#islamic accounting
mashriqiyyah · 3 months
To the Bloggers who share/reblog ayat from Quran, statements where the Names of Allah are mentioned, name of RasulAllah ﷺ is taken...
and then they share pictures of almost naked women, couples being intimate, reblogs with offensive words...
Shame on you.
Recheck your state of mind and your sanity because it's really abnormal that you're not ashamed to mix filth with purity in such way. And no one should say a word, that no-ones perfect and that kinda rubbish because what you're doing is actually a sin. You're not only lusting over such filth but you're also sharing it. And putting the same on a platform where Islamic texts are shared...?! Seriously?
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cb-reblog · 10 months
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laundryandtaxes · 5 months
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Oh, unlike the sanctions and isolation regime and literal proxy wars that the US has been engaging in while doing things like outright assasinating this country's most prominent general on the basis that he allegedly armed terrorists just like the US has done for my entire lifetime, some other sort of thing
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plotbunbun · 1 year
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The Palestinian death toll above does not count the imprisoned, nor the missing, nor the wronged of the decades before 2008, nor the hundreds dead just this month - including children.
"Have you not seen those who meet Allah’s favours with ingratitude and lead their own people to their doom? In Hell they will burn. What an evil place for settlement. (...) "Do not think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when [their] eyes will stare in horror - as they rush forward with their necks outstretched, their heads upraised, their eyes unblinking and their hearts void." — The Qur'an, chapter 14 ("Abraham"), verses 28-29, 42-43
The Palestinian people have a right to armed resistance and they will not be silenced by Zionist dogs.
A few charity campaigns to deliver aid packages to our brethren:
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capriciouscayenne · 5 months
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studzblr · 1 year
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September Updates
Ki rakom? I hope you all are doing great.
So I'm here for the updates: The 12 months long internship is over. I can't explain my feelings about it, but all in all it was a decent experience and I'm so grateful for it ( internat > externat ).
Now I'm trying to catch up on the lessons since I am planning to pass the residency exam in less than 2 months. I'm way behind schedule, life is complicated but with the help of Allah there is nothing to worry about. Khbich is not intense as I wished it to be in this period but I'm trying to be smart and put the important things under control.
I'm thinking of throwing an x days productivity challenge but I have commitment issues. I don't know, I will think about it..
Also, food is my bestie lately.
God, I missed this blog.
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traumadumpjournal · 2 months
saw a new psych today, & the experience was actually quite positive. i’m kinda sad i won’t see them again as i’ll be transferring to another team soon (based on location). they were muslim too, & one thing we worked on was trying to alleviate the religious guilt i feel about having no contact with my family. one thing that was said that was a (much-needed) punch in the gut was: ‘if they didn’t care for you for 26 yrs, what makes you think they will start caring now?’ i mean, they were right but 🫠🫠🫠
they will also consult with the pharmacy about putting me back on medication, & what i can have. i’ve been unmedicated for just under a year now (by choice), so the decision to start taking meds again is not a light one. but i have to be v careful with what i can have, partly due to my history of stockpiling/od-ing & also how certain medications interact with my myasthenia gravis. sleep is also a big issue for me, but i can’t have medication for that as it will literally kill me 😅 i have been dealing with a lot of nightmares/unpleasant dreams, which is to be expected, but sucks big time.
they kept saying that i’ve been through a lot, a lot, a lot. it’s time to put myself first, & they are putting a lot of trust in me to be able to do that (re: reintroducing medications even though i am still having thoughts of sh/sui (passive)). i’ve also been told to not bottle things up, so here i am lol. i have to heal myself before i can think about healing family. esp if they are not ready to take accountability for their own healing. i know all of this ofc, but it’s important to be reminded.
i didn’t think i’d be divulging all my trauma today, i thought they would rely on notes from my cpn or previous psych, but i don’t feel too upset or triggered. i also asked them to pray for me.
thank you, dr k. ❤️
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fromdusttosoil · 2 years
can someone explain to me why christianity is treated as this unique evil on this website? No christianity isn't the only religion with religous abuse. No christianity isn't the only religion that suffers from systematic child abuse. No christianity is not the only religion with corruption.
you guys really act like all religions except for christianity are these amazing spaces of discussions of faith and full of acceptance. All religions except christianity have a rich history of examining texts and changing and bettering and going with the times. But christianity? - no that's evil and always backwards and there's no thinking about the doctrine or discussions or change. Do you hear yourself? It's absolutely delusional.
