#is it a 'satoshi i am your father' moment
mononijikayu · 3 months
“If i am with you” — gojo satoru.
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This is what he’d like life to always be like, he told himself. This is why he went out there and did his thing. Why he bothered with trying to change everything from within, why he was gathering allies for his vision. This was his hope. This was what he wanted, what everyone deserved. He was glad. To have a place that was his. A place to be Satoru. Not the strongest. Not Gojo Satoru. He just wanted to be who he was in these four walls. The father, the husband, the friend, the hugger, the joker, the cook, the man of the house. This is what he wanted. This is who he is.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: if i am with you from the jujutsu kaisen s2 soundtrack
NOTE: i was supposed to publish this yesterday but i got distracted by the s2 of house of the dragon and crying about rhaenyra and jace and luke. i love them so muchhhhhh. but to comfort myself, i thought about what we would satoru do on father's day. and i thought about this. happy father's day, satoru!!! and to all your fathers and father figures, happy belated father's day!!! i love you!!! <3
addendum: i also started a ko-fi. im still deciding what should be there, but this is not going to be by tier, because its not fair i dont offer something in return. so until then, im just announcing and telling you that i only have one ko-fi~
u s and t h e m
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YOU DON’T THINK YOU EVER HAD TROUBLE GIVING GIFTS. For all occasions, you seemed to be the best at it. Everyone of your colleagues would say you knew them too well when they opened their presents. But you were stumped this time around. You don’t remember any time in your life where you ever failed at knowing what to give someone for father’s day. 
Your father always liked what you gave him, especially ones you worked hard to make. You still remember when your father passed, you found all the father’s day cards and trinkets you’ve made him over the years. He especially loved the mewtwo one you gave him, during his last father’s day. That one he kept on his Jujutsu uniform when he passed. 
But this time around, you think you really do not know what to give a first time father for his special day. Father’s Day was coming up, and you wanted it to be special. It was Satoru's first Father's Day as Satoshi's father, and you wanted to make sure it was memorable. Being a father was Satoru’s favorite thing about himself. And you wanted it to be great. 
You shifted things over and over for the past month. You had  pinterest boards of cute little arts and crafts. You had special sweet dishes he wanted to try. You had those little ads about the best gifts to give fathers on their special day. But nothing really was peaking your interest. They’re good but they’re not great. And your husband deserved great, nothing less.
You wanted to give him the very best, because he gives you everything. He was there the moment Satoshi was born, he was there the moment you and him took guardianship of Megumi and Tsumiki. He was always doing what he could, from always doing everything when he was around to making sure he spends time with the kids when he had time off, most especially on family Sunday.
But as days passed — there was nothing that stuck as being the great thing that one could give to the best father you know. You pouted as you slapped the top of your head lightly. You’ve dug through everything and anything in your brain for days and days and here you were, panicking as two days remained before that special day. You had to come up with something before he got home. As you pondered over what to do, your thoughts were interrupted by Megumi.
“Hey, can you help me with something?” he asked, holding a piece of paper.
You blinked at Megumi and nodded. “Yeah, what’s up?”
 “I’m trying to draw a family tree for school….”
“Uh huh….”
 “But……. I don’t know much about my mom….or my dad.” He reveals to you, face echoing a scarlet fluster. “And I don’t….really know much about the Zenin clan.”
Your heart ached for him. Megumi didn’t know your Toji nii–sama, his own father, nor did he know much about his mother. You wondered sometimes how you were robbed of your father at such a young age, but you look at Megumi and Tsumiki and you wonder how it was for them. Because you at least remembered your beloved father. And they did not have that luxury.
Megumi has had a hard time trying to remember the past. And you can’t blame him or Tsumiki. His mother passed away soon after he was born. Megumi was three when Toji nii–sama left them with that woman he remarried. And only a year or two later, she too disappeared. The world was stacked against the two of them. 
You sighed, crossing your arms. You don’t even think it would be good to talk about the family you had grown up with either. The only ones truly worth liking are Mai and Maki. The rest were not worth noting.
After all, the Zenin clan’s history was complicated and often painful. None truly needed to know more than those words. You hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. The memories of Toji nii–sama were bittersweet, filled with both love and sorrow too. And that’s not something you were ready to talk about.
Before you could decide, Tsumiki walked in with a small smile. “Gen–san! Do we have any paint? I need it for a project.”
You and Megumi blink before you returned her smile and went to search the drawers. “You need help with the project,’miki?”
“No, thank you, Gen–san.” She grins at you waving her hands. “You don’t need to, I can do it!”
“You sure?”
“One hundred present.”
You handed her a small box of paints. “Here you go, ‘miki.”
She smiled brightly. “Thanks!” She hurried off, leaving you alone with Megumi again.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the memory lane. You slowly started explaining some of the Zenin family history to Megumi, being careful not to overwhelm him with too many details. The one thing you didn’t want to do was to cause him some trouble with all of this. He’s still a kid. He would be fine with trying to know this when he’s a bit older.
“The Zenin family is one of the three great sorcerer families. Your father, Toji, was... unique among them. He’s my father’s cousin, so that makes me his first cousin, once removed. But he was like a brother to me.”
“First cousin once removed? What does that mean?”
“It means we’re one generation away in relation.” You pointed it out to him on the paper. “Because he and my dad were born from siblings, they are cousins. I am his first cousin.”
He narrowed his eyes, as though trying to understand. “Then what does that make me, you and ‘miki?”
“First cousins twice removed, for me to you.” You tell him, pointing again on the paper. “But since your dads are brothers, you guys are first cousins. But there’s two generations between me and both of you.”
“And then what’s Maki-san and Mai-san to you, me and ‘miki?”
“Maki and Mai are your second aunt, they’re born from your second grand uncle.” You say to him, trying to focus to not forget details. “Maki and Mai are my…..first cousins once removed, like your dad. ‘miki and you are their second nephew and niece.”
“Since your father was their cousin?”
“Yeah, That’s right, that’s right.”
Megumi listened intently, absorbing the information. You could see him trying to piece together the fragmented bits of his past. As he started drawing his family tree, you guided him, filling in names and relationships where you could. You talked about Toji nii-sama and his wife, but only briefly. You think it would be best if he asks you about it one day. You don’t want to push much on him. The Zenin family tree was already a lot to deal with.
“Is that all you need from me, ‘gumi?” You asked him as he started to finish up his work and he nodded at you.
“Thank you for taking the time to help me, Gen-san.” You grinned at him, rubbing his head as he pouted. “You didn’t have to rub my head like that. What if I grow bald?”
“Then we’ll figure out if Shoko can use the reverse curse technique on your hair!”
As you finished helping Megumi clean up the papers, your thoughts drifted back to Father’s Day. You still had time to plan something special for Satoru, seeing as he would probably come back tomorrow. Seeing Megumi’s determination and curiosity reminded you of the importance of perseverance. You’ll get that great present for him—
You felt your eye twitch for some reason. Your husband, Gojo Satoru waved as he removed his bandages and took his dark rimmed glasses and wore them. He grinned at everyone from the genkan. You didn’t know he’d be back this soon. As soon as he stepped away from the genkan with his house slippers, he was greeted by the sight of Satoshi crawling towards him, his little face lighting up with a big smile. Satoshi had long abandoned his little blocks—his interest now was greeting his beloved father. Satoru picked him up, lifting him high into the air, making Satoshi giggle with delight.
“Hey there, little guy!” Satoru cooed, nuzzling his son with a loving gaze.
You emerged from the kitchen, surprised to see him. “You’re home early!” 
“Yeah, it was not that hard to defeat the cursed spirit this time around.” He says as you walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “So I’m here.”
“Well I’m glad you’re here, safe and sound.”
“Me too!” He cheered as he tickled your son, who laughed. “Oh, it’s good to be home with family~”
“Oh, you remember about ‘miki’s performance tomorrow, right?”
Satoru grinned. “Of course I remember! One of the reasons I even came home early. Wouldn’t miss singing ‘miki sing her heart out~”
Just then, Tsumiki came rushing in. “Satoru-san! You’re home!” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Satoru crouched down to hug her properly with his free arm, with a smile. “Of course I am! I wouldn’t miss your performance for anything.”
Tsumiki beamed with excitement, her eyes sparkling. “I’m so happy you’re here! I can’t wait for you to see me sing tomorrow.”
After a moment, Satoru stood up and spotted Megumi in the corner of the room, looking stressed. “Hey, Megumi,” he greeted, concern evident in his voice. “Everything okay?”
You stepped in, explaining, “He’s still having a hard time digesting how we’re related. He asked for help in the family tree project for school. It’s been a bit overwhelming.”
“Oh? You mean the Zenin family tree?” He snickered back at you. “It’s a whole mess of a knot, isn’t it, ‘gumi?”
You lightly hit his arm. “Hey, its just as bad as the Gojo–Mikoto family tree!”
“It’s not my fault our ancestors liked each other.” You gasped at him.
“Satoru, not in front of the kids!”
“I mean….you and I are related too—”
“La la la, we shouldn’t be talking anymore–”
“You guys are so loud.” Megumi frowns as he crosses his arms on his chest.
Satoru walked over to Megumi and ruffled his hair gently. “Don’t worry, Megumi. You don’t have to worry. You finally got out of the family knot—”
“You’re insufferable, Satoru!”
“Hey, it’s not wrong if it's true!”
“Oh, I think the food's done!”
“This is going to be a long night.”
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YOU STILL DIDN’T HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR YOUR PRESENT. You wished you could hit your head on the wall, to try and get an answer. But it would hurt and you would start crying even more. So you opted to suffer in silence. Satoru wanted to be early, because he feared he’ll miss the performance.
So, you all head to the school together. Gojo Satoshi happily giggled as he was nestled in the baby carrier strapped to Satoru's chest, gurgling with delight at the new surroundings. At least your baby was the cutest boy in the world. He’s so beautiful in your husband’s arms. 
As you walk, your mind races with. You still didn’t know what to give Satoru for Father’s Day, despite texting Shoko, Nanami, and even his wife for ideas. Nothing seemed quite right. Shoko suggested making a cake for Satoru but you do that all the time already. Nanami and his wife suggested making mochi but your husband buys that all the time already too.
You could feel a heaviness in you. What do you think is worthy to give as a gift to the best father in the whole world? You still didn’t know and that frustrates you. When have you ever been this stumped over a present?
“Are you okay?” Satoru asks, noticing your distraction.
You force a smile. “I’m fine, just a bit nervous. It’s my first time attending a much bigger school function like this. Well…for the kids.”
He gives you a reassuring smile and squeezes your hand. “Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll not mind that you’re nervous.”
“Maybe you’re right…..” You let out a gruntled sigh. 
“I’m always right, darling~”
“Uh, uh, don’t push it.”
As you arrive in the auditorium, you find your seats among the other parents. The school’s auditorium buzzed with excitement, people were whispering and talking with one another. Many parents took time off to cheer for their kids too, you think.
Satoru whispered to Satoshi, about how he should cheer for Tsumiki when she comes out. You smiled at them as you look at the stage. You don’t know when Tsumiki was going to be up. But there’s quite a few teams in her grade, after all. 
Each team that came sung a song that they made themselves. It was quite impressive, seeing young kids just being so lively and artistic. Jujutsu High didn’t really have much of these things, and even then, you and Satoru really didn’t attend any schooling outside your own clan’s comforts until you were of age to attend Jujutsu High.
So both of you were going to enjoy this, enjoying watching these kids have better joys than you ever had. Satoru was quite excited, clapping along and soon followed by your son who was also giggling and clapping along with his father.
Then when it finally came time, you immediately spot Tsumiki as she giggles nervously. She comes out with her team. Tsumiki shyly sent a wave, which made her pigtails bounce slightly. She was happy to see that you were both there. Your husband waved back, enthusiastically. You smiled as you waved too. But then Satoru immediately cheers, his voice booming with pride.
“That’s my kid!” Satoru shouts proudly, his eye glasses nearly falling off. Everyone was looking at you all. “You guys, isn’t she pretty?”
“Satoru, sit down!”
“But ‘miki looks cool! I wanna hype her up!”
“But she’s about to perform!”
The music starts and the auditorium turns dark. The lighting starts on cue and Tsumiki is the first to sing. You were in awe as she started mixing that with dancing too. Satoru immediately pulled his phone out and started recording with excited giggles. But it was quick to notice how he started to shift.
When he suddenly goes quiet, eyes wide with surprise. On the back of Tsumiki’s shirt, in those bright glittery bold letters, is written, "Gojo Tsumiki." Satoru glances around, noticing that all the other kids have their last names printed on their shirts too.
Tsumiki stops at the side as attention goes to another member of her group. Tsumiki waves at Satoru, her smile brilliantly radiant. Overcome with emotion, Gojo Satoru turns his head and buries his face in Satoshi’s tiny shoulder. Satoshi lets out a sound as though asking his dad if he was alright. You sighed, patting his shoulder.
You lean in, whispering, “Are you crying?”
His voice muffled, he replies, “No, I’m not.”
After the performance, Fushiguro Tsumiki runs over to greet you both, her face glowing with happiness to have spotted you. They won the top spot today, when Satoru was the loudest for. She was waving her medal as she rushed over to you both. You take Satoshi from Satoru, freeing him to hug Tsumiki tightly.
“You were amazing out there, kid.” Satoru says, his voice thick with pride. “I’m so proud of you.”
Tsumiki smiles up at him. “Thank you, Satoru-san!”
“You didn’t have to do that, you know! I was surprised, you wore my name on your back.”
“But I wanted to.” She beams at your husband shyly. “I can’t legally change my name, but I wanted everyone to see your name on my shirt, Satoru-san. After all, you’re the dad I have.”
Satoru starts to thank her, but his words become a jumble of emotions. Warm tears stream down his face, and you realize Tsumiki too started crying and wiping her tears. You let out a small sigh and smiled at them. You quickly pull out a tissue wrap and gently wipe Satoru and Tsumiki’s cheeks.
“Thank you for this, ‘miki.” he finally manages to say. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
She beams, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I’m glad you liked it, Satoru-san.”
“I’m going to go and hang up that shirt in a frame, okay? I’m gonna put it in my office!”
Tsumiki grinned. “I’ll be happy every time I see it there!”
“Me too!” Your husband cried with joy.
“Gugah!” Gojo Satoshi joined in.
“Yeah, what he said!”
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SATOSHI WAS FALLING ASLEEP. Satoru cooed as he cradled him back and forth, humming to your little son as he was trying to get him to sleep. Satoshi was getting cranky by the end of the picture taken for the group and when you noticed, Satoru refused to hand your little son to you. He said that he was making much of what time he had your little dawn. If he had to fall asleep, it would be in his arms. You didn’t have the heart to deny your husband, because you could see the love in his eyes shining through. And so you let him do as he pleased as you and Tsumiki sat down on the bench together.
As the program concluded, Tsumiki’s class was told that the rest of the day was to be dismissed. Since it would be time to prepare for the first term exams next month, they thought a day break is not going to be too bad. Coincidentally, it was also already nearly time to pick up Megumi. So, you decided to wait outside his classroom until his class was over. 
You were mulling over what would be a good dinner today, so you were trying to remember what you had in your fridge. Tsumiki had some suggestions and you took them in mind, but she was having cravings for something hot. And you kept thinking a spicy hot pot was going to be good. But a good question would be if your husband could take the spice. He really isn’t one to tolerate things he didn’t like. And every time you ate something spicy together, he seemed to not be as bothered. 
It wasn't long before  the bell rang in the school and you could see Megumi emerging, looking flustered. His hands were tightly pressed against his backpack straps. You quickly stood up, to take his school bag from him, but he pouts and tells you off softly. You nodded at him and ruffled up his hair tenderly with a small smile. 
Satoru was quick to ask, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Megumi replied swiftly, and sensing his reluctance to talk, no one pressed further.
Tsumiki sang as she opened the door into the house. Satoshi was found asleep in the carrier while you started to tell the kids to go get some rest before they showered. You went to the fridge immediately while your husband settled your little dawn down. Satoru emerged from the nursery and smiled at you when he immediately suggested hotpot, a cozy meal perfect for the occasion, and since Tsumiki was craving something spicy, you could just add some togarashi on her bowl. 
As you and Satoru were talking in the kitchen about how grateful you were for the kids and what you guys should do tomorrow since it was still an off day, you felt Megumi approaching you. You looked at him as he pulled at your shirt. He lowered his gaze, his cheeks round and red. He opens his mouth but he doesn’t say anything. Satoru watches as he mouths towards you, asking what's going on. But you shook your head, not knowing what to say. Megumi gathered up his courage and then slowly placed a placard from his hands to yours. You could tell he was a bit hesitant to even hand it to you.
“I didn’t think it was right to submit in a Zenin family tree.” Megumi began, his voice steady but quiet. “I barely know them.”
You and Satoru looked at the placard together. It was simple, but it was colorful enough that you could call it lively. You could tell Megumi did it, it was his style. He likes beauty in simplicity. The tree was big enough to encompass all the information that he knew about each and everyone on the tree. Just as much, tender pictures that were neatly placed.
On it, Megumi had written that you were his mom and Satoru was his dad. Tsumiki was listed as his elder sister, and Satoshi as his younger brother. The simplicity and honesty of it touched your heart deeply. On the top, he wrote, ‘my family’ in that neat lettering that you had grown so fond of.
“I had to discuss my family tree and talk about my family,” Megumi explained bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m not gonna talk about strangers.”
You and Satoru looked at one another, eyes glossy with striking tears that were threatening to fall. When did you both deserve such beautiful happiness? What could you have both possibly done that made you both worthy of the love these kids have given you? You smiled at Megumi, looking at the placard again. 
Satoru’s eyes softened as he pulled Megumi into a hug, ruffling his hair with a laugh. “I’m so proud of you, Megumi. You’re right, family is about who’s there for you.”
