#isabella carbonell
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kellermandesign · 2 years ago
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Dogborn (2023) Isabella Carbonell, theatrical onesheet / movie poster design by Kellerman Design.
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rk-ocs · 2 years ago
, I tried to calculate Maria's age with math. Tony inherited the company at 21, Howard died at 74. He was born in 1917 and Tony was born in 1970. Meaning he was 53 when Tony was born.  In 1954 he creates Stark Expo-, and that blurb mentions he eventually married Maria.  Meaning he was 37.
Now let's say for the sake of Maria getting things done that they married in 1960 and had 10 years of marriage before having Tony. Let's say she had him at 35. We can bump it later, but fives are nice even numbers as with this calculation we have it that she married Howard at 25 in 1960. So B:1945. That takes away the WW2 backdrop, but there's plenty to explore in the following years.
That doesn't give her as much time to get up to her own adventures as I thought. I don't know, my headcannon has her has her probably not getting married so young.
The thing is, 35 is sort of a peak year in fertility. Past that​ age chances of Downs and other problems increase.  Howard is 53 at Tony's birth, and men's fertility begins to decrease at 40, and risk of miscarriage rises ECT.
This is supported in the comics with the difficultly they had in having Arno, and why Aliens got involved to have a healthy child.
And then Tony Armstrong Stark, born of a Hydra and Shield coupling, was then adopted by one of Sheilds founders, and raised by a brilliant inventor (and his brilliant wife) and
Howard is described with Genius intelligence ranked at 5, Tony is a super Genius at 6. The only higher intelligence tier is omniscient which is applied to things like gods and mutants from what I see. All of the Tony Starks are in superginius category. Even his AI mental one. Arno Stark has super Genius intelligence as his only ability (stuck on life support and really can't develop anything else) and that was because the Alien genetically engineered it before he was born.
On a slightly unrelated note, Shield is pretty much TAS 's heritage by this point.
So back to the age thing. Maria could have married Howard super young (gross). She could have have a very complicated and dangerous pregnancy (or several). Tony could be adopted or have had Alien intervention.
It's possible that they hadn't thought Maria could have kids and we're very surprised.
It's possible that Tony was a Miracle baby.
Somehow that all pales in comparison to the idea Howard and Maria going into Genetic engineering to have a healthy child ( and Hydra later stole that research too)
That would increase the Odds of being having a healthy Tony at older ages , especially if they use a surrogate. (Been around since 1985, but we can mess a bit with history in other world's if we need to) Perhaps Amanda Armstrong, in a twist, is Tony's Surrogate here
*Gestational surrogacy (also known as host or full surrogacy[3]) was first achieved in April 1986.[5] It takes place when an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology is implanted in a surrogate, sometimes called a gestational carrier. Gestational surrogacy may take a number of forms, but in each form the resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate:
the embryo is created using the intended father's sperm and the intended mother's eggs. The resulting child is genetically related to both intended parents.
Red taught the Carbonell s to growl when someone picks them up.
Tony learned from his mother, who learned it from her father, who learned it from his uncle, and so forth.
It makes for an interesting Bonding moment when he is teaching his previously unknown brother Arno, and his previously Unknown niece Eleanor how to properly Growl
Maria is the daughter of Samuel Carbonell and Emily Collins.
Emily is the daughter of Alexander and Jenna Michaels
Sam is the Son of Felix C and Isabella Hanson
Felix is the child of Lucas Cand Marcia Rodríguez
I should add siblings so cousians happen later.
So yah a lot of Maria and Carbonell backstory in general will be headcannoned.
And Stark too.
I headcannon, for instance that before Howard the Starks were Jewish, but he keeps that quiet for business opportunity purposes, and is overall not big on religion.
Maria is, a lot smarter then her stats say she is. She is exclent at math. The Carbonells are Capable of calculations, having a high enough percentage to be able to tell the future to an extent. And it involves math. Also guidance to handle it, and not spiral into crazy. She is fond of the Piano, and gambling, used to winning them too (it mentoned she deliberately lost a lot of money)
Red was a terrible enabler of this, by teaching her how to play cards, along with lessons of how to read the people playing them.
She seems to enable all of her Prinicpals in one way or another (such as teaching Tony to drive)
I should come up with a Carbonell family tree I think
I sort of headcannon Red as emotionally distant from her parents. Her Dad is on a submarine, and her mom is always working. You knew this. I picture the house as being clean and sort of empty looking, as all signs of life are stored away in it, the dishes washed after use and back in the cubbord. She wakes up there. She eats.  Maybe she will come home and take out the GameCube and play pokemon collesum or something, but she would rather be elsewhere most days. It's MT who comes by and makes sure she's awake on school days, its her aunt and Uncles house that she invites people over to play smash at, and its never her mother she chatters to.
When her mother is home, the volume is to be kept down.
Meeting Tony, she sees Parales, and tries to be a good cousian as well as guard. Meeting and becoming friends with Maria, she internalized the lesson that good people are not nesscarly good parents.
Some people are just not cut out to be parents. Maria tries, she teaches Tony how to play Piano, teaches him a song about math, but he's still pretty lonely
Deaging characters
A young Red and Tony would conclude that they have been kidnapped. Or at least that's the scenario that would come to mind with bodyguard teen Red, and child Tony.
Probably with Tony being the one talking, as red is not talking at this time.
"Don't come any closer, or my bodyguard will shoot you." He signs non fatal main, and red points her gun at them, as they backup.
Upon escaping, they would conclude they ended up in the future, and that red possible ly TT d them. Then they find out his parents are dead and mourn.
Alone it would depend if Red recognized Tony. She could run away or Tony could hire her. Either way it would take  negotiating fast.
Alone deaged Tony, would recognize Red, and probably enjoy being in the future.
Kid Desmond, might pull a Red and run away. (Kid Desmond and adult Red would be adorable though) despite not liking contact from most people, I she's not adverse to giving kids she trusts a piggy back ride. Or shoulder ride.
So It would never happen with a kid Natasha , but Tony, or Des if they asked for sure. Clint wouldn't ask, Steve might still have Serum, and Bruce would be baffled
(This is child turned without adult memories)
Now gender swapped, has its own questions
Would the guys who have beards have them as girls too? Or is it more magical and auto pretty, and they have to put up with big boobs problems?
Jasper's revenge mission from his point of view
For killing my godfather, I will track you down and kill you.
Your getting on a plane are you? I can get on that thing unnoticed no problem.
So you are in that car are you... All I need is a dis... Perfect it looks like they know each other! Let's hide in the car and hope he doesn't have any more luggage.
So everyone here is wearing white. Good thing I never liked this sweater.
Haha I blend perfectly.
What kind of assassins wear white? Wait assassins! I could just hire one! That's so much easier!
Damn it it's apparently class... Actually that's perfect! I could just learn to be an assassin and kill him myself
Why don't we ever learn useful things like parkour in school
Wait even better! I could just hire the assassin teacher to kill him
What do you mean you won't take my money and kill him! What kind assassins are you people!
