#is this my punishment for whatever sins ive commited? is there even a god out there? and if there is why do they want me to fucking suffer?!
sk3l3t0n444 · 1 year
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parismemes · 4 years
“tell me everythng.” “HEHEHEHEHEHEHE” “i have read every single one of them and do not intend to stop” “i on principle only like songs that go hard” “I DIDNT THINK IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT SAD WHAT THE FUCK” “heehoo. water boy.” “why i always sleep through this shit i hate it here” “gacha games count as gambling” “im also there. im laughing” “u r doing so much math and im just like hehe money” “what the fuck what the fuck NOOO what the fuck im dfgjhhfjgdhjfgkjdkghjd” “what a traumatic backstory” “I CAN SEE YOU READING MY MESSAGES IM GONAN GET FINESSED OUT THE FUCKIN WINDOW“ “THAT’S not good!” “if hes a fraid of dogs that sounds like a him problem” “i honestly deserve recognition for the absolute shit i just pulled off” “YES FUCK YEAH YEAH YEAH HELL YEAH FUCK YEAH HELL FUCKIN YEAH WOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!” “why the fuck would you want that” “yeah hes my only one true love” “by a few i of course mean like 600″ “no one fucking appreciate me” “thank you ___ for being the only person who appreciate me” “i reveal it in pieces and make you put it together like a puzzle” “im smart and never regret it“ “see, i just dont think thats right” “i will continue dangling it in front of your face like a scientist dangling bait in front of a fish (who is also in a maze)” “hes actually like an absolute fucking nerd a complete fool a fucking dumbass” “sorry your message glitched and i cannot read. anyway back to my leverage over you which is forcing you into a corner,” “it's not extortion because i don't know what extortion means” “why do they talk like exes. its because they are exes” “TIME SENSITIVE QUESTION PLEASE RESPOND” “he's a content creator he'll be fine” “what does this mean? but yes” “NICE NICE NNICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE” “for future record ___ just used the word poggers” “look at all these fuckin blondes” “its only been like a week and a half at most” “hes doing it out of affection” “ISNT THIS THE FUNNIEST SHIT YOUVE EVER SEEN” “you are terrible and also the worst” “i was going to send it at midnight but i got distracted trying to figure out the most barebones way to say happy birthday without sounding weird” “do you think i get punished more or less if i do sins” “i dont think the sins count as extra points if you commit them on the way to hell” “run over pedestrians” “i am slowly descending into insanity today, as a hobby” “you are a shit boy. a little shit boy go eat boxes“ “it's ok. we can figure it out later” “i didnt notice at first but it is in fact All The Fuck Over” “ITS BEEN OVER 12 HOURS” “hey guys just turns out we might have a ✨ gas leak ✨” “im sure if we put our braincells together we can figure SOMETHING out” “curious georg” “thank god. i could and would have argued this for several hours” “i think the worst thing ive heard today is someone calling the movie enchanted a reverse isekai” “i should not and will not stop” “i was RIGHT AHHAHAHAHAHAGAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” “that wasnt a question you read it wrong” “i have no idea who this is but that wont stop me” “THIS MAN REALLY SAID HEAD EMPTY WHAT IS MONEY” “sometimes i say things and its best to just pretend you know what i mean” “WOT THIS” “I DONT WANT PEE ON MY BED“ “tired of all these stupid fuckin plants” “could you even really consider jelly filled donuts donuts?” “actually everything is real” “if you eat cereal for dinner, you're not having fucking breakfast” “i think my in real life superpower is that i have freakishly fast metabolism” “i dont care if you are evil you are MY TYPE” “you dirty criminal” “is a dessert item a dessert if it isn't eaten after dinner? discuss” “ok im done for the Right Now” “found a concerning orb. in the sky.” “HOW DID YOU KILL THEM” “why do i do this to myself why do i keep doing this” “the only simp here is me” “I No Longer Wish To Know!