#is it really steddie if Robin isn’t involved too?
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artiststarme · 1 year ago
Robin having the biggest crush on Nancy, especially after seeing her with the sawed off shotgun, and not making any moves even after she comes out to her as bi. Because Robin knows that Nancy broke Steve’s heart and his trust. It was her that had to rebuild it and show him that he wasn’t a disappointment to everyone, that some people would stick around without hurting him or putting him down.
Even when Nancy starts flirting with her and Steve tells Robin to make her move. Even when ignoring Nancy’s advances means she will be the only single one in the group, Robin holds strong. The bro code wasn’t just made for straight dudes after all.
Robin would much rather third-wheel Steve and Eddie on all of their dates. Watch them get all ooey-gooey and mushy with each other until it makes her want to puke. She’d find the girl of her dreams eventually and it wouldn’t be a girl that hurt her other half. It wouldn’t be Vickie or Nancy but someone that would love Steve as much as she does. Until then, she would deal with the excess testosterone and boy smell just as long as she could see Steve and Eddie happy together. (And having her third-wheel with them kept them having fun and enjoying themselves too).
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starshideurfics · 10 months ago
Thirsty Thursday - Steve’s Competency Kink
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Thirsty Thursday - Steve’s Competency Kink
steddie, omegaverse, canon compliant
Steve isn’t expecting it, having spent so much of the past few days fighting a drop with how much stress his pack is under.
His desire to protect Max would be making it hard enough without the rest of the bullshit going on.
But the rest is going on, and he knows he’s been leaning too hard on Robin and the safety of her herbal scent. Leaning too hard on the pups, taking comfort in caring for them.
It should all be too much for any of them, really. He can smell it all the time: stress and fear and pain. Knows he’s giving off just as much of the same, no matter how much he works to exude calm and safety for the pack.
But here he is, watching Eddie Munson hotwire an RV and getting wet enough that he knows the alphas can smell it.
They must be able to, with how sticky he already feels. He’ll have to peel his underwear off when he finally has a chance, a mess of slick at his crotch.
Robin gives him a very confused look, and Nancy is fortunately focused on wrangling the pups. Eddie has a pair of pliers held in his mouth, the metal hopefully impeding his sense of smell, at least for now.
But Steve knows he’s too close.
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It’s only a matter of time before Eddie picks up on his scent, on the arousal in it.
And it shouldn’t be hot! Nothing about the situation should remotely turn him on!
Steve presses his thighs together, grimaces, and tries his hardest to push down his desire to moan.
It’s just watching Eddie cut and strip the wires, keeping up his conversation with Robin, every movement sure… He knows what he’s doing. It may be highly suspect, but it’s a skill. Another way Eddie is good with his hands, and it makes Steve imagine those hands touching him.
Steve is shocked out of his daydream by Eddie turning to him. The smarmy, “Harrington’s got her. Don’t ya, big boy,” making him blush as he scrambles into the seat, his brain kicking into gear as they steal the RV.
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They’ve made it decently down the road when Eddie leans over Steve’s shoulder and says, “Sorry for dropping the driving on you like that, what with involving you in the actual crime and all.”
“What?” Steve’s still having trouble focusing beyond driving and Eddie’s warm scent.
“Like, everyone else is just an accessory to theft, but if we get busted, it’s you and me—grand theft auto.”
Steve shrugs. “Price of saving the world, I guess.”
“Well, Thanks for being cool about it. Most people get all weird about the shit my old man taught me.”
Steve shrugs again, glances up into the rearview mirror to look Eddie in the eye. “Skill’s a skill, and you’re fucking skilled.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah…” He swallows, feels the words ready to tumble out of his mouth and figures, fuck it, they might be dead by morning. “It was hot.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks again, voice so soft now.
“Really hot.”
His hand reaches forward, grips Steve’s shoulder. “Pretty much everything you do is hot.”
“Shut up.”
“If it weren’t for the fact I’m a total chickenshit, I’d have kissed you after you bit apart that bat.”
“Gross, Eddie! I had blood in my mouth! Monster blood!” Steve hisses.
“And it was fucking hot!”
“Whatever.” But Steve is smiling.
When he glances at Eddie in the rearview again, he’s smiling, too.
Camping in the meadow and prepping doesn’t give them much time, but Eddie and Steve still find a minute to meet up in the bathroom.
Eddie washes his hands, then he shows Steve what else his clever fingers can do.
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imfinereallyy · 2 years ago
Steve getting Venca’d is a plot line I thoroughly enjoy, but I feel like there is a path I haven’t really seen taken yet. Like, I’ve seen canon divergence where he gets vecna’d instead of Max, or he takes Max’s place, or I’ve seen it written as a season five (with Eddie back, of course), but hear me out, hear me out…
What if Steve starts the symptoms of Vecna (kind of like Vecna’s backup plan), but Steve never gets used? Like, they do their original plan in season four. Steve doesn’t really notice his symptoms until it’s too late; they are already in deep with spring break. Steve thinks about volunteering in Max’s place, but he knows if he says something, then the party has two people to worry about, and he knows Max would be too stubborn to change the plan. So he proceeds on. They go forth with the plan (Steve gets some horrible visions throughout spring break but manages to keep it to himself. Eddie notices something is off but is too focused on not dying to ask questions), and everything works out kind of the same as before except they win and everyone makes it (Eddie and max are still messed up, close to death but they make it).
After a few weeks (months probably), everyone is starting to heal and move on, but Steve just can’t. He’s still really messed up from his visions. The way they manipulated his trauma (about his parents, about being valued only with sex and money, Nancy, the kids, and his sexuality). It haunts him every day. He didn’t die like the other teens. He didn’t get to confront it like Max. Steve is just stuck in this mental hell and doesn’t know how to move on. Doesn’t know who to talk to. If he even should talk to anyone.
At this point, I feel like Eddie and Robin would notice him slipping. Robin is his platonic soulmate, his capital P, she may be frazzled, but she would most definitely notice when her best friend is not himself. Robin gives him space at first, but she can tell it’s only getting worse and decides it’s time to do something.
And Eddie, despite how much his past self would beat him over the head for it, likes Steve. He’s a good guy. Saves Eddie’s ass more times than he can count, even after the whole Upside Down thing. He likes to spend time with Steve; actually, almost all his time that isn’t spent with the kids and Wayne he spends with Steve, so of course, he notices Steve wasting away. Eddie noticed that Steve only really perks up when everyone is together in one place (Also, Eddie only has like slight romantic feelings for him at this point; his motivations at first are purely innocent, but as time moves on, he starts to fall for Steve and vice versa). So Eddie decides to spend more time with him one on one. Give him a safe space.
I’m not really sure how the rest of the plot would go. The party definitely gets involved, but they don’t notice for a while and make it worse at times (they are kids, after all), and the adults do their part too. I also think it’s an opportunity to talk about everyone’s unresolved trauma, like it doesn’t all go away magically after the defeat of the big bad. I think Steve having unresolved vecna visions is a perfect example of that.
Give Steve the breakdown he deserves and the support he clearly needs. And, of course, make it Steddie.
maybe I’ll write it, I’ve got so much to write, but maybe I’ll DO IT.
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hairstevington · 2 years ago
i can't tune you out (part 3)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Eddie and Chrissy become friends. Robin and Chrissy bond. Eddie and Steve strike a deal.
(part 1, part 2)
Word Count: 4.8K (it's a long one!)
Warnings: Rockstar!Eddie/Musician!Steve, modern day AU, enemies to lovers STILL very much enemies sorry I love a slow burn, Chrissy x Comphet, allusions to Chrissy having body issues, Hellcheer being wholesome, angst upon angst baybeeee, this chapter is very fun just bear with the boys absolutely despising each other lmao
A/N: Hello friends! From here on out, this fic will only be posted to my Ao3. If you're digging the story so far, go ahead and follow along here! To those that don't have accounts, I might be able to finesse some sort of system where I let you guys know when I've updated. Also, for those in need of Soft Steddie (tm), more "Flowers and Ink" is coming soon! Love y'all <3
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Eddie got to the bar before Chrissy did, but he kind of preferred it that way. It gave him a chance to sit down, order a drink, and settle into the environment before being thrust into more chaos. 
Sometimes, even though he thrived in insanity, he needed a moment to breathe. Not that he’d ever admit that out loud, of course. 
“Hey, stranger!” Chrissy’s voice rang from behind him. He spun around and was surprised when she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He’d thought that she’d been extra sweet and friendly the night before because of the alcohol, but apparently that was just her vibe. It was actually really nice. 
“H-hi, Chrissy,” Eddie replied, hugging her back. She pulled away after one last squeeze, then plopped herself beside him. “How’s it going?”
“Pretty good,” she answered. “I was up all night, so I slept most of the day. Now, I’ll probably be up all night again. Such is life.”
“Been there,” Eddie replied, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Can I get a vodka soda and two shots of tequila, please?” Chrissy asked the bartender.  
“Tequila?” Eddie asked, attempting to hide the disgust on his face. He hadn’t touched the stuff in years, after one fateful night involving a playground. Helpful tip - being drunk on a swing set is not the move.
“Tequila,” Chrissy confirmed with a smirk. “I’m invested now, and considering this is our first of potentially many drinks together, I figured we should start off with a bang.”
Eddie stared at her, blankly. She wanted to see him again after this? But he hadn’t even really done anything!
“Why are you so invested in this?” Eddie asked. 
“I dunno,” Chrissy replied with a shrug. The bartender put the vodka soda down in front of her, and she started mixing it around with the thin plastic straw. “I guess I’m just kinda…bored?”
“Bored?” Eddie repeated. “How could you be bored when you’re doing all the shit you do? Going to parties and photoshoots and - I mean, you barely know me.”
