#islam blasphemy
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A jao sab Muslim bheno ager pori ratt ibadat krni mazhabi unlimited k lye message kru Iman taza kre
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A religion that shows no respect deserves and gets no respect.
#Firoozeh Bazrafkan#islam#blasphemy#blasphemy laws#religion#quran#women's rights#fuck islam#this makes me smile#religion is a mental illness
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Yes it is.
I have the right under every understanding of democratic principles and international jurisprudence to say whatever I like about your god or your prophet or anyone else you feel should be above insult and mockery.
If you believe otherwise, you are wrong.
The good news is that you should feel free to absolutely trash people and ideas I feel “should” not be trashed, such as Werner Herzog, human freedom, and my father.
At no point is any kind of violence an appropriate response to blasphemy or mockery of any kind.
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I have heard this from many of my Muslim friends - "I know what he did is wrong but that guy (who got killed) should not have insulted our prophet"
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Pakistani Christians Protest Pakistan's Heinous Blasphemy Law
To: pressattache@embassyofpakistanusa.org
To Whom It May Concern;
I join the call of the Catholic Bishops of Pakistan in decrying the persecution of Pakistani Christian Ahsan Raja Masih under Pakistan's onerous Blasphemy law, which is a defacto heinous violation of basic human rights.
I will be sharing this post widely and encourage others to do likewise.
Richard Roy Blake
Thornton Colorado USA
#islam#Pakistan#Blasphemy Law#Ahsan Raja Masih#Pakistani Blasphemy Law#human rights#freedom of speech#christianity#politics
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I think I may have made some prosleytizers happy today.
I just wanted to grab some pamphlets from the "Hello! Please join Islam" group (I Like Religious Pamphlets), but I was willing to talk and my approximate knowledge of many things extended enough to Islam that I think I kind of ?impressed? them. And I think I may have also convinced them that they had got me on the hook. I was a single failed conversational reflex save from saying the shahada.
The thing is, while my mouth was being friendly and interested, internally I was going "...that's not a revelation from God, that's something you could have known by mundane means," "that's not a revelation from God, and it's not even how mountains work," "While I can't say definitevely that that's not a revelation from God, I will point out that in any book containing a lot of imagery, the probability that that imagery can apply if you squint to something centuries later rapidly approaches 1."
And now, an hour or so later, I find myself coming up with ways to make their arguments for the truth of Islam better.
You see, the person I was talking to's argument against Christianity was that there were "too many versions of the Bible" and could you really trust your immortal soul with that? Now, he could have meant "the whole situation with the apocrypha is /weird/ when it comes to a revelation from God, what are y'all even doing." But no, from context, he meant the fact that they were multiple English translations.
Which, uh, bold words from the guy who's own sacred text has multiple English translation?
Now, points to Islam, they have way more of a tradition of reading the Quran in Arabic compared to Christians' and reading the original Hebrew/Aramaic/Koine Greek. But Christians do... do that. (I think he was also judging them for not reading Jesus' words in the "original Arabic" but. um. There are some technical difficulties with doing that.)
The thing is, if I wanted to argue that Christians had a) recieved a revelation from God, but b) had willfully misinterpreted it and stewarded it badly, I would not go for English translations. No, there's a better slam dunk* lined up here: The Nicene Creed.
It won't work against all Christians, but he's going for an Australian audience here, and Australian Christians mostly fall under the Nicene umbrella.
And the Nicene Creed is a statement of orthodox Christian belief that isn't in the Bible. Chunks of it are made up of implications from the Bible, that come with wild disagreement about. And it was (arguably) created for political purposes by a Roman Emperor! Come on! It's an easy shot, stop running down the wrong side of court going "but the NIV vs the KJV!"
*Read: more convincing to weird religious nerds like moi.
