#isaac lahey x plus size reader
bingbongsupremacy · 10 months
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I tried thinking of characters with names that matched the ABC originally, but I'm just going by fic names now. Some r probably going to be short.
The plain x reader stories don't describe body type, size or gender.
Coming soon....
Almonds - Abby Anderson x reader
Summary: Abby shares the last bit of her food with you when times get tough.
Baby - Joel Miller x reader who can get pregnant
Summary: It's getting harder and harder to spend time with your husband and you have some really important news. (Pre-Outbreak)
Camp Counselor Pt. 2 - Steve Harrington x plus sized reader
Summary: It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger.
Don't Let Me Go - Ellie Williams x reader
Summary: After a near death experience, you're afraid for Ellie to leave you alone.
Every Night - Max Mayfield x reader
Summary: Every night since 7th grade, Max has made it a mission to say goodnight -Face to face. At tonight's visit, you discover that your friendship might have been more than you thought it was.
Fall Out - Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: Your relationship with Isaac grows more and more strained as the days go by. Will he finally tell you what's going on?
Gumball Machine - Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: All you want is a gumball. Unfortunately, you're out of change.
Heart Breaker - Jonathan Byers x reader
Summary : No matter what you do, Jonathan Byers will never be in love with you. Not the way he is with Nancy anyways.
Incognito - Eddie Munson AU x reader
Summary: All you wanted was a cup of coffee from the new cafe on Main Street. You definitely didn't expect to spill coffee on the Metal Icon Eddie Munson.
Jacket - Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: The night Chrissy went over to Eddie's trailer, you went to. I mean, you weren't going to let Chrissy just go to a strangers house without back up. Unfortunately, when things go wrong, you end up on the same wanted poster as Eddie. Together, you're forced to run away.
Knock Knock Pt.2 - Ellie Williams College AU
Summary: A simple request to turn the music down turns into a frustrating back and forth battle. Why does your neighbor have to be so damn attractive?
Lonely Pt. 2 - Stranger Things Zombie Apocalypse AU
Summary: A few days after the zombie apocolypse took over Hawkins you lost everyone. Once you finally run out of supplies, you're forced to venture out into the town, hoping not to run into anyone and make it to safety alive. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go how you want it.
Marry Me? - Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer asks you to marry him at the most random time. Garcia does not approve.
Newborn - Joel Miller
Summary: Joel's nervous about holding your new baby.
Only Her - Steve Harrington x Reader (Possible Pt. 2)
Summary: Steve doesn't look at you the same way he looks at Nancy. Does he really love you?
Promise - Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie promised to come back. After Eddie cut the sheet, preventing you from following him back into the upside down, he promised he'd come back.
Quiet - Johnathan Byers
Summary: When El offers to watch your newborn baby, you're finally able to get some desperately needed sleep.
Reciprocate - John Murphy
Summary: For as long as you've known John, he's always held you at an arms length distance. He's never shared more than he has to. That's why when his behaviors start changing, you're very confused.
Secret Admirer - Steve Harrington
Summary: Never would you have imagined that someone could have a crush on you.
Tell Me Pretty Lies - Theo Raekan
Summary: You've had a feeling that Theo might be cheating on you for a while. Is everything he's said a lie?
Under the Trees - Robin Buckley
Summary: You're in love with Robin. You have been since Freshman year. It breaks your heart whenever she talks about another girl. Unfortunately for you, lately that seems to be all she has to talk about.
Valentine - Max Mayfield
Summary : You ask Max to be your Valentine, unsure of how it's going to play out.
Weak - John Murphy
Summary: You're sick. After days of taking care of the fellow 100, you start to feel the affects of sickness taking over. Who's going to take care of you?
Xenial - Joel Miller
Summary: You're a newcomer in Jackson. Due to lots of new people, you're left with no choice but to share a house with Ellie and Joel. It's only temporary, right?
Yearbook - Nancy Wheeler
Summary: It's finally the end of senior year. While flipping through the pages of your signature filled yearbook, you discover something you never thought you would.
Zander's Pizzaria - Peter Parker
Summary: Closing sucks. Especially when your coworker calls out sick and you're left to do everything by yourself. Things take a turn for the worst when gun welding thiefs threatens your life.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Motel California
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Isaac Lahey x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 3174 words
Warnings: takes place around Season 3, Episode 6 (of the same name)
Summary: Scott asking you to room with Isaac at the Motel Glen Capri, which seems a lot more difficult than maybe it should.
You couldn’t believe Scott was doing this to you.
“It would just make me feel better if he was keeping an eye on you” he shrugged, already more than paranoid with the twins so close, and the wound aching in his side that had taken far too long to heal than it should have.
It wasn’t a big deal.
He just didn’t want you to be in any kind of danger if it could be avoided.
Lydia was rooming with Allison, who could take out anyone or anything with her eyes closed,  naturally he was bunking with Stiles, and  it only made sense that you stay with Isaac.
That way, all of Scott’s boxes would be checked, and everyone would be accounted for, and protected.
Still, as much sense as that made, it didn’t make the idea of spending all night in the same room as Isaac any easier to accept.  You two had hardly spoken since you broke up, and Scott knew that better than anyone.
You weren’t even sure the two of you would be able to maintain a conversation, and because of that, there was no way of knowing how it would go.
Not that you really had much of a say in the matter.
Scott had already made up his mind.
The things you were dealing with were bigger than any one member of the pack, and there was no avoiding that. Just because you, Lydia, Allison, and Stiles weren’t werewolves didn’t mean that you were in any less danger than they were.
It just meant that you were less prepared to defend yourself against them, and Scott couldn’t help but worry about all of you.
It was his job.
“What are they really going to do?” you whispered back, eyeing Ethan incredulously, as if something awful would happen right there before your eyes to provide some kind of reason for his paranoia.
Ethan was the only one who had come on this cross country trip, likely due to the state Ennis had been left in but that was exactly where Scott was losing you.
He was the only member of the alpha pack not currently  in the vicinity, and to you, that meant that  you were all safe, at least, for now.
…but Scott wasn’t so convinced.
The exact thing that was making you so sure that nothing was going to happen was the same thing convincing Scott to prepare as if it would.
After all, Ethan being the only one on the trip may have given you some amount of comfort, but to him, it meant that the rest of the alpha pack was unaccounted for. They could have been anywhere, doing anything.
Naturally, that made the true alpha a little nervous., and he just wanted to make sure that his family was safe
You couldn’t blame him for that.
No matter how much you may have wanted to right now.
“I don’t know, but I have to prepare for everything”  he countered, taking the keys from Stiles and shooting you one last reassuring smile before heading toward the Motel Glen Capri, the jankiest hotel you’d ever seen.
It was old and offputting, but given the options, it was far better than spending the night in a bus  that still smelled vaguely like puke and body odor.
“So, I guess we’re roomies,” Isaac hummed,  the smug look on his face that told you just how insufferable he was planning on making this whole experience.
You had been so worried about why Scott was so adamant that you didn’t even give the blonde in question a second thought.
Until right now.
“Yeah, I guess so”  you allowed,  choosing to ignore how close he’d chosen to stand to you and turning your attention to the motel instead.
It was hardly nice, but it was getting dark and as awful as the motel looked, you were sure that it was worse out here in the dark.
There was no telling what was lurking around in the dark and you would have been crazy to stay put.
Even with a werewolf by your side.
“Scared of the dark?” Isaac scoffed, taking note of the strange edge you were giving off,  without even meaning to.  It was something he’d never really known you to have an issue with before now, and it caught him off guard.
Not that you saw it that way.
Naturally, after everything you two had gone through, you assumed he was ridiculing you so you only sighed, grabbing your duffle and swinging it over your shoulder.
Rather than acknowledge his question, and general presence, you set your mind to getting inside before the sun fell from the sky anymore than it already had.  
Anything was better than focusing on Isaac.
Who, given the circumstances, was just lapping this up.
“How about I trade you?”  he offered, taking the bag from your shoulder and dropping the room key into your waiting hand instantly, before heading in that direction without a second thought.
He was clearly going to milk this for everything it was worth, and you could already tell he was going to get on your nerves.
It was the exact reason you’d been avoiding him before now.
Still, you knew that knowing you were both accounted for and taken care of was more important to Scott than anything and given everything he’d done for you, you couldn’t bring yourself to go against that.
Even with as much as Isaac’s presence here made you want to rip your hair out.
You didn’t speak again until you entered the hotel room, at which point you realized just how bad this whole thing really was.
You couldn’t help but let your nose scrunch up as you took it all in.
The decor wasn’t as bad as you’d been expecting, given the outer shell the motel presented, but the smell certainly didn’t disappoint.
The air was stale, and  if you had to guess, you would have said the carpet was  either mildewed, hadn’t been replaced in the last forty years, or both.
“Oh wow” you choked out,  holding your hand up to your nose as soon as it hit you, earning an earnest chuckle from Isaac when he met your side.  
Once again, you had been so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn’t even give the male a second thought as he followed you into the room, finding obvious enjoyment in your disgust.
“If you think it’s bad, you should try it with super senses,” he grinned, making his way over to the window as swiftly as he could to open it, in hopes that perhaps,by the time it was time for bed, it would be a little better.
This place could definitely use the fresh air.
“I think I’ll pass,”  you shrugged, taking your bag from him and throwing it on the bed. You had no intention of unpacking in this place, but at the very least, you figured you could get out of these grubby clothes.
It was bad enough that you’d been stuck on that bus this whole time, but now, you had to deal with this stuff too.
