#isaak faust
shatcey · 7 months
Ikemen Vampire
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Main routes
Jean: MC Still talking Like Licht Jean's passion
Dazai: Not bothered Confession Magical door Will Paradox
William (his wit)
Isaac: Braided hair Poor Isaac
Faust: Territorial behaviour Deserves much more Like Gilbert 25ch Faust's route
Impossible choises: Charles / Vincent Faust / Theo
Kiss event: Kiss event Mozart's voice Stray bad boy
Fairytale Dream: Isaak
Make me melt: Faust
It takes two to tangle: Leonardo/Faust
Fates tied by red thread: Will
Eternally yours: Vlad really? Faust in a suit
11/11 (Will) 06/01 (Jean) 27/01 (Wolfie) 29/02 (Faust) Johann's birthday 3 30/03 (Vincent) Shuji's birthday 5 (Pretty)
Who's fifth Different seasons Abel's true nature Conflicted Wild thought
Will's VA
🔝 Start page 🔝
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OCs but with wings I guess
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Isaak, his wings aren’t even real, they’re half translucent and made of Void-Magic.
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Noah is an angel, in fact. With a flower crown, just to top it all off, you know.
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Elea is slightly on fire but it’s cool it doesn’t hurt or anything. She also stole a burning sword, apparently.
How do you even poses, lol? Or fire, for that matter...
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
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Welcome, one and all, to the Chicago Day of Giving, hosted by the ever benevolent Washington family. Treat yourself to a night of luxury with wine tastings, an art and people auction, gift bags, photo booths, dancing, and, of course, a four-course meal catered by Alinea on North Halsted. Naturally, this night is all about giving, so feel free to offer donations online or at the door. As for the dress code, this is a black tie only event, so don your most expensive gowns and that suit you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Let’s make sure tonight will be a night to remember !
( Feel free to create a moodboard for your character’s outfit and post it on the dash, as well as the gala chat on Discord. )
It’s time to be an upstanding citizen by providing support for your city, and the Vasiles, Fausts, and O’Sheas all have some standing up to do. Each family has contributed a hefty donation in hopes of turning the Washingtons to their favor so they may be de-demonized in the crimson city. It’s time to play well with others. Your characters will be free to roam where they please until 10 p.m. EST, when it’s time to settle down for dinner. During dinner, characters will be randomly assigned a seat at a table that could be packed with enemies. Keep smiling, though, the cameras are watching.
Part one of the Chicago Day of Giving starts now and ends on Wednesday at midnight EST. Challenge yourself to write with everyone at your table, and let’s spread the love a little bit ! You know, before...never mind.
Under the cut, you’ll find your groupings for dinner. Reminder, dinner starts at 10 p.m. EST tonight and will end at midnight on Wednesday, May 27th, at 11:59PM EST.
TABLE 1 — Audric Noire, Christian Yi, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie 'Rosie' Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
TABLE 2 — Andrea Reed, Christopher 'Chris' Evans, Griffin Dyer,  Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
TABLE 3 — Alon McCarthy, Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Rosalia Leon
TABLE 4 — Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison, Orion Anderson, Shawn Morgan
TABLE 5 — Asher Vasile, Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave
TABLE 6 — Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, Roman Guerra
TABLE 7 — Audrey Rousseau, Celeste Leon, Irina Koshkin, Oliver Faust, Zedekiah Vasile
TABLE 8 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust, Grayson Beckett, Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce
TABLE 9 — Angelique Calore, Edith Cohen, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
TABLE 10 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
TABLE 11 — August Brooks, Calliope Lane, Ingrid Vasile, Logan Washington, Travis Vasile
TABLE 12 — Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee' Cavendish, Igor Vasile, Milo Arrington, Teagan Michaels
