#iseadesh alliance
magussanctorium-if · 4 months
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Introducing: The Maroon Rams House
Hailing from the vast golden fields of the Iseadesh Alliance, the second smallest nation on the continent of Pentagiim, the Maroon Rams House is smaller than most of the other houses, but their stubbornness and determination make up for their size. Often brash and headstrong, House Leader Casithar Seedcloud, who made history by being the youngest House Leader of the Maroon Rams, and Vice-Leader Feraluth Sproutlight lead the charge, never backing down from a challenge and sticking it through to the end.
The students of the Maroon Rams House have proficiencies in Light Magic Studies and the Study of Herbology. With the Iseadesh Alliance's natural landscape being vast open plains and the main export being agriculture and natural fibers, many students are well-versed in riding on horseback, having to manage the many herds of farm animals. Many are also versed in using a bow while on horseback with hunting small and fast game, like rabbits, being a common past time.
The Maroon Rams House does not receive the copious amounts of funding the Fern Bears House or the Cobalt Snakes House get from their respective nations. They, instead, receive a moderate amount of funds which affords them decent accommodations and average supplies at The Magus Sanctorium. Because of the need for help in the fields and with the animals, usually only the wealthy and privileged nobility from the Alliance are able to attend the school. Notable students include: Anwyn Greenspear, Daeri Silkdream, and Tylihn Wheatsong.
House Roster:
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House Leader: Casithar Seedcloud (he/him)
Status: Nobility. Son of a noble family.
Strengths: Bows, Calvary, Illusion || Weaknesses: Armor, Aerial Combat, Enchantment
Weighted Grade Point Average: 3.29 || Letter Grade: B-
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Vice-Leader: Feraluth Sproutlight (they/them)
Status: Nobility. Child of the Alliance's Fourth Counselor.
Strengths: Bows, Strategy, Abjuration || Weaknesses: Swords, Leadership, Evocation
Weighted Grade Point Average: 4.12 || Letter Grade: B+
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First House Officer: Anwyn Greenspear (he/him)
Status: Nobility. Son of the Alliance's Head Counselor.
Strengths: Swords, Calvary, Divination || Weaknesses: Runes, Polearms, Transmutation
Weighted Grade Point Average: 2.97 || Letter Grade: C+
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Second House Officer: Daeri Silkdream (she/her)
Status: Nobility. Daughter of the Alliance's Second Counselor.
Strengths: Heavy Weapons, Armor, Evocation || Weaknesses: Abjuration, Diplomacy, Aerial Combat
Weighted Grade Point Average: 3.40 || Letter Grade: B-
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First House Prefect: Raeris Wooltore (he/him)
Status: Nobility. Son of the Alliance's Fifth Counselor.
Strengths: Bows, Herbology, Transmutation || Weaknesses: Leadership, Calvary, Divination
Weighted Grade Point Average: 3.89 || Letter Grade: B+
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Second House Prefect: Tylihn Wheatsong (she/her)
Status: Nobility. Daughter of the Alliance's Third Counselor.
Strengths: Polearms, Aerial Combat, Enchantment || Weaknesses: Armor, Heavy Weapons, Illusion
Weighted Grade Point Average: 4.59 || Letter Grade: A
Faculty Advisor: Professor Jaitas Redmane, Head of the Abjuration Department (she/her)
House Student Body Size: Small-Average
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magussanctorium-if · 2 months
If it isn't a spoiler (it very likely is), which kingdoms will be at war with each other? I noticed they dont share the same allies.
Hello! It's a bit of a spoiler, but I'll try to give you as much info as possible!
Off the bat, right away, I can tell you that the Lupuv Caelait Territory (Violet Foxes) and the Iseadesh Alliance (Maroon Rams) will be fighting each other and that's not a spoiler since they're already doing it LMAO. Both nations have a lot of tension building since they used to be one empire and they have a ton of border disputes and skirmishes so war is/was definitely coming.
The Quailax Kingdom (Sun Eagles) is rated E for Everyone. They have a bone to pick with everyone.
