#is it plausible? not really
eldal0te · 1 year
Gil-Galad origin story of the day: he is the son of Finrod and Amarië. Or rather, he is the son of Finrod and Edrahil.
We are told that Amarië wanted to follow Finrod into exile, but was not permitted to. So she didn’t. In the general confusion that occurred, I imagine it would be easy for someone to disappear (Amarië is angry now, she is just ignoring everyone, give her a moment and she will come back, right?). Nobody hears about Amarië following Finrod, it’s Edrahil who follows him instead (by the time her family realizes what happened they are already on the ice). Is Amarië pretending to be a guy because it’s easier at the moment? Is Edrahil a trans guy who used that moment to come out? Who knows.
When Beren comes to Nargothrond, Edrahil decides to follow Finrod into the danger again. The moment he picks the crown and asks Finrod to choose the steward it be given to, he also asks him to choose the guardian for their underage son. 
The events of Tol-in-Gaurhoth are already one of the most dramatic moments in Silmarillion, let’s make them even more depressing by making it the moment Gil-Galad loses both of his parents
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araneapeixes · 7 months
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in the bathroom at the gay clubbbb
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actual-haise · 7 months
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I love how the dragon in Dungeon Meshi doesn't have the usual lizard-y limb anatomy but something more along the lines of a large land mammal or even a sauropod +500 points from me (also the way the fire breathing is explained is in line with a lot of spec evo stuff, cool)
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The skrunklies of District 12 (Do Not Separate!!)
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bottombaron · 11 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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jewomens · 1 year
I just want to take a second to say that - regardless of what people think of the ending - it was incredibly ballsy of Neil Gaiman to take an ambiguous and inoffensively queer relationship that half the fandom denied existed, and make the romance and love between them so obviously canon. That kind of easily deniable queer relationship is common, and it was super refreshing to have an author actually be willing to alienate part of their audience in order to be true to the characters and take a definitive stance.
The fact that he managed to do that while still preserving that delicate tenderness everyone loved about them to begin with is everything I could’ve hoped for tbh.
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kaban-bang · 9 months
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time-and-spuds · 8 months
Oh goodness I've been having so many ideas lately but I've been wanting to Draw this particular Idea for a Bit now
A Gravity falls inspired Sky season!
The season of Mistery
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In where 4 visitors from another universe find themselves in the world of Sky. You will have to Help them find their way Back to their own Home Dimension, Although Not before checking Out the (to them) unknown creatures and places of this world.
Here's also their hypothetical Constellations (and Sky Spirit esque names)
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The Main Gimmick of the season would be the Journal in which you would document all the diffrent creatures
You could also Design the pages yourself Like adding Pictures or certain, already given, elements (Kind of Like a shared Space)
And Like a shared Space you can also Show your own Journal, of specific Pages to Other Players
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
say it with me everybody: personal health is completely immaterial to morality, including mental health. leading a mentally unhealthy lifestyle (or what you perceive as a mentally unhealthy lifestyle) does not a bad person make. no one has to socialize, exercise, have healthy coping mechanisms, or lead (what you perceive as) a fulfilling life with fulfilling hobbies in the same way that no one has to go to the doctor to get a broken bone reset. both of those types of management of personal health are likely to be beneficial to the individual, but they are in no way moral requirements or debts owed to society. they do not actually say anything about a person's principles, personality, or actions towards others. additionally, people know themselves and their own situations better than you do. maybe a person judges that the physical and financial toll of going to the doctor outweigh the benefit of getting their bone reset, maybe a person just does not have the capacity to develop healthy coping mechanisms at this point in their life, and yes, maybe a person feels like they are totally fulfilled by "media based" hobbies alone and would feel no difference in their life if they picked up a loom. just like. let people be sick without accusing them of being representative of the lazy, degenerated state of modern society.