“My life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” she responded. There was a flicker of sadness in her eyes, but it left as quickly as it had come. Chrissy sipped her drink, then thanked the bartender as she set the shots down. “Come on, let’s commemorate this!” 
She took out her phone and gestured for Eddie to hold his drink up so they could take a picture. He was blown away by the whole thing, honestly. He almost texted Carla just to be like - can you believe this shit? 
It all seemed too easy. She was too open to being his friend, and he didn’t know why. He’d worked hard and all that, but he didn’t feel like he was decent enough of a person to get any sort of karmic reward. So this all felt a little suspicious, but he tried to enjoy it anyway. 
They did the shot. At least Chrissy had sprung for the high-quality liquor. It was still kinda nasty. 
“How was the rest of the party?” he asked. 
“Good,” Chrissy responded with a tight-lipped smile. She didn’t add any details, which was odd, but she spoke again before Eddie could ask any follow-up questions. “So, what’s the deal with you? People say you’re dating Steve, but you didn’t even know what he looked like last night, soooo…”
Alright, here we go.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie began. “I’m not dating him, clearly.” No sense in lying to Chrissy when she already knew. 
“But you want to?” Chrissy asked. Eddie shrugged. He would have flat out told her the truth, but he was hesitant to give everything away immediately. Steve was the one with the power, and Eddie hated that. “Do I need to order us another shot?”
“Please, no,” Eddie shot back instantly. When Chrissy laughed, he realized she’d been joking. “Sorry, it’s just -”
“It’s okay,” Chrissy assured him. “Talking to people in this business is hard. You never know who you can trust. I used to be a lot more open, and then you kinda just learn that you…can’t be, most of the time.”
Eddie furrowed his brow, wondering what exactly Chrissy felt she couldn’t tell people. Even moreso, he wanted to know who had broken her trust in the past. Then, he felt a pang of guilt, since he’d been mostly excited about this drink because it would boost his fame. Everything about all of this was corrupt and morally ambiguous. He sighed. 
“I’m just trying to make it out there,” Eddie admitted. “And I - I mean, I don’t know what to do, or how anything works.”
“Yeah, I remember what that’s like,” she empathized. She took a sip of her vodka soda, then turned back to Eddie. “Do you ever feel like -? I mean, do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?”
“Uhhh, just on a daily basis,” Eddie replied. He and Chrissy smiled at each other, and he could feel her authenticity. Maybe it was stupid for him to open up to her, but he was going to do it anyway. “Chrissy, have you ever, uh - like, have you ever done one of those PR relationships?”
“Oh, yeah,” she replied, unfazed. “I can’t really say anything, but yeah. It happens a lot around here.” Eddie nodded, then sipped his drink. “Wait, are you trying to do that with me?”
“Not quite,” Eddie mumbled, his lips pressed to his glass.
“I thought you were gay,” she continued. 
“I am.”
“Oh, okay.” She thought about it for a moment, then her eyes widened. “Oh.” 
“Oh,” she repeated. “Ohhhh!”
“Got any other letters?” Eddie teased. Chrissy giggled, then shoved him playfully. 
“You’re funny,” she said. Eddie wasn’t used to people enjoying his often wicked sense of humor. This was refreshing. “So, who’s idea was it?”
“My manager, I guess,” Eddie answered. “Well, she told me to use what the fans were saying and to meet up with the guy. But it, uh - it didn’t go well.”
“No?” she asked, surprised. “What happened?”
Eddie wanted to keep talking to Chrissy. He didn’t care that she was famous anymore - he wanted her perspective as someone who’d been through it. He also knew that Chrissy could tear him down just as quickly as she could build him up. 
“Did you mean what you said about us getting drinks more often?” he asked. 
“Yeah!” she replied, smiling brightly. “Like I said, you’re funny. And I - hmm. Okay, um. This next part might sound really bad at first, but I can explain.”
“Okay…” Eddie said, feeling his walls come back up. 
“I don’t really have a lot of male friends,” Chrissy admitted. “It always feels like - like they’re just waiting for their chance to strike.”
“Like, try to sleep with you?” Eddie asked. Chrissy nodded. “Oh. Christ, that sucks.” 
“Yeah,” she replied with a half shrug. 
He skipped the part where he doubted whether or not what she was saying was true, because it was clearly affecting her whether it was true or not. Eddie also had an urge to diffuse the tension with a joke, because that was kind of his thing.
“Chrissy Cunningham,” he stated, “- are you trying to make me your gay best friend?” She bit her lip, fighting a guilty smile. “Cuz like, I’m down, but I’ve never really done this before so I don’t know what the role entails.” She stopped fighting the smile, so Eddie continued. “I mean, is there a rulebook out there? I think there’s a movie about this on Netflix. Should I watch that first?”
“Eddie!” She interrupted, fully laughing now. Eddie joined her, feeling accomplished that he’d lightened the mood and set her at ease again. “I’m in the modeling industry, I’m surrounded by gay men all the time. It’s not just about that, I promise.”
“Okay, then what is it?” Eddie wondered. She sighed, her body much more relaxed than it had been before.
“It’s just that everybody I’m around talks about their looks all the time. I mean, it’s our job to be beautiful, I know that, but it’s tiring to just constantly hear about new diets and calories and what I should and should not eat. It’s just - it’s nice to get away from that, sometimes. You’re nothing like them, and I like that.”
“Nothing like them, huh?” Eddie smirked. “Are you saying I’m not beautiful?” She laughed and shook her head. 
“Okay fine, you have one thing in common,” she teased back. “You’re not mad?”
“Nah,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “But while we’re coming clean, I definitely was excited to come here because I hoped I’d get more followers if we hung out.”
“Well, obviously,” Chrissy responded, flipping her hair. “Okay, so that’s out of the way. Can we stick together, then?”
She asked it so sweetly it made his heart ache. 
“Yeah, ‘course,” he replied. He thought back to what Chrissy had said earlier about her model friends and decided to commit to being the opposite. “So, uh, I dunno about you but I could really go for some fries right now.” 
Chrissy’s eyes widened. 
“I’d kill for some fries right now.”  
“Great,” he said, grinning. “Who are we killing?” They laughed together, and then he got the bartender’s attention so he could order.
“For the record, I’m not doing this for you.”
It took Robin less than two seconds to agree to going to the bar with Steve. Now, they were walking down the street so that they could spy on two people they barely knew but were somehow entangled with. 
“I know, I know,” Steve replied. 
The bar was in sight. Chrissy hadn’t tagged the location or anything, but he recognized the place because he went there often. So often that it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to show up with Robin. They’d done it before and they’d do it again. 
The plan was for them to discreetly sit at a table in the back. But then they were at the door, and then they were opening the door, and then they were immediately being stared down by a blonde and a brunette at the bar. 
“Steve, what do we do?” Robin muttered rapidly. 
“Uhhh,” he said, glancing over at the table he imagined they’d sit at. He thought about ignoring them and just sitting down, but they’d all already seen each other so that would have just been rude. “I think we just have to own it.”
“Own what? That we’re psychopaths?” Robin hissed. 
And then, Chrissy was waving them both over to join them.
“Just follow my lead,” Steve said. 
In hindsight, this plan had been really, really stupid. 
Steve knew that his cover for all this was to get Robin and Chrissy in the same room again. But truthfully, Steve didn’t know Chrissy’s deal or if she wanted anything other than friendship. Steve could say this had nothing to do with Eddie all he wanted, but that wasn’t true. 
He’d been wracking his brain all day to make sense of this. His fight with Eddie the night prior had been a little fuzzy, but one part of it really stuck with him. 
Just a few years of King Steve bullying the school freak.
Well, that comment plus Eddie saying that Steve’s music sucked. That stung, but he wasn’t expecting someone like Eddie to appreciate his music anyway. The truth was, Steve had left high school behind, and he’d moved on, and he’d forgotten the shit he’d done back then. All that bystander crap, the teasing, the little comments that Steve didn’t understand the impact of at the time. 
Steve didn’t like Eddie. He still thought Eddie was a dick. But that didn’t mean Steve hadn’t also been a dick back then. 
All of this was very complicated, and the residual headache from the hangover made his head spin. Actually, the dizziness was probably also from the hangover. The thought of drinking made him want to hurl. Good thing he was at a bar, right?
“Hey!” Chrissy said as they approached. “What are you guys doing here?!” She jumped up to hug Steve, then Robin, and Steve watched as his friend acted as if the physical contact with her crush didn’t affect her. 
“We, uh -” Steve began. “We come here a lot, actually. Well, I do. I live just down the road.” 
His gaze drifted to Eddie, who gave Steve a knowing smirk. 
“Oh my god, Robin, I’m actually so glad you’re here,” Chrissy said. “Your style is just - I mean, wow! Where do you get your clothes?”
Robin’s eyes landed on Steve’s for a nanosecond, but it was enough for him to know exactly what was going through her brain. Basically just the embodiment of a bunch of exclamation points. 
“I - I usually thrift them, actually!” Robin responded. 
Then, Chrissy continued asking where Robin thrifted, and whether she could come with sometime, and Steve figured they’d be at it for a while. 
Huh. Maybe there would be something there after all.
Of course, while they were talking, this left Steve to either stand there awkwardly or interact with Eddie. He probably would have chosen the awkward standing, had Eddie not chosen the opposite. 
“Well, if it isn’t HARVEST in the flesh. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eddie began. He was smiling, but his tone was biting. Steve looked at Eddie, nodded his head toward Chrissy and Robin, then looked back at Eddie. He shrugged. “Ah, I see.”
“No other reason?” Eddie prodded, playing dumb.
“Nope,” Steve said. “Like I said, I live right -”
“Down the road,” Eddie interrupted. “So I heard.” Steve swallowed. He kinda felt like he was being interrogated or something. Eddie was making this extremely uncomfortable. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Steve wondered, desperately wanting this interaction to be over. Unfortunately, Chrissy and Robin were still chatting eagerly. 
