#is this even how i should’ve answered this idfk
pxrxmoore · 3 years
Have you ever felt like you were right where you were supposed to be?
oof getting deep, good morning my love. kind of obsessed w this question mostly bc my initial reaction was holy fuck absolutely not never have i felt like this. and then it made me reconsider and actually think about it properly.
also going under a read more bc the answer got away from me lmfao soz
i think the qualm is i put so much weight on having a “successful career” or like having a job i rly enjoy/care about that it feels like ive never been exactly where im meant to be. or i judge it by like societal norms i.e. having my own place or being in a relationship. which i know i know thats bs to think like that but thats where we’re at and why initially i was like christ no.
but really thinking about it ive had little snippets where ive felt content and felt like everything’s worked out like it should and almost all of those moments are spent travelling to another country and the few moments left are spent away from home lmao. the two that i think about the most happened in the last three years. first one is when i quit my job and went to america with my family - my cousin got married in chicago and then we spent a few weeks travelling around america and spending time with our family that live in california. ive always wanted to live with them there and i love that side of our family and i got to see new parts of america ive never visited (Chicago is a dream i loved it so much and i miss it also Chicago is my favourite musical hahaha). and the second one i can think of is travelling w my best mate to japan. been a dream to go there for years and the entire trip was incredible i wish i could go back and relive it all, not even change anything just experience it all exactly how it was. and experiencing it with one of my closest friends who’ve ive known over 10 years just completely made it. we always get up to some mad shit when we travel together and the memories and inside jokes we bring back mean so so much to me.
apart from that i feel like any other time ive felt like this has been at gigs. when the bands playing ur fave song and u look over at the friend ur with and everything else fades away and u don’t have to think or care about anything else.
does this even make any sense idek my brain is scrambled egg but here u go have it 🤪
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whumpzone · 3 years
Tomas and Rowe - Part 16
in which everyone has a bad time. except kasia. he's having fun
taglist: @sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @misspelledwitch @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @cupcakes-and-pain @frankieswhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @mybrokenlittletoy @kiretto-laorentze @morelikepainsley @lavmars @tears-and-lilies @whump-me-all-night-long @newbornwhumperfly @itaina-anta @whump-it @haro-whumps @simplygrimly @alex-ember @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @mnmlover2002 @jordanstrophe @princessofonward @xmonster-under-the-bed @as-a-matter-of-whump @5boys1house @crystalrainwing @starnight-whump @chifechi @unicornscotty @penny-for-your-whump @getyourwhumphere @likeit-or-whumpit @jasm0307 @lightdrinker @hurting-fictional-people @captainseconds @glamrockgregory @justbreakonme @downrivergirl914 @cdragontogacotar @whumps-up @vaguelyhumanvoid @kim-poce @kween-pinescales
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, force feeding, stress positions, references to mouth whump and burns
Rowe took to repeating the affirmations every day, whispering them past the newly empty gaps in his gums. When he did them, he could forget for a little while that he was going to die in his cell. At least he could die as something. He wouldn’t let Kasia turn him into an empty husk.
I have worth.
I don’t deserve pain.
I’m a person.
He was careful, of course, to lock them away when Kasia visited. He tried not to associate them with pain; he said them every day when he woke up, not when he was freshly hurting. He didn’t want to ever, ever, say them in front of Kasia.
He knew if he did it would just get him another beating, but they were his. They were precious. They were a relic of Master that Kasia couldn’t corrupt.
He just had to keep his stupid mouth shut when it mattered.
For the first time since his arrival here, Rowe spent a whole day alone. The hours ticked by as he started to see shapes in the floor, and wondered if Kasia would ever return. Was this it? Had he got bored already? Would Rowe be left to die and rot after less than a week, his capture so recent he could still feel Master’s hands in his?
In reality it only meant that when Kasia did come back the next day, Rowe despised himself for the brief flash of relief. The man he was at the mercy of had returned to torture him another day.
Kasia had brought more chains, and restraints, always in his duffle bag, and Rowe had quickly learnt to shrink away at the mere sight of it. Rowe stayed curled up on the floor as he entered, eyeing him like a kicked dog.
“Did you miss me, pup?”
“Please,” he replied hoarsely. “Please give me f-food. Please.”
Rowe would never have dared beg with his first Master. But he had always known that he would be fed, eventually, once he had learnt his lesson. And of course, he’d never needed to beg Master Tomas. But here, there weren’t any rules. Nothing was guaranteed. So fuck it, he might as well try to prolong his life.
“Today’s your lucky day. I actually brought something. You’ll have to earn it, though. No getting on my fucking nerves, yeah?”
You’re the one who chooses to come here, Rowe thought despairingly.
“Okay, okay, just please-“
“Didn’t you just hear me?” Kasia kicked him in the stomach and Rowe moaned. He nodded, wincing as the burns on his neck pressed together.
“Arms up, come on.”
. . .
Tomas had made it from the shower to the downstairs sofa, and he was content with that. Not proud, no, proud would imply he was happy with himself in some way, but at least he wasn’t completely catatonic today. Luca had texted saying to answer the door if it rang, and a part of Tomas still wanted to impress him, despite it all. So he had showered and brushed the last of the blood from his hair. God, how many days had it been?
A small movement on the floor caught his eye. A spider, out of reach, too far to feasibly get him. He felt acutely aware of his own apathy then, as instead of shrieking or running away, he just stared.
The chance of the spider hurting him was practically zero. And yet he was still afraid. Afraid of it crawling over his skin, afraid that it might come near him in the night when he was asleep and vulnerable, and although he knew deep down that it wouldn’t, there was always the possibility of it deciding to run up his leg at any given moment. Even being near it made him afraid.
He thought of Rowe. He felt like he understood something. He sighed.
Luca arrived not half an hour later, banging on the door and shouting for Tomas as if nothing was wrong.
“Hey! It’s me- don’t leave me outside on this cold night. I’m only an orphan boy.”
Tomas pulled the door open. He couldn’t smile, but seeing Luca felt like the weight in his stomach was lifted slightly.
“It’s not cold. And you’re not an orphan.”
“I am happy to see you, though,” Luca said calmly. He was holding a basket, its contents hidden under a teatowel. “I brought you a pull-yourself-together hamper. Some ready meals, dry shampoo, fruit, and stuff. And the teatowel. ‘Cause why not.”
Already Tomas could feel Luca’s warmth seeping into him. He put a hand over his mouth and nodded. “Than- thanks, thank you, you know you don’t owe me anything-“
“I know, handsome lad. But the thought of Rowe being kidnapped is- god, it’s awful. Don’t worry, I’m here of my own free will. Sometimes you just need someone else in the house.”
Tomas let him inside, feeling guilty about the mess, then feeling guilty because he was the one who allowed it to accumulate.
“Let’s open a window,” Luca suggested, and Tomas sloped over. “Want me to get that spider?”
He shook his head, trying uselessly to hide his face. “It’s fine, it’s fine, you can let it stay, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m-“
His own voice cracking cut him off but he pressed on.
“I’m fine, I really am.”
“You’re not. It’s okay.”
“Just- how- how the fuck did I let this happen. How did I not, I mean, I trusted him this whole- whole time and now it’s all gone wrong and-“
He sat heavily on the floor, leaning his face into the side of the sofa, not blinking, not seeing. He breathed out and time seemed to slow.
Luca’s hand rested on his shoulder, a gentle pressure to his fingers.
“What’s done is done. You can’t help Rowe by falling apart, and you definitely can’t help yourself like that either. It’s, ah, it’s hard. It’s really hard. But you can collapse and cry and disintegrate when Rowe is back, I promise. Do you know where Kasia lives?”
Tomas nodded. “I haven’t even thought about that. I can’t believe myself.”
“Hey, no falling apart okay?” Luca’s tone was firm, and it made Tomas pull his head up, to look at him. His hair, braided in two chunky plaits, hung asymmetrically, one past his collarbone and one down his back. His eyeliner was winged like the letter V, drawn out in a point that came sharply back over his eyelid. Pretty. “That’s good to know, though. You could catch him on his way in or out, try to strike up a deal, I don’t know. I’ve not exactly had any experience with kidnappings either.”
“Yeah, it’s fucking stupid isn’t it. This whole situation is stupid. Fuck.”
Luca just looked at him, a sad smile ghosting over his face.
“I just can’t stop thinking about all the things that might be happening,” Tomas confessed. “He’s unhinged, he really is. He’s sick. And he’s got Rowe and the police don’t care, no one cares.”