“ “DID THEY JUST END AN ENTIRE SPECIES” “WE ARE DETERMINED” “this is also really funny by virtue of the fact that these people are all fucking british” “they throw rocks at me and say we want the himbo” “THE CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT HERE” “its something that i SPECIFICALLY am passionate about” “hanburnger?” “thats just what living with siblings is like” “howd she get there? fuckin beats me dude idk” “i remember everything i am like a shark with an abnormally good memory” “i am sorry that you are predictable” “Hey Guys, Just Checkiing In To Make Sure You Got My Joke, Just Making Sure, I Just Wanted To Check In And See If You Got The Joke, Because I Was Afraid You Wouldnt Get It, So Im Just Checking In,” “i marked your worm” “what are you gonna do. unsend whatever you send me? i am Shaking in my fuzzy socks rn” “you Know i hate the idea of being wrong” “You Did Not Need To Stroke His Ego” “i am too stupid to live and if i was not vaccinated my genes would have no chance of being passed on because i would be dead” “~the oldest anarchy server in minecraft history~” “am i shaking because of adrenaline or rage.... who can tell” “I HAVE SO MUCH ADRENALINE IN ME BUT ITS 1 AM IN THE MORNING” “jokes on u i fucking HATE ___ i think hes the worst” “JUST IMPULSE MADE BROWNIES AT 9 PM HEYOOOO” “cry about it more bitch boy maybe piss your pants while ur at it” “im getting so casually toxic back to toxic gamer boys” “itll be fiiiiiine” “we are all stupid mice who take turns being the piper” “queen of bargains is me i am the queen of bargaining and scoring deals” “its not TECHNICALLY a direct threat but also yes it is” “i see a demon i go possess me then bitch boy u wont” “AAAA THE FUCKIN VIIIIBES” “IM NOT GOING TO STOP BEING MAD ABOUT IT”
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chikkou · 4 years
Will you talk more about Lisa?? Lisa the character specifically but also your feelings on his feelings about Buddy? I just thought your analysis was so good and I want to hear other thoughts you have on her.
yall are honestly spoiling me rn sdhkfdjfks this is like a dream come true 
i already got into the stuff with buddy in this ask here but i have a LOT to say about lisa and the connection between her and buddy so u better settle in!
ok so firstly ill start with lisa. i played the original lisa game (lisa the first) not long after it first dropped in 2012, and im not even kidding when i said it changed me LMAO.... seeing a story about a girl suffering is nothing new, but austin jorgensens approach to it was so fucking unique. you dont just witness it, you get to EXPERIENCE it right along with her. many stories that involve sexual abuse/rape show or otherwise depict it explicitly for the shock value, which is both disgusting and, in my opinion, extremely fucking exploitative. i feel that it is horrific to dignify an act so deeply evil with screentime. but lisa stood out to me immediately because, even though you know exactly whats going on, the game NEVER shows anything explicit. everything is layered in subtext and symbolism, and austin is fantastic with indirect storytelling, so you learn so much from just a little drop of information. this applies not just to the game proper, but to the character as well.
in case its not clear: i absolutely ADORE lisa. she is my favorite character in all of the games, bar none. its going to sound kind of fucked up, but as a kid around her age going through some fucked up shit, her committing suicide at the end felt like a sort of victory to me. she knew she could never escape from marty or what he was doing to her. he leaks into every single part of her psyche, everything she ever cared about or loved is ruined because of him, and even the vague memory of her mother is completely corrupted, and turned into a muddled version of him. lisa the first also had the added benefit of some religious commentary, as there are crosses all over their home and marty is characterized as an extremely religious man, which i fucking LOVE and wish had come back in the painful, but its an acceptable loss. anyway, lisa committing suicide at the end was an act of defiance against not just marty, but martys god, as suicide is considered a mortal sin in catholicism. lisa knew she’d never be free of marty in life, so she escaped the only way she could; she was defiant to the end.
