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bkblaise · 7 months ago
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God take all of the world's suffering and triple it and give it to this man ft. Ness & Isagi
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blue-thief · 10 months ago
random tidbit but this
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was my attempt at recreating the way ness's thoughts are portrayed here
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oldsardens · 2 days ago
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Alexander Iskin - Bastard Building
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alkaseltzerpm · 13 days ago
In the nocturnal ending, Notkin should've just become Iskin
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romanttinen-rotankolo · 20 days ago
Hennon taimen raskas taakka
olipa kerran pohjalainen mies, joka sysäsi syliini pikkiriikkisen ruusun taimen
pitelin sitä vasten vatsaani hätääntyneenä
taimi tuntui kuumalta ja raskaalta minua vasten ja se yritti kietoa juuriaan jokaiseen kehoni sopukkaan
miten ihmeessä ruusuja kasvatetaan?
olisiko minusta hennon taimen hoivaajaksi?
voisinko hoivata sen taimen suureksi ruusupuskaksi ilman, että pilaisin sen?
ilman, että sen oksat kasvaisivat vinoon ja se olisi aivan liian hento tähän maailmaan?
osaisinko karaista sen kestämään pikkupakkasta ja sadetta?
"meilläpäin etelä-pohojammaalla nuo hommat kuuluu akoolle", sanoi pohjalainen, kun kysyin siltä voisiko hän auttaa minua kasvattamaan sen jonka minun syliini oli sysännyt.
"meil satakunnas myäs ukoil o ollu tapan ottaa osaa yhteisii kasvatushommii", iskin takaisin.
minulla oli huono olo ja tunsin kehossani, kuinka pieni ruusu vahvistui päivä päivältä.
sen hennot oksat saivat lisää paksuutta ympärilleen ja sen juuret painuivat varmemmin multaan, ottivat tilan omakseen.
jos antaisin sen kasvaa, se olisi pian liian suuri enää ylös kitkettäväksi.
silloin tiesin, että ei minusta olisi tulossa pohjalaistalon emäntää ainakaan tämän isännän torppaan.
miksi miehet jotka ovat kovimpia kylvämään jaksavat huolehtia tekosistaan vähiten?
joillakin oli puutarha täynnä mitä kauniimpia kasveja mutta minusta tuntui siltä, että yksikin hentoinen taimi oli liiaksi.
eräälläkin emännällä oli ruusuja joka sormelle ja lisää oli tulossa.
uusin tulokas alkaisi kukkia pari kuukautta ennen minun taimeani.
hän kannusti minua jatkamaan yritystäni
"aina ny yhden kans pärjää", hän sanoi ja kasteli puutarhansa pienintä, jotta se vahvistuisi.
pohjalainen nukkui vieressäni, veti peittoa korkeammalle ja mutisi.
sinä yönä tajusin, että ei minusta olisi puutarhuriksi.
ei ainakaan ilman pohjalaistani ja tiesin, että kun ruusuni olisi tarpeeksi vahva kukkimaan yksin, pohjalainen olisi palannut takaisin lakeuksille.
kysyin pohjalaiselta mitä me tekisimme.
hän ilmoitti sen olevan minun päätökseni mutta hänellä ei olisi aikaa auttaa kitkemisessä.
ruusu oli meidän yhteinen mutta jotenkin siitä oli tullut vain minun vastuuni.
eräänä päivänä tartuin ruusuun kiinni
aloin repimään sitä irti juurineen
piikit raapivat kämmeniäni
jättivät jälkeensä verta vuotavia haavoja
itkin katkerasti
en sen takia, että raapaleet sattuivat
vaikka sattuivathan ne
vaan siksi, että ruusun hennot varret huusivat elämästä joka oli annettu väärään aikaan
käteni vapisivat, kun riivin irti jotain sellaista joka oli erottamaton osa minua
tuhosin jotain sellaista jota minun olisi pitänyt osata hoivata
pohjalainen jatkoi elämää, kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunutkaan
aivan kuin se pieni nupullaan oleva ruusu ei olisi ollut hänenkin omansa
aivan kuin se ei olisi ollut hänen kättensä työtä ja osaa häntä ei olisi kulkenut kasvin juurissa
minulla oli jäljellä vain tyhjä syli
muisto terälehtien verenpunasta hameeni helmassa
kämmenien haavat arpeutuivat mutta sydän ei
voiko äiti maa antaa anteeksi, jos revin hänen omansa pois säälimättömästi?
voiko äiti maa antaa anteeksi, että surusta huolimatta päällimmäinen tunne on helpotus?