“I care. You care.”
Tomas didn’t reply and the words hung over them. Two people caring wasn’t much. But, he supposed, it was better than nothing.
. . .
Rowe’s arms would dislocate, they would they absolutely would, Kasia was setting him up to dislocate both his god damn shoulders or arms or whatever. Rowe could hardly tell where the pain was located, it felt like it was everywhere, burning through his like a fire burns a taut string.
The food- dog food, but still edible, still something- sat before him, emptied on the floor, and from where Rowe knelt he should’ve been able to lean and eat easily. But Kasia had his arms bound and tied to the bars of the cage door, pulling them back and turning any movement into agony. Not only was he bent out of shape, but the burns along his shoulders were irritated awfully. He was sure his skin would burst open any second.
It had been twenty minutes at most, and already he was exhausted. Sweat rolled down him, dripping off his nose. He could hardly breathe.
Kasia’s heavy boot pressed down on the crown of his head, and his moan quickly became a scream of pain.
“No, no please!”
“I thought you were hungry. I’m helping.”
The pressure doubled, forcing Rowe’s face closer to the dog food, until he was close enough to open his mouth and take a bite. Disgust flooded him, and it only increased when he chewed. He swallowed past the collar, his throat pressing uncomfortably against it, and oh god, it felt so good, it was food in his belly, he was thankful for it despite everything. Kasia seemed satisfied and released his boot, sending Rowe’s head springing back to relieve the pressure on his shoulders. The skin near his burns had ripped and were bleeding, but nothing was dislocated.
“You’re definitely still hungry. How about another bite?”
Before Rowe could speak, Kasia had grabbed a fistful of hair, shoving him down, the sudden pull on his arms a thousand times worse than before, worse than anything, the pain was clouding his mind and he couldn’t think of anything but the barest, most built-in responses.
He screamed.
Spit flew from his mouth. Kasia kept pressing, his fingers curling tighter together, and the burning on Rowe’s scalp joined the rest of his body. His fingers were surely purple with how hard Kasia had tied them. Rowe had lost all feeling beyond his wrists.
Kasia ignored him.
“Please, st-stop, please M-M-Master Tomas help me-“
“He’s not fucking coming you stupid dog,” Kasia growled and pulled Rowe’s face all the way down, cracking his chin against the concrete, a deep shooting pain through his face and remaining teeth. He moaned. More skin tore along his shoulders. “No one’s coming to save you.”
A kick sent him lurching to the side, twisting his body until he was sprawled with his back to the floor, staring up at his bound hands, which were a mixture of blue and purple and were not moving at all.
He turned his head to see Kasia grabbing a fistful of the dog food from the floor and stepping over him.
“Mouth open.” Rowe complied and Kasia smiled mockingly. “Good boy.”
The dog food was shoved in, packing against the walls of his mouth, Kasia’s fingers prodding his gums, and it took everything not to vomit. His stomach heaved but nothing came. All he could do was be a good boy, and eat.
“Tomas isn’t your Master. He’s not coming.”
Present tense, thought Rowe as his eyes watered from the taste. He’s not dead.
. . .
Tomas couldn’t stop his legs from shaking as he stood on Kasia’s street, his hands tucked under his armpits for warmth. Yeah, the shaking was definitely just from the cold. Sure.
By the time Kasia appeared, it was night. He stalked down the street, stumbling slightly, and Tomas realised he was drunk. If he hadn’t had a reason to be there, he would have walked away right now, and fast.
When Kasia got close enough, Tomas stepped out of the shadows, forcing Kasia to stop and fix him with a glare.
“Give him back.”
“Or what?” he asked flatly, as if this meeting was no surprise. “Hah, you look like shit Tomas.”
“Give him fucking back, what do you want for him, money? You’re torturing a human being you sick fuck.”
“I’m having some fun with a Pet,” Kasia smiled. “And if you start whining like this I will just kill him.”
Tomas stiffened. “You wouldn’t.”
“You so sure about that?”
“Let him go.”
“No,” Kasia pushed him once and Tomas stumbled back, hitting a wall. He blinked and Kasia’s face was pressed up in front of his. He stank of booze and cigarettes. “Fuck off or I’ll kill him. I’ll hurt him worse to make up for this, too.”
“No, fuck no just leave him fucking alone-“
Kasia swung once, but mercifully something made him miss. Carelessness, the alcohol, perhaps just the assumption that Tomas was too pathetic to move out of the way. His fist cracked against the wall and as he shouted in pain Tomas considered kicking him between the legs, spitting on him, whatever. But Rowe’s life was at stake so, like the coward he was, he ran into the night, Kasia shouting taunts behind him.
Luca looked up when he pushed through the door, panting. He’d run the entire way. Luca stayed silent; the look on Tomas’s face was telling enough.
“I’m a fucking failure,” he whispered, and started to cry.
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blasphemecel · 3 years
Narancia Ghirga ― Rigid
PAIRING | Narancia/Reader WORD COUNT | 1.8k WARNING(S) | References to Depression GENRE | Hurt/Comfort and Fluff kinda ? Idfk
You blink at the TV in what someone could consider an odd manner, maybe even somewhat sluggish. You're not sure for how long you've been at this, exactly, but you've probably re-watched this random show you found at least three times in four days. Two of those times were in succession ― meaning, you reached the last episode and started over immediately after.
There's a bunch of energy drink bottles littered across the floor. You've been taking shelter on your couch in the time being, a blanket with childish patterns covering your body. You've been falling in and out of consciousness, though at this point you know the plot by heart. It doesn't matter whether you're paying attention.
You consider taking a piss as if it's some kind of pressing moral dilemma, though you're brought out of your stupor by a knock on the door. When you stand up, you're in no hurry to answer. It's definite that your appearance has seen better days. Today, you look sloven.
It's habitual for you to look through the peephole before answering. As someone affiliated with a gang, you can't go opening the door willy-nilly. Though you're not convinced a criminal would be polite enough to knock. Whatever, this is an useless tangent to go on.
It's just Narancia. There are criminals who are courteous, after all. You wince and consider ignoring him. He's never been patient. If you just pretend you're not here, he'll go away. The knocking persists to your surprise.
He looks up as if he can tell that you're peering at him through the hole and pulls out his knife. You know he means no harm, and it's a messed up game for him to flick out that thing in your presence, but it startles you regardless. "I know you're there. Come on, I heard you stumbling to the door."
You groan before opening the door just enough to peer at him. He stares back at you and when the uncomfortable silence becomes too overwhelming, you decide to address him. "What do you want?"
"To go in? Duh."
"You should've called or something," you grumble before opening the door further. You were never a fan of surprise visits. Or surprise-anythings, for that matter. "Is Mista here?"
"No, why would he be?"
You want to argue that he was here the last three times, but you figure it doesn't even matter. The only thing bringing it up would accomplish is a pointless argument.
Narancia barges in your living space as if he's more familiar with it than you are. He comes to visit you a handful of times, at least once a week, but he seldom bothers to give a heads-up. It's an annoyance, however, there's also something strangely endearing about it. That's you being weird, though.
He doesn't ask if he can take a bottle of coke out of your fridge, he just does it, and you're too tired to reprimand him. You're content coexisting with him as you often do, but he always wants to converse with you despite your dryness.
"We watched this show four days ago," he says.
"Ok, and?"
"Uhh, I don't know? It was pretty bad though, like they can't even act or anything."
"You know, the more I watched it, the more I started understanding the artistic vision," you drawl out before standing up again to get a snack.
He follows your movements throughout the apartment with a somewhat bewildered expression. "How many times did you watch this shit?"
"Anyway," you deadpan with no intent of entertaining his question. "For example, there's this one scene where we're subtly told that the main guy doesn't date because he says 'I don't date.' Pretty awesome, right?"
By the end of your monologue, you've already returned to your seat. Still, you're no longer able to stretch out as you wish because Narancia decided he's your 'guest' and he can sit on your 'couch' and you have to be 'hospitable'. You scrunch your nose, then slide the pack of chips in his direction.
"You could describe that scene to me in like, twelve words or something crazy like that, it'd still be a bad scene." He rejects your thesis with just those words of facts and logic, and dives into the chips. If you were hungry, you wouldn't have offered them like that to begin with.
You raise your eyebrows. "Twelve isn't a big number."
"Not you too!"
"I mean. Surely, you knew that."