(Swears in anger at Desmond. Like pretty extremely actually . I think in English it would be something like "you fucking idiotic shit" Osti is for extereme anger, épais is and de marde is of shit, used to place emphasis on the idoticy of the person it's aimed at. ) So after some extreme name calling and swearing at poor Desmond , who thankfully didn't seem to understand the insult, he ran off and stayed out of sight untill Eleanor showed up.
Tante, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici? (Aunty what are you doing here?) (According to Google translate)
Que fais-tu ici?
Je suis vengeance (I'm here for revenge)
C'est l'affaire d'Alyssa. Viens maintenant à la voiture. (That's Alyssa's business. Now come to the car)
I want to try to throw some Quebec sleep into Reds language. I think we did talk about cussing before, but I also want Red/ Jaz to be useing little things more. Like bah, or perhaps saying C’est plate! (Boring!) Under their breath sometimes.
Or just slang like
Baise-moué l’ail. Literally means “kiss my garlic.” Clearly, this is a derivative of an English expression that asks you to kiss a certain part of the human anatomy.
Être tiguidou. Everything is just dandy. No problem here! A-Ok!
J’ai la langue à terre.Roughly translates to “my tongue is on the floor” which means either you are really hungry or tired. The downside to this expression is that you might need to elaborate further after each time you say it, which, all the more, delays the relief you are hoping to get from either hunger or exhaustion. This expression, just like the previous example, may have its roots from Classical French.
Lâche pas la patate! Literally, this translates to “don’t let go of the potato.” Yet another interesting expression, if you hear this from a French Canadian, he could be giving you encouragement not to back out of a daunting task, which is touching. But, most of the time, he is more likely threatening you not to chicken out of a bet, a dare, or a promise.
Especially for misunderstandings
Gosses. This, for sure, can be a very tricky word between Québec French and Metropolitan French. When in France, it will not be an issue if you say to someone “Ca va, les gosses?”in which you are just asking how their kids are doing. Gosses in Québec French however, has come to mean “testicles” for some reason. In short, the typical way of greeting someone’s kids in Metropolitan French may not elicit a pleasant response when spoken in Quebec.
Se laisser manger la laine sur le dos.Meaning, to “let someone eat the wool off your back” means that you are letting someone make a fool out of you or swindle you. I personally think that this is one of the more creative expressions from the Québec French variety.
Avoir mal aux cheveux. It roughly translates to “have a hair ache.” It is an expression used to describe an intense headache. One can only assume that it came from the fact that the headache is so severe that it even made the hair feel the pain.
*you help me find out who is sending me these things &help me put a stop to it
Aiden: apparently it's Desmond miles.
Jaz: wait, I know that picture. It's the assassin teacher. Why the hell is he sending me this spam
Aiden: he was last seen in Italy
Jaz:then I'm going to Italy to kick his ass. Would you please hack me a ticket
Aiden:and that will cover the favor
Jaz: sure
Aiden: have fun in Italy, Jasper
Jasper arrives in Italy
"I did not think this through"
Picks up phone, and dials Aiden
"Where in Italy was he last seen, please"
Also I find it strange that nither Jasper nor Desmond found it strange that both his godmother and aunt apparently came to the Assassin's farm to pick him up.
Of course Desmond could have thought Jasper was lying, but that Jasper himself treats it nonchalantly Implies that this might have happened before. Do they have a tracker on him or something?
It could also be a that his godmother was planning to kill Thomas anyways,�� and met Eleanor was backing her up, untill she noticed Jasper.
It could be the possible Assassin\ Templar reds oblivious to in the cannon, but was mentioned as AU possible world's.
But still. Jasper just told Des, there were two other people you didn't know about there that night too, and he gave it like zero thought. I guess he was still processing that Jasper apparently followed the guy from Quebec to Black Rapids South Dakota. Which is pretty impressive admitibly
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alldancersaretalented · 2 years ago
Stars Dance Company TDA winners and runner ups:
Comment what studio I should do next!
Teen Male Winner:
Ricky Ubeda
Senior Male Winner:
Ricky Ubeda
Teen Male Top 10:
Brandon Chang
Junior Female Top 10:
Kristynn Portugues
Senior Male Top 10:
Derek Piquette
Junior Female Top 10:
Vivian Ruiz
Mini Male Winner:
Brady Farrar
Teen Male Winner:
Logan Hernandez
Junior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Parker Garrison
Mini Female 2nd Runner-Up:
Ashley Vallejo
Senior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Nick Daniels
Teen Female Top 10:
Rosie Elliott Vivian Ruiz
Teen Female Top 20:
Jasmine Carbonell Tayah Bonney
Junior Male Winner:
Parker Garrison
Junior Male Top 10:
Jackson Hafenbreadl Rolof
Junior Female Top 10:
Lizzy Zaritsky
Mini Female Winner:
Diana Pombo
Mini Male Top 10:
Saverio Tedesco
Mini Female 1st Runner-Up:
Destanye Diaz
Mini Female Top 10:
Rachel Leon
Senior Male Top 10:
Shamus Moriarty
Teen Female Winner:
Quinn Starner
Teen Female 2nd Runner-Up:
Vivian Ruiz
Junior Male Winner:
Brady Farrar
Junior Male 1st runner-Up:
Jackson Hafenbreadl Rolof
Junior Female Top 20:
Ashley Vallejo Destanye Diaz Isabella Tagle Rachel Leon
Mini Male 1st Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Mini Male Top 10:
Jason Patryluk
Mini Female Top 20:
Arianna Quant Sophia Geraldo
Mini Female Top 20 (Las Vegas):
Laina Mae Kirkeide
Senior Male Top 20:
Shamus Moriarty Nathaniel Belnavis-Wright Alec Fursman
Senior Female 1st Runner-Up:
Vivian Ruiz
Teen Male Top 10:
Jackson Roloff - Hafenbreadl
Junior Male Top 10:
Sam Fine
Junior Female Top 10:
Isabella Tagle Destanye Diaz
Mini Male 2nd Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Mini Female Top 20:
Giselle Gandarilla
Senior Male Top 20:
Noam Laufer
Senior Male Top 11:
Nathaniel Belnavis-Wright Shamus Moriarty
Senior Female Best Dancer:
Vivian Ruiz
Teen Male 3rd Runner-Up:
Thiago Pacheco
Teen Female Top 20:
Destanye Diaz
Junior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Junior Female Top 20:
