#is tumblr gonna ban this post for the tw
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blanketforcas · 1 year ago
everyone's problematic!! yes, even that one, yes even you. that's life etc. i could've probably made this and include every actor from spn but i want this to actually be useful to people, so i made my own (i guess slightly biased cause that can't be avoided) decisions in that. i tried to make it as lighthearted as i could but unfortunately some actors have really made a mess of things so read with caution if you're easily triggered
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again, i trust you to draw your own conclusions and do your own additional research. that also applies to actors i didn't include here. i'm not gonna tell you where to draw the line and who you should or shouldn't support. a lot of newbies get lost sometimes and this is for them
receipts under the cut
mark p
twitter thread
sam ferris
Osric Chau
this twitter thread
check the #osricchauisoverparty hashtag on twitter
Christian Kane
twitter thread/article
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iri-desky · 1 month ago
○ Hi, TikTok people! ○
Soooo, I rarely ever make posts that address current events like this. Additionally, I doubt that most people on TikTok will be take refuge on Tumblr of all places. That being said, if you happen to be a newcomer to this site who came from TikTok, welcome! It's so nice to have you here!! We're so glad to see you. Now, here's the thing about Tumblr-- Tumblr and Tiktok are basically polar opposites. Lemme rephrase that; there's a lot to learn if you don't know much about here.
So, here's some tips to get you started!
[ Press "keep reading" to continue! ]
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• Reblog, reblog, reblog. Reblogging is a way for artists, text posts, and other posts to get seen! It shows them to more people since this site really doesn't have any algorithm. You can reblog literally anything you want as long as the post doesn't have reblogs turned off. Did that text post make you laugh? Reblog it! Did you like that fanfic concept? Reblog it! Did you like that art? Reblog it! You don't need to if you don't want to, but it's very much allowed. "Will I cross someone's boundaries if I reblog too many times?" Nope. Reblog as much as you want, be as weird as you want. Plenty of artists on here take it as a compliment and a sign of excitement. You don't need to be as afraid on here.
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• THERE IS NO ALGORITHM!! Everyone on Tumblr over here is equal and clout means basically nothing over here. We just like cool art, funny stuff, and cool ideas. Post your stuff to the tag and just watch as people who are interested in it come to you. We're just here to have fun--this isn't a game of clout. Sit back, relax, and find your people! The days of clout are no more.
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• We Tumblr users LOVE reading and writing! It's in our nature. So you're probably gonna see a lot of long posts on here with blocks of texts. Don't be scared of it, check some of them out! That said, short but sweet posts are fun over here too. Feel free to type as much as you want. We have unlimited text over here! It's so cool.
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• Speaking of writing and tags, remember how you had to censor your words on TikTok? No need. You can say literally whatever over here and you don't have to fear getting banned. The days of "unalive" and "sewer slide" are ALSO no more. SPEAKING OF WHICH. A lot of users still put tws on their posts and tags. If you're shoving it in the tags, PLEASE do not censor it. It won't filter it if they're using a blacklist.
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• The first thing you should do over here after you get your account set up if make your blog look special. Change it to whatever color you want, change the font of your title, change your title to something funny, and change your pfp and banner. It's all to make it you! It also doesn't matter if it's something random for now--us Tumblr users are very wary against bots, and we often block anyone who doesn't have a customized account. Just take your time and have fun, but make sure you don't get blocked by the people you don't want to block you over something silly like looking like a bot!
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• You can post videos on here too! Feel free to upload old TikToks you save! I've seen a lot of other TikTok refugees who want to see some old content. I never was on TikTok, though I think it'd be neat to see your old stuff.
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• There's lots of communities on here for even the smallest of stuff. If you have a niche interest, go ahead, include it into your introduction-- no one will judge on here and you just might find someone else who's just as crazy over it. You can check the tags for other people who posted about it, too! It's fun to go scrolling through the tags. I included Ducktales 2017 in my interests list--I didn't lose any cool points. I even still post about it! Literally be as weird as you want. We don't care, you have no limits. This is a fandom haven!
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• You can have opinions here. Post about the most random crap you want and spit whatever opinions you have, people are very non-confrontational on here. Use your blocklist, you have it for a reason. Blacklist tags you don't want to see. Again, be as weird as you want. You WILL find your people. Just don't go fighting people--unlike TikTok, we'd rather live our lives on here and having beef with other people isn't going to give anyone any clout. You're GOING to see upsetting stuff and opinions that conflict yours (after all, there's no algorithm), but that's okay. Just engage in your interests, speak your opinions, block when you neef to, and enjoy.
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Other tumblr users, feel free to add any extra points in the replies!
Oh, and if you're a TikTok refugee who happened to read this, feel free to introduce yourself in the replies. I like meeting new people and it'd feel nice to know this helped someone!
~ Sincerely, Iridesky, a weird individual who loves writing and has way too many interests to count
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queenjunothegreat · 4 months ago
Chapter One: JASON Has a Bad Day
Okie dokie everyone! I've decided to stop being lazy and finally post The Heroes of Juno to Tumblr! I'm not gonna be spamming the tag, though, promise! I'll post one chapter on Sunday and one chapter on Wednesday until you guys are all caught up! I hope you enjoy!
According to Leo, their destination was a museum on the Grand Canyon, not that that really meant anything to Jason. Coach was herding them towards a squat, red stucco building when he shouted, “Do not — I repeat do not get separated from your partners, do you hear me?” Leo turned to Jason, likely to inform him that they were working together, but Piper grabbed his arm before he got the chance. “You're my partner, Leo,” she said firmly. “Uh, sorry, but as the only one claiming to be a non-amnesiac, I'm here to tell you that I'm supposed to be with Jason.” “We're always partners on field trips, though.”  “Yeah, which is part of the reason Coach Hedge banned us from working together,” Leo pointed out. Then, in a remarkably good impression added, “McLean, Valdez, if you so much as look at one another on this trip, you'll be getting a one-way ticket to the bottom, fast lane!” “Which means you'll be working with me,” another voice drawled. Jason stiffened, which was the correct response, based on the disgust that crossed Leo and Piper's faces. Another boy, not quite as big as Jason, but definitely taller and broader than Leo and Piper both, had slung his arm around Piper's shoulders. “Lucky you.”
Master List
Jason knew he was going to have a lousy day when he woke up on a school bus holding hands with a girl. He was pretty sure that normally he wouldn’t mind holding hands with her, as she was very pretty, but he had no idea who she was or why he was holding hands with her. 
Apparently, the girl also didn’t know why he was holding her hand because she snatched it away and punched him in the arm with a surprising amount of force. Jason yelped in pain, but she just glared at him in obvious distrust, clutching her hand to her chest like she thought he would try to take it again. She was leaning so far away from Jason that he thought she was going to fall out of their shared seat, and when he went to balance her, she twisted her face into something that reminded Jason of a very agitated she-wolf
“Don't touch me,” the girl snapped. “Who the hell are you?”
“Uh, I’m Jason,” he stammered, putting his hands up in surrender. “And I don't—”
“What's wrong with you two?” a new voice asked. A boy was sitting on the seat in front of them by himself. He had his arms folded on the back of his seat and he rested his chin on them as he watched Jason and the girl like they were a tennis match. He raised an eyebrow when Jason gave him a blank look.
The girl, on the other hand, was visibly relieved. “Leo!” she all but hissed as she quickly vacated her spot at Jason's side and took up the one by her friend.
The other boy — Leo — turned and looked at her with his brow furrowed. “Seriously, Piper, what's up with you tw—”
“Who are you?” Piper interrupted glaring at Jason even more ferociously now that she was in a more defensible position. 
“What do you mean ‘who are you?’” Leo asked. “That's Jason. You know, big guy, blonde. Our best friend, your recent boyfriend? That Jason?”
“You're my best friend, and I would never date someone like him,” Piper corrected, giving Jason a somehow dirtier look than before.
Leo just looked confused for a moment before he laughed. “Alright, Pipes, whatever you say.” He gave Jason an easy smile. “Come on, Jason. Tell your amnesiac girlfriend who you are.”
“I'm sorry, but I don't know who either of you are,” Jason admitted. “I—I'm not even really sure who I am.”
Leo stared at him, gobsmacked. Then he turned to Piper with an almost betrayed look. “Okay, I get why Jason would be messing with me over the whole shaving cream on the Jell-o thing, but you, too? I didn't even do anything to you. You date the guy for two weeks and you're already picking him over me?”
Piper looked pained at his words, which Jason thought was odd because shaving cream and Jell-o sounded like something he wanted no part of. “No, you did the shaving cream and Jell-o thing to me. Because this guy,” she scowled at Jason just in case her message wasn't clear and Jason resisted the urge to scowl back, “wasn't even here when we got on the bus this morning.”
Leo wrinkled his nose at her and they made direct eye contact for several seconds in silence. They must have communicated something that Jason couldn't hear, though, because Leo laughed. “This is your idea of a prank? You telling me you don’t remember your boyfriend? Not your best work, Pipes.”
“Leo, I swear, I have never met that guy before in my life.”
Leo turned his amusement back on Jason. “You're serious, too? Committing to the bit?”
“I've never met either of you before in my life,” Jason said genuinely. 
Leo looked startled and a bit hurt for a moment – which Jason felt really bad about – but he quickly slapped on a smile and he shrugged. “Yeah, alright. I'm willing to play in this space with you guys. So, first things first: we go to this place called Wilderness School, AKA where all the problem kids get dumped. I ran away six times, Piper stole a BMW—”
“No, I didn't!”
“Right, right, he let you borrow it.” Leo rolled his eyes and gave Jason a look he somehow knew he was supposed to laugh at, but didn't and Leo winced. “And you—” he cut himself off and looked at Jason curiously. “I actually don't know what you did. I don't think you’ve ever told us.”
“That's because neither of us have ever spoken to him before,” Piper insisted. “Leo, do you really think I'd somehow just completely forget a person but remember everything else? There's no way that's how amnesia works.”
“Actually, it can be. Kind of,” Leo shrugged. “Though I'm not sure how you would have gotten it. Both of you, actually. Pretty sure head injuries are usually involved.”
“Look, I don't think I'm supposed to be here at all,” Jason confessed. “I think Piper,” she looked annoyed that he dared to use her name, “is right. I don't think I was on this bus this morning.”
Leo seemed to consider that for a moment before he leaned around Piper to look at the seat beside them. “Hey! Mary! Lisa! You see the blonde dude behind me? I can't for the life of me remember his name. Help a guy out?”
The girls snickered at him, but the one with red hair replied, “Pretty sure that's Jason. He's the bodyguard you and Piper hired to follow you around and clean up your messes.”
Leo snapped his fingers and shot them a wink. “That's it! It was on the tip of my tongue. Thanks, ladies!” The girls giggled again and Leo turned back to Jason with a look that clearly said See? I told you.
“They didn't say anything about us being friends with him,” Piper pointed out. “And they definitely didn't say anything about me dating him.”
“It hasn't been that long and you two are trying to keep things quiet,” Leo explained. “And everyone calls Jason our bodyguard after he kicked Tyler's ass for us the first week he got here.”
“Why would you need me to kick someone's ass for you?”
“Well,” Leo said, drawing out the word with a mischievous grin. “It may or may not have involved replacing his laundry detergent with bleach and RIT dye, and because Tyler has more biceps than brain cells, Pipes and I kinda needed someone to swoop in and save our skins. Which is where you come in, Superman.” He turned and gave Piper a frown. “Surely you remember that.”
“I remember pranking Tyler,” Piper admitted. “But I also remember us having to hide on the roof until curfew and missing dinner to avoid becoming a news head line.”
Leo frowned at her and opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a short man in pristine white athletic wear yelling at them from the front of the bus. “McLean! What are you doing? You were strictly told not to sit with Valdez!”
“Sorry, Coach. What was that? We couldn't hear you all the way back here!” Leo shouted back, completely ignoring the conversation they'd been having moments before. “Maybe your megaphone will help?”