It just felt like you were trapped in all the ick from the past couple hours, and you desperately wanted to get it off, but it wasn’t just that.  A shower would also give you some time to yourself, without Isaac looking over your shoulder.
….and you weren’t about to pass that up.
There was a time when you couldn’t have imagined any space between you and Isaac ever feeling right but now, you couldn’t wait to get away from him.
You just weren’t ready to talk about it.
You weren’t sure you’d ever be ready to talk about it.
“I’m gonna shower”  you sighed, trying to figure out what you wanted to say  without even meaning to, and thankfully, Isaac didn’t bother to comment.
Just because you weren’t a couple anymore didn’t mean he was suddenly going to be blind to all your obvious physical cues.
He couldn't have ignored them if he tried.
“I'm gonna see if I can find the vending machine” he muttered, gesturing to the door so that you’d know what he meant before he headed out, slamming the door behind him.
Isaac figured that if he was hungry, you probably were too, and he wasn’t about to pass up an excuse to get out of that room.
As it would turn out, it was just as awkward for him as it was for you, even though he was doing a better job of hiding just how much it was affecting him.
You only nodded, doing your best to be as normal as you could given the strange circumstances but by this point, you didn’t see it happening.
You just had no idea what to say to him, and he wasn’t much better.
It didn’t help that neither of you had really dealt with any of your issues or the breakup in general since it happened.
It was just so much easier to pretend none of it had ever happened, so that was what you were going to do.
After you got a shower, that was.
The water in the shower smelled almost as rank as the room itself but you did your best not to complain.  Instead, you chose to focus on the warm water, willing it to help you ignore everything else.
Again, you couldn’t help but sigh as you thought over the situation you’d found yourself in. You had no idea how this was going to go and at the end of the day, you weren’t even sure why you cared.
Isaac had practically abandoned you when he turned, and again when his father died. It just felt like he was always distant, always somewhere you couldn’t be, and always away from you.
Eventually you got tired of it, and had to move on with your life.
However, as it had been known to do,Beacon Hills had found a way to rope you in again when Scott had to save you from the monster you’d come to realize was the Kanima.  After that, you couldn’t just pretend it didn’t happen.
….and now, you were a part of it, but you and Isaac had never really fixed what was broken.
Sure, now you knew what it was that was so important to him, that you couldn’t know about, but knowing didn’t make it all better.
If anything, it just proved to you how much more important this was to him than you’d ever been.
You could have accepted it, could have helped him, but instead, he chose to always leave you out and at the end of the day, there was no changing that.
It just was what it was, and there was no use torturing yourself over it.
You’d heard the motel door open and close a few minutes ago, but when you came back into the room from the bathroom, Isaac was nowhere to be found.
He’d been back at some point, because there were cheetos, snickers, and skittles discarded on the dresser and the tv was on, though it was simply blaring static.
“Isaac? If this is some kind of prank, it isn’t funny” you called out, already irritated.  If he thought this was funny, he was delusional.
After everything recently with the alpha pack and Derek, this was about as far from funny as anything could have been, but you sort of hoped he was hiding in the closet or something. The alternative was just too terrifying to consider.
Of course, no answer came which was more than enough to bother you but you did your best to maintain your composure, turning off the tv and searching the room as best you could.
Though, it wasn’t until you looked under the bed that you found him, curled up in a tight ball and shaking.
Which, naturally, was cause for concern.
“What the hell are you doing?” You sighed, still assuming that he was pulling some kind of a prank on you, or just being an asshole for the fun of it, but whatever he was doing, it didn’t stop .
No matter what you said, or did, Isaac wouldn’t move from his place or even acknowledge that you were in front of him.
It was like he was in some kind of trance, and you couldn’t get him out of it.
The  whole thing was a mess.
Eventually, Scott and Stiles came around to fix everything as they so often did with a handful of road flares and the news that this place was driving werewolves out of their minds, but you didn’t care about any of that.
Whatever it was about this place that was making them go all haywire wasn’t your concern.
All you cared about was that everybody was okay, at least, physically.
“What do we do? What can we do?” you immediately started, already shaken up as it was.
You had experienced Isaac’s panic attacks before, and talked him down from nightmares, but whatever that was, it wasn’t a nightmare.
It was something else.
Something worse.
“Allison is going to go find Scott, we’ll look for Boyd, and you stay here with him” Stiles decided, thinking quickly on his feet to cover all the ground that needed to be covered before leading Lydia out of the room.
There wasn’t time.
After seeing what Ethan had almost done with that handsaw, there was no telling what could go wrong. Somebody was going to get killed if they didn’t act fast, and that meant that whatever you could do, you had to do.
Even if it was difficult.
You, and this pack, you were a team and you all had to do your part to figure things out, especially when it came to things like this.
So, you decided to stay put.
Just because they had managed to get Isaac relatively settled down didn’t mean it was going to stay that way, meaning that Stiles was right. The best thing you could do for the pack right now was watch out for him.
…and lucky for you both, that was something you’d been really good at once upon a time.
You were quiet at first, choosing to sit down on the bed opposite the one Isaac was currently sitting on. It didn’t feel right to just jump right into a conversation given the circumstances.
Though, after the motel door was closed and the silence enveloped you both, you decided you didn’t have a choice but to talk to him.
Isaac could really get into his head and even if this whole thing had been one isolated event, you knew that the feelings it had brought out of him were real.
This wasn’t the first time you'd been in this position with him.
“How are you feeling?” you asked, hoping that he would tell you if he needed something. When the two of you first started dating, it took him forever to let you in but you couldn’t help but wish he still would.
Not that you could blame him if he didn’t want to tell  you.
A lot had happened since you’d been alone like this, especially under such strange circumstances, and you didn’t want to risk crossing some invisible boundary; for your sake and Isaacs.
Of course, he didn’t answer you right away, his head too far away to have even really realized you’d spoken.
All he could think about right now was that stupid freezer, and whatever it was about this place that had brought that out of him.
It never happened like that, out of the blue, without anything to trigger it.
“Isaac? Are you okay?” You hummed, deciding to move over from your bed to the one he was currently perched on, your hand falling on his shoulder gently to shake him out of his thoughts.
He was going to drive himself insane if he didn’t talk to you, or at least get it all out of his head. The things he was fighting with were deep rooted and intense, and you could only imagine how hard this was for him to relive.
Even if you weren’t quite sure why it was happening.
“I’ll be fine” he whispered, after what felt like a lifetime passed, the words little more than a breathy allowance than anything else.
It was hard.
You knew that he was right, and that eventually he would get a handle on it, but that didn’t make it any harder to accept.
You didn’t like how much he’d been forced to struggle at the hands of his own father. It wasn’t right, and it never had been.
The two of you sat there for a moment more in silence, just trying to take in the almost eerie quiet within the room.
It would have almost been peaceful, if it hadn’t been so unsettling.
“Are you okay?” Isaac spoke again, realizing that during that lull in conversation, you two had sort of just been staring at one another, in a way that you didn’t really do anymore.
In fact, it had been a really long time since you were this close at all.
It was awkward, but what was bothering you most was how it felt both comfortable and tense, all at once.
Like you could lean in or run for the hills at any second.
“I think so” you shrugged, not really sure where to go from here. You felt like you should probably go back to your own bed, now that he’d shaken his catatonic state, but you couldn’t make yourself move.
It was almost as if you were glued to your spot, right by his side.
“I don’t know”
Really, you didn’t think seeing him in such a state would bring something like that out of you but for some reason, it did. Evidently, it didn’t matter how long you two spent apart, you didn’t have it in you not to care about Isaac.
At least a little bit.
“That’s good” he decided, finally breaking eye contact with you to give the surrounding room a quick glance before his gaze fell on the snickers bar on the dresser.
He’d almost forgotten about that.
Without another word, Isaac got up from his place and snatched the treat from the counter.
“This might help” he offered, tossing you the candy bar without a second thought, convinced that even if neither of you had any idea what you were doing right now, your favorite candy couldn't hurt.
It wasn’t like he was going to eat it, anyway.
Isaac had always been more of a skittles guy.
All you could do was nod in thanks as you caught it, taking in what was ultimately an offer of much more than a simple candy bar. It was an admittance of the thing you both already seemed to know.
That no matter what happened, you were always going to love Isaac Lahey.
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renjiokumura · 3 years
hey beautiufl! I was wondering if you could make me a isaac lahey x plus size reader story thingy? the girl is insecure and he makes her feel loved and beautiful by writing on all her insecure body parts like her stomach and arms and legs and stuff? as she was pointing out flaws in the mirror? idk its ok if you dont wanna. it would mean alot though. im just craving some plus size isaac lol
I will definitely do this because I love this character. But I'm going to be honest, I have a savior complex lowkey so I want to do fics with him pre bite, but I will definitely do it with post bite Isaac. Either way it's going to be awesome to do this request.