TABLE 13 — Amara Ricci, Eli Vogel, Evelyn "Eevee" Navarro, Katarina Vasile, Summer Moore
TABLE 14 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea,
TABLE 15 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, Sasha Vasile
TABLE 16 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane,  Samuel O’Shea
TABLE 17 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Holden Mercer, Penelope 'Poppy' Levenberg, Ren Daae, 
TABLE 18 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Mikhail Morosov, Vivian Sinclair
TABLE 19 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Evvie Martin, Liam O’Shea, Sawyer Nichols, Maggie Lee
TABLE 20 — Blake Faust, Evander 'Evan' Montague, Henry Davis, Mathias Attano, Wynter Ellis
TABLE 21 — Barnaby Eaton, Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen
TABLE 22 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Isabella Rossi, Lev Vasile, Andromeda O’Shea
TABLE 23 — Andrew Whitmore, David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
TABLE 24 — Abel McCoy, Dominic Murphy, Julianne Hellthorpe, Katia Vasile, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
TABLE 25 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Titus Lei, Zoe Washington
TABLE 26 — Avery Simmons, Constansia Fournier, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Vitomir Kipriyanov
TABLE 27 — Birdie Mendoza, Chaeyoung Moon,  Lorenzo Blackshaw, Zane Washington, Alaina Castillo
TABLE 28 — Blue Daniels, Cassandra Harris, Jackson Marston,  Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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jugendvigil · 7 years
Jugendvigilsgeschichte November 2017
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Bild: Stift Heiligenkreuz (bei Nacht vom Garten aus) – (c) Frater Isaak Maria
Simon drehte sich um und machte hinter sich die schwere Tür zu – der letzte Schwall verrauchter Luft entwich durch das Zumachen der Tür in die stockfinstere Nacht. Der Shisha-Rauch verwirbelte sich in der klaren Herbstluft und verschwand knapp über seiner Schulter im Nichts. Simon kickte einen Regenschirm, der vor der Tür auf dem Boden lag, still zur Seite und hinter ihm wurden die Geräusche aus dem Haus immer leiser. „Gute Schalldämmung hat so eine Tür“, dachte er sich. Gerade eben war er noch im Haus seines Kumpels Marcel gewesen, der eine Halloween Party schmiss. Seine Eltern waren außer Haus und – naja – das war die ultimative Gelegenheit eine solche Party zu feiern. Als Simon die Treppe vor dem Haus hinabstapfte, musste er aufpassen nicht hinzufallen, weil die glatten Fliesen der Stufen, kombiniert mit dem Regen der letzten Stunden, gar nicht so einfach zu meistern waren. Der Regen setzte just genau in diesem Moment wieder ein und Simon entschied sich wieder in Richtung Tür zu gehen und den Regenschirm, über den er gerade fast gestolpert war, mitzunehmen. „Wird schon keiner vermissen“, dachte er sich. Als er auf die menschenleere Straße abbog, hatte er noch fast zwei Kilometer vor sich und genau in diesem Moment gingen die Straßenlampen aus. „Oh mann – die sparen an allem. Auf dem Land zu wohnen ist echt kein Spass“, grübelte er und machte den Regenschirm auf, der klackend aufsprang und den er elegant über seine Schulter bugsierte, sodass er sich genau über seinem Kopf aufspannte. Prasselnd fiel der Regen auf den Schirm, der sich wie ein Zelt über seinem Kopf aufspannte und Simon begann nachzudenken. Zuerst lief ihm alles Mögliche durch den Kopf. „Was werden Marcels Eltern zu einem nach Shisha-Tabak riechenden Haus sagen? – naja immerhin war der Shisha-Tabak die Geschmacksrichtung Cola – ein türkisches Fabrikat, der Beste – Wird er das Haus wieder sauber bekommen?” Dann ging ihm noch der Horrorfilm durch den Kopf, den sie sich alle angeschaut hatten – “strange? Grußelig? Abartig? Oder dumm?” Simon fand nicht wirklich Worte dafür aber es war ja eh nicht so wichtig. „Erstens haben den alle anschauen wollen, zweitens gehört ein Horrorfilm zu einer anständigen Halloweenfeier und drittens hatten wir eine Menge Spaß und das lag nicht nur am Alkohol“, dachte er sich und bog nach links ab. Er bewegte sich in Richtung Wald. „Kann ich ja eh gleich durch den Wald gehen, wenn die Straßenbeleuchtung schon aus ist“ und so entschloß er sich für den kürzeren Weg durch den Wald. Als er an der Böschung des Feldwegs ankam setzte der Regen aus und er faltete den Regenschirm zusammen. So langsam waren seine Sneakers auch schon ein kleiner Whirlpool. Bei jedem Schritt bewegte sich das Wasser zwischen Schuh und Socken. Plötzlich kackte ein Ast, halblinks hinter ihm. Simon blickte hektisch zurück. „Ruhig bleiben, ignorieren“, dachte er sich „wer soll denn hier nachts schon außer mir unterwegs sein?