lòng của người chơi luôn là động lực để nhà cái không ngừng thay đổi và phát triển.
Ứng dụng 9606 ra đời, được nhà cái đầu tư uy tín với nền tảng của hai hệ điều hành chính phổ biến là Android và iOS. Giao diện tại ứng dụng 9606 mang đến cho người chơi cảm giác chuyên nghiệp và hiện đại.
Đầu tiên là những thông tin, tin tức mới nhất liên quan đến các sảnh chơi, các trận đấu trực tuyến hấp dẫn và banner khuyến mãi, ưu đãi,… đều được công bố, cập nhật rõ ràng và mới nhất mỗi ngày.
Màu sắc và bố cục của ứng dụng mang lại cảm giác chất lượng cao mà không quá chói mắt người chơi. Tất cả kết hợp lại để tạo nên sự ưa thích và thân thiện tối ưu cho người chơi tham gia đặt cược.
Còn về tính chất bảo mật tại ứng dụng 9606, mọi thông tin của người chơi sẽ được bảo mật tuyệt đối nhờ công nghệ iTech LABS, kết hợp cùng iTech LABS và hệ thống GoDaddy cũng được nhà cái 9606 áp dụng để tăng tính bảo mật cao hơn, mang đến sự đảm bảo tuyệt đối về thông tin cá nhân được cung cấp từ người chơi
. Nhà cái 9606 luôn cam kết không tiết lộ bất kỳ thông tin nào cho bên thứ ba, kể cả chính phủ khi bạn đã trở thành thành viên tại nhà cái.
Sự đa dạng của các sảnh trò chơi điều được các chuyên gia và cộng đồng game thủ ghi nhận, đánh giá tại nhà cái 9606. Hàng trăm trò chơi khác nhau được tập hợp tại đây ứng dụng nhà cái, mang đến nhiều trải nghiệm thú vị cho người chơi khi tham gia đặt cược. Khi bạn tải ứng dụng 9606 và cài đặt về điện thoại, bạn sẽ không bao giờ sợ nhàm chán trong những giờ phút rảnh rỗi của mình.
Với ứng dụng cá cược trực tuyến App 9606 bạn có thể tham gia đặt cược mọi lúc mọi người không tốn quá nhiều thời gian như bạn đặt cược tại website, hãy tải ngay ứng dụng 9606 về máy.
Địa chỉ: 218 Đường Phạm Đức Sơn, Phường 16, Quận 8, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Điện thoại: 0921949094
Website: https://app9606.com/
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