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multimuseficreblogs · 2 years
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𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ❅ all plus size reader ❅ all plus size reader smut ❅ all plus size reader fluff ❅ all plus size reader angst
𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ❅ all marvel x plus size reader
𝚋𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 ❅ all bucky x plus size reader
𝚕𝚘𝚔𝚒 ❅ all loki x plus size reader
𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊 𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚏𝚏 ❅ all natasha x plus size reader
𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 ❅ all peter x plus size reader
𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜 ❅ all steve x plus size reader
𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 ❅ all thor x plus size reader
𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚔 · all tony x plus size reader
𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚎 ❅ all valkyrie x plus size reader
𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚏𝚏 ❅ all wanda x plus size reader
𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚘𝚕𝚏 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ❅ all teen wolf x plus size reader
𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚊𝚌 𝚕𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚢 ❅ all isaac x plus size reader
𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚝 𝚖𝚌𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 ❅ all scott x plus size reader
𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚔𝚒 ❅ all stiles x plus size reader
𝚍𝚒𝚗 𝚍𝚓𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗 (𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗) ❅ all din x plus size reader 𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 (𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚛) ❅ all frankie x plus size reader
𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔 "𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚜 (𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚗: 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚕𝚎) ❅ all jack x plus size reader 𝚓𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚊 (𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚜) ❅ all javier x plus size reader
𝚍𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝚘'𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗 ❅ all dylan x plus size reader
𝚓𝚘𝚑𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚙 ❅ all johnny x plus size reader 𝚙𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚘 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚕 ❅ all pedro x plus size reader
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melodysunwritten · 3 years
masterlist & requests
fandoms I write for
teen wolf
julie & the phantoms
my babysitters a vampire
outer banks
                   Just remember that i do not write anything nsfw related mainly for the fact that I'm new with writing and don’t feel comfortable writing that. other than that topic I'm more than okay with writing any other topic.
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Hey I had a request for a daniel sharman x plus size reader one shot? Could you do a fluffy one where the reader is daniel's girlfriend but she feels insecure about her body so he makes her feel better? just something fluffy and cute please hehe. If you don't feel comfy writing a plus size reader, you could even just do daniel sharman x reader where the reader feels insecure in general. Also haha you could also do this same thing but with isaac lahey if you wanted! I'm good with that too. thank you :))
Dove- Daniel Sharman x Plus-size!reader
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Note: omg my prayers have been answered a request 😭. I’ll write both but I’ll need to think of another plot for Isaac unless you want me to use the same one. Thank you so much for requesting 🤍/// Your nickname is Dove but I also used YN
Friday afternoons were usually date nights for Daniel and you. Today wasn't any different as Daniel sat on a couch patiently outside of the dressing room waiting for you to show him what you picked. You really enjoyed shopping but it has always been a bit of a struggle since you have a curvier figure than most women.
It made finding clothes a bit of a struggle. If it wasn’t one thing it was another. Sometimes, the pants fit just right at the top but were too long at the bottom, or sometimes it was the other way around. You were used to this frustrating search of finding the perfect pants but sometimes it got to you.
After trying on what seemed like the millionth pair of pants your eyes began to burn from tears you were trying to hold back from being frustrated from not finding that one pair of jeans that fit nicely. Not wanting to cry over something like this and worry Daniel outside, you attempted to try and control your breathing.
Daniel felt like you were taking a long time and decided to go check on you to see if you were okay. Getting up from where he was sitting he walked to your dressing room before he could say anything he heard sniffles.
He felt his heartbreak listening to you cry. He knew you had always struggled with your own body image. While you had been getting more comfortable in your own body, there were still times when you felt insecure.
“Dove, can you let me in?”, He said gently, knocking on the door. A few seconds pass by with no reply. Daniel rose his hand to knock again but the door slowly opened the door. He quickly walked and closed the door behind him. Daniel saw you looking down at the floor and gently cupped your chin so you'd look at him.
Daniel looked at your red puffy eyes and felt his heartbreak at the sight of your puffy eyes and trembling lip.
He opens his arms without saying a word and you gladly walk into them feeling his warmth. “Tell me what’s going through that pretty little head of yours dove”, he says as he rubs soothing circles down your back. You bury your head into his chest breathing in and out for a few seconds to calm down then take a step back to look up at him.
“I’m just frustrated. None of these jeans fit me. I feel ugly.”, You whispered finally letting the tears run down your cheeks.
“Yn, you are not ugly! Your body is gorgeous”, He says grabbing your face in his hands, “I love you. Your body isn’t the problem, the clothes are.” He kisses tears away from your face. You stay in his arms for a few minutes your sniffles dying down.
“I just felt sad, I’m starting to feel better thanks to you”, you said wiping your tears away,” Okay, I think I’m ready to go look for more jeans”.
“Good, if you need anything I’ll be on the couch just outside your room dove”, He says kissing the top of your head. You smile and nod as he walks out of the room. You took another deep breath and exited the dressing room.
Luck was on your side because after the third pair of jeans you slipped on, it fit perfectly. They were a little long, but not too long so that was fixable.
“Daniel look!”, you called out in excitement. When he looked up from his phone, he let out a whistle. The jeans seem to be made for you, seeing your smile made his heart melt.
“Yn, you look amazing, give me a little twirl”, he stood up and made a twirling motion with his fingers. You did as he asked with a giggle.
“Absolutely breathtaking”, He says as he grabs you bringing you in for a kiss. You giggle and kiss him back. “Come on I’ll buy them for you. We can go home after and watch some movies as we cuddle"
“Oh, you don’t have to”, You say looking up at him. “No, let me, anything for my girl”, he smiles down at you. You gave him a bright smile and nodded.
“Go put your clothes on so we can buy them”, he says spinning you around towards the fitting room and giving your ass a slap
“Daniel!”, you gasp laughing.
“Hey! they make your ass look great" he smirked.
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softshelby · 8 years
My Hero
Isaac Lahey x Reader
A/N: this was requested by a lovely anon so I hope you enjoy it and that it is what you were looking for! I hope I did it justice! Please leave any criticism or feedback you have, it’s always welcome.
Request: the reader is shy and keeps to herself but she is plus sized and gets bullied for it and Isaac, who likes her, saves her from the bullies
Warnings: bullying about weight, swearing
(credit to gif owner)
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The ringing of the school bell finally pulled you out of your daydreams. Coach was already packed up and heading out the door for lunch. He was probably the only person you had ever seen be so enthusiastic about the canteen food. You realised that you were staring straight into someone’s eyes, you must have been looking in their direction when you spaced out and now it looked like you were creepily watching them. You blushed and looked away but he carried on looking in your direction, softly smiling at you. You hesitantly smiled back, still not making eye contact. You had got used to the guys at school laughing at you, not smiling at you like this. Not only was he incredibly cute, with piercing blue eyes and a chiselled jaw, but he was way too popular to be taking notice of you.
“Isaac?” Someone called, causing him to turn away from you and get up, heading towards his friends at the door.
“Who’s that?” You heard a girl ask, looking across at you.
“Oh, um, no one.” Isaac mumbled, walking out of the room.
As you finally picked up your bag and headed to the door, you heard the sniggering of a group of boys stood near you. Out of the corner of your eye you could see them making some sort of vulgar gesture. You didn’t turn to look their way, instead you just lowered your head and walked past them, putting your headphones in to try and block them out. Everyone always said that the best way to deal with bullies was to not give them a reaction but it was becoming increasingly hard to not care when you dealt with it every day. At this point, the thought of seeing them made you dread coming to school. Even over the music blasting in your ears you heard one of them shout “fatty” followed by the raucous laughter of the rest of the group. You fought the tears welling up in your eyes, head bent so as not to let them see they had upset you. Even after all this time, it still hurt to hear them make fun of you like that.
You headed to the canteen along with everyone else, trailing a little behind the main group of people making their way over there.
By the time you had got your food, the canteen was nearly full. You stood on your tiptoes, trying to find the group of people you normally sat with at lunchtimes. You spotted them in the corner of the room, and seeing you looking, they signalled for you to come over. On your way over to the table, you almost walked headfirst into the group of boys in front of you.
“Woah, watch where you’re going fatty.”
The small crowd all burst into laughter as though it was the wittiest thing ever said. It was one thing hearing them laughing at you from afar, but being stood in front of the like this was enough to make you start shaking. They didn’t say anything further, but remained in your way, still laughing at your expense. You tried to walk around them, mumbling “excuse me” under your breath.
“What was that piggy?” The group burst into laughter again as if it was the most genius abuse ever thrown. You couldn’t help but feel the tears well up at the torment. Fighting to restrain them, not wanting to show any weakness, you tried to move past them again.
“I said excuse me.” You repeated quietly, trying not to show any hint of emotion. Where your lack of reaction usually caused boredom, it seemed to only spark annoyance within the boys. Usually they’d leave you alone after a few mean comments, but today they did not seem content with the ‘entertainment’ you were providing them. Still not letting you past they continued to jeer at you as you wondered if anyone in the canteen was paying attention to what they were doing to you. Seeing a small gap in the group, you tried to squeeze past.
“Do you actually think you’d be able to fit through there?” One of them commented, sneering at you nastily. “I’m surprised you can fit between the tables at all.”
It was getting harder and harder to fight the tears springing to your eyes as your mind fell towards a state of panic. You could think of nothing worse than this moment; no way to escape your bullies. You were sure that people were watching you by now but no one came to your defence. Without any warning you saw someone throw their hand down, followed by the feeling of your tray being forced out of your hands. It fell to the ground with a clatter, food splashing back up onto your shoes and the bottom of your jeans. The crowd burst into raucous louder and the tears you were fighting to hold back started streaming down your face.
“There’s no need to cry. It’s not like you need any more food any way.” It seemed as though the laughter was getting increasingly louder but you couldn’t tell if that was reality or if it was due to your increasing state of panic. You tried to push past the crowd again, more forcefully this time. Trying your hardest to get out of the situation anyway you could. Suddenly, the laughter stopped as you heard the force of a fist hitting skin followed by what seemed to be a quiet growl. Turning around, you saw Isaac stood behind you, knuckles split open, and one of your tormenters lying unconscious on the floor. You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flash yellow for a second as he turned to face the rest of the boys. No one made a move, stunned by the sudden attack.