“Like what, HARVEST?” Eddie asked. Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Steve is fine.”
“Hmm, is he though?” Eddie retorted. “I don’t think you want me to treat you like I treat Steve.”
God, Eddie knew how to push Steve’s buttons. His heart was racing, he was so mad. He clenched his jaw and considered how bad it would be to smack the smug grin off Eddie’s face.
Really bad. He knew that. He took deep breaths instead and relaxed. His hands had balled into fists at some point during the conversation. He extended his fingers out, flexing them. He was trying to leave this version of himself in the past, not bring him back. Another deep breath. 
“Whatever, Munson,” Steve sighed. “I just -”
“Hey, guys?” Robin said, diverting the attention to her. She pointed to the window, where a crowd of people had gathered. 
Some of them had cameras. 
“Shit,” Chrissy said. “How long do you think they’ve been there?”
“I dunno,” Steve responded. “You wanna get out of here?”
“Yeah,” Chrissy agreed. Eddie and Robin looked at each other this time, both outside of Chrissy and Steve’s shared understanding. 
Good thing all of them looked nice. Those pictures were gonna be all over the place tomorrow. 
Steve was here a lot, so he knew the bartenders and the owners, and he also knew how to sneak out when things like this happened. 
“Come on,” he said, urging Chrissy to follow him. With Steve came Robin, and Eddie sure as hell didn’t want to be left there alone, so he came too. Oh, joy. 
The four of them walked past the bar and through a sign marked for employees only. They wandered through the kitchen and left out a black door that led to an alley behind the building. 
“So, what now?” Robin asked once they were outside. 
“I’ll give them about two minutes until they find us,” Steve replied. 
“Is there somewhere else we could go?” Chrissy wondered. “I kind of don’t want to go home yet.”
“Well, I know HARVEST over here lives nearby,” Eddie said. 
“Will you quit it with the HARVEST thing?” Steve complained. 
“Sorry, do you prefer Harvey?” Eddie shot back. Steve groaned. 
“You’re impossible.”
“Oh, boy,” Chrissy mumbled. 
“I know, right?” Robin agreed. “Steve, can we go back to yours?”
“All of us?” Steve asked, knowing the answer already. It was his apartment. He could have flat out said that Eddie wasn’t allowed in. But he saw the look in Robin’s eyes, and he knew that if they all went back to the apartment, she could spend more time with Chrissy. “Alright, fine. Let’s go.”
Steve’s apartment was nice. It was huge, spacious, and all the utilities worked. It was also minimalist in that Steve hadn’t put up any decorations. He had the essentials - a couch, a TV, a table. Not much more. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to have people over,” Steve said as they walked in. 
“It’s beautiful,” Chrissy said. 
“It’s empty,” Eddie noted. His apartment was a lot smaller, but it also was a lot more filled up. This place had nothing, basically. Eddie almost made a comment about Steve not having any money to decorate after paying what he assumed was an absurd rent, but he held his tongue. 
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Robin agreed. “I keep throwing ideas his way, but he’d rather live in an asylum, basically.”
“I’m not here that often,” Steve explained, shrugging. “Sue me.”
“It definitely could use some color,” Chrissy agreed. “Art on the walls, maybe a rug -”
“Yes! Exactly!” Robin exclaimed. “I even have a Pinterest board.”
“Oh my god, can I see it?” Chrissy asked. Robin nodded, and then they were both sitting across the room looking at decor or some shit. All of the logistical stuff related to interior design was beyond Eddie. He just bought things that he liked and then put them where they best fit. He didn’t know anything about color-coding, and he didn’t even know what Pinterest was. 
Anyway, Robin and Chrissy bonding so aggressively and so immediately (which was interesting, to say the least) left Eddie semi-alone with Steve once again. 
“Can we talk?” Steve asked, surprising the hell out of Eddie. He had given Steve zero reason to want to talk to him, he’d made sure of it. Like, Eddie had been at his maximum asshole level for a few reasons. First and foremost, it was payback for high school. Second, it was fun. And third, because Eddie didn’t like Steve, and because he currently didn’t have anywhere else to direct his anger. 
He didn’t say they were good reasons. 
“Uh, suuuuure,” Eddie replied. Steve gestured for Eddie to follow him down the hall so they could have some privacy. 
Oh, great. Now we’re fully alone.
Chrissy was amazing. She was wonderful. She was everything Robin hoped she’d be. It was almost too good to be true. No, it was definitely too good to be true. 
They were huddled over Robin’s phone, talking about color theory and decorations which turned into art and hobbies which turned into a discussion about college (Robin went, Chrissy didn’t) and then finally their conversation settled on music. 
“Have you listened to their stuff?” Robin asked, gesturing towards where the boys had gone. It had been a few minutes and no arguing or fights breaking out yet, as far as she could tell. Of course, she hadn’t been listening that intently. 
“Sure,” Chrissy responded. “Corroded Coffin not so much, but that’s just because I’m not into that sort of music.”
“Very fair.”
“Yeah. But HARVEST I hear all the time. That one song is literally impossible to escape from.”
“Oh, we know,” Robin replied with a laugh. “Steve secretly can’t stand it’s that song that blew up.”
“What do you mean?” Chrissy wondered. 
“Like, it’s definitely his most commercial song,” Robin explained. “I’ve been listening to Steve’s music since we met, and it’s a little out there sometimes, but now that I’m used to it I’m all for it. Anyway, his favorite songs are the ones most people haven’t heard. That’s why his new album is - I mean that’s why he -” 
Robin stopped herself from saying the rest. Chrissy was great, but Robin wasn’t about to spill all of her best friend’s secrets.
“That’s why he what?” Chrissy teased, nudging Robin in the shoulder. 
Dammit. It was really hard to avoid temptation when temptation was someone as vibrant as Chrissy Cunningham. 
“That’s why he’s so excited about it,” Robin concluded. 
Thank god. I can keep my best friend card.
“Oh, okay,” Chrissy said, nodding. “I’ll have to listen to his other stuff then.”
“Let me know what you think,” Robin replied. 
“Of course I will.” Chrissy smiled, then pulled out her phone. To Robin’s surprise, she handed it to her with an empty contact open. 
Holy shit.
Robin typed in her name and number, then triple checked to make sure she put it in correctly before handing the phone back to Chrissy.
“There you go,” she said, doing her best to remain calm. 
“Thank you,” Chrissy said. “Wow, it’s so crazy. First with Eddie, now with you. I just feel like we’re all going to be really good friends.”
Friends. GOD. Ouch. 
Robin probably should have expected that. She had expected it, really, but it stung nonetheless. That was okay. They could be friends. Robin cleared her throat and hoped she didn’t sound too disappointed. 
“Yeah, if the two idiots in there can get their shit together,” Robin joked. 
“I know!” Chrissy agreed. “Like, what’s going on with them?”
“I honestly have no idea.” She looked down the hall, still not hearing any arguing.
If she’d been alone, she would have pressed her ear to the door and listened in, but she had to be on her best behavior. You know, for her new friend.
“Sooo, what the hell is going on?” Eddie asked once they were in a different room. It looked like an office. There was music equipment everywhere. 
“I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you a bunch of shit, okay? Because the last hour or so has been crazy and I’m still kind of hungover and I’m not interested in doing a whole dance with you.”
“Yeah, you made that clear last night when you didn’t dance with me,” Eddie deadpanned. 
“Jesus,” Steve exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Could you just -”
“You wanna tell me something, so skip the preamble and tell me -” 
“I’m sorry, okay?” Steve snapped. “I’m sorry for - I’m sorry about high school. I was an idiot.”
Oh. Well, shit. 
“Past tense?” Eddie teased. 
“Go to hell.”
“Okay, okay, point taken,” he relented with a light chuckle. “Thanks. I appreciate the apology.”
“Yeah, really,” Eddie confirmed. “Don’t worry, I’m still iffy about you for a bunch of other reasons.”
“Great,” Steve said, returning Eddie’s sarcastic tone. 
“Cool,” Eddie replied. “So, is that it?”
“No?” Eddie prodded. 
“Wait, what are the other reasons?” Steve asked, losing his train of thought. Eddie scoffed. 
“You want me to tell you why I don’t like you?” Eddie rebuffed. “Are you into that or something?”
“No, I just -”
“Come on, spit it out,” he demanded. “The quicker you say what you’re gonna say, the less time we have to talk to each other. What is it?”
Steve took a deep breath. 
“I want my album to do well, and ever since this whole steddie thing happened, people have actually started talking about it, and -”
“Waaaait a goddamn second,” Eddie drawled. “Are you saying you want to actually, like, do the fake relationship thing?”
“No, I just don’t want to deny it,” Steve responded. “Let them talk, you know.”
Eddie almost laughed. Jesus Christ, this was rich. Eddie thought he’d be the one begging for scraps, yet here he was, in Steve’s apartment, listening to his high school bully ask him for a favor. 
Eddie weighed his options. If he said no, it would feel great in the moment, but then this would be over. 
The tables were turning, and he wasn’t going to let a bit of his power go to waste.
“Hmm, very interesting, Harvey,” he said. “The King’s come crawling back to the freak.” Steve scoffed. 
“Our fake relationship benefits you more than me, you do realize that, right?” he reminded Eddie. “I’m just fine on my own. You get a popularity boost from this, so maybe you should try not to be a total asshole for once. I could find literally anyone else to do this with.”
The thing was, Eddie knew that wasn’t true. He could see right through the bullshit. 
“You’re bluffing,” Eddie stated. 
“You’re bluffing,” he repeated. “Lest we forget you’re the one who asked me to go along with this.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“Ugh, ‘lest we forget.’ Why do you talk like that?” 