Every religion is ripe with potential of abuse. What kind of abuse and negative impact a religion will have is dependant on how the structure of the religion is and also highly influenced by the religous communities themselves. There's plenty of cases of systematic child abuse in Islam, with mainly child marriage as a problem. Orthodox jewish communities have had a ton of abuse cases where parents where afraid of being alienated if they'd report to the police and reporting to a rabbi did nothing. don't even get me started on mormonism (no this isn't just an extra flavour of christianity, they have been counted as their own religion for a while in many countries. It's about as much christianity as christianity is judaism). Monotheistic religions tend to create closeknit communities where shame is used as a tool to keep people quiet and the hierarchies within the religions make it even worse. Polytheistic religions tend to do harm differently. For example the beliefsystem of both buddhism and hinduism tell people that their current bad situations are their own fault throw bad karma in previous lifes which makes people just accept bad living situations as well as deeply flawed societal structures like the cast system. Thay also set a system of shame where every emotion or action can possible be seen as negative, often leading to people repressing their desires and needs. I could go on but it's honestly depressing. Yes, christianity has a disproportionate amount of historical violence, war, genocide and alot of other things, but even there they're not alone.
I am not trying to say that all religion is inherently evil, because that's simply not true. While i don't believe in any god and never had i grew up religious and i have seen how much beautiful culture, art and community can be build through it. Religions gives comfort to people and it often is a really important part of a person. And most importantly religions change all the time. All religions, including christianity, have changes massively over time. People discuss and societies change and grow. There's so many different versions of most big religions that saying "Religion xyz is like this, was like this and will always be like this and it's worse than all those other ones" is just weird to me.
So can we please just have a civil discussion about religions please? One where we actually try and understand each other? And yes this also goes to atheism. No atheism isn't stupid or evil. But it's also not better than everything. Just fucking listen to people and talk to each other with kindness and compassion.
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breitzbachbea · 8 months
Herakles gets a bulky letter but it's just a page by Michele asking him to hand the other pages to Sadık, his sister-in-law wants to make inquiries. And it's like "Hi, one quastion". And is decidedly NOT one quastion.
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erismourn · 2 months
Just seen an act of Zionist violence so horrific I'm struggling to keep it together in the office 👍🏻 these people need to be removed from existence
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4thbrighteststar · 2 years
#no wait listen to me. listen to me#im south asian. my grandparents were muslim. my great aunt and uncle and their children and my parents siblings are all muslim#my parents aren't. they raised us without any religion. without even our national cultural ceremonies tied to islam#dont let yourself believe for a fucking second that has nothing to do 9/11 happening two years before i was born. two years before we moved#im south asian. my dad's first name is mohammed. when we catch a flight we get to the airport two hours earlier-#to account for the time it'll take my dad to be 'routinely stopped and searched' by airport security#routinely is right lmfao. it happens every time we fly#last time i was on an american airlines flight our checked luggage ended up across the continent and took two days to get to us#(my 12yo cousin gifted us an alarm clock that made an ominous ticking noise and we couldn't shut it the fuck up-#the luggage was labeled mohammed and coming from south asia. my sibling jokes it's a wonder we got it back)#im canadian. i cried my ass off to cfa tonight bc of how touching the story of a small town coming together to help a group of strangers is#(can't help thinking that never would've happened in a bigger city? but thereby lies another tale)#and god normally i hate 9/11 stories bc it feels like two sides of my identity being pitted against each other and it makes me so uncomfy#like as a canadian i should be sympathetic towards the states and at the same time im viscerally aware of the lasting prejudiced impacts#but cfa did it so beautifully#will never get over the 'thorough search' scene. 'you will never understand'.#the lump in my throat i get every time I watch my normally distinguished and tough and coolheaded father be pushed through airport security#how resigned he is to it. how he tries to stay dignified. how scared my mom gets every time. how rough they are with him#when he usually commands respect#and yet also the pride and the lump in my throat i got today knowing it was a little canadian town that made a difference#sigh enough out of me i just have a lot of feelings#come from away#team screams
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paul-islam · 2 years
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Kirsten Moore-Towers:  Our first family baby 😭😭😭 
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auressea · 2 years
supportive actions for the people of Iran
In the spirit of keeping the conversation going:
some ideas offered to my congregation by our fellow who is an Iranian-Canadian. (many are very White Liberal tbh)
1. Contact Canada's foreign affairs minister, Melanie Joly, and demand an investigative mechanism be set up to address this violence and ask for a direct statement condemning the actions of the Iranian government. * Telephone: 613-992-0983 (Ottawa) or 514 383-3709 (Montreal) * Email: [email protected] 2. Demands answers from your MPs and MLAs and ask that they put pressures on Iranian officials to be held accountable for their atrocities and wrong doings. Ask them to require transparency in dealing with people connected to Iran’s regime living in Canada. 3. Share information and spread awareness about the events occurring in Iran in person and on social media. Use the hashtag #MahsaAmini 4. Ask your local communities or organizations you are a part of to issue a statement of solidarity and support the Iranians in your cities, countries 5. Organize a demonstration in your community. 6. Join protests held by Iranians living in the diaspora. 7. Check on your Iranian-Canadian colleagues and friends.