It's easy to gauge Narancia's reaction, even when your apartment is so dim. His face is illuminated by the glow of your TV, there's some beauty in it, but you note that he's upset by the creases in his forehead and the tremble of his lip.
His voice grows harsher with his frustration. You don't mean to be irritating ― most times, a wannabe smartass remark tumbles past your lips and he takes it as a personal attack. "Yeah, I did. Don't take me for some kind of useless moron like everyone else does."
"I don't," you deny. That's a bit pissier than his usual standards.
Narancia mumbles a sentence under his breath in response. You don't quite catch it and you don't bother asking him to repeat himself, either. By the time he starts fiddling with the TV remote to find a series more to his liking, you've already retreated back to the cocoon on your couch. Your figure curls into itself to give him more space.
"Are you just gonna sleep?" He doesn't shake you from your position, which he would've done on a typical Thursday afternoon otherwise, but you're not complaining from his lack of action. "Come on, you're no fun."
"What do you want me to do? Shit my hands and clap of happiness?"
You can hear the distinctive clank of a hollow object colliding with the floor. You can only guess he finished his coke and threw the bottle to join its fallen brethren. Narancia is not the type of person who would clean up your mess. He joins in the chaos, instead.
"No. I just wanted to hang out," he answers, simple, though there's a certain vulnerability to this statement. It trails off with apprehension.
When he comes over, there's often a preface as to why. Narancia claims your cable has more stations on it, or that the couch is comfortable, or that he likes your endless supply of drinks and food, or that you have a video game in your collection he'd like to try. Whatever is convenient. So no, you don't think of this as much of a get-together.
You frown and try to hide yourself further.
Narancia switches the TV off and throws the remote away. He doesn't move an inch after.
"Can you stop destroying the furniture?" you ask. You expect him to go off on you because he's so easy to rile up, but his silence is deafening. You should probably ask him to leave, but you can't bring yourself to. God, you're so tired.
You can sense Narancia's stare on your figure. You wish he'd be more decent about leering at you. Yeah, you look like shit, so what? He knew when you stopped going on missions for a few days and you're sure he knows that those days have turned into weeks now. You wonder if you remind him of Abbacchio.
There's a sound, weight is lifted from the beat up couch, and he's standing up, and you figure it's about time he leaves. At least that doesn't put the burden of rejection onto you.
You seem to have misjudged his actions. All he does is pry the curtains open. You're not caught off-guard at your newfound intolerance to the intruding light. A grimace forms on your features, which makes him laugh at you. "You don't need to act like a vampire."
"Sorry, my bad, I thought it was in Mafia 101."
"Maybe you heard about it in that shitty show?"
You click your tongue, changing the subject. "You're tame today."
"You're in a worse mood than usual. I just don't understand! You're always like this." Narancia proceeds to make the most miserable expression he can muster to show what you're like, apparently. You recognize your gloom in his cheap imitation.
It's not like Narancia hasn't had his share of hardships, you know he has. The inherent difference between you and him are your contrasting responses. You can't imagine him moping around as you do. A sense of poignancy and dread overwhelms you.
You don't quite suffer from low self-esteem. Your brain reacts in a way you consider repulsive, and it makes you paranoid others will see you as fragile. You want to be anything but.
Before your inner pity party can go on any longer, his tangent continues, "But it's alright. I don't really need to understand."
"Too true," you respond, sardonic. Despite your sarcasm, you appreciate his honesty and his lack of unwelcome advice regarding things that don't concern him.
"Doesn't your back hurt sleepin' there?"
"Yeah." Upon being called out, you sit up from your position. You're positive you heard your back crack from a simple movement, but by now you can't be bothered to get phased by such things. It's not like you expected to become the pinnacle of healthy when you started sleeping on your couch.
"That sucks." Narancia gets another drink out of your fridge. You're about to tell him off until he chucks it at you. Your reflexes are sharp enough to catch it, though you don't leave him be without a scowl. When he sees you open your mouth, he interjects, "I know, I know, warn me next time, blah-blah."
"I don't sound that bratty. Whatever," you dismiss with a wave of your free hand.
He takes one of your video games from the pile you dump them in before inserting it, and then he rejoins you on the couch. You squint at the title. It sounds unrecognizable. "Which one is that?"
"Why do you buy these if you don't even play them? Man, I was looking for this one too, but it got sold out."
Despite your awareness of Narancia's teasing ― and how it often lacks a meaning or purpose ― you still clam up, somehow. "Uh. I don't know. Investment?"
"Ok. If you say so," he says with slight smugness, but the grin on his face is more cheesy than self-serving.
"Well, there's this practice where you kind of scam people. Like, you buy something for cheap and resell it for more. I've been looking into that." You open the bottle and huddle closer to him while he picks the character he wants to play as. He doesn't seem touched by your idea of marketing.
"Y'know." After his start, there's a moment of hesitation. You wait for Narancia to continue, though you're taken aback by his next words. You never thought he'd admit something like that. "I don't care if you have a nice house, or a nice car, or video games, or any of that shit. It's just excuses, I guess. I come here because I'm worried about you and I want to see you... and I want you to have a good opinion of me."
You lean your head against his shoulder. He stiffens. "Thank you."
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pagingdrkaraii · 5 years
when you steal the exam AFTER the exam because teachers don’t give review sessions
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So yeah, if anyone comes after my ass, I literally got a copy of the second exam the day AFTER the exam and now me and it are going to have a stern discussion about whether the questions were well written or not.
So, without further ado, time to review this fucking thing:
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Ballard is more reliable 30 hours after birth? Cool, though idfk where they got this info. I guessed on this one because I genuinely had no idea. I only knew you had to do it within 72 hours of birth.
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First of all, I didn’t even know we had to study what enzyme glucose strips have. What the fuck. But oh well. I had no idea, so I guessed, and it’s apparently glucose oxidase. Good to know?
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So I suggested treatment with dexametasone because I thought it was bronquitis, but apparently mild bronquiolitis treatment is similar to asma?
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So apparently you DON’T take colour of the baby into account when you’re looking to see who needs resuscitation, but you DO take into account its gestational age. I guess that makes sense. Though I chose gestational age as what you don’t need because in my experience it doesn’t matter how old it is, if it’s blue, has shitty muscle tone, and isn’t crying, then you need to initiate resuscitation manoeuvres :/ oh well
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I had memorized babies at 2 years of age knew how to do a tower of 4 cubes, so I figured that option was wrong, but apparently the one that was wrong is that they can’t say phrases of 3 words. Because they can do a tower of 6 cubes and can say phrases of 2 words. not 3. 2. ARE YOU FOR REAL HHHH I HATE THIS EXAM
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Okay, this one I genuinely had no idea. I figured chronic meant more than 6 months, because in my experience as a psychologist things tend to become pathological after 6 months lol, but it was supposed to be more than 12. Fine, I accept this as me not having studied enough.
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This one gives feedback! Nice. Good to know. Acute (<3 months), Persistent (3-12 months), Chronic (>12 months). I won’t get these two questions wrong if they ever appear again.
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Okay, this one I accept as me being an idiot. Nephritic syndrome is associated with hematuria, not nephrotic, I should’ve known this. I did know hypertension was nephritic, though. Thrombocytopenia i didn’t know, and thromboembolisms I didn’t even have on my radar. So I gotta study this more, cool.
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I hate the Tanner scale and that is all.
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So apparently dicks grow first in length and then in girth. Cool. I still fucking hate the Tanner scale.
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So this one I forgive myself for getting wrong. In adults, oxalate stones are the most common kidney stones, and that’s why I chose it. I knew babies can pee uric acid crystals, and moms can get worried, so that was on my radar, but I figured an 8 year old doesn’t have that same newborn problem. And Struvite crystals I discarded because I know they’re not that common. Calcium stones weren’t on my radar at all, and it was the answer in terms of frequency in kids. I’ll study more.
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Hhhh I knew this one and I answered wrong. I feel silly. My nephrologist teacher from a year ago would be so disappointed xV I accept this as my bad.
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This one I confused with Kwashiorkor. I feel dumb.
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I KNEW THIS ONE AND I ANSWERED WRONG. My stupid brain thought 48 months were 2 years for some gosh dang stupid reason, and I answered too quickly and didn’t review it. So I accept this as me answering wrong. I knew the answer, but chose the wrong one lol
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So apparently testicles grow before pubic hair does. Gr8. I still hate the Tanner scale.
And that’s it! Those are the ones I got wrong. I’ll review more kidney stuff, and try not to be so salty next time. My final exam will go better!!
