#is there anything more romantic than your boyfriend soaking wet after he dived into the ocean to save you
hobimo · 4 months
dont worry fellas i watched dunmeshi ep 19 im ready to write pirates fic now. the ingredient missing from chapter 4 is. the tragedy of it all
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
3 types of kisses - technoblade
so wholesome, I had to put it in here. forehead kisses signal the love he feels for you, which is perfect for him because sometimes he has difficulties talking about his love for you and would MUCH RATHER want to show you love through affection and actions instead of words.
nothing was going right for you.
the entire day had been a disaster from the moment you stepped out of your bed, and up until now, the moment you stepped into your boyfriends apartment.
number one, you had to wake up at 6.30 am for an early meeting at work, only to find that your coffee machine was freaking broken, which meant you’d be absolutely drained during the meeting. and as if that wasn't enough, your train decided to run 20 minutes late, so you didn't even have an option to buy a coffee before work.
number two, your boss had given you the most work a person could handle on possibly the busiest day ever, which meant that you had to stay at work for at least 2 hours longer to catch up on the work you had left.
number three, your boss had yelled at you for not being able to complete the work he’d given you, and even when you tried explaining by saying it was too much work at once for one person, and that no one could possibly finish it in time, he just yelled at you some more.
number four, once you finally got your hands on a cup of coffee, you spilled it all over yourself.
number five, you had to text your boyfriend that you had to cancel your date for tonight, since you had to stay overtime. he had been kind about the situation, as always, but you still felt guilty about having to cancel your plans with him on such short notice.
number six, the moment you stepped out of your work place to head home, it was pouring down with rain, and you had to run to the train station to prevent getting yourself completely soaked. it didn't work that well.
your feet squeaked as you stepped into the apartment, your nostrils taking in the pleasant smell of.. was that lasagna? the air felt warm and nice against your cheeks, like a newly lit fireplace would. you peeled your wet jacket off of your body and kicked off your shoes, staring into the dimly lit dining room.
you moved into the room, eyes landing on the dining table that was lit up with candles, making the room smell like cinnamon. the smell of food intensified and you could now hear the low sound of music playing from a speaker nearby.
with your brows furrowed in confusion, you were about to call out the name of your boyfriend, when he suddenly appeared from the darkness of the living room. once he saw you a smile spread widely across his face.
“oh, you're home baby,” he smiled, opening his arms up to a hug. your heart dropped to your stomach the moment you saw him, finally having something good about today. you felt like crying and yelling and thanking him all at the same time, but instead you dived right into his arms, wrapping yours around his waist.
he was taken aback at first at the powerful grip you had on him, but then pressed your head further into his hoodie-clad chest to bring you some sort of comfort. knowing you, you’d be feeling some sort of guilt from having to cancel the date, but usually you knew it wasn't a big deal to him. he knew you were a hardworking person, which was something he adored and looked up to.
you felt him place a warm hand on the back of your head, making you sigh into his chest, finally able to feel some type of relief from your stressful day.
“hard day?” he asked, and you just nodded, not wanting to talk about it just yet, but just enjoy the much needed silence. he sighed at that, but didn't further the conversation without you wanting to. instead he pressed your body as close to his as possible, rubbing your back up and down.
you stood there for a while, just breathing each other in and hugging it out, before he started pulling away. he looked into your eyes for a moment, seeing the frustration and exhaustion laying behind their glimmer, and then moved the hair away from your forehead to press a gentle kiss onto the soft skin there. you closed your eyes, a small smile stretching onto one side of your face as his lips lingered for a while. 
when he pulled away, he grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, before leading you into the living room and over to the couch. “come on, I made lasagna - your favourite.”
I knew it, you thought.
on the coffee table, two plates of nicely cut out and steaming lasagna were placed in the middle of it, surround by a couple of lit candles and two cups of what looked like freshly made hot chocolate. and of course he hadn't forgotten to hang up the fairy lights you got him a while ago. “wow, this is- this is amazing, baby. thank you so much.” you tilted your head up to kiss his cheek, whereas he let you linger for a moment before leaning in for a kiss on the lips.
you smiled lightly once pulling away, mirroring him, and then crashed onto the couch to finally rest your aching body somewhere. he followed after you, sitting down beside you and resting his arm over your shoulders.
“so, what do  you wanna watch on Disney plus?”
again, very wholesome. everything about him is just so wholesome🥺 prove me wrong. anyways, he would definitely use a hand kiss often as well, but in situations where he felt like leaving a more romantic and heartwarming touch. would def be the type to make sure you weren't uncomfortable or unsure of something before you did it, and would use the hand kiss as a way of telling you he’d be right by your side. sorry, I’m getting too carried away now;
tonight was a very special night.
you had been invited to a large dinner party by one of your friends, who was allowed to bring a plus one. it was a gathering with a lot of known youtubers from the gaming community, and your friend just so happened to be close with one of them.
well, in a way you were also familiar with them. you had met Technoblade a couple of months ago, not knowing anything about his popularity on the internet until you got to know him better. he revealed what he really did for a living, and you couldn't help but to be surprised. overtime you had grown very fond of him, and deep down you knew that your feelings for him was more than just a friendship. but your denial got the best of you and now you're running around your bedroom, panicking over what to wear since you knew he was gonna be there tonight.
of course he was, how could you forget? he’s one of the bigger youtubers who’s friends with even bigger youtubers! and who are you? just some stupid no-one in his life who happens to appear at the same party this night, who doesn't even know anyone!
maybe I shouldn't go, you thought. maybe this is the worst idea and is gonna end up being the worst night of my life.
you picked up your phone, about to text your friend that you had other plans tonight so you couldn't go, but the sound of the doorbell ringing stopped you in your tracks. “oh shit.”
you went downstars, deciding that you couldn't just ignore your friend because they always found a way to get you out of the house anyway. you opened up the door, only to be met with a glamorous looking person, also known as your best friend, dressed in the finest clothes you’d seen them in.
the smile on their face disappeared the moment they saw you. “why aren't you dressed yet?”
you scratched the back of your head, grimacing and not meeting their eyes. “well, you see…”
“ugh, we’re gonna be late! come on, I’ll help you get into something.” they grabbed your hand, charging up the stairs again before you had the chance to protest, and was at your closet in no time.
there had to be a way to get out of this
                                         • • •
there was no way you were getting out of this.
there you were, sitting in one of the lounging chairs all by yourself, sipping on your champagne in boredom. your friend had left for the dance floor with one of her fellow youtube friends, who you know they’d been crushing on for a while, which left you all by yourself in the corner of the room.
so far you had only seen a couple of recognisable faces, yet not the one specific face you were looking for. your friend had ended up picking out a deep red silky look for tonight, shade so dark that it matched the colour of your blood.
you spun your glass around in circles in your hand, bored from this party already since the only person you knew wasn't even there for you to talk with. but suddenly, your train of thought was interrupted once noticing a darkness stretching over your form, the change of lighting confusing you. you looked up to see what happened, only to be faced with the one and only person you’d secretly tried to avoid seeing the whole night.
“why is a person this lovely-looking sitting here all by themselves?” Technoblade’s eyes took in your figure with a light glimmer to them, a lopsided smirk etched onto his face as he spoke. you stared at him with big doe eyes, swallowing a lump that you weren’t aware had formed in your throat. you stared at him in awe, not able to believe that the handsome tux-clad man in front of you was the very same person you’d spoken too not that long ago, who you'd only ever seen in hoodies and t-shirts.
he chuckled at your lack of words, and instead chose to speak up. “I usually never end up in these kind of situations, so I’m not really that good at this… but do you think there's a chance- I mean if you want to- what I’m trying to say is; do you want to dance with me?”
it came as a shock to you - the whole situation was really just unexpected if you were being honest. you couldn't help but to let out a giggle nonetheless at his sudden shyness and stumbling of words, easing up the built-up tension between the two of you. you wondered if he also felt that tension of untold feelings, or if it was all just something you’d made up in your head.
anyway, you nodded at him, smile stretching out on your face, glad to have someone like him to ask for a dance instead of some weird creep like you'd feared. “I’d love to dance with you.”
the two of you moved towards the dance floor, blending in with the crowd of other people, who were too busy admiring one another's presence to notice the arrival of you and him. you looked at the way the other people changed pace in their steps as the song switched to a more slower-paced song, before turning around to see the very handsome man in front of you.
his hand was extended out to you, waiting for you to put yours in the rightful place of his palm. you did so, but not without a warmth weighing down on your cheeks. and just when you thought you couldn't get more flustered, he lifted your hand up to his face, gazing into your eyes as he placed a delicate kiss on your knuckles.
“I’m happy to see you here tonight,” he stated, lacing his fingers with yours to position himself in a suitable way for dancing, other hand resting on your waist as he slowly took control and started moving your bodies in slow motions. “I didn't think you'd be here, but I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.”
his hand on your waist was burning through the silky material of your clothes and onto your skin - well just about everything was burning at this point - and you could still feel the soft plushness of his lips tingling the skin on your hand. you felt like a million fireworks were going off inside your chest, your heart not catching a break from beating so fast. you didn't know what to do with yourself, but managed to let out a small; “I’m glad.”
he showed off his pearly white teeth at your response, nervous yet excited to spend a moment like this with you - and he wished for many more moments like these in the future. if only he knew you felt exactly the same way. though he didn't have to wait for long, for there was a whole night in front of you.
this man looooooves just cuddling up with you in his arms, leaving small love pecks on your neck when you're just chilling together. most of the time he just kisses your neck out of boredom - or when he isn't fiddling with anything, he’ll just start leaving pecks all over your neck. would be very subtle about it, though and probably isn't the type to kiss you in public. such a cutie though (I’m not simping, you are).
“I’m done!” a tired-looking Techno entered the living room to your pleasure, hair messy and wearing his usual hoodie he wore when recording videos. that one or the grey one that you may or may not be wearing at this very moment.
a smile spread onto your face at his presence. “perfect timing! I was just about to watch harry potter,” you said as he moved to crash onto the bed beside you. he left an long peck on your lips, craving the touch after the last time you’d left him to record alone. “you want to watch that?” you asked him once pulling away from the sweetness of his kisses.
“yes~. I haven't watched that movie since I was, like, sixteen,” he yawned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pull your back to his chest.
“you say that like you're old,” you laughed, resting a hand onto one of his by your chest, and with the other one you started the movie.
“I am old,” he responded, fiddling with one of your fingers, taking in the difference in size.
“shut up.”
as the movie progressed, he found it harder and harder not to do something else than just sit and watch. so what better way to distract his mind than to start showing you just how much he enjoyed spending time with you.
a warm smile reached your cheeks when you felt your boyfriend starting his routine of leaving loving pecks across the skin of your neck, making sure to push any hair out of his way to leave space for even more kisses. his hand resting on your chest slid further down, landing on the softness of your belly and rubbing the flesh gently.
you sighed in satisfaction, closing your eyes for a moment. you needed this - silence yet the three important words hanging in the air like silent screams of pure affection. you wished for nothing else in that moment.
kiss after kiss and a few belly rubs later, the two of you fell asleep silently with harry potter playing in the background. the perfect way to finish the night.
* *
hope you enjoyed! who do you want a 3 types of kisses for next? requests are always open, so don't be afraid to request anything! thank you for reading :)
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ppersonna · 4 years
wanna be yours - knj | m
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if you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot.  you call the shots babe, i just wanna be yours - i wanna be yours, the arctic monkeys
↳ summary- your camping trip with your date namjoon goes south, leaving you to camp in your car.  somehow, he helps you make the best of it.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 2.9k
↳ pairing-  namjoon x reader
↳ genre- smut, fluff
↳ warnings- public sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be smrt friends!), dirty talk, creampie, smutty fluff man it’s cute as shit
↳ a/n- hi friends! welcome back to another fun fic with lindy!  i was in my feels tihs morning and this little piece came out.  i hope you enjoy it!  i also felt like making sure namjoon was well represented in more than just a hard dom way LOL.  enjoy babies!  feel free to comment, message me, etc etc.  i love you!
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The sunlight pours in through the car windows with no care of disturbing you. It shines bright on your face and heats your skin. It’s uncomfortable—too bright. But, you’re unwilling to move from the warmth and safety of the arms encircling you, so you accept the punishment of the too bright light and remain rooted to your spot.
Sleeping in your car hadn’t been in the itinerary for your impromptu camping date with Namjoon. In fact, you had promised a tent and homemade meals, a campfire, and s’mores. But the torrential rain and downpour that never ended as soon as you arrived at your campground washed away those plans.