ive seen people complain that the painful has a bit of a “lost lenore” thing going on, since lisas death seems to fuel the Manpain of both brad and buzzo, but i actually disagree. on the contrary, its just like austin himself said - lisa will never be gone. lisa is ALWAYS there, with brad, and buzzo, and buddy, and marty, and yado, and the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. i dont necessarily think that there is something paranormal going on in the game, but i AM going to say that, unlike other cases of a girl/woman dying for a mans backstory, lisa isnt just a bittersweet memory they can reflect on and then put away when its convenient for them. she is a presence that is felt throughout the entire game. brad sees her more than once, sometimes watching, sometimes reprimanding him. buzzo is clearly haunted by her, as he cries out to her a few times in the joyful. every character who was directly touched by lisa - brad, marty, and buzzo - calls out to lisa as they die. call it their guilt or call it her actions, but in either case, it is clear that lisa just as significant of a character in the painful as she was in the first, even if she cant always be seen. even in a meta-sense, every game in the series - even the joyful, whose protagonist doesnt even know who she is - is named after her. she is at the center of everything that happens in them. 
that actually brings me to buddy, because i find the dynamic between her and lisa fucking fascinating. as i previously mentioned, brad never talked about his past with buddy, and snaps at her for bringing up his adoptive son dusty (rando), so it goes without saying that she definitely doesnt know who lisa is. in spite of that, though, lisa is a fucking massive part of buddys life, and while she may not know the person herself, i think she is aware that when people (and brad especially) look at her, they arent seeing HER. 
i mentioned it in another post, but even though brad takes it upon himself to raise and “protect” buddy, he seems to almost unwittingly recreate lisas appearance, primarily by allowing her hair to grow long even though he knows what a risk that is to her safety. he also treats buddy in a manner thats incredibly similar to how marty treated lisa (sans sexual abuse, of course) - he insults her, does not let her leave the house at all, and forces her to do unsavory things that no one should ever have to do (in buddys case, this means killing at least two innocent people because brad doesnt want a “weak” daughter). the most literal comparison between buddy and lisa is the fact that they are both very young girls being essentially held captive by their father figures, albeit for different reasons, and both long for freedom from their captors. 
theres also the fact that both buddy and lisa have to deal with misogyny and the effects of rape culture firsthand; they both battle against men who feel entitled to do with them whatever they please, and the threat of ongoing sexual abuse looms heavy over both of their heads. neither one can seek help from anyone; the neighbors in brad and lisas town seem complacent at best, if they even know what is happening to lisa at all, and buddys only allies (sans rando) are long dead by the start of the joyful. this is not just a hypothetical or a distant possibility. this is the real, tangible fate that will befall them if they cant somehow secure their safety.
sadly, because lisa wasnt playable in either of the rpgs, we dont know if she was able to fight as brad was, but it is highly probable that she had the innate skill but was never able to learn it (as marty highly discouraged them from learning “their grandfathers karate,” and seemed disgusted whenever brad did so). however, she did have ONE weapon she could make use of, and this is a weapon buddy ends up using, as well - her femininity. she became close to bernard (aka buzzo), made him fall in love with her, and then used him as a last ditch effort to stop martys abuse by having him mutilate her face. im not saying lisa never cared about bernard - in fact, i think she DID really love and care for him - but her own fucked up experiences with “love” meant she really couldnt understand what it was supposed to be like, or that it was wrong to manipulate the people you care about. lisa did very few things wrong - it pretty much just stops at the maiming of the cat and her manipulation of bernard - but she knew that she would never get away from marty without some kind of drastic action being taken, and scarring herself was her last ditch effort before ultimately committing suicide.
buddy ends up taking a somewhat similar tack in the joyful, and like in lisas case, its simultaneously resourceful and horrific. one of buddys key moves in the joyful is to flash the enemy (which the player obviously doesnt see) in order to distract them long enough to get the kill. its fucking horrible and disgusting and makes you feel so dirty, but then, how must buddy feel having to do something like that just to survive? shes just a child, but in a world where almost every man is out to get you, she knows this has to be done to save herself, very much like lisa. unlike in lisas case, though, buddy is successful in securing her safety in this way - lisas effort is for naught, and leads to her committing suicide not very long after. 