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Just Had To Explain Somebody In My Fic Why Violet Acted Different In The Save Louis Route
This is what they said to me:
“The game devs really confused me with Violet.
If you let them take Louis she's screaming bloody murder at Minnie, a lot louder and angrily than Louis.
But if Violet is taken she feels betrayed and refuses to listen to Clementine AND will attack of you piss her off. Like, what?
That makes no goddamn sense that she would have such a drastic shift in personality. The only thing I can really think of is because Violet was brainwashed and threatened to obey or else they'd hurt her friends so she projects that onto Clementine?
Hold up!
Defending Violet is my specialty
(this was taken directly from my reply)
I will try my best to explain.
So, first and foremost, Violet has abandonment issues. It was hinted at in 402 when you hung out with her. "I watched people leave before. Family, friends, they never come back... But you did, and now, I can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't here."
And I can understand why she would want to have Clementine stay. Her grandmother died right in front of her, her parents dumped her at this boarding school for the troubled youth (even though it was pretty obvious she should've gotten therapy, she was traumatized, not troubled), so many of the adults at the school had left for personal reasons, and 34-ish kids have died as of date. Stacking that kind of past on top of she thought her girlfriend and one of her best friends both died when they were actually at the Delta? Woah, she's been through as much of a hell as anybody else.
Now, in the Saving Louis route, the raiders could've said and done so many things to break down her already shattering mental stability. That's the idea the fic is based around, but yeah, she was starting to get brainwashed. Her aggressive behavior is characterized by what is more likely the thought "You left again, why should I trust you?"
A lot of people gave Violet hate for acting out in her own way. They gave her hate because she hoped to keep everyone safe through her own efforts. Because Clementine was trying to escape, she attacked because she saw it as punishment for everyone, not just her as well. She probably mentions it during the QTE but it breaks my heart too much to watch it again.
Just because Violet is showing the horrible parts of mental illness doesn't give anybody the reason to hate her. I've heard rumors that some people even want to kill her themselves. Ow, that's horrible... Tell me why you'd kill a victim of brainwashing and trauma again?
So much is to be said to explain her attack on Clementine, but what I get from it is now that you've actively chose to save Louis instead, she sees you as one of the people who would rather abandon her. There are too many people on that list already.
(It's also kinda canon that she has Borderline Personality Disorder, so...)
So hopefully 404 gives her a chance to calm down a bit and contemplate to herself why she did it. Maybe she wasn't thinking when she rushed at Clementine. I'm not asking her to forgive Clem, because that'd be reversing her character arc all the way, but I'm hoping to never have to fight her again, not because it was difficult to fight her, but because she has more going on in her mind than it seems, and fighting might scramble her beliefs to a point where the brainwashing she went through might be a bit more permanent than we thought at first.
Also, saving her is to her what being rescued from death probably is to you. She's very un-betrayed if you choose to save her, probably feels like she owes you her life. Her mental health indeed stops deteriorating, and she even gives you a little button like WHAT (I'm pretty sure you have to hang out with her for it to happen tho)
Oh yeah, quick note, she's probably very touch and affection starved, give her hugs whenever you can.
She says she hates arts and crafts, then gives you something that requires arts and crafts to make, which kinda shows how much she's willing to struggle just to make you happy. Her love language is through gifts and acts like dancing, and that makes me so happy. I literally adore her way of showing affection it's so cute.
So hopefully that answers your question! This fic is just a different take on her trauma and experiences based on what might've happened to her on the boat, so it's not super duper canon or acceptable or anything. Just a horrible idea that I decided to write out so I can share my salt mountain with everyone.
(But if she does forgive us, I'll be scared, because that means the lasting consequence she gets might relate to the foreshadowing back in 401 and 402.)
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kangaroo-r00 · 6 years
Day 23 ~ “Love” ~
(A/N) Guess who should be studying for the six tests I have over the next week but isn’t :D (It’s okay I’ll probably do well anyway—except for math but last time I expected to fail a math test I got 100% so maybe I’ll pass that one too idfk anymore)
We’re taking a break from gore to dive into Chase and Stacy’s marriage pre divorce but after shit started to go down!!! Buckle up because this one hurts.
WARNINGS: Emotional abuse, fighting, and Stacy being a bitch.
Taglist: @egopocalypse, @circus-craze, @here-be-becquerel, @shadowstakeall, @superbanananinja234, @writerwithdepression
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," he whispered to his wife, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. She'd only get angrier if he got upset.
Money has been tight recently, Chase having been laid off from his office job a couple of weeks ago, leaving him relying on his YouTube channel for money. While it was much better than nothing and he had a lot of fans, YouTube was in some weird rut, people being unsubscribed from accounts and videos not being recommended to subscribers. A normal job would be much more steady and provide more money at the moment.
Hence the on going argument. It's been over a week and Stacy still hasn't talked to him. Hell she barely even glanced his way. He got booted to the couch and she locked the bedroom door every night. Chase had to admit: this one was really taking its toll on him mentally. He hasn't been feeling very good at all the last past few days—in fact he's been feeling worse than he had in a long time. Sure their arguments were nasty and lasted unnecessarily long, often starting over either the tiniest things or nothing... but they always got over it. They had to. Which is why he clung onto the possibility of Stacy forgiving him early.
Stacy let out an annoyed sigh and for the first time in a week addressed him, though she wasn't looking at him. "If you were really sorry then you'd have a job already."
His insides twisted painfully, throat closing up. "You— It's not my fault there aren't a lot of jobs. Besides... there's a lot of competition. I can't... There're always better people for the job." Didn't she see how this was eating away at him? Not being able to get a job, Stacy not acknowledging his existence, being forced to sleep on the couch, staying up late looking for jobs...
"It's your fault for not finishing college. If you had then you would've gotten a job by now. It's always your fault!" She snipped, keeping her back to him.
"Well, how would a degree in music technology help me get a job!?" He snapped angrily.
"Maybe you should've picked a better major!"
"I liked that one!"
"Then why'd you drop out?"
"Because I don't like school! I was miserable!"
"Newsflash, Chase: nobody likes school! You're not special. Most people at least have the attention span to get through school! But we all know your attention span is nonexistent!"
The words sliced right into his heart—cut right down into his very soul.
Swiping a hand uselessly across his eyes, he let out a shaky breath, trying to calm himself. The breath he drew in was a sniffly one.
Stacy must've heard because she turned, looking directly at him for the first time in what felt like forever. She frowned. "Seriously, Chase? Are you really crying? Be a man and get your shit together."
The call out only made shame course through him, making his eyes sting more. He clenched his jaw and looked away, refusing to answer.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed again. "Why do I even bother? You're useless." She strode past him, calling over her shoulder. "You can come back to bed once you get off your lazy ass and get a job." A beat of silence before she tacked on, "I love you."
It didn't matter that it didn't sound genuine. It didn't matter how angry she still was at him. The words made something prickly rise in his chest and throat—he noted it didn't feel as pleasant as before but some of the warmth still remained.
"Love you too," he whispered to the empty room.
(A/N) Oof parents fighting is a bad. Please don’t disrespect your partners y’all. Women can’t get away with this shit either because it’s still abuse.
Character Kill Count:
Jacksepticeye: I Antisepticeye: Jackieboy Man: III Marvin the Magnificent: II Henrik Von Schneeplestein: I Chase Brody: IIII Jameson Jackson: II Robbie the Zombie:
Total: 14
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 37)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 1718
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst, jealousy…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |  Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 |
Sherlock awoke in another room, much like the ones he’d been on. He was lying on the table in the room, only to be woken by the little girl speaking. He was stumbling about, trying to figure out where exactly he was.
As he was trying to instruct the little girl, he asked, “Are you there yet?”
Suddenly, you heard his voice. You woke up leaning against a brick wall. You took in a large gasp of air, feeling all over your body for a bullet wound, stunned and relieved when you found none.
“I’m here!” you answered, wondering where you were. You started to feel around in the darkness, feeling...stone? Something rough. You were outside, you could hear nature - trees, wind, water…
“Y/N! Oh thank God you’re alive,” he said with heavy relief. “Where are you?”
“I don’t know. I just woke up. Where are you?”
“I think I’m in another cell. I just spoke to the little girl on the plane. We've been out for hours.”
“Hours? Jesus… Wait, she’s still in the air?” you questioned. Something didn’t make sense. The ground was getting closer to her earlier, and now she was suddenly somehow in the air?
“Yes, the plane will keep flying until it runs out of fuel,” he informed.