The Espersland Republic (Cobalt Snakes) and the Rasuaides Empire (Fern Bears) will not fight each other in their routes and will try to honor their alliances made.
The Espersland Republic isn't super concerned with fighting the other nations. They have their own concerns to worry about.
The Rasuaides Empire will either try to expand their empire, attempt to make peace between the nations via being neutral, or both.
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
If it doesn't fall into spoiler territory, do you have any facts or information about the houses? What makes them distinct from one another?
Of course! You will also receive additional information about the houses in game! And, as always, feel free to ask any clarifying questions if you have any.
So, as I said in the intro post, the way students are sorted is by home nation. During the school phase (Chapters 1 to 5), there's really no difference between the houses besides which characters you'll have more opportunities to talk with.
During the war phase (Chapter 6 to 10), is when houses really matter. By tying the houses to the respective nations, when you choose a house you align yourself with that nation.
Each house/route will have a different opinion and approach to the war as well as different secrets to find. There is no "true"/"right" route(s).
That said, there is information about the houses/routes under the cut.
Fern Bears/The Rasuadies Empire
The Rasuadies Empire is located in the North of Pentagiim. It is the largest of the 5 nations of Pentagiim. Their natural landscape are densely wooded forests. It is governed by the imperial family and a handful of ministers/advisors. Historically, it had butted heads with the now-extinct Ebolon Empire in the south. Since the Ebolon Empire's defeat, the Rasuadies Empire has been the main power of Pentagiim for generations.
Known For: Military Size and Strength
General Offensive Strength: High
General Defensive Strength: Average
Proficient Terrain: Forest, Cities
Proficient Skills: Dark Magic, Axes, Swords, Leadership
Diplomacy Ability: Average
Discoverable Secrets: Few to Average
Allies: The Esperlands Republic, The Quailax Kingdom
Offense, Defense, or Neutral: Neutral-Defense
Risk Level: 3/10
Cobalt Snakes/The Espersland Republic
The Espersland Republic is located in the East of Pentagiim. It is the second largest of the 5 nations of Pentagiim. Their natural landscape are river deltas and the coastline. It is governed by a group of 7 nobles called the Great Circle. Historically, they have been the target of many invasions due to how easy it is to access them.
Known For: Trading and Merchants
General Offensive Strength: Low
General Defensive Strength: Very High
Proficient Terrain: Water, Cities
Proficient Skills: Light Magic, Polearms, Aerial Combat, Strategy
Diplomacy Ability: High
Discoverable Secrets: Average
Allies: The Rasuaides Empire, The Iseadesh Alliance
Offense, Defense, or Neutral: Neutral-Offense
Risk Level: 4/10
Maroon Rams/The Iseadesh Alliance
The Iseadesh Alliance is located in the South-East of Pentagiim. It is the second smallest of the 5 nations of Pentagiim. Their natural landscape are vast plains and fields. It is governed by a group of 5 nobles called the High Council. Historically, it formed the now-extinct Ebolon Empire with the Lupuv Caelait Territory. It has been skirmishing with the Lupuv Caelait Territory for years since the dissolution of the Ebolon Empire.
Known For: Agriculture and Arts
General Offensive Strength: Average
General Defensive Strength: Average
Proficient Terrain: Plains, Flatlands
Proficient Skills: Light Magic, Bows, Calvary, Herbology
Diplomacy Ability: Average
Discoverable Secrets: Average to Many
Allies: The Espersland Republic
Offense, Defense, or Neutral: Offense & Defense
Risk Level: 7/10
Violet Foxes/The Lupuv Caelait Territory
The Lupuv Caelait Territory is located in the South-West of Pentagiim. It is the smallest nation of the 5 nations of Pentagiim. Their natural landscape are marshland fields bordered by mountains, but it is nothing more than a barren wasteland today. It is governed by a group of nobility called the Conclave of Nobles. Historically, it once formed the Great Ebolon Empire with the Iseadesh Alliance. Ever since the defeat of the Great Ebolon Empire at the hands of the Rasuaides Empire, the land has been turned into a wasteland swarmed with monsters and strange creatures. It has also been skirmishing with the Iseadesh Alliance for a while.