Megumi mumbled, “Stop hugging me so tightly.” but there was no real resistance in his voice.
Satoru chuckled, “I just want to hug my son.”
“‘am not your son—”
“Too late, the placard says it. We’re adopting you!”
“We should have this framed.” You say as you gently touch the placard with a grin. “I’m putting it in the living room.”
“Please don’t do it.”
“Oh wifey, that’s a great idea!”
“It’s really not.”
“Not valid to your dad, son!”
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IT WAS AN ENJOYABLE TIME AFTER THAT.  Your beloved little dawn Gojo Satoshi woke up just as dinner was finishing, and the whole family came back out and sat on the table all together to enjoy a lovely meal. The atmosphere was warm and filled with laughter and it was how it should always be. The meal was delicious. Tsumiki was right about the spice. It tasted good on yosenabe. As you predicted, Satoru didn’t like the spice and opted for some soy sauce. Megumi was satisfied with the taste without any condiments. 
Dinner together was never quiet. Satoru made many jokes today, almost half of which are dad jokes. Megumi felt bashful about them, but you knew that he liked them. Satoshi and Tsumiki giggled at each and every one of Satoru’s little quips. You laughed too, until it hurt your cheeks to do so. If there was anyone who could be the light in the home, the one who makes life ever so beautiful, it would be your husband. 
As you ate your mushrooms over the dashi, as Megumi drank his cup of orange juice, as Tsumiki grabbed a bite of her little pudding, Satoru couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and contentment. He had never imagined having a family this warm and loving, but here it was, a reality that he cherished deeply. 
This is what he’d like life to always be like, he told himself. This is why he went out there and did his thing. Why he bothered with trying to change everything from within, why he was gathering allies for his vision. This was his hope. This was what he wanted, what everyone deserved. He was glad. To have a place that was his. A place to be Satoru. Not the strongest. Not Gojo Satoru. He just wanted to be who he was in these four walls. The father, the husband, the friend, the hugger, the joker, the cook, the man of the house. This is what he wanted. This is who he is.
After dinner, the kids played for a long while. Satoshi had the most fun, trying to force himself to stand up. Megumi was making sure that he was not gonna fall, Tsumiki was excited to see Satoshi walk towards them. But the excitement also died down and everyone went to watch a movie. Tonight was Satoru’s pick and he chose Monsters vs. Aliens. He enjoyed it quite a lot, as much as the kids did. Satoshi had a blast copying the facial expressions of Insectosaurus which cracked Satoru up for hours. 
But now the older kids had gone and went to bed, and Satoshi was playing with his puzzle pieces just behind the couch. The rest of the night was you and Satoru both staying up to tidy up the house. It was already midnight by the time you finished. Both of you lunged together on the couch, exhausted. Satoshi, now disinterested with the puzzle, went and played with his squishy toys. 
You looked at the clock and then to your husband Satoru and, with a hint of regret in your voice, said, “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything for Father’s Day.”
Satoru looked at you and snickered. He shook his head and pulled you into a gentle embrace. “You don’t need to apologize, darling. You’ve given me everything I could ever want for Father’s Day. You made all of this possible.”
“But I just….I wanted to give you something great.”
He looked into your eyes, his expression filled with love and gratitude. “You already have given me something great. You gave me a home, warmth, and the loveliest family. It’s everything, darling. It’s more than anyone could ask for in this life.”
“I love you, my love. More than you know.”
Cerulean eyes met your lilac. “I love you too, darling. More than life itself.”
You hit his hand lightly. “You keep one upping me.”
He laughs. “I have to make sure you know I’m the one who loves you the most.”
“I already do.”
“And I’ll tell you everyday.”
“I should hope so.”
“Until we’re old and wrinkled.”
You laugh. “Is that going to be your case, handsome?”
“I reckon I’ll always be handsome.”
You sigh at him lovingly. “You always will be.”
Satoru kissed your cheek. “Thank you for being the light of my home. I wouldn’t be the father I am without you by my side.”
“And I wouldn’t be the mother I am without you.”
“If I am with you, it will be happiness.” He whispers under his breath. “If I am with you, I’m going to be alive.”
“You make me fall in love with you over and over.”
He grins at you. “That’s the point. For all of our lives and even beyond that, darling.”
You hugged him tighter, feeling the strength and sincerity of his words. In that quiet, tender moment, you realized that the best gifts are often not material but the love and support we give each other every day. As you stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace and fulfillment.
 You had your family all together.
With all its warmth and love, this was it.
This was truly the greatest gift of all.
As long as you were with him, it was alright.
Life would be the best there ever was.
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You were preparing to get to bed, but Satoshi was being rowdy, and the morning sun was already beginning to peek through the windows. Satoru, seeing how tired you were, gently told you, “Go to bed. I’ll meet you there once Satoshi’s asleep.”
Grateful for his understanding, you nodded and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. The warm water helped soothe your tired muscles, and you felt more relaxed as you got ready for bed.
Meanwhile, Satoru was cradling Satoshi, rocking him gently in his arms. Satoshi, still full of energy, reached for his papa’s face, his tiny fingers patting Satoru’s cheeks. He giggled, his eyes bright and mischievous.
Satoru smiled down at him, murmuring softly, “Come on, little guy, it’s time to sleep.”
Satoshi started babbling, his sounds turning into something more distinct. Suddenly, he said, “Dada.”
Both you and Satoru’s eyes went wide in surprise and delight. You had just stepped out of the bathroom when you heard it. A smile broke across your face, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Did he just say...?” you began, looking at Satoru.
“Yeah, he did,” Satoru replied, his cerulean eyes shining with pride and happiness. “Satoshi said his first word!”
You walked over to them, and Satoru pulled you into the embrace, Satoshi nestled between you both. “His first word on Father’s Day,” Satoru whispered, emotion thick in his voice. “It’s perfect.”
You kissed Satoshi’s forehead and then Satoru’s cheek, feeling a profound sense of joy. “Happy Father’s Day, Satoru. You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
As the morning sun continued to rise, you finally crawled into bed, feeling the comforting presence of Satoru beside you. Satoshi was peacefully asleep in his crib, the excitement of the early morning finally wearing him out.
You turned to Satoru, who was lying on his side, his eyes still glowing with the joy of Satoshi’s first word. “You know,” you said softly, “I couldn’t have planned a better Father’s Day gift than this.”
Satoru smiled, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. “I don’t think anything could top that. Hearing him say ‘Dada’ for the first time… it’s just perfect.”
You both lay there for a moment, soaking in the tranquility of the morning and the profound happiness that filled the room. “I’ve been thinking about how to show you how much you mean to us,” you confessed, “but seeing you with the kids, seeing how much they love you, that’s what really matters.”
Satoru pulled you closer, his warmth enveloping you. “You’ve given me everything I could ever want. This family, our home, the love we share… It's more than I ever imagined. Thank you for making it all possible.”
You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “We did it together, Satoru. We built this life together.”
He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering as if to imprint the moment in his memory. “And we’ll keep building it, one day at a time.”
The peaceful silence stretched on, and slowly, exhaustion began to claim you. As you drifted off to sleep, you felt a deep sense of contentment and love. The morning had brought an unexpected gift, one that underscored the beauty of the family you had created.
Satoru held you close, his thoughts echoing yours. He watched as you fell asleep, his heart full of gratitude and love. For him, this Father’s Day was not just about a celebration—it was a reminder of the journey you had taken together, the hardships you had overcome, and the beautiful life you had built.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, filling the room with a warm glow, Satoru finally closed his eyes, ready to join you in sleep. The house was quiet, filled with the peaceful breaths of a family deeply connected by love and the promise of many more joyful moments to come.
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Ocean Deep Ch7 A Slight Change In Planning P2
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"Akira?! What are you doing here?!"
Akira was here?! I'm the shop?! In front of you?! NOW?! WHY?! WASN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE HALF WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY ATTENDING A FUNERAL?! Why was he back here?! He wasn't supposed to be back so soon?! You stared in shocked silence at the handsome man in front of you as he stared back with a lazy smile on his face. Mrs. Satoshi looked bewildered at you and it wasn't until then that you snapped out of your stupor-
"I mean-" You quickly cleared your throat and forced a smile. "Akira! It's so nice to see you again!" You smiled wider and tried to relax making you look as casual as possible. A hand coming up to rest on your cheek as your head tilted. "What brings you here? I thought you were going to help with your grandfather's estate in the city?"
He seemed surprised when you addressed him with a smile. Eyes going wide before he smiled again. "My father and uncle are still settling things. Turns out my grandfather had more debts than he let on so it's been a few weeks of settling things and paying them all back. Unfortunately my Uncle was worried about my poor Aunt so they sent me to take care of the family business here." He shrugged holding up his arms lazily. "Family drama. Am I right?"
You slowly nodded trying not to sweat under the anxiety rock dropped on your head. "Oh..How nice of you. What brings you to the shop though?"
Again he shrugged. "My aunt seems to think she lost something in your store." His dark eyes looked your form up and down before not so discreetly looking around the front of the shop behind you where a lot of the already grown plants were. "I figured I'd stop by and take a look around to ease her worries."
"Yes. About that.." Your boss rose a brow, hands on her hips as she looked at him. "She has been awfully rude to me and making demands to return something to her but refuses to tell me what exactly it is she wants. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to give something back if I never stole it in the first place and when I don't know what it is."
The man fell silent before turning his thinned smile over his shoulder at the woman. "Ah yes. As silly as it sounds, she seems to be under the impression that you took a couple...pet fish from her." Your body instantly froze. Akira chuckled a bit. "It's really a funny thought-"
"'Funny?' Young man, I don't find harassment, stalking, and being accused of theft 'funny'!"
He held up his hands immediately. "No disrespect, Mrs. Satoshi. I don't really think it's funny either. That's why I'm here to fix the issues. Auntie just gets paranoid easily. If you could just let me have a look around to ease her worries, I would be so grateful."
Mrs. Satoshi huffed staring down Akira with narrowed eyes. "I have nothing to hide!..But if it'll make her leave my store alone then go ahead!" She shooed him off. "You won't find any fish here. You can believe that."
Akira's smile only widened. "Thank you, Mrs. Satoshi. I promise you won't even know I'm here."
Your gaze followed his form as he turned on his heel and slowly walked around you towards the end of the large room. His eyes looking over everything with the calculation of a fine artist and his head slowly turning from side to side. You both watched him walk until he got to the end of the room until he stood in front of the closet door before he gave a small rotation of his shoulders- Without warning the door was yanked open by him so fast that it made you both flinch. He stood there a long moment looking at a broom, mop bucket, a few extra plants pots- CREAK. The door was slowly closed before his body turned back on both of you. Face neutral..Until his eyes turned to a second doorway that lead to the greenhouse connected to the shop and where all of the supplies and everything else was stored. A smirk was given towards both of you before he turned again hands in his pockets. Step after step your heads followed as he walked right up to the door and smirked at it. At you both like he won something. Before the door was quickly opened in the same fashion as the first...You saw when his smirk turned to surprise seeing nothing but rows of growing plants, stacks of fertilizer bags, and such other things-
"Well I hope you're satisfied with your little hide and seek game." Mrs. Satoshi frowned upon him before pointing out the front door to him. "Now I'm sure there's not going to be anymore trouble since clearly I don't have whatever Ms. Henya wants."
Akira stood silent for a moment before inhaling slowly and giving a stiff smile back her way. "Indeed. I guess my aunt is getting a bit confused in her old age." The door was stiffly closed. "You'll forgive us for all the trouble you endured."
"I think it'd just be best if you leave." She never stopped pointing at the door. After a few  more seconds Akira stiffly walked his way to the door. "And tell Ms. Henya she still owes me a hundred for the rose bushes. If she doesn't want to pay, then she has until the end of this month to return them before I come to collect."
Akira said nothing to that, only walking to the door creepily silent and boring his eyes into your boss's. You turned your head to look at her too to avoid looking at heim in fear he'd see any guilt on your face. Keep calm. Act casual. Don't show anything that could give you away. You didn't dare look away from the scowling face of your boss until the little bell  above the door rang out signalling he had left. A breath you were holding escaped your mouth and your body felt like a wet rag dunked in ice. 
"Good riddance. I don't know what's gotten into that family but whatever it is they had better straighten themselves out." Your boss huffed and turned to grab a small tree sapling with a bag tied around it's roots. "Y/n, come help me with these apple tree saplings. Ruki Arago will be here any minute to collect them."
"Y-Yeah. Sure."
This was bad. This was definitely, ABSOLUTELY BAD! It's one thing to have a crazy old woman skulking around looking for a trio of mermaids, but now you have to worry about Akira also stalking the town?! And on top of that there was the matter of your entire plan being thrown out the window. If the rivers were overrun with fishermen desperate to escape the terror of the sea, then it'd be too dangerous to just release them into said river. It was starting to look like the only real option was to take them to the sea directly and release them there. 
You had no horse. No wagon. No nothing. And it's not like you could just carry them all the way there! They were a lot heavier than they looked, and it would be way to far! Not to mention it was at least a month on foot and two weeks by horse. You didn't have enough food for you and three mermaids. You weren't sure what you were going to do but you couldn't just keep them in your bathhouse forever. It wasn't good for them in the long run and sooner or later someone was bound to find them. Then it would be all over. Until then you decided to just continue on with what you've been doing for now and hopefully things would be better soon. 
"Thanks for your purchase, Y/n. It's always good to see you again. Try to stop by more often. Ok?"
The young woman smiled at you and you smiled back at her taking the small hunk of meat wrapped up in paper. "Thanks, Takano. Is there any meat scraps or chunks ready to be thrown out available?"
She nodded her pretty brunette hair matching her eyes. "Yep! Just like you asked. You're the only ones that wants all that stuff. It's a few days old." She grimaces scrunching up her face in disgust. "I dunno why anyone would bother."
"Well it's not bad, and if you cook it it'll still be fine to eat."
Takano cringed harder, sticking out her tongue in a yuck way. "Not for me! I'd rather die than let that meat touch my mouth." Shaking her head the brunette backed away pointing behind her. "I'll go get it, but it's on you to haul it away yourself."
"That's fine. Saves you all the trouble of getting rid of it yourself."
She gave you a strange look but left quickly. Once she was far away enough you sighed and reached a hand up to run your temples. How pitiful. Scraping up scrapes and scrounging for hand outs and anything else you can get your hands on just to feed yourself and three extra mouths. You weren't sure how much longer you could just put up with this stressful way of living. A scraping noise sounded out as a large basket was dragged along the floor nearly overflowing with what looked like random parts of meat. Steaks, a chicken leg or two, a few fish cutlets, ribs- Everyone else around you took a moment to stop and stare as Yuki dragged it slowly one foot at a time over to where you were standing. With a final grunt and a look of disgust she dropped it off at your feet. Embarrassment washed over your figure in waves feeling everyone stare at you like a spectacle. You didn't entirely blame them. You'd probably stare too if you saw someone just drag off days old scraps like a poor begger who couldn't afford anything. With an embarrassed and shameful feeling, you just shoved the fresh package of meat you bought on top before just grabbing onto the large handle and pulled- Holy crap! This thing was heavy. One pull up barely lifted it off the ground! What ended up happening was you struggling to pick it up a few inches off the ground, and shamelessly waddling steps towards the door. 
"Come again, Y/n!"
Yeah. Knowing how much those mermaids eat, you'd definitely be back for any more scraps. You continued waddle-walking in shame towards the doorway ignoring everyone else around you. As soon  as you got home, you had to cook up ALL of this before it did actually go bad. Waddling more and more towards the door you had gotten to it and kicked it open only to slam it partially into someone.
"Ow!", a man's voice shouted out.
"I'm so sorry!" You looked up. "I didn't mean-.." You froze. Staring at the person in front of you in horror. "Akira?!"
Akira hissed reaching one arm down to rub where the door made contact with his leg, but stopped when he saw you. He stared at you, looked at the basket awkwardly in your hands, then back to you...And then smiled. "Well..If it isn't the pretty flower lady?~ Fancy running into you here."
Darn it all! Why'd you have to run into the last person you wanted to see now?! Ever since his little visit three days ago, everything seemed to have settled down somewhat. Mrs. Henya hadn't been around since then, but you still had that awful sinking feeling. And now you had the misfortune of running into him here. Great. There was no way he didn't know about the mermaids his family imprisoned and was planning on doing who knows what with them! It made you just dislike him that much more.
"Oh. Sorry, Akira," you apologized politely keeping your true feelings hidden. "Excuse me. I need to get this all home."
You made to nudge past him but a hand on your basket and him leaning in way too close for comfort stopped you. "Now what are you doing with all this meat?" He rose a brow and smiled wider at you. "A healthy appetite for such a young lady.~"
"I-..I'm going to dry most of this for the wint-ter," you lied giving a tug on the basket, "With the lost revenue and things being so tough lately, it's good to think ahead." 
He hummed. "I agree. That's smart thinking. But you look to be struggling you poor thing. Such a delicate lady isn't used to carrying so much weight. Let me help you.~" With one yank he was easily able to lift the basket out of your hands and up into the air away from your outstretched arms. 
"What?!" Your stomach dropped in horror. "No. Really it's fine-" You went to grab it-
He held it farther from your reach. "I insist.~ You need a hand being a delicate flower.~"
You wanted to argue. Maybe kick him where the sun didn't shine and make a run for it. But there was a crowd of people around you. It might look suspicious to suddenly be hostile to Akira, and then your friends -
"....Thank you." You gritted you teeth outwardly annoyed however your face didn't seem to detour the smiling man. 