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seawitchkaraoke · 1 year
I love how much Joe just loves helping people, like a hermit will say on stream ''hmm where did my silktouch shovel go'' or ''hmm i need some nametags'' and Joe will log in 3 seconds later and appear in their base 5 seconds later like ''hi! i have the thing you need, here you go!'' and then disappear again like some benevolent faerie or something
which is also why, out of everyone, Doc really can't blame Joe for covering the perimeter, because the buttercups asked for help! it's instinct! Grian, Scar and mumbo probably went ''hey we need some help-'' and Joe was logged in before they could even finish the sentence ''- covering Doc's perimeter''
Like the other hermits likely helped partly because it's nice to have something to do while having a meeting and partly because fucking with Doc is funny but Joe? No Joe simply can't not help someone!
(Of course this does also benefit Doc because Joe already gifted him a bunch of shulkers full of sand when he heard about Doc's sand problem without even needing to be asked)
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tswwwit · 1 month
What do you think are Dippers and Bill's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
Huh, good question. I'm not sure!
Dipper probably has some kinda plain taste like chocolate, but he might be adventurous enough that he prefers pistachio.
Bill, meanwhile - where to start? Eggplant? Liver? Caviar? Tiger Tail? It could be anything weird, but honestly it might be funnier if he's the one who just likes a good vanilla.
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
Any personal headcanons on Rick and Michonne as a couple? Like their favorite things about the other, what they argue about, love languages ect. lol they’ve set up camp in my brain and I just want more of them 🙇🏻‍♀️
this is so funny because i've been thinking about their love languages ever since danai did that interview with YNB after 1x04! yvette said rick's is words of affirmation and michonne's is acts of services, and I definitely agree but I also think they display pretty much all of them, and quite a bit? rick is obviously into giving gifts and loves quality time (family fun day, begging her to spend just a few more days on the road in 7x12) and to say they both love physical touch is an understatement. this gorgeous gifset highlights it all beautifully.
anyway, some headcanons~
I really don't think they argue about much? they are very in sync most of the time. historically their big arguments are about how to handle major threats (negan, the crm, rick's PTSD) and since nothing bad is ever happening to them ever again because I said so there's no need to fight about those things anymore
michonne's favorite things about rick are how affectionate he is with his family, his strength, his accent, and his hair
rick's favorite thing about michonne is everything
i actually think they talk about books a lot. they're both nerdy as hell in different ways and love that about each other
michonne likes to cook and is very experimental while rick likes to bake (mostly secret family pie recipes) and they love feeding each other and their kids
michonne absentmindedly sings and does little dances when she's doing things around the house and rick stops whatever he's doing to lean against the wall and watch her and smile
that scene we saw in 9x01 where they cuddle up in bed and unpack their day was a ritual they started way back at the prison, even though back then it was obviously platonic (we do actually see them talking when everyone else is asleep several times throughout twd). they would linger and chat before heading to their respective cells at night. in the six years michonne spent without rick, she continued the tradition herself, talking to him out loud alone in their bedroom
rick DEFINITELY teases michonne about being oblivious to his feelings for her before The Couch
michonne hits back by teasing him about Whatever the Fuck He Was Doing With Jessie 💀
you didn't ask for grimes family headcanons but:
after they got home, michonne has a moment like that scene at the end of kill bill vol 2 and has a near silent hysterical laugh-cry of relief by herself in the bathroom before calmly walking back out to join her family. only rick notices
rick on the other hand is afraid to let any of them out of his sight. he spends the first six months he's back home being a total insomniac watching the three of them sleep because he's afraid if he closes his eyes he'll wake up alone back at the CRM
antony azor who plays rj is apparently very shy and reserved but opened up unexpectedly with andrew lincoln and so obviously this is also exactly what happened with rick and rj. father and son bonded INSTANTLY
his first night back, judith asks rick to finish reading the wizard of oz to her because he never got a chance to. it takes a good five minutes for him to compose himself but she does finally get the full story from her dad
rick and michonne do have an actual wedding ceremony, but it's just for them, judith and rj.
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forgetriestowrite · 4 days
future Imodna domestic troubles:
Imogen: no, Laudna, for the last time, you can't summon dead people to babysit our kids!
Laudna, pouting: but he really wants to! and he's so good with them!