Known For: Rare Monster Products and Magical Ingredients
General Offensive Strength: Average
General Defensive Strength: Average
Proficient Terrain: Marshlands, Wastelands
Proficient Skills: Light Magic, Dark Magic, Swords, Alchemy
Diplomacy Ability: Low-Average
Discoverable Secrets: Many
Allies: The Quailax Kingdom
Offense, Defense, or Neutral: Offense & Defense
Risk: 8/10
Sun Eagles/The Quailax Kingdom
The Quailax Kingdom is located in the West of Pentagiim. It is the third biggest nation of the 5 nations of Pentagiim. Their natural landscape are high mountains. It is governed by the royal family. Historically, the Quailax Kingdom has been shut off from the rest of Pentagiim, the former monarchy wanting to keep the nation secretive. A civil war was fought to open the kingdom up to Pentagiim, with backing support from the Rasuaides Empire.
Known For: Ores and Metalwork
General Offensive Strength: High
General Defensive Strength: High
Proficient Terrain: Mountains, Passes/Small Spaces
Proficient Skills: Dark Magic, Heavy Weapons, Armor, Arithmancy
Diplomacy Ability: Low
Discoverable Secrets: Many
Allies: The Rasuaides Empire, The Espersland Republic, The Lupuv Caelait Territory
Offense, Defense, or Neutral: Offense & Defense
Risk: 6/10
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
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Romance Options
Side Characters
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
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The Staff of The Magus Sanctorium
The Students of The Magus Sanctorium
The Rasuaides Empire
The Espersland Republic
The Iseadesh Alliance
The Lupuv Caelait Territory
The Quailax Kingdom
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
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The Magus Sanctorium. Pentagiim's elite and esteemed school for mages across the continent. Hard to get into with an advanced curriculum and hands-on experience, many would kill to be accepted into the fray. But behind shiny spells and gilded bookcases belies a lit powder keg of pent up tensions and small slights that threaten the whole continent with all out war. A single slip up will light the fuse, so be careful. And don't forget your 7 page essay is due next week!
The Magus Sanctorium is a highly ambitious WIP and new interactive CYOA pair of games. The focus is heavily on romance, relationships, and fantasy adventure with high-replayability value. It is inspired by JRPGs, romance visual novels, any media with a magical boarding school, and Dungeons and Dragons, among others. It will lean more towards a story-based focus, but will have stat-based mechanics.
You play as a new transfer student, having transferred to The Magus Sanctorium after moving continents. Being homeschooled to suddenly thrust into an elite boarding school is a culture shock. As you go about going to classes and making friends, your schooling is abruptly upheaved as war breaks out across the continent. Which house you decided to join determines how the war will affect you and how you can help or hinder your former classmates or lovers.
Note: Because this is still a WIP, some names of characters or places may change during development.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
Rating: 18+
Tracked Tag: #the magus sanctorium
Status: In Development (Outlining)
Demo || Character Introductions || House Introductions || FAQ || Ask Guidelines || Tag Navigation || World Lore || Current Anonymous Survey Form || Dev's Main Blog ||
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Create and customize your character. Select their gender, pronouns, appearance, their proficiencies and deficits, and personality among others.
Choose between 5 different houses each with their own cast of characters. Each student is divided into houses by which nation they come from, not by arbitrary traits.
Decide how to build your stats by choosing which classes to attend and which skills to train in. Influence your house members to train or attend certain classes to boost group skills.
Romance any of the 15 romance options (5 male, 5 female, 5 nonbinary), or select any of the 10 poly routes instead. Choose for a softer romance by picking one of your house members or go for an angsty romance by romancing someone outside of your house.
Build your relationships with your classmates before you're turned against each other and get to know what makes them tick. It pays to have friends across house lines.
Explore and learn about a high fantasy world steeped in magic and years and years of conflict. Perhaps it takes an outsider's perspective to bring about peace...
Participate in a war and potentially reveal long kept secrets that could change the fate of Pentagiim.
