#is it straight up the same as hisui? with the clans and jubilife? or is it different/looser/etc
Do bonds between pokemon and people have to be mage exclusive? I think Adaman deserves to have with bush cat/fox/dog with him and Irida has her ice cat/fox/dog bc They deserve it and Its kinda jarring to think of them without their companions
ok last thought before bed BUT. if adaman does have a bond with his plant cat, that would probably be a thing he points to as No Look No I Can Totally Do Magic Hahaha, i forged a bond with this thing after all! but that was actually a thing done by someone else (mai, maybe, or his predecessor as leader) and he's just pretending it was his own work.
...which also opens up questions about sabi, since she definitely couldn't have bonded with her partner before adaman was leader. maybe mai is the one doing all the soulbond magic, and the whole diamond clan group is just covering for their leader who really is really great! just uh, not in this one specific area.
regardless tho. re: the actual point of the ask lol, i think soulbonds should be more common with mages, but open to pretty much anyone. and the frequency with mages is probably more of a cultural/social thing than a physical one—traveling mages have more opportunities to run across magic fauna and befriend them, and have more reason to want a soulbond since the benefits it confers are probably partially magical. and the bonds also seem most useful in general to like, adventurers, and i think that group is predominantly made of mages. it's not uncommon to see like, your local gardener having some plant-fauna friends, but going to the trouble of soulbonding them is kind of a commitment that you need a reason for, y'know?
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waywardstation · 2 years
These were all sent like one right after another yesterday and I doubt all of them were sent by one person but here we go Papa Ingo AU lightning round haha
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In regards to this post
I admit I was a little confused with the question at the time (I understand it better now but forgive me I have been feeling a little under the weather lately ^^;) and thought it was saying Guzma would take the opportunity to take his own group away from Ingo.
And I don’t really know Guzma’s character at all apart from what’s been discussed on this blog already. He does run a group of thugs, but from what I’ve gathered SM painted him as someone on the wrong side of things, but only because the only person who gave him a chance (leading him to be loyal to them) was using him, and throughout the story he reformed. (But now I’m second guessing myself on that too. I just don’t know this character well ^^;)
So I feel like he would be mindful of Ingo to some degree, because Ingo took care of him and he seems to be driven by that with Lusamine. But apart from my first post, it does seem more in line that he would go with Giovanni even if Ingo doesn’t approve of stealing from Jubilife. His loyalty to Ingo would have him want to help him, even if it means going against his wishes
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in regards to kids being thrown back to their own time, out of Hisui at the worst moments
OH that would be so bad!! Can you imagine? Finally, the kids worked so hard but they finally (stole) got the medicine they needed for Ingo. On the way back, they’re all cheering and rushing back with the medicine.
And then the kid holding the medicine just disappears? With the medicine???
If the whole group just is thrown back to their original time, no one would even know what happened
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As soon as they get kicked out, most of the kids are alright with stealing from them.
I imagine with a group as big as theres, not everyone is going to be 100% on the same page, but they’re kids and they’ve been unfairly treated. A good portion will feel the same way, and they will probably try to convince the more reluctant ones that this is the only way now.
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Would this start out with just Giovanni stealing only what they need at first? But over several trips where each time they successfully steal everything without getting caught, would Giovanni start taking more? Stuff they don’t need, but stuff he wants?
Is he going to then start taking more expensive stuff out of spite from Kamado, just to say “I can take what I want and you can’t stop me”?
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The immediate decline is the much more humorous route haha, but I agree a slow decline into a very sharp dip is fantastic. Things are bad, yes, but they can manage! Right? It could be worse!
And then things take the worst twist imaginable, with Ingo sustaining a very bad wound, and it all falls apart, getting very bad very fast from there.
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I’ve been on board with the idea. Kids do go out and steal from Jubilife. (Heck I drew a drawing of Jubilife straight up on fire haha) Ingo’s the one that disapproves of it (he obviously wouldn’t condone stealing, especially since it would be dangerous for the kids to do that in case they get caught? He’d probably ask the kids to see if Pearl clan can somehow extend any help instead) and I think younger kids would agree with this just because Ingo’s the one saying it. But there are kids that do not listen to Ingo, like Giovanni, and do it anyways. Pearl clan is too far, they won’t help because Kamado commanded them not to, and Jubilife is right there. Because they are desperate, and they know things aren’t sustainable unless they steal.