“You’re avoiding the question,” Edde said, his eyes boring into Steve’s. 
“What question?”
“Come on, Harrington. You want me. Why?”
Steve’s eyes narrowed, but didn’t break away. 
“Okay, calm down with the whole ‘I want you’ thing, alright?” Steve’s agitation was just too cute. It was so easy to rile him up. “I’m doing this for my album, just like you are.”
“Yeaaah, I don’t buy it. What else is it?” Eddie couldn’t help it. He had to keep pushing. 
“There’s nothing else, Eddie.”
“Don’t tell me, then,” he teased. “Let me guess. All those years ago when you laughed at me in high school, you were really just harboring some hidden crush on me that didn’t fully come to fruition until you saw me at Frolique?”
Steve’s face went pale, and for a moment Eddie wondered if he’d gone too far.
“Oh my god,” Steve scoffed. “Could you not be a jackass for literally one second?”
“Wait, was I right?” Eddie took a step forward, intrigued by the idea. 
“No, you weren’t right, Munson,” Steve insisted. “I didn’t have a crush on you, I was just a dick.”
Ah. So much for that. Eddie shook his head and smiled. 
“And now you’re just so goddamn pleasant, huh?” He turned to look at all the expensive shit Steve kept in there - high-tech recording equipment, instruments, microphones, sheet music. 
“Usually, yeah,” Steve replied. “I’m actually nice to most people.” Eddie’s eyes were still focused on the sheet music, an increasing curiosity within him, but he held back and returned his focus to Steve.
“Aw, so I’m the exception? See, I knew I was special.”
If being a dick was so bad, then why was it so fun?
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you?” Steve asked.
“Oh god, sooooo many things,” Eddie replied. He meant it, too. He knew he had issues, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to talk to Steve about them. “And for the record, I can be pleasant too. Just ask Chrissy.”
“When did you get so close with her, anyway?”
“Since about an hour ago,” Eddie answered. “Anyway, I’m an absolute delight, Harrington. I only bite when it’s fun.”
“Then you must be having the time of your goddamn life,” Steve remarked. 
It wasn’t not true, but once again, Eddie needed to be unpredictable. He just had this compulsive need to throw Steve off, to keep him guessing. Yeah, being an asshole to Steve Harrington was fun, but Eddie didn’t forget how much he hated the guy and everything he stood for. 
“God, I wish,” he replied. “I hate this, but I’ll have fun when I can. I mean, my career is important, too. Why do you think I made a big fool of myself at that party? I fucking danced in public so that I could talk to you. I already told you - I don’t like your music, or your weird persona, and I don’t really care for you off-stage either.”
“Yeah? Well, the feeling is mutual,” Steve shot back. 
Eddie smirked, a fire within him that somehow bloomed and burned at the same time. Matter is neither created nor destroyed right? Eddie was never that good in school, but that phrase always stuck with him. The fire - the anger, the pain, the hurt - it fueled him and it broke him down. An endless cycle. What he loved. What he didn’t. All of it was the same.
“Let me be fucking clear,” Eddie said. “I’m not doing this because it’s fun. I’m doing it because I get something out of it, got it?”
“Got it,” Steve replied. The air between them was tense, and it made Eddie feel alive. 
“Okay,” he said at last. “Then we’ll let them talk.”
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rageagainsttheapathy · 2 years ago
Prince Steve who starts off arrogant and prattish because of his strict father and asshole noble friends, but cares deeply for his people and wants more than anything to be a good ruler, who makes constant fun of Eddie as his new manservant but it gets fonder and fonder as time goes on and in the end can’t imagine living without him.
Newly arrived warlock Eddie who was born with magic and gets sent to live with his Uncle Wayne in Camelot in the hopes that he can learn to control his gifts and find his place away from the small village he grew up in, only to end up in the service of the Worst Man Ever ™️ who is loud and demanding and privileged and… strong, and kind of caring, he guesses, and also protected him that one time and tries to cheer him up in this really emotionally stunted but genuine kind of way and - no he does not like him!
Lady Nancy, the King’s ward who is furious at the injustice she sees throughout the kingdom, who champions druids and magic users and isn’t afraid to confront Steve about his worst tendencies. (No Evil! Nancy in this au - she has an arc that involves her stepping close to vengeance, because she’s tired of being nice and wants so badly to go apeshit, but in the end is saved from that path by the power of friendship and this Big Sword she found) she ends up advisor to the throne once King Jackass finally dies, and forces Steve to promote Robin to the same position, even though Steve planned to do exactly that anyway, that’s his Best Friend, Nancy, what do you take him for?
Maidservant Robin who becomes fast friends with Eddie when he first arrives, who is fiercely loyal to Lady Nancy and constantly annoyed with Steve - right up until they start spending time together and save each other’s lives and there’s a brief moment when Steve thinks that he’s in love with her because she’s pretty and clever and isn’t afraid to yell at him but they very quickly realise that they’re better as friends, not least because Robin is totally in love with Nancy.
Jonathan as a knight, who appears and saves the day and also kicks Steve’s ass on the training field, who protects Eddie when he finds out his secret and then goes off to do his ‘lone wolf’ thing à là Lancelot
Argyle as a Druid who hangs around outside Camelot and gives cryptic but helpful advice and also takes in wounded travellers and nurses them back to health (cough, Jonathan, cough) who later helps Eddie to accept the hard parts of being destined for something.
All the kids are there too, of course, but I haven’t decided what I want them to be and Hopper should be a Leon-Esque figure who starts of a distant and stoic knight of the Old Guard but slowly becomes closer to the main group, acting as a father figure and also occasionally going Beserker mode in battle because why not
Joyce gets to be a whole new character! Because there is a tragic lack of women in Merlin canon who show up for more than one episode. Something something convoluted side plot in which she shows up in Camelot looking for her missing eldest son who ran away to be a knight, cue Steve sending Hopper, his most mature and loyal knight to accompany her on her quest, during which they encounter multiple obstacles, engage in Shenanigans, and fall in love, much to the horror of Jonathan who has to watch them kissing after they slay the Generic Magical Beast of the week
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
Hello, and thank you for addressing Nancy not understanding Robin! And also being frustrated with BG ro//ance in steddie fics because like. While I initially didn't really care about the ship, (like, whatever, ship and let ship. I could mostly ignore it) I started to resent it when it was presented as just a given. Like no addressing anything in it (and I get it that it's a steddie fic but still if you're going to throw his ex and bff together I'd say it warrants some comment? Just oof. Annoying) Or if Robin ditches Steve for Nancy, or when it was a non issue when no?? (I guess it always boils down to diminishing stobin's relationship)
I've only seen a couple fics that address the issues with ro//ance both for Steve and for Robin and in them they aren't an endgame couple. Like, if ppl just wanted to pair Robin off with someone Vickie is right there and actually likes Robin without Robin having to reassure her that she's for sure not dating Steve or wondering if her company is actually wanted (only if Vickie liked girls)
For me it really depends on the role Nancy plays in the fics and Steve's life. Like. If she's involved with his romantic life as an actively "trying to help" with opinions on it or god forbid clocking him before he comes out to her and acting like it's no big deal I'm done, but if she's just blink and you'll miss it then maybe. But I'll still be annoyed. (This sounds like I hate her but I really don't I just hate how both her and Robin's character don't make sense as romantic relationship with each other)
yeah, even before s4 and r//nance got really big, i didn’t really like it much. i kinda left it alone then, because it was just really small and easy to ignore, but the ship has always rubbed me the wrong way. and then the ‘fruity four’ got big and suddenly r//nance was impossible to escape. and i think when a ship you don’t like is everywhere, it kinda makes you hate it more lmao.
and yeah, r//nance just isn’t the kind of ship you can just insert into fics with no explanation because it just doesn’t mesh well with the characters and their current development. sometimes people shove in a ‘oh steve didn’t mean what he said to nancy and he’s totally embarrassed!’ and it’s like… okay. sure, you can get steddie together with that, but not r//nance. because even without steve’s love confession, stancy have too much history for nancy to just date his best friend without a word between them. stobin is just better than any romantic ship, and to try to shove nancy between them is wrong.
(honestly, sometimes if r//nance is just like a throwaway line in an otherwise great fic, i just pretend they said vickie lmao)
i can’t stand fics that have nancy just immediately be close friends with eddie, robin and steve, and she like injects herself into steddie, and it’s just accepted as totally normal. that is Not nancy! and yeah, i don’t hate nancy, but if you want her to be that kind of person, you have to develop her into that kind of person, because that just isn’t her in canon.
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the-teddy-bear-butch · 2 years ago
Alright gay people. Be prepared to lose your shit:
Ronance Lemonade Mouth AU
Nancy is Stella!!! Because I said so!!! Nancy deserves a rebel era and I can so see her being upset about the arts funding being cut for sports, including journalism. Electric guitar player Nancy my beloved >>>
Robin is Olivia, the shy, socially awkward songwriter and singer!!! Going to have her living with Steve as opposed to a grandma or something, but keeping the cat (who ironically in the movie is named Nancy). Might keep the her dad is in prison part? Undecided on how I’m translating Olivia’s background to Robin.
Speaking of Steve, he gets to be Charlie, the drummer! Keeping the pretty hair and parental pressure, but instead of wanting him to go to Stanford or play soccer, his dad wants him to join the insurance firm.
Eddie is Wen because Stella/Wen friendship > Nancy/Eddie besties ofc. Rather than coming in with rap, he adds amazing guitar riffs and heavy metal elements to the band’s sound. His family trouble involves settling in with Wayne, rather than dealing with a new stepmom.
And Mo was hard to decide, but!!! Our own Chrissy Cunningham. Her mom puts so much pressure on her to be the perfect daughter and Mo’s relationship with the one guy translates far too well to Chrissy’s relationship with Jason. Chrissy bass player arc omfg.