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Thalen Oakdane (they/them) - The proud and rigid Leader of the Fern Bears, the house from the Rasuaides Empire. They are strict with their rules.
Sumiel Tidewood (she/her) - The graceful and shy Leader of the Cobalt Snakes, the house from the Espersland Republic. She just wants the best for everyone.
Casithar Seedcloud (he/him) - The young but earnest Leader of the Maroon Rams, the house from the Iseadesh Alliance. He's trying his best.
Ariela Wyvernhair (she/her) - The prickly but well-meaning Leader of the Violet Foxes, the house from the Lupuv Caelait Territory. A rose wrapped in thorns.
Zanis Ironforce (he/him) - The charismatic and cunning Leader of the Sun Eagles, the house from the Quailax Kingdom. He is always 5 steps ahead.
Drelyth Hollymoon (she/her) - The vice-leader of the Fern Bears. She is kind and confident, always pushing herself to aim higher and higher.
Afthel Scalesun (they/them) - A member of the Cobalt Snakes. Quiet and introverted, they prefer the comfort of their books than that of their house members.
Anwyn Greenspear (he/him) - A member of the Maroon Rams. He is a known flirt and playboy, often earning him the ire of his house members.
Lamatri Glowillow (they/them) - The enigmatic and mysterious vice-leader of the Violet Foxes. You barely see them, but they seem to know everything about you.
Traki Goldreaver (they/them) - A member of the Sun Eagles. It's also their first year enrolling. Enthusiastic and energetic, but a work-in-progress.
Azaha Elmbasher (he/him) - A member of the Fern Bears. An idealistic and daydreamer artist who enjoys making life hard for his house leader.
Rumik Gullcaller (he/him) - A member of the Cobalt Snakes. Sumiel's childhood friend, he is protective and intimidating often scaring away most classmates.
Daeri Silkdream (she/her) - A member of the Maroon Rams. A bit ditzy and arrogant, her exaggerated personality belies her true strength.
Saevain Sageblossom (she/her) - A member of the Violet Foxes. Stuck-up and arrogant, she has a family legacy to fulfill as a Prime Magus. But is that what she wants?
Cyian Stonepelt (they/them) - The vice-leader of the Sun Eagles. Gloomy and apathetic, they'd much rather be doing anything else but this.
Poly Romance Options: Thalen & Azaha, Sumiel & Rumik, Casithar & Daeri, Ariela & Saevain, Zanis & Cyian, Drelyth & Saevain, Afthel & Traki, Daeri & Afthel, Ariela & Casithar, Traki & Drelyth
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magussanctorium-if · 23 days
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First House Officer of the Maroon Rams
Name: Anwyn Greenspear (ann-win green spear) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Age: 22 Status: Nobility MBTI: ENTP Height: 5'9 (175 cm) Body Details: Athletic, toned Skin Color: Cool-Toned Medium Brown Hair Details: Straight, ear-length, dark auburn Eye Color: Light Brown Hometown: The Valley Green Capital City, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: First House Officer Natural Strength: Divination Natural Weakness: Transmutation Weapon: Swords Bonus Skill: Diplomacy Extracurricular: Sports Club Bio: Anwyn is the notorious flirty, play-boy First House Officer of the Maroon Rams. He is nobility, with his father being the First and Head Counselor of the Iseadesh Alliance's High Council. He is very charismatic and blasé in attitude. He has the tendency to snub his responsibilities and practicality. Possessing an active mind, he finds it hard to focus and commit on one thing, leading to abandoned projects, unfinished paperwork, and many irate ex-partners. He likes to push other's boundaries, but doesn't like when his own are tested. He can become very argumentative, intolerant, and insensitive if pushed far enough. Official Image Reference(s): Pending...