“. Simon versuchte ruhig die Melodie des Liedes Havanna von Camila Cabello zu summen und legte einen Gang zu, als der nächste Ast knackte. Erst einer, dann ein Zweiter. „Waren das Schritte?“. Es raschelte. Simon bemerkte, wie er, aus Anspannung, die filigranen Streben des Regenschirm gerade in seiner Faust zerdrückt hatte. Es waren eindeutig Schritte oder etwa doch einfach nur ein Ast, der knackte? Simon hörte seinen Puls pochen und musste seinen Atem beruhigen. Dann rannte er los, um die Ecke, 200 Meter weiter, wieder nach links, 300 Meter in Richtung des Dorfes, blieb an einem Ast hängen und kam so, halb stolpernd halb joggend am Dorfeingang an. “War er verrückt? Warum hatte er Angst? Gerade eben haben wir uns noch einen Horrorfilm angeschaut und niemand hatte dabei auch nur Angst. Natürlich, grußelig, scary, war es ja schon aber eigentlich haben wir viel mehr gelacht“, fragte sich Simon ein bisschen verdutzt. Woher aber diese Unsicherheit, dieses Unwohlsein, wenn er sich in der Dunkelheit allein befand? Woher kam diese Grundangst? Statistisch gesehen ist doch jeder Einkaufsbummel in Wien mit seinem Verkehr gefährlicher als ein Spaziergang bei Nacht durch einen Wald in der Pampa. Warum also die Angst? Warum dieses Gefühl, sich verteidigen zu müssen, woher die Unsicherheit? Simon setzte sich auf eine Bank und dachte nach, als ihm ein Wort des Pfarrers einfiel. Dieser hatte gemeint wir Menschen haben in uns eine Grundangst, die uns befällt, wenn alle scheinbaren Sicherheiten weg sind. Wir haben die Angst, verloren zu gehen.Die Angst nicht geliebt zu sein. Wir haben Angst vor dem Ungewissen. Wir haben Angst vor dem Bösen, Angst vor dem, was nicht greifbar ist. Angst, vor dem Unbestimmten, eine unbestimmbare Angst, wenn wir allein in Dunkelheit sind. Der Pfarrer aber meinte auch, dass Halloween und Horrorfilme ein Versuch sind diese Ängste auf Distanz zu halten, in lächerlicher Distanz über die man lachen kann. Ein tanzendes Teufelchen in Snapchat ist doch eher putzig aber hilft uns doch mäßig diese Grundangst auf Distanz zu halten. Der Pfarrer meinte der Mensch habe Angst vor dem Ungewissen, vor der Dunkelheit, Angst davor verloren zu gehen. Es gebe aber nur eine Antwort auf diese tiefe Angst, diese tiefe Unsicherheit: Und das ist Jesus. Der Mensch brauche ganz tief in seinem Herzen Erlösung, er sehne sich ganz tief nach Jesus. Frage an uns: Was suchen wir? Erlösung oder die billige Ablenkung?
Herr Jesus! Wir bitten Dich! Lass uns Deine Erlösung annehmen. Hilf uns unsere Schwächen nicht zu verstecken, sondern Dir zu geben, damit Du sie in Stärke verwandeln kannst. Herr Jesus! Führe uns in das ewige Leben! Amen
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I made these little simple playing piece looking versions of my OCs in Hogwarts scarfs and stuff, so here we are I guess.
This is all of them together. I’ll upload some, like, AU info? or something like that I guess, also. But seperately. K.
Very long whole thing. I don’t know how to make it so you can make it larger or zoom in or whatever so it’s really small:
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So I cut it apart by house so it’s actually decently visible:
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Benedikt, Leopold, Maggie, Isaak
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Sam, JD, Henry, Tibi, Noah, Dominik, Reto, Tess
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Esk, Lili, Knopf, Fox, Heinrich, Nikola
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Sophie, Elea, Pin, Konrad, Andreas, Tatja
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A whole lotta updated information about Isaak, plus some pictures.
His name is generally meant to have an Austrian German pronounciation, for the record, assuming it was not pronounced in some dialect, which it usually is. I’m not sure if the phonetic script is right or not, so take it with a grain of salt. I just thought it would be fun to include.
I’ll put the text underneath a cut, in case it isn’t ledgible on the picture. Sometimes tumblr seems to make my stuff more blurry (smaller?) than it is/should be, i don’t know why.