You had been distraught—your very new relationship with Namjoon was important to you and you wanted to give him a memorable night. You wanted to show him how invested in him you were, how much you enjoyed being with him. You hoped the night would end with him making love to you and asking to be your boyfriend.
Instead, it ended huddled in your car—soaking wet and eating cold cuts from your cooler, and falling asleep from utter exhaustion of the day. No romance, no passionate lovemaking, only lumpy sleeping bags and open containers of cheese strewn about the car.
Namjoon groans in his sleep as he finally registers the cursed sun pounding into his skull.  He wiggles around in the blankets, arms pulling you in tighter and grumbles about the sun being too noisy.  It makes you laugh—Namjoon always makes you laugh, and it pulls him even further from his rest.
He cracks an eye open and looks down at you.
“What’s so funny, huh?” He teases. His voice is rough around the edges from sleep and it makes your heart beat too fast.
“You said the sun was too noisy,” you giggle as you press your face into his chest.
He huffs a laugh and tries to feign insult.
“It is!”  His fingers dig into your armpits to tickle you, and it makes you squeal.  The ensuing tickle fight fills the car with laughter and you squirm to get away from the onslaught.  Namjoon turns you on to your back and hovers over you.  He has you pinned, and you’re whining for mercy through your laughter.
“Okay! I give! I surrender!” You pout through the tears of your laughter. 
Joon smirks in triumph and moves his hands down and away from your arms and settles them on your hips. 
A silent beat passes and you find yourself lost in Namjoon’s heated gaze. It warms you more than the overbearing sun pounding through the glass of your four-door sedan, and you feel your cheeks flush from the stimulation. 
“I’m sorry this camping thing didn’t really work out,” you mumble to dispel some fire in your chest. 
Namjoon smiles down at you. His eyes glitter with something unreadable to you, but it makes your stomach jump, regardless.
“It was perfect,” he says.  A hand comes up to stroke your head.  “I got to wake up next to you.  I’d say it was a successful trip.
Your throat loses the ability to function—you can’t breathe or form coherent words.  It all dries up on your tongue as you peer into Namjoon’s sincere gaze.
“I want to be with you,” he whispers as he continues to stroke your cheek.  “I’ve had the best time of my life over the last few weeks getting to know you.  I’d like to make you mine.”
Namjoon sounds so confident, so sure of himself and his feelings for you.  It’s intoxicating the way he’s able to be so open with his feelings. His bold first move to you so many weeks ago hooked you at the very start, and every overt attempt at continuing your blossoming romance pulled you further into his captivating orbit.
“I hope you feel the same way.  I’d like to keep getting to know you for the rest of my life.”
His words melt straight through you—you’re certain your heart is a puddle now.
“I’d like that to,” you murmur in agreement.  “I like you a lot.”
His megawatt smile lights up brighter than the gleaming billboards of Las Vegas and it stirs something inside you that has your core clenching.
 “I like you, a lot, a lot.”  
He doesn’t allow you to retort—instead he presses his lips to yours as he holds himself above your body.  
The kiss is so sweet.  There’s no tongue, no diving in for a taste quite yet.  It’s careful, yet confident.  He kisses you like he’s wanted to kiss you from the moment he set eyes on you.  Even though you’ve shared kisses since your first date, this one feels familiar and yet so different.  It feels like the start of something new.
You kiss him languidly, eventually allowing your tongue to slip through his lips and peruse the cavern of his mouth and slide over his own. He accepts it heartily and allows his own tongue to mimic your movements.  You note that despite his morning breath, he still tastes like something spicy, something sweet, and all together Namjoon and it has you weak.  
His hands move up your body, lifting at your shirt, and you’re eager to accept and let him undress you as his kissing turns hotter and more intense.  He sucks on your lips and smiles as the shirt comes off easily and reveals your bare chest.  You took your bra off the night previous and changed into a dry shirt, after spending an uncomfortable few hours in the rain trying and failing to set up a tent.  
He’s mesmerized by your breasts and the way the yellow light of the sun spreads across your pink nipples.  It nearly makes him salivate and you can feel a growing bulge in his sweats pressing into you. It causes you to feel even needier than you were before.  You’ve wanted this since the moment you saw him, and now you would finally get your chance.
Namjoon lowers his head down towards your chest and eagerly laps at your tits, perky nipples slipping into his mouth and being swirled around his tongue.  It shakes a groan out of you and makes your spine tingle.  He’s smiling around your buds now;  you can tell by the shape of his mouth against you, and it makes your own lips curl into a matching one.
The feeling of his mouth latched to your nipple has your core heated and you’re positive you’re soaking through the thin cotton panties covering you.
“Joon,” you sigh. 
He doesn’t offer a response, only hums around the nipple in his mouth as his other hand comes to pinch and pull at the neglected one.  He cups your breast too, squeezing the ample flesh there and enjoying the way it fills his palms.
“So good,” you encourage.  He doesn’t need much encouragement other than your pleased moans, but he likes that you’re talkative and eager to provide.  
He switches off, allowing the soaked nub to experience the pinch of his fingers as the other gets sucked into his warm mouth and nibbled on by his teeth.
“You’re so pretty,” he coos, eyes flickering between the reddened nipples and your blissful face.  “I’m so lucky.”
Normally, you’d roll your eyes at such a cheesy admittance but now that you’re here experiencing his magic mouth on your chest, it feels less corny and more romantic than anything you’ve ever heard before.
“Joonie,” you sigh again. “I want you.  Need you.”
You’re needy and unashamed of it now.  You can tell by the pleased look on his face that he likes it so there’s no need to hide how you feel.  
Your hand slips down to the growing bulge in his sweats and you grip it tight.  It makes him hiss through his teeth and he nods quickly.
“Yeah, I can see that,” he moans.  “I need you too.”
Your eyes stare into his—he nearly melts at your doe's eyes glossed over with adoration.  He’s sure he could lose all track of time and reality in your gaze.  
He’s tugging off your sleep shorts as quickly as he can, not bothering to take his time and unwrap you like a gift.  He’s past that point now—you can blame your breathy and desperate whines for more for his haste. 
You want to hide, to cover yourself, to not let your whole body be exposed in the blinding light of the morning sun, but when you see Namjoon gape at you like he’s just stumbled upon an angel, you feel the growing embarrassment stop in its tracks and retreat to the far, dark corners of your mind.  Namjoon doesn’t care about the freckles on your legs, the way you feel your body is too much or too little in places it should be different.  Namjoon is seeing you, all of you, and recognizes that he doesn’t think he’ll want anything else the rest of his life.
“I want to blow you,” you start as you sit up on your elbows.  “But, I think… lack of space is against us right now.”  Your cheeks flare red.  You’re bold, but only just enough to get the words out.  Now that they’re out, you feel the flicking flames of regret.
He pushes all embarrassed thoughts away with a sincere chuckle and a kiss to your forehead. 
“I wanna eat you out for a month straight but I might break my leg trying to do it here.  I think we’ll be lucky to do everything the old-fashioned way.”  He winks at you.  There’s no reason to feel stupid or too much around Namjoon.  It’s as if he’s molded, body and personality, to be your perfect match.  It’s complementary in nature and it spurs you into action.
“Fuck me, please,” you gasp.  If he’s phased at all by your plea, he doesn’t show it.  Instead, he smiles and presses you down to lie flat on the bed of your car.  It’s not comfortable—the folded seats aren’t the world’s most comfortable bed, and the blankets and sleeping bags bunch under you awkwardly.  But you don’t care.  It simply doesn’t even enter your thought process to care.  You’re too focused on how Namjoon is kissing you, caressing the skin of your obliques as he travels down to allow his finger to drag through the wetness gathering at the apex of your thighs.  It pulls a loud moan out of you as he skims a finger of your clit and your eyes widen in blissful pleasure.
He smirks against your lips and removes his hands.  He wants to play, oh does he ever want to play, but he thinks if he’s not inside you in the next minute or less, he’ll have an uncomfortable wet spot in his pants and some bruised dignity.  You’re so hot like this he thinks he’ll definitely bust in his pants before he even gets inside of you if he’s not quick.
He pushes the sweats down, kicks them off to some corner of your car and continues kissing you.
He pulls away for a moment as he grips his cock. 
“Shit, I didn’t bring any condoms.”
You bite your lip carefully.  You should have thought ahead but you foolishly always believe the man would be prepared.   He can tell by your features you’re lacking too.
“I mean, I wanted to bring some, but I worried you’d think I was presuming something and I didn’t want-... you know… I didn’t want you to think that’s all I was after.”
His confession makes you nearly cry and you’re thanking whatever god or higher power is up there that this beautiful, considerate, and honest man landed in your lap and soon, in your pussy.
“I’m clean,” you state. “I only have sex with partners.  And it’s been awhile.”  He leans down to kiss you but you interrupt one last time. “And I’m on birth control.”
He smiles at you and presses his lips to yours.  It’s comforting and sweet and still carries the heat of before but it’s held to a simmer.
“I’m clean too,” he replies.  “I actually have the printout of my test results last month in my wallet.”  He blushes at his admittance.  “Most guys carry condoms in their wallets and I just have my STD test results and a Costco membership.”
Uproarious laughter escapes both of you, and you cling to each other as you giggle together.  Your stomach hurts from the force of your laughter and you have to wipe away a few tears as you come down.  
“Maybe we can use that membership to get bulk amounts of condoms, then?” You postulate and it triggers another giggle session.
You’re not sure when the laughing ends and when his request for permission to slide into you starts, but you’re soon nodding your approval and allowing his thick cock to spear into you and stretch you wider than you think you’ve been stretched in your life.
You moan in unison, both overcome by the feel of your tight channel gripping his girth.  Namjoon stills inside of you once he’s fully sheathed and he wraps a hand around the back of your head and lets you rest on it like a pillow.
“Fuuuuck,” he nearly whines. “Shit, you feel so good.”
You whimper a reply, non-verbal agreement that the way he slots himself inside of you feels better than anything you’ve felt before.  He’s big and thick, and it feels like you’ve maybe bitten off more than you can chew but it mellows out to the perfect feeling of fullness and satisfaction.
You wiggle your hips to get him to move and he gets the hint.  He starts a pace that feels slow and gentle. You arch your back into him, press your chest against his.  The slow drag of his cock in and out of you is stimulating, it feels like it’s wired with electricity.  He holds you tight, an arm snaking around your waist and pulling you even closer.
“That’s right, baby,” he praises. “You look so good under me. Taking me so well.” 
Somehow Namjoon knew how much you needed the talking during sex, how you craved the interaction verbally as much as you needed it physically.  It spurs you on, gets you even wetter and you clench around him.  He notices and bites his lip.  He’s being rewarded for his gentle dirty talk and he’s encouraged to do it even more.
He picks up the pace and clings to you, eyes flickering between your face, your bouncing tits and the way his dick disappears inside of you and reappears covered in your creamy essence.
“Oh, baby,” he groans.  “You’re so good, baby.  Look at you making my cock all creamy.”
It’s impossible now to hold back your cries of passion.  He ups his pace, makes his strokes deeper and faster and it hits the spot inside you that makes your toes curl.  It feels like your every pore is soaking in every aspect of Namjoon.  Not only does your cunt accept him inside you, but your body craves to have him in your bloodstream.
“Yes, Joonie, yes!” Your hips match his pace and you’re spewing all the praise you can at the man above you. He feels so good inside you, feels like he’s lighting something you didn’t know was extinguished to begin with.
He pumps harder and moves his hands to your hips and grips tightly.  He watches as he continues to drill into you and it hypnotizes him.  The way you feel combined with the way your body sucks him in has him captivated.
Your combined breath heats the car, the windows steaming up from the heat in your pants.  Your skin feels clammy and the sheen of sweat appears on Namjoon’s forehead but none of it fucking matters.  All that matters is the way he pounds into you and pushes you closer and closer to the edge of euphoria that has you raking your hands on any surface of his skin you can reach, leaving trails of fire red lines in your wake.
“Close! Holy fuck, Namjoon!” You cry as your back tips up towards him again.  The coil in your belly is tightening impossibly—it feels like you’re cresting an enormous tidal wave.   “Gonna cum, Joon!”  
Namjoon goes even faster, determined to make you hit your high when he does and he’s nearly there.  Just a little more, a little longer.  
The increase in speed and intensity does the trick for both of you and the loud echo of your moans ring through the small enclosure of the car.  Namjoon pumps himself into your womb, suddenly grateful he knows you’re protected because he didn’t even comprehend a finish other than inside you.   You’re spasming around him and it feels so impossibly tight, tighter than a vice grip, and it makes him whine needily as you milk his cock for all he’s worth.