“Coach” whoever that was, seemed pleased with the idea and picked up his bullhorn, but instead of his voice, the only thing that came out was a tinny recording bellowing “THE COW GOES MOO,” which caused the bus to erupt in uproarious laughter. Coach turned purple. “Valdez!”
Leo and Piper ducked their heads together and snickered, elbowing each other in the sides while Jason blinked at Leo in baffled wonder. “You did that?” he asked. “How?”
Leo smirked at him and wiggled his eyebrows, twirling a tiny screwdriver between his fingers. “You may not remember, but I can assure you that I am a very special boy.”
“You're a menace is what you are,” Piper teased, Jason seemingly forgotten. 
“Oh, I'm the menace?” Leo snorted. “Care to remind the class who stole the megaphone?”
“That's it!” Coach shouted. He had abandoned the use of his favorite toy, but it still belted out the lyrics to “Old McDonald” because he had his fist in such a death grip that he wasn't able to let go of the button. “You three back there are going to be the official clean-up crew after lunch, capisce?”
Piper grumbled her discontent, and Leo rolled his eyes, but neither of them seemed all that upset. Something told Jason that the two of them were well-acquainted with lunch clean-up as a punishment. The mildly anxious churning in his stomach told Jason that he was not. He slouched down in his seat, trying to draw as little attention to himself as possible while Leo and Piper did whatever they could to seek it out. Leo turned back around and he actually looked concerned when he looked at Jason. “You're really doubling down on the not knowing us bit, huh?” He glanced at Piper. “The both of you.”
“I'm beyond serious,” Piper swore. “You know I wouldn't lie to you about this.”
Leo didn't say anything in response, he just frowned at Jason like he was trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube with seven colors. Jason turned and looked out the window, unwilling to meet his gaze.
The rest of the trip was blessedly short and quiet. Coach had yelled at them about how Piper and Leo still weren't allowed to sit together, which had led to the two of them bickering over who was to give up their spot. Leo eventually gave in to Piper’s insistence that she was not sitting with Jason, and he climbed over the back of the seat and flopped down at Jason's side. Coach yelled even more about that, and Leo accidentally kicked Jason in the jaw, but he politely kept that to himself. At first, Leo thought it would be fun to fill Jason in on all the stuff he'd forgotten, and started up his “Crash Course for the Amnesiac”. Jason wasn't sure how truthful it was, seeing as he'd claimed to be a gift from the gods and that Jason thought he was so cool that he did all of Leo’s chores and surrendered all of his desserts, but it was somewhat entertaining. Leo quickly grew bored, though, and started fiddling with a ball of pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks he'd pulled from his pocket. Based on the way his fingers twitched and his eyes darted around the bus, Jason was pretty sure Leo got bored often. Piper, on the other hand, was more than content with watching Jason with narrowed eyes over the back of the seat the whole time. It made her look like she was nothing but a nose and a pair of angry eyebrows, but Jason knew better than to point that out. 
According to Leo, their destination was a museum on the Grand Canyon, not that that really meant anything to Jason. Coach was herding them towards a squat, red stucco building when he shouted, “Do not — I repeat do not get separated from your partners, do you hear me?”
Leo turned to Jason, likely to inform him that they were working together, but Piper grabbed his arm before he got the chance. “You're my partner, Leo,” she said firmly.
“Uh, sorry, but as the only one claiming to be a non-amnesiac, I'm here to tell you that I'm supposed to be with Jason.”
“We're always partners on field trips, though.” 
“Yeah, which is part of the reason Coach Hedge banned us from working together,” Leo pointed out. Then, in a remarkably good impression added, “McLean, Valdez, if you so much as look at one another on this trip, you'll be getting a one-way ticket to the bottom, fast lane!”
“Which means you'll be working with me,” another voice drawled. Jason stiffened, which was the correct response, based on the disgust that crossed Leo and Piper's faces. Another boy, not quite as big as Jason, but definitely taller and broader than Leo and Piper both, had slung his arm around Piper's shoulders. “Lucky you.”
“Don't touch me, Dylan,” Piper snapped, and Jason felt a bit guilty over holding her hand earlier because she sounded very familiar with that particular phrase. 
“Aw, don't be like that,” Dylan crooned. “Most girls would do anything to work with me.”
“What a coincidence. I'd do anything to avoid it.”
Dylan tilted his head back and laughed, running his fingers through his hair like he thought he was on some kind of commercial for hair care products designed to make you look like your hottest delinquent self. He looped his arms through Piper's and started dragging her along, ignoring the way she yanked to try getting away from him. Jason clenched his fists and grit his teeth.
“I hate that guy,” Leo said quietly. Jason turned to see Leo glaring after Dylan and Piper, and he looked so angry it made Piper's scowls from earlier seem almost cordial.
Jason reached out and brushed his knuckles along the back of Leo’s wrist. “Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, I just hate that I—” Leo cut himself off with a sharp head shake and he gave Jason a wide smirk. “He's just so annoying, you know?” He rolled his eyes and put on a dumb little voice to say, “Wow, I am so cool and handsome and awesome. You guys are so lucky that you get to know me. I wish I could hang out with myself, but I can't figure out how, so you all will have to make do. Aren't I so generous? I'll take your thanks in the form of praises sung to my pure handsome awesomeness.”
Jason blinked down at Leo, but he couldn't really hide the way his voice trembled slightly on a suppressed laugh. “Leo, you are so weird.”
“Yeah, you tell me that a lot,” Leo grinned at him. “Now, come on. Let's get inside before Coach decides to make good on his Fast Pass promise.” He offered Jason his arm and batted his eyelashes like some kind of cartoon princess. “Shall we?”
Surprising both himself and Leo, Jason took the offered arm and let Leo drag him inside like Dylan had with Piper moments before. He figured that if his life was messed up enough that someone like Leo was his best friend that he might as well own it. 
Jason thought that the museum was probably really cool and interesting, and he was pretty sure that he might like to revisit it one day, but a lot of different things made it very hard to pay attention that particular afternoon. Coach Hedge had apparently decided that using his megaphone was worth occasionally sounding like a Sith Lord or helpfully informing everyone around him about the sounds various barnyard animals made because he was constantly shouting instructions in it, every now and then one of the other kids would shove Jason or Leo from behind and snicker, and he was still suffering from amnesia. Jason suggested that maybe Leo should take him and Piper to an adult to get medical attention, but Leo had snorted and informed him that Coach Hedge was the only adult around and that his idea of “medical attention” would likely be hitting them both over the head with his baseball bat in order to knock their brains back in place. Jason told Leo he watched too many movies. 
Leo was probably the most distracting thing, though. Ignoring the fact that he kept fishing a seemingly never-ending supply of nuts and bolts and string and wires out of his pocket to twist together, he was constantly bristling up at Jason's side and shooting murderous looks at some of the other girls in class. Jason understood why he was upset — after the third comment, he'd figured out that they were actively being mean to Piper, and even with her attitude towards him, he still clenched his fists with every sickly sweet barb thrown at her — but he couldn't understand why Leo wouldn't say anything. He'd just stand there and seethe in obvious resentment, but as soon as he noticed Jason looking at him, he plastered on a wide smile and made yet another dumb joke and pretended like he had no idea what Jason was talking about when he mentioned the girls. 
“Look, do you want me to do something about them or not?” Jason asked flatly. One of the girls had said something incredibly stupid about a rain dance and he felt his temple throb with frustration. “Because I will make them stop. But only if you and Piper won't get mad at me.”
Leo stared at him in shock for a moment and Jason thought he might play dumb again, but instead he just gave Jason a rueful smile. “Do I want you to? Sure, I love to watch you stomp around and bash heads, especially if it's someone who deserves it. But you probably shouldn't. Piper would get mad at both of us if we tried to turn her into some sort of damsel. Besides, you—” he poked Jason in the chest, “definitely can't do anything. You're already on thin ice; if you start a fight while we're on a trip, you'll definitely wind up in ‘self-focused learning and meditation’ again, and you hated it last time.”
“What's self-focused learning and meditation?”
“Well, this place isn't actually a prison, so they can't call it solitary confinement, but that's basically what it is,” Leo explained. “You're taken out of the dorm and you have to sleep in a room by yourself and you do one-on-one classes with the disciplinary teacher and you go to meals at a different time from everyone. It's  just you and your teacher slash prison guard for however many days they give you.”
“And I…” Jason gulped to quash down his queasiness. “I had to do that?”
“Once,” Leo shrugged. “You were stuck in it for three days and when you came out you didn't really want to talk about it. You made me and Piper promise to never let you get in enough trouble to do it again, though, which said plenty to me.”
Jason felt sick at the idea that he was ever getting in enough trouble to deserve that kind of punishment. He shuddered. “What about you and Piper? Have either of you had it?”
Leo shook his head. “Nah. Pipes and I make sure that they can't prove it was us. Everyone knows that we did it, but even Wilderness School follows the justice system. ‘If it doesn't fit, you must acquit’ and all that.”
Jason blinked. “What?”
Leo looked disappointed in him. “Dude.”
There was a sudden commotion and the two of them turned around to see Piper with her teeth almost bared at another girl, who was clutching her hand to her cheek in shock. “Coach, Piper just hit me!”
“No, I didn't!” Piper snapped back. She was subtly shaking out the fingers of her right hand, and having been on the receiving end of one of Piper's punches earlier, Jason almost felt bad for the other girl. Or, he would have if she weren't awful. 
“Yes, you did!”
“No, I didn't!” Piper turned to one of the other girls. “Amy, tell Coach that she's lying!”
Amy suddenly looked like she'd been hit by an invisible truck. She stared at Piper like she'd never seen her before and then turned to Coach Hedge and stammered out, “Uh, yeah. I— I dunno why Macy is saying Piper hit her, Coach. She definitely didn't.”
Jason gaped at her. Anyone with eyes could see that Piper had obviously hit the other girl, but everyone was muttering to themselves about how they were pretty sure Piper was telling the truth. Then again, it's not like Jason saw Piper hit Macy, and if everyone seemed to be in agreement, then maybe—
Leo snorted at his side and gave Jason a wide grin. “That's the other reason we've never landed in solitary. Piper is scary convincing when she wants to be.”
Coach actually seemed to be the one person Piper hadn't managed to convince, but it didn't really matter because he didn't really care. “No fighting! Now, come on, cupcakes,” he called. “You are about to see the Grand Canyon. Try not to break it. The skywalk can hold the weight of seventy jumbo jets, so you featherweights should be safe out there. If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge, as that would cause me extra paperwork.”
Jason let Leo lead him outside, and when he did, the air rushed out of his lungs. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the Grand Canyon to look like, but this was beyond anything he could imagine. Jason had known that they would be pretty high up based on the drive, but he hadn't appreciated just how deep it would be. The cliffs were made of layers upon layers of rock, each one of them a distinct color from the one next to it like a rainbow of browns and oranges and grays. Bushes and trees were dotted around, but they were so far off that they just looked like little smudges of green to Jason. They were so high up that even birds were flying in lazy circles beneath their feet, and down at the bottom the winding river cut through the rock like a sacrificial knife through the gut of a teddy bear. 
Jason winced at the sharp pain that burst behind his eyes and rubbed his brow. He had no idea where the comparison had come from. What kind of person thought to compare one of the wonders of the natural world to teddy bear slaughter? But it felt important. It felt like an omen. Like something big was coming and he had to prepare.
A hand tugged at his shirt sleeve and he turned to see Leo staring at him with his eyebrows puckered in concern. “Hey, man, are you alright? You don't look too good.”
“I'm fine,” Jason dismissed, shaking his head. “I've just got a headache. You're the one who said I had some kind of brain injury, remember?” Leo didn't look convinced, so Jason offered him a weak smile. “Come on. Let's get a better look over the edge.”