Isaak Immanuel Faust
Parents names unknown. Has an older brother called David, who is a carpenter and volunteer fire fighter. Has two uncles, an aunt and a cousin. Raised very leniently, with few rules, both his parents supportive.
Grew up owning various pets, enjoys company of animals. Currently owns a cat by the name of Mucka.
Spent his childhood with his parents and brother in a small border town in south-east Carinthia, Austria. Has good relationship with his family.
His family usually calls him Isa.
Birthday is noted as 13.03.1998. Adopted at a very young age.
Isaak [i: z a k]
A name meaning "he will laugh, he will rejoice", derived from the Hebrew יִצְחָק. It would probably be hard to have given him a less fitting first name, as far as meanings are concerned.
Immanuel [ɪ m a n ʊ ə l]
The German and Hebrew version of the name Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us". Probably named for Immanuel Kant.
Faust [f aʊ s t]
Fist, in German, though it may be derived from the Latin given name Faustus, meaning "auspicious" or "lucky", in which case it rivals his first name in how unfitting it is. Named so for Goethe's character Faust.
While Isaak really is his birth name, Immanuel is not. Neither is Faust his actual surname.
Currently resides within The Void, hence holding the title of Voidwalker.
Naturally seems to have the right type of mind for Voidwalking. Refusing to use his powers to their full extend. Hesitant and cautious.
Capable of leaving the Void of his own accord for up to a day at a time.
Enjoys reading historical fiction, science fiction and non fiction books. Has a strange fascination for old newspapers.
Plays video games in his free time, decent with computers. Knows some basic programming and uses it for nothing useful.
Somewhat prone to daydreaming, mind tends to wander.
Spends a lot of time on the internet.
Likes to write, but doesn't find the will to do it often.
Student of History and Linguistics at the University of Vienna.
Speaks a large number of languages on conversational level or higher. Fluent in German, Slovene, English, Latin, Ancient Greek, Italian, Croatian and French, among others. Gifted with languages.
Enjoys history greatly.
Generally receives average grades. Would probably do a lot better if he applied himself and focused more.
Afraid of and showing generally averse reaction to physical contact. Has not shown any apparent interest in romantic or physical relationships of any kind. The idea alone seems to make him uncomfortable.
Generally very good memory, but he has problems recalling names and faces. Terrible number memory.
Sensitive hearing, somewhat above average. Sight and smell within normal range.
Appears to be ambidextrous. Good and easily legible penmanship.
Tends to hide his emotions, very guarded. Shy, uncertain and insecure, head tends to be bowed slightly, shoulders are often slumped, prone to making himself look smaller than he already is. Still manages to look tense and on edge almost constantly
Attitude is equally shy as demeanor, as well as distrustful and secretive. Bordering on paranoid, nervous and misanthropic, yet tends to be polite, kind and generally helpful. Careful, cynical and extremely pessimistic, but very considerate and emphatic. Lacking faith in humanity.
Greatly fears making mistakes. Uncomfortable to terrified in regards to social situations, afraid of confrontation, nervous around authority, terrified of unintentionally causing harm or distress to humans, generally anxious, rarely at ease.
Naturally very light, platinum blonde hair and grey eyes.
Has a very pale, sickly complexion, usually with bags under his eyes.
He appears to be 18 years old and male.
Generally carries uncertain to sad expression. Expressions tend to be very subdued. May well never smile.
Movement tends to be equally reserved. Flinches upon touch or upon hearing his name called.
Votes for a different party on each level. Doesn't actually like any of them. Prone to strategic voting. Little to no faith in any type of authority.
Could probably be classified as some sort of socialist, if he wasn't so cynical, pessimistic and noncommittal as far as ideologies go
Somewhat sickly in appearance. Easily exhausted, physically weak, easily injured. Seems chronically tired and unwell.
Yet surprisingly flexible, agile and acrobatic, possibly in part due to ballet classes he had as a young child. Very good fine motor skills, quick reflexes.
Appears to be Mute.
Blood Type O-
Height at about 1,59 m Weight at about 44 kg
Slightly underweight and shorter than average. Slim shape.
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Isaak but he’s an antagonist in some dystopian story
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I mean... The title is pretty self explanatory, isn’t it?
I got bored, drew my oc as I’d imagine he would look like as an antagonist, probably in some dystopian story or something similar, I guess.
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Isaak and some Pokemon I thought he might have if he ended up in the Pokemon Universe. Unown, Espurr, Yamask and Zorua, to be precise.