#uh#how the hell do i tag this#especially seeing how likely it's going to end up being taken up by tumblr's search#blasphemy cw#? goodness i hate doing that but it may be the only way#christianity cw#islam cw#premium original content
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I remember when I was younger I'd feel insecure about all the names I had and "surely most trans ppl don't have that many names they only have like up to 5 right"
but then I remembered Allah is genderless and has 99 names so literally who cares about what other ppl think
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Koe hai mazhabi bhen bhai Jo apna Iman taza kre chat py
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#Salwan Momika#islam#fuck islam#islamic violence#this is islam#islamic terrorism#quran burning#blasphemy#blasphemy laws#religion#religion is a mental illness
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it’s Ramadan. how wants to cum on Quran with me?
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Pedophiles stop adding onto the Bible challenge (impossible)
#shitpost#have fun in hell john smith (mormonism) and mohammed (islam) and progressive ���christians”#mormon#islam#christianity#blasphemy#bible
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Thoughts on misunderstood blasphemy
Addressing the Icchra Bazaar Incident
Is it the correct approach to hate someone because they don’t fit within my understanding of religion?
Labelling someone a kaafir or assuming they're disrespecting religion just because "you think so" while you have zero proof about the actions of that person. What does it say about you? Or, what does it say about our religion? I am not going to comment on what it says about the person, but I am 100 percent sure that my religion isn't what those people believe and portray. Let's just forget about the incident and see how Allah tells us to be with actual people who do not believe in our religion.
We do not believe in what the Jews and Christians believe, and we should be upfront about it. However, we should not hate them for their beliefs. We, as Muslims, don't draw that line between disagreeing with them and hating them for their beliefs.
Unfortunately we’re like, “if they commit shirk, we hate them.”
If you hate them, how are you going to invite them to Allah’s message? You can't invite someone towards Allah if you hate them. How are you going to invite them?
"Hey, I hate you for what you are doing, so believe in my religion?" NOOO!
Is this how Allah’s messenger shared the message of Islam? No! We need to look at ourselves and see what we’re doing wrong. You can’t invite someone and hate them at the same time. We don't hate non-Muslims; we can't. We should not. Because if we do, then we can't do dawah. The Prophet (SAW) didn't hate the people he was inviting. If he had hated them, he couldn't have done dawah to them.
Our understanding is skewed. We think we have to hate non-believers; we have to look down upon people.
How do you invite someone without showing them respect and courtesy? What kind of invitation would that be?
This attitude of being respectful and courteous has come directly from the Quran; it's not something I am coming up with. The Quran wants us to honor people we give dawah to.
If this is our religion's approach towards someone who actually does not believe in Islam, then how are we supposed to be with people who share our faith? It's a question that should make us take some time out from our "very religious" lives and think about.
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The wokes of the UK should be down on their bended knees thanking whatever it is they worship for Lee Anderson MP. With one clumsy statement he got them off the hook. By saying that Sadiq Khan, the Muslim mayor of London, is ‘controlled’ by Islamists, he managed to refocus the debate. What had been under discussion was the effect of Islamists in our midst threatening Parliament and browbeating…
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Is it blasphemous to do a haphazard prayer to Allah on behalf of the people of Gaza? I sas raised extremely christian so I don't like. Know how to do it properly and I've been trying to learn but reading is hard and people who I ask how to pray assume I'm making fun of them. I'm suuuuuper white so that's. Kind of a reasonable assumption. I'm not making fun though.
The reason I want to pray to Allah and not the christian god is because I feel like Allah has done more for the hearts and minds of the gazan people whereas Jesus and the people acting in his name have done nothing but tear them down.
Idk I'm super poor so really all I have is my voice and I want to offer it up, however meager.
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Knowledge of Islamic philosophy of life-2
In the hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Darda, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "If anyone in this world spreads false propaganda against a person with the intention of degrading him, then Allah Ta'ala will certainly cast him into hell on the Day of Resurrection." It is narrated that a person traveled seven hundred farsakhs (one farsakh every three miles) in order to know the seven words (answers to questions) and appeared in the service of a scholar and requested to extract something from the knowledge that Allah has given you. I came for What do you say? 1 What is the weight of the sky and what is heavier than the sky?
What is the weight of earth and what object is heavier than it?
Tell me about the stone, which is harder and harder?
