#is it common enough for people not to misread it?
ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
yknow due to internet poisoning when i saw someone had written a character addressing a family member as "babe" in their fic my first thought was "oh god theyre gonna get comments from ALL the wrong people" and it occurred to me that i have no idea how common that actually is as a term of endearment from family
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st4rbe0m · 2 months
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🍀 now playing - fixer upper from disney's Frozen 🍀 contents - frozen au, from the fairytales collection - click on my masterlist for Hoon's version!! implied cheating (cuz of the hans fiance), light angst, emotionally constipated jungwon, implied kissing 🍀 wc - 1.1K 🍀 a/n - kristoff lowkey underrated as hell icl, might make a part 2 :p
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We're not sayin' you can change him 'Cause people don't really change We're only saying that love's a force That's powerful and strange
The ice in your heart is spreading and not only you, but even Jungwon is acutely aware of this fact, as his fingers dig into the reins of his reindeer. He knew as soon as you emerged from your older sister’s ice castle, shivering uncannily, that something was wrong. Not that shivering in July was anything odd - not with the predicament Arendelle was under. But it was the way your eyes were downcast and you were clutching your chest that sent a sense of emergency through him, and he knew only his adoptive grandfather - the Elder Troll would have the solution to their problem. The way the reindeer’s eyes would flit back to him, questioningly, made him remember how he was breaching all of his rules of getting close to others just for this princess - a princess who was already engaged, nonetheless. 
You were unimpressed as he stood in the middle of the clearing in the woods, surrounded only by some moss covered rocks. All your years of isolation did have you a bit clueless about the world around you, outside the vast castle that often seemed like prison than home. But you knew for a fact that moss covered rocks wouldn’t be able to thaw your heart. That was until the rocks began rumbling eerily, and tumbled down all at once, grindingly as they morphed into little creatures about a foot tall near yours and Jungwon’s legs. Several pairs of eyes blinked at you both, and then broke into a cacophony of voices and exclamations. “Jungwon’s back!” “Jungwon’s back and he brought a girl!”, were the common phrases being gleefully yelled by the trolls around you.
Jungwon and you were similar in the way you both were raised, in the sense of your shared loneliness. While being shut away in the palace due to your sister’s powers made you desperate for any sort of experience, Jungwon’s childhood with the trolls made him averse to people. But you both craved a little bit of love. And up till now you believed you had found it in the princely fiance you had waiting back for you at home. “Oh, I’m so happy to meet you dear! Gosh, we thought Wonie here would turn into a rock himself the way he hasn’t met anyone in all these years we’ve had him!”, said a troll with a kindly, motherly face. From the fond way she spoke about him, you could tell this was the troll that had adopted the role of being Jungwon’s mother. “Sorry, what?” you puzzled yourself. And the trolls who had obviously misread the situation seemed to understand this too. 
“Come on dear, I know he’s not the best, but he’s just a bit of a fixer upper!”. “Is it because of his cat-like tendencies?”. It seemed that the trolls had begun a musical recitation of all the ways Jungwon was a bit different than the rest, and Jungwon just stood there absolutely mortified. 
“I bet it’s because of the way he always has twigs in his hair!”, “But you’ll never meet someone as sensitive and sweet.”, cooed a smaller troll. “He’s socially impaired!”, a gruff voice cut in, fondly ruffling his hair, “But a fixer upper is nothing love can’t fix!”. 
And between the voices singing and the way your amused grin grew larger, Jungwon cried out with a large cry, “Enough!”. This made the trolls stop mid-movement, shocked at this outburst. “She’s engaged to someone else!”, he explained with a huff of his breath. 
Blink. Blink. 
The trolls gathered in a circle amongst themselves, the little snowman you both had managed to befriend along the way joining in on the shenanigans for no reason other than entertainment.
“So she’s a bit of a fixer upper too, I see”, said one of the trolls, and immediately the one opposite him replied, “She’s gotta be fixed up too!”, the rest agreed. Discussions in hushed whispers continued, still agreeing that the best way to fix these fixer uppers was with each other, until the smallest of the lot cut in with his nasally voice and a wink, “And by the way, there’s no ring”. The flurry of moss-woven blankets and the crowns fashioned of sticks was hurriedly put on the both of you, happening so fast that Jungwon couldn’t stop them. And just like that you giggled at the way he stood opposite you in the pit holed into the ground, the way his eyes widened in surprise. The giggle caught his attention, which made his gaze soften. He had indulged himself enough, but couldn’t bear to stop. The glowing gemstones made your complexion seem more ethereal than normal. The pit was rather small, and he was backed into his heels, your toes touching the tips of his snow boots. He was absolutely enraptured. In true love almost. It seemed that something possessed the both of you, the way he bent his neck just to be a little closer to where your lips were, soft and inviting. And you couldn’t find it in yourself to move away, any thought of the man you’d just met before you'd set off on this adventure with Jungwon disappearing from your brain. Sure he was wonderful. But you’d only known him for a day. But Jungwon, whom you’d known for a week now, still had so many layers to him that you wanted to peel back individually and unravel to learn. His eyes are dangerously low on your face, and you’re not any better. The trolls harmonizing behind you were counting down to when the thread holding you both back would just snap. Then, it did. He smells of pine, you thought, and he was losing his mind in the strawberry in your breath that he was sure he could taste if he just moved half an inch more. The sharp pain in your heart was so intense it had you buckling at the knees, making Jungwon deftly catch you in concern. Clutching your chest, a heavier rolling sound of stone made you both look to where the Elder Troll, who was awoken by the thrumming of magic, had appeared. Explaining the severity of your condition, and how the ice in your heart would have you frozen to death made Jungwon nervous. He couldn’t even fathom losing you like that, irregardless of how short of a time you’d known each other. He was sure that for you, he was ready to brave any snow storm. “And how do we stop it?”, he asked urgently, ready to do anything to have the cold in your heart to melt and for you to be better again. “Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.” Grandpabby said reverently. And Jungwon could almost feel his own heart freeze in a painful squeeze as you uttered your fiance’s name in a breath of cold air.
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ellemaru · 9 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley General Headcanons
A/N: This is just headcanons that have popped up in my head or whatever but I'm trying my best to keep it lore accurate/based off of lore. There will be some mentions of abuse, mental health, substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) and body dysmorphia due to how his character is.
General Appearance:
Starting with appearances, I think he's 6'2-6'4 and weighs 200-230 lbs (189-195 cm and 90-104 kgs).
He has prominent muscles, but they aren't Arnold Schwarzenegger huge but still large enough to the point that most people are impressed.
He has short, blondish hair where in the winter, it darkens to a light sandy brown if he doesn't go outside.
He had more of a fair and cool undertone but after spending time in the Middle East he darkened up slightly.
Everyone he knows always debates whether his eyes are green, grey or hazel but he personally thinks they are hazel with a light blue on the edges.
His nose is slightly hooked but is also kind of crooked from the front due to it being broken a gazillion times.
General Personality:
As proven previously with the "Alone" mission, Simon is a pretty funny guy.
I feel like there's a common misconception about him that he's super serious and cold and has no emotion but that's FAAAAAALSE.
When he's not on duty I'm a firm believer he acts sassy with the others to be funny.
He obviously knows that there's a time and place for everything but he also knows when a joke or sarcastic comment is needed to lighten the mood up.
I feel like his enhanced ability to read the room kind of stems from him having to always observe and walk on eggshells with his dad in the past.
Like if he misread his mood he could've potentially gotten hurt, leading to Mama Riley defending him causing her to get hurt too but that's for another post.
Back to the humor I feel like a lot of times he's just unintentionally funny like he'll say something, and because of his delivery people laugh and he just sits there confused like "???? I didn't make a joke"
100% a workaholic with no work-life balance because who needs that when your job is your life!
Once the guy starts working, he ain't gonna stop until he says so.
Super observant, he notices the fine details so if you think you can cut corners around him? You're mistaken.
Simon is moody af but that's definitely heightened by his kinda crappy mental health.
General Family:
He hates his dad.
Did I mention he hates his father?
For sure a mama's boy but not in an "I was my son's first girlfriend" kind of way.
He looks up to his mom like crazy and still has an emotional attachment to her from when he was young due to his father being emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive to him.
Anytime he comes back from a mission, has a rough day, or just needs advice on a decision or life he ALWAYS calls Mama Riley.
She's literally his rock because he sees her as someone who is steadfast and strong who goes based on the facts and how she takes things for face value, similar to Simon. I think this also gave Simon an admiration of single mothers and women in general since he grew up with more of a perspective from his mother than his father.
He loves Tommy to bits and pieces, and they were hands down partners in crime back in their teenage years before Simon enlisted.
If you go around Manchester, you can still see some of their graffiti tags on different things.