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OC Colour Palette Thing, I guess
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My Ocs, Isaak, Elea and Noah, wearing dresses, because why not?
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OC Meme Close-Ups, Part 3
Another bunch of close ups with info and video game quotes.
This time:
Isaak and Émil
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So, yeah.
I will probably upload one or two batches a day via queue to avoid spamming.
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
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The Washington Gala: Chicago Day of Giving Part II
The night winds down, and the guests gather up their belongings for the long trek home when a voice rings out from the stage, presenting the winner of the door prize. Everyone holds their breath in hopes they’ll be presented with the Bugatti parked out front, draped in a bright red bow and the object of every patron’s desire. The speaker sucks in a breath as he tears into the envelope, just wrapping his lips around a name when a high-pitched, technical beep shrieks from under the stage. The platform bursts into flame, blowing debris, blood, and entrails into the first few rows of tables—and the panic sets in. The guests turn on their heels and find the exits blocked by burly Vasiles cradling machine guns in their arms and wolfish grins on their lips. There’s only one escape, and that’s to the maze garden, but anyone can guess it’s a mouse trap with its winding walls and dead ends. Still, choices are limited and adrenaline is rushing, so the crowd takes the bait, scurrying past the threshold and into the garden. The Vasiles are locked and loaded, hidden in the shadows and thirsty for victims. 
In part II, your character has a choice. You may stay with your group and work together—even with your enemies—to survive, or you can search for a familiar face and pray you all make it out alive. Only the Vasiles and police officers have weapons, save for the tableware your muse may have swiped up before fleeing to the maze garden. Avoid the fountain in the center of the maze; there will be someone waiting for you. No matter how you choose to go about it, there’s one rule of thumb to abide by: don’t get c a u g h t.
The Washington Gala: Chicago Day of Giving Part II begins now and ends on Monday, June 1st, at 11:59 p.m. EST. You’re welcome to have your characters injured ( or injure others, with permission from the mun ), just please let us know beforehand. Again, you may opt to stay in your groups, or your character can find their respective families/connections and work in tandem to escape.
As a reminder, your groups are under the cut—sans the Vasiles, of course.
GROUP 1 — Audric Noire, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie ‘Rosie’ Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
GROUP 2 — Christopher ‘Chris’ Evans, Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
GROUP 3 —  Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison
GROUP 4 — Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave, Cassandra Harris
GROUP 5— Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, August Brooks, Julianna Hellthorpe
GROUP 6 — Audrey Rousseau, Oliver Faust, Chaeyoung Moon
GROUP 7 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust,  Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce, Logan Washington
GROUP 8 — Angelique Calore, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
GROUP 9 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
GROUP 10 — Ingrid Vasile, Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee’ Cavendish, 
GROUP 11 — Amara Ricci, Summer Moore
GROUP 12 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea
GROUP 13 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, 
GROUP 14 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane, Samuel O’Shea
GROUP 15 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Penelope 'Poppy’ Levenberg, Ren Daae, Teagan Michaels
GROUP 16 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Holden Mercer, Zoe Washington
GROUP 17 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Liam O’Shea,  Maggie Lee,  Isabella Rossi
GROUP 18 —  Evander 'Evan’ Montague, Wynter Ellis, Christian Yi, Edith Cohen
GROUP 19 — Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen, Sawyer Nichols
GROUP 20 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Andromeda O’Shea
GROUP 21 — David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
GROUP 22 — Dominic Murphy, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
GROUP 23 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Rosalia Leon
GROUP 24 — Avery Simmons, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Andrew Whitmore
GROUP 25 — Birdie Mendoza, Zane Washington, Andrea Reed
GROUP 26 — Blue Daniels, Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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crimsoncityhq · 4 years
The boisterous whistle directs the attention to the front stage. Numbers are sent to the stage hand, and there are more than one close race.The Auction is a success! At the end of the auction, the winnings are below: 
Andrea Reed — Winner: Zane Washington Andrew Whitmore — Winner: Genevieve Bissett August Brooks — Winner: Adrian Brooks Cassandra Harris —  Winner: Koa Naihe Chaeyoung Moon — Winner: Oliver Faust Christian Yi — Winner: Edith Cohen  Eli Vogel — Winner: Aurora O’Shea Holden Mercer — Winner: Giovanni Rossi Isabella Rossi — Winner: Braden Adler Julianna Hellthorpe — Winner: August Brooks Logan Washington — Winner: Ophelia O’Shea  Rosalia Leon — Winner: Jesse Valencia Sawyer Nichols — Winner: Teddy Cohen Teagan  Michaels — Winner: Ren Daae Zoe Washington — Winner: Mikhail Morosov
This causes a stir of the seating chart as the auctioned party joins their bid winner. With some extra seats in some tables, the staff combines them. Please see the updated seating chart!