Sophie Garcia
Junior Female Top 10:
Arianna Quant
Mini Female Top 20:
Daniela SanGiacomo
Mini Female Top 10:
Kya Massimino
Mini Female 1st Runner-Up:
Giselle Gandarilla
Teen Male Top 10 (Las Vegas):
Sam Fine
Senior Male Top 20:
Ta'Nario Riggins
Senior Male Top 10:
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbread
Senior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Thiago Pacheco
Teen Male Top 20:
Edon Hartzy
Teen Male Top 10:
Samuel Ek Colin Bendziewicz
Teen Male 2nd Runner-Up:
Xander Perone
Teen Male 1st Runner-Up:
Sam Fine
Teen Male Best Dancer:
Brady Farrar
Teen Female Top 20:
Sophie Garcia
Teen Female Top 10:
Destanye Diaz Arianna Quant
Junior Female Top 20:
Lena Garcia Jazmine Raine Werner
Junior Female Top 10:
Daniela SanGiacomo Giselle Gandarilla
Mini Male Top 10:
Dylan Custodio
Mini Male 1st Runner-Up:
Santiago Sosa
Mini Male Best Dancer:
Michael Cash Savio
Mini Female Top 20:
Bella Rey D'Armas
Mini Female Best Dancer:
Kya Massimino
Senior Male Top 10:
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbread
Senior Male 2nd Runner-Up:
Sam Fine
Senior Female Top 20:
Sophia Cobo
Senior Female 3rd Runner-Up:
Destanye Diaz
Senior Female 1st Runner-Up:
Bella Tagle
Teen Male Top 10:
Alejandro Ruiz Oliver Keane Hugo Silva
Teen Male 2nd Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Teen Male 1st Runner-Up:
Colin Bendziewicz
Teen Female Top 20:
Giselle Gandarilla Ava Raucci
Teen Female Top 10:
Arianna Quant Ayla Rodriguez
Teen Female 1st Runner-Up:
Sophie Garcia
Junior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Santiago Sosa
Junior Female Top 20:
Elie Rabin Alexcia Roloff-Hafenbread Bella Rey D'Armas
Junior Female Best Dancer:
Kylee Casares
Mini Male 1st Runner-Up:
Noa Del Corral
Mini Male Best Dancer:
Dylan Custodio
Senior Male Top 20:
Edon Hartzy
Senior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Senior Male Best Dancer:
Sam Fine
Senior Female Top 20:
Bella Tagle Arianna Quant
Senior Female Top 10:
Destanye Diaz
Teen Male Top 20:
Alejandro Ruiz
Teen Male Top 10:
Kylan Wright Hugo Silva
Teen Male 1st Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Teen Female Top 10:
Giselle Gandarilla Catherine Clayton
Teen Female 1st Runner-Up:
Sophie Garcia
Junior Male 3rd Runner-Up:
Neo Del Corral
Junior Male Best Dancer:
Santiago Sosa
Junior Female 2nd Runner-Up:
Bella Rey D'Armas
Junior Female Best Dancer:
Zoe Flores
Mini Female Top 10:
Ashley Otano Camila Giraldo
Mini Female 1st Runner-Up:
Anita Rodriguez
Senior Male Top 20:
Patricio Hoyo Hugo Silva Damian Caraballo Alejandro Ruiz
Senior Male 1st Runner-Up:
Nicholas Bustos
Senior Male Best Dancer:
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Senior Female Top 20:
Demetria Guzman Brianna-Malania Dillett
Senior Female Top 10:
Catherine Clayton
Senior Female 1st Runner-Up:
Sophie Garcia
Teen Male Best Dancer:
Kylan Wright
Teen Female Top 10:
Kylee Casares
Teen Female Best Dancer:
Giselle Gandarilla
Junior Male 3rd Runner-Up:
Dylan Custodio
Junior Male Best Dancer:
Neo Del Corral
Junior Female Top 20:
Camila Giraldo
Junior Female Top 10:
Amabella Tarrago
Junior Female 3rd Runner-Up:
Anita Rodriguez
Mini Male Top 10:
Kenny Braga
Mini Male Best Dancer:
Isaiah Santos
Mini Female Top 20:
Victoria Reich
Mini Female Top 10:
Reese Braga
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cawamedia · 10 months ago
IWC Charity lunch-screening of ”Dogborn”
Charity lunch-screening of ”Dogborn” by Isabella Carbonell (Swedish with ENG subtitles, running time 1h 24 min. More on ”Dogborn”: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13583090/ The screening is in favour of the non-profit organization Talita which helps women and children out of sex trade and human trafficking. Talita helped out with the background/ real cases which the film ”Dogborn” is based…
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disneytva · 5 years ago
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Chief Cruz and the police get the upper hand in their battle with both villains and Big Hero 6 when they begin using Buddy Guardians, powerful new robots produced by Krei Tech.
Horatio Sanz, Isabella Gomez and Nestor Carbonell return
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artisticlegshake · 3 years ago
1st Shale Herrera - DANCEPLEX STC!
2nd Alondra Booher - CHAMPION
2nd Maria Moreno - IMAGINE
3rd Sophia Quintana - CHAMPION
3rd Jaxon Adamson - CLUB
4th Scout Boone - J2K
4th Viviana Macias - J2K
4th Kalani Cazares - SANDRA’S
5th Isabel Alvarado - DC
6th Yessenia Anaya - DC
7th George Schill - STUDIO 444
1st Lucia Piedrahita - DANCEEPLEX
2nd Sara Von Rotz - P21
2nd Harper Schwalb - CLUB
2nd Emery Duffin - DC2
3rd Kennedy Marble - CLUB
3rd Kendyl Miller - CLUB
4th Patience Hughes - CLUB
4th Maysen Bosteter - CLUB
4th Isabella Piedrahita - DANCEPLEX
5th Hadlie Scott - CLUB
5th Blythe McNamara - THE INDUSTRY
5th Shaynah Gallegos - SANDRA’S
5th Olivia Gonzales - MCCOY RIGBY
6th Nicole Yordanova - LOS ALTOS
6th Savvy Bunker - DC2
7th Aubriella Ulibarri - CHAMPION
7th Alexa Alvarez - IMAGINE
8th Sabina Vess - AMD
9th Daniela Carbonell - J2K
9th Parker Vaughn - SANDRA’S
10th Mia Gonzalez - CHAMPION
10th Tallulah Boone - J2K
1st Vivienne Robillard - THE ROCK
2nd Campbell Clark - NEXT STEP
3rd Sydney Kelly - CLUB
3rd Patrick Alonzo - SANDRA’S
3rd Evie Richard - PREMIER
4th Scarlett Petty - ALDC
4th Kylie Carter - YYCDP
4th Kortlynn Rosenbaugh - CLUB
5th Olivia Quintana - CLUB
5th Evie Bailey - DC2
6th Tatum Brady - P21
7th Scarlet Bunker - DC2
7th Madelyn Byrd - SANDRA’S
8th Aubree Santillian - ACADEMY OF NV
8th Alyssa Rael - SANDRA’S
8th Johnny Gray - ACADEMY OF NV
8th Lyric Gibbs - DESERT EAGLE
9th Catherine Marco - CAPISTRANO
9th Raine Kowalkowski - PAVE
10th Zoey Cassady - STUDIO 444
10th Alexia Booher - CHAMPION
**sorry i didn’t get all adjudications but at least the top 6 mini and junior solos got stop the clock awards!
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justins-foley · 8 years ago
Every time I see Nestor Carbonell I can't help but think about his character in Lost and more particularly about the entire episode that was dedicated to Richard. To me it's one of Lost's best episodes, like it moved me so so deeply. Richard moved me so deeply. To me there's nothing on television that will ever top Ab Aeterno. It was something else. Nestor's acting was absolutely brilliant and on point. You can be a Lost fan or not; watch that episode and I'm 99% sure it's gonna touch your soul.