"After you, Flower.~"
You visibly cringed at the nickname. What followed was the most awkward walk of your life. You stiffly walked the ten minutes from the butcher's to your house looking straight ahead and not saying anything to the man walking next to you. The entire time you felt Akira's eyes boring holes into your head the entire way back. You never felt more relieved than you did seeing your front door so close to you. You stopped in front of the door and turned to him so suddenly it caught him off guard from the sappy, Dopey lovestruck look he was giving you the entire time. 
"We're here." The basket was yanked from from him, making you stumble from the weight all of the sudden in your hands, but you firmly pulled it towards you. "Thank you for your..help but I can take it from here. You can leave now."
He blinked. "Oh. I can help you bring that in y'know-"
"No thanks." Using a foot, you slid the door open before stepping back and dragging the large nearly overflowing basket in before standing back up in the doorway to stare at him. "You can go now. Have a good day,  Akira." You made to close the door. 
"WAIT!!" His sudden shout startled you into jumping and looking at him as he shuffled. "Look. I know we don't know each other a whole lot but I got a lot to offer." He started holding up a hand and rubbing his neck with the other as you just stared. "My family has a good business and I come from a pretty successful line."
"Akira, what are you getting at with this?"
"Would you possibly consider a marriage with me?" You stared at him. Mind going a blank as he hopefully smiled at you. 
"After what I've seen of your family?" You frowned at him harder. "Akira you of all men are THE farthest thing I'd ever want my husband to be. We are never going to be compatible. You should look elsewhere if you want to find a wife. Try Old Lady Rayko. She's a matchmaker after all. Now if you excuse me, I have a lot of meat to cook before it goes bad."
His shocked face was met with the door closing in his face and the distant sounds of grunts and a large basket being dragged away from the door. Three heads looked at each other in the next few rooms over shuffling in frustration.
"Pipe down snails for brains! Do you want her to hear us eavesdropping?!"
Suma whined when Makio shoved her head underwater to shush her cries. Hinatsuru sighed again shaking her head and making her sparkly earrings away. 
"Now stop that. If you don't stop fighting, then she'll really hear you."
"HE CAN'T HAVE HER!! HE'S CRUEL AND DOESN'T DESERVE HER!!" Suma pouted sticking her cheeks out.
"I agree." Makio stunned them both with her sudden agreement but she pointed at them. "What? It's not like you two weren't thinking the same thing for a few weeks now. Let's just take her with us."
"Well there's an underlying problem with that."
"What's the problem? We all like her don't we?"
Hinatsuru sighed harder. "Well here's the thing. You both like her. I like her. But the question is will Kyojuro and more importantly Lord Tengen like her?" 
Both fell silent at that.. before Suma spoke up. "I'm sure they will! We just have to get them to meet her first! Tengen is sure to love her! She's 'flashy'!" 
Neither of the others had time to answer her when footsteps approached and a moment later you opened the door with a smile. "Hey. Dinner's going to be a little late tonight since I have to cook it, but on the bright side I have enough food to last you three for the next three days. I just wanted to let you know."
Hinatsuru smiled brightly at you. Unbeknownst to you the scheming they were going to have that night. "Sounds wonderful. Thank you."
You were quickly running out of food at this rate. The only things left in your pantry was jars of jelly and pickled vegetables and soon those will be gone too especially since it turns out Suma really liked downing jelly from your jars with how sweet it was. The scraps and leftovers you managed to scrape up will help you but not in the long run. Not with the shortage of everything thanks to that merman driving everyone away and making prices rise and everyone panic. Just this morning you saw a family packing up to move away from the seemingly doomed town. And all of this was the fault of the Henyas. Their greedy actions weren't just hurting your friends but the entire town of innocent people too. Something had to be done soon. You just weren't sure what yet.
"I'm going to go fish in the nearby river." You announced one day to the three. "There's probably not a lot of everyone else is fishing in there already, but I'll probably be able to catch enough for you to eat."
"Alright. I feel a storm in the air. Be careful and come back before the storm hits."
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What happened when hanzo and Satoshi reunited?
A lot of crying from them both. I'm not sure how exactly the convo would go but Satoshi does yell at him alot and Hanzo refuses to let go of him for a moment, terrified that Satoshi will disappear the moment he does. They also talk about Takeda:
Satoshi: You replaced me, how am I meant to not be angry about that?
Hanzo: I did not replace you, I swear it, that's not what this is
Satoshi: How else do you explain him!?
Hanzo: I lost you, Satoshi. You had gone where I could not reach you and in my grief I lost myself. By the time Takeda came into my care I was not the man you knew, I do not think you would have recognized me then and the person I was shames me.
Satoshi: and?
Hanzo: And then Takeda's father left him in my care and when I looked at him, I saw a glimpse of you. He wasn't you, and I knew that, but it was the only connection to you I could find. I honestly thought that you would have liked him, had you lived long enough to meet.
Hanzo chuckles wetly, beginning to cry: I looked at him and I could imagine it so clearly, you as a big brother, your mother smiling at the three of us as we played in the yard. It was the clearest picture of you I'd had in years, I could not let it go.
Satoshi looks away, the fight beginning to bleed out of him.
Hanzo: I do consider him to be like a son to me, but that does not mean I was trying to replace you. Satoshi, I was chasing you. I was looking for you in every place I could and had I known you were alive I would have stopped at nothing to get you back.
No idea what Satoshi's response to that would be tho
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soveryanon · 7 years
*heavy breathing* Nekkoara vs. Purin.......
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fallendragon · 2 years
✵ ・ 。 ՙ @𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐈 ​ ֥   。 ・ ʃ  〈 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦  ⋆  〉  ͓
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || He is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by many hands; most prominent ones being Lord Raiden and Huan Hei. A critical world may judge Satoshi Hasashi’s kintsugi lines of golden joinery, while missing the beauty of how he made himself whole again. Satoshi’s nightmarish visions plaguing his nights manifest themselves as a curse of vestigial truth, revealing his own entombment within Sub-Zero’s chilling deathly menace. His mother remained brutally impaled by the unforgiving chill of eternal winter’s stillness, while his barely beating heartbeats remained a white noise murmur as his inevitable death drew near. Cold pangs embedded upon his heart and lungs, despite a fevered quandary with kicks and bursts defiantly resisted as the defiant and resilient Hasashi trait exuded upon young Satoshi’s innocent, yet resolute eyes. 
Ever since he was lost in the throes of viciousness of the world, Satoshi had never been afraid of being lost. For his subconscious was meant to wander off from time to time, for the long-instilled fear of never quite finding himself often kept him all night, even amidst his strenuous trainings to continue Hanzo Hasashi’s abruptly severed legacy. HeiHei had been a healer amidst countless destroyers around him; dealing with any and everything life had thrown the young Hasashi. He had been the warm touch that comforts, despite often reminding him of the very gelid touch that rendered him immobile, exacerbating the pain deep within him. There still may be vulnerability lingering at the tip of his lips, and within the unfathomable chestnut eyes that exude melancholia. 
Satoshi feels an unsettling bout of despair and jarringly out of sync this evening, all while the resplendent sun shines and clouds pour rain outside his window simultaneously. Perhaps that was why your father had to meet his brutal, humiliating death. A whispered voice, taunting and nearly persuasive in its timbre, sneers in his heart and soul, as forced feelings build up inside him, threatening to spill through his lips. “I am done counting exit wounds; icicle holes that still serve as reminders of the Shirai Ryu massacre and extinction, and everyone leaves eventually. It is what I learned lesson after lesson (evolve or repeat), but as you know, I still haven’t quite made my peace with anguish.” 
The thing is, after trauma, the kind where Satoshi goes through is more than  flight and fight; there is freeze, because the first would have meant suicide, and the second might very well have left copious blood and his slaughtered corpse. He subconsciously chose the third, where those moments of his life would become a stretched eternity, as sanity tucks itself deep inside of him. Words about forever and staying and keeping parts of another and remember me’s, not forgetting will never hit him the same way again; he never wants to be remembered anymore. “The world would have been better if it gave me closure, saved me years of my trials and tribulations.”  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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Though  seemingly  UNFAZED,  those  features  delicately  desperately  attempt  to  conceal  all  the  worry  that  had  piled  up  within  his  being  for  all  the  years  he'd  had  to  stay  away  from  that  one  mortal  whose  existence  was  held  in  a  special  place  in  his  ROTTEN  HEART.  Impossible  to  point  whether  it  was  to  pass  the  vain  impression  of  SELF-RELIANCE  so  that  the  youngest  could  rely  on  as  had  been  done  long  ago,  or  simply  to  nourish  this  Dragon's  own  PRIDE  as  the  monster  that  this  hell  of  Earth  had  long  convinced  itself  to  be  for  the  sake  of  their  own  SURVIVAL  ━━━━━━━━━━━  perhaps  a  sick  combination  of  both.  Fortunately,  the  weight  of  such  a  provenance  shouldn't  need  to  fall  on  the  shoulders  of  that  young  soul  with  so  much  potential  to  become  something  GREATER,  to  reach  further  ━━━━━━━━━━━  a  brighter  place  this  creature  bound  to  DARKNESS  could  never  reach.
What  became  more  and  more  difficult  to  hide,  however,  was  the  COMPLICATED  expression  contained  in  that  gaze  with  no  reflection  now  being  forced  to  peek  at  the  other  from  a  LOWER  angle  while  still  trying  to  focus  on  the  task  at  hand,  giving  to  that  pale  face  even  more  captivating  traces,  even  if  accidentally.  Oh,  how  wickedly  CRUEL  time  could  be. . .  Slipping  through  the  fingers  burning  like  the  desert  sand,  but  with  the  swiftness  and  sharpness  of  the  coldest  winter  winds:  Running,  moving,  changing,  TAKING  AWAY. . .  How  many  more  of  springs  would  this  trickster  time  carry  away  without  him  being  able  to  enjoy  the  other's  company  now?  Thus,  every  word  uttered  seems  to  pierce  the  Black  Dragon  with  the  force  of  dozens  of  sharp  daggers,  knowing  he  that  so  MUCH  MORE  could  have  been  to  bring  some  comfort  to  the  youngest’  torments,  watching  silently  in  inaction  as  his  insides  trembled  and  turned  in  ANGER  and  SORROW.
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❛❛ You  DON'T  need  to. . . ❜❜      Despite  the  undeniable  ache,  his  heart  seems  to  find  the  strength  to  squeeze  out,  between  a  brief  sigh,  a  few  words  in  the  mildest  possible  tone.      ❛❛ You  don't  have  to  keep  counting  your  wounds,  make  peace  with  the  past. . .  ANY  OF  THAT. ❜❜      Deep  obsidians  finally  rise  as  the  light  hands  seem  to  resign  for  a  moment  of  UNCOMFORTABLE  SILENCE,  this  light  pause  giving  him  some  time  to  think  about  the  words  to  be  spoken  with  a  rather  ATTENTIVE  intent.  An  audacious  impulse  propelled  a  free  hand  to  reach  for  the  other's  chin,  as  if  gently  forcing  him  to  face  him  directly.      ❛❛ Take  this  grief  and  use  it  to  FUEL  your  heart,  focus  on  what's  ahead  ━━━━━━━━━━━  bare  your  teeth  and  keep  on  FIGHTING,  no  matter  what. ❜❜      A  vehement  nod  reassures  his  words,  those  jewels  seeming  to  glister  under  the  dim  light  from  that  inconvenient  angle.  The  mere  image,  the  mere  thought  of  that  young  man  falling  victim  to  his  own  sadness  and  becoming  yet  another  EMPTY  SHELL  would  be  too  much  for  this  demon  to  bear.  Something  he  would  never  dare  to  allow  ( nor  admit  out  loud ),  even  if  it  cost  whatever  bit  of  HUMANITY  was  still  left  in  his  cursed  body.
Let  your  flame  BURN  within.
❛❛ You  have  made  THIS  FAR. . .  'Should  serve  as  enough  proof  of  your  ever  growing  STRENGTH. ❜❜      Eyes  drop  again,  perhaps  a  little  conscious  of  the  tender  FAMILIARITY  that  still  seem  to  remain  in  those  bright  mahogany  pupils  even  after  all  those  years.      ❛❛ Whether  things  change  or  not,  I  will  be  WATCHING  OVER  you. ❜❜      Interesting  choice  of  words  for  a  creature  who  knows  that  his  mere  presence  will  bring  more  inconvenience  to  the  other  than  could  possibly  be  EXPOSED.  Yet,  there  still  lingers  in  him  is  this  strange  instinct  of  PROTECTION  towards  what  was  once  a  FRAGILE  little  being  on  the  verge  of  death  in  his  arms,  now  bloomed  into  a  grown  man.
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keiyoomi · 4 years
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⤜ details: s. kiyoomi × reader ft. mitsuru | u. wakatoshi × reader ft. satoshi ; [ 550; 615 ] 1165 words; fluff
⤜ warnings! : none.
⤜ the request: “. . .their son and wife watching their volleyball game for ushi and omi. . .” - anon
⤜ note: i've reused the names earlier. their ages are around four or five at this scenarios. i hope you don't mind if i did that and i really hope that you'll like this one!
⤜ masterlist | hq!! characters with babies
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s. kiyoomi × reader ft. mitsuru
"There's our Mitsuru!" Atsumu chirped, extending his arm at your son who skipped towards his "favorite" setter. He picks up your son and carried him until they've reached Kiyoomi. "Have you tried the technique I've taught you before?" Your husband took your son from Atsumu before he could even reply. "Omi-omi!"
"The ball hit his face when he first tried doing it," Kiyoomi answers before sitting on the vacant spot, his son cuddling close to him. "Hey little guy, are you excited to watch our match against Uncle Toshi?" your husband ask, brushing the loose curls from Mitsuru's face.
Mitsuru nodded his head with enthusiasm. "I am! Are you going to receive his strong serve again?" your son ask, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Like how you did years ago? Will you serve the ball as hard as he did in response?"
The corner of Kiyoomi's eyes wrinkled as he laugh at his son's excitement. "We'll see, bud. Cheer for me, okay?" Mitsuru nodded his head before leaning against his father's chest once again. "I love you, buddy," he whisper before kissing his son's forehead.
Mitsuru looks up at his father, "I love you too, papa."
"Guys, it's time to line up," one of the staff says before briefly greeting you and your son.
Your husband stood, carrying your son as he made his way towards you. "May I have my lucky kiss?" he asks as he stood two feet away from you. He took one step forward and Mitsuru automatically covers his eyes.
Kiyoomi removed his face mask in order to kiss your lips. He smiled against your lips before pulling away, leaving you breathless. "I love you."
You felt your face heat up. "I love you too." You took your son from his arms before smiling at him. "Have fun."
FOR YEARS, you are fully aware that watching in front of the TV screen and watching in person are two different things. Unlike your son who's amazed of the sight he is seeing for the first time. As much as possible, Kiyoomi wants your child's identity to be unknown to public, but seeing his son interest towards the sport he learned to love for years made him abandon the decision he made before.
"Can you see the court properly, Mitsu?"
"Yes, Ma," he politely responded, a personalized MSBY facemask covering half of his face. "I can't wait to see them play in person."
One by one, the starting line-up were introduced. Each players, including the coaches hit the ball, serving it to their fans. It didn't take long before they began the match. Adlers were the first team to serve. Kageyama serve the ball, but Omi raise it cleanly. You felt your son's grip on the hem of your sleeve tighten, eyes never leaving the ball. Hinata hits the ball and sends it back to Adler's court.
After one long rally, Mitsuru suddenly stood from his seat, leaning forward—as if he would be able to see the match closer, clearer. Your lips curled into a smile while watching your son's reaction. Then, he groaned, along with the other MSBY fans when Adler gained the first point.
"They almost had it!" he complained before turning to you. "Ma, they're all amazing!"
I know son, trust me. I know.
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u. wakatoshi × reader ft. satoshi
Satoshi carries his Mikasa squish ball almost everywhere. If any of you tries to take it a way from him, expect a whine and maybe he’ll even throw a fit. On his third birthday, the same day of V-League’s opening, you and Wakatoshi agreed that you’ll take your son on his game.
The two of you head to their team’s waiting area instead of heading to your seats. You were waiting for your husband to come out when Satoshi sighted Kiyoomi who’s quietly walking towards the men’s washroom.
“Uncle Omi,” he says while tugging the hem of tour sleeve. “Can I greet him?”
You messed his hair as you reply. “Wait for him to come out. I’m pretty sure he’ll be delighted to see you.”
Satoshi couldn’t keep himself from bouncing from his seat while waiting for Kiyoomi. Your son was too focused on waiting for Omi that he didn’t noticed his father walking towards him.
Wakatoshi leans towards you, kissing your lips. “Who is he waiting for?” your husband asks, only to be interrupted by your son’s squeal. “Ah, makes sense,” he whispers, seating on the vacant seat next to you. “He’s been waiting to see Kiyoomi for weeks.”
Sakusa squats and listens to your son as he rambles about how amazing Sakusa’s serves were. Satoshi basically showers Kiyoomi with compliments until Omi messed your son’s hair, saying that he’ll see Satoshi after the match.
Your son stood there, surprised as he watches Omi walking back to their team’s locker room. Then, Satoshi looks at your direction, eyes wide as he sees your husband sitting next to you. “Papa!” he squeals, sprinting towards his father before reaching out for Wakatoshi.
“Are you excited?” Wakatoshi asks gently.
Your son nodded with enthusiasm. “I am!” He bounced on your husband’s laugh. “I’d be able to see Uncle Hoshi and Uncle Hinata jump really high! Are they jumping or are they flying?”
He kissed his son’s forehead. “They just jump.” Satoshi’s lips formed an ‘O’ earning a chuckle from your husband. “Watch me, okay?”
“Okay!” your son cheers.
“Ushijima-san, it’s time,” Kageyama says, interrupting the moment between your husband and son. He greets you and Satoshi before walking back to their group.
“Wish me luck.”
You nodded your head before feeling his lips against your forehead. “Good luck. I know you can do it.”