The mutilated ghost of someone she killed at some point: *also pouting*
Imogen, sighing: fine, but this is the LAST TIME
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months
How is my best friend Arthur has he helped you baldur any gates
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He’s been good! My washing machine broke last week and I hauled it out the other day in preparation for the new one and he’s been loving his new Top Secret Hiding Spot.
We are taking a little bit of a Baldur’s Gate break right now just because I was getting burnt out. We’re slowly making our way through Mass Effect Andromeda for the second time. I’m very excited to get back to BG3 tho.
I left off right at the start of Act 2. I’m playing a Githyanki monk named Ez’rai and spent way too much time coming up with a backstory for them. I’m going to be romancing Wyll this time. I think Ez’rai growing up in such a harsh culture that didn’t have room for soft romance will go together in such a fun and cute way with Wyll. A noble’s son who is just so sweet and romantic and good.
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justaz · 2 months
thinkinnn about lila successfully turning most of the school against marinette and her trying for like a year and a half to refute all of lila’s claims and get her friends back to no avail. the only people on her side through it all are adrien, luka, and chloe, surprisingly enough. but the loss of such a huge amount of people, most of her friends, leaves her in a dark and gloomy place and she finds akuma’s fluttering towards her all too often but she can’t claw herself out if this pit so easily so she tries swatting them away but they either keep coming or leave and infect someone else. so. mari learns how to purify the akumas on her own.
to be infected by an akuma, it channels all this negativity into the victim and makes them focus on their negative thoughts/emotions. when mari heals an akuma, she reached out for the butterfly and focuses on positive thoughts/emotions and channels it into the butterfly. with a healing kiss, an act of love, the dark purple insect turns a glowing white and flies away back to hawkmoth/monarch’s lair. mari gets real good at this until, with the help of her remaining friends, she is able to pick herself back up into someone new.
maybe its chloe in her ear or just the pain and sorrow that has turned to anger, but mari becomes close to what chloe was. she doesn’t go out of her way to piss people off or humiliate them, obviously, but they genuinely believe her to be an evil, vindictive bitch. she fought for over a year to prove them wrong and never could so why fight now? she stops trying to refute lila’s claims and just lets the accusations fly from her lips. she has chloe, adrien, and luka in her corner so she doesn’t care what lila has to say. she’s found some real friends and she is content.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 6 months
1: Magic is a Metaphor > 2: Morgana is a Lesbian > 3: Merlin is Gay > 4: Arthur is Bi
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Obviously, magic is a metaphor for being gay. It is something that you're born with, that you can't change, but that you have to hide because the society around you won't accept you. Both Merlin and Morgana are always saying that they've been made to feel like a monster, an outsider, and they just want to be accepted for who they really are. And it's no coincidence that they are the most queer coded characters in the whole show.
But building off of that subtext, I think that you can read the different way that Merlin and Morgana go about trying to achieve equal rights as being an allegory for queer identity politics, where Merlin embodies this homonationalist assimilation strategy. He believes that if he stays closeted and conforms to the status quo, then eventually he will prove that sorcerers are good, moral, normal people and therefore worthy of rights. But over time, he internalises all of this shame and self-hatred and becomes increasingly obsessed with Arthur and dependent on his validation until he becomes complicit in his own oppression.
Meanwhile, Morgana represents a radical rebellion ideology. Even though she comes from a place of privilege, she quickly realises that she can't achieve meaningful change through constitutional methods and therefore resorts to violent protest. But her downfall is that she's more motivated by personal vengeance than a genuine desire for equality. So she creates a lot of infighting within the community by shunning anyone whose ideas aren't as extreme as her own, and she inadvertently confirms all of the negative stereotypes about 'angry witches' that she has been trying to fight against.
Obviously I don't think that all of this political commentary is intentional, but the basic idea of magic being gay is definitely intentional. As evidenced by this quote from the executive producer of the show, where he says very sarcastically, "some people say that (magic) is a metaphor for his sexuality, but that's just read in by them, isn't it? On no level is magic metaphorical in this show." And then Katie McGrath says, "it's funny because I don't actually think you're being sincere." And then she says directly to the audience, "Julian is lying right now."
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