#is japanese in my humanformers au
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kaontic · 6 months ago
Sleepin’ snitches get stitches…for their camera straps. 😑
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Seriously, what would he have used that for? Ain’t no way he’s gon hitchhike on a human photographer and get away with it (unless the human’s been living under a rock lol).
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That was foul, Soundwave.
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Megatron: (Calm down!)
Reflector: 金が欲しい 。(I want money.)
Megatron: いいえ ! (*Direct* NO!)
Reflector: *Sad noises* (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Megatron: *Hisses* どうして あなたは(いつも)そうなの ? (Why are you [always] like that?)
Reflector: Well it’s not like I always have to do everything around here because they “go on patrol” (goof-off).
Rumble/Frenzy: NUH-UH!
Megatron: Reflector, go to your quarters before you start a fight I’m not interested in breaking up.
Reflector: This was high-quality leather… :(
Megatron: I can’t bring myself to care. Go.
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Soundwave: *Stops playing music*
Rumble/Frenzy: (Phew…) *Try scooting away*
Megatron: It doesn’t take Soundwave’s telepathy to conclude that since Skywarp’s servos are too big—
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Rumble/Frenzy: B-But you and Soundwave said it looked stupid and ugly!
Megatron: *Launches their afts up to the fraggin’ ceiling*
馬鹿者達 ! (YOU FOOLS!)
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Soundwave: *Bows* My apologies, Lord Megatron.
Megatron: Now he and his photons are going to spend the next several cycles emotionally dysregulated.
And what a waste of a cow! Shockwave will be displeased.
/ Well, assuming it was a cow, cuz leather can also be made out of...nvm. The point is, Reflector didn’t make it, and he doesn’t know.
Note to yourselves:
If a coworker and his seemingly endless amount of duplicates do like 75%—99% of the “boring” grunt work everyday—ya know, the kind of work that keeps the Nemesis, or the Victory, or whatever your current base of operations is functional—your opinions regarding his fashion choices, hobbies or quirks ain’t gonna be worth scrap lmao.
So you two should probably go and get that other leather piece, that you hopefully didn’t dump into the ocean for a shark to chew on asap.
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Oh…scrap. Have fun fishin’ guys. ✌️
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witchofthesouls · 2 months ago
Okami and Transformers crossover??? ideas thoughts??? Maybe with the best girl Miko???
I had several (a lot) ideas about a crossover between them:
One, Team Prime find themselves in Japan, and Miko becomes a tour guide. Something calls out to Optimus, and its a massive cherry blossom tree in full bloom. He shares a 'feeding the animals' moment with a white wolf with peculiar red markings. The wolf disappears without a trace. Miko leads them to the shrine dedicated to Nagi and Shiranui. Miko sees Optimus staring at the statue of Shiranui and later on leads him to the Cave of Nagi. She's a descendant of Nagi and Susano, so she's well-aware of Ammy.
Two, crossover with the soulmate au with Miko/Tarn where the Jasper Trio had been cyberformed. Miko's yōkai ancestress serves the Dragon Palace under Ryūjin , and since the Great Divide, there are no full-blood yōkai residing in the world of humans, but their descendants are able to live there and humans are still able to travel across worlds. Due to her many runs Elsewhere, Miko is now capable of tapping into a yōkai form that followed her cyberization. Amaterasu, origin of all that is good and mother to us all, searches for someone to allow her passage into the elusive, ever-moving Dragon Palace.
Three, the Divine Instrument Tsumugari is actually a Primal Artifact. Megatronus Prime's. The legendary bloodline of which Nagi was descended was actually one of the Primal descendants that followed the Fallen. That's why Tsukuyomi was able to fully seal Orochi and could only be moved by someone of the bloodline: Susano was Primal-descent. Megatronus was Prima's opposite yet equal. It's no surprise that Tsumugari, reborn from the slain Orochi's blood, would then accompany Amaterasu's journey to slay evil across Nippon. Tsumugari now sleeps somewhere in Japan, and the Star Saber resonates out to search for its lost brother. The lost sword awakens once more as Unicron stirs and its solar twin sings.