SCHWEIDEN ADLERS snatched the first set from MSBY earning a cheer and groan from your son who’s torn between cheering for his dad and cheering for Kiyoomi. You were enjoying the look on his face when MSBY suddenly turned the tables.
Kiyoomi serves and Toshi missed to receive his serve. Satoshi gasped at what he just witness. “Ma! Have you seen that? The ball went whoosh then it flew away from Papa’s arm!”
You nodded your head before silently apologizing at the people surrounding you. But they don’t mind watching Ushijima’s son cheering for two teams at once. They could clearly see how torn your child was when either side of the court scores a point.
“I want to play like them!” Satoshi says, eyes not leaving the court.
Oh, you will, love. Trust me.
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⤜ general taglist — @haikyuu-ink ; @kenchiko ; @agaassi ; @lovetsuki ; @sadsugarplumm ; @yams046 ; @namyari ; @thatnikkixx ; @k-eijiakaashi ; @dearest-kiyoomi ; @thatasiang1rl ; @starfleetakaashi ; @stcrryskies ; @kunimwuah ; @shou-kunn ; @sugacookiies ; @ushissugarcube ; @bap-kingdom ; @lilidrawz ; @crypto-s ; @sanitisegermsfree ; @idiot-juice-enthusiast ; @moonlightaangel ; @zephyrria ; @humancasket ; @bbakougo ; @attsm ; @kouffee-ink ; @hqsks ; @daichiforsure (send an ask/dm to be removed/added)
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cablesscutie · 3 years
Inspired by @hayleynfoster’s comic and some hilarious headcannons about the littlest steambaby with Hayley and @favlie​
Read it on AO3
The day Avatar Aang comes to meet his second niece, Fire Lord Zuko refuses to let his youngest child out of sight.  Katara rolls her eyes, and reminds her husband that neither of their children had ended up psychologically disturbed because of their flights.  “Not,” she adds, pointing at Aang, “that I am allowing a repeat, but I think just holding her while firmly on the ground will be fine.”
“Mmmm,” Zuko hesitates, curling Kallik closer to his chest.  Her big eyes blink up at the adults guileless from her blanket.  “No.”
“You let Azula hold her!” Aang argues.
“She doesn’t do anything with the babies!” Zuko shoots back.  It’s not strictly true, he knows, but his sister’s ritual with newborns is unsettling in a much different way.  She simply stares deep into each child’s eyes upon being handed them, until some kind of understanding passes between her and the baby.  Results have varied, but the most important part is that there was no threat to life and limb.  
Katara’s raised eyebrow says that she also doesn’t believe Zuko’s words, but she doesn’t say anything.  They are, after all, a united front - to the children, to politicians, to their friends.  In the privacy of their chambers, however, he knows he will be hearing about this.
Katara and Zuko take the kids to spend Kallik’s first birthday at the South Pole.  It’s a tradition they’ve observed with all three, and Zuko always looks forward to going to visit her family.  The house is loud and chaotic, full to bursting with people, the exact opposite of his own lonely childhood.  There is no posturing, and everyone loves and squabbles openly.  On this particular visit, they have overlapped with Aang’s stay with Sokka and Suki, so Gran-Gran’s house is in even more of an uproar than usual by the time Zuko and Katara arrive.
Kya immediately dashes off to coo over her little cousins as they toddle around behind Pakku, pretending to be otter penguins.  Satoshi runs to the kitchen to be showered in kisses and cookies from Gran-Gran.  Hakoda finds them barely out of their parkas and already thoroughly abandoned.
“I could’ve sworn you had at least one other child,” he tells Katara, scratching his head as he pretends to search for his missing grandchildren.  She laughs and hugs her father tight.  Neither of them let go for long moments, and Zuko’s throat feels tight when he notices his father-in-law’s misty eyes.  He looks down at Kallik, thinks of his other two children, and wonders for the thousandth time how Hakoda could ever forgive him for keeping Katara so far away.  It’s why he hands his daughter over easily when her grandfather waggles his fingers expectantly and says, “Alright, give her here.”
Hakoda settles Kallik on his hip with practiced ease, and pulls Zuko into a brief hug with his free arm.  “Good to see you, son.”  
Zuko clears his throat.  “You too,” he says, and Katara laughs softly at his awkward shuffling, amused by how he doesn’t know what to do with his hands without a baby in his arms.  She answers his question by lacing their fingers together as she leads him deeper into the house to find her brother and their friends seated around the hearth fire watching the kids run around.
Hugs are exchanged all around, and Zuko settles into their familiar company.  Hakoda joins them after taking Kallik to say hello to Gran-Gran and Pakku, and bounces the baby on his knee to make her laugh.  Aang makes silly faces at her that have her letting out piercing giggles and reaching out to try and grab at the wooden beads of his necklace.
“Well clearly she’s bored of me,” Hakoda says, making to hand her off to her uncle.  “Here you go -”  Zuko leans over and intercepts.
“Oh no.  No baby catapult,” he says, shaking his head.
Aang gives him a pout to rival Momo.  “Come on, we’re indoors!”  Katara clears her throat, and when Zuko glances over, her eyes are narrowed at him.  With a sigh, he holds Kallik out to Aang.
“Fine.  But I’m watching you.”
Extended family vacations to Ember Island always sound like a good idea to Katara.  At first.  When her husband is burnt out and aching, and the kids are climbing the walls, and she just wants to lie in the sun with a book, it seems like the cure for everything.
And then they arrive.  Somehow, much like she forgets the excruciating pain of childbirth, she never recalls the onslaught of chaos and catastrophe that comes every vacation.  Like the time Sokka got stung by a jelly-ray.  Or the time Suki and Zuko got in a fight about disciplining each other’s kids.  Or the time every single one of the kids managed to get sunburnt and couldn’t sleep.  Every year, it’s always something, and somehow, it usually ends up being at least partially her problem to solve.
This year, though, is somehow turning out alright.  They reach day three without major incident, and almost entirely without tears - a near miracle for a vacation involving five children under the age of ten.
“I’m almost done with my first book already,” she tells Zuko as they rock slowly in a hammock on the deck, whispering in hopes of keeping any listening spirits from knowing that she’s gotten her hopes up.
“Good, you deserve the break,” Zuko says.  He looks on the verge of sleep despite the fact that the sun is still climbing in the sky.  The dark circles beneath his eyes are already faded almost to nothing.  She sighs happily and grabs her book, but before she can actually crack it open, she hears Toph cackling and her Mom Senses light up.  Zuko calls after her in surprise as she leaves the hammock swaying wildly behind her, but she doesn’t look back on her way to the beach.  
When she arrives, it is just in time to see Toph pick up Kallik, a wicked smile on her face.  Sokka and Suki’s twins are further down the beach standing beside Aang, both of them jumping up and down with excitement, waiting for something.
“Go long, Twinkle Toes!”  Katara’s eyes go wide, and faster than should be possible, she reaches them, yanking Kallik out of Toph’s hands.  “Hey!”
“Absolutely not!”  Katara says, scowling.
“I was gonna catch her!”  Aang shouts.  Katara shakes her head.
“This is not happening.  No way.”  Then, silently lamenting the loss of quiet time with her husband, Katara looks at the twins and asks, “Who wants to go get some ice cream?
At Zuko’s request, his birthday is not a big deal with his family.  It’s a combination of the fact that the entire Fire Nation loses its mind about the day anyway, so he is all but forced to spend a day attending a festival in his honor, and the fact that he is used to his birthday being a marker of all the disappointments he has been in the past year.  It is a long-standing compromise with his wife that she is allowed to throw him a small, family-only party, to be kept within the bounds of the garden.  He enjoys the excuse to get everyone together without a barrage of meetings involved, and the rest of their family is so boisterous in comparison to him, he can almost forget that the day has anything to do with him at all.
For his thirtieth birthday, he makes the further concession of allowing Uncle to set up his new phonograph so there could be dancing.  Zuko is manning the crank, watching Katara and Kya swing each other around while Aang sits next to him, flipping through the records looking for the right song.
“Do you have a request too?” Zuko hears him ask, and turns to see Kallik has toddled away from Uncle Iroh and approached the Avatar.  She puts her hands on his knees and starts bouncing, flashing him a smile that shows all of her new teeth.  “You want upsies?” Aang coos, and reaches to scoop her up by the armpits.  Zuko clears his throat loudly, shooting Aang his best murder eyes, and the Avatar shrinks back into the collar of his robes a little.  “What about dance party?”  He lets Kallik grab onto his fingers and starts hopping around with her to the beat, hunched over and both of them giggling.
“Oh Uncle Aaaaang!” Kya sings, striding out into the garden where Appa has just landed. She has Kallik on her hip, and Satoshi follows along at her heels, excited to see Appa and Momo again.  His pockets are already full of lychee nuts for his fuzzy friends.
“Hey guys!” Uncle Aang calls, his gangly arms waving excitedly.  “Are you the welcoming committee now?”  He lands in front of them on a gentle breeze, setting down his bag and grinning broadly.
“Mom and Dad are in a meeting,” Kya informs him.  “But somebody wanted to go for a little flight.”  She hitches the toddler higher and winks conspiratorially.  “If you catch my drift.”  Uncle Aang’s eyes go wide, and he looks between the kids with unease.  Satoshi feels terror grip his throat.  He knew his big sister was crazy, but would she really…?
“Oh I dunno, your Dad was pretty...adamant...that you all are grounded until further notice.”  Satoshi lets out a sigh of relief.
“Dad’s in a meeting,” Kya reiterates, as though being in a meeting involves entering another dimension.  She should know better, her brother thinks to himself.  Mom and Dad always find out when they’re up to no good, and as the sibling who’s usually leading the charge into trouble, Kya should definitely have that figured out by now.  Uncle Aang should absolutely know that by now, but with horor, Satoshi realizes that the Avatar is looking a little bit convinced.  “And we’re not gonna tell on you,” she wheedles.  Speak for yourself, Satoshi thinks, glancing around to see if there are any guards within earshot if he calls for their parents.  Sadly, it seems nobody has realized that the Avatar requires careful supervision.
“Well…” Uncle Aang considers, then comes to his decision, smiling once again.  “Alright, I guess one can’t hurt.  Who’s going?”  
Kya moves to offer Kallik to him, her tiny hands reaching out and making grabby motions.  Satoshi’s world goes into slow-motion.  There’s a roaring in his ears, and as if from outside his body, he hears his own voice say,
“I am.”  Kya and Uncle Aang blink at him, stunned.  Their uncle is the first to recover, and asks,
“Are you sure, kiddo?  I mean, you weren’t the biggest fan when you were a baby…”
“I want to try again,” he makes himself say, despite his sweating palms.  Uncle Aang grins and ruffles his hair.
“That’s the spirit!  You get that from your dad.” 
As his uncle’s hands grab him under the armpits, Satoshi hears Kya mutter, “It’s the self-sacrificing idiot gene,” and then he is gone.  As he soars through the air, he wonders if maybe his body hasn’t even left the ground yet.  He can’t feel anything.  Maybe he just died of panic and this is just his soul taking off for the spirit world.
Then he reaches the height of his arc and starts plummeting back to Earth, and the sensation of all his internal organs rattling around asserts the fact that he is very much still alive and experiencing this.  He closes his eyes before he gets anywhere close to the ground, so it comes as a surprise when he comes to a sudden stop, cradled briefly by robes smelling of hay and bison fur, before being deposited back on his feet.
“How’s the weather up there?” Uncle Aang asks him, patting him on the back.  Satoshi doesn’t know what the weather was like.  He doesn’t know anything except that solid ground beneath his feet may have replaced his mother’s hugs as his favorite feeling in the world.  He meets Kya’s eyes, and sees from her horrified expression that he must look like as much of a husk of a child as he feels.
A quiet, affectless “Thank you,” is all that he can manage to say, and then he is wandering back into the palace, where he shoves his head into the nearest antique vase and screams.
“Psst.”  A small sound behind him has Aang on alert.  The Fire Nation Royal Palace hasn’t been a place of danger for years now, but with Toph and Sokka around, the probability of sneak attacks has risen a hundred fold.  He doesn’t see anything though, and goes to turn back around, only to be caught by a surprisingly firm grip on his cape.  About two feet below where he’d expected to find his assailant, Aang comes face to face with his youngest niece, Kallik.  Her expression is the same determined furrow of the brow that Katara and Zuko have shared for so long it is impossible to tell which parent bestowed the trait on her.  It has the eerie effect of summoning the terrifying force that is their combined will.  Aang already knows that whatever she wants from him, he’s going to cave, and it will probably get him in trouble.  “I hear you’re in the business of yeeting kids.  I want in.”
Aang sighs.  Zuko has been trying to prevent this day since the moment Aang met Kallik, and Kallik has been trying to evade her father’s overprotective tendencies since the moment of her existence.  It is a battle Katara has elected not to fight, likely remembering her own impossible stubbornness and the futility of trying to stand against it.  So it is with all of that knowledge that he says, “Okay.”
“Flameo!” Kallik cheers, punching at the air.
“Well ‘flameo’ was actually more of a greeting -”
“Let’s save the fun facts.  I wanna fly.”  With a creeping sense of dread, Aang follows the child pulling him along by the cape until they reach a courtyard.  Kallik turns to face him, plants her feet, and rubs her palms together.  “Alright,” she says, spreading her arms wide.  “I’m ready.”
“Here we go...I guess,” Aang says, glancing over his shoulder as he reaches out to scoop her up by the armpits.  The coast is clear, so he swings her around in circles a couple of times to get ready.  As his niece starts to giggle, the garden blurs, and wind ruffles his robes, Aang feels the giddy anticipation of liftoff.
He hoists Kallik, up, up, up.
And then her momentum carries her out of his hands, and the wind that has built up around them propels her even higher.  Her already small body shrinks until she looks more like the shadow of a bird in the night sky, clearing the palace roofs.  A happy shriek pierces the air.  Aang smiles, feeling her wonder as if it is his own.  This is always the best part of someone’s first flight - witnessing them discover the wind anew - and while taking Air Acolytes to glide at the Northern Air Temple is fun, nothing compares to sharing this part of his culture with his nieces and nephews.
Kallik tumbles back into his arms, eyes wide with wonder, ecstatic grin plastered across her face.  “Again!” she cries, the moment breath rushes back to her.  
Aang laughs and holds her on his hip.  As he always does, he asks, “How’s the weather up there?”
“The moon is huge!  And I could see the whole city!  And the ocean!”  Kallik’s pudgy hands move in broad, sweeping gestures so similar to her mother’s bending as she speaks.  He still remembers Katara’s delighted gasp the first time she flew, Toph’s bruising grip, Zuko’s shocked laugh.  This moment, too, will be another piece of the Air Nomad legacy living on.
As Aang tosses Kallik yet again, Katara finds Zuko leaning against a pillar at the edge of the courtyard, watching.  She approaches her husband, curious to find that he isn’t having a coronary at the sight of their daughter in freefall, and takes hold of his arm.
“You gonna yell at him?” she asks, feigning nonchalance.  He doesn’t look away from them, but he is smiling, serene.
“Eh, she seems fine.”
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Dear 'Anime Bad' Anon: I Want To Help I pity your situation, so please have a list of weebshit that isn't moeified, or wherein the cutesy art-style serves a greater purpose. (Note: though they won't be soft marshmallow uguuuu, they may still have issues in other ways. Some may have aged badly with regards to how society views or portrays groups or beliefs, some may have upsetting content and dark themes, and some may simply not be to your taste. Note: Anime is a genre, not a monolith, and the disparaging stereotype that it's all cute girls uwuing over their brother s-s-senpai!!! is as much of a disservice as saying all western movies are just vapid cash grab superhero movie sequels with no inegrity or thought put into them. There are indeed a lot of superhero movies, but they're not all identical schlock (megamind vs venom vs kick-ass),  but even more than that, there is a wealth of creative endeavor just beyond the veil of Marvel's cape: just as there are plenty of good anime if you dig past the isekai high school harem wish fulfillment genre that no one wants to keep making but people keep making because it prints money to a very small demographic of the animation equivalent of a mobile game whale thereby allowing this frankly quite-small industry to work on engaging and worthwhile series where the budget permits, Regardless,)
Mushi-shi: -Pros: gorgeous animation, tranquil vibes, episodic stories so you can cram in an episode between classes or on your lunch break. highly recommended by the literal-who typing this out. -Cons: some themes or stories may cause emotional distress, learning to tell apart Urushibara Yuki's characters is a learning curve.
Baccano-Pros: meticulously-researched 20s-and-30s-era mafia violence with a hint of the supernatural, as a treat, told anachronistically with flair and jazz music. practically made to be binge-watched. the novels are finally getting translated into english as well. -Cons: lots of characters to keep track of, fair bit of blood and violence, some scenes or themes may be upsetting, lots of jumping around between different time periods. See Also: Durarara, another series by Ryōgo Narita with a ton of characters and a plot with more threads an overpriced sheet.
Cowboy Bebop-Pros: incredibly well-regarded, space bounty hunters are cool, episodic series that slowly takes on a plot towards the end, fantastic animation, scoring, and even dub work.  -Cons: some scenes or themes may be uncomfortable, some parts have not aged quite so well, the smart doll version of the main character is ugly, you're gonna carry that weight.
Trigun-Pros: starts lighthearted, develops an increasingly investing plot as the series goes along. fictional westerns are cool. this world is made of love and peace -Cons: some scenes or themes may be upsetting, and probably will be. gun violence is naturally present, but that ain't all of it.
Hellsing (standard or Ultimate. or Abridged)Pros: vampires killing nazis. the original adaptation isn't bad, the second adaptation (ultimate) is generally viewed as an improvement. abridged is a youtube parody version that was so popular the voice actors reference it in convention interviews.Cons: a Lot of violence, even trending to the gorey side of things. Uncomfortable Themes Everywhere, but it's a horror-tinged action series about killing nazis, so that's to be expected. 