Additional information can be found here: * Mass protests in Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini [Video]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHlg4MAzNLgSorry this video is not available in Canada [us a VPN] * Iran Protests: Grave Concerns for Extreme State Violence Amid Rising Death Toll [Article]: https://iranhumanrights.org/.../iran-protests-grave.../ * How protests in Iran over Mahsa Amini's death 'forever moved the debate' over women's rights [Article]: https://www.usatoday.com/.../mahsa-amini.../8074393001/
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soltlane1 · 24 days
Surah At-Takāthur
Surah At-Takāthur In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you, (Quran Surah At-Takāthur 102:1) Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die). (Quran 102:2) Nay! You shall come to know! (Quran 102:3) Again, Nay! You shall come to know! (Quran 102:4) Nay! If you knew with a sure knowledge (the end result of piling…
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streetreporters · 1 month
EFCC Boss Tasks Youths on Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity
In a bid to promote a culture of anti-corruption among Nigerian youths, the Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Ola Olukoyede, has charged students across the country to embrace transparency, accountability, and integrity. Olukoyede, who was represented by Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE II Aisha Mohammed, gave the charge on Monday, August 12,…
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ana-bananya · 2 months
Support the Jad Al Haq family
I've been asked by the family to make this post to help clear up the rumors of fraud surrounding them. All of these campaigns have been vetted by trustworthy sources and I have linked proof of verification for each of them. You may see similar photos and wording in their campaigns, but that is because they are all sisters.
Please share and donate where you can to help the Jad Al Haq family be able to reunite with Doaa in Egypt.
kr85,535 SEK/kr300,000 SEK
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@dodoomar12345 and her son Omar evacuated to Egypt. Omar is autistic and nonverbal, and is suffering from shock and trauma caused by the bombings he and his mother lived through.
Doaa is seeking to get Omar therapy and enroll him in school, but she needs support to cover the expensive weekly fees for his treatment. Her campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost.
@free-gaza2 is Doaas other account for her second campaign. This fundraiser is to help her purchase the equipment she needs to restart her sewing and embroidery business so she can support herself and Omar. It was also verified by 90-ghost.
Vetted by 90-ghost
This fundraiser is for 3 of Doaa's sisters: Tahreer, Fidaa, and Aseel. All of them were recently forced to evacuate where they were sheltering and find themselves displaced again. The funds will be used to help them afford necessities and evacuation so they can join Doaa in Egypt.
@tahreer1990 and her husband Ahmed have 4 children: Fatima, Khamees, Sarah, and Ameer. Ameer is a toddler with a broken pelvis and in desperate need of medical care. Khamees also recently underwent a tonsillectomy without proper conditions/medications due to a severe infection.
@fedao and her husband Hashem have 4 children: Dima, Abdullah, Islam, and Duaa. Hashem has an arm injury and needs medical care.
@aseelo680 is a young ambitious English student who is taking care of their elderly parents. Both their mother and father need treatment to help with their medical conditions, but Aseel cannot afford the care they need. Her father also recently suffered a stroke after losing his home, job, and relatives.
Aseel also has a second fundraiser to help with her parents' treatment and evacuation.
Vetted by 90-ghost
@/ebenrosetaylor is also doing an art raffle for Aseel's fundraiser. You can read the details here.
246 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by nabulsi and el-shab-hussein
@hanaa987 and her husband Muhammad have a 2 year old son named Youssef. Their family has now been displaced more than 6 times. They were recently forced to evacuate Khan Younis and were able to afford another tent thanks to the donations they received, but they still need support so they can afford evacuation.
Vetted by 90-ghost
@safaa18mero is a law school graduate who dreamed of becoming a lawyer to support her family. She is currently in need of support to afford milk and diapers for her 5 month old son Amir who she gave birth to during this genocide.
Vetted by 90-ghost
Additional information can be found here
@falestine-yousef and her husband have a 3 month old son named Youssef that Falestine gave birth to during this genocide. She is struggling to provide enough milk, diapers, medicine, and vitamins for her son. She also fears for Youssef's health because of the unsanitary conditions in their camp. The tent they live in is next to a dilapidated public toilet where sewage, dirt and waste is everywhere, putting her family at greater risk of contracting deadly diseases.
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