#is there some rule stating i cant eat potato chips in the morning
dumbyoyo · 6 years
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"You’re being rude to the potato chips." - Kannazuki Tamaki (GJ Club)
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4vienne · 6 years
tag game
[rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs]
tagged by @diwrites 
birthplace: indianapolis current time: 5:16 pm drink you last had: water easiest person to talk to: my mom  favourite songs: CURRENTLY ive been listening to mermaid by skott a lot so i guesssss that one but it changes on like an hourly basis grossest memory: oh no no no no trust me u dont wanna know i have some STORIES but they are honest to god triggering lmao so just trust me. the human body is terrifying thats all i’ll say (and that includes your own. its wise to be afraid of it ;) ) horror yes or horror no: lmao gosh what do u think looking at my above answer? yeah i like horror as a concept but actual horror movies can freak me out especially if there are a lot of jumpscares and the music is creepy. i like reading it and thinking abt it more than actually watching it but i also kinda...do like to watch it bc i like feeling scared ???? in love: noooooo :/ :( ugh in love with wanting to be in love?  jealous of people: LOL YEAH love at first sight or should i walk by again: i think people can feel a really strong connection at first sight but it cant really be LOVE love until you know them i think  middle name: vienne! number of siblings: one brother  one wish: that my body would repair itself and i would never ever ever have to be chronically ill ever again person you last called: my mom lol questions you’re always asked: how have things been lately? (in ref to my illness lol) are you feeling better? (no never pls stop asking)  song you last sang: haha this is embarrassing but i think i sang a bit of state of dreaming by marina and the diamonds earlier today  time you woke up: officially? 9:30 ish?  vacation destination: cayman islands or maui  worst habit: drinking coffee in the morning so that i can feel alive and then getting upset because my stomach is always bad and having to take an ativan ahaha yikes :/ x-rays: SO MANY. so many....thats bad huh  your favourite food: my body rejects food as a concept so i dont rly have the luxury of a favorite food anymore my idea of a good and exciting food to eat is like. a potato chip  zodiac sign: aries aka the best sign #1 winner 
if you want to fill this out say i tagged you!!! 
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