Leo followed him, but the closer they got to the edge, the antsier Leo got. When a cold wind blew across the skywalk hard enough that it would have knocked him down if Jason hadn't been there to steady him he scowled up at the sky. “Dude, there is no way this is safe. Look at this storm. It's literally right above us and nowhere else. There's gotta be some freaky weather shit going on.”
Jason looked up and saw what Leo was talking about. There was an inky black storm cloud above them — a perfect anvil-shaped cumulonimbus, and Jason didn't stop to wonder why he knew that of all things — but everywhere else was the same crystal clear skies they had driven through on the way here. Coach shouted something about making their time out there quick, and Jason's headache got worse. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jeans and frowned when his fingers brushed up against something cold.
He pulled it out and examined it. It was a coin. It appeared to be solid gold, about the size of an extra thick half dollar, but it was lumpy like the person who made it wasn't exactly skilled at making coins. A battle ax was stamped on one side, and some guy surrounded by laurels was on the other. Carved around the edge were the letters IVLIVS.
“Dude, what is that?” Jason turned to see Leo eyeing the coin appreciatively. “Is that real gold? Can we sell it?” A thought occurred to him, and he gave Jason a betrayed look. “Wait, don't tell me you were rich this whole time, too. It's bad enough that Piper is richer than the Pope, but I thought you were middle class at best.”
Jason’s frown deepened. His grip on the coin tightened like it was a safety blanket. It felt important. like he was going to need it soon. He stuffed it back in his pocket. 
“I dunno. Pretty sure it's just a coin, though.”
Leo raised an eyebrow at him, but he shrugged, happy to let it go to move onto bigger and better things. By this point, Jason was pretty sure Leo was always moving in every sense of the word. “Come on. Dare you to spit over the edge.”
Jason wanted to say that he and Leo put effort into their worksheet, but that would be a lie. In his defense, he didn’t know what most of the words meant. How was he supposed to “name three sedimentary strata” or “describe two examples of erosion” when he was asking Leo to define every other word? Besides that, he was still more than a little distracted by the freaky storm and his own mixed-up feelings and making sure to avoid Piper’s gaze every time she saw him talking to Leo.
Leo wasn’t exactly helpful, either. He was too busy messing with his pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks from earlier. He didn’t even have his worksheet because he’d apparently folded it up into a flock of birds when he was bored in class the day before.
“Were they able to fly?” Jason asked, tilting his head to the side.
Leo snorted. “Would you believe me if I said yes?”
“Then yes. The origami cranes I made in pre-cal were absolutely capable of self-sustained flight,” Leo said with a fond eye roll. “Now, watch this.”
As Jason watched, Leo furtively glanced both ways before gently tossing his pipe cleaner contraption over the side of the fence. Jason could tell it was a little helicopter now that it wasn’t hidden by Leo’s hands. He expected it to immediately spiral down and crash, but instead the little propellers actually spun and got halfway across the canyon before giving out. Jason gawked at where it fell before turning back to Leo. He was definitely sure that if Leo told him he’d somehow managed to fold life into his origami, Jason would believe him. “How did you do that? That was amazing.”
Leo’s grin from before came back, wide enough to make his nose wrinkle. “You should have seen the prototype. It would have worked loads better if Mrs. James hadn’t confiscated my rubber bands.”
Jason couldn’t help but notice that Leo didn’t actually answer his question of how it was done, but he figured he probably wouldn’t understand even if Leo had whipped out a blackboard and gone over every step. “Are you sure we’re friends?”
“Last I checked, yeah.”
“How?” Jason asked earnestly. “Like, how did we meet? Why did we start hanging out? What was our first conversation like?”
Leo frowned. “Hey, man, I’ve got ADHD. You know I’m not great with remembering details like that. I just remember that you came to school around the time they decided Piper and I couldn’t share a dorm, so you and I wound up together. You didn’t really talk to anyone at first, and then, like I told you, you saved us from Tyler that one time and the three of us have been inseparable since. I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of this.”
“Because I don’t remember any of it,” Jason insisted. “I don’t remember you or Piper or Wilderness School. I don’t remember anything but it feels like I’m not supposed to be here. I don’t know why you and everyone but Piper remembers me but I feel like…”
“Like we’re all wrong and you’re the only one who’s right?” Leo suggested. “What, like we all have fake memories? Piper’s the only one remembering stuff properly?”
Jason winced. It sounded crazy when Leo put it to words, but a little voice in his head screamed Yes! That’s exactly what I think! “Yeah, pretty much.”
Leo pursed his lips. “Look. Jason. I don’t think I like this game you and Piper are playing anymore. Like, I never thought it was all that funny to begin with, but at this point keeping at it is kind of just a dick move. Can you just drop it? You got me, okay? Haha, Leo caved first or whatever. But this sucks, alright?”
“I’m sorry,” Jason said softly. He felt a bit like a horse had kicked him in the chest, but that didn’t change the facts. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t remember you.”
Leo looked like he wanted to be angry, but any fire in his eyes was doused by the little well of hurt that it was sitting on. He turned his head sharply. “Give me the worksheet. I’m going to go describe shale or whatever.”
Jason dutifully handed over the paper and watched Leo turn on his heel and wander over towards one of the podiums with fun facts that they’d mocked together not too long ago. Jason couldn’t help but feel a bit like a dog who had been left on the side of the street. No matter what Leo said or thought, Jason didn’t know these people, and so far Leo had been the only person willing to give him the time of day. 
He looked around feeling a bit lost when a gruff voice shouted, “Hey, blondie!”
Jason’s head whipped around. Coach Hedge was staring him down, but he still looked around him before pointing at himself. “Yes! You! Come here!”
Jason did as he was ordered and trotted over to Coach Hedge’s side. “Uh, yes, Coach? Sir?”
Coach Hedge visibly recoiled at the title. “Don’t call me that. It’s unnatural.”
“Uh, sorry. Coach.”
He snorted, then gave Jason a critical look over and gestured at the sky. “Is this you?”
“Is what me?”
“Don’t toy with me, kid,” Coach Hedge snapped glaring up at him from under the white brim of his baseball cap. “You and I both know this storm isn’t natural. Now, tell me who you are, where you came from, and why you’re trying to screw up my job.”
Jason’s heart leapt. “So, you don’t know who I am? I’m not one of your students?”
“Never seen you before today.”
Jason wasn’t sure if he was going to cry, collapse, or kiss the short gym teacher. Well, he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to kiss Coach Hedge, but the other two options were still on the table. “Look, I don’t know who I am or how I got here. I woke up on the bus with no memory and Leo just started telling me that we’re best friends. I just know I’m definitely not supposed to be here.”
“You can say that again!” Coach Hedge barked. Then his voice got dangerously low and quiet and Jason felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up. “Listen here, kid. You may know your way around manipulating the Mist with the way you have everyone fooled, but you couldn’t get one past me. I’ve been smelling a monster for a while now, but I can tell it’s not you. You smell like a half-blood and a powerful one at that. Now. Tell me who you are and how you got here.”
Jason felt a bit closer to crying than before, but he grit his teeth. “I told you, I don’t know. I don’t remember anything before waking up on the bus earlier. You’ve gotta believe me. I need help.”
Coach Hedge studied him, and then, for some reason, he took in a deep breath through his nose like he was trying to sniff something out. Whatever he smelled was obviously unpleasant because he grimaced. “Great. You’re telling the truth.”
“Of course I am! I’ve been telling the truth all day, you’re just the first person to believe me. And what do you mean about Mist and monsters and half-bloods? Are you part of some secret organization? Are those codewords or something?”
Coach narrowed his eyes at him. “I can’t tell you who you are, I can just tell you what you are, and right now what you are is a major problem. I already had my hands full protecting two before, I wasn’t exactly planning on someone coming in and making it three. Wait, are you the ‘special package’?”
“I don’t think so? What package?”
Coach glowered up at the storm which was getting worse by the minute. Some of the other students had started to notice, and were muttering to one another and gesturing at the dark clouds. Jason quickly looked around for Leo, who was standing a safe distance from the edge and shifting from foot to foot like he was going to take off running at a moment’s notice, and Piper, who was glaring at Dylan like this was somehow his fault.
“I got a message from Camp this morning,” Coach said. “There’s an extraction team on the way. Said there was some special package that they needed to get as soon as possible, but they wouldn’t tell me what it was. I figured it was the two I was watching. They’re obviously powerful and older than most and I know for a fact that there’s something after them. Thought maybe Camp had just decided they needed these two ASAP, but then you show up and throw a wrench in every plan. So, tell me. Are you the package or not?”
Jason’s headache was getting even worse. Everything Coach Hedge was saying sounded crazy, but at the same time it made sense. Well, it almost made sense. It felt like an encrypted message and Jason just needed to remember the cipher key. “I told you. I don’t know.”
Coach wasn’t pleased with his answer, but he seemed to understand it was the only one Jason could give him. “Fine. I’ll just keep an eye on you until reinforcements arrive. Then we’ll take you to Camp, and the director can figure out what to do with you.” 
Jason did not like that phrasing. “What director? What do you mean ‘do with me’?”
“Just sit tight. Like I said, they should be here soon. We just have to hope nothing happens before–”
Lightning crashed directly overhead and thunder rolled loud enough to shake the earth and Jason froze. Kids started screaming and stumbling around, clinging to each other. Jason whipped his head around to see Piper and Leo scramble towards each other, but Dylan grabbed Piper’s arm and yanked her back, and the wind blew Leo so hard he fell over. 
Coach swore under his breath. “I just had to say something, didn’t I? Couldn’t keep my big mouth shut.” He pulled out his bullhorn, and Jason was relieved that it worked as intended this one time. “Alright, everyone! Back in the museum! Off the skywalk! Now! Move it or lose it! Lawrence, get your tail in gear or you’ll be doing suicides until you die!”
“I thought you said this thing was stable!” Jason yelped as the bridge shuddered and swayed beneath his feet. 
“Under normal circumstances, it is.” Coach said seriously. “These circumstances are anything but normal. Come on!”
The freaky storm from before had churned itself up into a hurricane. Funnel clouds formed and dipped, reaching towards the bridge, but never quite making it all the way down. Jason could almost hear a taunting voice snickering I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!
Hats and notebooks and backpacks whipped back and forth through the air, their owners having abandoned them to the winds in their panic to get inside. Jason slipped and skidded across the slick glass to where Leo had been knocked over and hoisted him to his feet by the back of his jacket.
“Thanks!” Leo yelled. “But can you maybe go for a less ‘momma cat and kitten’ approach next time?”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jason said distractedly. “Come on, we need to get inside!”
Coach Hedge was blue in the face blowing on his whistle, waving kids into the museum where Piper and Dylan were struggling to keep the doors open. Well, Piper was struggling. Her snowboarding jacket was flapping all around her and her expression was screwed up in effort to keep her door from slamming shut, but she still seemed confident as she urged the other students inside. Dylan just stood there, holding his door with one hand, not a hair out of place while he watched the chaos with something like amusement on his face. 
Soon, Jason, Leo, and Coach Hedge were the only ones left outside. Jason pushed forward, keeping his grip on the back of Leo’s jacket to make sure he wouldn’t blow away, but every step felt like he was towing a pick-up truck behind him. Jason wasn’t sure how, but he knew with every fiber of his being that the winds were fighting him specifically.
Then, as soon as the last kid was inside, Dylan grinned malevolently and slammed the door shut with a blast of wind that managed to knock Piper’s grip loose, too. Piper uselessly yanked at the door handles, before rounding on Dylan with fury in her eyes. “Help me,” she snarled.
Surprisingly, Dylan reached out a hand for the door, but shook his head and dropped it just as fast. He smirked at Piper. “Sorry, but it’s time for the next act in our show. And I don’t need you interrupting it with your little tricks.” He flicked his wrist and Piper went soaring through the air to land in a heap against a nearby wall.