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magussanctorium-if · 1 month
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House Leader of the Maroon Rams
Name: Casithar Seedcloud (caz-eh-th-are seed cloud) Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Age: 18 Status: Nobility MBTI: ENFP Height: 5'8 (173 cm) Body Details: Average, fit Skin Color: Lightly Tanned Hair Details: Curly, short/ear length, white Eye Color: Silver Hometown: The Seedling Hills, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: House Leader Natural Strength: Illusion Natural Weakness: Enchantment Weapon: Bows/Light Weapons Bonus Skill: Diplomacy Extracurricular: Gardening Club Bio: Casithar is the youngest House Leader of the Maroon Rams in history. He descends from nobility, being part of a noble house from the Iseadesh Alliance. He is earnest, enthusiastic, and hard-working, but sometimes needs a bit of help from his fellow House Leaders. He tries to make everyone happy which doesn't always end the best. He's easygoing and positive, but can be very disorganized and maybe a bit too positive at times. Official Image Reference(s): Pending...
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
(may be updated as time goes on)
What is this being written on?
Can I make fanfic/art/etc? Can I show/tell you about my MC /OC/fanfic/art/etc?
Yes! Please do! I welcome it wholeheartedly and I'd love to see/hear about it!
Do you have a patreon or ko-fi?
No, not as of right now.
Will XYZ be in the story?
Maybe. This is a WIP so it's possible.
Is the rating 18+?
Why is it rated 18+?
Sex scenes. And war and war imagery. And death.
Will the sex scenes be mandatory?
No. You have the option to not see it at all, a fade to black, or the full version.
NOTE: There will be NO full versions of the sex scenes in the public versions.
It's a war. There are going to be causalities. No one's safe. Unless you choose to turn it off.
How does the death mechanic work, if turned on?
There are two ways the death mechanic will work.
1. Plot Dictated - This is ingrained into the plotline, you can't change this (unless you turn the feature off)
2. BIG Time Fail Stat Check - It's like trying to pass a stat check with the passing score being 50% and your stat is at like 10%.
NOTE: This mechanic only applies to the second phase ("The War Phase") and NOT the first phase ("The School Phase")
If the death mechanic is turned off, what happens?
No one dies, they're just permanently hurt/unavailable (Plot Dictated) or are visibly scarred/marked (BIG Time Fail Stat Check).
How is the story formatted?
If you played Fire Emblem: Three Houses, exactly like that but there are 5 houses/routes.
If you haven't, when you pick a House, you select a route. The first half ("The School Phase") will encompass the first game. There are about 12-13 chapters (one for each month). The second half ("The War Phase") will be in the second game and feature about 10-12 chapters, give or take a few.
Feel free to look at this post to see the route differences: LINK
How many endings are there?
5. One per route. As of right now.
How many ROs are there?
15. 3 for each house.
How do you pronounce the ROs' names?
Their last names are just two words put together (Oakdane = Oak + Dane, Tidewood = Tide + Wood, Seedcloud = Seed + Cloud, etc), so they're pronounced like that.
There are multiple ways to pronounce many of their first names. I put the ones I mainly use in their info sheets, but here are all of them:
Thalen: th-al-in, talon Sumiel: sue-me-elle Casithar: caz-eh-th-are Ariela: are-ee-ella, ah-re-ella Zanis: zane-us, xan-is ('xan' as in Xanax) Drelyth: dray-leth Afthel: aft-hell, aff-hell Anwyn: ann-win Lamatri: lahm-ah-tree, lamb-ah-tree Traki: track-ee ('tracky') Azaha: ahz-ah-ha, oz-ah-ha Rumik: rue-meek, rue-mick Daeri: day-ree, dairy Saevain: say-vain, suh-vain, suh-vin Cyian: kee-in, cyan
Are there any poly routes?
Yes, there are 10 options:
Thalen & Azaha Sumiel & Rumik Casithar & Daeri Ariela & Saevain Zanis & Cyian Drelyth & Saevain Afthel & Traki Daeri & Afthel Ariela & Casithar Traki & Drelyth
Will the ROs have romantic interests if MC doesn't romance them?
Potentially? If they do, it would only feature in the second half of the story (game 2) and the partners would be off-screen and only referenced in dialogue. If I decide to do this, there will be a toggle to turn it on and off.
Does MC have to romance someone?
Yes. It's a romance-based game.
How do cross-house romances work?
In the first phase ("The School Phase"), it's just normal romancing.
