#is it mewtop or topmew? lol
waitmyturtles · 1 year
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That’s how I felt after watching yesterday’s episode. I have NO BUSINESS writing meta in my current life-mental state, but I NEED to get a few words down. Just some list-y thoughts.
Shit’s starting to gel for me. The cast seems like they’ve warmed up to each other by way of actor-ly chemistry. (I know scenes are never shot in order, but there was maybe a little stiffness I felt at the start of the series? At this point, it might just be Lookjun carrying that, but I also don’t think she does “drunk” as well as the others.)
Such good meta that sustained me during my packing yesterday. @ranchthoughts on an ephemerality BREAKDOWN. @respectthepetty Senpai on sluts slutting — and HOW WE AUTOMATICALLY JUDGE AND LABEL SLUTS FOR SLUTTING (more on this in a BIT — go OFF, RTP Senpai). And @slayerkitty on nailing the narrative frameworks, which really struck me this episode, and this goes back to ephemerality again. Can’t believe I’m gonna meta, but let’s boogie, ‘cause I gotta.
@ranchthoughts — Ranch, I’m probably going to repeat some of what you wrote, so please forgive my stress-addled brain. I just lost it at Khaotung this episode, I thought he was just OVERFLOWING with BEST-NESS this episode — and the way we lived with Ray in his past in this episode. It was another play on time. And I love that @slayerkitty nailed that it was the flashbacks that were doing the talking this episode — because especially for Ray, the past is doing HIS talking. His mother didn’t love him in his past. Therefore, because of his past, he is unlovable in his present. (Interrrrgenerationalllll traumaaaa — the past affects your present. The opposite of ephemerality. That shit’ll STICK with you UNTIL you decide to face it head-on, like our beloved PatPran.)
Ooooh, baby. Gosh. The combination of the use of flashbacks, with Ray living in his past, only listening to music his parents listened to. And Sand — falling for Ray! — is holding Ray’s hand and bringing him to the present and the new. Sand’s a figure of change. Ray keeps toeing BACK to the past, to his memories, to his “love” for Mew, and Sand’s like, let me hold you down. (Ray going back and forth — like relapsing.) Ray STILL flashing back to Mew, holding that pendant (THAT LOOKS AN AWFUL LIKE AN ECLIPSE SYMBOL, AMIRITE AMIRITE) — and flashes again back and forward to the record store, where Sand found Ray’s hand.
What will Ray need for Sand to do to pull Ray even closer to the real-time present? How will Sand help Ray face his trauma? Will Sand really hold Ray down?
I am a big believer in the ships sinking, but goddamnit, First and Khao ATE this episode. GAAAHHHH.
Just musing: If Jojo and team started out this series having us think on ephemerality, the general lack of accountability, and the disappearance of time — are we entering the next act of the series where the characters grapple with the impacts of their pasts? That if you’re engaged emotionally and/or sexually with others, that not being accountable for your past and present is NOT an option? (That’s a kind of frame that speaks very closely to Jojo’s devotion to messages of sexual health in his past shows — especially regarding Nat in Gay OK Bangkok, who was HIV positive.)
Also musing: I saw some posts on my dash grappling with Top and Ray using coke. Drug use is obviously common on the partying circuit — their using coke doesn’t surprise me, especially considering that Top and Ray were both shown also being familiar with pills earlier. But I will note that the entire SE Asian region prosecutes the drug trade quite harshly, so to be honest, I was surprised to see Top actually snorting (but not surprised that that would be in a Jojo show). (Some passing links: when I Googled “drug use in Thailand,” this study shows that of a sample of vocational students in Thailand, LGBTQ+ students were more likely to use three or more drugs than heterosexual students, plus more findings. And this article briefly reviews the history of drug prosecution in Thailand.)
Also musing: really loved how Top’s demeanor was SO different with Nick and Sand. Maybe this indicates how much he’s “controlling” himself around Mew (@ranchthoughts , beep beep, control). Especially when Nick was talking with Top — it seemed like Top had been approached for money like this before. And the way he was so forward with Sand, confident to tell Sand that Sand wasn’t up for keeping Boeing — that was a totally different Top than who we see with Mew.
Okay, penultimate point. @respectthepetty says: sluts gonna slut. @bengiyo says: dudes gonna dude.
Cheum calls Boston a ho. Top says Boston is nasty. Nick calls himself nasty. Nick is Boston’s “favorite.” Jojo challenges the viewer to think that Top was gonna sleep with Beam, as RTP Senpai writes. Top’s already slept with Boston while dating Mew. On and on and on.
I wrote in my review of Theory of Love that I related to Khai, and now I relate somewhat to Top by the way that some of the viewership has judged Top. I was VERY often called the slut/ho of my friend groups in my younger years. OFTEN. And this was while I was in my twenties, exploring myself, my boundaries, my sexuality, all of it.