“Piper!” Leo cried. He tried to charge forward, but Jason held him back. “Lemme go!”
“Stay behind me, kids!” Coach Hedge barked. He had his baseball bat in his hands, but as Jason watched it started to look less like a baseball bat and more like a crude club with leaves and vines growing off it. “I knew there was a monster skulking around. I should have known it was you!”
“What are you talking about?” Leo demanded. A worksheet hit him in the face, but he smacked it away. “What monsters?”
As if to answer his question, a gust of wind snatched Coach’s hat right off his head. There, below his curly hair were two little horns. He hefted his club. “Come at me!”
“Why bother?” Dylan cackled cruelly. “It’s not like you’re a threat. I mean, they retired you, didn’t they? That’s why you’re at this school in the first place. And it’s not like you’re doing all that well here, either. I was on your track team for two months, right under your nose, and you never noticed. Do you really think you can keep three half-bloods safe? Admit it, you old goat; you’ve lost your touch.”
Coach bleated angrily at him. “I’ll show you who’s lost their touch, cupcake! You’re going down!”
Dylan’s smile was maniacal. “Not before that one does.” He pointed at Leo and a dark funnel cloud erupted from his fingertip, snatching Leo out of Jason’s hold and sending him toppling over the side of the bridge.
“Leo!” Jason shouted, eyes wide with horror.
As Jason watched, Leo scrambled at the rocky cliff face, and finally managed to get a foothold on a thin outcropping of stone. His eyes were screwed shut and his voice pitched a bit when he shouted, “Hey! Can someone please come get me? This really fucking sucks!”
Jason looked around desperately for some sort of rope, but Coach was faster. He shoved his club at Jason’s chest and said, “You take care of that windbag! I’ll get Valdez.”
“How? Can you fly?”
“Not fly, kid.”
Then Coach did something Jason would never forget: He dropped his pants.
That would have been traumatizing enough on its own, but Jason now had to grapple with the fact that his PE coach had goat legs. “You’re a faun!”
Coach gave him a disgusted look. “I’m a satyr. Now, get in there!” Then without another word, he hopped over the fence and started picking his way down with the confidence and efficiency of a mountain goat. Which, he kind of was. Jason’s formerly-forgotten headache throbbed a bit, and he decided to think about anything but the half-goat man. He turned back to Dylan and gripped the club.
Dylan snorted at him. “Cute. But yeah, I’ll take you out first. I’m flexible.”
He lifted his hand, but before he could blink Jason threw the club at him with all his might. Had Jason even thought about what he was doing for half a second, he likely would have dismissed the idea because there was no way he would have managed to hit Dylan through all the wind. Fortunately, Jason was running on pure instinct because the club curved through the air like Jason was guiding it with his mind and hit Dylan directly in the gut, knocking him flat on his butt.
Dylan got back to his feet before Jason could celebrate his victory. He spat blood – gold blood – onto the ground. His eyes flashed like lightning and the winds picked up around him, shaking the skywalk so hard that hairline fractures spread over the glass like spider webs. He rose into the sky and then his body dissolved into smoke. Jason could still see where he was, his face was still the same – oddly handsome, contorted in rage – but he was see-through and almost angelic in a strange, evil kind of way. 
“You’re a ventus!” Jason gasped, though he couldn’t say how he knew that. “A storm spirit!”
“You have no idea what you’ve done,” Dylan snarled. “I was considering letting you live before this. The other two would have made a fine prize, but my mistress told me to wait. Said another was coming. I’m sure she will be pleased to know that I killed you here.”
Jason clenched his fists. He was unarmed, but when he glanced over to where Coach’s club had rolled off to, he saw that Piper was on her feet, club held aloft like she was getting ready to hit a homerun. She had the element of surprise; maybe if Jason kept Dylan busy, she could sneak up on him and make good on the murder in her eyes. 
Dylan was too quick for him. Before he could open his mouth, two inky black tornados carrying their own storm spirits touched down in front of Piper and Dylan lifted his hand and blasted two bolts of lightning directly into Jason’s chest.
Surprisingly, Jason wasn’t dead. He’d lost one of his shoes, so his sock was soaking wet, and his mouth tasted like he’d gotten his chewing gum confused with a jar of fifty year old pennies, but he was alive. He blinked the stars out of his eyes and saw Piper furiously swinging at the storm spirits around her, but every swing passed through them. That didn’t stop the storm spirits from being scared of her, though, evident by the way neither of them would get close to her. Beyond that, Jason saw Coach Hedge bouncing up the cliff with a Leo-shaped koala clinging to his back. 
Dylan swaggered towards him, back in his normal teenager body, with a smirk on his face, and Jason’s chest filled with rage. With a grunt of effort, he pushed himself to his feet and glared at Dylan. “Cute,” he spat, venom dripping from his tone.
Dylan pulled up short and he looked terrified for a moment. “How are you alive? That was enough electricity to short out New York City! Just who are you?”
Jason ignored him. Once again acting on impulse, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the old gold coin. He tossed it in the air, but when he grabbed it, it wasn’t a coin any more. It was a sword, gold all the way through, perfectly balanced, with a handle that felt like it was designed to fill Jason’s palm. Jason felt something click into place in the back of his mind and he gave Dylan a wicked grin. “My turn.”
“Kill him!” Dylan screeched, backing away with wild eyes. “Kill him!”
The other two storm spirits didn’t exactly look thrilled at the order, but apparently Dylan was the windbag in charge, so they abandoned their assault on Piper and started slowly approaching Jason. 
Jason didn’t wait for them. With a battle cry from the depths of his chest, he charged. It wasn’t a long fight. Jason sliced through them both, shattering them into gold dust, and turned his attention back on Dylan.
At that moment, Coach hefted himself over the edge of the bridge and dropped Leo, then whirled around with his fists up like he was ready to start boxing. When he realized that Dylan was the only one left, he scowled at Jason. “Really? You couldn’t have left some for me? I was looking for a challenge!”
“Leo almost died!” Piper snapped. “You do not need to be asking for challenges!” She and Leo had immediately run together as soon as he was back on the bridge and they were clinging to each other. Jason was relieved to see that Leo looked no worse for wear, though he was smearing blood from his hands all over Piper’s jacket, but Jason doubted if either of them cared all that much. 
Dylan didn’t pay attention to them, he was too busy glaring at Jason. “You have no idea what kinds of enemies you’ve made today, demigod. My mistress will awaken, and she will bring with her foes you couldn’t dream of. She will destroy all demigods. You cannot win this war.”
Jason tightened his grip on his sword. “Yeah? Well, I’ll be sure to tell your mistress hi for you, because you’re not going to get the chance to do it.”
The sky opened up above them, clear blue in the sea of black, and Dylan smirked at Jason triumphantly. “My mistress calls me back, and I’m taking you with me.”
Dylan dove towards Jason, who braced himself for the attack that never came. In a burst of heroic goat-itude, Coach Hedge headbutted Dylan so hard it knocked him completely off-course and sent him rolling away. Unfortunately, it also caused a blast of wind that knocked Jason and Coach on their butts and separated Piper and Leo. 
Jason tried to attack, but Dylan was faster. He grabbed the closest person to him, Piper and took off into the skies. “Fine! I’ll settle for this one!”
“Help!” Piper screamed. “Somebody help!”
Jason froze, considering if he could throw his sword with enough accuracy to hit Dylan without getting Piper, but in that split second Coach Hedge had already made and executed his plan. He ran at the ledge, then with all the strength he had in his little goat legs, he launched himself at Dylan and Piper. He barreled into them mid-air, and they scuffled for a moment. 
Then Piper fell.
���Piper!” Leo screamed, flinging himself at the side, half hanging over and reaching out towards her, grasping at nothing but air. “Piper!”
Without a thought, Jason jumped after her.
Next Chapter
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lunadreamscaper · 5 months ago
this'll hopefully be my final post about this but: i wanted to make this as a general warning to others
Regardless of what ElijahtheGhost may tell you,
and the fact that they lied about being harassed to us on the Taleblr Hub.
they should NOT have been constantly trying to share their "dark themed" fanfics to minors. whether or not the content seems sexual to them or not. Minors should not have been shown that.
saying this now. Do not go out and harass Elijah. That is probably what they want at this point to further garner pity towards them. do not let them have that.
cw/tw: stuff that could be categorized as piss kink shit and stuff involving minors below
examples being: pissing on a minor. nudity of minors. implied sex scenes with a constantly infantilized character, along with bed wetting.
and there's more but either way i think pissing on a minor as a prompt in a fanfic is something that should be taken seriously. and it was written poorly.
and shown to minors. both in places where minors were present and also being pushed at directly to minors.
there was a lot of that.
When you're writing about minors getting pissed on, with out warning people of that content and don't tag it properly and share it to minors, of course you're gonna get fucking banned. accident or not.
your actions have consequences, you couldn't seem to handle that so lying about being harassed to get you pity points to help you feel better. you should've just taken the L and stayed quiet. Look at where all this shit got you.
Not to mention you tried using the fact that I was wrongly harassed in the past by this fandom to make sure i felt bad for you or to at least. which is manipulative and fucked.
elijah lied to us on the taleblr hub about certain people harassing them, then confessed the truth on their tumblr indirectly that that didnt even happen. also earlier confessed to me that they did infact made a false claim directly too me when they thought i was still on their side. it is an obvious fact that Elijah has a lying habit. :/ take that as you well.
Also yes, I was actively fucking with them to collecting my 8 pages as bit before I blocked them forever lol
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avichor · 5 months ago
— u and i both have a lot of conversations about this and i'm sure we'll post ranty posts about this in the near future but. i'm tired of the lack of respect asian cultures get. they're used as aesthetics, interchanged, mocked, fetishized, and then disregarded when they don't suit what people want out of it. not entirely unpopular opinion, but it might as well be with how literally the entire world treats it llsgjlskdgskd
— as someone who's made blogs for and have tried to initiate interactions with original characters, AND have struggled to get those interactions — i do think a lot of interactions, or lack thereof, can be attributed to the lack of content or effort put out. usually. like i usually think it's the case. like it obvs sucks that ppl with ocs need to put in more work, but sometimes u just gotta. whether it's making verses, adding more info about the lore, breaking lengthy info down into something digestible ( bullets bc lbr not everyone will read novels of info nor will they retain it ). this is aside from people blatantly ignoring the effort you put in, thats a whole diff thing. but if i struggle to int with ocs it's bc there's nothing for me to work with and sometimes. SOMETIMES i fear the information just isn't digestible for me and i cannot like, visualize? the character beyond words on a page................ yeah idk. i think bullet lists are really good in getting important info out in a quick and easy way to supplement a novel biography ( esp if it has heavy prose ).
— im gonna be so fr my brain is frying but. i feel like there hasn't been any new tv that HITS the way the vampire diaries did. and i miss that era tbh like it actually makes me kinda sad :clown: but in that same vein of tvd, the way the current climate of fandoms interact with it is very offputting to me like none of the characters are meant to be morally good. the show's gonna have assholes who do heinous things beyond basic vampire stuff ( damon ) and outright erasing him or banning him or vilifying writers who choose to write him from a non - romanticized lens is very weird to me. its just the whole cherrypicking all over again
— ON THAT TOPIC, i miss tw. lol. the fandom is RANCID as are sterek shippers, i wish them a very [redacted]. but i will eat up whatever content that franchise puts out. even that shitty new movie i was eating it up just for the vibes like i couldnt tell you one thing that happened in the movie but i sure watched it and enjoyed the brief serotonin it gave me.
— duplicate anxiety is weird and it's weird to impose it on others i'm tired of pretending to be sympathetic about it
— korean stiles was still the weirdest fucking thing i've ever had to witness on tumblr dot com
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kangelmybeloved · 1 year ago
TW: Shawn, Racism, Ableism, Manipulation
Hello everyone. I didn't want to make this post, but I feel like it's finally time i speak out about this horrible person. They go by @shawnthevampire on here. She is very popular within the Jacksepticeye community and she is a horrible person. She is Racist, Ableist, narcissistic and manipulative. This is gonna take a while..
