#is suuposed to be hot
torifuckingspring · 8 months
I'm wearing four layers of clothing and I'm still cold shoot me
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bluesheep21 · 1 year
How are you nowadays?
Oh! I am so happy that you asked, little anon. I was actually just about to get off to sleep in my Brand New bed!!! Mister Sparklez helped me get it set up this morning and oh goodness, it's just lovely!
I'm doing really well!! I've been settling into my new house here in Snowchester and it's been Very nice for me so far. lots of snow. Very cold! Gives me excuses to wear my sweaters and drink hot chocolate.!!
So I suupose happy and chilly is how I am doing! Happy, chilly, cozy and full of hot coco! :D
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hcnsohee · 7 years
caikira ; [drunk text] Listen up slut, you’re one hot piece of ass and if they don’t realize it, it’s their loss / [drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon / [text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that.
(-- @svnsawrites
[Caileigh sent at 2:52am] LISTEN BINCH UR THE BEST FIREND IVE EVR HAD THAT ISNT MY BROTHRE OK[Caileigh sent at 2:52am] yEAH FCUK HIM AND HIS DUCKING SENS OF DUTY! THE FCTUK IS TATH SUUPOSED TO MEAN????????? U WANA BANFG OR U DONT RIGHT????????????[Caileigh sent at 2:53am] i jsut want to clumb him like a tree though, helooks lik he can fcuk me goooooooooooooood. i miss beign prperlu fukecd
[Caileigh sent at 10:39pm] I’m coming, I’m coming! I had to leave the kids with mom, and Kira was crying so I stayed until she fell asleep![Caileigh sent at 10:39pm] This whole single mom thing isn’t easy, I’ll tell you that much.[Caileigh sent at 10:40pm] 5min and we’ll be singing Hakuna Matata!
[Caileigh sent at 8:01am] Whenever you get this sentimental, I feel like we were both made for each other, because we’re tough bitches who don’t really get sentimental, but we have so much love for each other...[Caileigh sent at 8:02am] I love you, Kira. I mean... I named my kid after you. If that’s not true love, then I don’t know what it is.[Caileigh sent at 8:02am] With that said... I hope you know that you’re loved too, sister. More than I could ever explain. Thanks for sticking by my side after everything...
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