“Are you pricks going to fucking apologise or what?” Isaac spat at them. You’d never seen them look so scared in their lives, nor had you ever seen Isaac look so menacing and dangerous.
The silence continued, if everyone in the canteen hadn’t been looking before they certainly were now.
“I said to fucking apologise.” Isaac repeated.
Mumbles of apology came from the group as they stood wide-eyed while Isaac took you by the hand and walked you out of the canteen. You could hear them attempting to get their friend up off of the floor but you didn’t turn back. Once you were out of the cafeteria Isaac continued walking. Only stopping when you reached an empty classroom for you to sit in. The shock of what had happened had stopped your crying but the minute you sat down you burst into tears again. Sobs racked your body as Isaac held you, not saying anything but slowly stroking your hair in an effort to calm you down. When you had finally quietened, you pulled away from him.
“My hero,” you choked out. You tried to play it off casually with a joke but your voice got caught in your throat, giving away your true emotions.
“Well anyone would’ve done it,” he replied sheepishly, as though he was embarrassed for some reason.
“But they didn’t,” He smiled in response, reaching out to place his bloody hand over yours on the desk in front of you. “Thank you so much Isaac, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“They had it coming. I should’ve stepped in sooner.”
“No of course not, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me!” You paused for a moment, taking notice of his hand over yours and suddenly becoming self-conscious of your face, red and puffy from crying. You pulled your hand out from under his, clearing your throat.
“I’m sorry for being such a mess, you don’t have to stay in here with me.”
“No I want to; you have nothing to apologise for anyway.”
Neither of you said anything for a moment, both of you just looking at each other unsure of what to say next. Isaac opened his mouth to speak as the bell signalling the end of lunch rang out.
“I should probably get going,” you mumbled, standing up. Isaac didn’t respond, just moved out of your way as you headed towards the door.
“Wait!” He called out, causing you to turn back towards him. He ran his hands through his hair, looking sheepish again. “Did you, um, maybe want to get a coffee after school or something?”
You stared at him in confusion. Was he asking you out? Of course not, surely he meant just as friends. Didn’t he? Before you had time to respond he started talking again.
“It’s just that you seem quite upset and I don’t really know if I should just leave you alone now but honestly I don’t really want to leave you alone. I think you’re probably the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and I don’t want you to think I’m just using you when you’re vulnerable, but I really like you and I would really like for us to go out tonight.”
As he rambled, his cheeks flushed a deeper and deeper shade of red and you couldn’t help but feel yours do the same.
“I would really like that.” You replied, grinning as his mouth widened into a smile and his eyes lit up. He moved towards you but was stopped by the arrival of the teacher and class who stared at you as they entered the room. One of the students was Stiles Stilinski who seemed to be winking and giving Isaac a thumbs up not so subtly behind your back.
“So I’ll meet you after school?” Isaac asked, using his thumb to wipe away a tear still in your face. The teacher cleared their throat, raising their eyebrows at the two of you.
“I’ll see you there.” You replied, hurriedly leaving the class that were intently watching the both of you. You both paused for a minute in the hallway before he leant down and embraced you, leaving a faint kiss on your cheek.
“See you later.”
“See you later, hero.”
Isaac chuckled lightly, shaking his head and smiling as he walked off towards his lesson in the opposite direction. As you headed to your class, you couldn’t help but feel a little better knowing that at least someone was on your side.
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littlemessyjessi · 7 years
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Hey, guys!
So, in response to the overwhelming love for my plus size belly dancing imagines...I've decided to do a little series.  
I can't promise that they'll come out at rapid fire or that they'll all the same tone BUT they'll have a common denominator.
Plus size beauties doing some type of dance/artistic exercise.  
Bellydance, hooping, pole dance, aerial silks, latin dancing, yoga, all kinds of things.
So...send me your dances and ideas!  
Below, I've got a list of love interests in mind but if I'm forgetting something...just let me know!  
Comment and let me know if you're interested in seeing this and please, please, please don't be shy!  
Flood my ask box with requests because that's how I get the writing out to you guys!
Thank you, every one of you, for your lovely words!
I'm so thrilled that all of you like my writing.
It's very humbling and I feel so blessed!
Expect a few other posts within the next few days of some of the things you might see on my blog!
Thanks for listening, lovelies!
Listy listy list!!!
Thor Odinson (Thor) - Completed
Bucky Barnes (Captain America) - Completed
Nick Jakoby (Bright) - Completed
Mick Rory (Legends of Tomorrow) - Completed
Leonard Snart (Legends of Tomorrow)
Ivar the Boneless (Vikings) - Completed 
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Loki Laufeyson (Thor)
Bruce Banner/Hulk (Hulk and Avengers)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)- Completed
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Natasha Romanoff (Avengers)
Clint Barton (Avengers)
Pietro Maximoff (Avengers)
Wanda Maximoff (Avengers)
Vision (Avengers)
Rhodey (Avengers/ Iron Man)
Sam Wilson (Captain America)
Sharon Carter (Captain America)
T'Challa (Captain America, Black Panther)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan
Charlie Hunnam
Travis Fimmel
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Spiderman) - COMPLETED
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
Stucky (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes x reader)
Lee Pace
James McAvoy
Bill Skarsgard
Alexander Skarsgard
Sidney Crosby
Tyler Seguin
Jamie Benn
Geno Malkin
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Norman Reedus
Paul Lahote (Twilight)
Emmett (Twilight)
Jasper Hale (Twilight)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries, The Originals)
Jay (Disney Descendants)
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf)
Theo Raeken (Teen Wolf)
Chase Collins (Covenant) - COMPLETED
Chase Collins (Covenant) - Captivated- COMPLETED
Pogue (Covenant) 
Tyler (Covenant) 
TJ Hammond 
Hal Carter (Picnic) 
Basically any Sebastian Stan character because I have no control, lol.  
If I'm missing someone just give me a hollar!
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Isaac Lahey x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2591 words
Warnings: anxiety? 
Summary: Reader gets freaked out when she thinks they're hurting Isaac and they find out its because he's her anchor. (Inspired by 3x02)
You didn’t have a problem at first.
Erica and Boyd were gone and if there was anything that any of you could do to find them, you knew that you had to. If you didn’t track them down soon, something awful was going to occur and that couldn’t happen.
You couldn’t lose anymore people.
So, when Deaton suggested some kind of ice bath to figure out where they were, you weren’t opposed. In theory, it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal and given all the times that Dr.Deaton had helped you out in the past, you didn’t question it.
Until you found out that they were planning on nearly killing Isaac.
For some reason, as soon as you were in that back room, with that ominous tub filled to the brim with freezing cold water, you could hardly breathe.
It was too much.
As soon as he got into the water, you could tell that something wasn’t right but that feeling only grew when he started thrashing around and doing everything he could to get out, his eyes glowing yellow and teeth bared.
“Stop! You have to stop” you started, the words weak as they left your throat, panic rushing through you at the thought of what they were doing.
No one moved, only increasing the constricting in your chest, your hands closed so tight that you feared you may actually shred the flesh of your palms with your claws.
They were going to kill him, and everyone else didn’t even seem to care besides you. It didn’t make any sense. Were they really just going to stand here and watch him freeze to death? Or drown?
“You’re killing him!” you screamed, worried that if you didn’t do something, Derek would drown Isaac in a desperate attempt to find out where the others were.
Not that it really mattered because you were almost entirely convinced no one was listening, until finally, Deaton spoke.
“Get her out of here!” Deaton decided, urging whoever was closest to get you somewhere else until they were finished. If they weren’t able to finish this, it would all be for nothing and if you couldn’t be calm enough to be here, you were going to have to leave.
Isaac had agreed to everything that was happening, and he was fine.
They couldn’t stop everything just to prove it to you.
Scott was the first to move, perfectly aware that as much as he didn’t want to leave Isaac’s side, you weren’t going to leave with anyone else.
As long as Isaac was under that ice cold water, you were just going to have to deal with him.
After all, if anyone had any hope at calming you down, it was him.
“Come on Y/N. Let's get you outta here” he suggested, forcefully taking your arm and leading you out of the room. You put up a hell of a fight, just like he knew you would, but as soon as you saw his eyes glowing amber, you settled down pretty well.
No amount of anxiety could combat his abilities, besides, deep down, you knew that Scott would never let anything happen to Isaac.
He didn't speak again until he was sure that you were calm, sitting down on the front step of the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic.
The cool night air was doing a good job at keeping  you relaxed, and your blood wasn’t boiling quite as much as it had been.
At the very least, Scott could talk to you now.
“Are you alright?” he hummed, bumping your leg with his foot, just to make sure that you were still here with him. He could only imagine how hard it was for you to see Isaac like that, in what could certainly become a life threatening situation.
Since you had come here, and joined Scott’s ‘pack’, no one had made quite the impact on you that Isaac had.
It was clear that he was important to you, but no one realized just how much he meant to you until right now. The way you had panicked seeing him there, unconscious under the water, you were inconsolable.
He had never seen you like that.
Not even when you were completely out of control.
“He’s safe, isn’t he?” you clarified, your breath still as rigid and shaky as it had been as soon as you saw Isaac in that ice bath. You weren’t even sure what it was about it that struck you so bad, but you didn’t like it.
All you knew was that you didn’t like it.
Scott nodded, a small smile on his face at just how much this whole thing meant to you. In a strange way, it was sort of sweet that you were so worried about what happened to him.