When Tommy became a drug addict, Simon was there for him from day 1 till he finally got clean.
A/N: This isn't much but if y'all want more I can work on another that's more detailed! Requests are always open so leave some suggestions on things you want to see!
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
Few things to note that i feel like is flying over people's heads...
Uzi caused a second core collapse, the same way Nori described
There's probably evidence of the church being FOUND underground in Copper 9, not BUILT. The evidence seems like a gag and i might be misreading things but it's there
Doctor Chambers did NOT show up today, instead an intern named Mitchell grabbed his uniform (i feel like this is common)
I learned it was Tessa herself who killed Doll in the cave after destroying the patches. THIS MEANS TESSA LIKELY KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON AND FRAMED UZI FOR IT...
Oh yeah about the second core collapse! Nori had her brain "scrambled enough to have a kid", and her memories returned at their own pace. What about Uzi this time?
Nori almost HALF-IMPLODED the planet in her time. Just sayin' because knowing Liam this might come into play as an ending for Murder Drones...
Aaaand that should be it! Murder Drones lore is CRAAAAZYYYYY got dayum
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stellaluna33 · 9 months
So, uh... words mean things.
Here's what "leading someone on" means: KNOWING that someone is romantically interested in you and KNOWINGLY acting in such a way that encourages them to think their feelings might be reciprocated, while KNOWING that you don't actually want them.
Here is what "leading someone on" does NOT mean: Being friendly. Being UNAWARE that someone is romantically interested in you. Thinking that you MIGHT be interested in someone but changing your mind. Being confused. Being a person that someone else feels attracted to.
I cannot stress enough that the behavior depends on the person being AWARE and acting INTENTIONALLY.
It is a thing that occasionally happens, unfortunately. Maybe they are flattered by the attention and it makes them feel good about themselves to be wanted. Maybe they enjoy feeling like they have power over someone. But you must also understand that misunderstanding or misreading other people's actions is SO COMMON, and while it hurts to be rejected, that doesn't mean that that person intended to hurt you or "wronged" you in any way! Your attraction to someone else does not equal any kind of obligation on their part.
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amysubmits · 9 months
Do you think a woman that has been in relationships previously that were abusive (physically, verbally, financially, emotionally or any one of the above) can ever truly submit? Or is that self-protection wall just too much of a barrier to this dynamic? The D/s dynamic is so appealing at first consideration, bc she would want to build that deep trust and have that open communication, find that place of safety that she never had.
But then her mind jumps even quicker to those thoughts of “I’m not enough”, “I’m not wanted” “I’m not desired”, the downward cascade is endless and so she hits the road for self-preservation.
In your opinion is that insurmountable?
So, disclaimer - I'm no mental health professional, just a traumatized ND person who has had psychology and therapy as an interest and hyperfixations several times in my life, and who has 5ish years of being in therapy as a client.
I wonder what you mean by 'truly submit', to be honest.
I think most people (not just women) have experienced at least a little abuse at some point in their life...and I think literally all people have experienced at least a little trauma. And abuse and other causes of trauma can definitely lead people to be unable to let go of control and/or to trust. So, I think abuse can make submission harder. I think abuse and trauma are really common causes for specific hard limits. For example, if someone had been verbally abused as a child and told they were stupid, that may have a really direct correlation with why they might make verbal degradation a hard limit. Or it can be a more vague relationship. Maybe they weren't outright called stupid or verbally abused, but they were emotionally neglected and part of that meant they were never told good things about themselves, but were criticized frequently. So they have low self esteem as a result of having their shortcomings highlighted but not having their strengths highlighted - this may cause them to be unable to tolerate being verbally degraded in a BDSM context. Different causes, but essentially the same trauma and outcome.
On the other hand...sometimes abuse or other forms of trauma makes people people-pleasers who are prone to fawning or freezing. They may have the same internal beliefs that you mentioned - I'm not good enough, I'm not wanted, etc - but rather than that leading them to avoid submission, it may make them submit in ways they shouldn't. For those people, submission may be harder because they will try to submit when they should be setting limits. These people may be misread as deeply submissive, but if they are agreeing to what their dom says out of a trauma response and not out of a true choice, then IMO, that is a big problem. So anyway...I think abuse can make D/s or BDSM hard. It can pose challenges that have to be navigated very delicately. I think it can (and should!) result in hard limits being set. Do I think it impedes 'true' submission? I don't like that 'true' word as I think it's often used to mean unhealthy things. But I don't think abuse keeps people from D/s or BDSM generally speaking. To me, submitting does not mean having as few limits as possible. Submitting means being as open and honest and vulnerable with your Dom as you can be given the amount of trust that you've built together - and submitting in the ways that you've agreed to and that are healthy for you to do so. What is healthy for one person may not be healthy for another. Being the best submissive possible is a totally personal, individual thing.
That may mean that you never submit in certain areas. If you have financial trauma, you may never submit to financial control, for example. That can be being the BEST submissive possible because it means you know your needs enough to advocate for not having your trauma triggered and that is being a great submissive, helping your dom protect you from harm. Where for someone else, learning to submit in that area might feel like their best submission. It's totally individualized.
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I hope your day/night is going well! I adore your works!!
I have a prompt/head cannon/scenario idea (not sure which this falls under lol).
The reader is very beautiful and because of this she often is misread as a person and judged falsely. Think they believe she's shallow and unable to be intelligent or kind. People assume beauty is a good thing, but for the reader it hinders her friendships, her ability to be acknowledged as a living person (not an object) and even her future dreams.
I was curious how Leona would react to a beautiful woman, and how his opinion over time would change of her as he sees there is far more to her than what meets the eye.
miss Doli
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omggg i was actually having a bad day but your ask made me soo happyyy😭🤍🤍i liked the idea so muchhh you made my day better!! haha well i will make it basically a headcanon but add a bonus scene in the end! ⏤͟͟͞͞★
im sorry i think what i wrote was not so great as i expected :( i will try to write better the next time
leona kingscholar x fem!reader ⏤͟͟͞͞★
sfw, slightly angst, comfort, fluff, leona being a simp, very beautiful reader ⏤͟͟͞͞★
Maybe Leona found something more beautiful than sleep and meat..what about a beautiful miss that nobody likes? ⏤͟͟͞͞★
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Rumors that led to curiosity
it's true, leona is not a big fan of dating, he's not even in the mood to look at a woman and go into the mess of love or having feelings for any person on this planet..but he couldn't deny that he found you eye-catching, You were shining among everyone, not only because you are the only woman in this collage, but because your appearance immediately attracts attention to you, Leona has never seen a woman as beautiful as you in his life
Even though he admired your appearance and found you attractive, he did not try to cross his limits because, after all, you are a woman. After he saw that you were alone and isolated from most of the students, he decided to content himself with just observing you from afar — But inside he feels strange because he is stalking watching you. He does not usually do this, especially since he respects you as a woman
The situation was like this for a while, but Leona's curiosity - I believe he is naturally very curious person - made him rush and take the first step towards you after he watched you for a good while and noticed that the students always avoided you. When he eavesdropped on the students' conversations, he heard strange rumors about you. The students used to call you bad names and say that you are stupid and that you think that you will get what you want just because you are beautiful
"herbivore" Was the first thing he said to you, standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets while you were sitting at one of the cafeteria tables "This is my table" He said calmly, and when you were about to apologize and get up to leave, he told you that it was okay to sit as long as you were quiet — It's just his plan to find an excuse to sit with you
It seems that his plan worked, because he was able to start with you with simple and normal questions. The two of you ended up chatting and Leona quickly noticed that you seemed a little confused and that something was wrong — he did not ask you much, he did not want to make you uncomfortable
At the end of your first meeting, Leona cordially invited you to play chess, and you were of course very surprised by his request. The rumors you heard about Leona were enough to make you worry more, but from sitting and talking with him, you noticed that he was courteous with you - at least - and spoke politely. He didn't look at you a lot
(I don't like when others write about Leona that he is playful and flirtatious with random women when it is clear that he is the opposite)
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Not only the face is beautiful
After playing chess with him, you quickly realized that you and Leona had one simple thing in common: you were both lonely, Leona was a good listener. It's true that you didn't talk much - and that made the situation a bit awkward - but Leona didn't seem to care that much. You only talked when you had something to talk about
Leona admired your intelligence. He heard rumors that you were stupid, but he was amazed by your ability to play chess. You are very good and smart at playing, and you were able to play for two hours straight with him
"This is amazing, no one has been able to withstand my game for this long before, Finally someone worth playing with" he said, looking at you with admiration
you smirked a bit, trying not to go so happy because it was rare for people to notice your intelligence "I really enjoyed the match, you're a good opponent too"
silent for a while..