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kon4ka · 11 months ago
Challenge: Drawing D&D classes - Topic 7 - Druid 2
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🎆 Druid Hacker in the world of Cyberpunk - Aleph zero. 🎆
No, I didn’t eat strange colored mushrooms… 🍄
🖥 Backstory: Born with unique computing abilities, at the age of three she was kidnapped by a corporation that connected her to the network and made her a netrunner. Until my twentieth birthday, I never left the network. She was forced to first learn to live online, and then to comply with the requirements of the Corporation. But thanks to the innate runner's intuition, she was able to look behind the ice (firewall) of the corporation and travel through the open network and fragments of the Old Network that remained after the Fall of the First Network in backward countries.
Over time, she learned the rules and laws of each region and even learned to imitate programs so that the corporation could not distinguish her from one of the AIs. During my “work” for the corporation, I also saw enough of the human world and burned with a burning desire to get out of the world of ones and zeros and feel at least something, feel what it’s like to live, look at the world with your own eyes, eat food and experience other everyday joys. Presumably it was saved during the merger of two corporations; the container with it was simply stolen along with the weapons and the data center. The container ended up in the hands of one of the gangs, from which Aleph escaped, burning the brains of everyone who was connected to the gang’s local network. I found myself on the street not understanding what to do and barely able to control her body. She had one contact outside the corporation where she worked, Aleph was able to contact him and ask for help. They helped her; someone she knew only by his online nickname came for her and took her away from the bandit’s lair, and then took her to the ripper. Aleph Zero sat for a long time on the necks of the people who sheltered her, slowly relearning how to speak with my mouth and control my own body.
✒ Character: Still a big child, delighted with the most banal things. Still often wrong about trivial things. Good at everything that requires logic. She is laconic, or rather, she still forgets that in order to be heard it is not enough to just think. Cheerful and not serious in many ways. She takes orders extremely responsibly and is accustomed to repaying her debts.
🪢 Skills: From the Druids she adopted the ability to change forms on the network, can become a Worm, Virus, Trojan, Python, Interversion (inward-facing artificials), etc.
✨ Features: There are almost no implants in the body. Professional cyberdeck inherited from the company. She dresses very colorfully, making up for the time when everything around her consisted of zeros and ones. There are special implants in the eyes, in one there is the letter Aleph, in the other there is a zero.
P.S. Aleph zero or ℵ0 - Mathematical term. The number of elements in an infinite set. P. P. S. Inward facing Iskin (cube in the background), Iskins found in the Old Network, they cannot perceive anything outside themselves, that is, they seem to “look inside themselves” and nothing outside can influence them. This design is risky, but can be used as a shield in extreme cases.
🎆 Друид Хакер в мире Киберпанка - Алеф ноль. 🎆
Нет, я не ела грибов странного цвета… 🍄
🖥 Предыстория: Родилась с уникальными вычислительными способностями, в три года была похищена корпорацией, которая подключила её к сети и сделала из нее нетраннера. До своего двадцатилетия ни разу не покидала сеть. Была вынуждена сначала учиться жить в сети, а потом и выполнять требования Корпорации. Но благодаря врожденной раннерской интуиции смогла заглянуть за лёд (брандмауэр) корпорации и путешествовать по открытой сети и осколкам Старой Сети, оставшимся после Падения Первой Сети в отсталых странах. Со временем выучила правила и законы каждого региона и даже научилась подрожать программам, чтобы корпорация не могла отличить ее от одного из Искинов (ИИ). За время своей "работы" на корпорацию так же насмотрелась на мир людей и горела жгучим желанием выбраться из мира единиц и нулей и почувствовать хоть ��то-то, почувствовать каково это - жить, смотреть на мир своими глазами, есть еду и ощущать прочие житейские радости. Предположительно была спасена при слиянии двух корпораций, контейнер с ней просто выкрали вместе с оружием и датацентром. Контейнер попал к одной из группировок, от которой Алеф сбежала, спалив мозги всем, кто был подключен к локальной сети банды. Оказалась на улице, не понимающая что делать и едва способная контролировать свое тело. У нее был один контакт вне корпорации где она работала, Алеф смогла с ним связаться и попросить помощи. Ей помогли, тот, кого она знала лишь по нику в сети приехал за ней и увёз из бандитского логова, а после отвез к риперу. Алеф Ноль долго сидела на шее приютивших её людей, медленно заново учась говорить ртом и владеть собственным телом.