The rival band includes Jason, Billy (the one shitty guy who always starts drama), Tommy H, and Lucas (mirroring the basketball team here). Lucas tries to settle the drama throughout the AU.
The story begins when everyone gets detention. Robin and Chrissy were skipping class, Nancy blew up at someone about a news segment. Eddie got mad at a teacher, and Steve hit someone with a basketball (on accident).
The music teacher is Joyce and she leaves them all alone and that goofy little music moment happens and they all sing together.
Instead of Mel’s Lemonade, hear me out: Argyle’s Lemonade.
Robin has severe stage fright, but the band helps her get through it, especially Nancy. She and Steve live together. Eddie is often over to help with lyrics. She has an old ass cat that’s the last thing she has of her mother, just like Olivia.
Nancy gets to be rebellious in this fic. Her dad thinks she should just settle for a white picket fence (when he bothers to pay attention to her at all), her mom doesn’t really fight it, so Nancy rebels. She’s also getting the school newspaper together after the funding cut. Tell me this girl isn’t the kind to protest lack of free speech and the removal of the lemonade machine.
Eddie was only just sent to Wayne. It’s supposed to be temporary. In the same way Wen gets used to his stepmom, Eddie has to get used to Wayne and they do eventually grow closer. The scene where it’s revealed that Wen’s stepmom is moving in is instead Eddie arriving home to all of his belongings there in boxes and his parents nowhere to be seen—his stay is suddenly much more permanent.
Steve’s dad wants him to be an athlete (basketball) and join the insurance firm, but Steve just doesn’t want that. He quits basketball for the band and there’s some family struggle.
Rethinking the living situation, I may have Robin and Steve move in together partway through the story as opposed to the beginning, but I’m unsure where that leaves Robin. Her background is the hardest to work out.
Chrissy learns to stand on her own, gets away from her mom’s expectations, and sees Jason as the manipulative shitheel he is. Naturally she falls for one of the band’s biggest fans: Vickie.
Dustin plays the role of the AV kid that helps the band throughout the movie. He shows Nancy around in the beginning, explains the budget cut, and he makes the first vinyls for the band.
Nancy gets to rock Billy’s shit because I said so.
In the end scene, it’s Max and Lucas who save the day. Lucas leaves the rival band to help Lemonade Mouth out, Max is the first person in the crowd to start singing.
Steddie is established already. Ronance is the focus. Any of the Wen/Olivia scenes will be Ronance instead because I said so. Rumors circulate that Eddie and Robin are dating because Steddie keeps quiet and Robin isn’t out and the whole band finds it hilarious.
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seidenbros · 2 years ago
Hypnotising Hands
Prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist Pairing: Steddie | Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Summary: Steve’s eyes immediately land on Eddie’s ringed fingers again. “Like what you see, Harrington?” Eddie teases, taking a step closer. “I’d rather see them wrapped around my throat,” Steve mumbles, but it is loud enough for Eddie to hear. Or: The day Steve finally says what's on his minds, freaks out, and still gets what he desires Word count: 1912 Warning/Tags: (shameless) smut, choking, handjob, teasing, come eating, subby Steve, dom Eddie, praise kink, hand kink, begging (let me know if I missed anything) A/N: I don't even know what this is except utter filth, but this post that @goldenkinglouis tagged me in prompted this fic here, so... yeah enjoy? It's not beta-read so you can keep all the mistakes you find. In addition, please remember that English isn't my native language. 💚 Read on AO3
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Ever since being pushed up against the wall of that boathouse by Eddie, Steve Harrington wasn’t the same anymore. It started with some lingering looks on Eddie’s lips and his hair, but by now, it is becoming hard for him to tear his eyes away from Eddie’s hands. They are the biggest cause for Steve’s sleepless nights and for waking up fucking horny, because he’s been dreaming of these hands all over his body.
For months it has been like that, and it is driving Steve insane. Especially because he can’t concentrate anymore, because his mind goes completely blank when he looks at Eddie’s hands too long. He’s sure the other has seen him do it, but so far, Eddie hasn’t said a word to him.
Steve hasn’t even told Robin what is going on with him. Of course, she knows that something is up, and she has a feeling it involves Eddie, but Steve hasn’t said a word. Because he doesn’t even know how to deal with this himself.
Maybe, it isn’t the best idea to put him and Eddie in charge of getting the snacks ready for movie night at Steve’s place, but that wasn’t Steve’s choice at all. Robin pushes them both in the kitchen while she goes to the living room set up with the others.
“Something the matter?” Eddie aska as he reaches for the plates in the cupboard right above Steve, so his arm brushes Steve's, making the other one take a big step aside. Not because he’s annoyed by the touch, but because he feels it in his whole body, like a zing of electricity moving from his arm down to his toes. 
“No. Everything’s fine.” It’s a blatant lie, but Steve has to concentrate on what he is doing enough as it is.
“Mhm sure,” Eddie mumbles, taking the plates to the living room, so Steve has a moment to breathe. He puts all the different snacks on the kitchen island and gets as many bowls as they might need. While he is in charge of filling the bowls, Eddie comes back to cut the pizza into pieces, because it didn’t come already sliced.
Steve’s eyes immediately land on Eddie’s ringed fingers again. On the way he holds the knife, the way his fingers flex. Absent-mindedly, Steve licks his lips, his hand not working on ripping the bags open anymore. Eddie’s hands slow down and he drops the knife. Instead, he starts twirling one of his rings around his fingers, a smirk on his lips.
“Like what you see, Harrington?” Eddie teases, taking a step closer.
“I’d rather see them wrapped around my throat,” Steve mumbles, but it is loud enough for Eddie to hear.
“Oh really?” Eddie takes another step towards Steve, and that is all it takes for Steve to realise that he just said these words out loud. That Eddie heard them loud and clear and it wasn’t just in his head.
“Oh fuck,” Steve breathes out, cheeks turning pink as he quickly turns around an rushes upstairs to his bedroom. Shitshitshitshit! That did not just happen! Steve closes the door behind him and leans against it, trying to slow his breathing and stop his head from spinning. He really fucked up, didn’t he?
“Where’s Steve?” Robin’s voice makes Eddie jump, because he was still staring after Steve.
“I think he’s not feeling so well.” Eddie turns to look at her, then  hands her the pizza boxes. “You get started, I’ll look after him. I’ve seen the movies already anyway.”
As Robin takes the pizza, Eddie hurries up the stairs and knocks on Steve’s door.
“Gonna let me in?”
“No!” Steve damn near shouts from inside, still mortified. The last thing he wants is to look into Eddie’s eyes right now and explain where those thoughts have come from. Meanwhile, Eddie is still grinning to himself, because this is the sign he needed. The sign he’s been looking for all this time, to make sure that it hasn’t been a figment of his imagination that Stev’s been staring at him all this time.
“Come on, Stevie. Be a good boy and let me in. I promise I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”
“Fuck,” Steve murmurs to himself, feeling his arousal grow even more due to Eddie’s words. Well, what’s there to lose? Eddie already heard him say that, so he might as well own up to his words, right? So, Steve takes a step back from the door and opens it.
Eddie slips inside, locking the door behind him immediately, so nobody is able to disturb them.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Eddie turns to face Steve, whose cheeks are still not back to their normal colour.
“I’m sor-”
“Ah!” Eddie immediately stops him, holding up his hand and tilting his head. “No apologies. Not if you really meant that. So, tell me, Stevie…” Eddie puts his hand on Steve’s chest, backing him up against the door, his hand slowly inching up. “Were you serious?”
Steve cannot believe that this is happening,cannot fathom that Eddie’s hand is on him, his sweater still shielding him from skin on skin contact right now.
“Yes,” he eventually manages to say, swallowing hard, nearly moaning when Eddie’s fingertips graze over his throat, the cold metal of Eddie’s rings sending goosebumps down Steve’s back. Eddie presses closer, so close that he feels Steve’s erection straining against his jeans.
“So you’ve been thinking about my hands, haven’t you?” Eddie wraps his hand around Steve’s throat now, applying just a small bit of pressure, but it’s enough to make Steve whimper and moan when he feels Eddie’s other hand on his crotch, palming him through his jeans.
“Tell me. You need to use your words to get what you want, pretty boy.” Eddie’s voice is right next to Steve’s ear, making his knees buckle. Eddie is just so close, the smell of him intoxicating in the mix with his touches.
“Come on, big boy…” Eddie gets even closer, his lips brushing Steve’s ear as he emphasises every single syllable: “Use your words!”
“Fuck,” Steve moans out, pressing into Eddie’s touch, who immediately pulls back, leaving Steve breathless and desperate for more contact.
“So?” Eddie crosses his arms over his chest, looking Steve up and down, his own eyes blown wide with lust. Steve is not the only one who's been dreaming about this, but right now, it’s all about Steve, about what he wants and needs.
“I-” Steve starts, licking his suddenly dry lips. It’s too late to back out, especially when he just got a taste of Eddie, of the way his hands feel and how intoxicating this man is. “I’ve been dreaming of your hands all over me.”
“Mhm, keep going.” Eddie takes a step towards Steve again, putting both his hands on Steve’s chest.
“Of your lips on mine… your hand on my throat.”
“Like this, right?” Eddie smirks, pushing his right hand up to wrap it around Steve’s throat again.
“Yeah.” Steve swallows hard, his breathing getting faster. “And… and around my - fuck!” Steve’s words are cut short when Eddie squeezes his cock through the jeans.
“Around your cock?” Eddie whispers against Steve’s lips, smiling against them. “You want my hand there as well?”
“Yes!” Steve says with a shaky breath, but before Eddie can say anything else, he adds: “Yes, please!”