in a way, i sort of attribute buddys brutality to lisas omnipresence; all of the men pursuing buddy are just like marty, monsters who would harm a fucking child for their own disgusting ends, and i think that when buzzo said that lisa wouldve loved olathe, what he means is that she would have loved seeing so many horrible men being punished for what theyd done. so in my opinion, buddy carving out a place for herself in olathe by killing all those who would subjugate her seems very much in the mentality lisa would have had. sure, there are some innocents who sadly get roped into it, but that would definitely not be her intention; for example, if buzzo could have practiced amputation without harming a living thing, i dont think lisa would have asked him to practice on the cat. note the LACK of brutality at the beehive and the swamp bar, two of the few peaceful places in the painful and both devoid of predatory men hunting for buddy - lisa has no qualm with any of them. but marty? brad could hardly even get a full sentence out before killing him on the spot. i dont doubt that that has a great deal to do with lisas presence. 
ok i talked for a while LMAO but basically i think that, in a more metatextual sense, lisa and buddys relationship really strikes me as an accurate depiction of generational trauma. of course it was intentional with the more obvious trauma chain (marty to brad to buddy), but the trauma chain of marty to lisa to buddy is rarely ever addressed due to lisa not physically appearing in the painful. however, i believe it may inform buddys actions a great deal more than people realize - after all, buddys experience is unique, but who could understand it better than lisa? who knows that sort of pain, of being alone on an island, the lone woman trapped with a man (or men) who want nothing more than to cause you harm? even without her realizing it, lisa is guiding buddy, encouraging her to take back what is hers no matter the cost, to punish those who would try to take what they want from her. lisa might be dead, but she is a vengeful presence throughout every game, and buddys actions feel like theyre meant not only to save herself, but to avenge lisa, even if she doesnt realize it. at the end of the day, buddy and lisa both get to exact revenge against all the men who have wronged them, and they succeed. they are aggressive, and violent, and selfish, and ANGRY - and they have every fucking right to be. 
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gguksgalaxy · 7 years
IV. Anger | Horror!Au
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›› Au: Horror / Gore (non canon) ›› Genre: Angst ›› Rating: 18+ explicit (sexual content + violence) ›› Characters: BTS + Reader x PJM ›› Word Count: 2.7k Warnings Include: Psychological distress and manipulation, character death, mild and severe injuries, member/member violence, blood, explicit language, degradation. Mentions of; sex, cheating, threesome, voyeurism, toys, exhibitionism, blowjob, fingering, spitroasting.
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You looked up, everyone looked up, at the door, then to Jin. “You have 70 seconds to enter the next room.”
Then there was the sound of the clock, ticking, ticking. 70 seconds, you had 70 seconds. “UP, EVERYONE GO!” you called, stumbling up, Jimin following you as you pulled at Jungkook’s arm. He looked up at you, his face stained with tears, makeup smeared everywhere. “Kook come on.” You pulled at him wrist, and he looked at the door, where Jin was standing, waiting for the two of you. His skin was pale, and he looked out of it, but he was waiting.
The youngest followed you, standing up and coming after you as you all ran towards the door. Everyone passed through, one by one, more smoothly than last time. Jimin immediately reached for you in the bright room, arms wrapping around your waist to hold you close. He was trembling, with adrenaline and fear probably.
“Seokjin?” Hosoek spoke up from beside Namjoon.
“Are you alright?”
Everyone waited for the answer, that came after a few heartbeats. “I feel a little dizzy and tired but I think it’s down now. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
Everyone was mumbling a little after that, Jimin was holding on to you as Jin took care of Jungkook, who seemed distressed and upset. You couldn’t blame him. He’d just put a bullet through his best friend’s brain, even if you all got out, he’d never be the same. None of you would be the same. After seeing Taehyung die like that. A shiver ran up your spine at the thought, the sight of it still clear in your mind. His eyes closed, lips parted, blood seeping from his skull onto the concrete floor. Tears welled up in your eyes, at the thought of your ever so happy friend. Taehyung was always one to lift up the mood, even if it was by constantly hugging you until you had to push him off. He was clingy, but in a good way, everyone loved him.