Four, Transformers Prime is actually set the world of Okami. The inhabitants of Nippon believe the Cybertronians are a kind of Celestial Beings or new type of yōkai/demon. The Autobots and Decepticons must navigate a strange world where higher beings and otherworldly spirits roam the earth, sea, and sky. And capable of bringing them down. (Miko is here, too. She's guiding the Heavenly Beings, the Autobots, across the land. The Cybertronians are adamant that they're not from the Celestial Plains and think their transformation sequences and technology would speak for themselves. It doesn't. This Earth is rich with the supernatural and magic, so Miko gets more adamant that they're Heavenly Beings. Waka is no help either.) It doesn't help that the origin of the brush gods is actually Megatronus Prime, who split himself to seal the planet. His physical self to chain the Unmaker as his immense cosmic power remained as Celestial Beings to act as a counterbalance and protect the world. That's why Amaterasu is able to wield the diverse cast easily. Much like Prima, Ammy is the Sun.
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hercarisntyours · 2 months ago
Could you tell me more about your take/takes on human Elita?
And do you have any ideas for Human Optimus? I'd like to hear that too 😁
ofc!! I have stuff for tfone, aligned/prime and earthspark but as of rn only aligned is the most developed followed by earthspark lol, but I'm gonna include all of them so there's gonna be quite a bit
My tfp Elita is Argentine with major face claim inspo from Anya-Taylor Joy!! (who I think would be an AMAZING elita if they do another celeb cast for her) with her name being Ariel Caballero (meaning knight/horseman)
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(this art is like almost 2 years old lmao 😭) she had strawberry blonde hair and a plethora of pink suits (like 2 years ago I had a humanformers boarding school au so a lot came from that) and she's sisters with chromia and moonracer! She'd be first lady (with op being prime minister ?? president ?) and military commander, and the niece of alpha trion! her not being in tfp gave me a lot of free reign omg 😭
I do have a human OP design!!! only tfp rn tho 😭 i'm thinking of ones for tf one and genuinely earthspark reminds me of a basic ass european descent grandpa so that's basically it for es 😭
He's Greek-Persian! (tho, general Achaemenid empire descent), I can't remember the name I actually gave him but I do remember Orion was his first name (he either had pax, a greek surname or a persian one 😭)
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(ref by kibbitzer for the one on the right!!!!) Also old art lmao, he wasn't developed as far as elita was but i don't think that'd be a shocker based on my account 😭 He actually has freckles now but at the time of drawing those he didn't :')
back to the regular elita programming nowjdks
My earthspark Elita is Japanese!
Bushida Aeri is her name :) Bushida meaning warrior and Aeri being from ariel. I don't have many drawings for her but there's thesee
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the first one is an old design for her but I still think it fits, the second being a younger Elita so like ig when she'd be Ariel in earthspark time line and the bottom is my most recent sketch of her!! I don't have a face claim inspo for her but Elita in general (not just earthspark) has always reminded me of Irene of Red Velvet! both leaders in pink lmao
For tfone there's like nothing new at all except this art
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Esita Won, she's of Indian and Chinese descent, but mostly Indian, she probably speaks Punjabi or Tamil (ik completely different areas of India 😭), she reminds me of that one desi older sister who takes no crap and is not afraid to beat your ass and also makes the best curry idk
I noticed a lot of Elita's helm designs lean into traditional east Asian hair styles and clothing so I really wanted to represent those parts of her designs and the franchise's Japanese heritage :))
(omg i didn't realise how long this would end up being 😭😭)
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thermitereaction · 4 months ago
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TF x Oreca Battle(?)
In fact,in a sense, it's more like an AU (Fantasy Knight AU)that imagined.
In this AU i imagined that many transformers wil appear in humanform(monsters?) If my translate app is correct, the Japanese pronunciation of this word is“isekai”(異世界?)
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prepaint · 5 years ago
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I’ve been binge-watching Initial D lately, and I finally caved... introducing, the Initial TF AU! (im sure this has been done before,,,,) More info under the cut ^^
This is mostly a mix up of all the TF continutites, because I couldn’t stick with just one ^^’
Optimus lives with his father, making runs over a local Mount Iacon pass to deliver important paperwork to Alpha Trion after working throughout the day as a security guard. He’s a recent graduate, and used to fill whatever freetime with studying history. Now, he’s spending evenings with the rest of team Autobot around Iacon trying to stay atop of their racing game. He drives a hand-me-down AE-86, like Takumi’s.