“Good boy!” Eddie coos, making Steve whimper again. He lets off Steve for a moment, only to make quick work of his belt and jeans so he can push them down to Steve’s knees. While he sneaks his hand beneath the waistband of Steve’s boxers, he seizes the opportunity to kiss him, swallowing the moan that follows when he wraps his fingers along Steve’s hard length. His fingers move up and down, slowly as he devours Steve’s mouth, his tongue swiping inside, getting a taste of the other man.
“Fuck,” Eddie mumbles as he pulls back. “I knew you were big, Stevie, but this…” Eddie shakes his head with a grin, only letting go of Steve to push his boxers down again, Steve’s cock brushing against the rough material of Eddie’s jeans, making him whimper at the friction.
“And such a pretty cock at that.” Eddie’s fingers wrap around Steve’s hard length again, his thumb collecting the precum leaking out, using it as lube to help his hand glide better.
“Mhh fuck Eddie… feels so good,” Steve mumbles, closing his eyes for a moment, until he feels Eddie’s hand wrap tighter around his throat.
“Eyes on my, pretty boy,” Eddie nearly growls, pumping Steve’s cock faster. “You only get to come when you look at me, understood?”
“Mhm,” Steve manages to mumble, already getting so fucking close because of this whole situation. Not sure whether he’s allowed to touch or not, Steve just pushes his luck, reaching out his right hand to run his fingers through Eddie’s hair. The other hand finds purchase on Eddie’s upper arm, fingers digging into the muscles beneath the Hellfire shirt.
“Eddie… I’m so close,” Steve whines, holding back from bucking his hips up into Eddie’s touch, because he already knows that Eddie wouldn’t allow that.
“Not just yet,” Eddie commands, his hand on Steve’s throat by now sure to leave marks. “You think you’ve been good enough that you get to come?”
“Yes! Please, please, Eddie,” by now, Steve is begging him, so desperate to come that he would probably say anything. “I’m your good boy, please let me come.”
“Fucking hell,” Eddie breathes out, because he didn’t expect that, getting so turned on by it as well. “Come for me, Steve,” he mumbles against Steve’s lips, before he kisses him, swallowing the moans Steve lets out as he reaches his high, his hips bucking up once into Eddie’s hand as he spills all over it.
“Mhh you did so well, baby,” Eddie mumbles against Steve’s lips, before he pulls back, leaving the other one breathless, his throat and face flushed while he is still breathing heavily. Eddie keeps his eyes on Steve while he lifts his hand to lick Steve’s seed off it. “Mhhm I knew you’d taste so fucking good.”
“That was…” Steve mumbles, shaking his head, still not able to believe what just happened here in his bedroom.
“Oh, we’re not done, pretty boy.” Eddie says with a wicked smile. “Unless you don’t want to, but I’d love to keep going later… see how loud I can make you moan my name when nobody is here.”
Eddie leans in to kiss Steve’s lips once more. The smile on Steve’s lips is the only answer Eddie needs.
“Now, clean up, and I’ll go wash my hands and tell the others you weren’t feeling well and needed a ned shirt.” Eddie’s gaze moves down Steve’s front with a smirk, seeing the stains that are now on Steve’s shirt from his own release. “Take your time, Stevie.”
With a wink, Eddie walks through the door and over to the bathroom that isn’t adjoined to Steve’s bedroom to wash his hands, while Steve stays back and needs another moment to regain his composure. With a goofy smile on his lips, he manages to get cleaned up and change his clothes, before he goes back downstairs to sit down next to Eddie again.
“You okay?” Robin asks quietly, concern written all over her  face, but Steve just smiles at her.
“Never been better.” 
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Tag-List: @goldenkinglouis @give-em-hellfire @magnoliabutters
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steddiesupportgroup · 3 years ago
Man, for a show I’ve fallen in love with and had so much anticipation for, I ended up kinda wishing I hadn’t watched vol2.
Spoilers and a huge rant under the cut
The whole time I was literally shaking with nerves about what was gonna happen to Eddie, to all of them. His last moments (the whole last two eps honestly) dragged on for what felt like hours. It wasn’t fun; it was nerve wracking. And yeah, maybe it’s my bad for getting so attached to a fictional character in a show where people die, but so what? He makes us happy in a time where things aren’t going super well, brought us comfort. If we can’t use fiction as an escape, what’s the point of it?
All that aside, I’m still disappointed about other things. El saying goodbye to Brenner and finding her strength was great, as was the whole thing with Hopper, but other than that? I spent the whole four hours dreading what was gonna happen. I feel like they took the whole “all hope is lost” thing way too far. Watching Lucas hold Max while she begged to die made me fucking sick, as did watching Eddie sacrifice himself. I hate this trend of having people guess who’s gonna die, it’s just sad. Lucas getting beaten up by Jason, who, yeah he died, but didn’t get what he deserved. He was grieving and deranged, and then he was nothing.
And like they touched on Steve’s character arc for a split second before taking ten steps back. I don’t believe that he wants to get back with Nancy because he keeps finding new people in his life, new experiences that change his worldview. Why go back to a girl that is hung up on someone else? This isn’t even a steddie thing- they could’ve touched on his growth without involving her. He’s someone who protects people now, who keeps putting others before himself and doesn’t stop fighting no matter what. Maybe he doesn’t even need a canon relationship to find worth and value. The dream with the kids was cute, but he’s so much more than some guy who can save the world but can’t move on from his first love. I want them to have love for each other, but they both need more.
And man, Nancy and Jonathan are really dragging on. I like them as a couple, really! But couldn’t they have other conflict? Or keep the conflict without involving Steve? All that buildup for them to lie to each other about how good they are, it just doesn’t make sense. I expected Jonathan to tell her the truth about college, or have him circle back to thinking about what it would look like if they kept holding on.
And yeah, Robin and Vicki at the end was just some hetero “we don’t know how to write queer relationships” bullshit. Just because they’re both girls and can have things in common doesn’t mean they need to be the same person. Robin deserves better than that, even someone who knows what she’s been through (winking at you ronance shippers).
I knew Byler wasn’t gonna happen, but man, they really couldn’t have had Will and Jonathan have a better conversation? Even at the end? It’s like “everyone knows so it doesn’t need to be said” but why not?? How is Will any different from Robin, who is somehow the only character who can openly talk about her queerness? Because he’s a boy? Because he’s young and in love with his best friend? I don’t wanna watch him cry in the back of the van with Mike if they’re not gonna have some kinda resolution.
I am gonna keep talking about Eddie, actually. His death was wretched, yeah. But the thing that breaks my heart is that now his name is tainted beyond death, and the people who loved him are silenced and pushed to the side. The Munson Murders, what a tragic end for a character who was so loving, so kind and gracious to everyone around him. And how are the writers gonna act like no one else in the group is bothered by his supposed death? They got to know Eddie, they risked everything to save him, and you can’t tell me that it’s business as usual after all that. If he is dead, it’s the worst insult to his memory. Ya know what’s better than dying a hero? Getting justice! Living to see another day with the people who love you! He could’ve become a braver person if he lived and he was already a fucking hero, because just like Steve, he cares about the kids. I can’t imagine what Dustin will go through and I really don’t want to.
So yeah. I know that the writers won’t see this, but I hope with enough pushback they’ll revive his character. If they can do it with Brenner after having his brain turned to mush, they can do it with Eddie after getting the same wounds as Steve. Especially after El brought Max back from the dead.
And man don’t even get me started on Netflix feeding into the Eddie love the whole time, it feels so vicious of them. Rbing steddie fanart and acting like his character was going somewhere. Like we get that little tidbit about Eddie’s dad teaching him to hotwire a car and for what? To never see him again? I don’t believe it.
Okay, I need to stop. Thanks for reading, I’ll be writing a fix-it fic within the next few days <3
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realityescapee01 · 3 years ago
I got a little jealous (part 1)
Steddie | Steve x Eddie | where things ended differently
Steve doesn't like this Eddie person because Dustin always talks about him a lot.
Eddie doesn't like this Steve person because Dustin always talks about him a lot.
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And then the two meet. Will they keep hating on each other? What do they think now that they've seen each other?
Doesn't like? Hate? No, rather, jealous. That's the word Steve was looking for. Steve had babysat the kids for a while and for quite a few times through insane situations too! So, he naturally expected them, specially Dustin, to have him as their favorite person.
Then comes the school year. Dustin started talking about this Eddie person. A lot! How cool Eddie is. How awesome Eddie is. How great Eddie is. Eddie this. Eddie that. Steve hated it.
He would always challenge Dustin about Eddie and grab any opportunity that he can to one up this Eddie. And it doesn't help that Robin is kind of voting for Eddie too.
"You know that guy?" Steve questioned Robin.
"Yeah! Eddie! And he was the same grade as us. He got held back though. He plays the guitar. He's quite metal."
"Very metal." Dustin added.
"You don't remember him, huh?" Robin added.
"Yeah, I don't."
"Was too busy being Mr. varsity, Mr. popular." Dustin mocked.
"Come here!" Steve locked Dustin by the neck in his arms and messed up his hair.
Steve tried to remember who Eddie was but he just couldn't. He then just shrugged it away.
Everything was running fine in Hawkins until it doesn't. Strange shit started happening. Again. And again, Eddie is somehow got involved.
Dustin was defending him ferociously.
"Eddie is not like that, man! I swear! We have to find him." Dustin has Max to back her up.
Max narrated everything she saw and from there they knew what it was Well, at least they knew it's not "cult leader, devil summoner" Eddie who did it.
A little more running and hiding and poking on covered boats with an oar, they finally found Eddie. Steve almost poked him. Eddie sprang forth from the boat and held a broken bottle against Steve.
"Eddie! Eddie, stop! It's me! It's Dustin! That's Steve."
"I didn't do it, dude!"
"I know! I know! Put that down, Steve isn't really gonna poke you, right, Steve?" Dustin tried to calm him down.