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animesuperhero0 · 6 years ago
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DISNEY CHANNEL ORDERS THIRD SEASON OF ‘BIG HERO 6 THE SERIES’ AS THE ANIMATED HIT GEARS UP FOR ITS SEASON TWO PREMIERE ON MONDAY, MAY 6 Nestor Carbonell, Isabella Gomez, Ben Feldman, Will Friedle, Jane Lynch, Timothy Simons Among Season Two Guest Cast Disney Channel has ordered a third season of the Emmy(R) Award-nominated animated…
Disney Channel’s Big Hero 6 Gets Renewed for Season 3 with Season 2 Premiering May 8, 2019 was originally published on Anime Superhero News
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deadlinecom · 2 years ago
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filologija · 5 years ago
Hieronymus noster: International Symposium on Jerome, Ljubljana 2019
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Hieronymus noster, the international symposium on the 1600th anniversary of death of Jerome, will take place in Ljubljana on October 24th–26th, 2019, at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is being organised by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; the Universities of Ljubljana, Zagreb, Graz, and Warsaw; Central European University (CEU); International Network of Excellence “Europa Renascens”; DANUBIUS Project (Université de Lille); and the Institut des Sources chrétiennes. The symposium is under the honorary patronage of Mr Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia. Wednesday, October 23 17.00 Registration and Opening Ceremony Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Thursday, October 24 Session 1 8.30 – 9.30 Plenary Lectures Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Laurence Mellerin: Hieronymian studies at the Institut des Sources Chretiennes Jože Krašovec: The Development of St Jerome’s Views on the Translation and Interpretation of the Holy Bible Session 2 Section A Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 1 Chair: Danuta Schanzer Thomas Clemmons: Jerome’s Early Understanding of Society and the Church Michael A. Ennis: “Test All Things” – Jerome’s Theory and Practice with Suspicious Theologians Philip Polcar: Unciales Litterae and the pauperes Christi: The Economics of Jerome’s Ecclesiastical Influence Section B Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome’s Exegesis 1 Chair: Samo Skralovnik Sergio Zincone: L’interpretazione delle parabole evangeliche nel Commento di Girolamo al Vangelo secondo Matteo Miklos Istvan Foldvary: The Horns of Moyses Laszlo Takacs: St. Jerome and the Allegorical Interpretation of Exodus Jacobus Koos Kritzinger: The interpretation of ‘The Parable of the Prodigal Son’ by two Latin patristic authors, St Jerome and Petrus Chrysologus Section C Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Translating Holy Scripture Chair: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj Jean-Marie Auwers: Jerome cite-t-il ses propres traductions du Cantique des cantiques? Tiziano F. Ottobrini: Hebraica ueritas e filologia ispirata: Girolamo e la traduzione biblica come traduzione dello Spirito Krisztian Fenyves: From the “Veritas Graeca” to the “Veritas Hebraica” (in St.Jerome’s Commentaries) Edoardo Bona: Alla ricerca della Verita: il testo originale come Veritas Coffee Break 11.15 – 11.30 Session 3 Section A Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 2 Chair: David Movrin Peter Scheck: Benedict XV, Jerome and the Perennial Validity of Spiritus Paraclitus Judith Marie Gentle: Ecce Virgo Concipiet: The Enduring Theological Significance of De perpetua virginitate beatae Mariae adversus Helvidium Rebecca Keller: Jerome, Vigilantius, and the Cults of the Saints Section B Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome’s Exegesis 2 Chair: Samo Skralovnik Milena Joksimović: Adulter Vs. Moechus: Jerome’s Use of Terms for Adultery in Vulgata Anna Persig: Jerome as the reviser of the Vulgate Epistles: status quaestionis and New Approaches Alisa Kunitz-Dick: Jerome’s Commentary on Malachi: A Comparative Approach Section C Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Slovenian Section Chair: Rajko Bratož Rafko Valenčič: Kje si, Stridon? Metod Benedik: Emonska Cerkev v Hieronimovem času, njena notranja moč Gregor Sraka: Hieronimovi stiki z Ilirikom v času njegovega prebivanja na Vzhodu (375-420) Lunch Break 13.00 – 15.00 Session 4 Section A Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Monastic Theology Chair: Jan Ciglenečki Danuta Shanzer: Jerome’s Demons: Demonizations vs. Demonology David Movrin: Holy Aemulatio: Jerome's Efforts to Outdo the Life of Antony Philip Marshall: Claustration in Jerome’s Advice to young women Jordina Sales-Carbonell: Jerome and the Western Monasticism: Asceticism, Evergetism and Orthodoxy within the Late Fourth Century Hispania Section B Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Epistolography 1 Chair: Alenka Cedilnik Emmanuelle Mantel: La lettre de consolation chez saint Jerome Gina Derhard: Metaphors of Conversion to Asceticism in Jerome’s Letters Giovanna Martino: La regola educativa di S. Gerolamo: esempi di una institutio christiana nell’Epistolario geronimiano (Epp. 107 e 128) Emanuela Colombi: Fasting and Food: Dietary Prescriptions in Jerome’s Letters Section C Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and the Classics 1 Chair: Marko Marinčič Matej Hriberšek: Christian Ciceronian and His Zeal for Antiquity – Ancient Pagan Writers in the Saint Jerome’s Opus Isabella D���Auria: Note di approfondimento sulle teorie geronimiane relative a “traduzione” e “parafrasi” Miran Sajovic SDB: Aliquid de Latinitate Hieronymiana Felix Seibert: Interpretatio Christiana? Zur Funktion der Vergilzitate in den Briefen des Hieronymus Coffee Break 16.45 – 17.00 Session 5 Section A Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Monasticism Chair: Jan Dominik Bogataj Jan Ciglenečki, Nena Bobovnik: Blue Deserts: Jerome and the Origins of Insular Monasticism on the Adriatic Florence Bret: Fondation et transmission dans la Vita Pauli et la Vita Hilarionis Jiři Šubrt: Historia castitatis. Jerome´s Life of Malchus as a Novelistic parable Fernando Monzon: Punti di coincidenza della Vita Malchi (VM) di San Girolamo con la Tradizione umanistica in quanto trasmissione letteraria, sapienziale e pedagogica Section B Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Epistolography 2 Chair: Miran Sajovic Angela Zielinski Kinney: In Sickness and in Health: Illness and Injury in Jerome’s Correspondence Willum Westenholz: Must an Epistle be Epistolary? Jerome as a Case-Study Amy Oh: City and Wilderness in the Letters of Jerome Giorgia Grandi: La vita postuma di San Girolamo: Aspetti della sua fortuna nel novecento Section C Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and the Classics 2 Chair: Matej Hriberšek Marko Marinčič: An Exegete and a Poetess Facing Virgil: Some Backgrounds to Jerome‘s Criticism of the Christian Centos Ines Ivić: From Private to Popular Devotion: The Humanist Formation of the Cult of Saint Jerome as the National Saint in the 15th Century Dalmatia Anja Božič: Movere through St Jerome: Pier Paolo Vergerio’s Eighth Sermon in praise of St Jerome Friday, October 25 Session 6 Section A Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Aquileia Chair: Rajko Bratož