#is it just a southern thing with our accents or is this normal?๐Ÿ˜‚
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psychicbluebirdmiracle ยท 1 year ago
*Worship song has a S at the end of the verse*
*everyone in my church*
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asinglemagpie ยท 1 month ago
The Golden Raven: Here Be Spoilers 7 (Once More With Feeling)(Chapter 13-15)
"Okay, I've got a lot to get through, and not a lot of time..."
I think it's one of the most telling things about how genuinely good these people are is that they happily change their days to make sure Jean feels safe and comfortable. They haven't known him long and they're just so excited to have him as part of their lives ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Jean giving an implicit yes, and Tanner wanting an explicit one.
Jeremy coming in with the existential questions. And Jean starting to be less certain about what were once automatic answers.
Therepy and therepy for Jeremy. Personal hell for Jean. Again, and I'll say it until I'm blue: it is very fortunate for their "will they ever get themselves together" simmering almost-something that Jean has a Raven's sensibility towards sex. Though that's even wearing thin for poor Jean.
Jeremy doesn't like strawberries. Well, I guess he had to have a fatal flaw.
Honestly their fall banquet coming BEFORE games start is so much more logical lmao.
Quick escape. Can't blame him, bless him. But it gave Cody the chance to be fucking hilarious. I love them.
Still so mad that no one seems to know how hard reading in English is for Jean. Just. Urgh!
Poor Jean must have a huge part of his brain going "Who the fuck is my partner really?" because there's so much unsaid. And yet it doesn't rattle him at all, because he trusts in who Jeremy is now. Which... Probably a teensy bit naive until they talk at the banquet.
This is what a normal sports roadtrip/banquet looks like. We are so used to Fox lunacy that it's almost disarming ๐Ÿ˜‚
Car sick buddies! Jean would hate that I'm a "lots of loud music and singing along" coper when it comes to travel lmao.
Only Jean could be annoyed at getting enough sleep every night.
Jeremy is as gleeful as I am over Jean having an accent. Like honestly it was the best post I ever read on here because I LOVE how varied accents are, and how different they can make languages sound. I just hadn't considered it for some reason! And honestly I would be hanging off of his every word too.
But honestly, wtf is with everyone harshing on southern accents?! I love them!
"I'm not learning French for anyone but you." ๐Ÿ˜ญ
They are so into each other it's stupid. They're stupid. Omfg ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Oh Derrick ๐Ÿ˜‚
Lucas ain't wrong.
"Stained glass." He's not wrong, vitrail/vitraux does sound better.
Jean not allowed to physically hurt himself when he will be paraded before the entire district, decides to torment himself mentally instead... And then needs three hours to recover from it.
Nothing lost in translation, you just haven't unlocked this core piece of Jean lore yet.
Jeremy thinks his French has pissed Jean off. Jean is too busy thinking about wtf he's meant to do without this mad lad in his life if the fucker quits exy for law school.
"[Who] will fight for a man who is already looking elsewhere?" Says it all, doesn't it?
If only Jeremy knew Jean doesn't look because of how much he burns with want for the damn man. He doesn't look so his hands and his mouth don't follow his eyes. At least not when you can see him staring, because babygirl he stares plenty.
Our first glimpse at just how much the Ravens are falling apart.
Honestly, Jean, I need you to talk me through what part of practically climbing on top of this man seemed like a good idea to you? I just... Jean..!
Jeremy, baby, this was the first move. You idiot. People don't get between your legs and lean over you while half dressed platonically.
"You resist my overture and then tell me I look good in a noose. Can tonight get worse?" Yes.
The banquet here also seems so much better planned. Lanyards with identifying information!
"Hollow accomplishment" my ass.
Battle of the worst French accent ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
I like when Jeremy realises things about Jean. How he challenges what he thinks he knows and reveals in learning more.
Connors makes my blood boil. I get so fucking angry thinking about this bit. Reading it again makes me sick. Just... Fuck. What a cunt. Him and Bryson are made for each other.
I do have to wonder what the phrase was.
Honestly a third of a fucking cigarette in one go is a very big drag? Or I could be thinking about the longer cigarette length, not normal length. But still. It's a lot.
"I will do it with no witnesses ." He's bloodthirsty, our little golden raven. Can't blame him, though. I'd help him.
"Redemption, perhaps." ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Once again the Trojans being the amazing damn people they are ๐Ÿฅฐ
"Not you. Not like that." ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Jeremy "full of bad ideas and worse hook-ups" Knox.
It's hard to decide if Jeremy is just that good, or if Faser was that drunk, in order for the fingerprints to happen. Maybe somewhere in the middle?
"Would it kill you to fuck someone who respects you?" A-fucking-men!
At this point I think Jean deserves a list and a gun and a "get out of jail free" card for the list. It would do him some good.
It was only a matter of time before the multiple uses of "partner" would come into play.
This whole next part hurts. I'm just so angry for Jeremy, the myriad ways he was failed by all the people meant to love and support him.
I do wonder what Mathilda demanded of Bryson and Annalise after the crash. I feel like there's some vital context there (other than their mother is a batshit crazy bitch with control issues).
I hope Mathilda burns for making Jeremy think such horrible things about himself.
I think his mother's tight control over his college fund is so there's as much of it left as possible when he leaves uni, so she can demand it as repayment.
Jean really does need to learn a little tact ๐Ÿ˜…
Aaaaand so does Jeremy ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jean's brain went places right then. Good and bad ones. Poor Jean.
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