softshelby · 8 years
Bad Day
Isaac Lahey x Reader
A/N: this is my first teen wolf imagine (and my first imagine overall) so I hope it’s alright and I hope you enjoy it. I know it’s not hugely original or very exciting but enjoyed writing it and I’d love any feedback you have!
Summary: Isaac comforts you after you have a bad day
(credit to gif owner)
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You knew it was going to be a bad day the second you woke up and realised that you were half an hour late. Either you forgot to set your alarm or you'd turned it off in your sleep, but the logistics of your lateness was not on your mind as you sprung out of bed. Curse words fell out of your mouth as you rushed around your house, determined not to miss the bus again. By the time you were ready and sprinting out of the house, the bus was already too far in the distance to run after.
"Shit" you swore, kicking at the wall encasing your front garden. "Shit, shit, shit."
Pulling your phone out, you prayed that one of your friends would be willing to come and pick you up. Stiles picked up the phone almost immediately, agreeing to drive you to school in exchange for payment in the form of food. Unfortunately, this was only the start of your bad day.
After finally arriving at the school, you realised that you had forgotten to pack your books and homework for all but one lesson which was shortly followed by a surprise test you were in no way prepared for. To say you were in a bad mood was an understatement, the only thing consoling you was the fact that the bell for lunch had just gone and you could finally relax for 30 minutes.
Joining a table with Stiles, Lydia and Isaac, you took the empty seat next to Isaac, placing your tray of food down in front of you. You began to eat in silence, choosing not to join in with the discussion about which mythological creature you think would win in a fight: an ogre or a cyclops.
"Clearly the ogre would win, it's basically the same as a cyclops and it's got the advantage of two eyes." Stiles theorised, Lydia scoffing in response.
"Ogres and cyclops are not the same thing, despite the fact that neither exist..."
"As far as we're aware!" Isaac chipped in.
Lydia rolled her eyes in response before continuing, "Cyclops are from Ancient Greek and roman mythology, they're one eyed giants that live in caves and mountains. They've probably got a weapon of some sort, a club or something. Whereas ogres are brutish creatures that live in forests and swamps. They're probably smaller but I guess they do have two eyes and could probably rip you apart with their bare hands."
She paused for a moment, the table stunned at her thorough answer. "I guess they're basically the same though..." She concluded, nonchalantly returning to the food in front of her.
"What do you think Y/N?" Isaac asked, nudging you playfully.
"I can honestly say that I don't care," you snapped back, Isaac looking shocked at your harsh response.
"God, with the mood Y/N is in, I'm sure she would beat both of them at once." Stiles joked, only fuelling your annoyance further.
You decided not to respond, the table taking your silence as a hint to not say anything else. Lydia made an effort to return to normal conversation, you continued to eat in silence not noticing the look of concerning Isaac was directing at you.
That evening you lay in bed trying to unwind, scrolling through your phone and trying to ignore the stress that, although had calmed down, still bothered you. It had hardly been 15 minutes when you heard a rustling outside and the sound of someone scrabbling at the wall of your house. You immediately went into defence mode, presuming that it was someone trying to either rob, kidnap or murder you. You got up from where you were lying and headed towards the window, clutching your phone tightly as though it would be any good as a weapon. However before you reached the window, you head the soft thud of someone falling to the ground followed by a hushed "fuck" whispered in a familiar voice. Smiling to yourself you called out to the person outside.
"You know I may not be a werewolf but it doesn't take supernatural hearing to hear you right now."
You put your head out the window, smirking down at Isaac who had fallen into a flower bed in your front garden.
"I was trying to get up to your room."
"We do have doors you know?" You retorted. He laughed under his breath, getting onto his feet and beginning to walk to your front door.
"Oh and Isaac," you exclaimed, causing him to turn back to face you, raising his eyebrows. "Watch out for the flowers." His only retort was to flip you off before heading back towards your door and letting himself in.
Before you knew it you were stood alone with Isaac in your bedroom, feeling weirdly self conscious as he gazed around.
"I've never been in here before," he commented, picking up a small figurine from your bookshelf. "It's cute." You made a generic noise of agreement, not really knowing what to say to him. You were both in the pack so you obviously knew each other well but you wouldn't exactly have said that you were best friends. It didn't help that you were attracted to him, only causing you to be even more nervous now alone with him.
"Why did you come over?" You asked, sitting on the edge of your bed and looking up at the muscular guy stood before you.
"You seemed off today, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He looked embarrassed as he said it, blushing slightly. As though coming to check up on you was something he shouldn't do, rather than something you were very grateful for. You couldn't help but notice that the way his cheeks flushed and his mouth spread into a nervous grin was cute. He was clearly just being a good friend but you couldn't help as your heart rate quickened.