"round two?" he said with a grin
"round two!!" you smiled broadly
Until now, your relationship was limited to playing chess, but with the passage of time you began to grow closer, especially after your personality began to become more clear to Leona: not only did he admire your distinctive appearance, but also your caring, respectful personality, and your intelligence, which was what most attracted Leona and your strength. Leona may not know and will not admit, but he finds smart and strong women attractive and they are his type
Thanks to your intelligence and your dealings with many toxic people in your life, you were quickly able to understand exactly who Leona is: just an ordinary man who presents himself in the worst possible light in order to distance others from him. This surprised you, why would he do this to himself? He is a wonderful and special personality, why does he try to show the opposite?
You knew at that time that Leona undoubtedly felt safe or comfortable with you, otherwise why would he act like his true self in front of you? You decided to skip class one day and went to meet him in the botanical garden. You lured him with words until he started talking and complaining about the people around him and his life — not in detail, but it was enough information for you to understand him well now
From this moment, you knew that Leona shared something else with you, but perhaps in his own way. You were both misunderstood, but he was doing this on purpose, and this increased your determination to form a good relationship with him
You became more comfortable with Leona and began to show more sides of yourself to him. Leona was more and more amazed by you. Your dealings with him were good, your words were rational, you were cheerful and not annoying at all, you always listened to him and he listened to you, you had distinct interests - you were different than the others. Just by looking at his wide pupils that stare at you wherever you go, you can tell what's in his brain:
this woman is amazing..
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"Doli herbivore"
After you gave Leona a complete and good picture of you, he began to feel more comfortable with you. It is true that he still maintains a polite manner with you because you are a woman, but he later learned that you did not mind if he behaved informally with you. You two became good friends and Leona decided to give you one of his special nicknames
"doli" he said with a smile, and you were confused for a second
"What does this nickname mean?" you asked with curiosity, but he responded with a smirk
"a word in my native language" ain't no way you're staying dumpfounded like this, The first thing you did after you finished meeting Leona was running to Ruggie and asking him what the word meant
"...who..Where did you hear the word?" he looked surprised
"leona told me that he will call me doli" ruggie couldn't help but gasp slightly, putting his hand on his face and trying not to laugh
"looks like he found something more beautiful than the meat, shehehe~" Ruggie came closer and whispered to you "Listen...don't do anything, but call him ken"
"yeah, don't ask too much, just do that and you won't regret it"
You did as Ruggie said. The next time you met Leona, he looked at you in shock and surprise. He asked you where you learned that word from, and you told him the whole thing..But surprisingly, he just smiled, a playful smile of victory "well, i liked the nickname, keep it pushing, Doli"
Later, you caught some students from Savanaclaw and asked them about the meaning, only to discover that doli means "beautiful" and ken means "handsome". that bastard..he was flirting, huh? But to be honest with yourself, you liked it very much..
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things developed enough to the point that you started hanging out with Leona in public. He would accompany you to classes sometimes, wait for you outside class when your lectures were over, and ask Ruggie to bring you lunch. All the students were surprised at the two of you...a lion with a terrible temper who loves to sleep and act rudely with a very beautiful and stupid woman who has a lot of rumors about her? What a strange match
Of course, rumors about you began to spread quickly and you became the main topic of gossip among the students. It was bothering you, but you remained silent and ignored the students because it is just a normal day in your life, people misunderstanding you and gossip that doesn't seem to end soon
Leona was almost ignoring them, why almost? Because he got angry and upset when he saw your beautiful face that he loves too much frowning and you were upset by their words. He did not care about what was said about him, but you?..he won't let them do this, not in his presence
You looked at Leona with panic when he went to the students and started fighting with them and sweeping them with the college tiles like they are some sort of cloth, Then he drags you after saying the most rude things ever to them and leaves the place with you
Leona was very defensive towards you. You're not sure if this is because you're friends or because he just respects you, but you know that your attempts to stop him when he goes to fight with the gossipers will fail
Leona began to watch you mentally now, focusing on the fact that you are not just a cheerful and kind person.. Leona began to put the pieces together to realize that you are not okay, people have hurt you a lot
Leona never pressured you. He never asked you what was wrong with you or blamed you. He was waiting for you to be ready to speak for yourself...but you were secretive for some reason. You expected that maybe he wouldn't understand you...or that he wasn't interested - just like the rest of the people...maybe you were very wrong this time
he didn't ask you too much..He decided to do it smartly
Leona would bring a lot of games that required intelligence and puzzles because he knew that you liked these things. He would make you win against him on purpose with these games and then pretend that he was surprised and amazed by your intelligence "such an intelligent woman, y/n" he would smirk saying this, just to satisfy your ego
Leona will show you how interested he is in your interests, because he knew that the students say that you are an empty person and that you think that you are special and different just because you are beautiful. You will notice that Leona started listening to the same band that you love. He watched the series that you said you enjoyed. He read the romantic novel that you said greatly influenced you. He studied that strange science you discovered on the Internet. Leona did everything you liked to show you that you were fun — to be honest with himself... he really enjoyed it, Leona enjoyed the things that you liked... not because they are actually fun, but because you find them fun
Strangely, your makeup and elegant clothes began to disappear. You looked for them everywhere, but there was no trace of anything. You were terrified because the students would make fun of you more than before if your beauty diminished or you appeared in a bad appearance. You did not know that Leona himself used to take these things. He used to say that you look better without makeup and mock your attempts to show yourself as beautiful in front of others. Leona wanted you to come out of this shell of absolute beauty. He wanted you to be as you are without any modifications..Indeed, with time, you realized that you are still very beautiful even without your makeup and elegance
Leona will actually be clearly impressed by your appearance — and even attracted to you. Unfortunately, people in your life either try to bully you or harass you because of your beauty - in a very bad way - But Leona was a third type. He gave you the respect you so desperately wanted, with a light touch of admiration, You finally felt loved in this moment...someone sees you normally finally
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the couple of Doliken-y— beauty!
You were sitting with Leona in the car. It was holiday, and Leona surprised you when he invited you home with him and you quickly accepted the invitation. Of course, you didn't want to stay locked in the college for the entire holiday
Leona took you out of the city for a bit. You could see some of the lights of the capital from a distance. Leona took you to the popular market and to the springs. You met his sister-in-law and played with Cheka. You somehow convinced Leona to make some cakes together and as usual he ruined the recipe. You started gossiping about the students as well and discovered that it was fun to gossip. You did everything you could do all this week and now you decided to relax a little while Leona drove through the wilderness
"Did you have fun?" leona asked, and you were surprised after this question. You know that Leona is not the type of person who would suddenly ask a question like this
"I...of course I enjoyed it, are you really asking me?" Leona was silent for a while as he drove, looking lost in thought for a moment. You were still thinking about the fun you had together all week and weren't paying much attention to Leona's behavior
"I was just..always wondering about something" he turned his focus to you again, looking closely at you "I always wanted to ask you something, doli"
This time you focused on what he was saying. It seemed like he had something important to say "What is it, Ken?" Your curiosity increased when he said that he wanted to ask you about something for a long time
Leona surprised you when he stopped the car without any introductions. He got out of the car, then went to your door and opened it for you "let's sit on this hill and talk, Doli" He spoke seriously, you had never seen him talk to you so seriously before, but you knew that you need to listen to him so you did as he asked
You both sat on a rock high up on the hill, hearing a little noise from the city in the distance, the crickets singing their soft song while the wind shook the leaves of the wild plants around you and made them dance. You and Leona like to sit in remote and isolated places like this a lot, but for some reason...there is something different this time
You were silent for 3 minutes. These 3 minutes were like 3 years while you stared at him, thinking of a thousand questions he could ask. Is he here to confess? Or ask for marriage? Or maybe something worse...ends your friendship? Will he ask you a strange request or what exactly? While you were thinking about all this, he turned his emerald eyes towards you and looked at you with unusual looks...serious looks, but at the same time soft
"Doli" He finally spoke, and from the tone of his voice you knew he was going to talk about something emotional or intimate "Is there something you haven't told me yet?" his eyes met your, so serious yet so soft..You felt conflicted. You didn't know whether you should remain calm or get nervous
"Something to tell you? What do you mean??" you blinked in confusion, and he gave you a quick answer
"about what's bothering you, doli" he moved closer to you "You see, I told you a lot of things about myself and...well...you kind of made me express myself better to you, but you didn't...and I'm neither blind nor idiot" Leona shocked you by suddenly holding your hand. His hand was warm. You could feel his muscles slightly pressing against your soft, feminine hand "I see you, I see your suffering and your pain, I know that you cry a lot and suffer alone and this.. I do not like it, why am I in your life? You say I'm your friend and then you don't tell me what's bothering you"
silence again..Your mouth remained open and you blinked. the Leona Kingscholar, the tough and heartless guy, The man who won't express what's inside him even if you point a gun at his head...is now telling you all this? Maybe he's lost his mind, or maybe...oh wait. Leona started to get annoyed, he raised one eyebrow and moved his hand away from yours
the tension was increasing, Leona, who was looking at the city in front of the hill, you saw something in his eyes that you had never seen before, a mixture of confusion, frustration, anxiety and..vulnerability. At this moment...you realized that Leona was trying to fight something inside him and took another step towards you, perhaps breaking the barrier of secrecy? But your reaction was not what he expected at all and it made him regret it
"leona" You approached him and held his hand again, trying to calm the tension "I didn't know you noticed all this.. You are truly a wonderful friend" it's your usual affectionate tone "I think you're right..I have to talk and tell you everything now"
Leona's ears flickered quickly and he turned his attention to you again "hm?" He turned his entire body towards you and started looking directly into your eyes, cross sitting on the ground "talk"
You spoke and told Leona everything from the beginning. You did not leave a single detail that you did not tell him. Leona never interrupted you. You told him about how people bully you, how they look at you superficially and think that you are conceited just because of your beauty, how they think you are stupid and empty, your life revolves only around your beautiful face, how no one gives you a chance to get close to you and because of this you become isolated and alone...all... The bad things that happened to you in your life just because you were beautiful, this thing was not by your will.. You were just born like this.. and you wished that you were ugly or ordinary just so that others would stop these actions and respect you. You actually feel that you are nothing because of their words and you cry a lot and You are unable to mix with society.. you told Leona all this
You cried, while you were talking for about 45 minutes you started crying. Your beautiful face became red and swollen from crying, crying like a little child in front of Leona. Without even realizing it, somehow, you ended up crying while hugging him — in his lap. Leona was hugging you, stroking and rubbing your back tenderly, his chin on your head
"Doli" Oh, how you love it when you hear his voice calling you by that name. You raised your head full of tears and looked at him, sobbing
"Do you know what is the stupidest thing a person could try to do?"