Характер: Всё ещё большой ребёнок, в восторге от самых банальных вещей. Всё ещё часто ошибается в банальных вещах. Хороша во всем, что требует логики. Немногословна, вернее, всё ещё забывает, что чтобы ее услышали недостаточно просто думать. Веселая во многом несерьезная. Крайне ответственно относится к поручениям и привыкла отдавать долги.
🪢 Навыки: От друидов переняла способность менять формы в сети, может становиться Червём, Вирусом, Трояном, Питоном, Интерверсией (обращенный внутрь искин) и т. д.
Особенности: В теле почти нет имплантов. Профессиональная кибердека доставшаяся от корпы. Очень пёстро одевается, отыгрываясь за время, когда все вокруг нее состояло из нулей и единиц. В глазах особые импланты, в одном буква Алеф, в другом ноль.
P. S. Алеф ноль или ℵ0 - Математический термин. Количество элементов в бесконечном множестве. P. P. S. Обращенный внутрь Искин (куб на заднем плане), Искины, встречающиеся в Старой Сети, не могут воспринимать ничего снаружи себя, то есть они как бы "смотрят внутрь себя" и ничто снаружи не может повлиять на них. Подобная конструкция рискована, но применима как щит на крайний случай.
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distinktionsfetzen · 6 months ago
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Check out Alexander Iskin, Phoenix Rebellion (2024), From KÖNIG GALERIE
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444names · 8 months ago
Names derived from Tolkienesque forenames, theological angels, and superlatives, excluding the letter "E"
Abalth Ablaracalla Addacild Addalith Adradrata Adûna Agasin Agudir Aihir Ailúk Aindil Ainvannat Airdaiang Aladacir Alattant Algranákhôr Alimor Alindand Amild Amitë Amling Amragudil Amran Amranor Amron Amrothair Ancil Ancir Andil Andir Andis Andor Anduin Andust Anfainúmil Anfalm Angoldach Angor Animuzgal Animë Annar Antan Antar Anthorophon Aradardan Araglirman Arail Aramag Arand Aranduil Aranur Araphang Arashan Arasin Arassad Aravanwë Arazaphoron Arazôn Arcir Ardannas Ardar Ardil Ardilthôr Ardir Argos Arinwë Arinúmil Armaurvia Arthéod Artullik Atamalabar Athil Atillion Auglúk Azimair Azrandaind Azraphil Azrazôr...