It takes nearly five minutes to regain complete consciousness and the ability to speak again.  Your breathing evens out from the heavy, gasping pants to light inhales.  Namjoon falls to lie beside you, pressing you into him as he pushes his sticky, sweaty hair out of his face.  
The sound of you laughing shakes Namjoon from his post-coital bliss.  He peers down at your curiously.
“Okay, what is so funny?” He asks.
You snort as you point a finger behind him.  He turns to look and sees an opened container of meat and cheese from your makeshift dinner the night before strewn about the car.  There're pieces of lunchmeat and cheese everywhere, stuck to the sleeping bag and the car seats.
“We fucked on top of cheese.”
Namjoon can’t help but laugh as he pulls you in closer and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck.
Yeah, he’s found the one. He’s sure of it.
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jalapeno-princess · 5 years
You Make Me Wild
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: fluffy SMUT (Intended for 18+ but honestly it isn’t that graphic i’m really bad at smut but whatever)
Summary: Sex at the beach with Mark, is there anything more to say?
A/N: Two stories in one day holy balls, it’s only because I began writing both stories over two weeks ago and I finally finished both. This is based on the song “American” by Lana Del Rey and a lot of her songs have been reminding me of Mark lately and this imagine is the product of it 
“Babe get in here. It’s not that cold, I promise. Don’t give me that look, you know I wouldn’t do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable..okay that was once..twice..okay we get it. Just trust me this time, please? It’s getting lonely in here.” 
It was an extremely cold winter night and you don’t know how he did it, but your boyfriend convinced you to tag along with him to the beach, not caring that it was less than 40 degrees out with the excuse that he thought it would be romantic. Especially seeing as how nobody in their right minds would be out at the beach at 9:30 p.m. while it’s freezing cold. But you were so in love with Mark, that you would do anything he asked of you. Which is why you found yourself removing his jacket that he gave you to wear earlier because he knew it was your favorite, your sheer tank top and your pair of high waisted shorts. You took a deep breath in and attempted to calm down your nerves. 
You were never a fan of the cold and as much as you loved Christmas, you hated the winter solely because your body was sensitive to the weather. “You’re crazy. You know that? Actually insane.” You shouted out at him earning yourself a chuckle that echoed throughout the empty beach. God, his laugh was your favorite sound in the entire world. You were sure it could cure cancer. And his smile, it was like a drug and you knew you were addicted. 
At first, you thought the two of you were just going to sit down on the beach and gaze up at the stars as he held you in his arms. However, when he started running towards the water and removing his clothes before ultimately diving in, you knew tonight was not going to end on a quiet note. When you heard him shriek from how cold it was, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. Your boyfriend was a daredevil, always seeking for some sort of adrenaline rush. But seeing him practically naked, with water dripping all over his body sent shivers down your spine. All of a sudden, you were no longer cold. The heat that surged throughout your body seeing Mark like this awoke something animalistic in you and that’s why you didn’t question yourself as you started stepping in to the water. 
“Holy shit! It’s f..fu..fucking freezing Mark..what the hell?” Your boyfriend made his way towards you and held his hand out for you to grab all the while pulling you in to his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. He placed a few kisses along your cheek before placing his chin on top of your head. The two of you stood in silence, listening to the waves slowly crash on the shore and the sound of each other’s breathing. It was so quiet, you were sure he could hear your heartbeat. But it didn’t matter, he was the reason for it anyway. Because of how cold it actually was, your teeth began chattering and your arms began shaking. You found yourself clinging closer to Mark, hiding your face in his neck and doing anything you could to warm yourself up. 
“I know a way to warm you up princess. I can think of several ways actually.” He wiggled his brows at you and earned himself a weak punch against his shoulder. You could practically see your breath because of how cold it was and you ultimately started regretting your decision of letting him sweet talk you in to doing this. “Baby, I’m serious. Dive in. Really. You won’t be as cold. I’ll go in with you if you want.” He brought his thumb up to your face and gently caressed your cheek. 
You slowly leaned in to his palm and smiled when you felt him place a soft kiss on your lips. Finally, after minutes of contemplating his recommendation, you intertwined your fingers and lightly squeezed his hand, letting him know that you were okay with completely emerging yourself underwater. With one more chaste kiss on the corner of your lips, he pulled you with him and the two of you sank underwater. However, you were quick to rise to the surface because it all felt like too much. The freezing cold water, his tight grip on your waist, the wind blowing against your skin. It was driving you insane. 
“Y/n, babe. Are you okay?” You quickly nodded while pulling him against your chest. The need to be as close with him as possible ran through your veins. No matter how cold it was and how nervous you were being in the middle of the ocean so late at night, you felt safe in Mark’s arms. He was your safe haven, where you hid your heart. It didn’t matter where you were, as long as he was around, your heart was happy. After a while, your body began to warm up but you weren’t too sure if it had to do with Mark’s advice or just him in general.
“Babe.” He looked up at you and hummed in curiosity. “What was the other way you planned on warming me up?” A smirk rose on his handsome face and he quickly brought his lips up to your jaw, placing chaste kisses against it while rubbing his hands up and down your arms. 
“Swimming in the ocean isn’t the only reason you’re going to be soaking wet tonight baby.” His warm breath against your neck only made things harder for you. He grabbed you by your thighs and wrapped them around his waist, hoisting you up against his knee so that you were making eye contact with him before ultimately connecting your lips together. The way he was kissing you was all too familiar. 
Mark had many different ways of kissing you depending on what the mood was. He’d leave chaste kisses along your face in attempts to get you to fall asleep, he’d place a soft kiss on your temple if you were nervous as a way to get you to calm down. He’d peck your lips goodbye if he was dropping you off to work or school and Eskimo kisses were meant for when he wanted to be close to you, yet not show too much pda when you were with friends or family. This kiss however, was intense, passionate, it felt as if your entire body was on fire. You couldn’t get enough of him. Even if it was physically impossible for you to get any closer to him, you wanted to have him as close to your body as you could.
He brought one hand up to your cheek and ran the other one through your hair. With every touch, a surge of electricity ran through you. “You’re so beautiful. I can’t and probably will never get enough of you.” You smiled up at him and reconnected your lips together. You needed to touch him and feel him or you were sure you were going to go crazy. His hands softly grabbed at your breasts, squeezing and pinching your perky nipples. Your boyfriend lifted you up higher on to his thigh so that way he could bring one of your breasts in to his mouth while his hand continued to play with the other. Mark was completely aware of how much you enjoyed breast play and something about seeing you in the moonlight, your skin glistening with water droplets falling from your face was such an erotic sight to him. You were a sight for sore eyes. 
The feeling of him sucking and kneading on your chest was such an erotic sensation. Your hands found purchase in his hair and you began to grind yourself against his thigh, trying to find any means of friction to help the tingling sensation in your throbbing core. Feeling you trying to get yourself off and hearing your delicious moans only turned your boyfriend on even more and much as he loved riling you up with breast play, he needed to be inside of you.
He pulled away, earning himself a whine from you and placed his forehead against yours. Before you could open your mouth to complain about his sudden release, you felt his fingers trace down your thighs. If the cold water wasn’t enough, his touches sure made goosebumps rise on your skin. You could feel his fingers slowly graze against your center and you immediately hid your face in to the crook of his neck to prevent you from moaning too loud. When he finally brought two of his fingers in to your core, you released a sigh of relief. As he began pumping, you bit down on your lip. It was an indescribable feeling. He lifted up your chin so that you were making eye contact with him and smirked at you. 
“Look at you, my pretty little petal. Riding my fingers like the naughty little girl you are. How does it feel baby? Say it. I need words.” You could feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as he quickened his pace. Your boyfriend was always so soft and gentle when it came to you, so whenever Mark would talk dirty to you, you savored every single second of it. 
“S..So good..I’m so close Mark..so so close...please don’t stop.” He continued to pump his fingers in and out of your already very soaked pussy while rubbing his hard on against your thigh. It was such an erotic feeling and seeing him bite down on his bottom lip from the excitement he got from pleasuring you only brought you closer to your release. He continued his ministrations of sucking and nibbling on your chest and all too soon, you felt yourself releasing against his fingers. 
“That’s my girl. Cum all over my fingers. You’re so fucking tight baby. I cannot wait to be inside of you. Now be a good girl and jump for daddy.” You did as you were told and lifted yourself up higher so that you were now sitting on his lap with your ass grazing against his very hard and throbbing cock. The sensation brought a tingling sensation to your stomach. In attempts to rile Mark up some more, you decided to grind yourself against his bulge earning yourself a loud moan from the devastatingly handsome man in front of you. His hands gripped your waist and stopped your movement all together. 
“Keep teasing me y/n and see where it gets you. Fuck. I will never get over how beautiful you are.” He ran his thumb along your bottom lip and you playfully bit down on it. When you heard him growl in to your ear, you knew you were driving him crazy. 
“Are you ready for me baby?” You quickly nodded while bringing your hand in to the water, reaching for him and grazing your thumb along his throbbing cock. 
Seeing you look at him so innocently while committing such a sinful act in such a public setting sent your boyfriend in to a frenzy. Anyone could walk on the beach and see the two of you relinquishing in your love, but that only made it more exciting. 
Exhibitionism was a kink the two of you had in common and having sex in public only turned the both of you on even more. He sighed at the feeling of your thumb grazing along his veins and as you began to pump faster, he felt his eyes rolling back. You were driving him insane. The feeling of the freezing cold water and your dainty fingers wrapped around him was sure to bring him to euphoria. He couldn’t explain how amazing this all felt. Making love to you, his soulmate, his best friend, the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with in the middle of the ocean was something he could get used to. 
“Baby..as good as that feels, I need to be in you. Right now. Please.” Knowing it was his sweet spot, you sucked right under his earlobe and placed a chaste kiss there before nodding in agreement. Hearing him beg for you was something you were used to. Your boyfriend always made it known to you as to how much he was obsessed with you by loving on your body as if you were a piece of art. Which you were in his eyes. He always needed to be touching you. Sometimes he had a hard time believing you were real. People say nobody’s perfect, but to Mark, you came pretty close. 
His heavy panting and the sigh he released against your collarbone from when you finally let him out of your grip brought warmth to your cheeks and you were sure his voice alone could make you come. Before you could say anything, you felt him bring his dick up against your folds. Your breath hitched at the feeling and he turned you to face him so that he could see your expression when he finally entered you. No matter how many positions the two of you would experiment in, cowgirl and missionary were always his favorite because of how much he loved looking at your pretty face while he fucked your brains out. The way you would bite down on your lip, or open your mouth ajar because of how good he was at rearranging your guts would always excite him. He would also melt at the sight of your soft, doe like eyes every time the two of you would have slow and passionate sex. 
Being the gentleman he is, he would always wait for you to take the lead, no matter how badly he wanted to bury himself inside of you. He always wanted to make sure you were having a good time and he didn’t want to do anything that made you uncomfortable. 
The two of you sighed in content when you finally sank down on him. The feeling of him filling you up was undeniably satisfying and with the way he was biting on your jaw in attempts to hide his moans, you knew you had the same effect on him as he did on you. “Fuck..how are you always so fucking tight? And so wet. I’m not going to last long y/n.” 
You giggled softly before starting to bounce on him. Your hands gripped on his biceps as his made their way to your ass, grasping tightly while he helped you in riding him. The water only added to how amazing this all felt and he began to regret not trying this with you sooner. Sure, you both experimented in shower and hot tub sex, but this was completely different and in his opinion, one of the best places to make love to you in. He began moving his hands all around your body, the need to touch you only heightened. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I cannot stress this enough.” He ran one hand through your hair while bringing the other one to your cheek. Seeing him looking at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes made your heart combust. Knowing your second orgasm was quickly approaching, you began to clench around him, causing him to stop his movements all together. 
“Don’t do that. You know exactly what that does to me. Stop it. I refuse to come before you do.” You playfully rolled your eyes as you continued to tighten yourself around him and your boyfriend was well aware that he could do nothing to stop your teasing. But he loved the feeling of your already very tight cunt clenching around him anyway, so he gave up trying to stop you. You knew he was close when he connected your lips together and began making out with you. He’d always do that right before reaching his orgasm for reasons still unknown to you, but you loved it nonetheless. Little did you know, he did this because he was addicted to your lips, and kissing you was probably his favorite thing to do. It also helped soothe the flame building in his stomach that you caused by just your mere existence. 
“I love you y/n. So fucking much baby..shit shit—“ You felt him filling you up with his warm seed and you smiled softly when you noticed the frown on his face. 