"Y-Yeah." Steve drops whatever he was holding.
"It was crazy, man! You won't believe what I saw." Eddie started.
"Oh, try us." Robin egged on.
Eddie narrated it, Dustin and the gang wasn't surprised at all. And then they started narrating their experience.
"Holy shit!" Eddie was still processing everything. But at least, there are people who believe him now.
So the gang went about facing Vecna. The whole time, Steve kept looking at Eddie. He was... okay. He dresses up okay for a metal fan, yeah. But he just couldn't see why Dustin is so amazed by him.
'Hmn, he's okay. Nothing extra... I don't get Dustin at all.' Steve thought and looked at Eddie again.
But what Steve doesn't know is that Eddie also observes him.
'Steve Harrington, huh? He looks... better these days.' Eddie thought as he remembered how Steve looked back when he's still in the varsity team. Eddie remembers Steve. Everyone does. Mr. Popular. 'Anyways... I still couldn't believe he's with these kids through this shit! That's kinda badass.'
They walked some more through the upside down, on their way to a possible exit: Eddie's trailer. It was a long walk. A lot more time for observation. For Steve and Eddie.
'Hmn, let's see. He's a little... uptight and intense.' Steve thought as he stares at Eddie as they walk.
"... that was very metal you did back there. Very Ozzy." Eddie said. "Henderson said you're badass Insisted on it. The kid worships you, dude. It gets kinda annoying."
Steve's thoughts was stuck at the -he worships you,dude.- part.
"It shouldn't matter what the little shrimp thinks, it's just, I got jealous you know. I guess I couldn't believe that the Steve Harrington -is a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him, not a douche. No way, man. But you are badass."
"You are too."
"Nah, I just did because those ladies did." Eddie leaned in closer.
Normally, Steve would lean away if other people did it. But for some reason, it was okay. It's Eddie. Leaning in closer to his face is okay. He found himself looking at Eddie's eyes and then Eddie's lips.
And then rumbling sounds and quakes started again.
"Here we go again!" Eddie exclaimed.
Thankfully, they got out with the help of Dustin back at Hawkins. Dustin was so happy to see them make it. He hugged Eddie and then Steve. They then began planning how to defeat their new threat.
Eddie was actively participating as well. Steve was amazed at how fast Eddie adapted. Guess the DnD nights helped.
And now they're here, Eddie hotwiring a trailer. With Robin asking who's gonna drive?
"Harrington's got her. Don't ya, big boy?"
And there it was, Eddie leaning in again on Steve's face.
Steve didn't know what to react to that. The leaning in and the words: Don't ya, big boy? It sounded so... and made him feel things...
He made a mental note to talk to Robin after all these.
They are now in their do or die plan to defeat Vecna. Steve and the others are set to go.
"Hey... don't try to be cute... or superheroes. Okay?" Steve said. Very worried about Dustin and Eddie. He has been attacked by the bats and he knows he got lucky back then. He doesn't want Dustin and Eddie go through that.
The two promised and Steve's group is on their way. Things have gone good and then bad in a few turns. For some miracle they don't know yet, Steve and the others were freed from the vines and was able to set Vecna on fire. The three were relieved, unaware of the hell Dustin was going through.
"Eddie!!!" Dustin cried out to him. He ran, as much as his broken ankle allowed, towards Eddie.
"H-Hey! I didn't run away this time."
Steve and the others were walking back to the trailer. They saw what was happening. Steve ran frantically towards Eddie and Dustin.
"Hey! What-I told you! To not do something like... Eddie... come on, we could bring you to a hospital at Hawkins." Steve began standing Eddie up.
"I c-can't. I'm a wanted man in Hawkins, remember? I think this is it for me, Steve."
"No way, man. You can survive this. Come on." Steve refused to let Eddie die.
He carried Eddie over his shoulders and made their way into the trailer. Sending Nancy and Robin up first. They then took the mattress back there and sheet rope.
"How am I gonna get up there?" Eddie asked brokenly.
"Piggyback on me." Steve made him cling to him and climbed the sheet rope.
"Oh... you got it, big boy." Eddie said as they successfully got out of the upsidedown.
Then Eddie passed out.
"Eddie!!!" they all called. Steve being the loudest of them all.
"...Kids?" Joyce, with Hopper, saw them get out of the trailer.
"Ohmygod! Help!" Dustin ran to them and explained Eddie's situation.
"I have just the right person for that." Hopper started calling someone.
Steve was by Eddie's side the whole time.
6 days after. Everything came to light, Will, Mike and El were back. Eddie is back from a secret government facility where he got treated. His name was also cleared from all the killings and the earthquake that happened.
"Eddie!!!" Dustin ran towards him and hugged him. "No wedgies!!!" they screamed at each other.
"Eddie." Steve also greeted him back.
"It's nice to be back! And cleared. And also Hellfire club got cleared. That's really great."
"Yeah. Great. Now, Dustin can't stop talking about you. He missed you a lot."
"Really? Anyway, I'm good, Harrington."
"Just call me Steve."
"Okay... Stevie sweetie." Eddie leaned in again on his face.
Steve had a little blush on. Eddie has this certain glow to him that day. Plus the new pet name. Steve thought that that talk with Robin should happen now.
"Robin... how did you... know for sure you're into girls?"
"... Ohmygod!!!" Robin exclaimed.
"Shhh! Quiet down!" Steve hushed her and pulled her away from the others.
"Are you-Steve, are you into boys now?!?"
"I don't know! That's why I'm asking. I mean, I still get attracted to girls but, there's this boy I can't get out of my head."
"Eddie Munson." Robin said. For a fact. Not a question.
"Wait, how'd you know?"
"I knew it! He's the only adult guy you let in your personal space and get away with it unscathed. I noticed. All the times Eddie leaned closer to your face. You somehow, shut down. It was adorable."
"Am I that obvious???" Steve was worried that more people could've noticed.
"No, not really. But to get back to your question. I think you're bi, Steve."
"You get attracted to both."
"...I guess."
"Okay, quick question. So as to know, whether this thing you have for Eddie is real attraction or just some kind of like: maybe you're just bestfriends kind of thing... Do you like Eddie in a way that you'd go on and date him? And do you think of, you know, having sex with him?"
"Wo-woah!" Steve was taken aback by the straightforwardness.
"Just answer it. Fastest way to know. Are you sexually attracted?"
"It's... not definitely just a: bestfriends kind of feeling."
"Oh, so you are! Right. You are bi, Steve. Problem solved." Robin happily said and was walking back to the volunteers section in their school gym.
"Wait wait wait! What do you mean problem solved? Nothing got solved!"
"Steve. Just ask him out. Easy peasy! Now, there are hungry survivors. My PB & Js are calling me."
Robin left Steve standing there. She then mouthed: ask him out. to Steve before busying herself volunteering.
"Steve." Eddie suddenly was beside him.
"How can I help around here?"
"Oh... uhm... let's sort the clothes at the back."
Steve walked with Eddie to the back of the gymnasium. Where there are boxes of donated clothes to sort through.
Steve can't stop thinking about Robin's advice. Just ask him out. Ask him out. Just. Easy peasy, she said.
"It's not easy." Steve unknowingly said out loud.
"What's not easy, man?"
"Oh... nothing. I mean, what we went through."
"Oh yeah." Eddie started rambling on about it.
Steve just stared at him. Eddie is adorable. He's also not bad looking. He's quite cute actually. With that long, curly, jet-black hair.
Hair that Steve was twisting between his fingers by now. Unknowingly again.
"Hey, Steve." Eddie was staring at him, playing with his hair.
"...Oh! Sorry... Shit." Steve looked away.
How could he even ask Eddie out??? He isn't even sure if Eddie is into boys too.
"Sorry, Eddie. It's just, so stressful lately."
"Okay. Whatever you say, big boy." Eddie tapped his arms and continued sorting through the clothes.
At the day's end, Robin asked him if he asked Eddie out yet.
"I can't, Robin. Besides, I think he's straight."
"You thought you were straight too."
"Just ask him. You never know. Here." Robin gave him a bandana.
"What's this for?"
"Eddie lost his bandana. You could use that as asking-you-out conversation starter!"
And so, Steve was here, standing outside Eddie's trailer. For 10 minutes now. He didn't even check if Eddie was in. He could be having campaign night with his DnD boys for all he knows.
"Woah! Stevie sweetie. Whattya doing here?" Eddie opened his door and was surprised to see Steve standing right outside.
"H-Here. For your lost bandana."
"Hey, great! Oh, I wished you saw how I did it on the roof of the trailer back there. It was very metal. Ever!" Eddie said as he tied the bandana on his head.
"I'm sure it was."
"Do you wanna come in? I could reenact it for you." Eddie leaned in closer again.
"Are you sure? Aren't you just about to go out?"
"Oh yeah, I'm about to buy some beer. Care to give me a ride?" Eddie winked.
"Ah-yeah. Sure."
Steve and Eddie drove to town and went around for some beer. And then drove back to Eddie's trailer. Where Eddie started to down his 1st bottle of beer out of the 6 they bought.
"So, I did like this." Eddie started playing Master of Puppets. "And Dustin was looking through the binoculars like this. And counting down T-minus of the bats."
Eddie reenacted and narrated the whole thing in great detail and passion. And acting too. He did the voices too. Steve was smiling and laughing throughout.
"...and then that's when you came back and saved me. My knight in shining armor!" Eddie said dramatically.
Steve just chuckled and looked down. Then drank from his bottle of beer. If it were up to his love-fogged mind, Eddie's 'my knight in shining armor' words are interpreted as Eddie flirting.
But Steve knows Eddie is just like that. He wasn't even sure if Eddie is aware that he comes off as flirty. Or if Eddie really even is flirting. Steve can't really tell.