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood-Pros: while the original anime was quite good, the second iteration is a large improvement. does to alchemy what naruto does to ninjas: It's Basically Battle Magic. the plot starts on a strong note and doesn't let up from there. -Cons: there are distressing scenes and themes that may or may not be tolerable to the viewer. there are moments of cheesecake and even an occasional joke or a moeblob here and there, and it's not all doom and all gloom all the time, but this doesn't detract from the abject horror-despair that comes to permeate this series as it progresses. finally understand why people on the internet respond so negatively to the name 'nina'! 
[Mod: many more recs/reviews under the break, worth reading for those who like more obscure anime and animation]
Grave of the Fireflies-Pros: you will remember how to cry. it's a good reminder that one country's 'triumphs' often come at the expense of another country's people.  -Cons: this movie is incredibly dark, do not watch if you are in a bad headspace. see also: Barefoot Gen, a similar tale but this time from the perspective of an actual survivor from Hiroshima.
Michiko to Hatchin-Pros: an actually diverse cast of characters tangled up in a messy and very humanizing story, interspersed with Shinichiro Watanabe's particular flare for adventure. -Cons: some scenes or themes are very likely to be distressing. can be tricky to find, too.
Mo no no Ke (not the ghibli movie, though it is also quite good.) -Pros: incredibly unique art style and pacing that draws heavily from japanese theatre traditions, every screenshot is wallpaper-worthy. -Cons: may cause motion sickness. it is a psychological horror series, and one that does not need blood, nor gore, to cause visceral emotional response in the viewer. scenes and themes will be distressing- as really, that's the point.
Tokyo Godfathers-Pros: a transwoman, a (self-identified) homeless bum, and a runaway teen girl find a newborn in the baby on christmas. incredibly wholesome, somehow, and grounded in reality, with wonderful animation from the tragically late satoshi kon. -Cons: it is grounded in realism, and sometimes, people are dicks. mild transphobia warning, too, but in-universe- the transwoman herself is portrayed with kindness and allowed to be her own (wonderful!!!) person. still, viewer be mindful.
Kino no Tabi (the first series is my preferred, the second is shinier but lacks emotional impact- in my onion.) -Pros: mostly episodic, very unique series that can be gritty where it counts and kind where it matters. -Cons: some scenes or themes might be disturbing. finding it's not easy, either, and unfortunately, i don't think the novels are being translated right now, either.
Spice and Wolf-Pros: it's mostly about economics. there are shenanigans, a harvest god, and a slowly burgeoning romance, sure, but it's still mostly about economics. -Cons: there are moments of cheesecake and comedy, and moments that may cause distress to the viewer. it may or may not be to your taste.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica-Cons: yeah i know, it's moeblobs.  -Pros: you're gonna watch 'em die, though, in case that may interest you. it's quite a good subversion of the magical girl genre overall. somehow volks hasn't made an MDD of anyone from the series and i will never understand how that didn't happen.
Wolf Children: Ame to Yuki-Pros: watch a family grow together as a newly-single mother does her best to raise her twin children after the tragic loss of their father.  -Cons: keep tissues handy. certain scenes or themes may be uncomfortable.
Lupin III (Red Jacket, Ghibli, and the new 3D animation are all A+) pros: heist comedy elevated to an art form before half (or more!) of the people reading this were born. the english dubbed series that used to air on adult swim is a treat. cons: this franchise started in THE SIXTIES, so naturally, some shit has not aged well. certain series (fujiko mine) are darker than others in themes and material. the 3d movie that released recently is an excellent starting point.
Samurai Champloo-Pros: breakdancing samurai, a fascinating roster of characters, and a superb soundtrack by the tragically passed Nujabes. -Cons: it was made in the weird era of the transition from analog to digital animation and so the /series master/ was animated at a painfully low resolution, so even if there's a bluray out there (I haven't looked,) it will be an upscale, which doesn't always look the best. as well, there are scenes and themes that may make the viewer uncomfortable here and there.
The Works of Studio Ghibli Oh, I'm sorry, Ponyo too suffused with childhood wonder for you? My Neighbor Totoro not depressing enough?  In addition to the infamous Grave of the Fireflies, Studio Ghibli has made a wealth of movies that aren't aimed squarely at the kodomo (children's) sector. -Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind: climate change existential dread, the movie -Castle in the Sky: government obsession with obtaining weapons of mass destruction destroys everything beautiful, the movie -Pom Poko: human-caused deforestation and urbanization is destroying the natural world and all that live in it, the movie -Princess Mononoke: industrialization will be the death of everything beautiful in the world, the movie, with a side of sometimes everyone (and no one) is the villain when everyone is simply trying to survive -Howl's Moving Castle: The Physical Manifestation of Depression is a Liquid Ooze, the Movie, also War Is Bad It's not all depressing, but let it never be said that Hayao Miyazaki was subtle. Whisper of the Heart is a good coming-of-age story, Kiki's Delivery Service is a classic, Tales from Earthsea is divisive among fans of Ursula K. Le Guin but I personally liked it. From one studio alone there is a wealth of opportunities.
And that's really the point. These are just some from the top of my head. There are so very many options outside of the cute-girls-doing-cute-things genre that I couldn't list them all if I was here for a week. Or as Madoka Magica so ruthlessly showcases, even series that appear a certain way on the surface might not be what you bargained for once you look into them! These are all (I think) mostly older, mainstream-appeal series that should be easy to track down, too -- there are all kinds of singular animations like The Diary of Tortov Roddle, crowdfunded experiments like KICK-HEART, Masterpiece World Theatre renditions of classic (western) novels that never get talked about, films like A Silent Voice that confront social issues- and of course, series like Rozen Maiden that helped popularize this very hobby!
There is literally an ocean of content to explore from Japanese creators alone, and it opens up even more if you look into works from other parts of Asia- just look at how popular manwha have become, or Chinese animations like Leafie, a Hen Into the Wild! It's a genre unto itself, with all the breadth of content and inter-industry problems that come with it, and without any of the respect that similar art forms have been granted over the years. The way an entire culture's art form is often disparaged, disregarded, and belittled- and by extension, the way most of Asia's animated endeavors are often rolled up into that reductive dismissal along with anime and manga- is honestly Not Great, and there is absolutely a thread of xenophobia that runs through it. The industry has so very many problems (low wages, poor training, overwork of everyone ever, archaic financial modules, the exclusivity and breadth of merchandising necessary to turn a profit and how it leads to consumer burnout and disconnection over time, and yes, the way minors are portrayed not just in anime, but in Japanese media in general- and how much of that is actually bad (some of it is indeed,) and how much if it is cultural difference (I've heard people call the scene where the family in Totoro bathe together problematic because of the nudity, but I've also only heard people say that from the West)
-- none of the actual problems affecting the people who produce this medium are gonna improve when the general response to "animators frequently have to live at home to survive" is "that's what happens when you're a weeb."  It's 5am and I'm gonna point out the problems in the narrative around how we discuss this genre of entertainment because it's important, damn you! Regardless, thank you for coming to my unasked for and overlong TED talk about animation on a doll collecting drama blog, feel free to call me a pathetic weeb etcetera on your way out- but while you do so, might I suggest you also go watch a choice animated series! My current go-to is Bofuri, which is a cute-girls-doing-cute-things moefied isekai series that I refuse to apologize for watching. Be free. (The battle scenes are great and it captures the feeling of learning to play a new MMO with your friends better than most video-game-based anime I've seen in a long, long time. does anyone even still remember .hack? how about serial experiments lain...?)
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thetrueweaveroffate · 3 years
Subscorp Week - Day Three - AU
The tea tray was placed on the coffee table outside with a resounding  thud  that seemed a bit angrier for the boy than what was typical. Kuai Liang knew Satoshi long enough now to understand that he was much more easy-going than his father - and significantly better at controlling and maintaining his anger, for that matter. Still, Kuai Liang pointedly ignored the quiet outburst to push the bandages and other medical supplies away to pour himself some tea. He brought it to his lips to blow at it, using his winter chill to cool the beverage until it was a suitable temperature, as they sat on the outer porch, watching fireflies blink in and out of the evening darkness.
"I'm thinking of sending you back to the land of the living."
Kuai Liang nearly choked on the tea as Satoshi plopped down in the seat next to them, "I'm sorry?"
"I'm thinking of sending you back to the land of the living," he repeated. Kuai Liang glanced down and realized that within his fist was the kunai from a few days past. He kept it, in the end, and kept fidgeting the sharp end between his fingers.
He slowly lowered his cup into his lap. "And what if I refuse?"
He could sense Satoshi giving him a disbelieving look under the dim light. "Why the bloody fuck would you want to refuse? You're not even supposed to be here with us in the first place."
"Thanks to you," Kuai Liang noted plainly.
"Oh shut it Uncle. You know damn well why I brought you here."
"Well?" he gently asked, "Do you think I've told you everything you've wanted to know about your father?"
Satoshi inhaled sharply through his nose, "No. But if I were you I would take the advantage of the fact that you're not completely dead to book it out of here. It's not worth the risk of the Shirai Ryu getting to you in the afterlife to ruin your chances of life  down there ."
"And the Tragedian?" Kuai Liang brought up before sipping on his tea, "She won't give up easily. It is likely she will turn to you for retribution if she cannot reach me anymore."
"We Gatekeepers can handle her," Satoshi said.
"Can you?"
Satoshi's hesitance to answer him was telling.
"The Tragedian is my responsibility. Her death is my fault. I won't have you suffer from the consequences of my actions, even if it was when I was a Revenant," Kuai Liang stated, and Satoshi understood from his tone that there was no room for argument.
"Fine," Satoshi relented, throwing himself back to lean against the backrest. He sighed loudly before Kuai Liang handed him the other cup of green tea, which Satoshi quietly accepted.
"I almost can't believe the Shirai Ryu are now a part of this."
Satoshi kept fidgeting the sharp end of the kunai between his fingers. Kuai Liang's blood had long been washed off, but he still felt like there was a shade of red still lingering on the metal. Satoshi knew it was just his imagination, like a phantom pain that isn't really there but still somehow can't be ignored. Satoshi felt too much like his past catching up to him, even though he was never personally involved in the first place - at least of his own volition.
"How is it that you are not with them?"
Satoshi sighed and put the kunai down. "Mom moved away from them when I was young. Probably because she didn't feel we were safe in the goddamn afterlife of all places? But then again wouldn't the safest place be surrounded by an army of assassins?"
Kuai Liang stared blankly into the distance. "That didn't save all of you the day you died."
"…I guess not."
Perhaps it was a bit too much. This was supposed to be a fun little adventure, albeit one entirely made on impulse, but every new day with Kuai Liang here only brought more questions than answers and more dangers than the ones he's used to as a Gatekeeper.
Kuai Liang frowned, "Satoshi, did… you know the Shirai Ryu was wiped out a second time?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "I know. They're not here in the afterlife though."
The boy gave Kuai Liang a curious look, "Y'know, I'm actually surprised that you haven't noticed, but, I'm supposed to be older than Takeda, and I'm not."
"Hm." Kuai Liang did notice. Although, he thought with amusement, he had just thought Satoshi was simply born shorter than Takeda… Or Hanzo for that matter.
"Ever since the first massacre, the Undertakers have avoided the Shirai Ryu like the plague. 'No amount of willpower can save a dying body'. And Father apparently returned to life from sheer rage alone. The Undertakers fear people who can just return to life like that."
"That's true." Though there was more to that story, that he figured, that would be for another time.
"That should have been their first warning. When the Shirai Ryu arrived here, the Weavers didn't immediately bring us to life. They said, my mother used to tell me, that there was a chance that my father could have brought us back to life. So, we were in stasis for a few years, and then," Satoshi wrung his hands, "Father failed. And we then woke up here. And the Undertakers didn't dare touch anything near the Shirai Ryu… and also the Lin Kuei, for that matter."
Kuai Liang frowned slightly in realization, "Raiden's offer…"
This time it was Satoshi's turn to look confused, "What?"
"Your father, he killed my brother," Kuai Liang turned but didn't look him in the eye, "Raiden said he could have restored the Shirai Ryu if my brother was spared."
Satoshi stared at him in disbelief for a moment. "Jesus," Satoshi breathed out, "The way my mother said it, she made it sound like he needed to fight some god not…" He made a tight, frustrated noise, "not… spare someone."
"I, too, would have preferred to not have him kill my brother but, well, we all live with our mistakes," Kuai Liang leaned forward to pour himself of the remaining tea to hide his grimace, "He regrets it to this day. He regrets what he did as Scorpion."
Satoshi leaned back into his seat, contemplating, "Uncle, I need your honest opinion on something."
"Which is?"
"Do you think my father is a good person?"
The question seemed so sudden that it stunned Kuai Liang into silence. "You know I would say yes," he started slowly, "so why ask me?"
"I believe you have the, uh, most objective view of him."
Kuai made a disbelieving noise, "I wouldn't love him if he weren't a good person."
"Well so would my mother," Satoshi answered, "But Mother made it sound like my father was the most noble and honorable samurai in all the worlds, instead of a  shinobi ."
"And how am I different from your mother?"
"Well," he started slowly, "The difference is that you were enemies with my father for a duration of time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, you hated him more than anything for a short while. I would assume that means you understood his flaws better than anyone else."
"Then what else is there to say? His own rage was his downfall, but," Kuai Liang pondered briefly what to say next, "He'd fought for vengeance. He'd made mistakes and fell to corruption, but made full use of the second chance granted to him. He rights his wrongs and rebuilds the old clan he lost. He's an honorable man committed to his principles."
"Hm. I used to think that. That we were honorable - they were honorable."
"Were they not?"
"Uncle, I didn't think I would need to remind you of this, but the Shirai Ryu was a clan of assassins," Satoshi said with some disdain, "The only difference between them and the old Lin Kuei was that they treated us as family instead of utter shit. But that doesn't excuse the fact they still killed  for a living. Christ, my father was sent to steal an important relic, client be damned."
Kuai Liang winced, not because he couldn't come up with a suitable counter, but at the sudden memory that Hanzo ended up dying at his brother's hands at that mission. And then the Shirai Ryu were wiped out not soon after.
"He's not the man he used to be," Kuai Liang insisted, "You know the Shirai Ryu has been reformed to the defense of Earthrealm. He takes in people of all walks of life, and gives them a home, and your father would have walked through hell and back to protect his family. Including me."
Satoshi sighed. "I guess you have a point. It just really irks me how you have renounced the sins of your old clan, but…" he cast a sideways glance onto the kunai on the coffee table, "But my father hasn't done the same. Not to my knowledge anyways."
"Perhaps not," he conceited, "Your father and I, we both killed innocent people, but he had a choice to decide who to devote his efforts toward. You have to understand that everything he does, he does for his family. Every good deed and every failure he committed was for you. He wanted to protect you, to avenge you. He - maybe he wasn't a good man by the Tragedian's standards, but I know he would have been a good father."
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veritylane7 · 3 years
+mydecember+ Twilight ver. 13
Tumblr media
( 10:50 PM )   Math-class doodle of Rukura (Raphael), airbrushed. Came out nicely. ^.^       ( 10:07 PM )   John's suggestion for a feel-good song that Mr. Rozario (school principal) should play over the PA system in the morning? Children of the Damned by Iron Maiden.... how I agree! ^____^
We're sick, sick people. Can you tell we're related??
song of the moment: "Genocide" by the Offspring. I really gotta get some of the Offspring cds... I want Smash, Americana, and Conspiracy of One.... *sulks*
( 9:57 PM )   Ribby-chan... s'all being taken care of. Mike and Matt be lookin' after me closely, and if Dan does anything else, he's in for some serious trouble. *heh* Mike or Matt my soulmate? Dooood, Mike's a pal, and Matt's like my older brother (he's actually my most recent ex-boyfriend in a way). Thanks for the concern, tho! And don't worry... I beat Dan up nice. If I have my way, he'll be singing soprano come next week.
*heehee* I think I've FOUND my soulmate, anyhoo. *pointed look at someone who's screen name rhymes with punkin' pie* *heartheart* ^__^
( 9:49 PM )   *runs around screaming fangirlishly* YUMMY! YUMMY! I GOT A CUTE, SCAAAAAAARY DOOD FOR THIS TEST!!!
Ideal anime guy test...
# 1 Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth # 2 Ashitare from Fushigi Yuugi # 3 Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi # 4 Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi # 5 Kiryuu Touga from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 6 Taikoubou from Senkaiden Houshin Engi # 7 Hayama Akito from Kodomo no Omocha # 8 Kyoichi Saionji from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 9 Morisato Keichi from Ah! My Goddess # 10 Nakago from Fushigi Yuugi # 11 Ohtori Akio from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 12 Ryohji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 13 Eagle Vision from Magic Knight Rayearth # 14 Gabriev Gourry from The Slayers # 15 Ikari Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 16 Nagoya Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne # 17 Chiriko from Fushigi Yuugi # 18 Li Shaolan from Cardcaptor Sakura # 19 Tsukishiro Yukito / Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura # 20 Eriol Hiigarizawa / Clow from Cardcaptor Sakura # 21 Ikari Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 22 Kinomoto Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura # 23 Shiirou Kamui from X (X/1999) # 24 Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi # 25 Monou Fuuma from X (X/1999)
( 9:46 PM )   Ideal anime girl test... how'd they know that I adore Skuld, Ami-chan, and Misato? o.O
# 1 Skuld (Oh my Goddess) # 2 Amy (Sailormoon) # 3 Misato (Eva) # 4 Belldandy (Oh my Goddess) # 5 Kari (Digimon) # 6 Rei (Eva) # 7 Lita (Sailormoon) # 8 Mina (Sailormoon) # 9 Fuu (MK Rayearth) # 10 Serena (Sailormoon) # 11 Hikaru (MK Rayearth) # 12 Sora (Digimon) # 13 Bulma (Dragon Ball) # 14 Mimi (Digimon) # 15 Misty (Pokemon) # 16 Rei (Sailormoon) # 17 Umi (MK Rayearth) # 18 Videl (Dragon Ball) # 19 Asuka (Eva) # 20 Urd (Oh my Goddess)
( 9:44 PM )   Slayers kyara test... now THESE results are good.