In the second phase ("The War Phase"), it depends on which houses MC and their LI(s) are from. Allied nations are easier to get to/be with while enemy nations are harder.
Where does the game take place?
Metrynus (met-trin-us), a fictional high fantasy world inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. Pentagiim (pen-tah-ghee-im), a fictional continent.
What nations are in Pentagiim?
There are 5 nations in Pentagiim: The Rasuaides Empire, The Espersland Republic, The Iseadesh Alliance, The Lupuv Caelait Territory, and The Quailax Kingdom.
How do you pronounce the nation names?
I don't know, LMAO. They change every time I read/type them, but here are the pronunciations I've used.
Rasuaides Empire: rah-sway-deez, rah-sway-diss, rah-swayds Rasuaidese: rah-sway-deez
Espersland Republic: es-pers-land Esperish: es-per-ish
Iseadesh Alliance: eh-sea-desh, eye-sea-desh Iseadesher: eh-sea-desh-er
Lupuv Caelait Territory: loo-poov kale-ate, la-poov cull-ate Lupuv Caelaitian: loo-poov kale-ate-tea-an, la-poov cull-ate-shin
Quailax Kingdom: quail-axe Quailaxian: quail-axe-ee-an
How does magic work in this world? What are Magus?
Magic is fairly common in the world of Metrynus, but people who can use magic aren't very common.
Magus (may-gus), or the plural Magii (may-guy), are people who can use magic. Magii are required to attend schooling, to what degree is determined by the nation the Magi lives in.
Does MC have a set personality?
Does MC have a set appearance?
Can MC be trans?
It won't really be addressed in story, but yes.
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magussanctorium-if · 21 days
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Second House Officer of the Maroon Rams
Name: Daeri Silkdream (day-ree silk dream) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Age: 18 Status: Nobility MBTI: ESTP Height: 5'3 (160 cm) Body Details: Full-figured, muscular Skin Color: Tanned Hair Details: Curly, waist-length, light blonde Eye Color: Gold Hometown: The Indigo Springs, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: Second House Officer Natural Strength: Evocation Natural Weakness: Abjuration Weapon: Heavy Weapons Bonus Skill: Armored Combat Extracurricular: Sports Club Bio: Daeri is the ditzy, spoiled Second House Officer of the Maroon Rams. She is nobility with her father being the Second Counselor of the Iseadesh Alliance's High Council. She is bold and creative while also being very direct about what she wants. While she is perceptive and a bit manipulative, she can also be arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. Despite this, Daeri is fairly sociable and popular among the student body. Official Image Reference(s): Pending...
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magussanctorium-if · 3 months
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(may be updated as the story progresses)
Name: Vilari Fellsworn (vill-are-ee fell sworn) Age: 19 Gender: Female (she/her)  Status: Nobility Hometown: The Barren Plains, The Lupuv Caelait Territory Rank: Second House Officer Natural Strength: Transmutation Natural Weakness: Enchantment Weapon: Polearms Bonus Skill: Diplomacy Bio: Vilari is a fairly serious and no nonsense kind of person. She is nobility, with her parent being on the Lupuv Caelait Territory's Conclave of Nobles. She's started training at a young age and regularly takes trips out into the wastelands of her hometown. That said, she also enjoys a bit of gossip and keeping up on what the "famous people" of the other nations are doing. Image References: Pending...
Name: Evather Darkflame (ehv-ah-ther dark flame) Age: 18 Gender: Male (he/him) Status: Nobility Hometown: Brightpyre Town, The Lupuv Caelait Territory Rank: First House Prefect Natural Strength: Divination Natural Weakness: Illusion Weapon: Axes Bonus Skill: Mounted Combat Bio: Evather is earnest and really trying. He's considered a "failure" by his parents, since magic doesn't come easily for him. He's considered a noble as his mother belongs to the Conclave of Nobles. He's kind and a bit slow on the uptake, but means well. He often hangs around Vilari, much to her chagrin. Image References: Pending...