Shawn is manipulative. She lies and gaslights people to get her own way. She once lied about one of my friends to try to convince me that he didn't care about me, saying things like "He's a rich shit" and "Why would a rich shit care about a couple of poor, mentally disabled biological females?" She did this a lot. She manipulates and lies, and then deletes all evidence of it every happening. Not to mention if your trauma is not the exact same as hers, she will invalidate it either to your face or behind your back. Personal experience: I was having a panic attack and she said it was amusing.
She silences anyone who disagrees with her. On Discord, if you say something she doesn't like? Timeout. Try to diffuse an argument? Timeout. I once got timed out for a week because I was defending my brother from her bullying. But she got rid of it a few hours later. You cannot say ANYTHING to her that she doesn't like, or.. doesn't have. If there is something she doesn't/can't have or something she just doesn't like, You can't talk about it. One time me and my friends were talking about "Amanda the Adventurer" and she banned us from talking about it all together because she didn't like it! She abused her power so much, and the changed the rules to her own server so it was convenient for her. For example, She could talk about politics but if you tried to it was against the rules and you weren't allowed.
She's abelist. Shawn will probably deny this as she is autistic, but being autistic does not give you an excuse to being abelist. I had one person tell me how she made fun of them for being hard of hearing. And there is a whole tumblr thread where she got involved in an argument over the Jacksepticeye ego character, Jameson Jackson. She says she hates her brother all because he's more autistic than her so he needs to be taken care of a little more. She went on a whole rant about how much she hates her brother and her parents, who bend over backwards to her will and anything she wants. She treats the people close to her like shit and with disrespect with no regard to the fact that they are human and have feelings too.
She is racist. Oh ho ho ho. Shawn is racist. Because why wouldn't she stop at being abelist? I have a couple of examples. On roblox she said to someone "Bro is black Irl" because they were apparently harassing her. Then she tried to defend it when called out by saying that "History is built up on racism" and that people should be used to racsim by now. The second example is she defends the infamous app "Temu" like she is the creator herself. After me and my friends sent her multiple piece of evidence that Temu still people's data, she just turns a blind eye and has blocked people over it. When defending the app she said, and I quote, "Also, if the USA truly cared about our Internet safety, they'd stop allowing apps from other countries to be approved onto the app store". And that this was all because Temu is a Chinese company, and that all the products are cheap and "suspicious" is because its a Chinese company.
Boundaries aren't a thing to her. If you are uncomfortable by a joke she's making and you tell her, she just thinks it's funny and does it more. These mainly include sexu@l jokes. And uh, here's a personal experience. I had a crush on a friend and I told her about it, she proceeded to give me a deadline to tell them my feelings and then decided to tell them behind my back anyway.
This is just on Discord and a couple things on Tumblr. She also caused things on Wattpad but I don't have the patience or energy to get into that.
Please do not go and bully Shawn or anyone involved in this situation. If people need proof, I'll post it on Twitter. Thank you everyone.
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justakidnamednick · 18 days ago
Ok, so I'm gonna yap to that stupid anon
Add a tw for slurs in the tags
There you go nick I yapped angrily
If I had to tw tag all my posts with slurs id have 30 tags per post
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jesterraconteuse · 1 year ago
[Ask Box Closed for now, getting through the requests I have]
PSA: I do not have the time and energy to vet fundraisers due to disability and lack of experience. If you can tag someone who has vetted you I'll be happy to share. If you've already sent me an ask for this please feel free to send another with the user tagged
Hey y'all my tagging system. For all the heavier content on my blog I'm gonna tag with #sombernews just because it can be overwhelming a lot especially because of what's currently happening. Otherwise most stuff will stay the same
Zionist, Nazi, Bootlicker, blocklist! Bigot blocking party (submissions welcome)
Resources and charities will probably not be tagged for the sake of wider spread
I also have a #silly good things tag which is exactly what it says on the tin. Sometimes I forgot to tag stuff in there tho but with tagging everything else I'm pretty on top of it
Ask to Tag TW and CW, I will try my best
Extra under the cut
I need help:
If you have g0fündm3 or something like and need help please don't send asks. It's really hard to seperate from the scams. If you're verified by one of the people I follow I'm more likely to reblog. I don't have the time, energy, nor skill and social awareness to do an accurate background check.
Bastard Watch (feel free to reblog with the ones you find)
Zionist/Nazi trolls block list under #zionaziblock. These people are not looking to talk they're looking to get you upset. This includes zionist, islamophobic, arabphobic, pro-cop, and of course anti-semites. Might expand the list to more types of bigotry if I have the energy. Not gonna bother sorting out who is what type of bigot because they're all awful.
And if they're using hate speech and/or encouraging violence, Report the comment or post.
Don't let tumblr ignore us. They've banned people for less and they know it. A lot of them didn't even deserve it
Life will be easier when you don't have to deal with their blog in your face.
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tempesttz · 9 months ago
unnecessary rant about an
unnecessary (but very odd) debate
i know this is not my usual post but tumblr just suggested me another account (as it does), so i went to check them out. openly endogenic, wonderful. inclusive, check. "if i block you, you're probably not inclusive enough." sure? then i scrolled down a bit more, and... tw: mentions of discourse, nazis, the holocaust, and ai art. i'm also just not very nice, so tw for that too.
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".....ai art is still art and arguing otherwise is spreading nazi bullshit regardless of if you personally like it or not...." ....what? at this point i'm thinking okay, op has no clue what a nazi is or something. right? right??? there was a link, so i, an unwitting fool looking for more elaboration on this take, clicked it.
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"blocked a long time follower because they were being reactionary. here is your reminder that regardless of your stance on copyright, as soon as you start regurgitating that ai art isn't art, you are spreding the rhetoric authoritarianism. you are being reactionary and conservative. in fact, you are literally spreading nazi shit. read up if you have the spoons for it: link here. the focus should be on mitigating harm to those more directly impacted, not on trying to erase the art now exist.s not on ai arts legitimacy as art." i'm not going to just sit here and say "oh wow weird take, point and laugh guys." that would be weird and frankly no better than places like r/fdc and r/systemscringe. so instead, we're gonna break this down: first off: what is degenerate art? well, let's check their wikipedia link.
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"Degenerate art (German: Entartete Kunst) was a term adopted in the 1920s by the Nazi Party in Germany to describe modern art. During the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, German modernist art, including many works of internationally renowned artists, was removed from state-owned museums and banned in Nazi Germany on the grounds that such art was an "insult to German feeling", un-German, Freemasonic, Jewish, or Communist in nature. Those identified as degenerate artists were subjected to sanctions that included being dismissed from teaching positions, being forbidden to exhibit or to sell their art, and in some cases being forbidden to produce art." okay, so op is claiming that dislike of ai art is comparable to the suppressing and banning of large amounts of art in nazi germany. which is a wild take. but why is it wild? 1. ai generators clearly do not experience much suppression or banning in places considering that they are an active threat to artists. 2. the main issue with ai image generation is that it is stealing from actual artists to create their images and putting people who have trained for years to hone their skills at risk of losing their jobs. this diminishes the amount of artists who will actually pursue a career in that field, thereby reducing the amount of actual artists and directly harming the art community. 3. a lot of people will lie about being ai "artists," attempting to claim the work as actual art. 4. the concept of comparing something like this to the holocaust in general is just... wildly insensitive, frankly. this should be common sense, but there seems to be a distinct lack of it here anyways. 5. people are allowed to have opinions? you can think ai art is a valid form of art. i'll think you're weird, but that's a valid opinion. some people don't think certain genres of music are art. some people don't think certain kinds of art should be considered art. for example, those pendulum paintings that were everywhere, and might still be everywhere. i saw a lot of discourse about those. some people did not consider them to be art, or at least not on par with things like large, dedicated paintings. does that make the people who have that opinion nazis? .....no????? there isn't a moral to this post. it probably shouldn't exist. i just saw this and needed to rant, and decided to make you all my unwitting victims, lol. if you agree with op, then... i don't know, have a nice day? maybe stop conflating something like ai art (which is basically inconsequential unless you are in a community it effects or witnessing a downgrade of media quality due to its usage in production) to the holocaust (one of if not the worst historical event to this day in history)? okay wait, i have a moral! you can dislike things or have an opinion without it having to be taken to the total extreme. for anyone who read through this entire thing, thank you for sticking around! have a cookie. 🍪
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rayman-chibi · 1 year ago
What is one head-canon you really REALLY like but don't actually want it to be canon?
I'll go first (TW Long rant about Rayman being trans and people not liking it)
As you may know, I was one of the first known Rayman artists to make the head-canon that Rayman is transfem, (which is ironic considering how manly Rayman is in his games like 95% of the time, but y'know, some transfems might have actually been like that before their eggs cracked, sometimes maybe even after to repress their gender dysphoria (not to be personal though -v-'))
When I first posted the drawing of Rayman holding the transfem/gender-fluid flag, I first thought that this would get me banned from the faces of Tumblr, Instagram, even Twitter (ESPECIALLY Twitter) just for making some video game character who's canonically male to have a more feminine gender... but surprisingly, people were cool with it. In fact, some people actually encouraged me to keep going with this head-canon. So I did. I've been showing off this head-canon to Tumblr and Instagram (mainly Tumblr), with other artists praising me for the stories I make with this head-canon, but this got me thinking at one point, "how would a more public audience react if this were canon?"
Now, this is where the second part of the question comes into play, because as much as I like the idea of Rayman suddenly realizing that he was an egg all this time and coming out to everyone he knows- his friends, his family, even his own worst enemies- that he's a trans woman/transfem and everyone just accepting it and even helping on defending him whenever some random person makes transphobic remarks to him... I'm kinda paranoid that this would hurt the series and the creators of said series as a whole.
So far, I only have one reason, but it's a reason to keep in mind, and that's the fact that there is a possibility this would end up in a situation similar to Snapdragon from High Guardian Spice or Bridget from the Guilty Gear series, with people getting angry at the creators of their respective series and even sending... pretty gruesome threats towards them. The only main difference is that while with Snapdragon and Bridget, when they were being feminine, it seemed to be a part of their characters and it's also what helped them grow to realize about themselves, with Rayman... well, what about Rayman?
As I've stated before, Rayman hasn't been very effeminate in the games; there was a time in a Hoodlum training video where we supposedly saw him dressed up as a ballerina for a few seconds and another time in the Raving Rabbids series where he dressed up as a grandma as a wearable costume... but that's just it. That's all the real explicit potential there is to make him a transfem. The effeminate aspect of him has been pushed aside by the creators and people brought those examples back up just to go, "oh meh gerd, look at how silly this is! Haha femboy go brr".
Now, again, it is possible for transfems to go through a masculine phase before realizing that they're trans, but this is a fictional character someone made and publicized who can't even talk much about their problems to you directly and therefore can't defend themselves from the many brutal messages coming from those who were fans of them we're talking about here, so the problem then is how people are going to react, and we all know how people had reacted to fictional characters going from effeminate men to trans women so suddenly.
It's also possible that that won't happen, but it still might because I'm kind of scared that the internet as a whole wouldn't learn their lesson and just dunk on Rayman of all people for being written to come out as trans, drowning out the actually accepting people who would come to those same terms.
I'm just gonna tell you right now that at the end of the day, this is just a fictional character, we and the original creators can do whatever we want with him (except make him into too much of a horrible person for either the stupidest of reasons or for no real reason at all), we can even call him a "her" if we so please, that is all.
Thanks for reading (if you've made it to this point at least)
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miss-dollette · 1 year ago
With these shitty opinions, you're gonna have a field day reading the dead dove tag on ao3. You're gonna have a field day.