Tell me about fire, what's hotter than that?
Tell me about Jamahari (infinitely cold hell), what is colder than this?
Tell me about the sea, what is wider than this?
Tell me about orphans, who is more humiliated than this?
The theorist replied-
Imposing false accusations on innocent people is a sin heavier than heaven.
Haq (true and fair) words are more weighty than the ground.
A disbeliever's heart is harder and harder than a stone.
Greed-violence is hotter than fire.
After presenting any want and need to near and dear ones, do not fulfill it It is colder than Jamahari.
The heart of a contented person is wider than the ocean.
When the misdeeds of a Chogalkhor (slanderer) are revealed, he is worse than an orphan. More degraded. (Mukashafatul Kulub)
Legitimate provisions to be made for the realization of rights and protest against injustice: Allah has also made provision in the Qur'an for the evil machinations of the wicked, so that they cannot say that it is forbidden in the Qur'an to do evil to evil people, that one cannot slander against a slanderer, that one cannot kill someone as opposed to murder, etc. In the light of a verse of the Holy Qur'an, it is also permissible to slander in particular cases if slander is forbidden altogether. In other words, in Surah Nisa verse 148, it is said: 'Allah does not like that people speak evil, but the matter of the wronged is different (independent)' i.e. backbiting for the wronged person in order to claim his rights, to plead for justice, to protest injustice, to inform people. It is also permissible to say evil in decency. It is not blasphemy to inform a person that he is engaged in a wrongdoing or wrongdoing to a person - (1) who can forbid him, (2) advise him or (3) influence him to correct him. Because such backbiting benefits the accused. It is permissible to backbite in order to avoid sin through shame. If a person is guilty of a wrongdoing, it is permissible for him to slander him with the intention that he will avoid the wrongdoing out of shame when he learns that the other person has known about his wrongdoing. (Kabeera Sins and Backbiting: p. 237) It is permissible to slander a person for the purpose of defaming him if he is engaged in public wrongdoing. For example - a person does not pray or oppress people or Drinking alcohol etc. For this, saints and scholars slander the dictator. (This kind of backbiting is said to be valid in books such as Nuzhatul Majalis, Ruddul Muhtar, Sharhu Sahih Muslim, etc.) Sufyan Ibn Umayyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: It is permissible to slander three persons:
An oppressor, (2) a person engaged in open wickedness and (3) a person engaged in heretical activities, who teaches others heresy. (Durrul Manchur); Hasan Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, said something similar. (Ehiyaw Ulumiddin)
One person is being harmed by another but he (the harmed person) is not aware that someone is being harmed by him. In this situation, it is permissible for him to slander so that he does not cause harm to other people. (This category of backbiting is approved in the books of Ehyaw Ulumiddin, Nuzhatul Majalis, Matalibul Muminin, Ruddul Muhtar, Sharhu Sahih Muslim.) It is permissible to slander a person who openly commits sins and is not affected by criticism or warning. This is why the Companions (radiyallahu anhu) used to slander and rebuke the martyrs of Karbala, the jewel of the Prophet's (may peace be upon him) Imam Hussain (radiyallahu anhu) martyr. Because they were shameless and they considered their own heinous crimes to be the work of a mature mind. So this backbiting is sanctioned against them - in the Ahmadiyya books of Ehyaw Ulumiddin, Ainun Ilam, Durrul Mukhtar, Ruddul Mukhtar, Matalibul Mumineen and Seerat. It is also permissible to backbite against hypocrites. In the words of Shaykh Saadi (RA) - it is permissible to slander three persons: the slanderer, the tyrant, and the one whose secret wrongdoing causes harm to others. (Kabir Gunah and Ghibat: p. 240) Moreover, it is permissible to backbite in the form of sorrow and regret; It is permissible to slander a person without naming him; It is permissible to slander a living person or a dead person to warn people of wrongdoing or its consequences and to mention its punishment. That is, it has been proved that the Islamic way of life is balanced, protesting, and preventive. No direct injury to anyone, but if the injury is received, it can be resisted, and prevented in self-defense. (Continued)
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