For a guy who didn’t think he had anyone in the world, he certainly had one person who would have done anything for him.
“Then I’m fine” you hummed, a new sort of calm washing over you as you decided to believe him. As long as Scott knew that Isaac was going to be okay, you didn’t have any reason to worry.
It was when he started worrying that you had to be scared.
“I’m sorry about this whole thing, I usually have control over it. I just freaked out” you sighed, running your hands over your face as you tried to figure out what had come over you. Now that you were out here, it was fading but not gone.
That pull to him, that panic that filled you as soon as he was in any kind of danger. It was like being away from him physically hurt you, it just didn’t feel right, no matter what.
It was driving you crazy.
You had never felt like that before, not ever, but since you met him, it was like it was all you could think about.
Not that it was entirely your fault.
You weren’t familiar with the concept of an anchor of course, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have one. Thankfully, Scott knew enough about it for the both of you, and it was about time that you realized just what was happening to you.
“It’s okay, it isn’t your fault” Scott hummed, his voice filled with the normal level of support and care that you were used to.
He really was good at this.
“Do you know what an anchor is?”
You didn’t, but thankfully, Scott had more than enough time to fill you in.
Granted, every word he said was insane.
The idea that you and Isaac were linked somehow didn’t make any sense, and really, you weren’t sure that you believed it. After all, it had to have been the most outlandish thing that you’d ever heard in your life.
...but you didn’t think he was lying to you either.
He had no reason to lie, and even if he did, it was just too close to a realistic explanation. 
The idea that there was a werewolf-related reason for you to be so attached to him kind of made you feel better, as weird as it was.
At least that explained why you were powerless to actually do anything about it.
“I’m gonna go check on them” Scott decided, eventually standing to head back inside once he was sure that he’d said all there was to say. Giving you some time to process everything that was going on couldn’t hurt.
Besides, if Isaac wasn’t out of the water by now, he wasn’t going to just bring you back in. You had calmed down a little but as soon as you saw him like that again, the panic would come back.
It  would all be for nothing, and he hadn’t gone through all this for nothing.
You could come in once everything was said and done and he was okay.
Which, thankfully, didn’t take too long, because neither Scott nor Deaton was all too convinced that you would stay outside for much longer.
After all, that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach was only getting stronger and stronger as the minutes ticked by and it was only a matter of time before you made your way back to his side.
Not that you could be blamed, because apparently it wasn’t up to you.
Nothing felt like it was up to you anymore.
Eventually, you decided that you’d had enough of the distance, and after double checking to make sure that you could handle it, you stood to go back into the vet Clinic.  
It seemed like the only good thing to come out of Scott telling you about your relationship to Isaac was that you felt like you had some control over the way you felt, at least, as far as this was concerned.
He could handle it.
Scott wouldn't have let him get in that ice if he couldn’t, and all you could do now was hope that this whole thing was close to over.
Which, thankfully, it was.
By the time you got back into the heat of it, Isaac was out of the tub, a towel thrown around his shoulders as he tried to combat the dropping in his temperature. 
Even with his enhanced healing, his body was taking a while to bounce back.
To be fair, they had nearly killed him just now.  
“You doing okay, Y/N?” Scott hummed, the first to speak after he noticed you there in the entryway, clearly trying to gauge how  you were holding up.
He wasn’t shocked by how you reacted at first, but now that Isaac was back in the land of the living, he wasn’t sure how you were going to react. You had just learned quite a bit about him while he was out, after all.
Things that he didn’t even know.
You only nodded, doing everything you could to let him know that you were going to be okay, though you couldn’t force your eyes away from Isaac’s shivering frame. 
Deep down, you knew he was going to be okay, but seeing it for yourself felt different.
It was like a wave of relief nearly knocked you off your feet.
You didn’t know what to say, all you knew for sure was that you’d never been so happy to see someone in your life.
“Why don’t we take a second to regroup, then we can discuss what can be done about Boyd and Erica?” Deaton suggested, sharing a knowing look with both Scott and Derek, who could clearly see what was going on as well as he could.
In fact, the only person who remained perfectly clueless to the things unfolding around him was Stiles, who stood as stuck in his place as ever, until Scott ushered him out with the rest of them, leaving you and Isaac alone.
Given everything that you two had just gone through, he was sure there was something you wanted to say.
The least he could do was give you a couple minutes to work it out.
Besides, it wasn’t like anyone was going to figure out right where the Alpha’s were keeping Erica and Boyd in the next fifteen minutes.
You could spare this time, and then hopefully, both you and Isaac could actually use the connection between you to actually benefit the pack, instead of just hovering around one another in confused silence like you normally did.
A silence that was currently holding all of your attention as you tried to figure out what you were supposed to say to him.
Now that it was just the two of you here, it felt like there was both everything and nothing to be said at once.
You just weren’t sure which would be better.
“Are you okay? Scott mentioned you were having a hard time” Isaac spoke first, hoping that he could get you to elaborate. There was clearly something that was bothering you but when he tried to get Scott to tell him, he wouldn’t.
All he kept saying was that he could ask you himself when you came back in.
“I guess so. I’m just glad you’re alright” you allowed, a small shrug tugging at your shoulders as you tried to keep this as casual as you could. You didn’t just want to come out and tell him that he was your anchor.
What if he didn’t know? What if he didn’t want to be?
You had no idea how you would deal with something like that.
“Me too. I was worried about you, when I was under” he hummed, his words far more muted now than the previous ones. 
He just wasn’t sure how you would react, but the truth was that he heard you, at least, parts of what you’d said.
...and it scared him.
Knowing that you were out there, in so much distress, and he couldn’t do anything about it forced something up from the pits of Isaac’s stomach that he’d never felt before.
It was more fear and anxiety than he was used to, even living with his dad.
He just wanted to check on you, but he knew that he couldn’t. As much as he wanted to make sure you were alright, he knew that finding Erica and Boyd was more important.
Besides, just as you trusted Scott to take care of Isaac, he trusted Scott to make sure you were alright.
You had to be.
“It was like I could feel how much you needed help” he sighed, now taking his turn to shrug as he did his best to make sense of something that wasn’t really meant to make all that much sense in the first place.
Like everything else you’d learned since becoming a werewolf, it would just take time to accept.
“-How much I needed you” you corrected, sure that was what he was going to say before he decided against it. 
By this point, you were both thinking the same thing, feeling the same thing, you just weren’t sure who was going to say it first.
Thankfully, there was no true awkwardness between you and Isaac.
It was much more akin to a comfortable uncertainty, as you both fought yourselves on what you knew was happening. Which, you chalked up to having everything to do with the bond you shared.
“Yeah, that too” Isaac confirmed, a slight smile on his handsome face as he realized that you were right. The entire time he was trying to fight the urge to leave everything he was doing behind to make sure you were okay.
At least for a moment, he forgot everything else except for you, and now that he was thinking about it, that wasn’t the first time it had happened.
It happened a lot, for both of you.
Every time he got too out of control on the full moon and felt his control slipping away, he thought about you and heard your voice in his head. 
It was one of the only things that could calm him down, even when he woke up with nightmares in the middle of the night.
You were the only thing he always had, and you both knew what it meant.
This whole time Isaac thought that his anger toward his father was the thing keeping him in control but that wasn’t the case at all. Clearly, there was something so much stronger than his hate, the real focus of his attention.
You were his anchor.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Isaac Lahey x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2698 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Isaac losing control during one of the lacrosse games and you go to check on him 
You and Isaac didn’t have anything in common. 
In general, the two of you had less of a relationship than any of the other members of the pack simply because you didn’t have anything to talk about. You weren’t friends, you didn’t have any classes together, the only time you even saw much of each other was when the packs got together. 
It wasn’t that big of a deal. 
However, just because you didn’t really understand Isaac and the two of you didn’t have much of a relationship to begin with didn’t mean you wanted anything to happen to him, and you certainly didn’t want him to be alone. 
It was no secret that his home life was far from easy, and other than his dad and the pack, he didn’t have anyone else. 
He just struck you as one of those people who could use someone who always had his back, and there was no reason you couldn’t be that for him. 
Everyone had bad days, and just needed someone to make sure that they were alright. That was how you knew that you were human, but as it would turn out, werewolves had those bad days too. 
If anything, they had more than humans did. 
The push and pull of the moon and the unpredictability of it made it really difficult to know when something bad was happening or when they could use someone to vent to but you didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that Isaac was struggling. 
Even from where you were sitting in the stands, you could see how hard he was breathing behind his lacrosse helmet, and how tense he must have been. Not to  mention that if the other team made another goal,  you were positive someone was going home in a full body cast and it wasn’t going to be him. 
Someone needed to do something. 
The secret you were all doing your very best to hide away was in jeopardy in these moments and you weren’t about to let him put every one of your lives in danger because the team was having an off night. 
It wasn’t worth that to you. 
So, when you could tell that he’d finally had enough and Isaac sped off of the field in the direction of the locker room, you knew that you had to do something to try and calm him down.
 Just because he knew well enough to get out of view of the general public didn’t mean someone wasn’t going to get hurt. You had been learning a lot about calming them down when they got stressed out with Liam, and Isaac was no different. 
In fact, you knew that if you could handle Liam at his most angry, Isaac would be a cake walk. 
You saw Scott falter out on the field, watching both Isaac and you head off in the direction of the school but you shot him a thumbs up, your way of letting him know that you could handle it. 