You let the tears fall, not caring anymore by this point, as you looked around the room.
Namjoon and Yoongi were inspecting the locker that was of the same identical green colour. There was no chair in this room, the locker sitting in one of the corners, no windows, no nothing again. The temperature was weird thought, not too cold, not to warm. There had to be central heating at this time of year.
“Do you think he’s watching us?” Jimin mumbled.
“I think so.” You said. “Probably live, on his own stupid camera. All the timings are too perfect for that.”
Each and every one of you looked around, but couldn’t find any obvious cameras. But you didn’t doubt the fact that this was live, or maybe you didn’t want to doubt it. In the sheer hope that someone would call the police.
“This bastard, he’s all kinds of messed up.” Namjoon said, leaning his head back against the wall. He took another sip of the bottle, holding it out to Hoseok who took it from him. Jin was still holding his own bottle, and saw your gaze, so he held it up.
You shook your head. “You keep that one, in case you need it.”
The intercom cut in, and you all looked up silently, to the source of the sound in one of the corners. “Welcome! Did you enjoy your dinner? I made it myself!”
This guy, or girl, but you were sure it was a guy as to what Jungkook and Taehyung said. For all you knew it was multiple people working on this. It almost had to be right?
“Welcome to the room of Ira. This is a sin committed by those who chose to ignore love and opt for fury. Sometimes you’re just born that way, others…have to be spurred on. It depends really, but it’s a disgusting sin. It doesn’t only hurt others, but sometimes yourself. You don’t always have to be angry at someone else you know!
“In hell, sinners of Ira are punished by dismemberment. But I want you all to have a chance to survive, so I’ll go fairly easy on you. To atone for this sin I want the player who choses or is chosen to participate to experience the anger and what it can do to others. Meaning, all you simply have to do is get really angry! Easy right? Now the other players may assist in any way except physical harassment. You’re allowed to touch them, but harming them is out of the question! Verbally, you can do whatever you need.” How the hell, in this situation, were you going to anger anyone. You’d just get upset,
“This task is completed as soon as the door opens, you have a 70 minute time limit! This player has atoned as soon as they leave the room, there are no further tasks or consequences. However, he may not be deceived.
You looked around at the others, knowing Yoongi seemed to be easily irritable. Namjoon didn’t have much of a short fuse, but you’d heard Jin was easily to go off. Jin however, had already completed the previous task.
“The code Ira is 112! Your seven minutes decision time starts now! Stay calm guys!”
The static cut out and you looked around.
“I say randomise.” Yoongi spoke up, shrugging. “This doesn’t seem too hard.”
You swallowed thickly. “I could never do it.”
He turned to face you, eyebrows raised. “What?”
“I said, I could never to it. Get angry, like really really angry? I don’t think I can.” You really didn’t. Sure you had been angry, with your parents, or even Jimin over little things. But this was a life or death situation and you had no idea how angry you actually had to get. “I’m sorry.”
Hoseok was the first one to answer. “Me neither.”
“I’ll do it.” Jimin suddenly said. And you looked at him. “I think I can do this.”
You frowned, thinking of the times you’d seen Jimin really angry. The occasion was rare but you knew he had the ability to really blow off over certain things. “Are you sure babe?” You asked him, taking his hand.
“Yeah.” He nodded, then looked at his friends. “Is everyone okay with that?”
Jungkook frowned for a second, looking at Jimin, but then nodding. Nobody seemed to be against the idea, and you were glad you’d all lost the slightly vindictive state you’d started with.