# 1 Gaav the Demon Dragon King # 2 Beastmaster Zelas # 3 Luna Inverse # 4 Valgaav (Vally-girl! ^_^) # 5 Xelloss Metallium # 6 Zelgadiss Greywords # 7 Gourry Gabriev # 8 Lina Inverse # 9 Rezo the Red Priest # 10 Filia Ul Copt # 11 Martina Whatever-Her-Last-Name-Is # 12 Amelia Wil Tesra Seyruun # 13 Naga (Wil Tesra Seyruun? I think so) # 14 Kopii Rezo # 15 Prince Phil
( 9:41 PM )   Sailor Moon test results... scary. O_O
# 1 Nehelenia # 2 Setsuna/Sailor Pluto # 3 Artemis # 4 Galaxia # 5 Haruka/Sailor Uranus # 6 Taiki/Sailor Star Maker # 7 Hotaru/Sailor Saturn # 8 Michiru/Sailor Neptune # 9 Minako/Sailor Venus # 10 Rei/Sailor Mars # 11 Yaten/Sailor Star Healer # 12 Luna # 13 Makoto/Sailor Jupiter # 14 Princess Kakyuu # 15 Ami/Sailor Mercury # 16 Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon # 17 Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter # 18 Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen # 19 Usagi/Sailor Moon # 20 Chibi-Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
( 9:39 PM )   Pokemon test...
# 1 Satoshi/Ash # 2 Shigeru/Gary # 3 Nyarth/Meowth # 4 Kasumi/Misty # 5 Pikachu # 6 Takeshi/Brock # 7 Kojiro/James # 8 Musashi/Jessie
I'm Ash and Gary... isn't that damn close to weird?
( 9:37 PM )   *laughing again* CHECK IT OUT!!
CCS Kyara test results:
# 1 Kero-chan # 2 Syaoran Li # 3 Touya Kinomoto # 4 Tomoyo Daidouji # 5 Eriol Hiiragizawa # 6 Sakura Kinomoto # 7 Yukito Tsukishiro
I'm Kero-chan!
( 9:35 PM )   EEEEEEH!!! O_O; For the X/1999 test... I'm Satsuki! O_o
# 1 Yatouji Satsuki - dragon of earth # 2 Kuzuki Kakyou - dragon of earth # 3 Sumeragi Subaru - dragon of heaven # 4 Monou Fuuma - dragon of earth # 5 Nataku - dragon of earth # 6 Shirou Kamui - dragon of heaven # 7 Kishuu Arashi - dragon of heaven # 8 Shiyuu Kusanagi - dragon of earth # 9 Kigai Yuuto - dragon of earth # 10 Sakurazuka Seishirou - dragon of earth # 11 Aoki Seiichirou - dragon of heaven # 12 Arisugawa Sorata - dragon of heaven # 13 Kasumi Karen - dragon of heaven # 14 Nekoi Yuzuriha - dragon of heaven
( 9:32 PM )   *laughing like a total idiot* CHECK THIS OUT! HOW FUNNY!!! I find that the results for my taking the Eva kyara personality test are very well done!
# 1 Asuka Langley Sohryu # 2 Gendou Ikari # 3 Ryouji Kaji # 4 Misato Katsuragi # 5 Touji Suzuhara # 6 Kaworu Nagisa # 7 Kouzou Fuyutsuki # 8 Ritsuko Akagi # 9 Aoba Shigeru # 10 Makoto Hyuuga # 11 Shinji Ikari # 12 Maya Ibuki # 13 Hikari Horaki # 14 Rei Ayanami # 15 Pen-Pen
( 5:56 PM )   Speller!!! You owe me Mickey ears, and I want Lance's underwear!! AND FEEL MY WRATH!! *wraths Speller* MWAHAHAHAHA! JOYCE IS DEAD! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning Blog!
Nah-nah-nah! Riot Ink business caaaards! *heehee*
I'm okay, really.
I am headachey!!! As Amy would say... my head is doing the achey brakey dance of PAIN. So, I imagine I will get nothing done in class. Ms. Fotinos is gonna kill me for skipping anyway... *sighs*
Querida! I shall continue my efforts to make dad buckle!!
Meagen-san.... really, I know what you mean. Technically, I can draw, but I kinda lack depth in my art (from what I can see). There are very few pictures that turn out with the emotion or realism I want them to come out with..... and funny enough, that kyara that I tend to make look how I want is good ol' Lucas.
Lucas: What can I say? I'm perfect. *mutters* Yeah, right...
And yes, you're getting fanart. Now if only I can manage to scan it....
Meg's Art Corner! Raphael-chan, or as I refer to him in RPs, Lian's Rukura. This is a fine example of what I draw in math class on scrap paper. And querida? It's not THAT good. ^##^;;;;
That's all from me!
Over an' out!
( 10:48 PM )   Of course my idea is good, querida! I'm so smart after all! *tosses away IQ test scores that say only 142* Lucas with blue hair.... streaked with green!!!!!! Yeeaaah, baby!       ( 3:23 PM )   Warning, incoming rant!
STUPID! GODDAMN FLIPPIN' STUPID!! What a GOOD way to get yourself killed! Doing f*cking drugs! STUPID STUPID!!! Goddamn it! I mean, pot, okay that's bad. Bad and STUPID. But 'shrooms?!! HOT DAMN IS THAT STUPID!! And not only that, getting yourself into a situation where you get thrown out of your mom's house?! F*cking stupid! *fumes*
(note: never mind, needed to vent.... friend issues)
( 2:00 PM )   At home and skipping civics class.... *whistles and rocks back on her heels* 9.9
You know what's scary? It's scary when a dood whom you eat lunch with even jokes about wanting to rape you. That's scary. Even scarier is when he pins you against the wall and you have to fight him off, and when he comes back, your best (guy) friends beat the living sh*t out of him. Not quite sure what to make of this.... big super duper hugs and thank yous to Mike and Matt, my new bodyguards. Dan, touch me again, and they'll kill you for sure. I'll see to it. *sweet smile*
( 7:32 AM )   Morning blog!
Querida: Yep, the Mark plot is similar to our dj idea... except a bit more profound. *heh* And seriously, tho, a good plot would be something to the effect of Mark goes baaaad-niichan and tries to end the world, and you gots to stop him. There's a plot. Hooray for plots! Cam's efforts on trying to get Mark to put some sort of value on his own body should start working someday. I mean, HOW many times has Cam explained it? Not to mention, Mark has a nice idea of how Cam thinks now that he's been inside his mind. Mark-niichan's a slut.... but I love him anyway!
Cam: *pounds the living daylights out of Meg for calling Mark such a thing*
*heeheehee* Animal comparisons! *heehee* I gotta try that! Rukura = gecko Poya = otter Yuken = viper Lucifer = duck Michael = horse Zachariah = pot-bellied pig (personality wise) Gabriel = peacock Kanson = crocodile (someone patch in a call to australia, let's get the Crocodile Hunter in here, please... *crosses fingers*)
Meagen-san: I'm working on a fanart for you of SailorM. I shall prolly CG it tonight or tomorrow, okie?
School blows! I don't wanna go to school! WAH!
over and out.
( 6:35 PM )   For fun, and just to annoy him... Rukura's stats!
Name: Raphael Harrison Nickname: Rukura Age: 17 Date of Birth: February 28th Hair: purple Eyes: green Height: 6'4 Occupation: student Descent: Angel Family: human family includes Jacob [father, deceased] and Mary-Anne [mother, deceased]. Original family includes Kanson [father], Europa [mother, deceased], and Uriel {Yuken} [half-brother] Friends: Lucifer, Pandora {Poya}, Michael, Zachariah Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia Likes: music, reading, daydreaming, being anti-social Dislikes: homework, unwanted attention, medication, and fighting Skills: singing, getting weirdly good grades Setbacks: has a rather serious heart condition, which despite medication and various attempts, is damn near impossible to treat, suicidal, and generally miserable Notes: reincarnation of the Messiah. Human mother died in childbirth, human father committed suicide a few months later. Is considered a "problem child", as he usually gets into fights at school. Been shifted around to foster homes all his life, never staying in one particular home longer than 1 1/2 years. Most recent foster family died in a car crash, leaving him the only living "relative" to claim his foster father's fortune. Lives alone.
( 6:24 PM )   Chris-kun: Dood, a meant the person playing as being Mark... ^__^;;
Meg-chan's on net restrictions, lalalalala... she's gonna get in trouble if she gets caught on the internet, lalalalala... she's rewriting stats for LotM, lalalalala.... she's TOO attached to Raphael-chan, lalala--
Rukura: *belts Meg in the head* Don't call me that! Meg: It's your legal name, isn't it? I like it better 'an Rukura...
Dan wants me to hit him. In the eeeeeew kinda way. Do I really come across as that much of a dom? @_@
( 7:16 AM )   Morning blog!
This is bound to be a short enrty, as mom is home. Sooo...
I had a really funky dream last night, but I don't remember it. All I remember is waking up a lot, upset, and trying to recall where I was. Bennett was curled up to me most of the night (good spiritie dood ^_^), but I don't think it helped much.... ah, well, it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday, I blew $44 on prismacolor pens. I got the box set of cool greys, plus a replacement 60% warm grey as mine is running out. That's me broke for another month now.
BMB is cuuuuuute today. *giggles* I want my verra' own Mik! I *heartheart* Mik! Rach, you better get me a Mik for my birthday! Or else!
I can't draw worth beans lately. *cries*
to Chris-kun: Thanks for the comment on the layout... and maybe now I'll bug querida to do an AH game (I honestly didn't think about that @_@).
*ponders* Yeah, you could go arouns as Mark in the game, and you could sleep with every second person you run into---
Cam: SHUT UP! *thwacks Meg* Meg: Hey, it's not my fault that your hubby is a total sl--- Cam: *throws a table at Meg* Meg: Itaaaai. X_X
Otaaay, enough out of me. Over and out.
( 11:44 PM )   Hal is GOD... lalalala! Hal is thy holy master!       ( 11:27 PM )   Purple is a nice colour! It's the colour of hentai. ^__^;       ( 12:30 AM )   BEHOLD THE NEW LAYOUT!!!
....very purple, isn't it?
( 3:58 PM )   This close >< to shooting myself...       ( 3:56 PM )   I WILL get this to work.... I swear I will.       ( 3:53 PM )   HTML is annoying. Background image, where are you?       ( 3:50 PM )   Let's hope for the background image now.... *crosses fingers*       ( 3:45 PM )   Playing with the layout...       ( 3:25 PM )   This is the temp layout, as I'm altering this puppy to look how I want it to. New version should be up tonight.       ( 2:43 PM )   Chris-kun: the Boa cd has two names. One is the japanese release, the other is for the international market. It's either called Race of the Thousand Camels or Twilight (like this here blog!). And the Limp Bizkit cd is called Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water. And Hannibal is a lot different than the Silence of the Lambs, isn't it? I liked it, but I stand by the fact that Jodie Foster made a much better Clarice Starling than Julianne Moore could ever hope to be.
My Bennett still isn't home... Dora, is he still with you? If not, you'd think he'd be home by now... *sighs*
Okay, time for me to book it outta' here for a bit afore dad calls and has a fit 'cause the line is busy.
( 8:05 PM )   Interlude...
Meg: Cain and Yuken! KAWAII!!!! Yuken: *giggles and twitches his neko-mimi, looking all innocent* Rukura: ICK! Who the HELL would touch HIM!? *points at Yuken* Meg: Well, you 'touched' him once... Rukura: NOT BY CHOICE, GODDAMMIT!! .... *sneezes* Yuken: *eyes Rukura venomously* Rukura: I'll be running off to Lian now... *heads for the hills as fast as his (verra' long) legs can carry him*
( 8:00 PM )   Querida, thank goodness it's not bronchitis. That's something I get a LOT, and it's not fun at all. And ten pounds? ALRIGHT! You GO, girlfriend!! *tackleglomps* You'll be okay.... I know so! ^.^
I got the "Play" cd (Moby), which came with the edit of South Side for free. Bonus, baby! ^_____^
( 7:24 AM )   Morning blog!
Well, I feel mighty stupid this morning. Yesterday, I kinda pulled a muscle in my left leg (riiight in my calf), but it stopped hurting. Woke up from a funky dream and got up to find it hurt. Now, being the idiot I am and not usually restricted by physical pain (hey, that's what ended up breaking my ankle), I went for a shower. Feeling headachey and cramped, I worked my way down the stairs, only to pull the same muscle again and fall about halfway down and land on the cat at the bottom. ^___^;;; <---- feels very dumb
*falls over* Meagen-san, you had me scared a minute there! If you had MEANT Mark, I would have had to call in paramedics and stuff to make sure you weren't doped up on anything!!!! @_@
List of kyara and colours this blog is gonna be themed on in order of layout updates: Cam/purple (this weekend, hopefully) Lucas/red (whenever) Mark/blue (whenever) Sybandial/pink (whenever) Jesse/green (whenever)
Each layout will have a background featuring the kyara, too! ^_^
I really need a life. Over and out!
( 9:51 PM )   Song lyrics... one of Cam's most recent themes! "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters
Run and tell all of the angels This could take all night Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution Cuz this one is a lie We sat around laughing And watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of lying Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I'm done nursing the patience I can wait one night I'd give it all away if you'd give me one last try We'll live happily ever trapped if you'd just save my life Run and tell the angels that everything's all right
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to
Looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to...
( 7:06 PM )   Tay, I've decided the theme for my next layout... good ol' Bennett and the colour purple. How... fitting. ^__^
Now if only I can get this stupid HTML editor thing to work... *binks it*
( 11:05 AM )   Morning blog (late again)!
Yeaaah, I just went to first period class this morning and got my classes for next year reviewed. Then I came home because the muscles in my abdomen are spasming and it hurts like bugger all.
To all my blogging friends; I'm gonna change the layout of this blog in the next week (I have a LOT of links to add). I'm gonna theme it around an AH kyara, so lemme know who you think would be best, please. Just post your opinion in your blog, as I read most of them daily anyway. ^__^;
( 8:23 PM )   Yeah, I've neglected my duties as a blog-person lately... I have a life, you know. (Hey, the LEAST you can do is smile and nod! T_T)
Not much is happening, really. My civics class keeps getting cancelled, so I think I'll skip it tomorrow and come home early. What else to say...? Ummm, not much.
Song of the moment: "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring. I'm on a REAL Offspring kick right now... dunno why exactly. Maybe 'cause they just amuse me. ^_^;
Grammy awards. Bleeeek. *makes a face*
Amy, kids who don't like cheese are stupid! HA HA!
( 3:33 PM )   ...afternoon.... blog!
This morning I spent the whole time trying to get my scanner to work, so thus, no morning blog. But I've got some stuff say for a change!
Today, lunch period was spent bothering Dan for the most part. He really ticked me off yesterday, and I'm extracting my revenge. So, I was making him jealous by glomping Matt at every opportunity (Matt doesn't mind too much, and he's nice to hug 'cause he's always warm.... and no, Mike, he's not my boyfriend! JUST A FRIEND!! T_T). It was rather comical. Civics class was cancelled, since Ms. Fotinos was at the Raptor's game with the people who signed up to go... the half of my class that was at school for the last three periods of the day got transferred to a Grade 12 geography class, in which was SO awkward that the teacher took pity on us and sent us all home. Redoing Angel Hunter again. This time, on the right sized paper... I'm sticking with the page layouts, tho, as I think I've got the look I want.
And, for fun! Rukura's theme song lyrics!
Home by Depeche Mode
Here is a song from the wrong side of town Where I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest sound That pounds from within and is pinning me down
Here is a page from the emptiest stage A cage or the heaviest cross ever made A guage of the deadliest trap ever laid
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here
The heat and the sickliest sweet smelling sheets That cling to the backs of my knees and my feet I'm drowning in time to a desperate beat
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong...
Feels like home I should have known From my first breath
God sent the only true friend I call mine Pretend that I'll make amends the next time Befriend the glorious end of the line
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here.
( 7:11 AM )   Morning Blog!
This song is tripping me out right now, but goddamn, do I love it! *grooves to "Home" by Depeche Mode* It's a really dramatic song... and it's sooooo making me think of Rukura. >_<;
It's very cold this morning. At least I think so, anyway, so I'm sitting here wearing the couch blanket as a cape. I feel like a doooork.
Meg's Art Corner (Freckle-chan, you copycat! T_T)
A special little picture; Lucas in his newest style of dress. Drool factor, out of 10? 12.
What else to say... ummm... Mom didn't leave me lunch money again. T_T;
Over and out!
....yep, for the first time in YEARS, I'm the proud owner of twp pairs of blue jeans. I've not worn blue jeans since I was about 5... and these ones fit niiiiice. I have hips and a waist.... @__@
Anyway, mom and I went to Sears and then to Curry's Art Supplies. I got my two pairs of jeans, two men's dress shirts (one white, one black), a new sketchbook, 4 new warm grey prismacolors, and a new 05 pigment pen. I am a happy Meg-chan!
Blue jeans that fit... *in shock*
( 9:09 PM )   I have officially started rewriting the Chronicles of Benjamin Carter! WHIHAI! Here's a bit of what I've written so far.
Frail. Benjamin was frail. He was about 5'4, fifteen years of age, and pale. He was small and slight in build; a boy and not yet a man. Right now, he looked more fragile than he really was... curled up under the blankets of his rather small bed, bruised and crying. It was a familiar scene.