"How about you, Steve? How are you really doing?"
"Oh. Well, we've been through something like this before, so I kinda expected the worse. But still, there's no way you'd get used to it."
Then they were silent. Just drinking. Eddie strumming his guitar every now and then. Steve contemplating whether to ask Eddie out on top of trying to figure out if Eddie even is into boys.
"So uhm... Chrissy... are you two... was she your g-girlfriend?"
"Oh! No. We're not together. She was just buying drugs from me. And that shit happened."
"Oh, okay."
"How about you and Nancy?"
"Nancy has a boyfriend. You know, Wil's brother."
"Oh, really? I thought you and Nancy are..."
"Nah. Not anymore."
"So... are you into someone right now?"
Steve almost choked on his beer when Eddie asked that.
"Sorry, man! I don't mean to pry or something. Forget about it." Eddie started playing his guitar again.
They just sat there. Playing music. Eddie teaching Steve a few riffs every now and then. Steve just enjoyed the moment. He thought, he'd get to know Eddie more before asking the question.
Robin smacked Steve's head.
"Hey! What's that for?!?"
"You're pretty stupid, Steve! Ugh!"
"What? I don't get it! I came here to tell you what happened at your request, and then you hit me? And call me stupid?"
"Because... didn't you think that was Eddie's way of trying to know if you're into girls or boys?"
"Oh... Oh!" Steves suddenly sat up and realized that Robin could be right. He then smacked his palms on his face.
"Oh man, Steve!!!" Robin started shaking Steve by his shoulders.
-+-+-+ ( to be continued ) +-+-+- PART 2 HERE
thank you. more on my master list here
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ofbluesandyellows · 2 years ago
mar’s masterlist
Hello! This is the very small but hopefully really nice fics I’ve written. Enjoy.
~ Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Rooftop - Spider Man/ Peter Parker / Fem!Reader
Spider-Man finds you chilling on a rooftop on his way back home, after an unfortunate event he seems to find some comfort in you causing your little encounters to become more frequent until Spider-Man isn’t enough and you feel the need to know who’s behind the mask.
Also you can read it on AO3
Committed to the Cause - TASM! Peter Parker / Fem! Reader
After his multiversal trip, Peter Parker is back in his New York; fighting crime and kicking ass as he knows how, but as it happens, the arachnid hero gets injured in battle, which puts him in a difficult situation after he accidentally ruined a woman’s life and now he needs to find a way to fix this, because that’s what heroes are supposed to do, save lives not hurt nor ruin them. The thing is that Spider-Man finds himself way too involved in redeeming his mistake that he can’t seem to find a way out from the guilt and the new unbidden feelings.
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
You can read it on AO3
In Rainbows - TASM! Peter Parker / Gn! Reader
Peter Parker as the colors of the rainbow.
You can read it on AO3
Black Cat’s Curse - TASM! Peter Parker / Fem! Reader
Peter Parker has been cursed, crossing paths with the oh so feared black cat isn't exactly in his itinerary, and no, we are not talking about or favorite lady, Felicia. On Halloween night his bad luck has prodded him to the solution he didn't know he was looking for.
You can read it on AO3
Blueberry Wednesday - TASM! Peter Parker / Fem! Reader
Peter has a new noisy neighbor and he doesn’t know how to deal with that -including bright plates and tasty food.
You can read it on AO3 
Iceblink Luck - TASM! Peter Parker / Fem! Reader
You can be a little clumsy, and you can have very bad sight with a sprinkle of bad luck but thanks to that you proved Peter Parker that he doesn't always have to be Spider-Man to save someone.
You can read it on AO3
~ Steddie 
Figure You Out - Steddie / Steve Spider-Man AU
Steve has a big fat crush on Eddie Munson. He would consider telling him about it, Robin being very pushy over this but his life is based on saving the city as the one and only Spider-Man. One thing he didn’t see coming was Eddie Munson catching feelings for him, but not as Steve Harrington but as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Now he has to deal with this while trying to find balance so his poor heart won’t get crushed between the boy he likes and his life as a hero. This is definitely not the best of both worlds.
Part 1
Part 2 
You can read it on AO3
~ Eddie Munson
Jitterbug Love - Eddie Munson /Fem!Reader 
The Jitterbug Love strikes again, you weren’t expecting it, not when you were back in Hawkins for the summer, not with a boy with long hair, bright dark eyes and an incredible band with a very intimidating name. But that’s how it’s supposed to work, the thing is that just like a crush the feeling isn’t always reciprocated. Good thing is that you have Robin and her friends on your side to help you win the boy over… or to make things worse in the process.
You can read it on AO3.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
also a couple days old lol but this is now about the whole r/nance being max’s mom things.
yes oh my god the fandom is absolutely so weird with labeling the teens as parents! i swear the teens could just give a member of the party a compliment and people will scream ‘look at them mothering/fathering them’ - it’s just gotten sooo ridiculous and exhausting.
omg yes about them bring robin’s ‘kids if anything’ and yes for calling out those people for ignoring erica.
yes yes yes! about in fiction the parents not being there because it’s something that’s so common. so the audience doesn’t have to worry about it but this time people do! and they ignore every single interaction in this show with the parents and the kids! like maybe it’s not all there but there is some heavy stuff with their parents. and yeah about it looking silly if people ignore the parents because it is silly! people just want to erase the parents meanwhile it’s just not good at all and is just incredibly silly.
gos i hate when people write over the fact that max have steve a letter because it’s sooo important. i feel like people just want to write steve off no matter what now. oh he was the person that dustin looks up to - never mind dustin looks up to eddie so much more now (to be fair canon also started that). oh steve is robin’s best friend - let’s give that role to jonathan or nancy or eddie. oh max gave steve a letter - never mind she looks up to nancy of robin so much more than steve. oh steve is the babysitter - never mind let’s just give that role to eddie. lol that for long but i’m just so fucking frustrated with the fact that it seems like EVERYONE wants to write steve off.
the st teens being called ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ is just an extension of people being unable to see found family as anything other than a nuclear family. the oldest in the group will end up being called ‘parents’ even if they’re still teens.
and i love and miss scoops troop every single day and yet this fandom just ignores them. and it makes me sick.
honestly i find the parents really interesting in st, like i have so many headcanons about steve’s parents, and we’ve never even met them! it’s cool to think about the kids relationships with their parents and how that informs who they are as people. and i get not wanting to involve adults in fics because it can make them a bit more complicated, (and tbf the adults aren’t that involved in upside down stuff) but it also just makes the world feel more full. it makes the characters feel like they have real history’s and lives. instead of just getting plopped down into a fic.
it is funny because for the people that don’t like steve, he really is pretty involved with most of the story and a lot fo characters (though they like to pretend he isn’t) so, to try and get rid of him he just ends up getting overwritten a lot. he isn’t important to max anymore because… female power? and max’s relationship with nancy and robin is more important (even though she literally has no relationship with them lmao). he’s too much of a jock for dustin to look up to, dustin has to look up to a nerd, so let’s shove eddie in there. (even though just being steve’s friend gave dustin confidence, and they were nerdy together, and steve has clearly watched the star wars in s3, so he watched them with dustin? that’s so cute). it’s just weird that it seems like even people who like steve (like in steddie fics) feel the need to get rid of him a bit, take away some of his importance and give it to someone else.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
hi! my feelings about r//nance is im just not into it, mostly bc i just Dont See it, like i just Don't, but also bc of reasons like ppl making the whole thing so Uncomplicated when it absolutely Would be Complicated as Fuck! and acting like it has any basis in canon, like i do like s//eddie, and ik some ppl do it for s//eddie too, but i personally don't think there's really any real basis for it in canon, i just think they'd be interesting (but that's another topic).
But also lowkey i think one of the main reasons i don't see it w/ r//nance, is that in s3 when nancy & robin interact for the first time, robin has The Biggest masking face ever, idk she just looks like she's autistic masking to hell & back, she looks like how i feel when im trying to be "a real person" all polite and friendly to someone i don't know, trying and hoping i remember all the things to say. idk it just Does Not vibe. lol
also when robin & nancy meet for the first time robin literally says "hi, I'm robin, i work with steve" isn't that at least a little bit of a sign that the first thing that connects them Is Steve, so like, idk, he might be relevant to them as characters??? like, a little, maybe???
i will never understand taking a complex ship and diluting it down, because i love complicated relationships. like, within stranger things, steve, tommy and carol are one of the dynamics i find most interesting! because it’s complex. if you reduced any of those characters down to nothing, they aren’t even those characters anymore. they’re just wearing their faces. and obviously i don’t like r//nance, but if i did, i wouldn’t try to make it something it isn’t just so everyone involved can be perfectly happy.
and i think it’s so weird when they like, fight to the death to try and prove it has a basis in canon. like you said, i like steddie. i don’t think it would ever happen in a million years. one of my guilty pleasure ships in stranger things is steve and kali, which has no chance of happening, but a ship doesn’t have to be close to canon in order for me to enjoy, you know? and i can admit that, though i guess others can’t.
there does seem to be a growing trend where people treat fanon ships as though it’s morally wrong to ship them because they aren’t canon. so i guess maybe r//nancers are over correcting, and sprinting in the opposite direction to try and say that they can ship it, and fighting anyone that doesn’t ship it because they feel like they have to defend it, but it’s just like… people will always have different opinions. about everything, just live and let live. block people whose opinions you hate, block out tags to avoid posts etc.
and yeah, i totally get you, even in s4, robin just looks like she’s trying so hard to appease nancy and nothing is working. it just looks like the most awkward situation in existence.
that is honestly such a good point!! especially considering robin and nancy are in the same year at school, but until robin has a connection to steve, she wasn’t relevant to nancy at all. like, steve really is the glue between those two characters, and any attempt to remove him just doesn’t work
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