“Baby I’m sorry—“ you shook your head while placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. Every time he came before you did, he would apologize and it always made your heart flutter. Mark always put you and your needs first. He made it clear that you were his first and main priority. With that being said, he brought his fingers back to your entrance before toying with your clit while he began thrusting himself in to you again. Although the force of the water was strong, that didn’t prevent him fucking you at such a quick pace.
“M—Mark..I’m..I’m so close..Please go faster. Please—ah fuck.”
“Don’t worry princess, I got you. You’re always so good to me..let me return the favor baby.”
Watching the water around you ripple from how fast and hard he was pounding in to you sent heat to your bones and before you knew it, you were reaching your second orgasm. The feeling of his tip kissing your cervix with his pelvis hitting your ass at the rate he was going was indescribable. He milked you of everything you had and you found yourself collapsing against him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and released an exhausted sigh. 
“That was..wow..you..God. You’re not real. You can’t be.” He wrapped your legs around his waist and stood up, the cold air against your skin made you shriek, but he was quick to place you back in to the water. After a while, he began spinning the two of you around. Your heart felt so full. Although you both just committed such a sinful act, being at one of your favorite places with your favorite human being made you smile like a child. You could tell he was trying his best in trying to take your mind off of how cold it was, but with the way his teeth were chattering, he was suffering just as much as you were. You both began to laugh at the thought of everything that just went down.
“Let’s get out of here.” He picked you up bridal style before running over to where your things were. Your mind was too focused on the cold that you failed to realize the both of you were naked until you felt the wind graze against your nipples. 
“Oh God..Mark! You didn’t plan this out correctly! What if we get caught? We can go to jail for public nudity—“ he placed you down before wrapping the towel around your body and silenced you by placing a sloppy kiss against your lips. 
“Getting to fuck you at the beach is the only reason I’d enjoy going to jail for.” Once the two of you were done with putting on your clothes, he reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
“This was your plan all along wasn��t it? Horndog.” His laughter echoed throughout the beach and the sound did wonders to your heart. 
“If I’m being honest, no. I just wanted to get away with you for a little while. Life can be a bit much sometimes and you seem to make everything so much better. I forget all the negativity going on whenever you’re around. So thank you, for being my escape from reality. I know I tell you this a lot and I don’t even think those three words describe even half of what I feel for you, but I love you y/n. And I plan on doing so for the rest of our lives if you let me. Come on, let’s go home so I can help clean you off. In other words, round two in the shower?”
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Got7 Imagine: You Are Their Neighbor
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You were lucky that you and your neighbor had the same habits. The sounds of gunfire and grenades would often echo back and forth between the apartment walls, the occasional profanity would make it through as well. Any other neighbors and you were sure the cops would have been called by now. 
Even with all of the noise exchange, you had never met the guy next door. You assumed he was a guy. You heard yelling that usually sounded like a man, but it could be a husky woman, you weren't sure. 
One night when you were settling in for a night of some multiplayer madness, you realized that a trip to the store for beer and snacks were necessary. You walked to the closest convenience store and other than one other very handsome guy in the back looking at energy drinks, you were the only customer there. You both checked out one right after the other and you noticed that he turned down the same streets as you to get home. You were walking behind him trying not to look like a creep following a guy home. 
He turned into your building and you were surprised that you had just encountered someone from your building. 
You rushed to the only working elevator and the guy was standing in the back corner of the elevator. 
“What floor?” he asked as he leaned towards the keypad.
“Twelve,” You said as you looked at the keypad. “Oh, looks like we are on the same floor.” 
He nodded and went back to fidgeting with his hoodie sleeves.
You both got off and turned left. You knew almost everyone in you hall. Could it be he was the mysterious neighbor. 
“You live in 1204?” You asked him, shocking him.
“How do you know where I live?” He stopped dead in his tracks. “I swear I have nothing of value for you to steal and if I ghosted you I’m sorry and please don’t kill me.” 
You laughed as you walked passed him to apartment 1206, your apartment.
“I live next door,” you laughed as you unlocked the door, “see?” you shook the keys. 
“You play Overwatch?” he asks, skeptical. “Oh wait, it must be your boyfriend.” He reaches for his door knob.
“I live alone.” 
“You play as Reaper.” He said calmly as he tilted his head to the side, “I prefer Mei.” 
“You can tell that from the sounds through the walls?” You asked, shocked at his knowledge of the game.
“I don’t really do much other than play overwatch and go to work.” He said calmly. “I’m Mark Tuan by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.” You were amazed that such a beautiful human was a recluse gamer. 
“Wait, Mark Tuan...like MarkYienTuan93?”
“That’s creepy.” he said looking at you shocked again, “How do you know my gamer tag?”
“I’ve played with you. Well, against you. You always beat me for the top rank. Every. Time.”
“Wait, you’re killerY/F/N69?” He looked shocked. 
“That’s me.” You smiled.
“Add me.” he said with a smile, “I think we could kick some serious ass when we aren’t trying kill each other.” 
And with that he walked into his apartment. 
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You adored your neighbor, JB, you just hated his cats. Nora was sweet, but the other 4 needed new homes. They meowed all night and hissed any time you got close to their Daddy. It isn’t your fault he wants you to call him Daddy too.
You met him when your cat jumped over the fence and somehow ended up at his place. Spots was there for over a week before JB realized he had an extra cat and that the cat was the one on all of the missing posters around the neighborhood.
After he returned Spots, you two clicked. You never went on dates, it was purely a physical thing. 
It started when you left a window open while you were watching porn. He saw it from his living room window and made his way over to your place to interrupt and ask if you wanted some real life help getting off instead of just using toys and your hand with some porn. He made sure to point out that he could do what was being done in the video as well.
You were offended at first...and embarrassed...but you agreed to give it a try. 
Ever since then, it’s been a normal thing.
You would occasionally see him watching porn and would venture over to his place and he would sometimes just come over to see if you wanted to “Netflix and chill.” 
There had been some odd interruptions by both of your furry children, but for the most part things just worked out well. 
Being his neighbor was definitely good thing.
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Living next to an athlete was a perk. You could chill by the apartment complex pool and watch your neighbor run and lift weights. He ended every workout with a long swim and a relaxing soak in the hot tub, so everything was on display and you loved it.
You knew from hearing his workout buddies that his name was Jackson. He spoke a ton of languages and lived across the hall from you. You didn’t think he knew that though.
He would walk by you while you were chilling in the pool area and smile and wink, but he never came over and introduced himself at the pool or in the hall. 
Even if you ogling him was the extent of your relationship with him, you were okay with that. Seeing his sweaty and wet body all the time was more than enough. 
Unfortunately, your mouth decided one day to ruin that.
Jackson walked by, like usual, and smiled. You opened your mouth to smile back and instead of a smile, you accidentally said “Damn those thighs.”
You hoped it was quiet enough that he didn’t notice, but the pool was abandoned and the echo was real.
“It was leg day,” he said with a smile, “They always look this toned on leg day. By tomorrow they will be normal thighs again.”
“There is nothing normal about those thighs.” Your mouth spoke before your brain could stop it. “I mean-” you freaked out and sat up, “They are very nice thighs. There isn’t anything wrong with them. I-”
“I’m Jackson.” He wiped his hand on a towel and reached out to shake yours, he knew exactly when to cut you off. Bless him.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled nervously and shook his hand.
“Oh, I know.” He said with a smirk before putting his goggles on and diving into the pool.
“YOU KNOW?” You asked, louder than you should have while he began swimming his laps, a small smirk lingering on his lips.
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You had the best neighbor. You just didn’t know his name. He brought over cookies for the holidays, ran the neighborhood watch, he read a lot, was quiet all the time, and he kept a crazy clean apartment. 
You had had dinner at his place multiple times as friends, but you never remember him telling you his name. He used your name all the time and you were forced to never say his. You wanted to ask, so badly, but it had been 3 years. It was way too late now. 
Tonight your neighbor knocked on your door and asked if you had dinner plans. This was normal enough and your answer of ‘well I bought some ramen on the way home,’ was apparently not an acceptable answer.
He brought you over to his place and had a whole dinner set up for two. There was wine and a candle already on the table and the mood was not what you expected.
"Have a seat." He said as he grabbed the food and set it down in front of you. 
“Did your date stand you up?” You asked as you looked at him intensely, waiting for him to take the first bite.
“Nope.” he said as he mixed his salad. “I figured you hadn’t had dinner so I whipped something up.”
“This is too romantic for a neighborly dinner.”
“So what if it is? What if I want things to be romantic with you, Y/N?”
You picked a terrible time to take a sip of wine. You barely held it in, but the alcohol still burned your nose and caused you to choke.
“You want what now?” You asked as you regained your composure.
“Date me.” He said as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, a long sip of wine following in a fluid action. 
His suave actions threw you off. 
“You want to date me?” You asked, still dumbfounded.
“Did I stutter, Y/N?” He asked, taking another sip of wine.
“No. You were very clear.” You said as you downed your wine in one long gulp.
Your neighbor got up and got almost uncomfortably close to you when he refilled it.
“So?” he asked, the heat of his breath grazing your face.
“Yes.” You said, lost in his eyes.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I’ll date you.”
“Yes, You’ll date me....” He was looking for something else and you couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Say my name.” He whispered into your ear. “I can’t remember you ever saying my name and I want to hear you say it.”
“I-” you started as he pulled back to look at you.
“You-?” he said, clearly teasing you at this point.
“I need to-” You were going to excuse yourself and pretend this never happened.
“I was right.” he said quietly to himself before a smile overtook his face and he began to laugh. “You don’t know my name.” 
You froze. How could you admit you just agreed to date someone whose name you didn’t even know.
“Let me introduce myself, since I know for a fact that I never have before.” He said before taking your hand and kissing it. “I’m your boyfriend, Park Jinyoung.”
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Oh the nosies you were hearing. You couldn’t figure out what your neighbor was doing, but boy did it sound x-rated. The moaning, the breathlessness, the guttural sounds. They all sounded like you wanted them beneath you. You didn’t know why he was so loud all day, but you knew you had to meet him. 
You decided to head over to his place with a plate of welcome to the neighborhood cookies and tea. The noises weren’t there for once, so you assumed that whatever he was doing, he would be appropriate and able to accept a visitor.
The man opened the door with a loud laugh as his dog was doing something on the ground near his feet.
“Hi, I live next door, I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“Ummm... I’ve lived here for 2 years...” He said as he eyed you warily. 
“Yeah... I’m a little late, aren’t I?” you laughed nervously as you held out the tray of sweets.
“Well, I guess I can’t say no to a free plate of cookies.” He said as he gently took the plate, “come on in.”
“So what do you do?” you asked as you walked into his place. It was very simple, nothing nearly as lewd as you thought you would find.
“I’m a singer.” He said calmly, “I thought you would have known that with how often I’m singing in the apartment. I can hear your nightly routine of watching Rick and Morty, so I thought you could definitely hear my singing.”
“That’s what those noises are?” you asked, shocked that his voice through the walls sounded so sexual.
“What did you think they were?” he asked, his face and ears turning red.
“I-” you paused, not wanting to make this more awkward than it already was. “You should try a cookie.” You gestured to the plate, trying to deflect from the awkwardness of the situation.
“Ah. I will later. I have to practice some more.” He said as he went over to the music stand. “You’re welcome to stay if you’d like.”
You decided why not? You had only ever heard him through the walls. His voice was angelic. You wanted to listen to him all the time. With any luck, he’ll let you.
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Bam Bam: 
The boy across the hall was an enigma. You had gotten a few glances of him, always well dressed, always laughing. His friends came over a lot and they would listen to music and have mellow parties. One day, he caught you looking at him while he was walking down the apartment complex hall.
“Hi.” he said as he took off his sunglasses and smiled. 
“Um. Hi.” you said, looking away, trying to not make it obvious you were staring. 
“I’m Bam Bam, who are you?”
“I’m Y/N” you said, extending your hand for a shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet the girl next door.” He said as he smirked. “I’d love to get to know you better.”
“What?” You asked, thrown off.
“I’ve seen you glance at me and my friends. Want to come over to a party later? It’s really chill. We just drink and listen to music.” 
“Umm.. Sure.” you said, nervous. He was so much better looking up close.
“Great, come by around 9? By the way, I have a few cats. Be prepared.”
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The stomping was happening again. You had already filed so many complaints with the building and no matter what it won’t stop. Your upstairs neighbor was just so loud. 
“FINE! TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME!!!” You yelled at the ceiling as you got up and blasted the loudest classical opera music you could find. 
You hadn’t even met your neighbor yet and you were already fighting. 
Less than 10 minutes of the music and there was a knock on the door. 