"w-what is it?.."
"being a people pleaser" Leona started talking to you rationally and in a soft voice...but he caught you of guard you a little when he suddenly pulled you in, slept on his back and made you sleep on his arm "wtf-" "shhh" He said, placing his hand over your mouth to silence you "I'm talking"
You didn't know exactly what to do at this moment, but what he did was enough to make you stop crying and try to focus on Leona
"As I said...if you are going to try to please others, do not do it. If you are beautiful, they will bully you and say that you are stupid. If you are ugly, they will bully you more and ostracize you and say that you are a freak. If you are ordinary, no one will care about you and they will also bully you, so in any case, Satisfying them is just impossible..If you're going to spend your life just thinking that no one loves you and that you're isolated, then that's what's really going to happen. I'll tell you one thing: Show them the opposite. They'll say you're stupid? Well, you are very smart and you know that. Go and participate and show yourself in the classes that require intelligence. Help students who have difficulty understanding the subjects and give them lessons... not to please others, but to show your true self and nothing more..They say you are arrogant? Simply help other students. If you see someone in need of help, show yourself with humility and act friendly and kind to everyone"
suddenly, you laughed when he was talking. he stopped and looked at you in question "why are you laughing?"
"I can't believe you're asking me to be nice to others..it's weird to hear it from you"
"I point at the moon and the fool looks at my finger.." he sighed "doli..just understand, you are amazing and you have more advantages and opportunities than me, you are in a new world..a world where no one knows you and you have the opportunity to achieve a lot here. It is true that everyone bullies you, but believe me, once you prove yourself once, everyone will respect you. The students of this college are like ducklings.. and will run after you just like ducklings running after their mother when they know your abilities and character"
You were silent for a few seconds, thinking about his words. You did not notice yourself until you were clinging to his clothes while you were sleeping on his arm..It was warm and strangely comforting, it felt good like that..
"Why are you asking me to be nice instead of saying something like 'Duh, why do you care so much? Do what you want and let them say what they want'?"
Leona half-sighed half-chuckled in response, closing his eyes and speaking slowly "I don't want to ruin your life, to be honest with you and with myself.. I know that what I'm doing is wrong. When I show myself in the worst possible light and ignore the rumors, I'm making the situation worse.. while I can show the opposite to everyone and highlight my true abilities.. why would i ask you to do the same? To destroy your happiness? I have become insensitive to people' yap, I don't care what others might think...but you care, so I won't advise you to act like me"
you looked at him in confusion "So why don't you make your life..better? If you can, why wouldn't you?"
"What's the point? i will graduate then return to the damned palace and the life of the miserable prince, Let me continue my life in this way that is best for me, because I will not build false hopes for myself" Leona opened his eyes and gave you a serious look "oi wait, don't change the topic. We're talking about you today, not me"
"oh god.." you laughed sarcastically "Well, well...your words are convincing. I should stop hiding. I should face them with the truth and show them my true colors"
"that's correct" he smiled as he looked at the sky
"Hmm..but right now I still feel like I'm not loved enough..it bothers me"
"oh..you want to feel loved?"
"yeah.." you sighed, looking at the sky with him "do you have solution? I don't like this feeling.."
"hmm.." Leona thought for a few seconds...then he blew a bomb at you in the most natural tone, as if he was saying the most ordinary thing in life
"then let's start dating"
"oh that would be a great-...!!..WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE" Quickly, you sat up straight and turned to Leona, completely traumatized by what he said, your eyes widening in shock and your expression as if you had seen a ghost "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY????"
"i said let's start dating" he gave you a playful smirk, He leans on his right arm and raises his eyebrows as if he is trying to tease you "don't you wanna date me~? i know you like me, i will love you so well you will forget about other people"
"..leona, are you trying to mess with me or are you serious???" You are still under the effect of shock and trying to figure out his true intentions. Is he joking?? Or is he confessing in the strangest way possible??
"im serious, Doli" He sat up straight as well and put his palm behind your head and pulled you towards him "you know i don't like to joke about such things..be my girlfriend, doli"
you were speechless..Several people had confessed to you before, but their goal was clear. They treated you like an object because you were beautiful. They had no knowledge of you and thought you were just a body for pleasure...but leona...You know Leona, he has not shown you such treatment over the past months and he has been a good companion to you...and you cannot deny that, during this period, Leona was able to make you love him back..You have the same feelings, but you didn't show or say it because you were afraid that he didn't love you.. You never gave yourself a chance
"i...leona.." You looked at him expectantly, a little awkward and shy "Does this mean you...love me?" he smiled..pulling you close enough so that you can feel his breath on your face
"i love you, Doli..yes i do"
and with that, you felt his lips pressing against yours, soft and warm..For the first time, you felt truly loved. Your body trembled and your breath caught in your throat. All you could do at this moment was kissing back with all passion and embrace him tightly..not giving him a chance to pull back or breath..The moment you got the feelings you had wanted for a long time, someone who cares about you and listens to you, someone who does not see you an object...but treats you as a human being and sees your abilities, skills, and things more than just being beautiful..You hugged him and kissed him hungrily, with crazy eagerness, with desperation
Leona was between kisses whispering words to you that made your heart beat like a drum, telling you how smart, talented, special, aware, wise and unique he sees you..He pulled you to sit on his lap and you both stayed like that for several minutes, making out passionately
you pulled back first..panting and taking a breath after this intense kissing session, When you saw Leona's face, you were shocked
"what?.." He asked, looking into your roaming eyes..He didn't realize that you left lipstick marks all over his lips and face
"i-it's nothing, don't worry!!" you laughed, admiring your work. Leona did not say anything, but he kept staring at your face, he raised his hands until his palms rested on your cheeks while you were in his lap
You didn't stop him.. You allowed him to stare at you as much as he wanted and caress you. You basically wanted this.. You wanted to feel him loving you and wanting you sincerely. But what you didn't expect was that he seemed to be resisting. He was tightening his grip on your face, not painfully, but with enough force to let you know that there was something going on
"are you ok? what's wrong?" You asked, placing your hand on the back of his palm and stroking it gently. he didn't answer..leona was in another world
and you knew the answer later..