"I'm good thanks, I appreciate you coming over though." You mumbled, your turn to be embarrassed now as you struggled to hold his concerned gaze.
"Are you sure? It's just I can hear how fast your heart is beating, it's quicker than normal." He sat down next to you, your legs accident brushing against each other. You couldn't help but feel your heart rate quicken at the small amount of contact. It was awkward enough without knowing that Isaac could probably hear and work out exactly how you were feeling. You were sure that He had picked up on it as his look of concern turned to a smirk that he tried his best to hide. You swallowed the lump that was rising in your throat as he continued to watch you. You looked back up at him, entirely unsure of what to say next. When you finally opened your mouth to speak he bent his head down, bringing his lips to meet yours. He kissed you softly, unsure as to how you would respond, pulling away before you had the chance to kiss him back.
"Sorry," he started, "I don't know what..." You didn't give him the chance to finish his rambling before kissing him again, capturing his lips in yours. He brought his hand up to the side of your face, caressing your cheek as he deepened the kiss, opening his mouth and running his tongue along your lips. When you opened yours in response, he pulled you closer, bringing his other hand to your waist as you placed yours on the back of his neck. When he moved back again, breaking the kiss, he smiled down at you. He knew full well the affect that the kiss had had on you.
"Feeling any better," he whispered, leaning tantalisingly closer so that his mouth was mere millimetres from yours.
"Definitely," you responded, closing the gap between your lips and his, forgetting all the stress the day had caused as you kissed again.
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softshelby · 8 years
My Hero
Isaac Lahey x Reader
A/N: this was requested by a lovely anon so I hope you enjoy it and that it is what you were looking for! I hope I did it justice! Please leave any criticism or feedback you have, it’s always welcome.
Request: the reader is shy and keeps to herself but she is plus sized and gets bullied for it and Isaac, who likes her, saves her from the bullies
Warnings: bullying about weight, swearing
(credit to gif owner)
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The ringing of the school bell finally pulled you out of your daydreams. Coach was already packed up and heading out the door for lunch. He was probably the only person you had ever seen be so enthusiastic about the canteen food. You realised that you were staring straight into someone’s eyes, you must have been looking in their direction when you spaced out and now it looked like you were creepily watching them. You blushed and looked away but he carried on looking in your direction, softly smiling at you. You hesitantly smiled back, still not making eye contact. You had got used to the guys at school laughing at you, not smiling at you like this. Not only was he incredibly cute, with piercing blue eyes and a chiselled jaw, but he was way too popular to be taking notice of you.
“Isaac?” Someone called, causing him to turn away from you and get up, heading towards his friends at the door.
“Who’s that?” You heard a girl ask, looking across at you.
“Oh, um, no one.” Isaac mumbled, walking out of the room.
As you finally picked up your bag and headed to the door, you heard the sniggering of a group of boys stood near you. Out of the corner of your eye you could see them making some sort of vulgar gesture. You didn’t turn to look their way, instead you just lowered your head and walked past them, putting your headphones in to try and block them out. Everyone always said that the best way to deal with bullies was to not give them a reaction but it was becoming increasingly hard to not care when you dealt with it every day. At this point, the thought of seeing them made you dread coming to school. Even over the music blasting in your ears you heard one of them shout “fatty” followed by the raucous laughter of the rest of the group. You fought the tears welling up in your eyes, head bent so as not to let them see they had upset you. Even after all this time, it still hurt to hear them make fun of you like that.
You headed to the canteen along with everyone else, trailing a little behind the main group of people making their way over there.
By the time you had got your food, the canteen was nearly full. You stood on your tiptoes, trying to find the group of people you normally sat with at lunchtimes. You spotted them in the corner of the room, and seeing you looking, they signalled for you to come over. On your way over to the table, you almost walked headfirst into the group of boys in front of you.
“Woah, watch where you’re going fatty.”
The small crowd all burst into laughter as though it was the wittiest thing ever said. It was one thing hearing them laughing at you from afar, but being stood in front of the like this was enough to make you start shaking. They didn’t say anything further, but remained in your way, still laughing at your expense. You tried to walk around them, mumbling “excuse me” under your breath.
“What was that piggy?” The group burst into laughter again as if it was the most genius abuse ever thrown. You couldn’t help but feel the tears well up at the torment. Fighting to restrain them, not wanting to show any weakness, you tried to move past them again.
“I said excuse me.” You repeated quietly, trying not to show any hint of emotion. Where your lack of reaction usually caused boredom, it seemed to only spark annoyance within the boys. Usually they’d leave you alone after a few mean comments, but today they did not seem content with the ‘entertainment’ you were providing them. Still not letting you past they continued to jeer at you as you wondered if anyone in the canteen was paying attention to what they were doing to you. Seeing a small gap in the group, you tried to squeeze past.