Megatron comes from Mt. Kaon, and leads the Destron racing Team. He’s known for having practically built himself his own little ‘empire’ over there, and has started reaching out to other local groups in an attempt to become the best racer in all of Cybertron. That is, if Starscream stops trying to cause a wreck every other night. He drives an R34 which he worked for himself to get. Hes super proud of it.
Both probably look so young because compared to normal humanformers, I tried to stick with the gerneral idea in Initial D where its a bunch of young (20-30) people enjoying themselves and the cars they drive. So, Optimus is an early 22, and Megatron is closer to 27 (though currently 26).
I have ideas about other characters, and will be making more refs for them, but feel free to ask about it!! Pls do actually aah i rlly like this idea.
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arturer · 3 years ago
do you mind explaining the difference between humanformer and gijinka? I am not sure what exactly a gijinka is
referring to this post. see below cut for answer and chart.
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I'm less interested in the terms humanformers and gijinkas as distinct boxes to categorize drawings with but I DO think it’s interesting to talk about the origin of different transformer anthropomorphization tropes and how the terms are used in modern fandom. So let's talk about that.
The term gijinka refers specifically to the Japanese anthropomorphizing tradition of 萌え擬人化 / Moe Gijinka which originated 1980's Gundam era.
Gijinka tend to focus on visual cuteness, accessories, high fashion, and share a lot of space with majokko / magical girl genres. According to Wikipedia, "In addition to moe features, moe anthropomorphs are also characterized by their accessories, which serve to emphasize their original forms before anthropomorphosis"(Wiki).
Transformer humanizations with gijinka influence often focus on exploring fashion or accessories.
The English term "Humanformer" is associated largely with the Western tradition of personification which is… a tricky genre to nail down. I can't pinpoint the origin of "humanformer" but we can assume it appeared no earlier than US launch of Transformers in ‘84 (and maybe much, much later- Google Trends and NGram are totally failing me here because the term is too niche to rank in search or literature).
In general humanformer designs are influenced by a broad selection of media, including gijinka and western comics. Narratively they seem somewhat more interested in exploring what it means for a transformer to be a human and tethering the character more in a specific larger narrative or AU.
3. SO?
Trying to untangle these anthropomorphizations into two distinct categories is tricky depending on what you decide the differentiating factors are. Art Style? Narrative intent? Culture of artist?
If you want to go strict Champagne Law you could even define it solely based on place of origin: "If your accessory-focused transformers human avatar isn't from Japan, it's not a gijinka, it's sparkling humanformer," etc.
I'll leave it to others to define those lines. I like them better as traditions you can trace influence from than as strict categories. 🤖
That said, here's a rough diagram I made based only my own art and narrative choices (Plus a Ultra Magnus cameo from Guido Guidi). This may or may not be horseshit based on where you draw your own lines between categories, so read as you will!
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jisangyo · 6 years ago
Humanformers+ High school AU
Alright so its midnight but i can’t sleep and i suddenly have this transformers high school au come out of my head
(i know a lots of people had write about that before but i’m going to do it any way, Yeah~)
this one is not a fic, just some setting
Mix of TFP, G1, TFA and IDW, more about TFP
👌🏻Me Asian and watch anime so the school will be like a weird mix of Japanese & US high school
they’re young so nothing too much you know (in every way)
OOC Alert!
Ok let’s start:
Optimus Prime is the student council president, with Ultra Magnus as the vice president.
i separate orion Pax from optimus as his younger brother bc why not let two op love Megatron instead of one∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Starscream, thundercracker and Skywarp are drama club members, of course starscream as the leader of the club.
knock out and breakdown is also in the drama club, breakdown is there just bc knock out ask him to.