Lukas J. Dorfbauer: Jerome’s Use of the Gospel Commentary by Fortunatianus of Aquileia Alessio Peršič: Due (o tre) “rustici” a confronto: Sulpicio Severo (con Martino) e Gerolamo Maurizio Girolami: Hieronymus magister, amicus et frater: Girolamo visto da Rufino di Concordia Miran Špelič OFM: Victorinus noster: Jerome of Stridon and Victorinus of Poetovio – Compatriots Section B Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Reception of Jerome 1 Chair: Aleš Maver Christopher M. Blunda: Between Jerome and Gennadius: Marcellinus Comes’ Chronicon s. a. 392 in Codex Parisinus BN Lat. 12161 Klaus Kronert: Jerome et les elements de structure des chroniques universelles du Moyen Age Deri Balaz: Jerome as the Most Important Source of Saint Gerard’s Deliberatio for Patristic Exegesis Pierre Chambert-Protat: Jerome in Carolingian Lyon: Medieval Reception and Philological Contributions Andrea Radošević: The Reception of St. Jerome in Late Medieval Sermon Collection Section C Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Art Chair: Rafko Valenčič Irena Avsenik Nabergoj: Saint Jerome’s Critique of the Literary Qualities of the Holy Bible Milena Mileva Blažić: Hieronim in pravljični tip ATU 156: Trn izdrt iz šape Reiner Sorries: Der Heilige Hieronymus in der islamischen Kunst Leon Debevec: Arhitektura Hieronimovih cerkva na Slovenskem Coffee Break 10.30 – 10.45 Session 7 Section A Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 3 Chair: Andrew Cain Anto Barišić: A Review of Jerome´s Relation to Origen in the Light of the Second Vatican Council and Post-Conciliar Theology Jan Dominik Bogataj OFM: Jerome’s Interpretation of the Transfiguration in the Light of Some Recent Patristic Discoveries Leszek Misiarczyk: Impassibilitas et impeccantia: Jerome’s misunderstanding of ἀπαθεία in Evagrius Ponticus Norbert Widok: Theological Concepts of Gregory of Nazianzus in the Teaching of Jerome of Stridon Section B Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Reception of Jerome 2 Chair: Giulio Malavasi Agnes Korondi: Saint Jerome, a Model and an Author for Late Medieval Hungarian-Speaking Nuns Levente Pap: Hieronymus’s Reception in an Early 18th Century Hungarian Historical Work Javier de Prado Garcia: Reading the Faith on a Mission. Hieronymus’Citations in Early Modern Missionary Works Filomena Giannotti: Saint Jerome’s Postumous Life: Aspects of his Reception in the 20th Century Ivica Čairović: Jerome of Stridon and his Work in Serbian Theological-Historical Literature in the Second Half of the 20th and Early 21st Century Section C Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Liturgy Chair: Matjaž Celarc Silvio Košćak: St. Jerome in expositio missae of Amalar of Metz (775-850) and William Durand (1230-1296) Ivan Botica, Kristijan Kuhar: St. Jerome in the Heritage and Tradition of the Roman liturgy on the Croatian Church Slavonic Language Nikolaj Aracki Rosenfeld OCist: Evhološka besedila na čast svetemu Hieronimu ter variabilnost njihovih prevodov Coffee Break 12.15 – 12.30 Friday 12.30 Excursion: »Ubicating Jerome’s Stridonae« Saturday, October 26 Session 8 Section A Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 History and Archaeology Chair: Alenka Cedilnik Dominic Moreau: Hieronymus Illyricianus: Les correspondants et autres relations de Jerome de Stridon dans la peninsule balkanique: une contribution a la Prosopographie chretienne du Bas-Empire Rajko Bratož: Hieronim kot zgodovinar svoje dobe: njegovi pogledi na krizne pojave in zaton rimskega cesarstva Bernarda Županek: Late Roman Emona: Understanding the Transformation of the City Andrej Gaspari: Cemetery of the Early Christian Community at Emona, Ljubljana: Preliminary Observations from the 2017–2018 Archaeological Research at the Gosposvetska cesta Site Craig H. Caldwell III: In mea patria rusticitatis vernacula: Jerome and Illyricum in Late Antiquity Section B Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Jerome and Heresiology Chair: Rebecca Keller Carles Buenacasa Perez: Le role du donatisme dans l’heresiologie de Jerome Raul Villegas Marin: Jerome’s Contribution to the Making of the Pelagian Heresy: a Reassessment Mieczysław Celestyn Paczkowski: San Girolamo e il presunto millenarismo di Apollinare di Laodicea Katarina Palsson: The Rhetorical Function of Women in Jerome’s Heresiology Section C Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Croatian Culture Chair: Rafko Valenčič Josip Bratulić: Sveti Jeronim u hrvatskoj kulturi Marko Medved: Sv. Jeronim u hrvatskoj crkvenoj povijesti i historiografiji – s posebnim osvrtom na njegov kult na širem području Rijeke Vesna Badurina Stipčević: La vita e la traslazione di San Girolamo nei testi croatoglagolitici Ana Mihaljević, Milan Mihaljević: St. Jerome’s Homilies on Luke’s Gospel in Croatian Glagolitic Breviaries Petra Stankovska: Homilije sv. Hieronima v srednjeveškem cerkvenoslovanskem prevodu Coffee Break 10.30 – 11.00 Session 9 Section A Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Origen and Augustine Chair: Miran Špelič Thomas P. Scheck: Jerome’s Origenistic Exegesis of Romans 9 (Epistle 120.10 to Hedibia) Vito Limone, Guilio Malavasi: Esegesi anti-origeniane nel commento a Geremia di Gerolamo Lucian Dincă: La correspondence entre Jerome et Augustin: l’interpretation de Ga 2,11-14 Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri: Entre Jerome et Augustin: correspondance croisee Section B Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Varia 1 Chair: Matjaž Celarc Andrea Svobodova: St. Jerome and Old Czech Bible Antonio Davila Perez: St. Jerome vs. Santes Pagnino in the Reception and Inquisitorial Process of the Polyglot Bible of Antwerp (1568-1577) Marie Rebeille-Borgella: La diffusion de la revision hieronymienne des traductions bibliques dans les livres liturgiques latins (Ve-XIIe siecle): l’exemple des petits prophetes Section C Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Varia 2 Chair: David Movrin Aleš Maver: Podoba prvih dveh stoletij krščanstva v Znamenitih možeh in njen vpliv na srednji in novi vek Javier A. Domingo, Luigi Finocchietti: San Girolamo a Roma: Ipotesi storiche e archeologiche Hrvoje Gračanin: Jerome‘s Illyricum Mirja Jarak: Early Christian Painting and Sculpture in Illyricum During the Second Half of the 4th and Early 5th Century Lunch Break 12.30 – 15.00 Session 10 All Sections Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Saturday 15.00 – 16.15 Concluding Plenary Lectures Heinrich Schlange-Schoningen: Hieronymus und Rufinus: Freundschaft und Theologie in der Spatantike Andrew Cain: Why did Jerome Comment on Paul? An Etiological Investigation of His Commentaries on the Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, and Philemon 16.30 Conclusion Miran Špelič 17.00 Roman Emona (Walking Tour) Organizing Committee Pablo Argárate, Institute of Ecumenical Theology, Eastern Orthodox Church and Patrology, Faculty of Catholic Theology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz Ivan Bodrožić, Department of the History of Christian Literature and Christian Teaching, Catholic Faculty of Theology Zagreb Jan Dominik Bogataj OFM, Victorinianum Patristic Institute, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, secretary Rajko Bratož, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Alenka Cedilnik, History Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Antonio Dávila Pérez, Department of Classical Philology, University of Cádiz – International Network Europa Renascens Laurence Mellerin, Institut des Sources chrétiennes (HISOMA-UMR��5189 research centre) Dominic Moreau, DANUBIUS Project (Université de Lille/HALMA-UMR 8164 research centre) David Movrin, Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Elżbieta M. Olechowska, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw Katalin Szende, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna Marjeta Šašel Kos, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana Miran Špelič OFM, Victorinianum Patristic Institute, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana Rafko Valenčič, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana Read the full article