Name: Clarath Lightbeam (klar-ath light beam) Age: 21 Gender: Nonbinary (they/them) Status: Nobility Hometown: Shadow Towers, The Lupuv Caelait Territory Rank: Second House Prefect Natural Strength: Abjuration Natural Weakness: Evocation Weapon: Bows/Light Weapons Bonus Skill: Armored Combat Bio: Clarath is a bit of the odd person out. While they are nobility, thanks to their parent holding a seat on the Conclave of Nobles, their hometown is right on the border between the Lupuv Caelait Territory and the Iseadesh Alliance. As such, they've been more privileged than most of their house members. Image References: Pending...
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magussanctorium-if · 3 months
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(may be updated as the story progresses)
Name: Feraluth Sproutlight (fair-uh-looth sprout light) Age: 18 Gender: Nonbinary (they/them) Status: Nobility Hometown: The Tilled Plains, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: Vice-Leader Natural Strength: Abjuration Natural Weakness: Evocation Weapon: Bows/Light Weapons Bonus Skill: Armored Combat Bio: Feraluth is the calm to Casithar's chaos. They're sensitive and smart. Hardworking and earnest. They're nobility with their mother being part of the Iseadesh Alliance's High Council. They have the tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist and workaholic, though. Image References: Pending...
Name: Raeris Wooltore (rare-is wool tore) Age: 20 Gender: Male (he/him) Status: Nobility Hometown: The Indigo Springs, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: First House Prefect Natural Strength: Transmutation Natural Weakness: Divination Weapon: Bows/Light Weapons Bonus Skill: Leadership Bio: Raeris is sociable and outgoing. He flits from one interest to another, accumulating a vast wealth of knowledge. He's nobility through his mother, who is on the Iseadesh Alliance's High Circle. His current interest is in theater and performing. Image References: Pending...
Name: Tylihn Wheatsong (tie-lynn wheat song) Age: 20 Gender: Female (she/her) Status: Nobility Hometown: The Harvest Fields, The Iseadesh Alliance Rank: Second House Prefect Natural Strength: Enchantment Natural Weakness: Illusion Weapon: Polearms Bonus Skill: Mounted Combat Bio: Tylihn is a fairly stand-offish person. She's aloof and a bit shy, preferring to keep to herself or her house members. She is nobility as her father is on the Iseadesh Alliance's High Circle. Despite her chilly demeanor, she actually enjoys fashion and gossiping. She has a subscription to Pentagiim's gossip tabloid. Image References: Pending...
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
How would the maroon rams members react if the MC told them that they have a surprise that would boost morale in the dorm and when they enter the dorm they saw a huge ram when they got out they saw MC with a excited grin and said “so I see you met rammy what do you think do you love her or do you love her”
Technically speaking, rams are male sheep, so unlike some of the other houses, the Maroon Rams would LOVE their new pet. It's relatively safe compared to like bears, snakes, eagles, etc.
They'll set it up in the Maroon Rams courtyard and it becomes their little mascot. Because most people from the Maroon Rams have farming/animal care experience, this is probably the best taken care of sheep ever.
Casithar is probably the one of the most enthused about the ram. He'd dress it up in cute clothes and accessories and definitely feed it things it probably shouldn't be eating like cookies or table scraps.
Feraluth is one actually taking care of the animal. They feed it and clean it's little house everyday. But it's Raeris who actually knows how to properly care for the ram. His family is one of the main wool producers in the Iseadesh Alliance, so he knows how to properly care for a sheep.
Daeri just thinks it's adorable and joins Casithar in dressing it up and making it look all cute. She's also very interested in the wool. While her family is one of the producers of silk, she has interest in any type of fabric/textiles.
Tylihn could take it or leave it. It's not that she doesn't like the animal, she does, but she's not super big into taking care of it or dressing it up. She, however, can be counted on to feed the animal in the early morning. Feraluth would try to get Casithar to do it and he'd just forget.
Anwyn's using the ram to try to pick people up. If the ram is not in its pen, it's probably out on the grounds somewhere with Anwyn, much to the annoyance of Feraluth and Tylihn.
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magussanctorium-if · 4 months
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