“Do you actually think you’d be able to fit through there?” One of them commented, sneering at you nastily. “I’m surprised you can fit between the tables at all.”
It was getting harder and harder to fight the tears springing to your eyes as your mind fell towards a state of panic. You could think of nothing worse than this moment; no way to escape your bullies. You were sure that people were watching you by now but no one came to your defence. Without any warning you saw someone throw their hand down, followed by the feeling of your tray being forced out of your hands. It fell to the ground with a clatter, food splashing back up onto your shoes and the bottom of your jeans. The crowd burst into raucous louder and the tears you were fighting to hold back started streaming down your face.
“There’s no need to cry. It’s not like you need any more food any way.” It seemed as though the laughter was getting increasingly louder but you couldn’t tell if that was reality or if it was due to your increasing state of panic. You tried to push past the crowd again, more forcefully this time. Trying your hardest to get out of the situation anyway you could. Suddenly, the laughter stopped as you heard the force of a fist hitting skin followed by what seemed to be a quiet growl. Turning around, you saw Isaac stood behind you, knuckles split open, and one of your tormenters lying unconscious on the floor. You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flash yellow for a second as he turned to face the rest of the boys. No one made a move, stunned by the sudden attack.
“Are you pricks going to fucking apologise or what?” Isaac spat at them. You’d never seen them look so scared in their lives, nor had you ever seen Isaac look so menacing and dangerous.
The silence continued, if everyone in the canteen hadn’t been looking before they certainly were now.
“I said to fucking apologise.” Isaac repeated.
Mumbles of apology came from the group as they stood wide-eyed while Isaac took you by the hand and walked you out of the canteen. You could hear them attempting to get their friend up off of the floor but you didn’t turn back. Once you were out of the cafeteria Isaac continued walking. Only stopping when you reached an empty classroom for you to sit in. The shock of what had happened had stopped your crying but the minute you sat down you burst into tears again. Sobs racked your body as Isaac held you, not saying anything but slowly stroking your hair in an effort to calm you down. When you had finally quietened, you pulled away from him.
“My hero,” you choked out. You tried to play it off casually with a joke but your voice got caught in your throat, giving away your true emotions.
“Well anyone would’ve done it,” he replied sheepishly, as though he was embarrassed for some reason.
“But they didn’t,” He smiled in response, reaching out to place his bloody hand over yours on the desk in front of you. “Thank you so much Isaac, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“They had it coming. I should’ve stepped in sooner.”
“No of course not, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me!” You paused for a moment, taking notice of his hand over yours and suddenly becoming self-conscious of your face, red and puffy from crying. You pulled your hand out from under his, clearing your throat.
“I’m sorry for being such a mess, you don’t have to stay in here with me.”
“No I want to; you have nothing to apologise for anyway.”
Neither of you said anything for a moment, both of you just looking at each other unsure of what to say next. Isaac opened his mouth to speak as the bell signalling the end of lunch rang out.
“I should probably get going,” you mumbled, standing up. Isaac didn’t respond, just moved out of your way as you headed towards the door.
“Wait!” He called out, causing you to turn back towards him. He ran his hands through his hair, looking sheepish again. “Did you, um, maybe want to get a coffee after school or something?”
You stared at him in confusion. Was he asking you out? Of course not, surely he meant just as friends. Didn’t he? Before you had time to respond he started talking again.
“It’s just that you seem quite upset and I don’t really know if I should just leave you alone now but honestly I don’t really want to leave you alone. I think you’re probably the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and I don’t want you to think I’m just using you when you’re vulnerable, but I really like you and I would really like for us to go out tonight.”
As he rambled, his cheeks flushed a deeper and deeper shade of red and you couldn’t help but feel yours do the same.
“I would really like that.” You replied, grinning as his mouth widened into a smile and his eyes lit up. He moved towards you but was stopped by the arrival of the teacher and class who stared at you as they entered the room. One of the students was Stiles Stilinski who seemed to be winking and giving Isaac a thumbs up not so subtly behind your back.
“So I’ll meet you after school?” Isaac asked, using his thumb to wipe away a tear still in your face. The teacher cleared their throat, raising their eyebrows at the two of you.
“I’ll see you there.” You replied, hurriedly leaving the class that were intently watching the both of you. You both paused for a minute in the hallway before he leant down and embraced you, leaving a faint kiss on your cheek.
“See you later.”
“See you later, hero.”
Isaac chuckled lightly, shaking his head and smiling as he walked off towards his lesson in the opposite direction. As you headed to your class, you couldn’t help but feel a little better knowing that at least someone was on your side.
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