Like. Let people write whatever as long as it's tagged properly bc very fucking obviously you don't know how to scroll past certain fics bc they're not catered to YOU. And there's literally a tag for this kind of taboo shit that you've been shitting on. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!!!!
Also, shut up about the fucking writing style and grammar of fics now and oh, no! bad dialogue?? dude shut UP. In time, they'll improve in their own way or maybe, maybe!!! ITS JUST NOT YOUR STYLE???? With what little there is with Makarov fics you better be fucking grateful that there's at least a small community on here.
And why tf are you suddenly turning into the fun police, huh? "Codename "Athena" cringe bc callsigns r usually used to make fun of u and don't be a mary sue!!!" Cry about it. Let people have their fun with their OCs. I thought we were over cringe culture with the Mary Sue shit man.
If you don't like seeing that type of content then mind your own fucking business because truthfully, I feel like you wouldn't survive old Tumblr or old fanfics with this attitude. Consume what you want, don't interact with what you don't like and just get on with your day.
It's a shame that you are a good writer with such shit opinions on what the fandom is making. Grow up.
Skimmed through this and couldn't help but laugh.
Babe, I know what DDDNE is, I've been reading and creating fanfiction FOR YEAAAARS and my Ao3 account was created in 2014 and I was on Wattpad before it had ads! And honey, i was on Tumblr YEARS before the porn ban and when SuperWhoLock was trending. So don't presume anything about me because I know my shit.
I said what I mf said, and I knew ya'll were gonna come for me, so I said it anyway.
Take your own advice, and don't interact with my blog if you're such a crybaby - I left a TW for a reason, so people like you wouldn't wander in by accident. But look at you, you read my post on purpose, then got mad and sent me a message!
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jasper-dracona · 2 years ago
The only thing I ever saw on the internet almost as often as I saw tumblr screenshots was Reddit stories. Plus, yeah, it was a really good resource for getting a question answered, so we saw Reddit come up a lot when we were curious or confused about something. That site of y’all’s was a helpful friend sometimes, and we appreciated that :)
Oh, and the fact that the site was very user-run and functioned on the work of dedicated volunteers is very much a spirit that I think Tumblr vibes with. Like, xkit makes our site function how we want it to, and maybe I’m just too new a user to know (joined 2018) but, as far as I can tell, that’s operated and updated by a mysterious ring of volunteer wizards or something.
But think of yourself here as your own mini-mod! Filter tags related to things you keep seeing but don’t care about, filter tags of things you find scary or gross, filter tags related to political discussions or sensitive topics that you’re not always ready to hear about, block people who post about stuff you don’t like or don’t care about, and don’t feel ashamed to unfollow someone if they’ve stopped posting about stuff you like!
My filtered tag list is pretty long compared to most, other people have blocked a lot more blogs than me, but it accomplishes approximately the same goal of making sure that my Tumblr has stuff I wanna see and is a place I want to go and look at stuff. I know it’s not gonna be filled with unnecessary discourse, or a show I don’t like, or news about something really bad and depressing. It’s gonna be fanart of shows and games I like, positive messages, stupid jokes, radical queerness and helpful advice!
I stopped using instagram after I joined an activism group and made some friends and followed them all on there, because all they would do all day every day was share posts about depressing stuff about big political topics, and how we need to be doing more about this and this and this too, and doing more and more and more and I couldn’t stand to open the app anymore. Never gonna have that problem here and it’s great.
Anyway some examples of tags I have filtered:
#dsmp - ‘cause I could not give less of a fuck
#abortion ban - too heavy to be hearing about all the time
And an example of the other way around: a friend of mine has ornithophobia, fear of birds. But I LOOOVE birds, so that’s kind of a problem, right? Wrong! I just have to remember to quickly add the tags #tw bird and #bird tw so I can reblog all the bird pictures I want without her having to see them, because I know she has that tag filtered!
So yeah, welcome to Tumblr, Reddit refugees! Be your own mod, don’t be shy about filtering, unfollowing, or blocking, and also don’t tell anyone to stop posting about something you find annoying, because that’s what those features are there for.
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willthespy · 2 years ago
I'm sorry to break it to you, but we don't care about rules in this site. And yes, a lot of people use tumblr just to nerd about their interests or participate in online discourse or whatever, but A LOT of people use it to post and find nfsw content, even during the time when staff had banned it. Tumblr is wildly known as a horny site where people post their nudes and smut fanfictions and where sex workers can easily find an audience.
I am not saying that you must like that kind of content to be on the platform, of course not. You can be sex repulsed and still enjoy your time here, but you can not tell other people what they should or should not post.
People should be appropriately tagging their posts and using tws, yes. That is a much more valid criticism. But you have no authority to tell people what to write or draw or post lmao.
About him being a minor, yeah, an adult picturing a 15 year old having sex is weird and I'm not defending it, but that is the internet. Block the users you see posting that content and continue with your day. BIG part of the nsfw content about minors is made BY minors and is meant to be consumed by other minors tho. (a lot of) Minors also feel horny and think about sex and want to read/see sexual content, and it is our responsibility as adults to stay away from that, but we can not tell teens and preteens that it is wrong and weird to feel horny about characters their age. That just doesn't make sense.
As for adults creating and consuming this content, most of us in the fandom grown up the characters and look up for other works where they are explicitly established as adults. We are not predatory. We are just horny nerds.
I really don’t care about aged up content. It’s technically not a crime. The rest is, though.
I explained my point A LOT so I’ll just add the ss of the rules which also state that its a serious crime. im not even gonna worry about grammar anymore but here u go lmao
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sooniethewinterbug · 7 months ago
tw for a gore mention (text only, mentioned multiple times), and a TW for several swears. This is a rant post
chat if you're like going to post something and it has like triggering pictures, you need to to like put it under a 'read more' cuz some of why was I going about my day and I suddenly get jumpscared by literal open w0unds?? (censorship is cuz idk if Tumblr will ban me)
FURTHERMORE why are some of y'all minors and posting that stuff 😀. Like PLEASE? YOU'RE 16? I'm a minor and I'm out here having to make a POST about this good god like what the fuck
If you're posting any sort of content that has open wounds, blood, etc, DNI!!! i *REALLY* just wanna go about my day and read my fluffy one shots, and NOT be jumpscared!!!! THANK YOU!
Seriously though especially if you're a minor, that shit's gonna fuck you up! the rest of ur life! generally the insides of a body should stay inside, not outside and y'all shouldn't be looking at it!! Please don't fuck up your brain!! It will SCAR U! I know I literally sound like a stupid ass nerd 'ermmmm it's gonna scar you for life🤓☝️' I LITERALLY DO NOT CARE!!!! DONT FUCK UP YOUR BRAIN! DONT GO LOOKING FOR THINGS THAT'LL FUCK UP YOUR BRAIN! BECAUSE GUESS WHAT! IT'LL FUCK UP YOUR BRAIN!
TLDR; Don't post weird shit without the trigger warnings at the top, don't post weird shit without it being under the cut, don't look for/post weird shit as a minor!
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hamliet · 3 years ago
Why is it women hitting their partners is often played for laughs, even if it would absolutely never be acceptable the other way around? Two things society as a whole doesn’t take seriously; men’s mental health and violence against men.
I mean, I've spoken out about this before, lol. I don't disagree. It's a role reversal that is often played for laughs, but to me, it's not funny.
That said, within the context of certain stories, I can interpret it as not intending to portray abuse--because when framed comically, it usually isn't intended to do so (I have the same interpretation of a lot of enemies-to-lovers scenes between straight couples, too, fwiw). And that said, I can think it a troubling aspect of the story that I don't like while still understanding what the author's intent is. It's up to each of us to decide what troubling thing we can handle and what troubling thing we can't, and we all have different answers here because we all bring different baggage to a story.
As for why it wouldn't be accepted the other way around: it's because men committing domestic violence against women is a more pervasive problem. It just statistically is more likely that a woman will be abused/even killed by a male romantic partner than that a male one will be abused/killed by a woman. Of course also, men are less likely to report. But this does affect public perception.
That isn't an excuse, though. It's just a factor in understanding why people might tolerate some things and others not at all. All fiction is also problematic, but that doesn't mean I think it's fine when fiction portrays it. I can love a story and still think an aspect or a ship has problematic elements while enjoying other parts of it.
People aren't monoliths and don't fit into neat categories, so I am troubled by discounting abuse of men by women or other men or anyone, really. I do think that the "haha" or even "lucky him" attitude can contribute to men feeling lonely and confused when it happens to them. It's toxic and based in toxic masculinity, traditional gender roles, and a lack of empathy.
I'd like to see more stories directly address this, actually. Like, if I see one more "lucky him" comment about a teen boy who is groomed and abused by a conventionally attractive woman I'm going to vomit; this, actually, is the premise of the first novel I ever wrote, and I was told by one person that I was essentially coopting the MeToo movement to focus on men instead of on women's abuse. :) (the smiley is actually me biting down my simmering rage.)
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 3 years ago
Without a Trace [Ch. 8]
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Vigilantes AU TW: Language, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Descriptions of Blood, Minor Character Death, Gun Use, Knife Use, Electrocution Genre: Drama, Angst, Light Comedy Pairing: ATEEZ x Reader Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified Word Count: 5.4K Summary: Vigilante work has been outlawed, thus sending nine prominent vigilantes either into retirement or into lower ground and, while some abide by the law, a few continue on. Then, one day, a greater threat forces these vigilantes to come together once again, regardless of the law.
(8/11) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [Main Masterlist] | [Without a Trace Masterlist]
Notes: IT'S BACCKKKKKK I'M SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG JSDFHKDJFH school's been a bitch and I may or may not have taken more series than I can handle so I'm gonna try to zero in on some and crank them out ahaha Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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“This is insane, this is absolutely fucking insane,” you paced the Warehouse, phone in your hand, and opened to Twitter. It’s been a few days since the event, and Hongjoong had told the group to lay low while the Internet went into full uproar due to the events at the Grand Central Bank. Unfortunately for the group, Bambi and his entourage escaped, but fortunately for them, there were reduced casualties and the Bank didn’t lose anything, courtesy of a certain Park Seonghwa standing on a rooftop.
Posts of low-quality photos and videos circulated on every social media you could think of. Twitter, Weibo, Tumblr, Reddit, everything above and between, the grouping of vigilantes was known throughout the world. Words of encouragement, shock, and worry were paired with these posts. There was a large number of people praising and a fair amount denouncing your actions, but that was to be expected. More people were surprised by the members more so than the action, and you didn’t blame them. When was the last time you and Wooyoung worked together? The last time Yunho donned a mask and uniform? You were sure that Jongho had been inactive since before the ban too. A team of nine, everyone wondered what you were all capable of.
At this moment, the room was populated by eight members of this hastily put-together group. Everyone was present save for Hongjoong, who was busy in some other room, slamming the door behind him and thus telling everyone to leave him alone for the time being. Meanwhile, as they awaited their next move, everyone had been running through the media with a fine-tooth comb, trying to deduce what the general public thought about them and how they’d dodge the authorities if necessary. But right now, as you scrolled through Twitter, the hashtags and the tweets are all in rampant support of this group? It was insane 
“They love us…” you shook your head with some disbelief, but your wide eyes that seemed to shine with excitement betrayed you. It felt like the first time the Aces started. It was almost too good to be true. After being so vehemently denounced, here you were, being lauded again as if you’d never done anything wrong. It was all a bit hypocritical, actually, seeing all of the responses. Just yesterday you saw a tweet calling you a bitch for beating up a sex offender, but who were you to comment on someone who was terminally online?
“We’re back! Are we back? I’d say we’re back!” Wooyoung cut into your thoughts and it was clear that he could barely sit still going through Twitter himself. “This is insane! I thought we’d be out of the game forever but look, everyone’s excited! Holy… wow, this is crazy, I can’t believe they actually missed us. I was sure that everyone would riot when they saw us show up.” Wooyoung continues to scroll through the tags with a huge smile on his face. He pauses on a video that caught you and him together. “Eh, I guess my form’s a little off, but no one noticed so I guess it’s fine,” he adds with a breathy chuckle.