Bador Baharfinar Balfan Bardaiahang Barombur Baron Bightarast Bithothim Blarikar Blarunna Blatar Blorn Blund Bofthôn Boldor Bombar Bomir Bormtor Boros Braca Brach Bragorl Brahráin Brast Brazil Brazran Brimbusil Brion Briën Bryar Bulkanwë Bëorl Bëorn Bëoron Bórwar Caldorlion Caldur Carah Caran Carma Catron Chaphil Charin Cilaugdur Cilimrardar Clorn Clowmaca Clurtz Coori Cothaphirë Cranamil Craphon Crinil Criën Curiën Curtil Dalin Dallos Dardancaróf Dorbarad Dorina Dorod Doron Drant Driah Duicir Dular Durionna Durust Dusilmon Déallinúvir Déomir Déoth Fainnardaia Faldant Fanarcir Fangolwë Fastirion Fatalma Filúk Findir Finzil Firyah Flain Fland Flant Folorn Forion Foron Frind Frindumo Fréago Fréagold Fréagon Fréagor Frórindómir Fëangon Fílimloth Fírdarost Gabadamar Gabar Gadrin Galadan Galast Galingrik Gallouglik Gamilkardin Gamrouglin Gamsirë Gasin Gildil Gildon Gilgancalca Gimbal Gimrah Glast Glindrat Glinin Gloolgalain Golionwë Gorfil Gortur Graph Grapharcir Grararth Grathor Griondran Grohilúk Grontata Grómil Hadaming Halcwin Haldil Haldë Halin Hamroddor Hamrondir Hamûl Hangoldum Hangor Hanwë Harata Hardair Hardal Hargormanth Haronwë Hassuirë Hingloon Horomë Hossir Huaqqibûn Hubbithon Humbrion Hunnarimë Huoldor Hushorië Hyath Hyavi Hámaminduin Ibaulë Ibûnah Idurl Ildarantho Imbrinar Imiryaviad Imoilir Indanch Indli Indorn Isildir Iskil Iskin Itchinc Jophor Juild Kirim Kusilgash Kílik Lalanthôr Lararë Latandor Limin Lithia Londandum Lossunír Lothon Loughâl Loungon Luilin Lumaiar Lurth Léotha Makil Malaca Malitho Mamanth Mandusil Manthoron Marat Mirmaras Mithramrons Muanassion Muladorthir Mulair Mulfin Mulfwin Mírdil Nahtar Nakar Naraiadil Naraphar Nauglas Ningrossion Nittârin Noisrah Nurvir Nólin Nómil Olcaldwyn Oldog Ollia Orlim Palas Palfwinros Paláf Phast Plador Polór Powyn Primanil Prondil Purlada Purviarun Rangoldir Ranor Ranthéod Razazach Razôr Rildon Rintor Riont Rondor Rophamin Ríand Sacali Sadomë Salar Salbah Salchub Saldal Saldorod Salik Salinar Salmil Salthôr Samlimog Sanim Sanáinbri Saughtil Sauglador Sauglitë Saugloth Sauglúk Saulast Saust Scalfin Sharfil Sharros Shmorlaihin Shnáin Shnáincil Shnákhîm Shnákhôn Shnárin Shoril Shossandir Siaron Simlin Singwin Skinindil Slimundor Slion Slorroador Smacir Smalast Smalmo Smancaláf Smandurucir Sméawin Sofur Soomë Soorfin Soorost Soron Souglon Súriandurië Tabaglor Taldil Tamracir Tamûl Tanbrapho Tanch Tanur Tarda Tardagon Tardir Tharavor Thardag Thargor Thing Thingran Thongwin Tiust Tuolwë Tuolór Turimron Turin Turind Tzagdur Tzazim Túrimir Túrisir Ufingun Ugassil Ulkhar Ulmaalthrór Ulwin Unkasil Uolóin Urondorod Urubifunkas Urunkan Uzgan Valadacir Valaurth Valdadûnan Valgas Valliahamli Vanin Vanwë Vathéod Vidufin Viduin Vincalik Vorman Vánamir Vánar Vánast Vánatalast Waindë Winca Winimë Worod Yáviah Zachalg Zadan Zadrór Zagoldog Zimbucargil Zophoroddoc Zophos Éodróg Éodwyn Éothar Éothiahadoc Éothor
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sarandipitywrites · 1 year ago
howdy!!!! for the WIP excerpt ask game: 🗣 Share your favorite dialogue exchange. & 👤 Share a line that shows a character’s personality. <3 - @liv-is
hi, Liv!
i'm apparently incapable of sharing just a line or two today, so i'll leave the answers under the cut. they're both from The Art of Empty Space:
🗣 (i've definitely posted this bit before, but i love it so here it is again):
Lienzo scooped his bag from the floor and brushed past the beast, carving a path down the rightmost hallway. "Well, since that's settled, why don't we see about supper? I, for one, am famished; you do eat, I assume?" His last meal had been the half-stale chunk of bread he'd eaten an hour before reaching Iskin Forest the evening before; even if the dracolisks didn't catch him, he surely would have collapsed from hunger somewhere on the road to Minadore. "I... erm..." The beast, after a moment of shuffling in place, fell into step beside Lienzo. "...Yes?" "Oh, come now, I know you can do better than 'yes.' I know you've plenty of food in that kitchen — what do you like? Do you hunt?" Gods knew the beast was no trapper. "I... don't hunt? I don't eat meat." "You don't—?" Lienzo stopped short and squinted up at the beast. "With those teeth?" An odd, scoffing snort escaped it. "You're one to talk about teeth." It flinched and froze in place. Shoulders hunched, it looked away and bowed its head, as though it wished to pull its cloak up and disappear. It was all Lienzo could do not to burst out laughing. A monster, cowed as though it'd just mouthed off to its parent? "You're damn right, I am." He smiled, didn't bother trying to hide his teeth. "Uniquely qualified, you might say." The beast uncurled and, after a moment, offered an uncertain smile in return.