That’s when suddenly, a beeping sound appeared. “Jimin, go!” Namjoon ushered your boyfriend towards the locker, who stumbled over and tried to put in the code with shaky hands. “Come on Jiminnie.” He spurred him on, and you knew it’d only make him more shaky. But he got it, 1, 1, 2, right before the timer ended.
Everyone let out a relieved sigh, which was strange you suddenly realised. Because what if it was all a hoax and nobody would really die if you didn’t do anything. What if you killed Taehyung for nothing?
Jimin took a deep breath, and looked around at everyone, his eyes big and afraid. “What now?”
“Get angry.” Yoongi said, sitting down against the wall. Jungkook followed him, and so did Hoseok. You looked at your boyfriend and nodded, giving him a soft smile in the hope it gave him courage. You let yourself sit next to Jungkook, who comfortably leant into you, he was warm.
The room was silent, everyone looked at Jimin, but nobody said a word. How to anger him? How to do this, you had 70 minutes. To what extent would it have to go even? Nobody knew.
Jungkook spoke up first. “Remember that vest Jimin, the one you saved up to buy for like a year? The one you lost?”
“When I was at your place, I accidentally dropped coffee on it.” He mumbled, looking down into his lap. “I … didn’t know what to do so I took it home. I couldn’t get the stains out so I never returned it.” You knew that jacket, it was over 500 bucks, the brand slipped your mind right now, but Jimin loved it. It was an army green jacket that fit him perfectly, he’d been really upset over loosing it.
But it didn’t work. He looked at Jungkook with remorse in his eyes. “Jungkook I really can’t get angry over a stupid jacket right now.” He rubbed a hand over his face, and you only now noticed the new red colour of his bracelet. You still had his jacket in your lap, playing with the fabric of the sleeves.
Nobody spoke again, and Jimin sat down in the centre of the room with his hands in his hair. “I’m sorry guys.”
You looked at him, wishing that there was anything you could do, that you could just hold him and make everything go away.
“You know.” Yoongi suddenly said. “I wasn’t going to do this, ever. But if it’s what’s necessary I might as well right.” He looked around Jungkook, at you, and pointed a finger. “You see your girlfriend right here?” you held your breath. “Your cute little girlfriend, you love her right? I heard from Tae that the sex is apparently good.” You weren’t catching on, what the hell was he going to do?
Jimin looked at his friend with big eyes, lips parted.
“Well guess what, she lied.”
You were about to open your mouth, when Jungkook’s fingers wrapped around your thigh. He looked at you, and that’s when you knew, Yoongi was going to lie his way out of this room. Jimin’s eyes were turned to you and you tried to calmly cock an eyebrow at him.
“She lied you know, to your face, every single time. I mean how I know? Because I dicked her right when you couldn’t.”
Jimin stood up, facing Yoonig. “Excuse me?”
Yoongi chuckled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Your little girlfriend? A few months ago, we met up for dinner, I asked her, she said she was left unsatisfied, had to fake it too often with you. So I offered, she took it. Fucked her little cunt right, face pushed into the mattress. And God she was loud, I can still remember how she felt around my dick.”
Your cheeks were turning an abhorrent colour red and your hands were shaking. This was going to possibly ruin your relationship with Jimin, for good, you weren’t sure if he’d ever believe that this was a lie. He was insecure, unsure of himself, he needed validation sometimes and you never had trouble giving it. But this, you didn’t think you could fix this. It was necessary though, to survive.
Jimin walked over to Yoongi, jaw clenched, eyes narrow. Then he looked at you. “Is this true y/n?”
With a deep breath you said; “Yes, I can’t even be sorry about it. First of all,” yo paused, swallowing thickly, hoping he didn’t notice it too much. “He’s much bigger than you, and second of all, he knows how to use it properly.”
Yoongi laughed, running a hand through his raven hair. “I mean, she was tight all right, tightest I’ve ever had. God, she felt so good, to be honest I struggled trying to get her there first. But it was so worth it.”
Jimin pushed him, a single shove. “Cut it out man.”