The idea of it made him a little nervous, as he always was as the true alpha, but he knew that if you thought you could handle it, you could. After all, you had already shown him a million times that you weren’t scared of them. 
You had no reason to be. 
If Isaac wanted to hurt you, he could have very well done it before now and besides, if someone had to get hurt because of his upset, you would much rather it be you than an innocent on the other end of those claws.. 
At least you knew what you were up against. 
“Isaac?” you called, doing your best to keep your voice down while still alerting him to your presence, careful to lock the locker room door behind you. If someone else needed to get in here, you were sure it would be under less drastic circumstances. 
Everything else could wait. 
“Isaac? It’s Y/N” you hummed, doing your best to keep your calm, though there was a sense of unease in the dark locker room. You had no idea where he was, and knowing the state he’d been in when he came in here, that was hardly comforting. 
Wherever he was, at the very least, you knew he wasn’t in a good place. You knew just how much Isaac liked to hear himself talk and the silence was more than enough to confirm your suspicions. 
There was a sound on the other end of the locker room, similar to metal clanking down on the concrete but before you could make your way over to investigate it, Isaac was on you. 
He was all snarling, gnashing teeth, and muscle as he shoved your plush frame against the tile wall of the showers, effectively knocking the wind out of you completely in a way that you couldn't have seen coming, as obvious as it was.
...but you didn’t let that deter you. 
It might have hurt you on the surface but you knew that something like that was only temporary for you. You weren't some porcelain doll that would shatter if you so much as breathed on it the wrong way. 
The bite had made sure of that. 
“Ow” you groaned, through gritted teeth as you did your best to get a grip on Isaac’s shoulders, his yellow eyes boring into your own as he tried to get the better of you. Right now, he wasn’t in control and that made this much harder. 
There was no arguing with a feral wolf, after all.
“Isaac, it’s Y/N. I need you to calm down before you make me do something you won’t like” you warned, already well aware that you were going to have to resort to some kind of physical action before he mauled you like a bear. 
Thankfully, the same tile wall that you were forced against as you spoke provided the perfect blunt object for you to work around. 
When Isaac showed no signs of stopping, you made up your mind. Using all the weight you had and a fair amount of your own superhuman strength, you flipped your two bodies so that you could get the upper hand on him. 
Physically, Isaac had an advantage over you due to sheer size and mass but when it came to raw strength and wit, you had him beat. 
Right now, his mind was too foggy and preoccupied with rage that he couldn’t think straight enough to actually comprehend what you were doing. 
Not that that mattered all that much. All you could care about right now was getting him to stop what he was doing and-
“Calm Down!” 
You showed no hesitation as you forced his solid body against the wall and pinned him there, his eyes still burning into your face. Then, as you had learned from both Stiles and Scott with Liam, you turned the dial on the shower to the coldest it could go. 
If he wasn’t going to calm down himself, you were going to force it out of him with ice cold water. 
As soon as the water hit his skin, he roared, jolting against your tight hold as he tried to get away from both the unending stream of water and your tight hold on him but you weren’t going to let him get away with it that easily. 
He wasn’t getting out of here until it was safe for everyone else out there. 
“Isaac! You can hear me, I know you can. You need to calm down” you urged, grabbing his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you. He was trying to fight this, and you knew that he could, all you had to do was try. 
You had seen him snap out of this a million times before and there was no reason he couldn’t do it again right now. 
...And thankfully, you were right. 
After a few more minutes of yelling in his face and standing under the ice cold steam of water, Isaac had finally calmed down enough for you to turn off the water. 
By the time he had stopped fighting against you with all his strength, your own muscles were burning but you didn’t mind the tension in your body as you sat down on the tile floor beside him, both of you soaking wet and exhausted. 
“You’re even more hard-headed out of control, you know that?” you scoffed, resting your head against the cool tiles. 
You were both breathing heavily, trying to recover from the endeavor you’d just been a part of but Isaac managed a dry laugh through the breathing raging through his nose. 
“You’re bleeding” he muttered, after a few more minutes of silence between the two of you, the entire locker room full of the sounds of your labored breath, and the distant cheering of the crowd out on the field. 
In the scramble, you hadn’t noticed but he must have nicked your flesh because when you brought your hand up to where he was gesturing, you found a bit of ruby red blood on your fingers, mixing with the water droplets already on your skin. 
It didn't hurt, and you were sure that it would heal before you even made your way back to the lacrosse game, but that didn’t change the fact that Isaac felt terrible about it. He should have been more in control than he was. 
You never should have been there in the first place. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just a scratch” you sighed, wiping it away with your hand as if that would somehow make him forget about it. 
It wasn’t that big of a deal. 
At least, it wasn’t a big deal to you. 
Isaac seemed rather focused on the blood beading up on your skin from the cut, which seemed much deeper than he originally assumed it was as he looked at it. 
“What are you doing here? Where’s Scott? Or Derek?” he questioned, that familiar attitude finding its way back to his tone as he returned to the Isaac you knew.  One of them was always the one to take care of them when something like this happened, and if they’d been here, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. 
It was stupid for you to try and do this on your own. 
“Scott’s on the field, and Derek is MIA for the time being” you shrugged, standing from where you had been perched and straightening your appearance in the mirror. It didn’t matter all that much, of course, because you were still soaked to the bone, but the thought made you feel better. 
You didn’t even bother to help Isaac to his feet, as he was clearly back to normal and didn’t need you to go out of your way for him. 
Now that he was alright, you were reminded why you two weren’t that close in the first place. 
“You know I could have killed you, right?” he groaned, standing from the floor on  his own, making it clear just how much damage he’d done to his own muscles in the feverish fight you two had been engaged in previously. 
He was going to be feeling it pretty bad for the next few minutes while those muscle fibers knit themselves back together. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, not at all surprised by how self involved he always seemed to be. Clearly, if he could have killed you, he would have, and yet, here you were, very much alive. So either, he was bluffing, or had no real idea what he was capable of. 
Neither of which you were all that interested in.
“Usually, when someone helps you out, it's easier to just thank them” you countered, turning around to find him sitting on the bench behind you, his fingers digging into his shoulder where he’d just found a searing pain. 
You had probably left a pretty gnarly scratch of your own there while you were trying to get a handle on him. 
“Stop pawing at that” you tutted, closing the space between you just enough to pull back the collar of his shirt to inspect what you were already sure was there.
It would heal regardless of if he touched it or not but it would heal faster if he left it alone. You would have thought he understood that  by now. 
“Thank you, but please don’t do that anymore'' he grumbled, looking up at you with that same dismissive look in his eyes that you’d been trying to get him to let go of this entire time. 
There was nothing wrong with the two of you having a conversation, and there was certainly nothing wrong with him letting you help him sometimes. 
You all needed help sometimes, that was what you had a pack for in the first place. 
“You are so unbelievable. Is it really so bad that I came to help you?” you groaned, tired of him being so cagey with all of you. You understood that he had a hard time trusting people, and you weren’t going to act like he shouldn’t have, but this was different. 
All you were trying to do was help him not hurt himself. 
“This is the longest conversation you and I have ever had, you know that?” he hummed, trying to think back to any point in the past when the two of you had even been alone together for this long, or at all. You didn't know the first time about each other, but you were right.
You had come here to help him, even when you didn’t have to. You could have just as easily let him suffer through this alone. 
“Why is that?” 
You weren’t looking at him anymore, but that didn’t matter. You knew that he was looking at you, trying to figure out what it was about you that he’d always had trouble figuring out. Clearly, you were a perfectly good person, and he’d been so shitty to you. 
It didn’t make sense, even to him. 
“You care about people a lot, and I didn’t want to be one of those people you had to worry about” he shrugged, making it seem like that was some kind of deep, meaningful reason but  you knew better than that. 
That wasn’t what it was. 
That wasn’t even close to what it was. 
“That’s a lie, and you know it” you scoffed, finally turning around to meet his eyes again. He wanted everyone to think that he was so independent and closed off from his feelings, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. 
You saw right through that, because you knew it was the easiest excuse he could make himself believe. 
 “I think you’re scared of letting anyone in because you don’t want to be abandoned, and it's easier to be alone than it is to be lonely” you explained, talking about him as if you could see right through his skin into the heart beating in his chest. 
He didn’t say anything. 
For the first time in his entire life, Isaac was speechless but it wasn’t because he didn’t have anything to say. There were a million words swirling around in his head, trying desperately to form any words at all but it just didn’t happen. 
No one had even known him like that, because no one had ever looked at him like that. 
No one had ever paid attention. 
“But you aren’t alone, so you need to stop acting like it” you shrugged, unlatching the door of the locker room and swinging it open to find Scott waiting for you there. He had clearly heard the entire conversation, but you didn’t care about that. 
He smiled at you slightly, looking between the two of you as gingerly as he could, the air in the room heavy and dense. 
It was clear that whatever it was that was going on between the two of you, it was far from over but based on the way you two were avoiding looking at one another, it was bound to resolve itself in time. 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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12 days of Christmas Special 4
Isaac Lahey x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1063 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Isaac getting the reader her first puppy for Christmas
It was no secret that you wanted a puppy.
From the moment you two met, you were constantly talking about all the different breeds of dogs that you were in love with. You were obsessed with them, and it would have been impossible not to know that.
Anyone who was around you for more than a few minutes would know that you loved them more than anything.
Isaac had been planning on getting you one for quite some time. In all honesty, he would have bought you a puppy in the first week you were going out but decided to wait.
It may not have been appropriate then but now that you two had been seeing each other for a couple years, it seemed like the perfect gift. Besides, what better Christmas gift would he come up with?