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the big cat is a simp
Leona, throughout the past period, had not shown you how much he admired your beauty, just because he respected you and did not want to cross his boundaries with you, In the end, you were friends and nothing more. He wanted you to realize that he greatly respected you as a human being and appreciated you, and then later he would unleash the simp within him as long as you did not mind
After you became his lover, Leona continued to respect you and the same old behavior and everything — but the new addition is that he started buying you new and beautiful dresses, then he just asked you to wear them and started staring at you... contemplating the masterpiece on your face and enjoying it
It turns out that Leona had another reason for saying, “You don't have to show your beauty in front of the students.” Leona was jealous. Leona knew that all eyes were on you because of your beauty and those who approached you had bad intentions. Leona was trying to protect you and keep your beauty for himself only
Every time Leona saw you with new makeup or an elegant look or your beauty increased, you saw that he just sat and struggled not to jump on you and devour you where you were. You could just by looking at his face know the amount of thoughts and fantasies he was thinking about
You were evil, really evil. You stand in front of him after you put on your new dress and say that it doesn't look good on you. You make Leona upset and you tease him until he tells you how beautiful you are and that he can't stop looking at you..You don't know why it was difficult for him to admit that his desire for you is unbearable. Maybe he sees it as a weakness on his part to show that he's simping, but you were good at making him say that he loves you and your beauty
Oho yeah, when you stood in front of him for the first time in short clothes, you felt like he was about to bark. Maybe this is his first time really seeing a woman in front of him dressing like this and he can stare as much as he want
in the end.. he proved it to you, you're not just a piece of meat, Leona proved to you that he loves every detail of you and that you are much more than just a pretty face
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uhm..i didn't like what i wrote, i think there are more things i could write about but yeah..i tried my best here ⏤͟͟͞͞★
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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ryuichirou · 2 months
I do remember how Azul one of two housewardens to be top so he can literally be ship with all but Kalim. Same goes to Kalim. Now I want to see a headcanon of Azul and Kalim with the other housewardens relationship besides the mentioned like with Azul and Idia.
The fact that you keep that in mind, Anon! I myself keep forgetting about it omg, Azul, Kalim and a bunch of bottoms… and if we’re talking overblot boys, it’s just Azul and some bitches 😔 What a flower garden.
This is a fun ask. I’ll try to talk about every possible ship that isn’t usually mentioned in our blog or mentioned very briefly. Well, minus Azul/Malleus because we just talked about them a day ago lol And Azul/Riddle because we have some posts about them too.
Looking at the list… it’s mostly Kalim/everyone huh lol
Azul/Leona. It’s difficult to picture them this way, but if they were to miraculously end up being a couple, it will 100% be out of mutual benefit. Plus, Azul would use it to prepare his revenge because he isn’t over the whole sanding contracts thing. Leona knows that, and he fully expects Azul to try to backstab him sooner or later. It’s giving “Scott Tenorman must die”, somehow.
Azul/Vil. This relationship either would end after one hour or would survive surprisingly long. They have a lot in common whether they like it or not, but Azul is too fake for Vil’s liking, and Vil doesn’t mince his words which Azul doesn’t like because Vil isn’t as easy to bully as Idia. Still, Vil enjoys how hardworking and dedicated to self-betterment Azul is; and people in the press would probably consider them to be quite a striking couple… still, they would drive each other insane lol
Kalim/Riddle. It’s like they’re speaking different languages. It’s super difficult for them to understand each other because both of them are kind of impulsive in different ways. But when they have fun, it’s good! Riddle’s inner child really thrives around Kalim whenever he relaxes a little bit, but that always ends with Riddle being super nervous about all the rules they broke. Kalim is chaotic and irresponsible… even though Riddle really loved riding the carpet with him :( They wouldn’t break up though because Kalim would misread Riddle’s attempts at having the talk with him and understand it as something completely different. He likes Riddle a lot! If only he relaxed and had fun more often :)
Kalim/Leona. If they miraculously end up together because of how oblivious and positive Kalim is and because of how passive Leona is, they could end up dating for years… Kalim is that force that takes Leona’s sarcastic comments literally and does whatever he was being sassy about, and to Leona’s shock, somehow he ends up going along with it. How did that happen again? Maybe this is how they ended up dating.
Kalim/Vil. Even if they start out like a couple, Kalim will end up being mothered by Vil. And this isn’t the kind of overprotective and through-the-teeth mothering that Jamil does: Vil-the-mom is strict and very focused on discipline, so I think both of them would experience a cultural shock lol Vil knew things were bad, but was it that bad?... Similarly to Kalim/Riddle though, when it’s time to have fun, they enjoy each other a lot. They dance and sing and Kalim even manages to make Vil laugh… but the rest of the time it gets kind of miserable for both of them.
Kalim/Idia. I want this for Idia, to be honest. I genuinely want this for Idia. This would be such a shitshow though because Kalim has zero understanding of how Idia works; pardon me for a clichéd comparison, but it’s like putting an excited loud puppy in a room with a sheepish scaredy cat. But actually, I think Kalim is smart enough to ask Idia to teach him how to play videogames one day, and even though he would be horrible at it, he would have so much fun failing miserably that maybe… Idia’s heart would melt a little… and then instantly cringe.
Kalim/Malleus. Shameless. Well, Kalim is pretty innocent about it, but Malleus is shameless. He is very satisfied with all the attention he is getting. Everyone around them? Confused and mildly scared, wondering if Kalim even knows what’s going on between them. Kalim? Super excited to have 1000 dates with Malleus, give him all kinds of cool gifts, dance with him and feed him a lot of yummy ice cream. Malleus responds very well to this kind of treatment, so Kalim would go all-out! They would either end up being a power-couple (Kalim would still be very oblivious…) or break up after a while because while Malleus enjoys attention, Kalim just isn’t as reactive to his flirty provocations as he would’ve loved… plus he has too many friends >:(
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unnervinglyferal · 4 months
My old friend and ex-roommate came over yesterday. Neither of them is scared of new people but they were both awkward at first. My old roommate hadn't been to the apartment since the group home folks had helped us move, and he had never met my daughter. His first words at the sight of her were "oh fuck it's alive." My girlfriend's great-grandma asked them whether they'd like to hold the baby, but both the two of them and Bug looked at each other in a way that made it clear that none of them want that. They don't want to hold a baby and Stinkbug didn't want to be held by them either.
After a while of chatting while standing around the apartment, my old roommate admitted with some embarrassment that he had completely misread the nature of this visit and had a backpack full of beers for this. My girlfriend immediately informed them that if we're going to drink, we'd better be doing that outside. The family matriarch agreed, it's a nice weather out there. I told them both that I'm not going to drink, though it's all fine if they will. My old friend offered to go pick me a case of something else to drink if I'd like. Diet coke would be fine - that's enough of a rare treat.
So we sat outside on the yard bench swing and talked, catching up on what both of them are doing now and sharing stories of what my time before the group home had been with my old friend, and how times at the group home were with my old roommate. I think it was good to have them both here at the same table - I don't think either one would have believed a half of the other side's stories without an eyewitness to back it up.
I didn't smoke but out of old habit I rolled cigarettes for them - my old friend had a pack of factory smokes but hand-rolled ones are still cheaper, I needed something to occupy my hands, and he promised to pay my roommate back for the tobacco he smoked. It's pretty clear that despite of being a student he's currently the one of us who has the most money.
It was a nice, warm evening and as it went down, my friend and old roommate had pretty much gone through my old roommate's beers, when my friend mentioned that he actually also has some weed. I told them they're free to smoke it somewhere else but they are absolutely fucking not doing anything that will summon cops on the front yard of the house where my family is sleeping. My old friend was baffled that he'd ever live to hear me say shit like that, but the way he laughed sounded like he's proud.
It was around 9 pm by then, the two of them were out of beers, and it was starting to get cool outside, so we agreed it was best to call it a night while we were still all having a good time. My old friend and ex-roommate had found a lot in common with each other and agreed to carry on to a bar somewhere, and maybe smoke that weed. My old friend mentioned that he knows a guy who gives rides around here for a little fee, who might be on call tonight. My ex-roommate said he knows one as well, and for shits and giggles they decided to text their own car guy at the same time and see which one responds first.
Within the same minute, they both got a text - almost identical one - asking if they'd be down to share a ride with someone else who's around the same area. It turns out they knew the same damn guy. I sat with them until their ride showed up - I had never seen this guy before, myself - and headed inside.
I put all the clothes I had on straight to the wash before taking a shower and going to bed next to my girlfriend. She asked me if I'm sober and asked if we had fun, and was back asleep before I could answer the second question. My skin and hair still smell like cigarette smoke, but I can do my best to not bring that outside world in here. My friends are out there in it, but I'm not bringing it home to my family. Their life is out there, mine is in here.
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seven-oomen · 11 months
So, bit of an idea. My problem right now is too many ideas for these characters, but not enough time to write it all.
But the idea is that it's a Jangobi/Kenfetti soulmate au. Where soulmates are chosen by acts of true honor. (By the force/the manda/a higher power)
In this version of the story Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were at the battle of Galidraan at 44BBY (Obi-Wan is 16 at the time, a little aged up, Jango Fett is 22.) leading to an event where the Jedi don't kill Fett and his Mandalorians. Thanks to Obi-Wan's negotiation skills, they manage to get down to the truth and calm the situation. (And in particular Myles and Jango, which earns Obi-Wan massive amounts of respect by said Mandalorians.)
