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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Eid mubarik friends! May Allah SWT accept our sacrifice and bless our lives with peace and happiness Ameen! . . . . . #eid2020 #happyeid #happyeid2020 #eidmubarak #eidmubarak2020 #eidmubarak❤ #eidquarantine2020 #eidmubarik #eidmubarikeveryone #islamiclifestyle #skbillustrations #skbarchitecture #masjidalharam🕋 #masjidharam #masjidalharam #halallife #muslimsofamerica #muslimsofcanada #muslimcelebration #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprint #islamicreminders #islamicartist #islamicart #islamicreminder #islamicnote #islamicnotes #islamisthewayoflife #islamisbeautiful #eidsaeed https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUb2dAjqOY/?igshid=g003ua6dfjw7
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ananabilaolshop · 5 years ago
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🎉 *AKTIVITAS SERU TETAP #DIRUMAH* 🎉 Assalamu’alaikum Parents, tahukah bahwa kegiatan yang sederhana seperti mewarnai dapat memberikan manfaat seumur hidup bagi tumbuh kembang si Kecil? Yap, aktivitas yang terlihat sederhana namun menyenangkan ini, mampu memicu imajinasi mereka dan memberikan kesempatan untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka. Selain menjadi metode yang efektif dalam melatih kemampuan koordinasi, si Kecil juga mampu meningkatkan daya konsentrasinya. Nah, maka dari itu cocok banget digunakan sebagai salah satu metode untuk sarana pengenalan kepada si Kecil yang sedang dalam tahap mulai belajar. Kami hadirkan paket *”Islamic Coloring Book”* di tengah keluarga sebagai sarana pendukung belajar si Kecil. Tidak hanya mewarnai, si Kecil juga dapat belajar tentang isi dalam Al-Qur`an dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami. Dengan aktivitas mewarnai, diharapkan si kecil dapat mengasah kemampuan motorik, kognitif, juga kemampuan lainnya dengan optimal. Perlu panduan dan bimbingan dari Parents ya! Agar si kecil mampu belajar dengan lebih maksimal dan terarah. 🤗 Jadi, pesan segera dan nikmati keseruan berkreasi bersama si Kecil mumpung masih di Rumah aja! ---------------------------------- *Pre Order* *Islamic Coloring Book* *Spesifikasi: 📖 - Untuk anak usia 3+ - 1 Paket 3 Buku - Ukuran A4 20x30 cm - Isi 1 Warna @24 hlm - Kertas HVS 80gr - Softcover laminasi - Berat -+ 300gr (1kg = Isi 3 Paket) 💰 Bonus: Sticker Panduan Mewarnai ------------------------------------ *Harga Normal* ~*75.000*~ *Harga PO 49.000* *Masa PO : 16-26 Juni 2020* *Kirim mulai* 30 Juni 2020 #Ziyadbooks #Preorder #Coloringbook #Islamiccoloringbook #Activitybook #Bukupaud #bukutk #ananabilaolshop Ana nabila olshop Cerdas melayani kebutuhan anda, berbagi informasi bit.ly/orderAnanabilaolshop Info produk Ana Nabila Olshop : https://t.me/produkananabilaolshop Channel telegram berbagi info kesehatan dan parenting : https://t.me/ananabilaolshop (di Ana nabila olshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBg5tTKDPG0/?igshid=bu2fn9uze9g8
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Download this Hajj presentation FREE from @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #ramadan #ibadah #islam #hajj #hajj2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0InH3dgJj9/?igshid=1j4np0t4cyif7
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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My fashion illustrations coloring book is available as digital download at my Etsy shop. You get instant access to 10 beautiful hijabi illustrations in the form of line drawings as well as a reference page for ideas! All you have to do is print and immerse yourself in coloring and designing your favorite modest fashion looks 👍🏼 . Link in bio. Check in accessories section. . 🌼 Eid al adha sale active!! 🌼 Matching products available; perfect for gifting 🌼 Customizable mugs and journals 🌼 Free shipping for US buyers on orders totaling 35 USD or more . Happy shopping and happy Eid preps! 🤗 . . . . . #muslimahmommy #muslimgift #muslimcoloringbook #islamiccoloringbook #skbillustrations #creativemuslimkids #muslimkidsbooks #muslimkidactivities #muslimahrevert #islamicprint #islamiclifestyle #islamiccoloringbook #islamickidsactivities #muslimgirlfashion💖😍👌 #muslimgirl #muslimgirlscan #muslimswhomake #muslimfashionillustration #hijabiillustration #muslimillustrators #hijabstagram #muslimcreatives #creativewomen #femalecreatives #femaleillustrators #femalehustlers #womanartists #muslimartistsworldwide #modestfashionweek #modestfashionistas https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPcNAzjHUO/?igshid=14lpgaabln4m7
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Hey friends! My HIJABI ILLUSTRATIONS COLORING BOOK is now available at my Etsy store! 🤗 It's available as a digital download but you can use it both digitally or for printing on paper and coloring in. . I've had this idea for quite some time, and wanted to finish creating it earlier .. and Alhamdulillah I'm so happy it's all done and ready to use now 👊🏼 . Not only can you ladies enjoy it but kids can have a fun time coloring in, especially these days when there's ample time to spend refining their creativity. Hope you enjoy 🙌🏼 . . . #muslimkids #muslimactivity #muslimactivities #hijabiart #hijabfashionstyle #islamiccoloringbook #muslimcoloristas #muslimchildrenbooks #muslimgirlbook #booksformuslimkids #booksformuslimchildren #muslimcreatives #creativemuslimarts #muslimmoms #muslimmotherhood #muslimmothers #muslimcrafts #muslimbookclub #muslimbook #hijabfashionbook #muslimahentrepreneur #skbillustrations #skbhijabigirls #muslimsoftoronto #muslimsofamerica #muslimsoftheworld #muslimteens #creativemuslimkids #creativeummah #muslimkidsstuff (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QsnIDDDg_/?igshid=5uur3vwdaum2