Benjamin wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand in a vain attempt to push the tears away. However, it was pointless since more just spilled down his cheeks as if to spite him and his efforts to stop them. He hated crying. Hated it. But at times like this --- only at times like this--- he couldn't help himself. He was so tired of being forced into the clutches of rich men; predators that liked their pleasure taken out on the young boys who could be bought if the price was right. He was sick of the violation and the abuse. Most of all, he was sick of his father pushing him into it. His own father. He hiccupped in his efforts to restrain his tears.
Benjamin wanted more than anything to run away. Run away to another city, another country, anywhere but where he was. Just out of the clutches of the people who hurt him so much. But he was trapped like the birds his father kept in the iron cages that lined the back yard. He was a prisoner, shackled to the bars of his perpetual cage. Derkshaw would catch him if he ran. Derkshaw always caught him.
"Damn him to hell," Benjamin thought bitterly, though he regretted thinking it for reasons he couldn't quite explain.
There was a tap of boots in the hallway, and Benjamin closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and pretended to be asleep. The heavy, even steps stopped outside his door. The door squeaked as it opened slightly.
Benjamin tried to keep his breathing slow and deep, tried not to flinch. He felt Derkshaw's gaze on him. It burned.
'Go away, papa, go away....'
The door opened a bit more, and the tap of boots carried into the room.
It would be a good half hour before Derkshaw left, the blood on his hands and shirt not his own.
( 2:28 PM )   Man, am I grateful for mom. She just brought me the most wonderful little care packet of a bottle of ibuprofen and a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange bar. *sniffles happily* Thank you, mommie!
Amy, Amy, Amy.... you have no idea how much stress is gone already. *heavy sigh* I can't thank you enough.
Spellleeeeeeerrrr, next weekend is go for coming over to my house to watch movies! You like freaky movies, I'll make you watch freaky ANIME movies! On the roster so far: Perfect Blue and X. Maybe I'll make a trip to Roger's Video and snag Devil Man or something. But I will get you hooked. I will. Your time will come (*sings* thy will be done!).
*laughing at BMB* Yeah, Mik, you dirty minded cutie! You think those nasty thoughts about Harley! *laughing*
Oiiii, Freckle-chan... you posted a nice list of couples you like. I think for fun, I'll do the same!
Cardcaptor Sakura Touya and Yukito - kawaii! KAWAII!!!! Sakura and Tomoyo - so sue me!
Oh My Goddess! Trobadour and Urd - they were cool! Too bad he's such a dork. Keiichi and Belldandy - well, DUH!
Magic Knight Rayearth Ascot and Umi - I'm a sucker for Ascot. What a little cutie! Clef and Presea - ditto that, 'cause Clef is so cute and so short!
Dragon Half Mink and Lufa - not likely, I know, but still.
Bakuretsu Hunter Tira and Carrot - feh on Chocolate. She's not half as cool as Tira. Marron and Gateau - I don' like Gateau too much, but Marron is so hot. *_*
Ranma 1/2 Ranma and Shampoo - not likely, either, but I think Mousse is too wussy for her. I've always been a Ranma/Shampoo 'shipper.
Shamanic Princess Kagetsu and Tiara - it's a sad relationship... Sarah and Tiara - um, don't ask.
Slayers Lina and Gourry - he's so funny around her... ^__^
Sailor Moon Usagi and anyone but Mamoru! T_T; Chibi Usagi and Pelulu [Perelu, Perele] - *heehee* Cute fae-ish boy with white hair!
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji and Asuka - I think she really does like him. She just doesn't know how to show it. Misato and Koji - funny funny! She's a player, tho.
RPing kyara [involving mine] Cam and Mark - for obvious reasons. Rukura, Lian, and Gabby - yes, a yaoi threesome. They're all so cute. Sola [Soren] and Sybandial - so innocent and sweet. ^_^ Jyrian and Quoik - I don't talk about these two much, but their relationship is really cute. Jesse and Rach - how can I not like this? He's cute, she's cute (haha, Rach!) Lucas and Lila - I liked this possibility... too bad she's dead and we won't find out what woulda' happened. Lucas and Carter - this is a slightly more demented relationship. Cadence and Lexiel - a more intellectual relationship... even if Lexiel is kinda big on sex for sick reasons. ^_^; Cadence3 and Cam - I'm a sick, sick girl. Lucifer and Setsuko - if we get Setsuko back, then we can resume this. They're cute too. ^_^
Other Stories Kiih and Ro (from Dora's "Three O'Clock") - I don't really know why... these two just kinda hit it off in my mind. Len and Yuri (see above) - ditto the above again.
Book Series Ron and Hermione - need I explain? Sirius and Remus - again, need I explain? Lestat and Louis (Anne Rice's VC books) - strange but yummy relationship Lestat and David - intellectual and alluring. Marius and Amadeo - Stokholm syndrome. Cal and Meg (A Wrinkle in Time) - KAWAII!
That's that done. ^__^;
( 10:41 PM )   Sap warning ahead!
I have the best best friends in the whole world! My best friends are Speller and Amy!
Speller, who I know I don't mention on here too much (I'm sorry! ;_;), is the smartest person I know. She's also one of the most talented writers, too. How many people can write a whole novel before/during high school? Aside from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, not many. And her poetry kicks ass! She has a lot of it published. She can also draw better realistic stuff than I can, which makes me mondo jealous. It's not fair, I tell you! And she must learn to watch out for Hannibal. Beware him. Speller likes pudding. And pears. Damn those pears.
Amy and I have been friends since 7th grade, when she was the "new kid". We actually first met in drama class. She ran over a possum on her way to work. Yeeeah! She, too, is an amazing writer. It's not FAIR! She came runner up in the story writing contest a while back. I was proud. And I SCREEEEEEAMED the loudest when she won the Todd Bayless award. I live to embarrass.... ^_~
I am grateful to have such good friends. I love them. This concludes the sap. ^___^;
( 9:04 PM )   Querida, you're cooler than Simon and Milo! (Personally, Milo's a tad too butch for my liking, but Simon is a cute little brit guy with the sweetest little sentiments!) ....anyway.... yes, you have a neck. I hope. ^_~
And to complete the phrase you know you have problems when...you obsess over a cartoon with no neck, no nose, and huge eyes!
( 7:29 AM )   Morning blog!
I watched Perfect Blue last night. It downright scared me! Seeing Hannibal didn't scare me, seeing the Rage; Carrie 2 didn't scare me.... but Perfect Blue DID. The "real Mima" (the one who's forever in the Cham costume) is SCARY!!! And the Mimaniac is pretty scary too. o_O Iffen you haven't seen this movie, get it. Especially if you like stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, X, or Serial Experiments Lain. I warn you, there's nudity, a rape scene, and a lot of gore. This movie freaked me out more than Eva did.
In other news... going to the art store tomorrow!!! And, I'm also skipping 5th period today. Maybe even 3rd, 'cause I'm stuck doing NOTHING all class anyway. -_-;
Hopefully they have the 10x15 paper I want... 'cause, you know, that being the traditional dimensions for comic drawing. Y'all knew that, right? *gives you a loooooook*
And I best be off to get ready... JA!
( 7:02 PM )   Blogger hates me.
I'm having a hell of a lucky streak this week. Today, in the mail, I got an AUTOGRAPHED Simon and Milo picture, FRAMED!!! *swoons*
And I got Perfect Blue!!!!
( 5:14 PM )   Gonna go see Hannibal with Mike and Chris in about half an hour! ^__^       ( 7:21 AM )   Morning Blog!
Last night, began a really angsty RP with Cam and Mark (well, it was angsty on Cam's end). Now, I only just realized that I think up really weird stuff that follow pretty much all the major time/space/reality laws. And all on a whim and at random. It's strange. You know you study this stuff too much when.... Yep, it's not every day when I come up with plots like that puppy. Using the imprints left in the reality weave to reconstruct a Mark.... that's some strange stuff (but it actually makes sense, which is what throws me). Huh.
I feel guilty... I got mad at Amy last night. She was being a little more depressing than usual, and I just couldn't stand it. I'm sick and stressed and I don't need to boost her ego all the time.
I've had this urge for the past couple of days to draw Cam shaking Lucas by the shoulders and looking very upset while Lucas looks blank. I don't really know why.... the caption for it has been running through my head, as it is this: "What am I to you?!" Trippiness.
Well, being the idiot I am, I didn't do my civics homework. My group is gonna love me for that.... then again, they're sticking me with the job of reading the presentation on Spain because I'm the only one that knows how to speak some Spanish. *sweatdrops*
I'm having urges to draw the weirdest things.... I hate it when Cam angsts at me from his little spot in my mind.
Meg's Art Corner A really weird little picture of c3 and a Chibi Cam. C3 is drawn more in my gothic anime style than my normal one. Turned out quite well! ^_^
Over and out!
( 7:16 PM )   Neeee, imouto! If you're not gonna be doing Yunga Neko for a while, you should get a guest artist to do, like, weekly panels just until you can work on it again. *volunteers*       ( 7:14 AM )   Morning blog time again, kids!
I'm feeling okay this morning, so school for me. *sigh* School is so boring. Lunch is okay, mind you, because I have (as Speller said) "so many male bitches that work" for me. ^__^
I've been doing a lot of drawing since I got those pens. It's scary... can't wait to get more! ^__^ I also gotta get me some 10 X 15 paper, 'cause that's the standard comic size. I don't feel up to fighting with printers because the size ratio on 8.5 X 11 is uneven. Screw it. I'll just redo it all on standards.
I'm having the straaangest breakfast. Pork chops. Don't ask me, it was the only thing I could find...
Song of the moment: "Cruel Angel's Thesis (Harmonia Remix)" from Evangelion. *slobbers* I forgot what a COOL remix this is!!!
Meg's Art Corner Ben Carter, looking cute and vaguely distant! (Hey, he's a Blink fan, too!) Mark makes a scarilly cute girl. o_O Appearently, so does Lucas. Onna-Cam makes me think of Rally from Gunsmith Cats for some reason.... How cliché.
Over and out!
( 5:30 PM )   Nah nah naaaah! Meg has Sympatico access!!
Anyway, Meg also got herself some niiiiice grey prismacolor pens yesterday! Meg drew some pretty pretty pictures with them, too! Meg is happy, so she is!
Meg's Art Corner With her new prismacolors in hand, Meg is proud to present her latest creations! Angelique, the evil evil bitchy whore of a Demon from AH. She's pretty, tho. ^_^; "Legacy of the Messiah" cast shot; Rukura, Lucifer, and Pandora as kids! Carter and Lucas, a strange relationship these doods have. Carter looks somewhat like Cam, doesn't he? Quoik, Meg's only fae kyara!!
( 2:25 PM )   Tiredtiredtiredtired....
At the Office Place, they have a set of 24 prismacolor markers for about 40 bucks. I WANT THEM, but mom says "no, I don't have that kind of money right now". So, what we're gonna do, is I'm gonna drag her to Curry's Art Supplies store in a few hours and see how much THEY'RE selling them for.... maybe she'll buckle and take me back to the Office Place. ^_~
I need grey markers...
...oh, note to all who talk to me at night online. I won't be on until really late 'cause the network will be down. Unless mom hooks us up with Sympatico tonight, I'll be on around 2am. *sniffles* I'm gonna be without my querida fix! *snifflesniffle*
( 8:34 PM )   Lack of bloggingness today, as you all may have noticed. Dunno why, I was home again....
song of the moment: "Under the Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I *heart* Flea.... what an AMAZING bass player. Too bad this song doesn't showcase him much. If you want good bass by the dood tho, "Californication" is an order.
*cheers* The restrictions to see Hannibal have been changed from R to AA! In other words, I can get in to see it! Heeey, Dan, Amy, Speller, anyone? Wanna come with? I warn y'all, tho, it's been said that this movie is grotesquely violent.
Tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day. I'm going into town with my mom and brother for most of the day, then it's home for a few hours (like, two), and to the mall where I shall meet with Quinn-chan and Chris to go for our ritual Riot Ink business meeting. Then I shall return from the depths of Quinn's anime/transformers shrine of a home and return to my humble lair around midnight. Then I'll prolly talk to my baaaaybeeeeee (aka: querida) for the remainder of the dark hours of the evening.
Oh! Celeb Jeopardy! Two of my faaaaavourite doods were on there! Seth Green from various shows such as Buffy, and Steven from the Barenaked Ladies! DOOD! And Seth has his hair buzzed in sooooo damn short that he looks bald. 0_o
Kick ass! 3 Doors Down are playing at the Warehouse on March 11, and tickets are only $27... man, I wanna GOOOOO!!!
( 12:37 PM )   For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say? For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know Suffered wounds test there their pride Men of five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
( 12:17 PM )   Okay, today's guest BMB is quite good. ^__^
*points out the window* Heehee, a mini-plow!! *giggles*
song of the moment: "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin (so sue me, I like this song... ).
( 12:08 PM )   Why is it on days that it's not supposed to snow, it snows the most? We've gotten about 13 cm since last night and it's still coming down... -_-;
song of the moment: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica. Heeheehee....makes me think of AH. I shall post the lyrics on here later.
( 7:42 AM )   The Wheel of Excitement on Neopets loves me... I just won another 10 000 np. O_O       ( 7:35 AM )   Morning blog!
Here I am, killing time while I wait for either mom to call me or for me to call mom. Stupid morons in Wal-Mart, you call the main office and ask to be patched through to Electronics, and they put you on hold and hang up on you. Figures, it was mom's boss that just did that to me. Moron.
I got slim to no sleep last night due to sickness. Man, do I hurt... I feel like my guts are being put into a dryer's spin cycle constantly. And after drinking 3 L of cranberry juice, I'm not too good right now. I'm kinda waiting for mom to call so I can ask her what to do... I dunno if I should stay home or go to school. I bet I'm missing a fair bit. Well, there's always Fiona and Harpreet to ask. ^_^;;
I bet Dan's gonna kill me if I'm off another day. Mike's prolly beaten him up a few times by now without me there.
*drums her fingers* Mom, I asked you to phone me... you've got 10 minutes, and then I phone YOU....and hope I don't get hung up on...
Oh! BmB's on it's guest week. Y'know, with guest artists doing the panels. I'm not liking it too much. Yesterday's was a tad too blunt, with not enough joke 'ahind it. Maybe next time, I'll try for a guest spot on there. I'd be sure to do something involving Cy and Skids. I love Cy and Skids. ^__^
I'm running very low on straight kyara. Querida manages to turn them all gay! *shakes her head* Bennett, Lucas, Rukura, Sy.... who next? *turns to Tiirak* Dood, you're not gay are you? Tiirak: No way. Meg: You sure?? Tiirak: Yes, I'm sure. Meg: *looks suspicious*
Mommie bought me the Silence of the Lambs yesterday. It's such a good movie, and all the better if you've read the book. The casting for the movie is very good, too... Jodie Foster makes such a cute Clarice Starling. It really pisses me off that Julianne Moore is playing Clarice in Hannibal (which comes out tomorrow, check your local listings ^_~). She is SO not Starling material. But as long as Sir Anthony Hopkins is still good ol' Hannibal Lecter the Cannibal, I'll watch it.
*calls Mom* Wow, I got through....!!! Maybe that's because I cheated and used the associates-only code. How would I know THAT? 9.9
Looks like I get to stay home again today... *feh* Boredom and a half. Amy, if you're home, feel free to phone me or something.
Over and out!
( 10:50 PM )   Yeeeeeeeee! Querida can read my mind and alter my dreamstate!!!!
No one should have to drink 2 litres of cranberry juice in 5 hours. x_X
( 9:21 AM )   Morning blog!
I'm home sick! And it's only the 4th day of semester 2. Seems that whatever the hell was wrong with me before is wrong with me again... pain hurts, you know. T_T;
I've not much to say today... doesn't that suck when you wanna say something but you're outta' stuff to say?
OH!!! GOOD NEWS! AH Issue one is officially coming along WELL! Looks like I won't have to go to version 16... ^___^
( 9:32 PM )   Rukura and Lian... I got bored and messed around with PC Paintbrush...       ( 6:41 PM )   *looking from her cat CC to her mug of hot chocolate* CC is staring at the marshmellows like they're evil..... *inches away*       ( 6:29 PM )   The Angel Hunter church stainglass window...?       ( 4:00 PM )   Okay, I know.... I didn't blog this morning. I was running mighty late. I had to hop fences to get to school. ^_^;;;
What did I do today? Not much. I got yelled at three times and nearly booted out of my history class (why? for drawing! >.<;;), and I nearly fell asleep in comm tech. Thankfully, Mr. Dewitte let us out early.
The layouts for pages 1-4 of AH have been redone. This is version 15... and I'm LIKING it! FINALLY!
Heeey, imouto! Mercutio was the best kyara in that play. I also liked Benvolio, he was cool too (my once-best-friend Brittany took to calling me 'Volio 'cause I liked him so much). Mercutio, tho, had one hell of an attitude, and he was interesting and VERY funny. Too bad he had to die... I'm glad you liked the little snippet. Allow me to post another, just for you! ^__^ This is another bit I quite like.
Benjamin found it facinating to watch him, he was so calm and so... well, he was the very picture of freedom as far as he was concerned. Yes, that was it. Benjamin admired Lokistrant's blasé attitude towards life. Envy, almost.
When one night, Lokistrant was late on his ritual visits to the plantation, Benjamin worried. Could he have been hurt?.... no. This was Lokistrant. He didn't GET hurt. But maybe he just didn't want to see him anymore?
Abandonment. A reoccurring issue. His throat felt dry suddenly. He curled up on his bed, blond hair over his eyes, and wished for morning, when he KNEW that Lokistrant would not come. No second guessing when daylight was involved.