This event kick-starts a soulmate link between Obi-Wan and Jango, though soulmate links don't fully activate until someone is 18.
Now imagine two years later, Obi-Wan starts having dreams where he meets someone with a familiar voice. You can't see your soulmate's face in your dreams until you are fully aware of who it is. Once that clicks, the person in question is able to see their soulmates face. It has to click for both people.
Once they know who their soulmate is, a telepathic link forms if both parties are willing (even if subconsciously) to pursue the bond.
That's important, because you can refuse a soulmate bond. It's very rare in Mandalorian culture to do so. (Because of their beliefs). But it is more common in Jedi culture. (Though not required, it is very much a choice someone can make.) As long as their duties as Jedi take precedent.
Now, a 19-year-old padawan Obi-Wan and his master Qui-Gon Jinn are sent to Mandalore in 41BBY.
The true Mandalorians hold Keldabe while the New Mandalorians and the Deathwatch are at war over the rest of the planet.
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon try to broker peace and install the New Mandalorians as the official government of Mandalore. However, things go haywire, and Obi-Wan has to take Satine and go on the run.
One day, he runs into a rather familiar face with an even more familiar voice. Jango Fett, the current Mand'alor of Keldabe, who's gathering more support among the different clans of Mandalore.
So in order to hide Satine from Deathwatch, Obi-Wan convinces Jango to take them both back to Keldabe.
And then you have this little fun and games section where Obi-Wan learns so much more about the true mandalorians and how they operate. And Satine learns much more about their heritage.
And there's this bit of a friendship of Obitine forming where they really care for each other on the deepest platonic level, but they have no real romantic interest in each other.
But of course Jango misreads that, even though he and Obi-Wan have been growing so much closer in their bonds, and he's come to see that the Jedi aren't all that bad either.
And there's this bit of shenanigans and misunderstandings that lead to an honest conversation about how they feel. And Obi-Wan comes to realize that Jango may be the person he'll leave the order for if it comes down to it.
But then Qui-Gon finds them in Keldabe. The Duke has been killed by Deathwatch. And there's more pressure than ever to just deal with the problem before it becomes bigger.
Jango, realizing that the fate of the planet, and potentially the greater galaxy, now rests on his shoulders, gathers the true mandalorians for one last showdown against Clan Vizsla. (And also avenge Jaster while he's at it.)
It's a tough fight, but Jango wins the darksaber from clan vizsla and is elected Mand'alore of the planet by the clans.
Obi-Wan, now faced with a choice to become a mandalorian or remain a Jedi, makes the choice to stay on Mandalore and honor his soulmate bond. A choice he doesn't make lightly, and that deeply saddens him inside.
Jango picks up on this and, although conflicted in his feelings, also recognizes that being a Jedi is the one true thing that makes Obi-Wan happiest. So he gives Obi-Wan the choice to leave and return to the Jedi temple. Obi-Wan refuses again, stating his place is here.
Jango isn't so sure after seeing just how miserable Obi-Wan is without a purpose. So he does something rather radical, he contacts Qui-Gon Jin and the Jedi order, except they don't send him Qui-Gon Jinn, they send him Dooku instead.
And Dooku decides, hey you know what, this place has the right idea about an actual functional government that fucking works. They need some help, sure, but I can work with that. So Dooku contacts Yoda to establish an independent Jedi temple on Mandalore (with permission from the Mand'alore, of course) that will be run by Obi-Wan Kenobi if the boy can pass his trials. He'll oversee it all, but is very much content by just being a helper of the people and being the wine uncle with crazy ideas.
The establishment of the independent Jedi Temple on Mandalore is what the force/the manda consider Jango's act of honor for Obi-Wan and their soulmate bond solidifies into a fully matured bond, resulting in a marriage of not only Jango and Obi-Wan, but also of Jedi and Mandalorian culture. Where the planet's ecosystem is restored, its people thrive, and somewhere down the line Jango & Obi-Wan have (or adopt, for the non mpreg fans) a couple of kids (Boba, Cal, Omega).
And that's how Obi-Wan Kenobi lives his best life on Mandalore. Idk. I never said the idea was perfect, just intriguing.
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☆ i will be referring to this conflict as i/p as shorthand for israel/palestine. I recognize the war is between Israel and hamas im just using this term because its short and its common enough that people will get what I mean.
saw a video of a woman with a text overlaid with something about how something was finally over. I think she might have used the term war i just can't remember and I didnt save it even though I shouldve. point is something bad in her life had ended and she looked absolutely relieved and overjoyed and you could quite literally see a weight being lifted off her. whatever actually ended (there were no specifics) was clearly enough of a stressor that it felt incredible when it was done.
anyway there was nothing in the post nor the caption imply that this was about i/p. yet nearly all the comments were like "wait I thought this was about palestine" or "I thought palestine won" "you're misleading us" and other things of that sort.
first of all, how rude do you need to be to see someone celebrating and then get angry that they're not happy about the "correct" thing. how can you be so separated from human emotion that the simple expression of joy and relief is foreign to you. not saying you can't have false assumptions its totally normal to look at something online and have to reread it bc its about a totally different topic than you originally thought. what is messed up is saying the creator has to talk about palestine instead of her own accomplishments because they misunderstood her post. not because she mislead anyone on purpose or anything like that just because of a simple misunderstanding. she did not hurt a single person by making this post and yet instead of just congratulating her and making a little joke about misreading, they are acting as if she is a horrible person because she's not talking about palestine in this specific post.
second of all, this just shows how little people get their information from reliable sources. if the war ended and you were informed by a random post on Instagram because you do not look at anything besides that for information, then you probably haven't learnt enough to be discussing this conflict. of course you're gonna get info on social media that's just how the internet works. you just don't get big news from here without checking it because there's a decent chance its wrong. people lie all the time, people hide facts, and tbh social media politics are like a shitty worldwide game of telephone. if this woman actually was saying the i/p war ended, would these commenters have taken her word and assumed she was telling the truth?? would they have even looked at a single reliable source to see that it hasn't ended?? or are influencers somehow valid news sources now??
point is yall need to find shit to do outside of i/p and start focusing on your own lives and leave women who are just existing the fuck alone. also learn how to find reliable sources it is really scary how little some of yall know about that. I feel like I should proofread this i just am getting pins and needles in my hand so that's just not happening
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Maybe I'm misreading but I feel kind of weird about the "forcemasc exists, here are examples from conversion therapy!" thing because as a transmasc it's like, okay, are you also going to acknowledge that forcefem can be part of conversion therapy, or...? Like your tags about "isn't foremasc what they do to GNC AMABs generally?" Are completely correct, but I feel like I would get destroyed for saying the same thing about forcefem. If we can acknowledge that forcefem has a whole culture around it with an origin that isn't conversion therapy surely we can see that forcemasc is similar?
Yeah I think I reblogged a post about that a couple of weeks ago that mentioned it in the context of like, being forced to dress up for family photos and the like. I don't think that's actually controversial to say that's a thing that people are forced to go through as well?
I'm pretty sure that was a common feminist talking point when I was growing up, even. It made conservatives really mad when anyone at all did not conform to the norms of their gender assigned at birth, even if they were completely cis.
This is evident enough from looking at christian parenting guides. For example, in "Bringing up Girls" known christofascist and child-beating apologist James Dobson comes out explicitly in favor of gender essentialism and argues (with use of some old-timey neurosexism) that not raising children in accordance to this view is doomed and harmful, and that deviations from it are aberrant and artificial. "Proper" boys like guns and violence and "proper" girls like flowers and babies.
And as a result, he concludes that there is a moral imperative to raise everyone AFAB to be feminine "ladies" (who are also sexually "pure", of course) and to counter any assertiveness they might have picked up from the fallen and overly feminist modern world.
Unsurprisingly, conservatives want people to conform to what was assigned at birth, regardless of what the assignment was and deviation gets punished.
We all know about transphobia, for instance, but even among cis people, those who deviate to their role experience more bullying, abuse, and sexual violence. Sex pests may also preferentially target women who violate gender norms.
(As an aside, this is why the argument that it is "femininity" itself and not GNC behavior that gets punished makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. Ditto for arguments that "pickmes" and "tomboys" are somehow privileged misogynists.)
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carlyraejepsans · 10 months
It’s not a bad thing to address the problems and complexities the problems and issues that female characters AND THEN acknowledge the problems and complexities of the male characters who are connected to them.
IT IS A BAD THING when you hold those same (female) characters up to a double-standard or attempt to attribute their faults/flaws to their identity, which is unfortunately more common than most would like to admit.
Misogyny (like all forms of prejudice, supremacism, and systemic bigotry) is more than just a negative attitude or a bad argument. It’s a parasitic symbiosis in which one community of people profits off of the unequal treatment of another.