I relate to the struggle of trying to shed labels. Ray is a “burden.” Boston is “nasty.” Mew wants the truth from Top as to if Top has been with anyone else while they were dating. Therefore — Mew is assuming that Top IS sleeping with other people.
Call these people by their labels, and they’ll start believing them. It’s just another kind of trauma, similar to intergenerational trauma.
I wrote in my Theory of Love piece that as a global society — humans don’t really believe that our fellow humans can CHANGE. We don’t accept change well. (Cancel culture rarely allows for someone to be uncancelled — right?) If someone takes on a label — we tend to believe that label, and we have a hard time believing that someone has SHED that label after time. If Ray was called a burden by his mother — what work will it take for Ray to shed that label? And same for our sexually active guys, too.
Think about how you talk about your friends to others. Think about if you use labels to talk about them. Think about how old those labels are, and if they’re accurate in the present. And. Think about how you judge others by their pasts. (“Remember when so-and-so was sleeping around?”) Think about whether or not you use the past to judge and/or justify your FEELINGS about someone.
Now, I don’t even KNOW if these guys WANT to change these paradigms. We get the SLIGHTEST hint that maybe Boston wants to do so with Nick in next week’s preview.
But. I just fucking love that Jojo is playing around with this. If someone is HIV positive — that’s a label, a stigma. If someone is a ho — that’s a label, a stigma.
These dudes are burdened by what everyone else is thinking and saying about them.
And we have Sand, on the other hand, processing his feelings with Nick. We have Nick acting like a damn BASKETCASE, but at least he admitted the wiretapping to Sand (??? lol honey but you gotta stop this now, nervous giggles, put Boston’s phone down). We didn’t see Yo in this episode, but we know Yo believes in accountability.
There’s something about the Ray-Mew-Cheum-Boston friend group that allows things to both slide and fester. We’ll get ever more clarity in the following episodes on this, but — these young folks are having ish dealing with their labels, the labels of their pasts, and what are they gonna do in their presents and futures to deal with changing themselves?
FINALLY, and then I’m done rambling. Is that supposed to be a penis, or something penis-like?!
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(What’s good, Ephemerality Squad? Wish me luck with moving today! @slayerkitty @ranchthoughts @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @clara-maybe-ontheroad @twig-tea @distant-screaming @chickenstrangers)
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forcebookish · 1 year
Book pinning Force down has now become my new religion. Plus, Book looked so God damned attractive while he was looking down on Force.
I AM OF TWO MINDS ABOUT THIS. i love a pin down, i love a wrist grab. i loooove book on top (lol). but that scene scares the pants off of me😂😭
mew is SCARY in this scene. i've never experienced a jump scare through MOANING. and like, i enjoy kink, i get that sexy and fearful can intersect but that scene makes me so uncomfortable. it's in a way that i enjoy but it's more like it tickles my whump bone not my... bone bone lol
i mean i already knew something was off here
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and i could, like, physically feel something was wrong like, the moment mew spoke here. his voice is just... ugh.
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and it only got worse with the candle lighting/top looking at the fish (that was more about pre-established visual metaphors about fire/water but still). i also noticed that they don't kiss in sync here, which made me nervous even though i kinda passed it off like aw was i wrong about the kiss choreography :( TURNS OUT NOPE I WASN'T
and yeah ok even out of sync it's still hot, like even top knew something was up and he ignored the signs because of this kiss
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which honestly makes the scene in ep4 even cooler, because we know what mew looks/acts like in normal circumstances of sexual confidence and THIS WASN'T IT.
even if i didn't know that the fight was going to be after this, i would have been shaking in my boots. he looks so manic. i have kind of a hard time finding the rest of this hot
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(but i mean, out of context... ok i do see it) (i did have a sex dream about him last night lol)
it's one of the things that makes all the "mew is secretly a mastermind" (before this episode) takes so stupid like girl you know when he is up to something. this is what it looks like when something is "off." since enchante, book has been so good at layering lying on top of acting and he's only gotten better; he delivers such an amazing performance. like top, even while i knew that something was wrong, i couldn't see it coming and my brain still couldn't (wouldn't?) put together that mew had the recording. and i NEVER would have guessed that he'd do THAT. i was just like, BAD VIBES BAD VIBES BAD VIBES. my whole body blushed in a BAD WAY.
besides all that, it's also a case of... i could see this for guncher (*cough cough* our skyy 2 *cough*), akktheo occasionally, and even forcebook despite their giggly answer to "forcebook vs. bookforce?" but for topmew... i've been warming up to "mewtop" since the ep4 hand job scene, but like gun, top obviously prefers to be on top/in control but unlike gun it feels like it comes from trauma D:
so like you said, anon, book pinning force down? 👌🤌🤌🥵 but mew pinning top down? 😨😨😱😱😱
aaaaaaall this to say: you're right, book is fucking hot.
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