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Download this Ramadan chart as well as other Ramadan related resources FREE from @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #ramadan #ibadah #islam https://www.instagram.com/p/BxsQLJxjDqp/?igshid=qida1a3wq5f7
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Simple feedback proforma now available to download free from @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #hadith #sahaba #feedback https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpQpsmgKqu/?igshid=15x3iuwuks3eg
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Introduce an author to a book, or a famous personality with this template from @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #hadith #sahaba #author https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmUvbZDhy0/?igshid=1xzhu33q4kosm
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Do your kids know their Arabic letters? Get this random letter generator FREE @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #arabicletters https://www.instagram.com/p/BxXysU2A6-E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hk2z8vddqbhp
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Get this FREE literacy dartboard template @ilmbank Perfect for incorporating some literacy into any lesson. . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #quiz #literacy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUqIGMAxNG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gwyay710ccnp
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Get this FREE Quiz template @ilmbank Perfect for testing the little ones. . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #quiz https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSq1hDAgWJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hg2ks2nyzn
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ilmbank · 6 years ago
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Get this FREE printable Islamic Months wordsearch @ilmbank . . Double tap to ♥️♥️ . . Follow @ilmbank for printables . . #arabicworksheets #islamiccoloringbook #islamicprintables #printables #printable #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacher #islamicresources #arabic #teachingresources #teachersofinstagram #homeschool #islamichomeschooling #ramadan #islamicmonths https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQCkUsgV7Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u1lm2kq8xssu
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Jummah Mubarak friends 🤗 . Here’s another time-lapse for you, this time it’s the Al Aqsa Mosque ❤️ . If you want to destress and like colouring, or your kids like it, this Digital Colouring Book is so good 😊 It comes as a set of 5 of our best loved Masjids from around the world and you can download them INSTANTLY upon payment at my Etsy store (link in bio) . Then just print out the pages, get your art supplies and start colouring 🙌🏼 And btw the cover page of this digital book is a fully colored illustration itself! So you can frame it and put it up on your wall too 😉👍🏼 . Stay safe . . . . . . . . . . #masjid #masjiddrawing #masjidalaqsa #masjidaqsa🕌 #masjidalaqsaklaten #masjidart #creativemuslimwomen #creativemuslim #creativelifehappylife #creativemuslimah #skbillustrations #timelapsedrawing #timelapsemasjid #masjidillustration #alaqsamosque #muslimartist #muslimahartist #muslimartistsworldwide #muslimahart #hijabiartist #illustratorsoninstagram #muslimillustrator #newmuslim #muslimkidsbooks #muslimkids #islamiccoloringbook #islamiccoloringbookforadult #etsysellersofinstagram #etsydigitaldownloads #etsyartists https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWK7yfDnaq/?igshid=cg9pnik2evke
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skbillustrations · 5 years ago
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Masjid coloring book 🖍📙 . Instant download in book format. All you need to do is print it out and staple it. Includes a beautiful colored cover page and 5 gorgeous masajid drawings 😍 . Shop link in bio . . . . . . . . . . . . #skbillustrations #americanmuslims #americanmuslimah #hijabifitness #fithijabi #fitmuslimah #muslimfitness #fitnesshijabi #americanmuslim #bossmuslimah #canadianmuslims #cmwartmonday #converttoislam #niqabilove #muslimmomsofontario #muslimmotherhood #muslimcommunities #muslimcommunity #muslimconvert #muslimcouple #muslimentrepreneur #muslimfashionblogger #muslimfashionbrand #muslimfashiondesign #muslimfashionista #muslimahblogger #muslimahbloggers #muslimahentrepreneur #muslimkidsbooks #islamiccoloringbook (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBRioZ0DdwV/?igshid=10ilgqhjn6m2w
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