You can still be a “friend” to a person of a particular group and still be harmful/toxic to the group they’re a part of because seeing someone as a “friend” doesn’t mean anything if you don’t see them as an equal.
P.S. It always irks me whenever someone thinks that they’re making a character more complex and nuanced by ignoring the complexities and nuances of another. I’ve seen ppl do that to Toriel AND Asgore, although I have noticed they do it significantly more to the former than the latter.
P.P.S. And don’t even get me started on what this fandom has done to Chara.
P.P.P.S. Forgive my little temper tantrum, and I’m sorry if I misread/misinterpreted anyone.
if you're bringing up misogyny in the context of fandom communities and the way they approach the text specifically, i think you're oversimplifying things by defining it as just "one group profiting off of another." an overwhelming percentage of fandom is, in fact, comprised OF women, at least on the story/character analysis/fiction writing front. you can't really say they're profiting off of female characters being ignored over male ones. by that logic, female characters should be uplifted more than anyone else in fandom spaces, and yet that's far from the case.
this is because misogyny isn't just a cultural system of oppression, it's literally baked into our cultures. our customs, our instincts, our sense of shame and justice and morality. those double standards aren't a conscious decision to oppress, it's an instinctual mental mechanism reinforced by habit and custom. it's something that feminists have spent (and still spend!) an insane amount of time unwrangling and breaking down. and a lot of people just... don't apply that kind of analysis to their own behavior. women in the story are just instinctively less sympathetic. less pitiable. less justifiable. less interesting, or "not complex enough to care about".
i do have a theory that this attitude is also tied to 1) a personal unwillingness by female fans to engage with their own oppression in a space dedicated to a hobby (ie: basically just escapism) and 2) fandom's popularity largely deriving from being a space to express sexuality and engage with erotica/archetypes that appeal to the reader, and the vast majority of fandom users are either straight or attracted to men (ie: the people making fancontent think men are hot so the more men the merrier. girls who?). but that is not always the case, and very often those attitudes go right in hand with misogyny and act as a shield to it, so it's only a small mental note in the corkboard of my brain.
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kob131 · 1 month
Lily Orchard and Pokemon: Gen 3
Okay I'm gonna try to keep these shorter. But to be fair- Lily is going to start belly aching in Gen 4 beyond so I might have more to cover.
"Brendan misogynyist because he assume Gym Leader kid guy!"
Lily's, he's fucking ten. I don't even think you CAN be sexist at that age because I don't think your brain is developed enough to form complex thoughts or beliefs. Also that is LITERALLY the one time he mentions it.
"I like Brendan because he's not trying super hard to be friend or be rude!"
Again, Lily. You misread Blue who does nothing but slag you off and throw tantrums. Your view on story elements is so thoroughly tainted they can't be taken seriously.
"Brendan's salty when he loses!"
Huh, he actually kind of is. I never noticed that. I guess Brendan has about a quarter of a character. ... What, more than what May or anyone in Gen 6 got.
Still doesn't raise him above 'one of the worst rivals in Pokemon.' Also, good job Lily. You actually showed me something new. Took you only...50 minutes...
*Another captialism dig*
We get it Lily- You long to be locked into a gulag and then shot by a firing squad. Move on.
"What is it about Rock that makes it good for a first time Gym?"
That's the kind of thing a retrospective is supposed to SOLVE, Lily. You're supposed to be asking yourself 'Why did the developers choose to do this at this point instead of something else?' But so far, your video has been nothing but you either belly aching or you making half baked jokes.
Anyway- Rock is chosen to encourage the player to diversify their moveset as Rock resists Normal, the most common attacking type in the early game, as well as all of them being physically defensive, which counters most attacks in the early game as Physical Normal moves. It's also weak to Grass and Water, encouraging the player to experiment and understand type matchups better. The Fire problem is solved by either slapping the Fighting type onto the starter or giving it a Steel move in the case of FR/LG.
"Match Call is stupid! Before you could refuse everyone's numbers but now they get forcibly added and they bother you all the time!"
It's called 'world building' Lily. They call to make them feel like real people.
"The Macho Brace is dumb in the main game because you can't control what you fight in the main game so all your Pokemon become worse faster!"
... What?
First off- Wouldn't that make the Macho Brace a competitive focused item? Thus there being no real reason to bring it up?
Second- Yes, you can control what you fight. Go fight wild Pokemon with the Macho Brace. They'll give you the proper EVs if you care THAT much.
Third- EVs...can't make your Pokemon worse. They can be wasted but they are only ever buffs. And you don't need perfect EVs for the main game. Try proofreading.
"Team Magma/Aqua are good because you don't encounter them that often so they can concoct their plans!"
Lily, you just got done explaining why Maxie (and by extension, Archie in Sapphire) is a fucking moron for trying to erupt a volcano which would kill INNUMERABLE PEOPLE just to make land (or water) for Pokemon. (She says it's for people.)
By definition, they are not good just because there is less of them and thus they can make plans. It just means they have less time to fail those stupid plans.
"The Lavaridge Gym sucks because you have to navigate mud titles and which ones transport you and which ones are trainers are up to fate to decide!"
... Lily. If there are two titles right next to each other that seem to be blocking off more, distant titles that correspond to ones from above- they're probably trainers. Its very obvious which ones are trainers.
I found this out when I was EIGHT.
"Flannery stammers her intro which is dumb!"
Her character is that she's a newbie Gym Leader uncertain of what to do.
Story telling, Lily. A key feature of RPGs. Engage with it.
"Gardevoir broken because Special bulk and Calm Mind!"
A. This is a game for children Lily. Numerous Pokemon can sweep Gym Leaders.
And B. Fun Fact Lily- Most offensive Pokemon prefer high Speed over high bulk since cries are a thing. So if a bulky Psychic is broken, guess how monstrous a Psychic with say...10 extra Sp.ATK, 20 SP.Def and a HUGE increase in Speed would be.
... Oh right, that's GEN 1 ALAKAZAM. The same Pokemon you mocked as 'not being that strong'. Contradicting yourself AGAIN Lily.
"Hoenn has too many water routes, which are boring and annoying-"
Hub, I actually agree-
"-but everyone mock IGN!"
And there it is.
Lily, people mocked IGN both as a joke abd because they gave Ruby and Sapphire, objectively worse games, a 9.5.
"No one ever talks about how Pokemon uses music! They use good themes for the legendaries causing peoples in Ruby and Sapphire but not Emerald! Certainly not BW where N is fucking stupid or Zinna's theme is intense but not battle! The remakes ruined them!"
A- People bring up how Pokemon uses music all the damn time. The Area Zero theme was dissected for giving an atmosphere of entering a new world, unknown and dangerous waters and something completely foreign to everywhere else you went.
B-Lily, the remakes simply had cleaner OSTs. They sound very much the same. You even admit this as you call Omega Ruby's OST for Groudon 'like trying to escape a star going supernova'. A supernova. A term synomous with IMMENSE, INCONCIEVABLE HEAT.
and C-Ignoring N where you just go 'N bad!'- Zinnia's theme is intense because you're facing a Dragon Specialist, using a VERY dangerous Type of Pokemon, before rocketing into space to destroy a meteor threatening to kill everyone.
"Team Aqua and Magma aged well because they're charming! Not like other villains who just spout off philosophy!"
We get it, Lily. You don't pay attention.
Doesn't change the fact that you admitted that these one-note caricatures are so fucking stupid they didn't know fucking with primordial gods would cause issues. Or that exploding a volcano is BAD. That's bad writing Lily. You are praising bad writing.
"Why did you change Wally's Gardevoir to a Gallade? YOU MADEIT EASIER, SEXISTS!"
... Because they wanted to promote Mega Gallade. And they both represent Wally growing from a shy, insecure kid to a confident ACTUAL rival.
Gallade was made because it's a fucking knight guarding a lady, moving on.
"I was pleasantly surprised by Gen 3-"
Not surprised one of the blandest Gens got your approval, Lily. Considering your response to any game that tries to have any kind of ambition is to get pissy.