“Yes, Sherlock I deduced that much on my own…” You rolled your eyes. Honestly sometimes he thought you were some ordinary person.
“Is Mycroft or John with you?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think so. John? John! Mycroft? Mycroft?” you called continuously but heard nothing but your own voice back. “No. They aren’t here.”
After a second of quiet, Sherlock finally asked, “Are you alright?”
“I’m as alright as I can be. I’m alive, you’re alive, that’s what matters,” you answered wryly.
“Okay, keep exploring. Tell me anything you can about where you are,” he demanded.
“Alright. The walls are rough, like stone, not brick. I’m standing on--”
But you stopped, realization finally hitting you.
“Y/N? Y/N!” Sherlock called in panic. “What is it? What do you see?”
“Water, Sherlock. I’m in about two feet of water. I can’t see beneath it but--” You tried to walk, but as soon as you did, your ankle caught. “My ankle is chained. It’s not flat. Hang on.” You reached down and picked up the odd thing you’d been stepping on. When your hands came out of the water and your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you gasped. “There are bones in here with me, Sherlock.”
“Bones? What kind of bones?”
After a second, he whispered, “Redbeard,” in your ear, then after that it was radio silence.
You wanted to panic, it felt like you should be panicking, but this once, your rational mind overcame fear. You took a deep breath, just hoping you would hear from Sherlock, and hoping your brother and Mycroft were okay. You tried pulling on the chain once more to see if it would come loose, but it was futile. All the tugging did was cut into your flesh.
“Man, I really hate his sister,” you quietly said to no one in particular. “She’s definitely not invited to the wedding.”
“Nearly home,” you suddenly heard.
“Sherlock? Hey, I’m in a well. I should’ve figured that out with the water and stone but it’s so damned dark.”
“Why would there be a well in Sherrinford?” he wondered.
“I don’t know… fresh water?” you tried.
“Shut up,” he ordered and you rolled your eyes. However infuriating, you knew he must need to concentrate to find you, the boys, and the plane.
Several minutes went by while Sherlock spoke to someone you couldn’t hear, so you waited and waited until suddenly water started to pour in on top of you in the well. It wasn’t rain either.
He didn’t respond.
“Sherlock?” you tried again, keeping the urgency out of your voice.
“Sherlock, please, I know you’re trying to focus but the well is filling up.”
“Try hard not to drown, as long as you can,” he ordered.
“Oh, thanks for the tip,” you shouted back. God, what an ass. But your frustration quickly dissipated when you realized just how fast the water was rising. What was at tops of your legs was now at your waist. “Sherlock, hurry!”
Sherlock tried talking again, he wasn’t talking to you but you tried to focus on his voice to keep you calm. Eventually, the bones were floating all around you and you eyed them curiously. These bones weren’t an animals as you had suspected. They were longer than that and then --
“Uh, Sherlock. The bones in here with me--”
“Yes, they’re dog’s bones. Redbeard,” he said with an agitated voice.
“They’re not dog’s bones, Sherlock,” you stated with horror lacing your voice as you saw the skull floating by.
More chatting in your ear, but the water continued to fill up the well around you, You tried to keep your head up and back away from the rising water.
“Need your help. I’m trying to solve a puzzle,” he said and you weren’t sure if he was talking to you or his other company.
“The wrong dates. She used the wrong dates on the gravestones as the key to the cipher.and the cipher was the song,” he muttered.
At first you weren’t sure what the hell he was talking about, but this was Sherlock. He’d never let anything happen to you,  so you left him be. Shouting at him, begging for him to work faster, or wondering what he was doing wouldn’t have helped.
But soon the water was nearly too high, at your neck and rising quickly. You braced yourself for having to possibly wade against the chains or hold your breath however long you could.
The water started to get on the earpiece and you could barely make out what Sherlock was saying. Accepting your fate seemed imminent, so you began saying your quiet goodbyes again. They were out loud at first, but then the water came up past your mouth and nose, so you held your breath, praying this would at least be painless.
You weren’t entirely sure what happened next. You knew you felt a hand, a body, gripping yours and then you were warmer. Eventually, your full senses came back and you realized you were sitting in an ambulance, a warm blanket over you.
“Hey, there you are,” John said as he walked up, noticing you were more aware of your surroundings.
“Where are we?” you asked uneasily as you looked into the darkness. It appeared to be a country cottage that had burned.
“Musgrave. Sherlock grew up here. “
“But… why are we here?”
John waited a moment, then said, “I’m going to let him explain that to you.” With that, he glanced up and Sherlock was making his way towards you.
John patted your leg and stood, giving you two privacy. Sherlock sat next to you then.
“Are you okay?”
“No,” you answered.
“That's fair.”
Your eyes searched the area of emergency vehicles and you saw that Eurus was loaded up in a van.
“There’ taking her back to Sherrinford, aren’t they?”
“I’m afraid so. I told her I’d take her home.”
“That’s not possible for someone like her.”
“I know but I… feel so bad.”
You shook your head. “What happened here?”
Sherlock looked up, gazing at the charred home as he sighed and answered. “Long ago, when I was a child, we played here. Lived here. I had a friend, Victor who… well… we played pirates. I called him Redbeard, and I was YYellowbeard. Eurus… her mind was already so complicated, so complex that she felt as though she wasn’t included. I suppose the adolescent psychopathy drove her to a jealous fit of rage and she… killed my best friend, because she felt she was alone.”
“That’s...the most awful thing I’ve ever heard,” you confessed.
“Yes…It is.”
Lestrade approached then and said that Mycroft was found alive and safe in Eurus old cell. Sherlock asked that he look after Mycroft.
“So… where do we go from here?” Sherlock asked.
“Where do you want to go?”
“For starters, I think my parents should know Eurus is alive,” he stated.
“Are you sure?”
“No matter what she’s done, or what she is, she is their daughter. They have a right to know.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you agreed.
“So I suppose this is it, then.”
“This is what?” you inquired.
“Well...  you said you didn’t want me to say those words to you again, and after everything that’s happened I would assume you--”
You shook your head and closed your eyes. “I wasn't breaking up with you, you idiot. You just can’t say that to me anymore.”
After a moment he nodded. “Even after what I said to Molly? Can you ever forgive me for what I did? What I said? I should've listened to you. Eurus is dangerous, but my huge ego got in the way.”
You smiled. “At least you’re a big enough man to admit that. You’ve come a long way.”
“I’ve still got a very long way to go… a journey that I hope… you’ll accompany me on?” he asked hesitantly, scared for your answer.
You let out a sigh. “Sherlock, I’m not… mad about what you said to Molly. I was only hurt. No matter what happens between you and I, the fact that you chose Molly to confide in when you staged your suicide and not me will always be a thorn in my side. Irene too. Women that matter a lot to you, I worry that one day you won’t think I measure up.”
He turned to you and placed his fingers under your chin and lifted your face so that you were looking into his eyes. He was never this tender or sweet in public.
“Y/N Watson, how many times must I tell you that you are, always have been, and always will be enough?” he questioned with soft wonder and concern.
A tiny smile touched the corners of your mouth.
“And how many times do I have to tell you, that I’ll always say yes to you?”
“I guess we’ll just have to keep doing it,” he noted before he kissed you gently.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815 @ultrarebelheart @tngrayson @clairese1980 @ladyblablabla @molethemollie @lareinedususpense007
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yenneferw · 6 years
so, a while ago me and my friend like Broke Up our friendship. we were super close like we talked to eachother abt shit you basically Dont Talk about (other than like therapy ig) like self harm even like Deep shit we were super close and the breakup was very sudden for me and really sucked because of the phrasing and wording and i was afraid my friend (we'll call them. Maple ig idfk) i was afraid their mom had gotten ahold of their account. this is kinda long but w a good ending so hold on (1/?)