👤 :
Lienzo breathed, forced himself to hold it, and let it out again. Aaro wanted to help. She did. Just because she didn't understand why handouts weren't helpful— "If you want to help me," he said, his voice shaking with forced calm, "you will buy the last things I have of any value." His tongue flicked out, wet his lips. Don't say it. Don't say it. Whatever he did, he couldn't— "We're family. Right?"
Aaro's shoulders slumped. She dragged her hand over her face. When she looked at him again, her eyes were older than the gnarled wood of her countertop.
Lienzo had won.
Bile rose in his throat, burned the backs of his eyes. He'd won, and he was the foulest piece of shit to ever walk the planet.
Thanks for the ask! 💜
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pahishylje · 1 year ago
Taiteilin mun mehikasvin uusiin purkkeihin. Aloe kasvi Jörgensistä syntyi:
Jörgens (og)
Jörgens Jr.
Jörgens Jr. Jr.
Miten mä kasvatan juuret surulliseen pieneen pistokkaaseen (?)? Yksi kasvin ns. "vauva" irtaantui ilman juuria ja mä iskin sen tyven veteen, mut mä pelkään et mehikasvi lähtee mätänemään sinne kippoon ennen kuin se kasvattaa juuret.
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karvoja · 9 months ago
Olen ottanut kuritustoiminnan kohteeksi toimiston kultaköynnökset.
Niiden uusi kasvu on vuosikausia kieputettu amppelin narujen ympärille ja multa on vaihdettu varmaan viimeksi milleniumskumpan haihduttua Anna-Irmelin juhlalasien linsseiltä.
Toissaviikolla kiepsutin yhden kultaköynnöksen auki ja pääsin toteamaan, että sehän on 90% lehdetöntä vartta. Hetken leikin riikkaa ja saksin pisimmät varret pätkiksi, ja toisin kuin oikea riikka, en jättänyt ketään heitteille vaan laitoin saksitut juurtumaan pistokkaiksi. Ok ok, viisi metriä lehdetöntä vartta lensi biojätteeseen.
Eilen iskin kynteni seuraavaan uhriin. Tahtoisin niin kovasti näyttää kuvan siitä, mutta sitä en tee. Saatte tyytyä itse projisoimaan sielunne piirtoheittimellä kuvan kultaköynnöksen varresta, joka luikertelee ruukusta pöydän ja tuolin kautta lattialle, tekee kiepin huoneen keskellä, jatkuu ovesta ulos käytävään ja kiemurtelee aina seuraavan huoneen ovelle ja komeasti siitä ohi.
Tämä vähintään ylioppilasikäinen luikero mitattiin yli 17 metrin pituiseksi!!
En tohtisi leikata luikeroa pistokkaiksi, mutta sekin on pitkälti lehdetöntä vartta. Tietääkö kultaköynnöstietäjät, että tekeekö kultaköynnös kaljuun varteen enää uusia lehtiä jos/kun se saisi uutta multaa ja väljemmin hengailevan varren?
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blue-thief · 6 months ago
uhhh. love
He searched up the ones that had received the most love on their spines and pasted their synopses into Google Translate.
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betofontes-blog · 1 year ago
Que fique registrado...
Segue a lista dos que vivem no 'Pais das Maravilhas' !!!!