Megatron is in the basketball team, hang out with decepticons all the time, most likely soundwave and shockwave, starscream half mess half flirt with him if he is there so mega try to avoid him😂,
Tarn in another hand, Mega like him but Tarn get really touchy all the time since Mega’s family adopted him when he is little so Mega is his big brother and all (wtf am i writing(´-`)
Mega, Orion and Optimus are very close when they are little, they use to be neighbors but Mega’s mom past away so they move to the other side of the town, 
Mega and Optimus get in to a big fight and break off, Megatron still talk to Orion but he refused to be near Optimus.
Tarn get adopted bc Megatron save him from the burning house that Tarn’s family used to live in, right before Mega’s mom died.
Wow everything is starting so get dark so lets talk about other
After everything happened, Megatron started to get new friend like Soundwave, he is the new neighbor with rumble and Frenzy as his little brothers.
Shockwave is the rich kid in town, he join the group bc his father don’t want him so stay in room all the time doing weird experiment, so he get push out of house everyday after school and he run into Megatron’s little “Gang”.
Starscream hang out with popular kids in school so he kind of just get involved, he is good looking indeed and smart(sometime), Megatron don’t mind people like him hang around even though he is annoying as fuck😂
Predaking moved in town in high school, he said he don't hang out with cons but still sit with them in lunch.
Megatron secretly write poetry and is very good at it, he post them online and actually have fans online, only two people know about that its Tarn and Soundwave.
Student council member: Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Blur, Jazz, Arcee and Rodimus Prime.
Megatron doesn’t date a lot bc most of them get scary out by the people around him, he actually think something is wrong with him and try to improve it🙈
The story will be more focus on Megatron I guess, bc I love him so much, he is my life and the reason when I'm on Tumblr 😂😂😂
Yep actually think about that, its going be a everyone love Megatron’s story, he is so great and deserve all the love in this world that he can get👌🏻
Welcome to ask me anything about this! I hope I can write more as soon as possible, don’t mind all the grammar problems please, Thank you😄
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kagebros · 4 years ago
@hashkivenu asked for more about em so *rubs hands together* To start off this is my humanformers rendition/AU of em all. They’re gonna be called their TF names throughout but I wanna list their human names/ethnicities also pronouns lol just for fun :>
Shockwave: Kazuhiro Shoda (Japanese/Mexican) they/them Soundwave: Sung Min (Korean) they/them Windcharger: Winona (Lakota) she/her Skids: Scott (Iraqi) he/him Damus: Damien (Samoan) he/him Trailbreaker: Travis (Black) he/him Skywarp: Samara (Pakistani) she/they Thundercracker: Cameron (Filipino) he/him
Shockwave has... a lot of kids. 
The oldest being Soundwave at 17 when they’re first adopted, with the next four kiddos, Windcharger, Skids, Damus and Trailbreaker. All 16. Then were were the youngest kiddos, Thundercracker and Skywarp.
Shockwave was given a very large house by their mentor, Jhiaxus before he died. And that house had. A lotta rooms they felt were needed to be filled. You see, Jhiaxus didn’t really. Have anyone else. It was only Shockwave written into the will and there Shockwave was. With a home this family, that Shockwave barely interacted with, had for generations given to them. There was money that came along with the will as well but instead of Shockwave using all of it, they split it 4 ways. 1 to maintain the home, 1 towards their expedition, 1 towards charity and the last one. Well. They didn’t know what to do with it at first until their eye caught on a homeless teenager when they were driving home one day. 
That was when they first met Soundwave. They offered them a home, apparently having been kicked out and it gave Shockwave an idea. Later that evening, Shockwave had when to the adoption centre and proved they had enough funds to provide for them and soon came home with 6 more kids. All who were teenagers, considered too old for most people who wanted to adopt. 
When the family has their first Christmas, Shockwave tried to make it a good one. They paid close attention to each kid’s interests and tried to compile a list for each of them to buy Christmas presents. They also do their best to cook a large dinner, at least more extravagant than usual since they’d gotten into the habit of cooking for all of them. They also bought a Christmas cake, something they’ve always done with their family back in Japan. 
The morning they open presents, Soundwave’s ended up being the most memorable. Shockwave got them a lil black kitten, knowing Soundwave had taken a liking to Shockwave’s cat when they first came home with them. 
I think Shockwave would get their kids a shit ton of presents.
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