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ulyssestennynson-blog · 8 years ago
Actividad [fantabulosa] de 10B
A partir de lo que hemos discutido en clases, la actividad de debate de 10B seguirá unos lineamientos parecidos a los de 10A. El tema para debatir serán los algunos puntos de la reforma política que propuso el ministro del interior, Juan F Cristo, que hoy están siendo examinados por los partidos políticos del país. Los temas son: voto a partir de los 16 años, voto obligatorio y la ampliación de período presidencial de 4 a 5 años. Los grupos quedarán conformados así:
Grupo a favor del voto 16 años:
Laura Acuña
Isabella Carbonell
Danna Llanos
María Triana
Melisa Fayad
Michelle Palacio
Grupo en contra del voto 16 años:
Andrea Bustilo
Natalia Díaz
Adriana Quintana
Ana Zakzuk
Valeria Gutiérrez
Luz Mejía
Grupo a favor voto obligatorio:
Ana Bossa
Aida El Sabbagh
Paula Kligman
Valentina Morron
Daniela Rincones
Sofía Solano
Grupo en contra voto obligatorio:
María Becerra
Isabella Celis
Lina Gómez
Valentina Ramírez
Valentina Rodríguez
Aura Caballero
Grupo a favor período presidencial:
Andrea Cajigas
Natalia Brochero
Andrea Espeleta
Thays Leira
María Orozco
María Gabriela Tovar
Tatiana Pérez
Grupo en contra período presidencial:
María Buzón
Valentina Rodas.
Daniela Galeano
Valentina Horta
Valerie León
Laura Marimón
El jueves 2 de marzo tendrán que entregarme el position paper de 150 palabras a favor y en contra de cada grupo. Podrán enviarme por mail el borrador para que lo revise pero sólo tendrán hasta el día 25 de febrero para enviarme el borrador.
El debate lo haremos el jueves 9 de marzo. 2 estudiantes de cada grupo a favor (que yo escogeré) podrán debatir con el grupo en contra- cada grupo tendrá 15 minutos para discutir y al final tomaremos una decisión con respecto a cada ítem. Recuerden que todas deben estar preparadas y todas deben trabajar en la hechura tanto del borrador como del position paper final.
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rk-ocs · 2 years ago
So yah a lot of Maria and Carbonell backstory in general will be headcannoned.
And Stark too.
I headcannon, for instance that before Howard the Starks were Jewish, but he keeps that quiet for business opportunity purposes, and is overall not big on religion.
Maria is, a lot smarter then her stats say she is. She is exclent at math. The Carbonells are Capable of calculations, having a high enough percentage to be able to tell the future to an extent. And it involves math. Also guidance to handle it, and not spiral into crazy. She is fond of the Piano, and gambling, used to winning them too (it mentoned she deliberately lost a lot of money)
Red was a terrible enabler of this, by teaching her how to play cards, along with lessons of how to read the people playing them.
She seems to enable all of her Prinicpals in one way or another (such as teaching Tony to drive)
I should come up with a Carbonell family tree I think
Maria is the daughter of Samuel Carbonell and Emily Collins.
Emily is the daughter of Alexander and Jenna Michaels
Sam is the Son of Felix C and Isabella Hanson
Felix is the child of Lucas Cand Marcia Rodríguez
I should add siblings so cousians happen later.
I sort of headcannon Red as emotionally distant from her parents. Her Dad is on a submarine, and her mom is always working. You knew this. I picture the house as being clean and sort of empty looking, as all signs of life are stored away in it, the dishes washed after use and back in the cubbord. She wakes up there. She eats.  Maybe she will come home and take out the GameCube and play pokemon collesum or something, but she would rather be elsewhere most days. It's MT who comes by and makes sure she's awake on school days, its her aunt and Uncles house that she invites people over to play smash at, and its never her mother she chatters to.
When her mother is home, the volume is to be kept down.
Meeting Tony, she sees Parales, and tries to be a good cousian as well as guard. Meeting and becoming friends with Maria, she internalized the lesson that good people are not nesscarly good parents.
Some people are just not cut out to be parents. Maria tries, she teaches Tony how to play Piano, teaches him a song about math, but he's still pretty lonely.
Red taught the Carbonell s to growl when someone picks them up.
Tony learned from his mother, who learned it from her father, who learned it from his uncle, and so forth.
It makes for an interesting Bonding moment when he is teaching his previously unknown brother Arno, and his previously Unknown niece Eleanor how to properly Growl
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tourportugal · 7 years ago
Park De El Retiro
The Buen Retiro Park (Spanish: Parque del Buen Retiro, literally “Park of the Pleasant Retreat”, or simply El Retiro) is one of the largest parks of the city of Madrid, Spain. The park belonged to the Spanish Monarchy until the late 19th century, when it became a public park. The Buen Retiro Park is a large and popular 1.4 km2 (350 acres) park at the edge of the city centre, very close to the Puerta de Alcalá and not far from the Prado Museum. A magnificent park, filled with beautiful sculptures and monuments, galleries, a peaceful lake, and a host to a variety of events, it is one of Madrid’s premier attractions. The park is entirely surrounded by the present-day city. In 1505, at the time of Isabella I (r. 1474–1504) the Jeronimos monastery was moved from an unsuitable location elsewhere to the present site of San Jeronimo el Real Church, and a new monastery built in Isabelline Gothic style. The royal family had a retreat built as part of the church.
King Philip II (r. 1556–1598) moved the Spanish court to Madrid in 1561. Philip had the Retiro enlarged by his architect Juan Bautista de Toledo, and formal avenues of trees were laid out.
The gardens were extended in the 1620s, when Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares, Philip IV’s powerful favourite, gave the king several tracts of land in the vicinity for the Court’s recreational use. Olivares determined to build, in a place that the king liked, a royal house which should be superior to those villas that Roman nobles had been setting up in the hilly outskirts of Rome during the previous century. Although this second royal residence was to be built in what were then outlying areas of Madrid, it was actually not far from the existing Alcázar or fortress residence, and the location in a cool, wooded area proved to be ideal.