“Can you turn the music down please?” A male voice yelled as the pounding on the door continued. 
“The door’s open!” You yelled, not leaving your couch. He was going to have to work for this after the last two weeks of hell since he moved in.
“TURN IT DOWN PLEASE!!!!” he yelled, just feet away from you, but you could still barely hear him.
You were going to answer, but standing in front of you was a very attractive, very sweaty, very tattooed, shirtless man. 
He reached around you and grabbed your remote, shutting the opera down. 
“How do you have eardrums?” He asked, putting the remote down on the table. 
“I’m sorry, was it bothering you?” You asked, his gentle scent of axe body spray and sweat bothering you in the best way. 
“I was trying to practice for my dance competition and your music was throwing me off.” He was breathing heavily, standing above you now. God how you wanted to see him breathing heavily above you in another position. 
“Your dancing echoes through my apartment and throws me off every night.” You said, standing up to try to look him in the eye. Damn he was tall.
“I-” he paused for a moment before his eyes went from angry to gentle. “I didn’t know. I knew someone was complaining about me, but I didn’t know you could hear me. I thought it was something else.”
“It was me.” you said grumpily, “don’t you have a studio you can practice at?”
“It closes at 6.” he pouted, “I need longer to perfect my moves.”
“Can you try to perfect them in a quieter way?” you asked, taking a step back from him.
“What if I can make it up to you somehow?”
“How?” you asked, puzzled.
“Make you so tired that you can sleep through my dancing no problem.”
“And how would you do that?” You asked as he stepped closer, leaning in towards your ear.
“Come by tomorrow at 7pm and I’ll not only tire you out, I’ll show you what I thought was actually causing the noise complaints.”
His lips brushed your ear as he turned to leave.
“I don’t even know your name.” You said as you followed him, admiring his back.
“Yugyeom.” he whispered as he closed the door behind him.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 35: The Vacation Part 2: I Don’t Wanna Stop Loving You
Here comes the next part in the story I started in the previous episode. Before starting, I want to remind that the Remus that appears in this fic is an alternate version of the original. I know the original Remus is a lot crazier than how I’m depicting him here, but then again, his introduction here was completely different and he has a backstory that canon Remus does not, hence the differences. It’s just another take on him, which is the whole purpose of making an AU in the first place after all. I’m leaving you with the story, then, and hope you enjoy. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: After the terrible misunderstanding at the beach, Remus has locked himself in his room and doesn’t want to see anyone. Janus and the others desperately try to get to him, to gain his forgiveness, and also fearing for him and his mental health.
WARNINGS: Angst, in the whole sense of the word. Some slight innuendo on behalf of Remus. Romantic dukeceit.
[the off-voice narration is mixed with flashback images from the previous episode]
ROMAN-NARRATOR: We all decided to take a week of vacation in the Royal Castle of Sandersia. The idea was to be all together in wholesome fun, so that Remus and Roland got relaxed and managed to befriend each other. I didn’t expect how bad this would turn out to be. We were at the beach, when suddenly…
[flashback scene]
IRA: What is going on here? [yelling, calling the others] Guys! Guys, Roland and Remus are missing! Guys!
[the others hear them and start looking in all directions, trying to find them. Roman swims next to the beach]
ROMAN: I hope nothing happened to them.
[suddenly, Remus rises up from under the water]
IRA: Look, there is Remus, he was diving into the sea. But where is Roland!?
[Remus swims calmly without any concern at all]
IRA: Why is Remus so calm!? Did he have anything to do with this? This is suspicious as heck!
ROMAN: Remus! Remus, come here at once!
NARRATOR-ROMAN: We all accused Remus of doing something horrible to Roland. It wouldn’t help that Roland appeared floating on the sea. I was so horrified I couldn’t help it. The words just came out of my lips.
ROMAN: [also horrified] Remus, what have you done?
REMUS: [in despair] I did nothing! I swear! You have to believe me!
[Roman swims to the place Ian pointed at, until he reaches Roland. He’s unconscious, floating on the water]
ROMAN: [horrified] Oh, my goodness gracious, Roland! No!
[when he touches Roland, he flinches and opens his eyes]
ROLAND: [scared] What!? What’s going on!?
[Roland sinks into the water, getting out as quickly as he can, then looks at Roman and takes some ear plugs out of his ears]
ROMAN: Roland, you’re alive! Thank goodness, you scared the sh** [bleep] out of me!
ROLAND: I’m… sorry, Roman, I was floating on the water, with my ear plugs so that water didn’t enter my ears. I guess I got so relaxed that I fell asleep for a moment. I’m sorry I scared you.
ROMAN: Then that means… [looking at Remus, who watches the scene from afar] Oh, Remus!
[Roman returns as fast as he can to where Remus and the others are. Roland follows him from behind]
ROMAN: Remus, I’m so sorry!
REMUS: [serious face] How could you honestly believe I could do that to you, even for a second?
IRA: Well, it wouldn’t have been, like, the first time you had tried to do that…
REMUS: [yelling in a sudden outburst of wrath] I’m talking to my brother, not to you! I don’t give a f… [bleep] sh… [bleep] about what you think about me, you fake doodle! But I do care about Roman’s opinion and…
[tears burst out of his eyes. Remus turns around, then gets out of the water and approaches the deck chairs, not facing the others, who follow him a few steps behind]
ROMAN: I have no excuse. I can only tell you that I’m sorry and that I should have trusted you from the start.
REMUS: Yes, you should have. But you didn’t. And it seems no matter what I do to be better, you’ll never fully trust me, right?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Remus had all the right to be upset. It was our fault. He dressed up and decided to return to the castle all alone, but before he left…
[Remus walks two steps, then, with a broken voice, he looks at Janus, with his eyes wet and red, and speaks]
REMUS: What hurts me the most is that… even you, Janus, had doubts about me… Even you, my love, thought me capable of…
[before Janus can answer, Remus starts running towards the castle. They can’t see his face, but they all notice clearly that he’s crying]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Then Janus decided to go after him. If there’s anyone that can make him speak, that’s Janus. I hope he succeeds…
[intro sequence]
[Janus is knocking at the door of his room]
JANUS: Remus! Unlock the door right now! We need to talk!
REMUS: [voice from inside] I said, leave me alone! I don’t want to talk right now with anyone!
JANUS: Not even me? I’m your boyfriend, I need you to talk to me!
REMUS: Right, a fine boyfriend you are, not trusting me in something as bad as this! Don’t make me laugh!
JANUS: That’s not fair! I was the first to claim your innocence, even before Roland appeared! Does that not count?
REMUS: You had to use your sixth sense to figure that out, and until you did that, you were just like the others! You also thought me capable of doing that!
JANUS: I did not! I love you!
REMUS: You’re lying. And even if you aren’t, no matter how many fairy tales Roman has told you, love isn’t magical and it can’t fix everything, certainly not this! Now, again, leave me alone!
JANUS: Well, this is my bedroom too! Where do you want me to sleep, in the hallway?
REMUS: You’ll come up with something! This castle is full of rooms, I’m sure you’ll find somewhere else to spend the night. Now, go away!
JANUS: [sighs with a sad face] As you wish. Good night, my love.
[Remus doesn’t answer. The others arrive at that moment]
ROMAN: Any luck, Janus?
JANUS: No, I’m afraid not. He’s locked me out and doesn’t want to open the door.
ROLAND: That’s odd, these doors didn’t have a lock, to begin with.
ROMAN: Well, Remus can mold Sandersian reality at his will as much as I can. He probably created the lock himself to keep us out.
ROLAND: I see… Couldn’t you just… remove the lock, then, Roman, so that we could open the door?
JANUS: I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Forcing him to see us right now, when he’s so upset, could be counterproductive. It will be best if we leave him alone for the night. Maybe tomorrow, when we all calm down, we will see things clearer. But I’m gonna need somewhere else to sleep, guys.
IRA: Don’t worry about that. I have an extra bed in my room that I can get ready in a minute. You can sleep there tonight if you want.
JANUS: Thank you, Ira. Always on the rescue as usual.
IRA: Of course. That’s what friends are for, buddy.
ROMAN: If tomorrow everything stays the same, Virgil and I can sleep in the Royal Suite and you can sleep in our room. That way you’ll be closer to him, even if with a wall between you.
JANUS: Thanks, Roman.
ROMAN: Well, I don’t think we’re gonna gain anything by staying here staring at the door. The sun is setting. Let’s go have some dinner, then call it a day. Maybe, with some sleep, our minds well be clearer, even Remus’.
[They all go to the dining room. Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Remus is lying on the bed, with his face on the pillow, which is soaking wet in his tears and stained with his makeup. The pillow drowns his otherwise loud whining sounds as he grabs the sheets with both hands in despair, almost tearing them off. Times goes by and it’s night. The corridor outside the bedroom is quiet, until Thomas and the Sides approach their doors to go to bed, saying goodnight to each other. A few seconds later, when all the doors are closed, Janus approaches Remus’ door with a plate of food, and knocks the door softly]
JANUS: Remus, it’s me. You don’t have to open the door if you don’t want to. I’m here to bring you some dinner. You haven’t eaten anything in hours, and if I know you, and by now I know you well, in your state you probably haven’t summoned anything to eat. Please, have some dinner, at least do that for me. [Remus doesn’t answer. Janus sighs with a sad expression] I expected this. I don’t know if you’re asleep or if you just don’t want to talk to me, but I’m leaving the plate at the door. If you’re awake, please, take it and eat it when I’m gone. Don’t see me again if you don’t want to, but I beg you, don’t harm yourself, either physically by starvation, or mentally by gloating in your own misfortune caused by our mistake, it would kill me. I love you. I’m completely honest when I’m saying that I love you, and that I’m sorry I failed you today. Good night, my love.
[Janus leaves the plate on the floor in front of the door, then, he touches the door with a face of longing and leaves the hallway. After a couple of minutes, the door opens, and Remus grabs the plate, then looks at the empty hallway with a sad face. His cheeks are completely covered in dry blue stains of crying his makeup away, and his mustache is tilted and half-off]
REMUS: I love you too, Janus. Sleep well, my love.
[Remus closes the door behind him. The night goes by and morning comes. As usual, when Thomas wakes up, all the other Sides wake up too. Remus, in his room, wakes up and looks at the empty spot at the bed where Janus would have laid. He sighs, then gets up. He didn’t even take his green suit off and slept the whole night wearing it, so it’s completely disheveled and wrinkled, with the green sash half-untied. He looks at the mirror and sighs]
REMUS: [ironic] Ready for the Met Gala, am I not? It’s ironic that, when I’m feeling most serious, my appearance is the most disgusting, and when I’m more in the mood of disgusting someone, my appearance becomes so regal… Well, we’ll have to fix that, Remus, don’t we?
[Remus snaps a finger, and his face and outfit look neat and clean again. He sighs again]
REMUS: Okay, Remus… the show must go on. I won’t give anyone the excuse that this all failed because I didn’t try hard enough. [forcing himself to smile madly] Time to shine again!
[someone knocks at the door. Remus points at the door and the lock disappears]
REMUS: [singsong voice] It’s o-o-open!
[Janus comes in]
JANUS: Good morning, Remus. How… how are you today?
REMUS: [with a mischievous smile and his usual tone of voice] Oh, a good night of sleep can do wonders on someone’s mood! I’m better than ever. Don’t you see me? I’m brighter than a star and ready to wreak havoc again!
[Janus approaches Remus. While doing so, he notices the plate he left last night, empty on a table. Then he looks at the bed and notices the stains of makeup and tears on the pillow. On the verge of crying, he looks at Remus, then hugs him by surprise]
JANUS: I’m really sorry, Remus. I’m sorry I failed you.
REMUS: [hugging Janus back, tapping gently his back with his usual mischievous talk] Okay, okay… easy, my sweet anaconda, don’t strangle me with your embrace just yet. It’s too early in the morning for that and I just got dressed…
[Janus looks at Remus]
JANUS: I know you’re pretending, Remus. I only hope I can amend all the pain I am causing you.
[a rictus of pain appears on Remus’ face and his masquerade falls apart]
REMUS: You are the only one I can’t fool with my acting. Yes, it still hurts, but it will stop, eventually. I know that your love for me is real, and I’m gonna fight for it, even against myself if I have to. Because the alternative… would be even worse, because… I don’t wanna stop loving you. [with a dramatic glance at Janus, breathing heavily] For f… [bleep] ‘s sake, I won’t stop loving you!
[Remus gives Janus a long kiss, then he hugs him, grabbing him as if he was afraid Janus would disappear if he let him off]
JANUS: I only hope I can make myself worthy of your love for me.