01) Anderson Torres - ex-ministro da justiça
02) Daniel Silveira - ex-deputado federal
03) Bismark - humorista, canal Hipócritas
04) Ivan Papo Reto - influencer
05) Serere - cacique
06) Gabriel Mont. - ex-vereador há + 5 meses
07) Mauro Cid - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
08) Max Guilherme - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
09) Sérgio Cordeiro - aux. de Bolsonaro
10) João Carlos - aux. de Bolsonaro
11) Ailton Gonçalves - aux. de Bolsonaro
12) Luís Marcos - aux. de Bolsonaro
13) Allan Frutuozo - jornalista
14) Divesos patriotas - 08/01/23
15) Wellington Macedo - jornalista
16) Allan dos Santos - jornalista, site 3° Livre
17) Adriano Castro - Ex-BBB
18) Pablo Marçal
19) Deltan Dallagnol
20) Jair Bolsonaro
21) Monark
DESMONETIZADO no Instagram e Facebook:
70) @Doprimido2
71) @MonicaMachado38
72) @PadraoAlexandre
73) @Damadeferroofic
74) @TexugoWick
76) @viniciuscfp
77) @viniciuscfpires
79) @eumesmavivi_
80) @ruirapina3
81) @rafaelbboa
82) @apropria_bia
83) @oiiuiz
84) @emb_resistencia
85) @thaispsic
86) @clauwild1
87) @dimacgarcia
88) @Fa1ryNight,
89) @Conservadora191
90) @FlviaLeo16
91) @mendesluizpaulo
92) @freu_rodrigues
93) @ViLiMiGu_Tex
94) @iaragb
95) @glovesnews
96) @alepavanellim
97) @BrazilFight
01) André do Rap
02) José Dirceu
03) Sergio Cabral
04) Lula
05) Flordelis
06) Chico Rodrigues
07) Renato Duque
08) Delúbio Soares
09) João Santana
10) Paulo Roberto Costa
11) André Vargas
12) Léo Pinheiro
13) Pedro Corrêa
14) Geddel
15) Jacob Barata Filho
16) Chaaya Moghrabi
17) Anthony Garotinho
18) Daurio Speranzini JR
19) Flávio Godinho
20) Eike Batista
21) Lélis Teixeira
22) Octacilio de Monteiro
23) Claudio de Freitas
24) Marcelo Traça
25) Eneas Bueno
26) Dayse Neves
27) Rogério Onofre
28) David Augusto
29) Miguel Iskin
30) Gustavo Estellita
31) Marco Antônio de Luca
32) Sérgio Côrtes
33) Orlando Diniz
34) Milton Lyra
35) Ricardo Rodrigues
36) Marcelo Sereno
37) Carlos Pereira
38) Adeilson Telles
39) Marcelo Martins
40) Arthur Pinheiro Machado
41) Marcos Lips
42) Carlos Martins
43) Sandro Lahmann
44) Cesar Monteiro
45) Sergio da Silva
46) Hudson Braga
47) Paulo Sergio Vaz
48) Athos Albernaz
49) Rony Hamoui
50) Oswaldo Prado Sanches
51) Antonio Albernaz
52) Roberta Prata
53) Marcelo Rzezinski
54) Daurio Júnior
55) Renan Calheiros
56) Aécio Neves
57) José Serra
58) Michel Temer
59) Alckmin
60) Guido Mantega
61) Rodrigo Maia
62) Gleisi Hoffmann
63) Eunício
64) Padilha
64) Moreira Franco
65) Jaques Wagner
O clamor popular vai obrigar a se escolher magistrados de carreira e verdadeiros juízes imparciais. Vamos divulgar. Se cada um enviar para as pessoas, só assim tomarão conhecimento dessa vergonha!
