#is it because he’s personhood gets robbed when they become A-tier workers??
haloberry · 1 year
Watching Quackity’s vod, gotta say the fact mfer was struggling in character bc he canonically couldn’t write or read is extremely funny to me, especially when put in the scenario where the only form of communication was too read and write.
But again, love that all the workers seem to be really friendly with one another. Adds depth, ya’know?
But, it pops up more questions..
They all felt like fucking college floor mates that ended up working in the same company as one another. And how silly the B and C tier workers acted? Almost like younger co-workers in a sense, and it was really cute!
And their whole thing with ‘Fred’s’ feelings for Tubbo? Like, it genuinely was so nice to see them all care for, not only the health, but the feelings of each other! They acted professional when needed, but that was it! They were their own person outside of that!
But, tf was Fred’s deal with then? Are tiers of workers based on how much influence the federation has over them? Based on number of years worked for them?
It feels like Fred is the Castiel of the Federation workers. If you understand what I’m saying.
The Federation workers acting like regular people, but Fred being the weird one for being the only one not understanding/knowing of human emotion when clearly the environment shown differently??
Also, I genuinely was getting second hand embarrassment from the acting. Like Quackity was choosing every wrong answer on a true or false quiz type embarrassing. (Even when that happens to me, I mask pretty quickly so it was making me even more embarrassed that bro was not adapting to the environment.)
Ughhh, but why were they calling Cucurucho Cucurucho? Wasn’t it mentioned before that they didn’t know he was called that? I thought they only knew him as the Census Bureau? Or, was Fred the only bitch that didn’t keep up with Island news??
All this shit just made me question Fred’s character like??? It genuinely feels like he’s the Castiel of the Federation workers… where all the others had their own personalities outside of their roles while Fred is like “my role is my personality” even though proof shows he was pretty chill just more workaholic in the sense.
Idk bro, I’m just— idk like Fred is he’s own person but didn’t know that that’s what being human is? If it wasn’t clear, I’m talking about Fred Fred not q!Quackity’s abysmal role play as Fred.
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