“I’m surprised everyone’s so excited,” Mingi looks over Wooyoung’s shoulder to see his phone. “Maybe it has something to do with the Charlatan.”
“Maybe,” Yunho shrugs. “The police have done jack shit toward catching him, and now a group of vigilantes came back to figure out who this person is, of course, some people would be jumping for joy.”
“Yunho’s got a point, unfortunately,” San walks into the Warehouse, cleaning off his gun with a cloth before holstering it back. “And, even worse, our declaration of war has been solidified,” he says.
“Yup,” Yeosang shakes his head.
“No, I mean our declaration of war has been solidified,” San repeats. “There’s no way they’re letting us off the hook now. (Y/N) and Jisung just beat the shit out of some of their men. We’re in public action now, we’re done for if we screw this up.”
“Oh shit,” Mingi digs his hands in his hair. “We are so screwed now,” he takes deep breaths. “Look, I have people I care about outside of this whole vigilante thing, do you think he knows? Does he know who we are?” Mingi starts to hyperventilate.
“Alright, let’s all calm down,” Jongho speaks up. “Deep breaths, we’re careful. Too careful, sometimes. Did any of us keep things in this warehouse? Or did any of us upload any information on Hope’s servers? I know I didn’t, I wasn’t active enough to need one, at least.” The room falls silent. This was the original hub of all vigilante activities, it was only natural that it would have too much information, but when it came to the group standing in it right now?
“No, I didn’t like the idea of uploading anything on this server,” Mingi answers.
“I didn’t even know there was a server,” San shrugs.
“I’d only track my weapons, nothing else,” Wooyoung adds.
“I had my own system,” Yeosang shrugs.
“I didn’t, I’m not technically a vigilante,” Seonghwa turns his phone face-down on the table.
“I’ve always been a private person,” Yunho shrugs. “I keep people on a need-to-know basis,  and those three, Outro, didn’t need to know.”
“I know Hongjoong had always been private about his things too,” Seonghwa mutters.
You, meanwhile, stayed silent in this whole exchange, listening to everyone and putting everything into account. You, personally, never uploaded anything to Hope’s server, something the genius had put together as a sort of Vigilante Watch program, every single one was connected throughout the city and, should anyone turn on each other, they’d had proper countermeasures. The server had always been secure, Yeosang had even mentioned if there was one hacker who was greater than him, it was Hope. Part of the legendary vigilante group Outro, they pioneered vigilante work and perfected it. Hope’s server was proof of this, maintaining data on every vigilante and providing support, but it was always a two-edged sword. Along with keeping general updates of names, affiliations, and utilities, it kept track of personal data alongside it, including family names, actual names, marital status, everything. The intention was that if any vigilante suddenly went missing, one of the members of Outro would break the news. Personal data was only ever visible to those three, and it stayed like that for a long time. Then, the vigilante ban came into full effect, and Hope shut down the server, closing it and deleting all the information stored in it for good. It was as if every single document or file relating to vigilante work simply never existed. You never uploaded anything on it.
But Giselle did.
“There’s data on the Aces there, all four of us,” you finally said. Again, the group fell quiet. Giselle was always the makeshift leader of the group, she made the decisions, she made the calls, and she kept the Ace’s profiles updated. At the time, you realize, it was a good idea. You all had things to lose, some more than most, so it only made sense that you’d partake in the Vigilante Watch program. You didn’t think it’d come back to bite you. You finally looked up, crossing your arms in the process. You couldn’t read any of their expressions, except for Yeosang’s, who was terrified.
“That’s why you and Jisung made it on his list…” He says.
“Once he got me, he probably would’ve headed for Giselle…” you shook your head. “I think Jisung’s on his way over to her right now,” you added. He said he wanted to go far, and that was far. “You have to understand, we had things to lose. A lot. We needed to be part of this watch,” you defended. No one could argue. “I don’t think she put any other data on there, aside from the fact that we worked with Aegis a lot.”
“Yeosang, do you think you can access Hope’s server? There has to be some remnant of it if the Charlatan got to it, right?” Yunho asks. Yeosang turns his laptop around.
“It’s what I’ve been trying to do for a couple of days now, but Hope’s code blockers are strong,” he says. “Not to mention there’s a lot.” He grumbles. “I think it’d be faster to just ask him, but since Mono kicked the bucket, he and Agust went into hiding. If it’s this hard to crack his code, I can only imagine how hard it would be to find him,” he crosses his arms. He flips his laptop back around. “But I should be able to get into it… I think. (Y/N), do you have any idea what Giselle put in it?”
“Basic things, our names, family members, specialties, weapons, our addresses too… I think after the incident Jisung put in where Giselle’s care center was, mostly because Mono recommended it to us. But I can’t think of anything else,” you shook your head.
Yeosang listened carefully, scrolling through his laptop as you spoke, his eyes were focused and his thumb between his teeth. His eyes scanned left to right as you spoke.
“Everyone, listen up!” Hongjoong announced and Yeosang shut his laptop. The group stood around the table in the center and Hongjoong spreads out a number of files. You pick one of them up.
“Professor Jung?” You ask. The professor of Criminology school profile was in your hands. It had the list of classes he taught, his publishings, class averages, and anything you could think would be on a professor’s file. The file in Seonghwa’s hand next to you was his records with the police department, the cases in which he was asked to assist in specifically.
“At the end of the robbery, I was approached by the Professor, he asked a favor of us specifically,” Hongjoong explains. “He wants us to work in conjunction with the police force.” At that statement, whispers started to arise. 
“I’m in favor,” Mingi says.
“Me too,” Wooyoung nods.
“If we’re coming back, let’s do it the right way, no more skirting around the law, we both have common goals, right?” Mingi adds. “If we cooperate, we could amend the law and get back to what we do best.”
“Plus, I wouldn’t mind a paycheck,” Wooyoung huffs.
“I’m going to have to disagree with you both,” Yunho spoke up next to you. “I of all of you know how fine print contracts work, for all we know they could arrest us as soon as the Charlatan’s captured.”
“I hate to break it to you two, but some of us have lengthy records on us, not to mention warrants for arrest,” he glances over to you and you nodded.
“I don’t know, I think we should discuss it more before making a concrete decision,” you spoke up. San had a point, of the group you were sure it was the both of you with the most to lose from this deal if it went south. You weren’t too fond of having to go through legal procedures either, why wait when you could deal with a problem right then and there? But, then again, Mingi had a point. If you did everything right now you could all be in the good light of the authorities, something vigilantes had struggled with before. It would be a step in the right direction. You were nearly certain, though, that they wouldn’t just let you off with a slap on the wrist for your crimes. Hell, San and Seonghwa are basically murderers, there’s no way they’d just let them off the hook. Not to mention that Yunho could be convicted for treason if his clientele list was ever made public.
“Professor Jung assured me that our work would be kept under lock and key,” Hongjoong says.
“Bull shit,” you shook your head. “We’re already in the public eye, to suddenly go under wraps would make people suspicious.”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Seonghwa sighs. “Although I understand where Wooyoung and Mingi are coming from,” Seonghwa taps his hand on the table. “Just being in this group, I can tell, will influence my current and future clientele,” he shakes his head.
“If I may,” Jongho, who’d been silent, speaks up now. Everyone’s attention diverts to him. “I think that the consequences of working without police protection would be greater than the restrictions we’d have if we agreed to cooperate,” he says. “Disregarding the murder charges on some of us, if a disaster were to occur indirectly because of us, it could be worse for us in the long run.”
“Everyone, if I could have your attention on the screen here,” Yeosang is next to speak. All throughout the screen were various articles. He taps on one of them.
‘Professor Jung Jaehyun speaks against the Vigilante Ban.’
Yeosang taps another one.
‘Professor Jung Jaehyun on the benefits of vigilante justice.’
Yeosang chooses another article, an excerpt this time.
‘Professor Jung comments that since the first appearance of vigilantes, crime rates have significantly decreased city-wide despite the rise in taxes. In his words: ‘What are taxes in the face of public safety?’’
“Whatever he’s planning, it seems to be with good intentions,” Hongjoong says. “He hasn’t shown any bad ones in the past, at least.”
“A professor who’s interested in vigilante work? Sounds to me like we’d be his guinea pigs if anything. We’re giving him an opportunity to observe our work first hand,” San comments. “This has to be some science experiment of his.”
“I doubt that, he’s very devoted to his work with the police force, he’s even been actively working on the Charlatan case,” Yeosang says. He taps another window and a video appears.
‘Dr. Jung Jaehyun on the Charlatan Case.’
“Play the video for us, Yeosang,” Seonghwa says.
“Yup,” Yeosang steps aside.
“Dr. Jung, I’m Kang Taehyun with Capitol Times, you’ve just told us that you’re working with Precinct 127 to catch the Charlatan, what is your stance on this issue, and do you have any plan at all?”
“Well, as I’ve said earlier, the Charlatan is considered to be Public Enemy #1 at this moment, a majority of the police force is being focused on this case. Obviously, I agree with this sentiment. The Charlatan has proved that they are behind the mass disappearances and serial killings around the world and due to a majority of the cases being focused here it is our police force who will take charge of dealing with them. I personally think they’re cowardly, hiding behind their mask and screen, and I will stop at nothing until they are behind bars. As for a plan, that is something the police force has specified to keep confidential for now, but please understand that we are working on this case.”
“Stop the video,” Hongjoong says. “Let’s do a vote already. The majority wins, no complaints. Who’s in favor of working with the professor and by extension the police department?” Hongjoong, Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang, and Jongho raise their hands. You hummed. Everything that you’d been presented so far and everything you understood pointed in the direction that the deal would only be beneficial. You rose your hand too and San scoffed.
“Oh, grow up, Choi,” you glared.
“Oh, well… What the fuck?” San rose his hand too. Seonghwa rose his hand with a shrug, following the majority. Yunho shook his head but eventually rolled his eyes.
“Hongjoong, call the professor. Tell him that we’ll only cooperate if we get to draft the contract ourselves, I’ll be in charge of that specifically,” Yunho says.
“I’ll schedule a meeting with the professor and give him the bare bones of our plan, I’ll only tell him what he needs to know,” Hongjoong nods. “Yunho, I expect that you’re coming with me?”
“Of course,” he smiles.
“Then, let’s go over it,” Hongjoong places a map on the table after pushing aside Jaehyun’s files.
“Phase One: Set up. (Y/N), I want you and San to play the waiting game. Sorry about this, but you’re going to have to play bait again, the Charlatan has to focus on you, you’ve escaped his grasp twice now. I’m having San go with you since it would look suspicious if you were found alone.”
“Think Mingi would be mad if we had some of these?” San hands you a cup of coffee.
“I don’t think so,” you took it and sat on top of the desk. You were both stationed in Mingi’s office. Looks like the reporter had been hard at work from the article spread in front of you and the stack of files off to the side. Capitol Times was a location chosen from careful planning. You couldn’t wait in any of your homes, that’s something you didn’t want the cops to know about unless they had to. The patrol cars were stationed at inconspicuous places throughout the city, something that the professor had assured. After his discussion with Hongjoong and Yunho, he agreed to have the police stationed at areas of high activity for security purposes, they have been all instructed to follow the Mastermind’s orders. San leans next to you, one hand in his pocket while he blows on the styrofoam cup.
“So, what made you change your mind?” He asks, his shoulder brushing with yours each time he rose the cup to his lips.
“Tired of hiding in the shadows, I guess,” you shrugged. “Aren’t you? Maybe you could get back your lost trust in them, I don’t know.”
“They did love Aegis,” he says. “The perfect, law-abiding vigilante,” he sighs. He looks at his reflection in the mirror in front of him, a suit loosely hanging on it, ready for whenever Mingi had to attend a press conference. 