In the 1630s, under the supervision of architects Giovanni Battista Crescenzi and Alonso Carbonell, several building were erected in great haste, two of which are still standing: the “Casón del Buen Retiro” which served as a ballroom, and the “Salón de Reinos” (Hall of Kingdoms), its wall decorated with paintings by Velázquez and Zurbarán and frescoes by Luca Giordano.
The Count-Duke of Olivares commissioned the park in the 1630s, worked on by Cosimo Lotti, a garden designer who had worked under Bernardo Buontalenti on the layout of the Boboli Gardens for Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Water was a distinguishing trait of the garden from the outset: the great pond, Estanque del Retiro, which served as the setting for mock naval battles and other aquatic displays, the great canal, the narrow channel, the chamfered or bellflower pond, created —along with the chapels— the basic layout of the gardens. Buen Retiro was described as “The world art wonder of the time”, probably the last great creation of the Renaissance in Spain. Buen Retiro became the center of Habsburg court life at a time when Spain was the foremost power in the world. During the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II several magnificent plays were performed in the park for the royal family and the court.
The gardens were neglected after the death of Philip IV in 1665, but have been restored and changed on many occasions, notably after being opened to the public in 1767 and becoming the property of the municipality in 1868.
Philip V (1700–1746) ordered the creation of a parterre, the only French-style garden in the complex. During the reign of Ferdinand VI, Buen Retiro was the setting for magnificent Italian operas. Charles III (1759–1788) saw to the beautification of its perimeter, replacing the old walls with elegant wrought-iron railings. Juan de Villanueva’s Astronomical Observatory was built during the reign of Charles IV (1788–1808).
The Buen Retiro Palace was used until the era of Charles III. Most of the palace was destroyed during the Peninsular War (1807–1814) with the First French Empire.
The reign of Queen Isabella II saw profound changes in the “Retiro”. During the queen’s minority, the gardens enjoyed a particularly prosperous period, with the planting of shade and fruit trees, and previously unplanted areas like the “Campo Grande”, were landscaped as well. The gardens eventually passed to public ownership in 1868, at the time of the overthrow of Queen Isabella. In 1883 it hosted the Exposición Nacional de Minería.
El Retiro gradually became the green heart of the city. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Monument to Alfonso XII of Spain was erected next to the pond, designed by architect José Grases Riera. Countless statues, fountains and commemorative monuments have filled the park and converted it into an open-air sculpture museum.
The nineteen-thirties and forties witnessed the creation of new gardens attributed to Chief Gardener Cecilio Rodriguez who designed and built the rose garden Close to the northern entrance of the park is the Estanque del Retiro (“Retiro Pond”), a large artificial pond. Next to it is the monument to King Alfonso XII, featuring a semicircular colonnade and an equestrian statue of the monarch on the top of a tall central core.
The Rosaleda rose garden. Among the many rose bushes of all kinds stands the Fountain of the Fallen Angel, erected in 1922, whose main sculpture El Angel Caído (at the top) is a work by Ricardo Bellver (1845–1924) inspired by a passage from John Milton’s Paradise Lost,[3] which represents Lucifer falling from Heaven. It is claimed that this statue is the only known public monument of Satan.[4]
The few remaining buildings of the Buen Retiro Palace, including Casón del Buen Retiro and the Salon de Reinos, now house museum collections. The Casón has a collection of 19th- and 20th-century paintings, including art by the Spanish painter Joaquín Sorolla. The Ejército, one of Spain’s foremost Army museums, has moved to Toledo.
Since assuming its role as a public park the late 19th century, the “Parque del Retiro” has been used as a venue for various international exhibitions. Several emblematic buildings have remained as testimony to such events, including the Mining building, popularly known as the Velázquez Palace (1884) by architect Ricardo Velázquez Bosco, who also designed the Palacio de Cristal (“Crystal Palace”), a glass pavilion inspired by The Crystal Palace in London, undoubtedly the gardens’ most extraordinary building. Built along with its artificial pond in 1887 for the Philippine Islands Exhibitions, the Palacio de Cristal was first used to display flower species indigenous to the archipelago. The landscape-style gardens located in the former “Campo Grande” are also a reminder of the international exhibitions that have taken place here in the past.
The Paseo de la Argentina, also popularly known as Paseo de las Estatuas (“Statue Walk”), is decorated with some of the statues of kings from the Royal Palace, sculpted between 1750 and 1753.
There are now art galleries in the Crystal Palace, Palacio de Velázquez, and Casa de Vacas.
In the Retiro Park is also the Forest of Remembrance (Bosque del recuerdo), a memorial monument to commemorate the 191 victims of the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks.
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disneytva · 5 years ago
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February 2020 Highlights
Saturday, Feb. 1
9:25-9:55 A.M. EST (Disney Channel) Big City Greens “Level Up/Wild Side” When Bill gets hooked on a farm-simulating video game, Cricket must battle him to break his addiction. | Cricket’s wild side takes over when Bill is unable to replicate their old camping trips.
10:00-10:30 A.M. EST (Disney XD) Big Hero 6 The Series “Fear Not” Supersonic Stu busts his grandmother, Supersonic Sue, out of prison. Timothy Simons (Veep) guest stars as Supersonic Stu and Jane Lynch (Glee) returns as Supersonic Sue.
Friday, Feb. 7
10:00-10:30 A.M. EST (Disney Channel) Puppy Dog Pals “Valentine’s Day Mix-Up/A Stinky Story” When Bob’s valentine for Ana accidentally gets mailed to Italy, the Pugs head out to bring it back. | When a young skunk accidentally ends up in Bob’s yard, the Pugs go on a mission to help her find her way home.
1:30-2:00 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) Elena of Avalor “Giant Steps” Naomi returns to Avalor to warn Elena about a growing magical threat to the kingdom. John Leguizamo (Moulin Rouge!) and WWE professional wrestler Roman Reigns guest star as Tziloco, a magical crystal bat, and Kizin, a mythical ancient giant, respectively. Gina Torres (Suits) returns as Chatana.
8:50-9:25 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) The Owl House “Covention” Luz’s lesson about witch covens goes awry when she finds herself thrust into a witch’s duel.
Saturday, Feb. 8
9:25-9:55 A.M. EST (Disney Channel) Mid-Season Two Finale: Big City Greens “Garage Tales/Animal Farm” After finding a box of mementos, Gramma tells the kids about her greatest adventure. | While the Greens are away, the animals compete to see who will rule the farm. Jameela Jamil (The Good Place) and Alfred Molina (Raiders of the Lost Ark) guest star as Phoenix, a dog, and Cogburn, a rooster, respectively.
10:00-11:00 A.M. EST (Disney XD) Season Two Finale: Big Hero 6 The Series “Legacies – Parts I & II” Chief Cruz and the police get the upper hand in their battle with both villains and Big Hero 6 when they begin using Buddy Guardians, powerful new robots produced by Krei Tech. Horatio Sanz (Saturday Night Live) returns as El Fuego, Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) returns as Megan and Nestor Carbonell (The Dark Knight) returns as Chief Cruz.