REMUS: [looking at Janus in the eye] Don’t say that. You are already worthy of it. Don’t base your own value just on how much love or hate you receive from others, not even me. It’s not a good path to walk by. Believe me, I’ve walked it myself and it’s not healthy, cause the first who has to value you is yourself. I could only start healing my soul when I understood that. You made a mistake. A terrible mistake, indeed, but a mistake nonetheless. And we all make mistakes, me more than anyone else. I have no right to demand you to be perfect when I myself am far from it. I forgive you and I hope you forgive me for kicking you out of our room last night. [hugging him again] How I’ve missed you, even in my sleep.
JANUS: That’s already forgotten, Remus. And I missed you too.
[Roman approaches the open door]
ROMAN: Good morning, guys. I’m glad to see that you… fixed things up. Sorry to interrupt you.
REMUS: Good morning, Roman.
ROMAN: Remus… I don’t know how to say I’m sorry. I accused you of a horrible thing without any proof and I shouldn’t have done that. I… I’ll understand if you want to leave right now and go back to your room in the Mind Palace. I won’t complain.
REMUS: What are you talking about, Roman? We still have six days left of vacation and I’m not giving them up! Besides, Thomas counts on us. Remember that quarantine was making him crazy and he needs these days of relax in the Mind Palace as much as we do. So I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here and hope that you all stay here too as we planned.
ROMAN: Then, that means… that you don’t hate me? You’re not mad at me?
REMUS: Not so fast. I never hated you, Roman, but I’m still mad at you. You’re right, what you did was horrible, and it hurt me real bad… [noticing the stained pillow, he makes a subtle gesture with his finger to clean it magically before Roman notices it as he enters the room] … you’ll never know how much. But… You are my brother. You are literally the only true family of blood I have. I can’t hate you. Besides, it took me literally 20 years to gain your love and acceptance, and you’re gonna need much more than what you did yesterday to make me want to throw them away. I’ll let it all slide if you just…
ROMAN: What?
REMUS: Promise me that next time, if something like this happens again, you won’t jump to conclusions before listening to me and allowing me the chance to defend myself. It’s something that anyone would ask for, not just me. I know I’m a madman with a stick of deodorant and a mace…
JANUS: Not accurate at all.
REMUS: …but I would never ever do anything that would cause you true despair. I know you love your brother Roland. I even know you love him more than me.
ROMAN: Remus, that’s not…
REMUS: Yes, it is, and it’s only natural, you’ve lived with him all the years that you wouldn’t let me, so it’s natural that you love him more, and I’m not blaming you. The point is that I know that losing your brother would destroy you, and I would never do that to you. There was a time when my old bitter self would have done it, but you know very well I’m no longer that Remus. I don’t care what Ira, or the others, or even Thomas thinks about me. But I love you, Roman, I was part of you, literally. That’s why it hurt me so much that you could think I could do that to you.
ROMAN: I love you too, Remus. Much more than what you think. And of course I promise. So, could you please… give me a hug?
REMUS: [sighs] I really should just crush your skull with my mace, but a hug will work too. Come here, brother, but don’t get too effusive, we don’t want to fuse in front of Janus, do we?
[Roman and Remus throw their arms around each other and squeeze each other tightly while Janus watches the scene with a proud smile]
ROMAN: I was so worried about you, Remus. Last night, I thought I was going to lose you.
REMUS: Don’t worry about that. Bickering and fighting to death from time to time is what brothers do, isn’t it? They always survive their battles, and they don’t love each other any less because of that.
ROMAN: Yeah, you’re right. And now… let’s go have some breakfast. And then, the day is yours, Remus. You decide what we do and where. I’m dedicating my day to you and only to you. It’s the least I can do to compensate you for what’s happened.
REMUS: I’ll think about it while we have breakfast… Roland can come with us too if you want to. After all, the point is that we get to know each other, isn’t it?
ROMAN: It is, Remus, thank you.
REMUS: You come too, Janus. If these two insane guys try something against me, I want to have someone to defend me.
JANUS: [chortles] You dork… As if you weren’t the insanest guy in this whole principality.
REMUS: Touche.
[Roman, Remus and Janus get out of the bedroom, heading to the dining room to have breakfast. Later in the day, Roman, Remus, Janus and Roland get out of the castle riding horses. Janus, really scared as it is the first time he’s ever ridden a horse. The others are more experimented, so they ride more naturally. After they’ve only ridden a couple of miles away from the castle, Janus’ mare stops]
JANUS: [grabbing to the mare with the same panicked face a cat would sport if he was clinging to something to avoid touching water]I’m totally not scared at all, what are you talking about? Seeing a snake on a horse or mare is not the most ridiculous scene anyone could ever see, at all.
REMUS: Relax, Janus, it’s easier than you think. Just hold the bridle and try to communicate with your mount. Make her see where you want to go, be one with her, and it will all be fine.
JANUS: It’s easier said than done, Remus. All of you have had years of practice in horse riding. I’m a mess of a jockey!
REMUS: We’re still on time to turn back. Do you want to sit behind me on my horse?
JANUS: That’s the most ridiculous idea you’ve ever had, Remus… [begging] Please?
REMUS: Okay, calm down, Bowler Handsome, I’m coming to the rescue.
ROLAND: You could have said that you had never ridden a horse in the first place, Janus. We could have done anything else so as not leaving anyone behind.
[while moving to Remus’ horse, sitting behind him]
JANUS: I though it would be easier to ride a horse. I was wrong, and it was Remus’ idea, I didn’t wanna spoil it.
REMUS: It’s okay, now. [Remus creates a horseman riding Janus’ previous horse] Take the horse back to the castle.
[the horseman nods and rides the horse away]
ROLAND: [freaking out] He… appeared out of nowhere… Is that how you create people here in Sandersia, so easily? Was it that easy for me to appear, Roman? Just snapping your fingers and I was there? It makes me feel so tiny…
ROMAN: You aren’t tiny, Roland. You are my brother.
ROLAND: Only because you imagined me so, Roman. But if I appeared as easily as that horseman… what could have stopped you from imagining me completely different? Like a servant in the palace, or a farmer or a peasant anywhere else… This reminds me that I’m at your mercy all the time and that my life isn’t mine at all, if I ever had a real life at all. I call myself a prince, but I’m… so worthless…
ROMAN: Calm down, Roland. Your life is very real, and it is yours and no one else’s. I only imagined you the way you were at your beginning, but it was you who shaped your own life with your life choices, and nobody else will ever be like you because of that. Only you can be Prince Roland of Sandersia, no one else can be. That makes you unique, and valuable, not only for me but for anyone else who gets to know you, because there will never be two like you. That’s one of the many reasons why I and so many others love you, Roland. Don’t doubt it.
ROLAND: [sighs] Thank you, Roman… I’m sorry, everyone, it’s just that I freaked out a little bit when you did that, Remus.
REMUS: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…
ROLAND: It’s okay. Let’s just go about our day, okay? Will you two be comfy in a single horse?
REMUS: Hold on to me, Janus. [wiggling his eyebrows with a mischievous smirk] You know I always love when you hug me like that from behind…
JANUS: [blushing] Remus! Shut up and don’t let me fall!
REMUS: Never… to both things.
[Janus sighs and holds tightly to Remus while he smirks. Then they all go on riding their horses. After some time riding through the forest, they find a huge waterfall. They all get down of their horses and sit on a nearby rock]
JANUS: This place is not beautiful at all…
ROMAN: I know, right? Roland and I used to come here to play when we were younger. Remember, Roland?
ROLAND: How could I forget? It was our secret place, where we always went when we wanted to run away from our responsibilities and have some time for ourselves. I can’t even count how many times we splashed water from the waterfall on each other. Then father always went furious when he saw us returning all wet. Remember, Roman?
ROMAN: [sighs] Seems like only yesterday.
REMUS: [also sighs, but with a sad face instead] It sounds so fun… At least, vanishing me far away allowed you to have such a wonderful life… A life I will never know…
ROMAN: Sorry, Remus, we didn’t mean to bring back ghosts from your past.
REMUS: Nah, it’s okay. I was just thinking out loud… as usual in me. Didn’t mean to break your nostalgic mood.
ROLAND: How… how was your life in that island… if I may ask?
ROMAN: I don’t think it’s a good idea that we make him remem…
REMUS: It’s fine, Roman, I don’t mind answering to that. After all, it is my life. It’s not like avoiding talking about it is gonna change the past. The first years… were tough. With the jewel that Roman gave me, I could make myself a little home. You took care to leave on the jewel just enough of your power to summon that and not a boat so that I could try and follow you. Then, I just learned to survive by myself. The island had resources enough so that I wouldn’t starve. It had trees with fruits and a little well with an endless supply of fresh water.
ROMAN: I left those there before I brought you. I couldn’t leave you to die of thirst or starvation, could I?
REMUS: We’re Sides of Thomas, Roman. That couldn’t kill us. But certainly, without those things, my life would have been miserable, as the feelings of extreme hunger and thirst would have been very real, and not pleasant at all, not even for me. So, I thank you for that.
ROMAN: You’re welcome. I wish everything had been different back then.
REMUS: But I meant that it was tough because… I still couldn’t understand. Everything I felt for you was love, an unconditional brotherly love. I revered you like only a brother can revere another brother. I was too young to understand what I could have done that could have upset you so bad that you would have wanted to get rid of me like that, and I tortured myself, day and night, trying to understand why. Now I do understand, but if only you had taken the time to teach me. If only you had had patience with me when I was so… destructive… everything could have been so much different. I eventually stopped making questions and just settled down with the fact that that was my life now, and I couldn’t escape it for the time being. A year or so after I was left in the island, I felt my summoning powers increasing. I started being able to summon bigger things. First, I turned my house into a manor, then into the castle you now know. I could also summon a boat, finally, but I had no way to know where to go in the sea to find you, so, it meant nothing for me.
[Roman, Roland and Janus listen to Remus, not saying a word, with emotional faces]
REMUS: You already know about when I started turning into a Dark Side due to Roman’s constant repression of me, and what I did with the infamous black cauldron that almost killed Thomas, so I won’t say it again. The point is that, when I finally turned into a Dark Side, that was a point of no return for me. It was one thing that you had left me in the island, but putting that curse into me – because I knew from the start that was your doing, Roman, even if you did it unconsciously – I thought it was an uncalled act of gloat on your behalf and… I guess that’s when my mind definitely clicked out in the wrong way. It was then when I started hoarding anger, and hatred, and thirst of revenge towards you, feelings that only grew stronger as years went by. And when, a few months ago, I suddenly felt the beacon sign that allowed me to know where exactly you were on the other side of the sea… Well, you both know the rest, right?
ROLAND: And that’s when it all happened… When you almost deleted me from existence, just as easily as you created that horseman…
REMUS: Again, Roland, I’m sorry. I won’t say that it wasn’t me who did that, because I would be lying and Janus would call me out immediately, but I changed and I’m very sorry for everything I did when I was in that insanely bitter state of mind.
ROLAND: For many months afterwards, I was afraid of your mere mention, as if you literally were the boogeyman for me. It scared me that you would want to come back and finish what you started. I never mentioned this before, not even to Ira, but I’ve spent whole nights without sleep, too many. I was afraid that, if I dropped my guard and fell asleep, you’d enter through the window and… I’d never sleep again.
[Remus sighs with a face of huge regret]
REMUS: You were right, Roman…
ROMAN: On what?
REMUS: My actions had consequences and I can’t move on from them until I face these consequences. And boy, how I am facing them right now. I never cared to be the bad guy… but now that I see how much of a bad guy I’ve been… I don’t like it. I’m so sorry, Roland. I really am.
ROLAND: Well, I guess that’s just how the story went. We can’t turn its pages backwards, I guess. I just hope that, by understanding each other better, we both can start moving on and driving our own demons away.
REMUS: Even if I am your demon?
ROLAND: For the conversations we’ve been having lately, I’m beginning to understand that you are not my demon anymore. My demon is the old version of you which I hope never comes back. If what you said about no longer being that Remus is true, I have no problem in considering you a friend, just like the other Sides.
REMUS: [heartwarming emotional smile] Thank you. It really means the world to me.
ROMAN: [also emotional] This is all I wanted to gain from this experience, and my wish is coming true. Thank you, to both of you.
REMUS: Happy to oblige, brother.
ROLAND: Me too, brother.
[both Remus and Roland hug Roman]
JANUS: Well, guys. I think it’s time to come back. I’m in the mood for having lunch with the others.
REMUS: You’re right. I’m hungry too.
[they all ride their horses again and go back to the castle. At the door, they find Thomas]
ROMAN: Hi, Thomas, what’s up?