(2/?) Maple had already deleted their tumblr but we were still talking on hangouts and, basically the breakup was super bad. they said shit abt like how they have to “focus on real life friendships” and shit – like i understood their original like Reason for it (they felt shitty like they were leading a double life which understandable yk???) but they ended up saying such hurtful stuff i was afraid it wasnt them talking. but the next morning they sent me videos of themself saying basically the
(3/?) same shit. So that really sucked and i was super messed up about it for like a whole week (like as in could hardly function – we’d been friends for almost a year and we we’re lowkey like planning to move in w eachother when we get older) and then i finally like started saying like Yeah me and my best friend like broke up but it was like. super painful for a really long time. Cut to a few months later, it turns out theyre back on tumblr (i found their url through a mutual friend, after the
(4/?) mutual friend answered an ask – the url looked like something theyd said/would say so i clicked on it and it was them) and that sent me. like reeling and i was fucked up again. a while later said mutual friend randomly deleted and after a day or so Maple messaged me and asked if i knew what happened. we tried to Kind of idk. mend things but it didnt work and i was still super hurt. we broke up back in september. jan i started not thinking about them so much, but when i did it hurt so bad
(5/?) cut to april 26th this year. they message me on hangouts asking to talk. i dont see it until May 21st because i deleted the app and dont log into gmail on my laptop a lot so i didnt see it at all. so after like a few hours of fucking. being really fucking. like shell shocked, i reply lets talk. i still cry when i hear/see things that remind me of them. 2 days later, Maple replies. we start kind of talking, though now all my fucking walls ever are up and im really like emotional and crying
(6/?) this is the fourth time ive typed this i hate the internet. hopefully i havent hit ask limit. anyway. maple and i talk. they apologize – not in the Cheap way, but in the Meaningful way, and its good. long conversation short, i tell them i dont think i can be friends right now, but i want to be on good terms, so it stops feeling like part of me is Missing and Gone. they agree. we agree to be able to check up on eachother when we need to. for the first time in a long time i feel. relieved.
(7/7) hopefully that went through. anyways. idk, maybe we’ll be friends again one day. I want to be. i love them a lot, they just hurt me really fucking bad yk. i just dont think i could Do That right now, yk? but this… this is a start. Not an ending. Not a… new beginning either. A continuation, i guess. Im still. Hurt. But im finally. Recovering. It’s good.
anon this was such a wild ride…………. i was hanging on for the whole fucking thing i should’ve waited until it was all sent to start reading it bc i was hooked……. i’m really happy that you two have been able to get to a better place tho!!!! losing friends HURTS and it’s so much better if you can leave off/keep things at a quiet but good place. and i’m really glad that you’re able to start feeling better after it all now too!! best of luck to you babe! 
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simpcitybaby · 7 years
Don't cha know I'm in love
A/N: Okay so I have the song “Uptown Girl” stuck in my head so that’s kinda what this song is based off of, ya feel? Curly is such a fucking complex character and I wrote him my way.
PSA: That Was Then, This Is Now is on YouTube also I’m on mobile so this formatting is shitty, also I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 2703 words
Curly x Reader
Warnings: Idfk, swear words ig —————– Let’s Begin ——————- In the middle. That’s what you were. You weren’t a greaser nor a soc but you had friends in both categories. You were best friends with Sherri Valance and Angela Shepard, the three of you were unlikely friends. You were always caught hanging around with Ponyboy, Johnny, and the whole gang. Cherry would constantly invite you to hang out with her and Bob to which the answer was always no. Bob was a complete asshole and so were his friends. You met Angela’s brother Curly when you were 8, he wasn’t as bad back then but he always felt the need to upstage his older brother Tim. He would always tag along with you and Angela but you didn’t see him as much anymore since he was in and out of the reformatory for awhile. He managed to be released and today the Shepard gang was having a party for him which meant that you had the job of inviting your main greasers. You inched up the stairs of the Curtis residence and the door swung open, revealing Sodapop.
“You guys! Our little uptown girl is here!” You rolled your eyes at the nickname that he had given you so many years ago. Out of the gang, Soda was the easiest one to talk to when it came to boys and relationships. He was an absolute sweetheart but he’d get down and dirty if he needed to protect you or the boys.
“Maybe you should change the name to middle-class girl.” You poked your tongue out as you teased him. “Uptown girl has a better ring to it. It also sounds cool when we’re called the backstreet guys.” “You mean the Backstreet Boys?” “No (Y/N). Uptown girl is always looking for the backstreet guys.” You sighed before shaking your head, “It’d sound better if you said downtown boys.” You were met with the sound of a pencil scribbling across a piece of paper before hearing, “Ponyboy is going to write a song about you. Did you get that Pone?” Soda peeked over Pony’s shoulder as Pony read,
“Uptown girl, she’s been living in her uptown world, I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why… That’s all I have for now.” The whole room filled with laughter when Johnny brought out a guitar and started playing some chords to go along with Pony’s new poem. “I came to invite you guys to the Shepards party tonight not to have a song written about me.” You laughed before Two-Bit piped up, “Are you excited to see your Romeo?” He was met with an eye roll and a quick, “he doesn’t like me that way.” “(Y/N), man. The boy has the hots for you.” A chorus of yups and who wouldn’t’s filled the air, causing you to blush.
Curly was stone cold and hardheaded. He never wanted to admit when he was wrong and he prided himself on the amount of arrests he’s had. He was never serious about relationships but he was always there for you. When you got a lead in the school musical he was the one who dragged Angela to go and see it. The whole time he was going on and on saying things like “what the fuck is this shit? Fucking stupid that’s what this is.” and “nobody actually does that in real life.” But he was lowkey enjoying himself and his smile widened once graced the stage with your presence. Curly even brought you flowers but reminded you, “don’t think too much about it. I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed about not getting any flowers.” You just smiled at him and reassured him that his bad boy image was still present and that you were thankful for his thoughtfulness even though you had several bouquets of flowers in your hands. On your birthday he had stolen a pearl necklace for you but quickly added, “You know I can’t afford to buy you pearls but I can steal some for you, so be fucking grateful.” Unbeknownst to you, his face lit up every time he saw you wearing the necklace.
Darry pulled you out of your thoughts when he said, “Don’t let them bother you. Just go home and get ready, we’ll pick you up say 8 o'clock and then head over to Buck’s.” On the way out you were met with Cherry’s smiling face, “I knew you’d be here! I want to help you get ready for the party.” She wiggled her brows suggestively before pulling you towards your house which sat directly in the middle of the South and East side. Sherri decided that she wasn’t going to go to the party because she didn’t want to be the reason that Bob started shit with the gang. So instead of being your wing-woman, she was going to dress you to the nines. —————��-Time Skip —————— Your body was clad in a yellow pinup dress while your feet were snug in your white vans. Your makeup was ideal and it accented your (E/C) eyes, making them glisten in the moonlight. Your stomach erupted into a flurry of butterflies as time ticked down. You were about to see Curly for the first time in months and you didn’t know what to expect. He always bragged to Angela that you were his better half but what if that changed? You wouldn’t be able to blend into the scene and hide from him since you were wearing a bright ass yellow dress but you wore it because Curly loved the color on you. If you had it your way he wouldn’t be in and out of the reformatory, he’d be home with you.
Meanwhile, Curly had dragged Angela into his room and said, “What the fuck do I wear, Angel?” Angela smirked at the nickname because she knew that she was anything but. “Since when were you worried about wearing the wrong thing?” “Since (Y/N) is fucking going to be there! Is that what you wanted to hear, you cold hearted bitch.” “Wear one of those nice button ups that you stole and some jeans. Oh! Also wear your jacket, not that you could forget it but bring it just in case she gets cold.” “Angela this isn’t a fucking movie and I’m not going to sling my jacket over her shoulders and be cold myself.” “You know you’d fucking do it you big softie. You really like her even though you wouldn’t say so. If you want a girl like that, you’ve gotta treat her right.” “Get out of my fucking room.” Angela exited as Curly threw himself on the bed, burying his head in his hands. He always went for broads but with you it was different. You couldn’t be classified in that category, you were too good for that label. He wanted to prove to you that he’s good enough and that he’s worth your time. You were his better half and maybe if you were around more he’d change his ways. Not fully of course but enough to stop going to the reformatory. “Ready to go, you little shit?” Tim’s head peaked into Curly’s room and with that, they left. ————- Bitch it’s party time ————– When you stepped outside of your front door you were met with the boys dressed fairly nice. “Shit, you guys look sexy.” You announced this as you guys started walking to Buck’s. “Don’t you look beautiful as ever, (Y/N).” Steve slung an arm over your shoulder as he said this, causing you to let out a snort while laughing. “Aren’t you something, Randle?” It was a fairly nice walk filled with banter and giggles but upon arriving at Buck’s you started to freak out.