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Sure throw them in too!
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I think someone did mention earlier that with so many kids popping up, the banishment occur happen sooner, and I could see that happening. Kamado doesn’t know what’s going on but he doesn’t want his village housing this.
And not only does Pearl clan not have enough food for them all, Kamado ordered the other clans not to help, just like in the game.
Unlike the game, where they really do refuse to help you at first to uphold relations, I feel like Pearl clan would want to help? Instead of just one kid, this is a whole group of kids at stake now, and one of their wardens with them. They might try to sneak some help under the radar maybe? But they don’t have the resources to help in any big way that matters.
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
Okay so… Heads up y’all. Cynthia’s ancestor or possible Ancestor Volo wanted to meet Arceus. So he teamed up with past Giratina who was pretty hurt about being banished from our world… They opened up a space-time rift in Ancient Sinnoh called Hisui. Now the Galaxy Team, precursor to Team Galactic but good, is currently trying to build up Jubilife Village.
Cyllene, Professor Laventon, and Commander Kamado are probably still in the early stages of the first Pokédex. Now timeline wise, the Hisui period should be 100-150 years from today. The Commander is Professor Rowan’s ancestor and really paranoid around Pokémon after some burned down his village. Most history sources believe him to be from Johto and Gyarados to be the cause. Cyllene is the head of the Galaxy Survey Team which has its members brave the wilds to survey the land. She is Cyrus ancestor, same hair color and lack of eyebrows, but is actually a good person just very strict.
Professor Laventon is the only Professor in the region and the first to make a Pokédex, the paper book version. Cataloging the ancient region’s unique regional evolutions/variants. Back to Volo. Now a few distortions popped up from the rift, along with a few smaller rifts. Ingo should have been found by the Pearl Clan missing some of his memories. Aside from a few mannerisms and his own name, that should be all he knows at the moment. Volo is looking to collect Arceus plates, at least the smaller versions we trainers use.
Now, those stories about people dying due to Pokémon are fact back then. Most Pokémon are hostile on sight or flee on sight. Plus there are giant Alpha Pokémon who rival Totems on size. They can use powerful moves like Hyper Beam aiming straight for people. Someone named Rei should be Prof Laventon’s assistant right about now. If you get sent to the past, befriend him cause I am pretty sure he is Dawn’s ancestor or at least related to her.
Ash: Don't worry, I bet we'll probably not be sent into the past anytime soon 😇
Not unless Project Mew has secretly captured Celebi and wants to get us out of their for their nefarious schemes
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Ash: Thanks for the heads-up about where Ingo went, though! I'll make sure to tell Emmet
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My vote is yes, he does switch back to unovan for his train metaphors. It seems to be a combo of subconscious memory and muscle memory for him to say them, so at the very least his all aboard+pointing would probably be the same as it has been ingrained? Although I guess it depends on how it works. If it just allows him to understand and speak it, then he'd probably say them as he normally would, much to everyone's confusion, but if this is a switching that magically translates everything he's saying, then obviously he'd be saying it all in the local language
this is what i think, tbh. i mean i think there's some sort of implication/assumption that in canon pla, the time travelers have magically been rendered fluent in whatever language is dominant in hisui (though the fact that everyone in jubilife and the clans all speak the same language also feels like a handwavy gameplay conceit or (more likely) something that just never occurred to the writers.) but in this hypothetical i'm thinking of the pitches where instead, ingo just had to straight up learn a new language with no magic help, in which case yeah, he probably defaults to unova's language for Train Talk and/or just whenever he's talking to himself.
the other (crack) option is that this is a repeat of the proposed Timeline Solution: everyone who comes into hisui and under mount coronet's influence just has a universal translator imposed upon them and nobody ever noticed that everyone around them should not, in fact, be speaking perfect paldean or whatever
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