THOMAS: Thank goodness you’re okay!
ROMAN: Wait, what? What’s wrong, Thomas?
THOMAS: I can’t find any of the Sides or Ira anywhere.
ROMAN: What? How is that so?
THOMAS: I don’t know, I stayed in my room for a few minutes, with my laptop, proofreading one of my new scripts…
ROMAN: Thomas, I told you we’re on vacation! You promised you wouldn’t work on anything during this break. You shouldn’t even have brought your laptop in the first place!
THOMAS: It was just proofreading, in a way it’s a form of entertainment too… Wait, the point is that when I came out of my room, I couldn’t find anyone. They were all gone.
ROLAND: Maybe they’ve gone out for a walk all together. It is a fine day, after all…
THOMAS: If they had done something like that, I think they would have asked me to join them, don’t you think? They wouldn’t have left me all alone in my room without at least warning me they were leaving. Besides, I asked some servants in the castle, and no one has seen them leaving the castle at all.
ROMAN: That’s odd…
JANUS: It’s true that this look suspicious. Where could they be? Roman, you said you could locate anyone on Sandersia. Can’t you check where they are now?
ROMAN: I can locate any character in Sandersia and bring them to my presence… but they’re Sides, I cannot sense their presence like that.
ROLAND: Well, if Ira is with them, maybe you can locate him? Inside Sandersia, he’s a character, or so you said.
ROMAN: Yes, you’re right, maybe I could try to locate Ira. Let me see… [Roman closes his eyes and concentrates. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes again] This is weird, I can’t locate Ira. And you are right, Roland, I should be able to locate him, or at least his Sandersian body around his real Sprite form. Maybe he left Sandersia and is somewhere in the Mind Palace as a Sprite?
REMUS: Roman, let me try too. I am also Creativity. My range of detection is not as great as yours, but here in the continent I can detect all Sandersians nearby. If Ira is in the continent, maybe I can find him.
ROMAN: Okay, Remus. Maybe you’ll be luckier than me.
[Remus closes his eyes and concentrates. After a couple of seconds he opens his eyes]
REMUS: I found Ira! He’s 20 miles northeast from here.
ROMAN: That’s weird! Why didn’t I sense him?
REMUS: There’s something else, Roman. I detected a strange aura around him… a dark aura.
JANUS: A… dark aura? What do you mean a dark aura?
REMUS: I don’t know, that’s what I sensed… [suddenly in pain] Aw! My head!
ROMAN: [scared] Remus, are you okay?
REMUS: It’s… like if… Ira was taking control of me… from a distance… I…
[suddenly, Remus grins evilly]
ROMAN: Remus?
“REMUS”: [with a totally different voice] So… you’ve found me? I don’t care, it’s too late already.
JANUS: You’re not Remus! Who are you!?
“REMUS”: Why, I’m Ira, of course. I thought you would have figured it out!
JANUS: Ira? Did you fly all the way here to bite Remus or something? What are you doing?
IRA: I don’t need to bite him anymore to take a toll on him. And don’t worry, I don’t need your crazy boyfriend other than for leaving you a message. Do not try to stop me. If you do, your friends will pay the consequences, starting with your dear Ian.
JANUS: I… you can’t be Ira, there’s something in you that tells me you’re not. If you try to do something to my brother, or to our friends, I…
IRA: You have been warned. It’s been quite difficult to fulfill this part of my plan, and you won’t spoil it. The Dark Master will return, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Mark my words!
[suddenly Remus loses consciousness. Janus grabs him before he falls to the ground]
JANUS: Remus! Remus, are you okay?
[Remus opens his eyes]
REMUS: I… I think so… Aw, my head… it still hurts…
THOMAS: [angry and concerned] Not again… Not him again! I thought we got rid of him, but he always returns and returns and returns!
ROMAN: Well, the original Light Master already warned us that there are still fragments of the Dark Master all over the Mind Palace, trying to set him free. Maybe one of those fragments took control of Ira, and it’s using him as a pawn for some plan.
ROLAND: What are we going to do, Roman?
ROMAN: You are doing nothing. This is too dangerous for you, Roland. It’s a mission for the Sanders Sides.
ROLAND: I’m not gonna stay behind when they’ve got Ira! He’s always been there to protect and assist me in everything I needed! I’m not gonna leave him when he needs me! And also, I’m the regent governor of this principality! It is my duty to protect it from its enemies too! And there’s also the fact that currently there are only three Sides available plus Thomas. You’re gonna need reinforcements. So don’t try to stop me, brother, because this is a battle that I’m gonna fight alongside you!
ROLAND: Don’t waste any more time trying to convince me, Roman, because you can’t. I’ve said that I’m going with you, and I’m going with you!
ROMAN: [sighs] Okay… I cannot stop you if you’re so determined. But you better be careful, okay?
ROLAND: I promise, Roman. Now, let’s go rescue our friends!
[to be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals]
[ending card]
[a few minutes later, the gang has been prepping and is ready to go after Ira]
THOMAS: Okay, how are we going to do this?
ROMAN: Well, we’ll just follow the signal Remus received. We’ll make a plan when we get there.
REMUS: They’re far away, though. Maybe when we get there, they’ll be gone. And I don’t know if it’s safe to try and locate them again after what he did to me. Of course, I don’t care about the danger, but I don’t want to ruin the mission, or, even worse, do something bad to you if he takes control of me again.
ROMAN: If only the carriages worked as they’re supposed to. Yet it is only safe to go that fast through the royal roads around Sandersia, where only royal carriages are allowed to transit. We wouldn’t want to run over some unaware Sandersian or crash on any unexpected building, do we?
JANUS: Well, for sure the slowest medium of transportation is the one we’re using right now, standing still until it gets dark. Let’s get moving already.
ROLAND: You’re right, let’s go. But we will make a detour and make a couple of visits around town.
ROMAN: Around town? Do you think it is wise to do that right now?
ROLAND: I do, Roman, because we’re gonna need reinforcements. And I’ve got a tactical idea.
THOMAS: What do you mean?
ROLAND: Well, right now most of the Sides are missing. I think we’re gonna need help from some Sandersians that would very well fit in in this mission.
THOMAS: I’m not following you.
ROLAND: If Patton is missing, we’ll recruit the Dad Guy. If Logan is missing, we’ll recruit the Teacher Guy. And if that isn’t enough, we’ll get Brain, Sleep Guy, Printer, and any other character you can think about, Thomas. We may not be Sides, and we may not be as strong as you are individually, but we are proud Sandersians, and we’ll defend our homeland from any intruders that threaten its existence. We can make one heck of an army if we set our minds upon it, and not even a figment of the Dark Master will defeat us if we get together into serious business.
ROMAN: I’m so proud of you, Roland. You make a heck of a leader.
ROLAND: [putting his hand on Roman’s shoulder] I learned from the best. Now, let’s go. We’ve got a lot of people to call.
[the gang then starts walking, heading to town]
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– four seasons. | dive
this mini-series is inspired by something a friend told me her boyfriend once told her that i thought was so damn romantic. he said something like, “I want to see all four seasons together with you.” that inspired this four-part bit with billy (pre-anvil), and if there’s interest, i might do it with other characters but billy is definitely the first one to come to mind when I got this idea. hope you all enjoy!
tag list: shameless-pope  bellastellaluna  the-scarletsandwich
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The first time Billy saw you, you were standing at the edge of the pool in Castle’s backyard, your face twisted in annoyance. “Did you have to do that?” you asked him, hands on your hips, the front of your sundress soaked due to the cannonball he had just pulled in an attempt to wow the kids. Sure, a man of his stature didn’t have to do much to impress a bunch of little kids, but the rush from compliments for “Uncle Billy” were worth the effort. “Woah, Uncle Billy do it again!” Lisa yelled from across the pool. Billy couldn’t help but shoot you a grin, cocking his head to the side in a way only he could get away with. “No,” you said firmly, about to continue when Frank Jr. cut in. “But Aun-” 
Your eyebrow rose as you glared at the boy who had swam to the edge of the pool, “Francis David Castle Jr., your mother told me to get you little heathens to come eat and I will not fail her.” Both Lisa and Frank Jr. groaned, but upon the mention of their mother, they both began to head towards where Frank Sr. was grilling up burgers. 
“So you’re Y/N, huh?” Billy said, hoisting himself up to sit at the edge of the pool. “That’s my name,” you replied, not moving to follow the kids but the edge in your voice wasn’t exactly an invitation to talk. “Listen, I’m sorry about that,” he said, gesturing to the front of your dress which was wet because of his whole cannonball show. “Don’t worry about it,” you replied, your shoulders easing a bit, “The kids loved it.” “They do love a good show,” he added, winking at you. You couldn’t help but laugh, Maria had told you all about Frank’s buddy from the Marine Corps. “They love you. You could sit in a chair and they’d be amazed by you,” you replied, recalling stories Maria had told you over the last few months. 
The two of you had worked together briefly, but had kept in touch even after you had moved on to a different workplace. While you were unmarried and childless, the two of you found middle ground in other things. You had met Frank a few times when he had been back home, but most of your time with Maria was when he was away. 
As a result, you had only heard of Frank’s “brother,” Billy Russo but were meeting him for the first time today. And the first impression hadn’t exactly been spectacular. You were sure that Maria was especially pushing for the two of you to meet so that you could get over your last boyfriend. “He’s easy on the eyes,” she had said to you the other day as the two of you went down the aisles of the supermarket together, busy preparing for the upcoming barbecue. You rolled your eyes at her, saying something along the lines of not needing a man, but upon actually seeing Billy, you had to admit that Maria was right.
“Maria’s talked a lot about you,” Billy said, taking a seat next to you just as you bit into your burger. “Good things I hope,” you replied, giving him a small smile. Billy mirrored your movements, biting into his own burger as he carried on the conversation. “Great things actually,” he said, “It was sorta like she was working on a sales pitch.” You laughed, catching Maria’s eye from across the yard. She was among other friends, but you had caught her eye on you the few times you and Billy had been near each other that afternoon. She should consider getting a job as a CCTV camera, you thought to yourself.
“I’m gonna get a drink,” you said, standing up after the two of you made casual conversation while you ate, “Want anything?” “A beer sounds good,” Billy replied, taking your empty plate from you. You made your way towards Frank who was sipping a beer at the grill while Billy took care of the plates, greeting your friend’s husband warmly. 
“Hey Frank,” you called, giving him a small wave. “Hey you,” Frank replied affectionately. While the two of you weren’t especially close, Frank’s appreciation for you being there for his wife and kids went unsaid but was always clear. “Now, what kind of beer do Marines like?” you pondered as you opened the cooler to examine the contents. “If it’s for Billy,” Frank called, gesturing towards a smaller cooler stored near the grill, “Give him some of the good stuff.” 
You raised an eyebrow at Frank, eyeing the label of the bottle of what he was drinking. It certainly wasn’t the cheap stuff you and Maria had picked up the other day. “Remind me how to get on your good side, Frankie?” you joked, “I want an in on the good stuff.” Frank smiled in return, a rare sight, but you were sure the beer had something to do with it, “We don’t even get the bad stuff when we’re out there. I figured it’d be a treat for my brothers before we head out in a few weeks.” “Right,” you replied softly, grabbing a beer from Frank’s cooler and a wine cooler for yourself. Frank, and by default, Billy were scheduled to be deployed in a few weeks despite having just come back only about two month ago. 
You remember that Maria had been overjoyed the first couple days, especially when you had offered to stay with the kids at the house this weekend so that he and Maria could get away for a few days. Over time, you could sense that she felt that Frank’s upcoming deployment was looming over them. You could sense it when the two of you went shopping together, all you wanted to do was to make sure that the two of them had a good time during the time together that they had. “See ya Frank,” you replied, giving him a nod of acknowledgment as you made your way back to Billy.
“Ah,” Billy said as he examined the bottle you had just handed to him, “Old Frankie broke out the good stuff.” You laughed, cracking open your own drink and taking a long, cool sip. “Not a beer kinda girl?” he asked, taking a long sip of his own drink. You shook your head, “I’m down for a cold one, but I’m watching the kids tonight so I want to keep it light.” He nodded, turning his attention to the rest of the yard which was full of other friends of Frank and Maria’s. There were a few other guys Frank knew from his time over there, but it was mostly families that lived nearby or classmates and parents of Lisa and Frank Jr.’s. “Not a mingle kinda guy?” you asked after a few moments of silent people observing. Billy shook his head, and you couldn’t help but notice how dark his eyes were. 