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the-goth-catte · 1 year ago
•|• Goth Night @ Anti-Social Club •|• 10.13.2023
Oriana - Spooky Scary Skeletons Kokushoku Elegy - taiyoume Siouxsie and the Banshees - Spellbound Killing Joke - Eighties Christian Death - Deathwish Siouxsie and the Banshees - Cities in Dust :neoncross: Leather Strip - I Sit On Acid Anders Manga - When The Lights Go Down Minuit Machine - Sisters Switchblade Symphony - Gutter Glitter SITD - Suffering in Solitude VNV Nation - Retaliate Herzschlag - Fest der Liebe Das Ich - Destillat (VNV Nation Mix) Cruxshadows - Marilyn, My Bitterness Dismantled - Breed To Death (Psyclon Nine Remix) Faderhead - Tzdv God Module - Cross My Heart And One - Get You Closer Apoptygma Berzerk - Burnin’ Heretics Combichrist - Enjoy the Abuse Psyclon Nine - Divine Infekt Suicide Commando - Bind, Torture, Kill Freaky Mind - Downs and Downs (Iskin Mix) :neoncross: Assemblage 23 - Human Schaft - Thirsty Fly Ministry - Just One Fix Virgin Prunes - Baby Turns Blue My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - After the Flesh :neoncross: Alien Sex Fiend - Ignore the Machine Scary Bitches - Lesbian Vampires from Outer Space 45 Grave - Riboflavin Inkubus Sukkubus - Belladonna & Aconite D’espairsRay - Devil’s Parade L’arc-en-ciel - Lost Heaven Dir En Grey - Obscure Hyde - On My Own Buck-Tick - Iconoclasm Skeletal Family - She Cries Alone
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sw5w · 1 year ago
Entering the Naboo System
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:01:54
Route of the Radiant VII from Coruscant to Naboo.
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Location of Naboo system within the Chommell sector and the Galaxy at large.
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MOVIE: Episode I - The Phantom Menace TIME: 32 BBY LOCATIONS: Alui, Chommell sector, Colonies, Corellian Run, Core Worlds, Coruscant, Deep Core, Denon, Enarc, Enarc Run, Expansion Region, Hutt Space, Hydian Way, Inner Rim, Iskin sector, Karlinus, Mid Rim, Naboo, Naboo system, Outer Rim Territories, Pax, Quess sector, Unknown Regions, Vilonis sector, Vish sector, Western Reaches, Wild Space ORGANIZATIONS: Galactic Republic, Judicial Forces VEHICLES AND VESSELS: Consular-class cruiser, Radiant VII, Republic cruiser TECHNOLOGY: class 2 Longe Voltrans tri-arc CD-3.2 hyperdrive unit
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melatonindepicts · 2 years ago
Ivy Gaze (Ulquiorra Fanfiction, Chapter #10)
                                          Chapter Ten; Heartless
                              Free/All P.O.V (Hemujuu + Captors)
“Let me go!” Hemujuu screeched at the men holding her, bringing his back to the large temple. The last thing she saw was Ulquiorra jumping at the men, but being stopped by Junichiro… She knew he was in trouble. ‘C-could he die?! No! He can’t die! Ulquiorra… Ulquiorra can’t die!’ she thought to herself. But her thoughts were interrupted as she was thrown in front of multiple elders. She felt such strong power from them, but the one in the middle, a guy who seemed to be in his 30s, with a cloth covering his mouth, and almost looked like a mummy if it were black wrapping, he was emitting an impossible amount of power. ‘He must be the leader of Akaya.’ she thought to herself.
“Speak your name.” the bandana guy demanded, his voice was raspy, intimidating and rough. She stood up and stated her name. “My name is Hemujuu Lilith.” She stated, trying to impersonate Ulquiorra once again. She was trying to keep her form tall, as the leaders around her were crushing her with their power. 
An old lady with dark blue air, was about to speak before they all heard a huge crash, and the clashing of metal. “Ulquiorra?” she whispered to herself. But sadly, not quiet enough. “Who is this… Oqeora you speak of?” one of the leaders said, she turned her attention to that leader, he looked like a younger man, in his 20s with long hair. “First, it’s Ulquiorra. Second, he’s my friend!” she barked at the leader, causing him to stand up “Do not raise your voice to me girl! You will regret it thoroughly!” He snapped back. The bandana guy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking. “Silence.” he said, sternly, causing the long haired guy to sit back down.
“Is this Ulquiorra strong?” the old lady with dark blue hair asked. That sent a sensation down her spine. “Is he strong?! Of course he’s fucking strong!” She snapped at the old lady, causing the old lady to gasp, then scoff at the use of fowl language.
 – Flash Back –
 “A demon? Not quite. I am a Hallow, I have already died… Twice if you would like to count my reasoning for being here.” He said, finally stopping at the bars, dragging his fingers against the bars, then with no effort, he bent them like they were pipe cleaners.
“I- if I can reach the door, I’ll m-make it out for reinforcements!” he said to himself, but before he could reach the door, Ulquiorra sonido’d right in front of him. “Is that so?” He said, before kicking him with minimal effort, breaking through the stone wall to the next cell over.