But he wasn’t going to stop that easily. “I mean she loved it so much that she came back to me. Few weeks later, at my doorstep, pushed me right inside against a wall. Ravishing, I’d never expect something so forward from her. But when she went on her knees right in my hallway and swallowed me down in one go. I knew I had a right one on my hands. Don’t think I ever came that quickly.”
Jimin wheezed through his nose, stepping away, fisting his hair. You’d noted the tears in his eyes. It was working, and you wanted to cry, you wanted to run over to him, to hug him, whisper in his ear how much you loved him and that it was all a lie.
However, you spoke up, adding fuel to the fire. “Tell him about the third time Yoongi, I mean, it was the best one after all.”
“Oh, I remember. You came to my place right, and you had to leave early because you and Jimin were going out for dinner. You know Jimin, what she let me do to her?” Your boyfriend turned around to face him with tear stained cheeks. “I put one of those little vibrating eggs deep up inside of her and she went to dinner like that, with you. Said you didn’t even notice her squirming in her seat. Don’t you know to see when your girlfriend is horny Jimin. You need to know when you have to satisfy her. Then fifth time, at the group dinner.”
“What?” Namjoon suddenly spoke. “At the dinner table?”
“Yes.” You answered, not looking at him. “Underneath the table, fingers past my skirt, inside of me till the knuckle. One of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.”
Yoongi laughed again, and he looked at you with a smirk. “She’s a little slut, you know? Sixth time she came to me and she said, tell him what you said to me honey?”
You licked your lips, placing a hand on Jungkook’s thigh, squeezing. “I told him, that you’d never wanted a threesome, but it’d been a fantasy of mine for years. But you were too insecure to share me, so I asked Yoongi. He asked who with, I said Jungkook. Luckily, out Kookie here was easy to convince.”
Jimin looked at his best friend. “Kook?”
Jungkook looked down. “I regret it man, but it’s no lie, she is a little slut. Fucking tight at that, barely fit inside. She let me fuck her right when she sucked of Yoongi, best sight I’ve ever seen. I never thought I’d be able to get a hand on her ass. Let alone get to fuck her.” He chuckled, kicking his head back. “I regret it, but if she comes to me asking for more I don’t think I can say no.”
Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s shoulder. “Look at that, your precious little girlfriend, isn’t so innocent as you thought she was. Who knows who she’s had in this group. Hoseok maybe? Or Taehyung? He slept over a lot right? I’ve caught onto her little kinks, and getting caught is definitely high up on that list. Imagine what dirty things she did with Tae while you we-“
Jimin launched for him, fist swinging strong and connecting with Yoongi’s jaw with a loud crack. The elder staggered back, and you felt that Jungkook wanted to jump in, but you held onto him.
Your boyfriend tackled Yoongi to the ground, easily, the elder let it happen. He closed his eyes, as Jimin’s fists connected with his face, his shoulders, chest. Yoongi spat out blood on the floor, curling in on himself with each repeated blow he received to his body. You heard cracking, of what was probably his ribs. Jimin lifted his shirt, dragging the other up and slamming him against the wall. His head made a sickening sound.
Yoongi smiled, showing bloodied and broken teeth. Then he spat in Jimin’s face. “She’s better of with me.”
Jimin threw him onto the floor, and Yoongi collapsed like a rag doll, you swore he might’ve been unconscious. Your boyfriend knelt down by him, grabbing his collar to lift his head.
Then the door clicked open, you saw it in the corner of his eyes. And Jimin was about to smash Yoongi’s head against the concrete floor. If it wasn’t for Jungkook jumping up and pulling the blonde up and away.
He stood Jimin down, forcefully grabbing his shoulders as he yelled. “Listen, we have to keep moving.”
Then he swung at Jungkook, fist connecting with the younger’s already bruised eye socket. He staggered back, holding his face with a scream. “You piece of shit!” Jimin yelled. “I trusted you!” Then you realised, you weren’t allowed to deceive him.
“You have 70 seconds to enter the next room.”
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