There was certainly nothing you wanted more.
However, a live animal was a bit more intricate of a gift than a pair of slippers or some jewelry. First, he got in contact with your family in order to set up the more nuanced details.
Isaac wanted to take care of everything before the big day so that all you had to focus on was loving on the fuzzy baby he’d given you.
Then, once that was all taken care of and squared away, Isaac set his focus on finding the perfect puppy for you. There was no shortage of options with everything from size, breed, and where to get them.
Thankfully, the last question was easily answered with the help of Deaton, who occasionally had rescues and strays coming in for check ups and such.
If there was a place to start in Beacon Hills, he assumed it would be there and that seemed to be the right place.
Dr. Deaton was only a veterinarian technically but when informed him of what he wanted to do, the man knew just what to do. A client of his had a retriever who recently had puppies and was looking for homes for them.
All he had to do was get in contact with them and you’d have the puppy you’d always wanted.
In that way, it lined up perfectly and as soon as he heard about it, Isaac knew that this was exactly what you’d want.
...And that was only solidified when he met them.
After his initial phone call, Isaac decided to go meet with Deaton’s patient, and the puppies from which he would choose. As soon as he got there, Isaac knew that he’d made the right choice.
He was greeted by eight puppies, each similar while also being unique in their own way.
Right off the bat, a few of the puppies reacted negatively to him, tucking their tails between their legs and whining softly but there was one, in particular, that didn’t seem bothered at all.
That was the one.
It was natural for dogs to react that way, seeing as Isaac was a werewolf, but the fact that this brave little guy didn’t seem to care just seemed like a good sign.
After all, he didn’t want a puppy that didn’t want anything to do with him since he was planning to be around him pretty frequently.
“And who is this?” he asked, kneeling down to pet the golden puppy, who immediately nuzzled up to his touch. The woman at his side smiled, watching the way the puppy reacted to him.
It was clear that there was a connection between them.
“My wife and I have been calling him Bernard”
Isaac was practically vibrating with excitement as he made his way up to your front steps.
He told you that he had a surprise for you on Christmas morning but you had no idea what it could be. Really, you had no expectations about what he would bring you, because you knew how much Isaac loved surprises.
However, you should have known that something strange was going on. As soon as opened the door and saw him, you could tell that he had something up his sleeve.
He had the biggest grin on his face.
“Hey! Merry Christmas” he smiled, leaning in to give you a small side hug, only distorted slightly by the big box in his arms.
By that point, you had some idea of what was going on, because of the holes in the top of the box but you didn’t want to get too excited at first.
Instead, you just returned his hug and went into the house, which was wonderfully decorated for the holiday season. You had been making hot chocolate when he knocked, which only added to the ambiance.
All things considered, he could hardly focus due to the excitement. He knew that this was going to be the best thing he could ever do for you, and that you would be excited.
Not that he ever imagined it going like this.
At some point in your small talk, while you and Isaac were in the kitchen getting some mugs of hot chocolate, the puppy got out.
Neither of you noticed at first, but it was hard to shrug off when the paper on other presents under the tree was being shredded. You didn’t say anything for a moment, trying to figure it out.
Though, Isaac beat you to the punch.
As soon as what was happening registered in his head, Isaac headed off toward the direction of the sound, finding Bernard in a pile of wrapping paper.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled, scrambling to scoop up the puppy in his arms, before he could ruin anything else. This wasn’t supposed to go down like this.
He’d planned everything down to the wire, and made sure that this would be the best surprise you ever had but at the last second, it was ruined.
Isaac could hardly believe it.
However when he spun around to see you there, holding your hands over your mouth to keep a shriek from escaping, he had to rethink that too.
You looked so happy.
“Hey baby, this is Bernard” he grinned, holding the little bundle of fur out to you with a huge smile on his face. It might not have been exactly what he’d planned, but now that it had happened, that didn’t matter.
All that mattered now was that you finally had the puppy you’d always wanted.
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
My Babies pt 2
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Derek Hale x Plus size!reader and Isaac Lahey x Mom!Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1,532 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Isaac moves into the Hale house and he and the reader have a very sweet moment that sends her to Derek’s side
Adopting Isaac had been a dream of yours for a very long time and the second Derek gave any mention that it may actually happen, you were hooked.
You'd always wanted kids but it killed you that there were so many children out there already that needed so much. It didn't hurt that you and Derek weren't exactly in the market to have an infant right now.
Could you imagine raising a baby with Derek? Yes but not while you're in the process of deal with Stiles studying for his midterms on your couch, Liam's crazy lacrosse practice schedule, and Scott's ever changing lunar calendar.
There was just way too much going on in your lives right now to create and form a whole new human right now, besides, Isaac needed a new home.
It killed you that Isaac had never had the love and support of a caring mother, or the strong, comfortable love of a father. Those were the sorts of things that not very many kids got, but you wanted to give him now.
Derek had already begun renovating the house to accommodate for the child you were taking in, and it was going well. He'd turned the far guest bedroom into a really cool space for Isaac to call his own and even started working on a balcony.
That was his own special design.
Isaac had never been keen on tight spaces and had a tendency to get claustrophobic so Derek wanted to open up the room as much as possible.
By the time he was done, it was impossible to imagine that this building had once been the sight of the Hale House fire.
Everything about it was changed and for once, since you'd moved in, it felt like a complete home. The only thing you were missing was that full nest sort of feeling you'd always craved.
You thought one teenager would be enough but you weren't completely happy until the entire pack was swarming around the kitchen. Stiles had his arm elbow deep in a bag of tortilla chips, Mason was asking around about chocolate chip cookies, and you could have sworn that Malia was chasing Scott around with the Wii remote.
It was absolute chaos and you'd never been happier.
Derek however, could have used the peace and quiet. It wasn't his fault, Derek's idea of a nice evening was the two of you just sitting and talking over dinner. That was nice enough but it wasn't what you needed.
You were in prime nesting mode and there was nothing that could be done to stop that. Whatever it was that had caused this shift in you, having Isaac in the house wasn't exactly helping.
It was like you were in full mama mode.
And in all honesty, Derek was enjoying it. This was a side of you that Derek Hale had never had the privilege of enjoying.
"Isaac Lahey-Hale, get down here my love" You call, only half kidding as you walked through the door.
By the time the door closed, Isaac was already standing beside you, eager to take the grocery bags from your arms. You wouldn't believe how much food it takes to run a household of werewolves.
"How was your day?" You asked, for a brief moment being somehow managing to be the most domestic mother in the world. It was moments like these that made you forget that you were living a supernatural life.
Isaac shrugged at first, heading toward the kitchen with the groceries, looking behind him to make sure you were following first...you were.
It was so comforting to him that he could have his back turned to you without having to worry about something dangerous flying at his head.
It made such a big difference to be in a functional household, with loving parents over his childhood.
Isaac owed all of his comfort and security to you and Derek, not only in your pack, but in your house. He loved how his life had changed, it was so significant for him.
"It was alright, I have a biology paper due in three days and I haven't started it yet" he allowed, starting to unpack the bags by the time you entered the kitchen.
The bags crinkled beneath your fingers as you pulled the bag of apples from the plastic, those were for Lydia. Isaac had the packages of raw chicken, which you suspected he'd subconsciously picked out.
The sound of your new son in need, even so slightly, lit a fire under your ass. You wanted so badly to help him in every way, shape and form on the planet earth.
"Do you need help? I did pretty well in biology when I was in school" You asked, trying so hard to do the best job you could at this whole mom thing.
You knew that it was going to be difficult to be a mom in general, but raising a teenage werewolf as your first child was a little bit of a different commitment.
The boy smiled, he didn't know if you could actually help him study or not but he was guaranteed to agree.
Isaac wanted this to work out just as much as you did, and was willing to do whatever it would take to bond with you. The whole situation was weird for both of you, but luckily, you had the pack bond on your side to help you relax about it.
It didn't matter how much time you two spent together, everything was so new in a family dynamic. "That sounds great Y/N-um, mom?" he tried, stopping himself mid-way through your name. It was abundantly clear at this moment just how NEW everything really was.
No matter how strange it may have been for you to hear someone call you mom, there was something about it that you enjoyed. There was just something about it that was music to your ears.
And it was so endearing to hear it from Isaac for the first time. It was so much more meaningful for the two of you to be together in this way. It had been so long since he'd been able to call someone mom, and he wanted nothing more.
It was almost as if he didn't realize how much he'd missed it until just now, and he was embarrassed. "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to" he apologized, his cheeks burning with his nerves.
You had to admit that you were shocked at his words, but it wasn't a bad thing. The idea that Isaac felt the need to apologize for that was nearly enough to break your heart.
"No sweetie, you don't have to say sorry...you can call me whatever you're comfortable with" You assured, wrapping your arms around the boy's shoulders. You felt him tense lightly but you knew it was just a reflex, hopefully one that you could correct over time.
That was what really shattered your heart. The idea that someone could ever hurt such a sweet, incredibly talented boy was inhuman. Of all the kids, you were glad Isaac was the one you'd chosen to bring into your home, mostly because he was the most in need of the love.
"Thank you, that means a lot to me. I really do owe you and Derek for everything" he whispered, his voice just close enough to your ear so you could hear him without too much struggle.
You knew that this whole thing was going to be a work in progress but as far as you were concerned, it was more than worth it. "You're welcome Isaac, you're our family now" you assured, letting him go to do his own thing for a while.