TABLE 1 — Audric Noire, Fletcher Hargrave,  Rosalie ‘Rosie’ Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
TABLE 2 — Christopher 'Chris’ Evans, Griffin Dyer,  Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
TABLE 3&4 —  Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison
TABLE 5 — Asher Vasile, Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave, Cassandra Harris
TABLE 6 — Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, August Brooks, Julianna Hellthorpe
TABLE 7 — Audrey Rousseau,  Irina Koshkin, Oliver Faust, Zedekiah Vasile, Chaeyoung Moon
TABLE 8 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust,  Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce, Logan Washington
TABLE 9 — Angelique Calore, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
TABLE 10 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
TABLE 11 &12— Ingrid Vasile, Travis Vasile, Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee’ Cavendish, Igor Vasile
TABLE 13 — Amara Ricci,  Evelyn “Eevee” Navarro, Katarina Vasile, Summer Moore
TABLE 14 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea
TABLE 15 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, Sasha Vasile
TABLE 16 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane, Samuel O’Shea
TABLE 17 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Penelope 'Poppy’ Levenberg, Ren Daae, Teagan Michaels
TABLE 18 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Mikhail Morosov, Holden Mercer, Zoe Washington
TABLE 19 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Evvie Martin, Liam O’Shea,  Maggie Lee,  Isabella Rossi TABLE 20 —  Evander 'Evan’ Montague, Mathias Attano, Wynter Ellis, Christian Yi, Edith Cohen
TABLE 21 — Barnaby Eaton, Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen, Sawyer Nichols
TABLE 22 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Lev Vasile, Andromeda O’Shea
TABLE 23 — David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
TABLE 24 — Abel McCoy, Dominic Murphy,  Katia Vasile, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
TABLE 25 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Eli Vogel, Rosalia Leon
TABLE 26 — Avery Simmons, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Vitomir Kipriyanov, Andrew Whitmore
TABLE 27 — Birdie Mendoza, Zane Washington, Alaina Castillo, Andrea Reed
TABLE 28 — Blue Daniels, Jackson Marston,  Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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Okay, last picture in this series of questionably drawn icon-y thingies I created when bored,
This is Isaak, whos parents do not have a design yet and probably won’t get one in the near future.
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Character Info: Isaak
Full Name: Isaak Immanuel Faust Nick name: Fäustchen Named after: Nobody Happy with the name: It could be worse Age: 18 Birthday: 13.03.1998 Birth Place: Austria Complications at Birth: Nothing dramatic Baptised: Yea, not that it matters though Hight: Smaller, ~ 1.62 m Wight: Light, ~ 49 kg Hair Colour: Platinum blonde Eye Colour: Gray Siblings: uo Parents: pɐʌıp ɟɐnsʇ, dɐıuʇǝɹ, ɐ1ıʌǝ               ʞ1ɐɹɐ ɟɐnsʇ, ʇǝɐɔɥǝɹ, pǝɐp Other notable relatives: uo Mental State: Questonable Fears: Darkness, Many things liʞǝ ɥıbɥʇs, ɥoɹsǝs oɹ qnɹuıub ɐ1ıʌǝ Physical State: weak and kinda sickly but agile/flexible Fight or Flight: Flight, stay and defend/help if necessairy, absolutely avoid outright fighting Interests: History and Historical Novels, Video Games, Sci-Fi sometimes, People? Other fun stuff: Always tries to find a middle way or third way around in case of dilemmas Doubts the existence of anything truly good or selfless Will try to help you and be “good” anyway Needs a little push to start doing things sometimes Doesn't beliefs his life to be worth much and places himself at lowest priority Believes in reason and science, despite not really being sure reason is a thing…. A very certain pessimist Can be unsettling to listen to sometimes and come off as the complete opposite of himself Will seemingly change sides constantly, but is just trying to neutrally argument and defend Has trouble finding his voice, is very shy and speaks little Trusts nobody and keeps secrets
(Some vaguely useful infos about Isaak.)
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