Well, let's go check Sinnoh.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
I don’t speak Japanese so I’d LOVE to hear more about the differences between the English and Japanese Re:Zero fandoms
yeah sure its very interesting to me now that ive noticed it more lately :o !! though ok disclaimer - i dont speak japanese either hah so if anyone is seeing this and does speak japanese + is familiar with the japanese speaking side of this fandom please add info if youd like!! and of course ill be mainly speaking from the english side of things bc im more familiar with that yes (sorry anon again im not a japanese speaker T^TT so sorry if i tread on info you already know!!). but yeah im speaking from my own experiences given the Topic at hand. ive been in this fandom since... 2019?? which is so wild to me aljsdfljsd.
anyway so - i think the big difference is mainly that the english fandom and many english speaking people that engage with rezero are. to put it bluntly, misconception runs Rampant to a very Interesting degree. to the point where it seems like the english speaking side of the fandom is More. Aggressive. than the japanese fandom. not that the japanese speaking side of the fandom is perfect - also bc what fandom is ever perfect 100% of the time, tbh - but that the louder people in the english rezero fandom are. well its a Very low bar. Very low. and from what little ive seen and heard so far, the japanese fandom tends to understand rezero and its characters better than the english fandom. which ig makes sense bc you know, rezero is japanese media, and also im sure cultural differences come into play here as well (im not familiar enough on this to speak about it in depth but the cultural differences feel Pretty Clear even though i cant 100% put my finger on what they specifically are).
but also bc yeah. its not That hard to beat some of the english fandom when it comes to media comprehension. misreading rezero is unfortunately Extremely common, both in and out of the rezero community. its Everywhere - youtube, myanimelist, ao3, ff.net, reddit, twitter, various rezero discords - and from what ive experienced, rezero tumblr basically kind of feels like finding an oasis after crawling through the desert for days on end lajdslfjs. which is probs bc rezero tumblr is Smaller and also a lot of us seem to be lgbtq+ in some way or be allies, so you dodge a lot of the misogyny and homophobia that happens in other rezero english circles. its why you see a lot of openly queer rezero-related posts on here while its a bit more. barren. in other rezero english places yes. bc its more safe to post queer rezero things on rezero tumblr rather than rezero reddit for Sure.
im not sure how the japanese fandom is with that exactly but theres some interesting differences between whats popular in the english fandom vs the japanese fandom. i mean as an otto fan ive been noticing how hes more popular with the japanese fandom—and on top of that, ottosuba is Way More popular in the japanese fandom too. reinsuba and julisuba seem to usually be the most popular mlm subaru ships in both fandoms but ottosuba is like A Little Up There in the japanese fandom. not sure if its on the same level as a ship like reinsuba but ottosubas Definitely loved as a ship. from what little ive seen it also seems like ships like vichisha are more acknowledged by the japanese fandom? im not entirely sure on like—Complete differences regarding what the japanese fandom finds interesting that may differ from english fandom, so ill really have to look more into the japanese fandoms fanart and fanfic when i can bc im pretty curious too. in general though, it seems like the japanese fandom has a bit more variety…. you can find fanart on So Many characters in rezero (which already has a very Massive cast full of very fleshed out characters) there. not that you cant in the english fandom bc theres a Bit of variety too, but id more so contribute that a little more to the Big Cast and less to having actual variety in fancontent. and of course im not saying that the japanese fandom may be a bit barren in some areas of fancontent—bc inevitably when u have a big cast of characters, side character content is gonna be more sparse compared to the main characters, but to me it does feel like the english fandom lacks variety in comparison. (and also yeah. seems like the japanese fandom acknowledges gay ships more in general tbh.)
whats focused in fancontent makes it easy to tell what may be popular in a fandom in terms of how fans perceive the source material and what fandoms want to do with the source material, if that makes sense. and its very easy to tell that with the english fandom if you just hop on rezero ao3–or even better, rezero reddit given theres a fanfic ideas thread thats usually pinned right at the top of the site. again i havent looked at japanese fanfic for rezero yet (bc i dont know where to look oops ajdndn) but when it comes to the english fandom you can tell that theyre generally more focused on the female cast both in fanart and in fanfic bc. theyre women and many fans on say, reddit or various rezero discords, are cis straight men, so inevitably… well lets just say you can tell when a man makes content for this fandom o.o theres also the. very weird reaction fic trends and trends following popular fics in the fandom, the two biggest being the watching him die again and again react fic and re:forgotten, the former of which includes a harem plot with subaru and the main girls of rezero while the latter is one of those subaru gets tortured by his ooc friends and then he gets revenge on them fics. which i suppose says something about the english fandom too.
of course on ao3 its dominated mainly by english fics (of course not all fics on there for rezero are in english— big shoutout to all the non english fics on rezero ao3 ur doing great <3 — but the majority are in english). and while yeah ur occasionally gonna find stuff like queer content or side character content or rarepair content, its definitely not that big in amount and also comes with the risk of. Hate. if anyones reading this and remembers the lone star stuff. (if u dont know—lone star was a julius x emilia fic where they NTR subaru or some shit and then it got bombed with hate bc of the ship? yeah.) so yeah english fandom is very cis straight oriented, ironically with the nastiest people being the very people that rezero criticizes. though this is also my personal experience, i do know several people personally whove been in this fandom for a while or were here for a while and yeah english fandom isnt very welcoming at times???? and it seems like at the very least the japanese fandom is A Little Less Aggressive than the english fandom is.
otherwise. yeah im very very curious about more of the differences in popular content between the japanese vs english fandom. i mean the english fandom’s main focus on the female cast for. Interesting Reasons other than their actual character depth is… interesting. and the astreas being popular in general vs otto + ottosubas popularity fluctuating is also very interesting to me (but i have several guesses as to Why that is), among other things. yeah id love to know what else the japanese fandom likes about rezero and see more of their content. i also have to wonder if characters like emilia and subaru are hated less by the japanese fandom…. T^T well that and the english fandom and many english speaking people engaging in rezero have this interesting pattern of either hating subaru No Matter What, wanting subaru to Not Be Subaru (ie using him as a self insert almost or attempting to change him into virtually another character), or putting subaru on a pedestal and ignoring his flaws and mistakes and that he Can do wrong. like theres Really not a lot of nuance there. so i wonder if the japanese fandom is. A Little more chill when it comes to character opinions like this too.
#rezero#tldr: english fandom sets the bar so low (unless ur on rz tumblr) that the japanese fandom def seems a bit better by comparison#in terms of. Calmness levels.#every time i step into a rezero space that isnt tumblr i get a little worried my heads gonna get bitten off by someone HAH#recently someone tried arguing with me over how i interpret otto (this was on reddit) and then said stuff that showed they did Not#understand his character that well so that was awkward 😭😭😭#even just by looking at otto fanart from the japanese fandom it seems like more people understand his character there. in the english fandom#he is. either Not There or his flaws are just handwaved away or replaced with Different flaws#atm hes the most obvious example i can think of when it comes to. how differently characters can be percieved by different parts of a fandom#for rezero. like hes near invisible here but ottosuba being almost on the same level as REINSUBA in jp fanbase is crazy to me#kinda reminds me of the disney’s duffy and friends line and how it failed in the us but its SUPER popular in asia. really fascinating#and also yeah some of the english fandom seems. more loudly misogynistic and homophobic which is very unfortunate#also im sorry ill never forgive that random person on reddit i just said one (1) thing on otto and they came for my throat like fr 😭😭😭#ask#i do wonder why reinsuba is so popular but thats probs bc reinhards well loved too and also hes op. which is a bonus for the english fandom#bc theyre into all the power scaling stuff. and also reinhard gets the other bonus of being a guy and he isnt shafted by canon. hes treated#very sympathetically which is another bonus akdnsn#i say this as a reinhard fan btw but as an emilia fan im also crying bc theyre SO SIMILAR and yet why do people hate emilia….#but u know. reins a guy and we havent got his pov yet so there isnt much to hate.
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transformers-mosaic · 10 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #526 - "Friend"
Originally posted on August 6th, 2010
Story - Ezekiel Huerta Art - Seb Colours - Amanda Boone
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: The use of the planet Klo, which originated in Marvel Comics continuity, inadvertently misled many readers. Huerta explained on deviantART: “Well, this is supposed to be set in the IDW continuity, which allows for freedom to "recreate" elements like worlds and such (see: Nebulon). I figured Grimlock's speech patterns would be a clear enough clue as to the universe, but perhaps in retrospect that was a bit too subtle.” On Seibertron, he said: “To clear up any misperceptions: That Dinobot is Sludge, who has a tendency to want to befriend natives when he goes to alien worlds. Precedent was set for that in the Marvel UK comics. The epitaph says "Sluj," the name of the alien girl, and in this story presumably where he got his name.” The Marvel UK storyline Huerta refers to is “Dinobot Hunt!”, in which he befriended the human Joy Meadows. Seb was more blunt in his response to reader criticism on deviantART: “No offense to your eyesight, people, but why the hell would a supposed "T" be rotated 45 degrees away from the other letters?!? No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot see the word "SLUT" here. It's "SLUJ". Alien name. Proper noun. If it's hard to understand, it's my fault alone. By the way, it sounds the same as "SLUDGE". Ring any bells? There are other things on that page beside that one letter, y'know....” This common misreading of the comic would perhaps be more understandable if it instead starred Slag.
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