As soon as Isaac was out of the kitchen, you hurried to the bedroom you shared with Derek, tears welling up in your eyes.
The man nearly jumped out of his skin the moment you showed up, the bedroom door closing behind you. That would have amused you if you hadn't been so preoccupied because Derek could be so hard to spook.
"What happened? Are you alright?" He checked, tossing his book to the side in favor of inspecting ever inch of you as if you were bleeding from a terminal wound...he was such a drama queen.
But so were you.
"You will never guess what happened downstairs" you gasped, flopping down on your bed with such force that the mattress shifted. Derek, though, didn't seem to mind.
He was so used to how you excitable you could be, and he found it adorable. It had been a while since he'd seen it so now he was having an amazing time, just waiting for you to tell him what had you that way.
"What happened hon?" he asked, sitting up straight against the headboard to get a better look at you. You were practically vibrating with excitement to tell him your news.
You could hardly breathe.
"Isaac called me mom" you cooed, about to explode from all the feelings you were dealing with. Derek wasn't shocked...
You were more family wrapped up in one person than he's ever had.
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cassiefanfic · 8 years
UPDATED 09 April 2018
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15 Days of Valentines Day (Multifandom)
13 Reasons Why
Take Care (Jeff Atkins x Reader) [20 June 2017]
Mi Flor (Jeff Atkins x Reader) [15 July 2017]
Baby Driver
B-A-B-Y Baby (Baby x Reader) [06 September 2017]
Let Me Show You How To Drive A Car (Baby x Reader, Darling, Buddy, Doc) [11 October 2017]
Baby’s Baby With A Baby (Baby x Reader) [09 April 2018]
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Trouble Without Me (Barry Allen x Speedster!Reader) [18 January 2017]
Hold My Hand (Barry Allen x Reader) [11 May 2017]
Long Awaited (Barry Allen x Reader) [11 July 2017]
Treasure Hunt (Barry Allen x Speedster!Reader) [14 February 2018]
DC Comics/Suicide Squad
Crazy (Joker) [14 November 2016]
DC/Justice League
In a Flash (Barry Allen x Reader) [21 December 2017]
Disney/ Beauty and The Beast
Late Night Tea (Mrs. Potts) [01 May 2017]
Doctor Who
Forgive Me (No ship) [02 October 2016]
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Lives Saved (12th Doctor x Clara) [04 October 2017]
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
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Obliviate (Credence Barebone x Reader, Percival Graves) [13 January 2017]
Thieving Bugger (Newt Scamander x Reader) [23 January 2017]
I Dreamed a Dream (Kurt Hummel) [30 March 2017]
Warbler Revealed (Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson) [17 May 2017]
Seasons of Love (Artie Abrams x Reader) [01 December 2017]
Undercover (TequilaxReader (Vodka)) [30 January 2018
The Christmas Song (Matthew Espinosa x Reader) [18 December 2016]
Civil Daughter (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark’s Daughter/Reader) [08 August 2016]
Civil Daughter Part 2 (Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader)
Nightmares (Bucky Barnes x Reader) [06 November 2016]
Healing the Warrior (Bucky Barnes x Reader) [31 January 2017]
Titanic Tuition (Tony Stark, Intern!Reader) [09 February 2017]
Arrangements Part One (T’Challa x POC Reader) [23 February 2017]
Arrangements Part Two (T’Challa x POC Reader) [14 February 2018]
The Red Dress (Sam Wilson x Reader) [25 April 2017]
Six Weeks (Steve Rogers x Reader) [22 May 2017]
Going With Ego (Peter Quill) [30 May 2017]
Long Day (Bucky Barnes x Reader) [22 June 2017]
It’s Really You (Wade Wilson, Sister Reader, Francis Freeman/Ajax, Angel) [27 November 2017]
Asgard and Beyond (Loki x Tony’s Daughter!Reader, Thor, etc) [04 January 2018]
Asgard and Beyond Pt 2 (Tony’s Daughter!Reader, Tony Stark, Loki) [25 January 2018]
Pull Through (Tony’s Daughter!Reader, Loki, Tony Stark, etc) [23 January 2018]
The Maze Runner
I Will Find You (Gally x Reader) [03 October 2016]
Protect Me (Newt x Reader) [07 November 2016]
Don’t Forget (Newt x Reader) [07 January 2017]
Once Upon A Time
Let Me Go (Peter Pan x Reader) [02 October 2016]
I’m Still Here (Captain Hook/Killian Jones x Reader) [18 December 2017]
Power Rangers
Purple Ranger [18 May 2017]
Home at Last (Jughead Jones x Reader) [28 March 2017]
Home at Last Part 2 (Jughead Jones x Reader) [24 April 2017]
To Date or Not To Date (Jughead Jones x Reader) [04 December 2017]
Lost Hero (Jason Blossom, Reggie Mantle) [26 December 2017]
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
No Harm Done (Klaus Baudelaire x Reader) [17 March 2017]
Shameless US
Little Sister (Gallagher!Reader) [08 December 2016]
Star Wars
Extraordinary Asset Pt 1 (General Hux x Reader) [23 January 2017]
Extraordinary Assets Pt 2 (General Hux x Reader) [14 February 2018]
Follow the Orders (Kylo Ren x Reader, General Hux) [06 January 2017]
The Unfaithful and the Betrayed (General Hux x Reader) [24 January 2017]
Abandoning the Order (General Hux x Reader, Princess Leia) [28 September 2017]
Demon’s Blood (Dean Winchester) [03 May 2016]
Costco (Destiel/Dean x Castiel) [11 August 2016]
Car Troubles (Dean Winchester x Impala!Reader) [03 October 2016]
Find Her (Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel) [10 November 2016]
Find Her REWRITE (Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Lucifer) [22 October 2017]
Missed You (Demon!Sam Winchester x Reader) [23 December 2016]
Christmas Time, Tinsel Time (Lucifer x Reader) [26 December 2016]
Opportunity (Dean Winchester x Reader) [12 January 2017]
Uninvited Calling (Dean Winchester x POC Reader) [16 February 2017]
Thanks for Nothing (Dean Winchester x Reader) [19 June 2017]
Little Kisses (Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean, Castiel) [08 August 2017]
You’re Not Dean (Shapeshifter!Dean x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester) [28 November 2017]
Under the Mistletoe (Dean Winchester x Reader)[06 December 2017]
Teen Wolf
All is Fair in Love and War (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) [14 November 2015]
Emma (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) [05 April 2016]
I’m Not Very Good At Writing (Isaac Lahey x Reader) [08 August 2016]
Boys And Girls (Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Bisexual!Reader)[18 October 2016]
Sign Me A Hello (Stiles Stilinski x Deaf!Reader) [21 December 2016]
Wake Up (Reader and Scott’s Pack) [23 December 2016]
It’s Okay (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) [30 December 2016]
Remembrance (Resurrected!Allison Argent x Female!Reader) [03 February 2017]
Werewolf Secrets (Isaac Lahey x Stiles’ twin sister Reader) [10 February 2017]
French Whispers (Isaac Lahey x Werewolf!Reader)[14 February 2017] 
Just a Batch (Scott McCall x Reader) [14 February 2017]
Badboy (Theo Raeken x Plus Size Reader) [18 Aprill 2017]
The Thinning (Isaac Lahey x Reader) [27 April 2017]
My Sunshine (Liam Dunbar x Reader) [23 May 2017]
Stiles Asks Y/N On A Date (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) [03 October 2017]{Preference}
I’ll Still Be Here/You’re Not A Bad Guy (Aiden and Ethan, Sister Reader, Derek Hale, Nogitsune/Void Stiles, Chris Argent) [07 November 2017]
I Need You Idiot (Cora Hale x Brett Talbot, Derek Hale) [09 November 2017]
Confessions (Scott McCall x Reader) [14 February 2018]
We’re Still Young (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) [14 February 2018]
The Vampire Diaries
Make Me (Stefan Salvatore x Reader) [20 January 2017]
The Walking Dead
Suspicions (Negan x Reader, Dwight) [19 July 2017]
Taken Away/Last Day (Pregnant!Reader, Rick, Negan, Carl) [18 September 2017]
He Saved Me (Grimes!Reader, Negan, Simon, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes)
Closest to the Darkness (Alex Summers x Reader, Peter Maximoff x Reader) [16 January 2017]
Dreaming the Illusion (Charles Xavier) [26 January 2017]
Safe Winters (Logan Howlett x Reader) [22 May 2017]
Sleepy Stream (Markiplier x Reader) [03 April 2017]
Secrets from Space {Doctor Who, Arrow} (Oliver Queen, 11th Doctor, Felicity Smoak) [1 February 2017]
13 Reasons Why
Having a Child with Jeff Atkins [29 September 2017]
Dating Justin Foley and Being a Werewolf [12 December 2017]
Baby Driver
Being Baby’s Significant Other [27 September 2017]
It (2017)
Dating Bill Denbrough [05 November 2017]
Having a Child with Tony Stark [14 February 2017]
Working Out with Steve [25 May 2017]
New Years Eve with the Winchesters [31 December 2016]
Dating Crowley [07 January 2017] (Posted this at like midnight)
Having A Child with Dean Winchester [27 January 2017]
Teen Wolf
If Isaac Stayed and Decided to Date Malia [13 January 2017]
Lydia Being Your Maid of Honor [13 January 2017]
Scott McCall taking care of you while you’re sick [23 January 2017]
Being Malia’s Best Friend and Being A Werewolf [21 October 2017]
172 notes · View notes