All of the guys made their entrance while Dally stayed back with you. “Stop freaking out, man. You’re making me feel nauseous for you.” You glared at Dally and responded with, “Dallas, what if he’s changed? What if he doesn’t like me anymore? I should’ve stayed home.” You rambled on and on which led Dally to put his hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up already. You look like an angel among us all and if he doesn’t like you then he can go suck a dick. You can find someone better than him if he’s going to mess with your emotions. You’re a good kid and you’re gonna have fun, yadda yadda yadda. Let’s go fucking party now because this pep talk is over.” You smiled because you could tell that Dallas cared for you. The two of you walked in an were met with dim red lights and alcohol.
Out of everyone, Tim spotted you first. “Hey (Y/N)! Angela’s over there. Have a good time okay?” He ruffled your hair before pushing you in Angela’s direction. “FUCKING SHIT! MY BEST FRIEND LOOKS LIKE A GODDESS. I’M ABOUT READY TO DIE OVER HERE, YOU LOOK SO FINE.” You were met with an embrace and a whisper in your ear which said, “Bitch, Curly is over by the stairs leaning against the wall. He’s been waiting for you all night. If you were anyone else I wouldn’t let you talk to him but you’re you so go get your man.” She pulled away and stuck her tongue out before grinding on some dude. “How much money did someone pay you to wear that?” You yelled this over the music while walking towards Curly.
“Get lost broad, I’m waiting for someone.” The boy was glancing at the door, his eyes were looking at anything but you. How stupid is he? How did he miss you walking in if he’s been staring at the entrance all night. “Call me a broad one more time and I’ll punch your fucking teeth in.” Curly froze and slowly turned around before pulling you in by your waist. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, you don’t even understand.” “Curly, are you sniffing my hair?” He rose a brow and said, “Yeah. Problem?” You shook your head before gesturing towards his outfit. “You look nice! Why are you so dressed up?” If you looked close enough you could’ve sworn that he was blushing. “Just wanted to look presentable for a certain Uptown Girl.” He was met with a shove and giggles. “Curly Shepard got all dressed up for lil ol’ me?” “Shut up before I leave.” “You can’t leave, it’s your party.” “I’ll leave and I’ll take you with me.” “What’s stopping you?” Next thing you know you’re being dragged away from Buck’s and all the way to the alley down by the tracks. “As much as I like it here, I’m not looking for any confrontation tonight. Let’s go to the lot.”
You began pulling him in the direction of the lot before he said, “You make me want things that I can’t have.” Stopping dead in your tracks you turned to him and asked, “What are you thinking about?” “When ever I’m out of the reformatory I come to see you. It’s always been you. I scare away anyone who even has the thought of hitting on you because you make me feel things. I hate myself so much for these fucking feelings.” You walked closer towards him and urged him to go on.
“I should’ve told you that I felt this way a long time ago but I didn’t want to screw things up. You have everything going for you, (Y/N). You’re the Uptown girl and I don’t want to drag you down with me. The Shepard gang only gets worse with age and I don’t want to be the reason that you don’t succeed in life because damn it, you deserve so much more than this.” Curly sighed and ran a hand through his hair while his eyes became glassy.
“Curly Shepard. I am so in love with you that I want to throw up whenever I’m near you. You make me a good kind of nervous. You’re always there for me when I’m doing productions or feeling down. You have this whole, I hate the world, persona but with me you’re different. You just need someone to love you and show you that there’s still good in this world. I can be that person.” Your arms looped around his neck as he let out a nervous sigh. “I feel like I can’t breathe, (Y/N).” Your fingers danced across his face, tracing every single trait and then they played in his curls. “I can’t let you get mixed up with me. I can’t lose you. I can’t let you throw your life away for me. I can-”
Soft lips were met with another pair. Delicate and pillow like. He tasted like cigarettes and alcohol mixed with a bit of icing from the cake they had at the party. You tasted like chocolate covered strawberries and all things sweet. He couldn’t pull you in any closer but he damn well tried. You guys ran your fingers all over one another in the most passionate kiss there was. Although you initiated it, he deepened it and kissed you softly as though you could break. Both of you guys pulled away in a dire need for air after your tongues just battled for dominance. “I’m willing to help you better yourself if you’d let me. I don’t necessarily want to change you because I love who you are. But if you’re scared of dragging me down, we can build each other up together.” “I’d like that. So we’re in agreeance that you’re mine and I’m yours?” You nodded before leaning your head on his shoulder as you guys continued your walk to the lot.
You shivered a bit, swearing because you were going to bring your jacket but Cherry didn’t let you. “Here.” Curly slid off his near and dear leather jacket then proceeded to help you slide your arms through the sleeves. “Shit. I’ll have to thank Angela for this later.” He whispered it under his breath but you caught on putting two and two together. Angela and Cherry must’ve planned it out so that this moment would happen, you definitely had to thank them later. At the lot you guys stared at the stars and traced each other’s features. He stared at you with loving eyes as you fell asleep in his embrace.
Johnny and Ponyboy happened to be on their way to the lot and when they saw you two, Pony whipped out his notepad. “Why were you carrying that, Pone?” Johnny gestured towards the notepad and pencil “New song lyrics, man.” He scribbled before turning the notepad so that Johnny could read it. “She’ll see I’m not so tough Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl You know I’ve seen her in her uptown world She’s getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys She’s got a choice” After seeing the lyrics, Johnny dragged Pony to the Curtis household in dire need of his guitar to put the lyrics to music. ~ Fin ~
Jk there’s a bonus part: “I swear to who ever the fuck is up there in the sky that if you hurt our little uptown girl, I will personally take care of you.” Dally had Curly’s shirt balled in his fist but was met with laughter. Right in Dally’s face, Curly said, “Hey Pony did you hear that? No? I could’ve sworn that I heard a little bitch!” “We’re serious man, we’ll hurt you.” Curly nodded and said, “I could never hurt that girl in a million years and if I did, you guys could personally kill me but make sure you let Angela get in on it.”
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sebuntease · 8 years
Question tag
We were tagged by: @koneko14
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Admin Kenvy
Nickname: Jun. THE ADMINS CALL ME THAT ESP ADMIN CIARA (hiiii btch) Starsign: WHAT IS A STARSIGN?! OH IT’S THE ZODIAC LOL STUPID. I’m an Aquarius yeah man~ Height: i SRSLY dunno
Time right now: 9:56 pm Last thing googled: “WHAT IS A STARSIGN?” Favorite music artists: SEVENTEEN, YG ARTISTS, SPECIFICALLY 2NE1 AND WINNER. UP DHARMA DOWN, I CAN’T REMEMBER EVRY1 KALOKA Song stuck in your head: Smile Flower/Laughter - SEVENTEEN Last movie watched: UZUMAKI Last TV show watched: Weekly Idol Bigbang’s ep What are you wearing right now: An oversized grey t-shirt and a red pajama shorts lol When did you create your blog: I’M NOT REALLY SURE IF IT’S AUGUST OR JULY BUT I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S ON THE 11TH OR 12TH oh wait lol JUST BETWEEN THE TWO I FORGOOOT t_T What kind of stuff do you post: SEVENTEEN SCENARIOSSS, seventeen related stuffs~ Do you have any other blogs: Is my personal acc counted?? Do you get asks regularly: I think not regularly, but when we’re active Why did you choose your URL: bcs the blog is sebuntease. HAHAHAHA Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I ASKED THEM ABT THIS AND THEY SAID THIS LOL) Pokemon team: idk sht abt this im sorrrry Favourite colour: BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED (ppalgae~~) Average hours of sleep: 5-6??
Lucky number: 10 (YASSS) Favorite character(s): Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. IT’S SO HOT IN HERE IN THE PHIL GUYS. Dream job: Singer/Anything related to Psychology Following: i follow 275 peeeople
Admin Kate
Nickname: (i don’t really have one lol cuz my name is literally just kate and then my surname ;_;) Starsign: capricorn. Height: smol.
Time right now: 11:20am Last thing googled: mingyu smut (yes i search for smut everywhere.) Favorite music artists: SO MANY OH MY GOD UHM OKAY, SEVENTEEN, BTS, THE 1975, ATL TPR, HYUNA, DEAN, JUST SO MANY MORE LIKE ITS CRAZY. Song stuck in your head: Mama by BTS (hoseok’s solo asfhasg) Last movie watched: The smurfs. Last TV show watched: hwarang.