He grabbed the hilt of his zanpakutō, causing Hemujuu to stand there, stunned as Ulquiorra impaled Sana.
– End of Flash Back –
“He’s really fucking strong…” she whispered to herself, shuttering at the sudden memories of what she saw. “It appears I have miscalculated the situation, Iskin, Jaka, send both of your guard forces in, and prepare yourselves for battle.” the bandana guy stated, causing the two guards, that Hemujuu would assume are Iskin and Jaka. “Both of the forces?! Isn’t that overdoing it Your Majesty?!” the guy, who she assumed to be Iskin yelled. “I hate to agree with Iskin, but I think that is a bit much, our forces are meant for large battles, not a single man!” the woman, who Hemujuu assumed to be Jaka.
“I am well aware of that, this situation has gone too far.” The bandana guy stated, standing up from his seat. That caused both Jaka and Iskin to straighten themselves, and solute him before turning around and jolting out of the room.
“Hemujuu Lilith.” The bandana guy said, causing her to shutter and slowly turn to look at him. “You have associated yourself with a murderer. I have no choice but to sentence you to death. I am well aware that you did not do the murders yourself, but due to you associating yourself with the murderer, and not attempting to stop him. We have no choice but to sentence you to the same fate.” He stated sternly. Hearing that, it caused Hemujuu to stumble in her place.
She opened her mouth to speak, but not before all the metal clanging, and explosions came to a sudden stop. Then suddenly, a large teal beam shot through the wall next to her, killing seven guards in the process. Literally incinerating them out of existence. The leaders that were next to the beam shot up and ran away, towards the other side of the room. After the smoke cleared, a figure began to show.
“Who are you?!” the old lady screamed at the figure. The smoke fades… revealing Ulquiorra Cifer.
“Alas, we got our answer. It appears our entire elite guard force has been wiped out.” the bandana guy stated. He stood up from his seat, revealing a skinny form, much like Ulquiorra’s. “Hebi Luose. I am the founder of this village, and the current leader of Akaya. Who might you be?” Ulquiorra looked into Hebi’s deep purple eyes. “Ulquiorra Cifer, Cuatro Espada of Lord Aizen’s arrancar army.” He stated, not a single emotion on his face, a lot of the leaders had retreated to the far side of the room at this point.
“Army? Interesting.” He said, walking down the steps. “I have come here to retrieve Hemujuu Lilith. For I need to return to my realm along with her.” Ulquiorra stated. A lot of the leaders gasped and started to whisper. “Your realm? You are not of Akaya?” He said, curiosity in his voice.
“Correct.” He said, re-adjusting his kimono. “I am from Hueco Mundo, the realm of the Hollows.” He stated. Hebi raised his eyebrow, “And what is this Hueco Mundo like?” He asked. “The landscape of Hueco Mundo is a seemingly never-ending white desert, with a multitude of dunes, littered with boulders, and a never ending crescent moon, we do not have daylight cycles nor daylight in general.” Ulquiorra explained. “I am from Las Noches, the fortress of Hueco Mundo.” he stated simply, still in the stern monotone voice. 
“I see. What has led you to choose violence in our world?” He asked, finally reaching the end of the stairs. Hemujuu flinched at this question, worried for Ulquiorra’s answer. “Utter disrespect has led me to eliminate guards. I do not have the time to deal with pesky arguments. I was defeated at the hands of Ichigo Kurosaki, and I was thrown off course on my way to the Underworld” he said, dilating his pupils at Hemujuu. “She threw me off course, and we arrived here in Ayaka.” He stated.
Hebi raised his eyebrow again, before gesturing to the leaders to leave the room, along with guards. “I have no choice but to fight you, do I?” Ulquiorra said, grabbing the hilt of his zanpakutō. Hemujuu flinched, then broke free of the guard's grip, before springing back and yelling. “Everyone RUN!!” she screeched, as a sudden burst in spiritual pressure caused the guards to fall off their feet, as the leaders, Hemujuu, and the remaining standing guards retreated out of the room.
“Let the fun begin.” Hebi stated.
𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚌 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎! 𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎, 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜! 𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎!
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