It was summer, so the sunset was slow and orange, like a melting popsicle. The lights Maria had strung up in the backyard, along the fences and near the big pool Frank had bought for the kids to enjoy, were aglow and music was playing softly in the background of everyone’s conversations. In the midst of all this, you and Billy stood off to the side, taking up two chairs in one corner of the Castle’s yard. While Frank made rounds as people began to leave, he had handed Billy another beer, you turning down his offer as the two of you continued your conversation. You found out more about Billy from him, not from Maria this time. He was raised in the foster system up in Albany, and had snuck down to the city that you called home from time to time. You wondered if your paths had ever crossed unknowingly, but then you pushed that question from your mind as you remembered that you were here in this moment together.
The more he talked, the more ingrained you found yourself in his thoughts. All of the military people you knew were Marines through the Castles, and most were married with families. You were a rare friend of Maria’s, without a family of her own much less a spouse overseas, and Billy was a rare first for you. “Y/N?” you heard Maria call you, pulling you from the conversation between you and Billy. You looked up to see the backyard as packed up as it could be after the party today, and Frank and Maria standing at the back door.
“Maria!” you called, standing up suddenly and walking over to your friend, “I should’ve helped clean up, I’m so s-” Maria held her hand up, in that kind of way that made her kids immediately stop talking, so you knew better than to protest. “The Moms helped,” she explained, “Besides, I didn’t want to take you from Billy.” You opened your mouth again but she shook her head, smiling knowingly. “Take care brother,” Billy called from behind you. Frank nodded his head in acknowledgement, and somehow those gestures were enough to communicate for the two of them.
“The kids are inside watching TV,” Maria explained, “So feel free to stay, Billy.” “I’ll tuck ‘em in,” Billy replied nonchalantly, “Tell ‘em a bedtime story.” “Didn’t know you knew how to read,” you blurted jokingly. “Hey!” Billy said with a huff, playfully bumping his shoulder with yours. You didn’t know if Maria could smile any wider than she was now, but even Frank had a little twinkle in his eye. “Drive safe,” you called to the two of them as they waved their goodbyes before heading out towards the driveway. 
“You wanna head inside?” you called as Billy stuck his head through the door. “Nah,” he replied, gently closing just the screen door behind him. “They’re busy being enthralled by whatever Lisa’s into right now.” You laughed, sitting down in a patio door close enough to the door so that you’d hear if the kids called out for you. Billy took the seat next to you, opting to take a water bottle from the cooler instead of another beer.
“So, how does it feel being back?” you asked, your voice cutting through the now almost silent backyard. “Funny you ask,” he replied, “Most people asked me how it felt to be going back soon.” “I’m not sure they’d understand even if you answered,” you noted. “They can’t,” Billy said, his voice taking an edge you hadn’t heard before. “There’s nothing ever that can compare, there’s no way for anyone who hasn’t done it to understand,” he continued. You let out a small sigh, partially because you were unsure of how to reply. “But being back,” Billy said, clearing his throat, “It’s strange.” “Strange how?” you asked curiously. You knew bits about Frank’s experience when he came back, mostly through Maria, but Frank was never one to talk much, and especially not about something like this.
Billy turned to look at you, and under the soft lights of the backyard, you could see him really looking at you. You weren’t sure if he’d answer, the topic was a sensitive one even with Frank who you had known for a bit. “It’s like being underwater,” Billy said softly, “Like you dive into the water and nothing feels quite right. You can see, but not clearly. You can move, but it ain’t the same. And then you surface and it’s clear but there’s that moment where you have to get used to not being in the water anymore.” You nodded, understanding what he was saying despite not being able to relate. “I used to think that being deployed was like being thrown back into the water, but lately…” Billy trailed off. “Being back here is the diving pool now,” you finished, and he smiled, genuinely smiled for you. 
Neither of you spoke then and you swore Billy had leaned in, and you could feel yourself leaning in as well until you heard Lisa’s shrill voice through the door, “Aunt Y/N!” Both you and Billy pulled back, turning to find Lisa’s face peering through the door. “Were you two kissing?” she called, blinking as she eyed the two of you. “No, you pervert!” Billy retorted. “I’m sorry!” Lisa huffed, pulling the door open to stick her head outside, “Mom just said she can’t wait for the two of you to get married so I just thought you might be practicing.” “I’m going to kill your mother,” you replied, shooting Billy and apologetic look. 
“What do you need, kid?” Billy asked. “Well, Frank started this movie and it’s kind of scary… Can you stay with us while we watch?” Lisa asked. “Only if you don’t make fun of me for covering my eyes,” you said with a sigh, turning your gaze to Billy. “I’m gonna head home,” he said, his hand moving to your shoulder as he stood up. “Come soon!” Lisa called over her shoulder as she disappeared back into the house. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, standing up to walk him out. “I’ll give you some time to work up some points with the kids, I feel bad that they love their Uncle Billy more,” he said with a grin. You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief as you moved to turn off the lights in the backyard.
You walked Billy through the house so that he could say good night to the kids, with promises that they’d be good for you and get a waffle breakfast in return for Sunday morning. He wrapped them both in a big bear hug, picking them up easily while joking around with them and you could see why they liked him so much. With the kids settled with popcorn while lying in wait for you to return, you assured them you’d be quick with seeing Billy out.
You walked him out through the front door, stepping out to the porch away from Maria’s little spy. “I’ll see you on Sunday then,” you said quietly, crossing your arms over as the summer breeze blew a bit of cool air towards you. “Sunday it is,” Billy agreed, his voice matching the softness in yours. “Good night, Billy,” you said, giving him a smile. Instead of returning the goodbye, Billy leaned down, his hand coming to hold your face softly as he kissed you. You leaned into the kiss, stepping towards him as he ran his thumb over your cheek. When he pulled back, you followed, your hand flat on his chest. “What are we doing, Billy?” you murmured, your head clearing enough to remember that he was about to be deployed in a few weeks. He smiled softly and shook his head, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he brought his lips close enough for you to hear his low voice, “Practicing.”
so this part was obvs summer, and the next three will be based around billy and y/n’s continuing relationship in fall, winter, and spring. love your comments, so please leave me lots of love! updates to precedence will come soon!
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thatonecurlygirl · 5 years
Path to Peter Stone [4]
Fandom:  Law & Order: SVU      Pairing: Peter x Reader      Word Count: 1.4k      Warning: Some angst and a little smut      Read other chapters!
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By the time you and Peter make it to the hotel, the tension in the car is unbearably high. Neither one of you has said anything to the other for a full twenty minutes until you make it to the hotel. Peter parks the car and gets out. He pulls his and your stuff from the car and you grab yours out. Both of you head inside. The pretty receptionist at the door smiles wide and stands up to greet the two of you.
“Hi, thank you for visiting us today. How long is your stay going to be?” She looks between the two of you.
“Just for the night.” You smile back at her as you dig through your purse to find your ID.
“Alright! Will it be one bed, or two?” She asks looking between the two of you.
“Two rooms.” You look up at Peter then her.
“Oh, yes of course.” She nods and begins typing on her computer.
After the two of you get checked in and handed the keys to your — separate — rooms, you head to the elevator and step in. You can’t help but think of all the cheesy romantic scenes in movies where the two people in the car begin frantically making out against the elevator walls. You look up at Peter to see him staring at the numbers going up and up until it dings on the fifth floor and the doors open. You quickly scramble out and to the right, looking at each door number until you find yours to swipe into. Peter doesn’t even look at you as he walks past you to the next room. He swiped the key and walks in, shutting the door behind him.
“Well, that fucking happened.” You groan, walking into your room and throwing your stuff on the bed.
After pacing the room a few time, you look at yourself in the mirror and attempt to mentally cheer yourself up, but surprise surprise, it didn’t work. The only other option you can think of it to go get wasted, you sure as hell don’t have the balls to talk to Peter right now, not after all the shit simmering between the two of you right now. Taking a deep breath, you turn around and grab your purse, slinging it back over your shoulder and walking out of your room and straight to the elevator.
The little hotel you are staying in is pretty nice and very clean. You noticed a small bar off to the side when you and Peter were walking in and you are planning on forgetting about what happened earlier.  You smile at the receptionist as you walk past and to the bar. It’s about 9:30 in the evening and there are a couple of people sitting at the bar. You put some distance between you and the next patron, sitting a few seats apart and nodding at the bartender who says he’ll be over in a second.
“Y/n?” A man says from behind you.
“Hmm?” You hum looking over your shoulder to see Derek, the guy from the game, pointing to the seat beside you.
“Oh, Derek, hey. Have a seat.” You smile.
“What are you drinking?” He asks nodding to the bartender who approaches the two of you.
“Something that burns.” You say, casually popping your knuckles.
“Four shots of fireball.” Derek nods to the bartender and turns back to you. “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“My what?” You ask confused, eyebrows furrowed as you try to figure out what he is talking about. “Wait… Peter?”
“Yeah,” He chuckles. “I didn’t realize the two of you were together." “No,” You shakes your head, “We aren’t together, just did it for the cam. Where are your friends by the way?”
“Over there.” He points to a small group of guys at one of the tables, laughing and drinking beer. “Here.” He slides one of the shots over to you, lifting his in the air before the two of you take it.
You quietly hiss through your teeth at the cinnamon burn collecting in your stomach, a very distinct feeling. You grab the second one and threw it back, taking a deep breath after to and closing your eyes honing in on that sensation.
“Anyway, Peter is in his room. I needed to get away for a moment.” You roll your eyes.
“Oh, I take it things aren’t going well?”
“It’s just, we haven’t seen each other in a few years and I decided that I was going to do a spontaneous two-week vacation. I was just not expecting it to be…” you shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know, foreign I guess. I thought we would slide back into how we were, but things aren’t that easy.” You leave out the part about making out with him in the car and now neither one of you are talking to each other.
“I bet it would be a little difficult going from not seeing your friend for that long and then you’re on a spontaneous trip with that same, beautiful friend.” He winks.
“Oh stop, it’s not even like that.” You shake your head and blush. “But thanks.”
“That’s all it took to get you all red?” He chuckles. “That compliment was just the tip of the iceberg.”
You sit there chatting with him for a while. Mostly it’s him flirting and complimenting you, but you find that you like being in his company — especially after the tension you and Peter sat in for what felt like forever. When you told Derek that you were going to head up to your room to get some sleep, he asked if he could walk you up and you agreed. The elevator ride and walk to your room was way shorter than what it felt like the first time and a lot more enjoyable.
“Thanks for walking me up here and I appreciate you keeping me company.” You smile, back to your door.
“Thanks for not sending me away.” He chuckles, leaning against the wall beside you. “In case I don’t see you before you leave, I wanted to tell you to have a good spontaneous vacation. Enjoy it.”
“Thanks, Derek.” You reach out and gently touch his arm. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” He smiles and steps back, letting you get into your room before walking off.
Once inside the room and the door is closed behind you, you immediately strip down to your bra and underwear.  Just as you go to plop down on your bed to sleep there’s a knock at the door. Groaning you make your way over and look through the peephole to see Peter on the other side.
“Give me a sec, Pete.” You call out, snatching a robe from the bathroom and covering up with it.
“Where were you? I called you like five times.” He says before you can even get the door completely open.
“I was down at the bar, I left my phone in here. What’s wrong?” His tone worrying you.
“Nothing. I just- I wanted to talk.” He pushes his way in, leaving you at the door as he crosses the room and peeks out your window. “Y/n, about earlier…”
“I’m so sorry, Pete, I shouldn’t have done that. Things got carried away and I-”
“Shh” He hushes you, turning around and grabbing your face leaning in to press a bruising kiss to your lips. You completely melt into him, eyes fluttering closed you rest your hand on his chest. When he pulls away it takes a minute for reality to catch up and when it does, your eyes fly open. “Damn it, I think we made a bad decision today.” He confesses.
“Yeah,” You whisper. “I think so.”
You look him in the eyes and watch as he leans back in, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you in close to him, your chests pressed against each others. His hand snakes to the small of your back. Things get heated quickly and you can feel heat pooling low in your stomach and your cotton panties soaked.
“What do you say we make one more bad decision with me?” He pulls away just enough to ask, hand playing with the robe tie.
You don’t say anything, just leaning up to press your lips back against him, using one hand to pull off your robe and letting it fall to the floor. Peter softly pushes you back against the bed and pulls his shirt over his head. He unbuttons his pants and shakes them off before he dives down to press kisses against your stomach, nipping at your skin.
“Peter.” Your voice is breathy and soft.
“God, you’re wet.” He growls as his fingers slip into your underwear, his lips turned up to show a devilish smirk.
Tag list: @musicalmedic @carriemichelle2012 @eliseinwonderland-x @breakawayfromeveryday
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