What are you wearing right now: a grey shirt that admin erika gave me on christmas (my fav) and denim shorts. When did you create your blog: August 11 or 12 IDFK IM SORRY IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON. What kind of stuff do you post: we are a seventeen blog dedicated to write works of fiction about the boys. Do you have any other blogs: other than my personal, nah. Do you get asks regularly: YES?? AND IM WE’RE SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SKJDFLJFSDG Why did you choose your URL: idk?? Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin. *smirks* Pokemon team: iDKKK Favourite colour: my favorite color is mint green, and just saying but my favorite shade is black. Average hours of sleep: REALLY RANDOM IT DEPENDS AND I DONT REALLY COUNT IT M SORRY KJSDFJLDG
Lucky number: I REMEMBER IT WAS 7 OR 8, i was always told it was either one of these two idk why.  Favorite character(s): ANIME? DRAMAS? CARTOONS? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE SO MANY THAT FUCK I MIGHT JUST FILL THIS WHOLE THING UP. How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Dream job: Anything doing performing arts, but i’d love to just dance. or sing, i just love it so much kasjdhjdfa but honestly, a really stable job is what i need aagh  Following: 1,082 people wow, thats alot. 
Admin Erika
Nickname: I HAVE THREE NAMES (incl erika) AND MY NICKNAME IS BASICALLY THE ACRONYM OF MY NAMES + SURNAME Starsign: Aries Height: THAT,, IS A REALLY PERSONAL QUESTION AND A REALLY DELICATE SUBJECT I REFUSE TO ANSWER i don’t even know the exact measurement but i guess u could say im smol smolest in fact compared to the other admins jkaSdhjkhfe (but if u see admin ciara she looks smoler (our height’s just have a teeny tiny lil difference) and really fluffy and adorable but u didn’t hear that from me shh)
Time right now: 2:07 am
Last thing googled: hair color trends (admin kate and i were looking for hair colors that might suit her)
Favorite music artists: THERE’S A LOT okay, SEVENTEEN, DEAN, SF9, HEIZE, FT ISLAND, ONE OK ROCK, SCANDAL (it’s an all-girl jrock band, not what you think it is lol), ROOKIEZ IS PUNK’D, LING TOSITE SIGURE, ALL TIME LOW, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, PARAMORE, THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE 1975 i think there’s more but these artists are whom i really like Song stuck in your head: Pour up (DEAN x ZICO YEAH MAN) Last movie watched: Psycho Pass: The Movie ( I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING IT AND THE ANIME SERIES. BOY, MY MIND WAS FUCKED EVERY FUCKING EPISODE THE PLOT TWISTS, THE CHARACTERS, THE DIALOGUE, THE STORYLINE, EVERYTHING OH AND ALSO THE DEEPNESS IT JUST MAKES U THINK ABOUT LIFE like i donteven think about it enough ugh IM CRAZY FOR THIS ANIME Last TV show watched: can’t remember if it was Psycho Pass (WATCH IT FIRST BEFORE THE MOVIE) or Gravity Falls (binge-watched it and spent hours watching and reading conspiracy theories lol) What are you wearing right now: An Ottawa Senators sweatshirt ( Candian ice hockey team) and shorts When did you create your blog: i.. don’t remember SORRY HAHAH What kind of stuff do you post: i like writing imagines, angst, fluff anything just not smut i can’t really write that sht lol Do you have any other blogs: just my personal one Do you get asks regularly: in this blog, yeah,, i guess?? I LOVE Y’ALL SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING REGULARLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND I GET ALL SHY SKDAKJD Why did you choose your URL: Admin Kenvy thought of it so idrk? haha Gender: Female Hogwarts house: not really fan of the series IM SORRY i had like two book cover versions, both completed given to me (they all got lost idk where they went sorry hp fans y’all prolly wanted to kill me) and for some reason i couldnt really get into it IDK BUT IT’S NOT LIKE I DON’T LIKE READING I LIKE BOOKS YES I LOVE READING Pokemon team: didn’t play pokemon go (the idea of opening the gps on my phone gives me the creeps it just really bothers me so much) but IM A BIG FAN OF THE OLDER VERSIONS I STILL PLAY IT WHEN I HAVE TIME USING AN EMULATOR ON MY PHONE Favourite colour: black, gray, blue, Average hours of sleep: 3-6 hrs i have a messed up sleep sched there are times i sleep 15+ hrs and there are times i don't sleep at all lol
Lucky number: idk heh Favorite character(s): THERE’S A LOT IT’S HARD TO NAME THEM ALL I WATCH ANIME KDRAMAS MOVIES READ BOOKS MANGAS ASHGDD How many blankets do you sleep with: just one,, are there even ppl who sleep with more than one?? don’t you just choose a thICKER one if it’s really cold????? Dream job: i have nothing in particular, but just a stable one that i like doing and one that i can use my skills (if i even have those) on to help other ppl ESPECIALLY IF IT PAYS WELL LOL I NEED TO FEED MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND BEING A FANGIRL IS EXPENSIVE ESP IF YOU’RE IN A MULTI-FANDOM Following: in my personal blog, i just follow Tumblr staff and what17says for translations of what seventeens says lol (im sorry i don’t really use tumblr often i mostly use fb and twt hehehhe)
Admin Ciara
Nickname: Pat, Pat-pat (just call me Ciara) Starsign: what da ef is with that starsign? Just simply put Zodiac. anyways it’s Sagguittarius Height: It’s 5″1 i know it is not much but for me it is good enough. And people don’t believe me that my height is 5″1( MOSTLY MY FRIENDS THEY SAY THAT I’M JUST 4′11). IT’S 5″1 BISHES (IF U EVER READ THIS) I may be smol but i will fite you if you hurt my friends and fam
Time right now: 2:26 pm Last thing googled: Default. (LOL we, admins were together when we searched for that freakin default) The default in Basketball Favorite music artist: IN KPOP; SEVENTEEN, BLOCK B, EXO, GOT7, ASTRO, CNBLUE, IOI, RED VELVET, SF9, KNK, KARD NCT U,127,AND DREAM AND SO MUCH MORE. I could name artists from a-z, 1-9(names with 1 to 9 like; high4, sf9) OUTSIDE OF KPOP: Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, Krissy, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Daya and more Song stuck in your head: Oh nana by KARD. That song is to die for lol. Whenever i play that song, people always ask for the artist’s name and the title Last movie watched: Uzumaki Live Action. I JUST WATCHED THIS WITH THE OTHER ADMINS AND IT WAS DISAPPOINTING AF. THE MANGA VERSION IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER. the movie was gore but not gore enough. I don’t recommend it to any of you. 
Last TV show watched: It’s Showtime. It’s a TV show here in the Philippines. What are you wearing right now: A black sleeveless shirt with three white stripes LOL. For the bottom, i’m wearing leggings with  that ripped effect but it is not .( People always get trolled whenever i wear this leggings, they’ll check it out- whether it’s ripped or not)
When did you create your blog: I think it was around September or October.  What kind of stuff do you post: I don’t post anything on my personal blog lol, But I re-blog with that acc. But with this blog, I post our replies to your fan mails. I might post a smut anytime now LOL Do you have any other blogs: Yup, aside from my personal blog, I have 2 more but I forgot the e-mil and the password LOL Do you get asks regularly: With this blog yes (just keep it coming hoes) Why did you choose your URL: It wasn’t me who chose that Gender: Female Hogwarts house: A potterhead right here. Whenever I play a quiz to know which hogwarts house I am, i always get Slythrerin. I even tried the one in facebook for the profile pic framing, i got Slytherin. Slytherin it is Pokemon team: I don’t play pokemon go. MY answer is same with Erika’s so just read her’s Favourite colour: Black, Purple, Violet, Lavender, White, Burgundy And some shades of blue Average hours of sleep: 10 (nap and sleep at night, combined) I can sleep for 20 hours non-stop. (for the Filipinos out there: Kahit tulog ako ng tulog hindi ako tumatangkad. Kaiyak bes)
Lucky number: idk Favorite character(s): Where? K-DRAMAS? MANGA? MOVIE? STORY? ANIME? There are lots and I don’t remember most of their names How many blankets do you sleep with: one, This should’ve been; How many pillows do you sleep with?; How many stuff toys do you sleep with? If those were the questions, my answers would be: 5 pillows and 10 stuff toys(no one’s too old for stuff toys) If you think otherwise, FITE ME. (i agree with Erika on this one.) Dream job: I’d like to have many jobs.But for now, I want to be a GEOLOGIST. You’d be able to go to diff places and i think it’s exciting. It’s also one of the most needed jobs in the country and the salary’s not too bad. Following: Most of the follower of this blog( about 300 of the followers, that’s not even half of the followers, i didn’t know we’d reach 1k) but lately I’ve been lazy so yeah.
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