“Not used to it anymore?” You asked.
“Hmm?” He looks at you. You tapped the shield strapped to his back. “Oh, that thing? I’m surprised Yunho had it.” You leaned back, looking at its design. There was a clear welding mark from where it had originally snapped in half. You knocked on it.
“Yunho must have reinforced it with something.”
“He did, it’s heavier now,” he readjusts the straps across his chest holding it up. Your eyes drifted to the ‘A’ on his wrist cuff, then you looked at the one on your shoulder. You didn’t think you’d be working with a team again so soon.
You look out the window.
“Seonghwa, you’ll be our failsafe. Sure, there’ll be cops crawling everywhere, but I know I can rely on you if not them. There’ll be an apartment complex across the street from Capitol Times, station yourself up there and be ready to fire when necessary. Your target is anyone wearing the Charlatan mask, am I clear?”
“Crystal clear,” Seonghwa mutters, wiping the lens on his scope clean. He holds the rifle at eye level, looks through the scope, and shakes his head, adding on another lens. He clicks his tongue now and adds another lens. One more for good measure. “Crystal clear.” He repeats, he could see you and San clearly through the lenses now. He points the barrel downwards, looking at the foot traffic in front of the newspaper company. No one suspicious so far save for the undercover cops. They could be less inconspicuous, if Seonghwa didn’t memorize their faces before he’d have taken the shot already, could they be any more obvious? He shook his head and surveyed the area again. White suits, charlatan masks, and weapons were the three things he was on the lookout for.
“Unfortunately, the signal tracking Yeosang’s been working on isn’t going fast enough for the professor, so now the plan is for (Y/N) to get targeted and taken to the Charlatan’s headquarters. (Y/N) as soon as you get there, report back, we’ll track your watch until we lose signal, just in case. I’m sure you can handle yourself, plus, you’ll have San with you so I’m not too worried.”
“Looking forward to getting kidnapped?” San asks, trying to lighten the mood.
“Not much, I’m not fond of ropes,” you shake your head.
“Yeah, I remember you saying that,” San smirks into his cup and you nudge him harshly.
“Yeosang’s listening, don’t mention that,” you grimaced.
“Yeosang, do what you do best. You’re in charge of CCTV, the best access point’s in the police department, I’m sure you’ll be fine though. No one’s idiotic enough to arrest you while you’re working with them to catch the Charlatan.”
“Sorry, Hongjoong, but I can’t take any chances,” Yeosang sat in his flat surrounded by screens. He’s a hacker, it’s good for him to have at least some secrets. He looks at the screen with you and San specifically and leans back on his chair, sipping some of his juice box while he listens in on your conversation.
“Oh, I’m very aware of your past relationship,” Yeosang cuts in after pressing a button. “I have that information on all of you, so don’t feel too special,” he teases.
“Got anything on Hongjoong?” San asks jokingly.
“Guy’s been single his whole life.”
“Fucking loser,” you chuckled.
“Hey, now, Seonghwa’s been single his whole life too,” Yeosang laughs.
“Seonghwa? Seriously?” You looked surprised. “Geez, I don’t even know where to look, where’s the camera?”
“You’re not supposed to know where it is, Ace,” Yeosang replies.
“What’s so shocking about Seonghwa being single? He’s basically married to that rifle he carries around,” San laughs. Yeosang looks over to Seonghwa’s screen, watching him wipe down the rifle for what had to be the twentieth time.
“I can confirm that,” Yeosang replies.
“Still, though,” you responded. “Kind of strange for…”
“For what?” San asks, tilting his head. A devious thought crosses Yeosang’s mind and he pressed the button off to the side.
“What is it, Yeosang?” Seonghwa’s voice is clear.
“Shh, shh, just listen,” he connects the line to yours.
“Nothing, forget I said anything,” you waved your hand in front of San and the other continues to laugh.
“Say it! You have to now!” San eggs you on.
“Ugh, leave me alone, San! I’m just saying that in his line of work I’m surprised he’s never met anyone.”
“(Y/N) you can say Seonghwa’s attractive, you know,” Yeosang teases.
“It’s not that!”
“So he isn’t?”
“He is! It’s just—” You’re cut off by San gasping. “Oh, shut it! Are you saying he’s not attractive?!”
“Objectively, I guess he is.”
“You’re not wrong, (Y/N), you’re not wrong,” Yeosang shrugs.
“It’s weird talking about a co-worker like this, is all, plus, I kind of live with him right now since my apartment’s in shambles so it’s even weirder,” you grumbled. Seonghwa shook his head with a small smile. Yeosang connects his line to Seonghwa’s.
“You should say something.”
“What’s this? Playing matchmaker? You must be bored,” Seonghwa checks the clip on his rifle, making sure it’s full.
“When you’re sitting on your ass for almost eighteen hours a day, you tend to get bored,” Yeosang smiles, disconnecting yours and Seonghwa’s lines.
“Wooyoung and Yunho will be stationed a couple blocks down, as soon as you get Yeosang’s signal, follow whatever car they take, and if things get messy, you both step in and offer support. Your primary objective, alongside with Mingi and Jongho, is to ensure that there are no casualties.”
“Anything?” Wooyoung asks.
“Nothing yet,” Yunho stares at the screen on his lap.
“In that case, I’m taking a quick catnap, yeah? Wake me up when something happens,” he reclines his seat and closes his eyes. Yunho makes sure he’s really asleep before switching back to the contract. The professor was strangely accepting of their terms, anyone would be suspicious of it.
‘Condition 1: Our identities are kept secret.’
‘Condition 2: Until the Charlatan is captured, any warrants for arrest will be suspended.’
‘Condition 3: The police support the vigilantes, not the other way around.’
‘Condition 4: Once the Charlatan is captured, we go our separate ways.’
Four conditions of theirs in exchange for one from the professor. It was suspicious, to say the least, all the professor asked for was that none of the officers assigned to the case would be harmed. It feels more like a hindrance, actually, as if it were drawing away from the Charlatan. He could understand the sentiment, but at the same time, he was questioning the intent. Yunho adjusted the rearview mirror, spotting the patrol car stationed in the alley behind them and ready to move out on signal.
“What are you planning, professor?” He wonders aloud.
“Jongho, your positioning is important. I’m going to tell the professor that you’re stationed with Seonghwa, but I want you by the precinct. Take care not to be noticed. I don’t want to doubt our new ally, but you know how things like this go, right?”
Jongho did exactly that. Seated at the café across the way, he flipped through the notes on his iPad while keeping an eye on the precinct.
“Jongho, don’t respond, just listen. I’ll wire you into the CCTV for the precinct,” Yeosang explains. “I’ll be busy monitoring the others, so can I trust you on this? Tap the lid of your coffee twice for yes.” Jongho did as he was instructed before picking it up and drinking some of it. He adjusts his aviators and watches the CCTV feed on the tablet. Everyone was running around, operators constantly in contact with field officers, a couple people monitoring their own views of the scenes, and the professor, standing in front of the precinct’s own security cameras, monitoring the whole event. Jongho tugged at his collar, the uniform underneath it remaining hidden as he dims the brightness.
The professor, huh? Jongho focused on his screen the most. Although he was in favor of working with the police, he was still skeptical about the professor. His name rang a bell, but he couldn’t figure out why. Why did his name raise red flags in his head? Jongho opened his notes app, scrolling through the various files. If he was suspicious, the reason why would be in at least one of these, right?
“Mingi, that leaves you. I need you to be on standby with a car. Officers will be too cautious, I know you won’t. Park by the office and wait for further instruction.”
Mingi tapped the steering wheel anxiously. It was his idea to use the office, and for whatever reason, he was worried about the future of his employment there. He had told Ryujin at the front desk to let you and San in herself if he wasn’t in the office at the time, but once the Charlatan breaks into the office, anyone would be suspicious of him and of them. He should’ve thought this through more before setting you and San up, maybe it wasn’t too late? He’d get you both to wait down here instead.
But you needed to be in a closed area to avoid casualties, of course, just his luck. He looks up at where the office would be. Still no activity. He wondered if it was still too late to back out, it was too risky, he didn’t want to put you in a bad position, you’d already had enough trauma with playing bait. To be honest, he wanted to scold Hongjoong for even asking you to play bait again, he must have had a lot of nerve to say that. But, he was right, the Charlatan couldn’t pass off an opportunity to try to get you again. Still, he couldn’t shake off the guilt. The way you sighed when Hongjoong told you your role, the way you clenched your jaw when you nodded, anyone could tell that you didn’t want to do it. If only they could’ve waited a little longer for Yeosang to pinpoint the mask’s signal location, they could’ve avoided this. How much did they have to appease the police anyway? He understood the severity of the case, of course, but there was a fast way to do things and then there was a right way too. He’s yet to find out which this plan was. He pressed on the knob of his watch. His intuition hasn’t been wrong yet, he could tell, something bad is about to happen, and he had to tell Hongjoong now before it was too late.
Then he heard something click behind him.
“Stay vigilant and on your guard. There’s no telling when the Charlatan will strike. When they do, put up a fight, we can’t just let them take (Y/N) without a scratch.”
The sound of the window shattering had you and San on your feet in seconds. There was only one of them this time, thank god, but their build was huge, easily towering over you and San. In their hands was a pair of gauntlets. The lackey bumped their fists together, electricity beginning to flow between them.
“Oh shit, those were Elektrode’s!” You pulled out your knives. Elektrode was a villain back before the ban, he was finally apprehended by the members of Outro and his equipment was stored in the Warehouse for monitoring. You and the Aces had one run-in with him and you all got out with heavy injuries and a need to repair uniforms.
“From experience, those are not ones you want to get hit with,” San pulled the shield from his back.
“Yeah, no shit,” you shuddered at the memory of being caught between those gauntlets.
“‘Scuse me,” San rushes ahead of you, holding the shield up and blocking the first blow from the lackey with a loud clang. Electricity sparked around the shield and rebounded back to the intruder and the lights above you flickered until their fuses blew.
“I’ve got the back,” you jumped on the desk, aiming the knives for the lackey’s critical points. The lackey turned and caught two of the knives, immediately twisting and burying one into San’s thigh.
“Shit,” San grit his teeth when the lackey squeezed his fist, electricity coursing through the gauntlets, to the knife, and shocking San. He stumbles back, the nerves in his leg spasming and paralyzing until he falls. The lackey reaches for you, holding the gauntlets on either side of your head. You took a shaky breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable shock when a bullet pierces through the lackey’s head. Seonghwa wasn’t supposed to kill the Charlatan’s lackey, he was supposed to injure them, he wouldn’t slip up like that, Seonghwa doesn’t make careless decisions like that. You stumbled forward and leaned out of the window, spotting Seonghwa across the way, but he was more focused on something else. The only reason why Seonghwa would deliberately disobey orders was to get someone’s attention, after all. Then, the crackling sound in your earpiece confirmed your suspicions.
“We have a problem! Oh my god, what the fuck, what the fuck, someone patch in!” Yeosang’s frantic voice was opened to all channels.
“Cypher? It’s Spades, we can hear you, what happened?” You pressed on the earpiece, tossing your first aid kit to San, who was still massaging his thigh.
“I knew this shit was rushed, fuck, why isn’t anyone going after them?!” Yeosang shouted in the earpiece as if no one could hear him. San pulled his out, holding it further from his ear.
“Cypher, we can hear you loud and clear!” San shouts back. 
“Mastermind! Mastermind?! What the… Hongjoong! Say the signal already, dammit! Hello? Why isn’t anyone listening? Can anyone hear me?”
“What’s going on with the channel?” You looked out, trying to spot the police station.
“Fuck, signal jammers… Radiohead, he’s got her. Fuck it, to whoever can hear me, head out now!” The hacker falls silent as if to wait for someone’s response. When no one responds, he only shouts in annoyance. “Someone head out now! They got Mingi!”
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