Friday, Feb. 14
1:00-1:30 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) Fancy Nancy “Roses are Red, JoJo is Blue/Love, Lionel” Nancy breaks a promise to JoJo on Valentine’s Day. | On Valentine’s Day, Nancy helps Lionel say what’s in his heart.
Friday, Feb. 21
8:50-9:25 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) The Owl House “Hooty’s Moving Hassle” When Luz, Willow and Gus accidentally animate the Owl House, the house runs amok around Bonesborough.
Friday, Feb. 28
1:00-1:30 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) Fancy Nancy “Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet/Operation: Fix Marabelle!” Nancy becomes jealous when Bree gets the part in the ballet that she was hoping to play. | Nancy discovers she’s an exceptional doll surgeon who stays calm under pressure until Marabelle becomes injured.
8:50-9:25 P.M. EST (Disney Channel) The Owl House “Lost in Language” While checking out the library, Luz’s pranks lead to unintended consequences.
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disneytva · 5 years ago
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September Disney Synopsis Highlights
Tuesday, Sept. 3
3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!” Donald and Penumbra must break out of a Moon Prison and send a warning to Earth about a looming invasion. Meanwhile, Dewey and Webby uncover a sinister conspiracy targeting their family. Julie Bowen (ABC’s Modern Family) and Lance Reddick (Bosch) return as Penumbra and General Lunaris, respectively.
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “Write Turn Here” Hiro writes a story about Big Hero 6 for a class project. Christy Carlson Romano (Disney Channel’s Kim Possible) returns as Trina.
Wednesday, Sept. 4
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “City of Monsters – Part I” Karmi and Hiro team up to help treat someone with genetically engineered parasites. Daniel Henney (Criminal Minds) and Ben Feldman (Superstore) return as Tadashi and Chris, respectively.
Thursday, Sept. 5
3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” The kids are pulled into a world made of their wildest dreams. Unfortunately, Lena’s worst nightmare comes true: Magica De Spell is back and coming to reclaim what’s hers. Catherine Tate (Doctor Who), Kimiko Glenn (Orange Is the New Black) and Libe Barer (Sneaky Pete) return as Magic De Spell, Lena and Violet, respectively.
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “City of Monsters – Part II” Big Hero 6 must continue to fight off a city overrun with monsters. Mara Wilson (BoJack Horseman) returns as Liv Amara.
Friday, Sept. 6
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “Mini-Maximum Trouble” When Fred runs into a string of bad luck, Megan reveals to Hiro that she’s trying to uncover the true identities of Big Hero 6 for her school’s newspaper. Nestor Carbonell (Bates Motel) and Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) return as Chief Cruz and Megan, respectively.
Monday, Sept. 9
3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “Timephoon!” When Louie uses Gyro’s Time Tub to steal lost treasures from the past, a mysterious storm in the present sends all of space and time crashing down onto the mansion.
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “El Fuego” Professional mech-wrestler El Fuego is intent on becoming the toughest fighter in San Fransokyo and decides he must beat the strongest challenger he can find, Baymax. Horatio Sanz (Saturday Night Live) guest stars as El Fuego.
Tuesday, Sept. 10
3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “GlomTales!” Glomgold forms his own family made of all of Scrooge’s greatest villains to defeat Scrooge’s family once and for all. Catherine Tate (Doctor Who), Margo Martindale (Sneaky Pete) and Jaime Camil (Jane the Virgin) return as Magica De Spell, Ma Beagle and Don Karnage, respectively.
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “The Globby Within” Nega-Globby takes control of Globby’s body to cause chaos around the city. Nestor Carbonell (Bates Motel) and Alan Tudyk (The Tick) return as Chief Cruz and Keri, respectively.
Wednesday, Sept. 11
3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “The Richest Duck in the World!” Louie, Scrooge and Owlson must escape from an unstoppable monster cursed to hunt down and destroy the richest duck in the world.
3:30-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Big Hero 6 The Series “Hardlight” Evil villain Hardlight challenges the Big Hero 6 team to a real-life video game duel. Will Friedle (Boy Meets World) guest stars as Hardlight.
Thursday, Sept. 12
3:00-4:00 P.M. EDT (Disney Channel) DuckTales “Moonvasion!” The moon invades Duckburg, forcing Scrooge to join forces with an unlikely ally in an effort to save the earth. Meanwhile, Della and the kids search the globe for reinforcements. Lin-Manuel Miranda (Broadway’s Hamilton) returns as Gizmoduck. Selenis Leyva (Orange Is the New Black) returns as Officer Cabrera. Jim Rash (Community) returns as Gyro Gearloose.
Friday, Sept. 13
9:30-10:00 A.M. EDT (Disney Channel) T.O.T.S. “For Lion Out Loud/Porcupine Panic” “For Lion Out Loud” – Pip and Freddy must teach a baby lion the difference between using his indoor and outdoor roar. | “Porcupine Panic” – Pip and Freddy help KC prepare a pokey porcupine for delivery.
Friday, Sept. 27
9:30-10:00 A.M. EDT (Disney Channel) T.O.T.S. “The Fearful Flier/Lend Me Your Paw” “The Fearful Flier” – Pip and Freddy help their friend manage his fear of guinea pigs so that he can graduate to the next level at T.O.T.S. | “Lend Me Your Paw” – When Mia gets a thorn stuck in her paw, Pip and Freddy take her to K.C. for help.
10:30-11:00 A.M. EDT (Disney Channel) Muppet Babies “The Great Muppet Cook-Off/Animal and the Egg” “The Great Muppet Cook-Off” – A new friend named Chef comes to visit the playroom and Piggy challenges him to a cook-off.
| “Animal and the Egg” – Animal learns to be gentle when he catches an egg that falls from its nest.
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disneytva · 6 years ago
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Big Hero 6 The Series Renewed For A Third Season At Disney Channel, Season 2 Premieres Monday May 6, 3:30PM On Disney Channel.
Disney Channel has ordered a third season of Big Hero 6: The Series ahead of the show’s season two premiere, which is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Monday, May 6.
In addition, the animated series has lined up a slew of guest stars for its upcoming second season, including Nestor Carbonell as Chief Cruz, San Fransokyo’s new police chief; Isabella Gomez as Hiro’s new friend Megan; Ben Feldman as Chris, Liv Amara’s assistant; Will Friedle as Ian, Krei’s geeky scientist; Jane Lynch and Timothy Simons as Supersonic Sue and Supersonic Stu, a grandmother/grandson super villain duo; Jessica Paré as acrobatic thief Sirque; and Horatio Sanz as El Fuego, a Mexican wrestler.
New episodes of the Emmy-nominated series will continue to roll out weekdays through May 17. Episodes will also be available the same day on DisneyNOW.
Meanwhile, a trio of shorts, illustrated in a watercolor style and featuring Baymax and Mochi, will begin to roll out May 7 across Disney Channel, DisneyNOW and Disney Channel YouTube. Additional extensions for the series include toys, books, apparel, collectibles, plush and home décor from Disney Parks, Experiences & Consumer Products.
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