Minutes passed. And quite unexpectedly, Lokistrant was there, startling the boy. Leaning against the far wall, watching quietly, decked out in his usual dark reds and silvers. Benjamin sat up. "How long have you been there? You scared me!"
Lokistrant smiled his usual enigmatic smile, the impression of fangs something no longer unexpected. "Carter, deepest apologies for being so late." The smile was kind, but the voice was final, the tone stating that there was to be no questions asked. Lokistrant held out his hand to the boy. "Care to come with me into town for a while?"
( 7:45 AM )   Morning Blog, part II
Oh! I saw Cast Away over the weekend! It's SO good! Tom Hanks is a surprisingly good actor... I mean, who else can get away with talking to a volleyball so convincingly? And we all know that Amy likes to imagine him naked (Tom, not the volleyball). You should all go see it! NOW!!!! That's an order!
Heehee, now a little quote for fun from a story I am going to re-write.
Benjamin stared across the table at the stranger, worried. The man seemed in his twenties, if that, and had long brown hair that spilled over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes were an unnatural ruby red, and they were very intelligent eyes. Benjamin had learned early in life to be cautious, especially with the smarter ones.
The man crossed his hands on the table in front of him, casual. "Benjamin Carter, correct?"
Benjamin could dect a vague, though unrecognizable, accent. "Yes sir."
"You're fifteen?"
"Yes sir."
"Such a shame to see someone so young forced into... what you're familiar with."
Benjamin sunk down in his chair. "Why are you here? Why did you pull me away from papa?"
To match Benjamin's withdraw from the table, the man leaned forward, and smiled. Benjamin could have sworn he saw fangs. "You remind me of someone."
( 7:22 AM )   Morning blog!
Man, do I feel WEIRD this morning. I'm not sure why, exactly, but I just feel weird. I dunno. I think a certain spiritie dood slept in my bed with me last night.... *points at Bennett* 'Cause I actually slept.
Last night, during a particularly good RP, my ISP died and wouldn't let me back on. I wasn't happy. It was getting SO good, too... *pouts*
I'm so quickly out of things to say.... ^____^;;
O'er an' out!
( 11:17 AM )   Meg's random contemplations I'm considering re-writing Carter's story, which ties in with a fair bit of Lucas' story. Been considering it for a while... Carter's got some serious problems, and he's fun to write because he's so screwed up. He's got a really weird past. His dad was SUCH a jerk.... and up until becoming a vampire, Carter was good little Bennie; never had the nerve to fight his father. *ponders* It's an interesting story. Maybe I'll start on it again after I get home from seeing Cast Away....       ( 10:56 PM )   Okay, people, special announcement!!!!!!! Congrats to Bennett and niichan on the birth of their daughter, Candra Arael Bennett! ^___^       ( 3:32 PM )   Woohoo! I got switched from Casement's class to Apostolou's class! Hooray!!! And I am already SO ahead of all the people in my comm tech class. I seem to be the only one who knows how to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher, and Premier, as well as Quark and a few other programs. Damn, am I ahead. *_*       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning blog!
Wow, I only slept 3 hours and I feel okay.... *falls out of her chair laughing at today's BmB* Cy and Skids are a riot! I hope they do turn out as a couple! *laughing*
New semester starts today. I'm not too happy about this, as I have history and math this semester, and history is my homeroom class. With Mr. Casement. *cries* NOOOO!!! If I get called by my last name ONCE in his class, I'm gonna commit suicide (okay, not really).
My room is now a nice shrine of large wall hangings. On the walls around my bed, I have three Card Captor Sakura wallscrolls (two anime, one manga), and one kick-ASS Prozzak Saturday People promo poster. Thank you, John. *smilesmilesmile*
On Neopets, I am neopoor. Looks like my pets are gonna be eating at the soup kitchen a lot. -_-;
Meg's Art Corner! I know, I've not done much in the way of art lately. You know what's weird? I tend to draw more in school than at home. I think it's because I'm around so many people. Cam's SD Panther form, doodled in MS Paint. I was bored, okay? And it DID turn out cute. Part of my MS Paint family portrait. I still have to finish the pictures for John and Dani, and the kids too if I have enough willpower after screwing around with the stupid program afterwards.
Song of the moment: "When Doves Cry (Fatboy Slim remix) by Depeche Mode and Prince. I love this... don't ask me why. ^_^;
Quote of the moment: "Listen sister, if I want your opinion, I'll BEAT it out of you!" -- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Okay, that's it for now. Ja matta ne! *disappears in purple smoke*
( 12:38 PM )   Song of the moment: "Misere by Andrea Bocelli and John Miles. I have a very....expansive taste in music. So sue me. *sings along*       ( 11:45 AM )   To Chris-kun: Dooood, I don't hate you, and I'm not mad at you..... jus' chill, man. S'your blog, you can say what's on your mind...
I got my pretty pretty new cladagh ring in the mail yesterday! *kisses said ring* Mi querida gave it to me!! Isn't that sweet? ^__^
I have come to the conclusion that Cam would make a really scary bad guy. Like, not c3... but if CAM were bad. He'd be scary. I mean, he's already got some issues with where his loyalty lies... and he's pretty much infinite in power. Not to mention, after being killed about 200 times, I think he knows the painful ways to kill people. Wonder if niichan (currently my neechan) sees this? Well, at least now he knows about Cam's possibilities for becoming nothing more than a lethal weapon.
I have three neopets! My blue wocky named Cadence, my green shoyru named Lokistrant, and my yellow eyrie Poyania! ^__^
"My December" is © Linkin Park. The art is mine. Don't take. Information on the layout is thus; this is Damien McKinnley, a character of mine whom I've been roleplaying for a little over a year now. He's Simon McKinnley's oldest child, and he's kinda angsty and depressive. Art done in paintchat and added some snow in Photoshop.
Name: Meg Graham AKA: DJ Rabid Armadillo Age: 17 Birthday: May 1st Identifies as: a depressive and obsessive compulsive bisexual artist and writer Hair: black Eyes: grey Bands: Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden Movies: Fight Club, Velvet Goldmine, Hedwig and the Angry Inch Books: As I Lay Dying, Harry Potter, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, and the Repairman Jack series. Anime: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Manga: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Artists: Takaya Natsuki, H.R Giger, Tony, Firefly Family: Tony, Julian, Dora, Poe, Mina Lives for: Firefly, art, music
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tachimybananase · 4 years
Hiki & Howl
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Original work by yours truly I’m working on this fic for 4 or 5 years now. This is the 3rd reboot, which some might find annoying or stupid, but since I’ve developed a lot as a “writer”, I want to make my existing works better (well, hopefully ^^) If you’ve read this before, please consider reading it again, because it’s very different from the last version! I hope you’ll enjoy this story and like the characters, they mean the world to me. :) You can also find me on Wattpad and AO3.  Summary: Hiki grew up in a strict Yakuza family with a harsh father and an abusive mother. After a traumatizing event, he lost all hope to ever find true happiness. Until, one day, a stranger came into his life and turned everything upside down.
Chapter 1 - Fate
"Hello, I'm here to meet Ueda-san. I have an appointment." A blond man in a black Audi Q7 sat waiting in front of a big iron gate. It took a moment after he had answered the intercom before the gate began to slowly open. "Follow the road until you reach the main building," a deep voice told him. The man did as he was told, following a graveled path for about five minutes until he arrived at a plaza stationed in front of a grand mansion. The mansion's architecture displayed a distinguished amalgamation of traditional Japanese charm and modern flair. He parked his car, got out, and adjusted his suit and tie before pushing up his glasses and walking to the entrance door. Giving no thought to hesitation, he rang the doorbell to which a buff, bald, gorilla of a man in a black designer suit answered. "Follow me," the man ordered, so he entered the house. They walked through the entrance hall and followed a long hallway, passing several doors before they finally reached their destination. The gorilla opened the door and gestured for him to walk inside. "Wait here," he growled. Doing as he was told he sat down on a black leather sofa, where he soon found himself alone. The room was bright and big, but the interior was quite spartan. Next to the sofa was a chair and a coffee table. On the wall to the right was a cupboard with an expensive-looking vase and a framed picture on it. Through the large glass door right across from him, he had a good view of the big, well-kept garden, which looked more like a park sizewise. Driven by curiosity, Howl got up to take a closer look at the picture on the cupboard. “Oh, a family portrait,” he mumbled to himself. The parents were sitting on two wooden chairs in the middle surrounded by five kids. The mother looked completely indifferent, and the father had a threatening aura. He knew that man’s face from the newspapers. It was the person he had an appointment with, and he wondered if the rumors were true. Are they really yakuza? Well, they sure look like it , Howl thought as he looked at the family in their expensive-looking, traditional yukata. Out of their five children, only two were smiling. One of them a teenage boy. He stood behind two smaller boys that looked close in age, his hands placed on their shoulders. He guessed the smaller boys, who were holding hands, were around ten. The bigger of the two was smiling as well, while the other looked shy, almost intimidated, but very cute. There was also a teenage girl that looked like she was pouting, and another boy that looked slightly older than her, with the same earnest expression as his father. Such a big family, but aside from those three boys in the corner, there was no feeling of happiness or wholesomeness whatsoever. Suddenly the door opened. Someone entered the room and Howl turned around. "Oh, there's someone in here, I'm sorry for disturbing!" A young man with long, rose blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, bowed. "I-I wanted to take a shortcut to the garden." He pointed at the glass door. "I assume you're waiting for my father…" "Yes, I am. My name is Harada Howl, nice to meet you," Howl answered. "N-Nice to meet you, I'm Ueda Hikaru," the boy replied politely but shy. Woah, he's cute , Howl thought instantly and suddenly realized… "You look like one of the boys in this portrait. Is this you?" He pointed at the smallest boy who looked intimidated. "Oh, yeah. That's me. Um, your name… It's quite unusual..." He changed the subject, but then he suddenly bowed. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I didn’t mean to be so intrusive.” "It’s fine, don’t worry. My mother was a big fan of the book 'Howl's Moving Castle' by Diana Wynne Jones, and she was a little extravagant, so she named me and my sister after the main characters." Howl replied as he was used to this kind of conversation. People often asked him about his name, which usually made him feel annoyed at his mother for not giving him a more common one. But weirdly, he wasn’t annoyed by that boy. "That's awesome, I immediately thought of that book! That’s why I asked. I love it too, it's one of my favorite stories,” Hikaru exclaimed. "You like reading?" Howl asked and pointed at the book the boy was holding. Hikaru nodded eagerly. "Yes, I love books. It's like living another life… Good books take you away from reality and let you forget where you are, who you are, and even that you're reading at all..." he replied with glowing cheeks and a spark in his eyes. "Your excitement is very refreshing, Ueda-kun," Howl said and smirked. "Oh, umm…" Hikaru blushed and looked down, obviously flustered. "C-Can I offer you some tea while you’re waiting? My father's men aren't very hospitable." "But weren't you on your way to the garden? I don't want to trouble you," Howl replied. "Oh no, I just wanted to go for a walk… I can do that later." "Well, in that case, I would love to have a cup of tea, thank you. But only if you join me." "Sure! Do you like green tea?" Hikaru asked eagerly. "I love green tea," Howl smiled warmly, which made the boy freeze with a surprised expression. Then he blushed and rushed out. Howl slumped back down on the sofa. "What the heck… My heart is beating like crazy…" he mumbled to himself. Is it because of my appointment? No... I’m not the type who gets nervous before meeting a potential client. Then… Is it because of him? I mean… He is really cute, Howl thought. This is a first. Thinking of a guy as cute? Strange... Dammit, I should focus on my appointment, but... After a few minutes, Hikaru came back, carrying a black tray with a teapot, a cup, and a plate of cookies on it. He placed it on the coffee table and sat down next to Howl. "Here you go, Harada-san," he said as he poured him a cup of the healthy brew. "I made the cookies myself, I hope they’re to your liking," Hikaru added nervously. Howl took one of the cookies from the plate and tried it. "Ueda-kun, they're delicious! Hands-down the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had," he praised him. "Ha-Harada-san, are you making fun of me?" The boy asked skeptically. "Not at all! My father's family runs a chain of sweets shops, so you can trust my verdict," Howl winked. "Maybe you've heard of Harada Sweets before?" "Y-Yeah... Um, well, I'll take the compliment then, thank you. I'm very happy that you like them." He looked down shyly and blushed. Howl's heart was throbbing wildly as he was completely bedazzled by this boy's brisk cuteness. He noticed that Hikaru seemed very insecure, but Howl didn't know at the time that it wasn't like him to talk to others so uncoerced. That he usually didn’t speak much at all, but that there was something about Howl that made Hikaru feel comfortable enough to almost forget about his shyness. "Ueda-kun, may I ask how old you were in that picture?" Again, Howl pointed at the photograph on the cupboard. "You're the youngest one of the bunch, right?" "Oh… I was ten when it was taken. I'm the smallest one, but my brother Hajime, who's standing right next to me, is one year younger than me," he explained. He looked sad and Howl wondered why that was the case. “Sorry if my questions make you feel uncomfortable. I’m too nosy.” “No, you’re not, it’s fine, really! I just don’t like looking at that picture. It was taken a year before my brother Satoshi passed away. The one who’s standing behind me.” Howl looked at the broadly smiling boy in the picture. “I’m sorry, my deepest condolences. That was very insensitive of me...” “You couldn’t have known, it’s fine,” the boy replied. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it…” He brushed a strand of hair behind his ear insecurely. "So you're 17 now?" Howl changed the topic to hopefully ease up the boy’s tension again. "I turned 18 on the twenty-second of April." "Oh, that was only three weeks ago… Happy belated birthday!" "Th-Thank you." Hikaru blushed. "Are you attending University yet?" "I'm going to attend T-Uni starting September. Since my birthday is after the start of the spring semester, I decided to begin in September." "T-Uni? That's funny, because…" Howl started, but suddenly the door opened and the gorilla entered the room. "Ueda-dono wants to see you now. Follow me," he said. “Hikaru-sama, you shouldn’t be here,” he added growling after he noticed the boy. “I’m sorry, Kitamura-san. I’ll clean up and leave.” The gorilla nodded and left. Hikaru got up and bowed to Howl. “It was nice talking to you. Um… Sorry, if I bothered you, though.” Howl started panicking internally, he wanted to talk to that boy more! He got up and frantically rummaged around in his pocket, pulled out a flat silver box, opened it, and took out one of the business cards that were inside. "Ueda-kun, I would like to meet you again to continue our conversation. I really enjoyed talking to you. Please call me or send me an email, okay?" The stern expression on Howl’s face as he formally offered him the card with both hands startled Hikaru. He hesitated for a moment and looked at the card without saying anything. It read: 'Harada Howl - Founder and CEO of Castle Tech - IT and Smart Home Security'.   The people that usually came to their house weren't exactly of the upright kind, and it could have been a dummy company, but Hikaru didn't want to be rude to the man, since he had been kind to him. So he took the card and Howl’s earnest expression turned into a relieved smile. “Hey, what’re you waiting for, follow me,” Kitamura barked at him as he reentered the room. They quickly said their goodbyes and Howl left. Hikaru sighed and put the card into his jeans pocket. What a strange guy , he thought as he cleaned up. But he liked my cookies… He smiled, took the tray, and brought it back to the kitchen before he finally went on his walk.Hikaru liked the big garden behind the house, especially the part that was the furthest away from the main building. No one ever walked that far, so he had it all to himself and no one who would disturb him. Hikaru preferred sitting underneath his favorite tree over being inside the house. The atmosphere there was always kind of dark and cold and his father often had 'business partners' over, most of whom were unpleasant people. He didn't feel at home there… Or welcomed even. As he had reached his little hideout, Hikaru made himself comfortable on the ground between the roots of a big cherry tree and took a deep breath of the warm spring air. Then, he suddenly realized something. "Crap, I forgot my book in the room because of that guy…" He sighed, annoyed at himself. "That guy…" Hikaru leaned back against the tree and looked into the cloudy sky while thinking about that stranger. He looked like a foreigner with his blond hair and blue eyes. He was also abnormally tall, at least for Japanese standards. Hiki estimated his size to be around 1,90m. The man’s appearance was quite impressive, not only because of his size. He wore a dark blue suit with a white shirt and a dark blue vest that flattered his blue eyes and the cut underlined his broad shoulders. His expression was stern, which was emphasized by his black, square-shaped glasses. Yet, he was surprisingly friendly. His smile and his deep voice felt comforting. “He liked my cookies,” Hikaru grinned, but then shook his head. "What am I thinking about…?" He clicked his tongue. It had been the first time that one of his father's associates was nice to him in a non-creepy way. The clientele normally consisted of other Yakuza Clan leaders or members. Growing up as the son of the head of one of the biggest clans wasn't easy, especially because Hikaru despised violence and weapons. His siblings were better at accepting their lifestyle, but he just wanted to get out of that house as soon as possible. “Oh right, he gave me his card…” The boy reached into his jeans pocket and pulled it out. "Harada Howl, huh…" He stared at the card for a moment and wanted to put it back, but then he hesitated. "He was very kind and polite, I should at least thank him for that, right? Yup, definitely. Manners are important," he told himself, took out his phone, and started typing a message. [Thank you very much for praising my cookies earlier. Best regards, Ueda Hikaru.] He tapped the send button, but then jolted. "Wait! No, that sounds stupid, how do I delete this?!” He panicked, and as he tried to find out how to delete a message on the app he was using, his phone suddenly started buzzing. "Wah!" Startled by that, Hikaru dropped it on the ground and looked at the upwards directed display. “It’s his number! Why is he calling?!" Hikaru's heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it was about to burst through his chest. He reached for the device, but the moment he picked it up, it went silent. "I missed it…" He wasn't sure why, but he felt sad. He sighed in frustration when his phone started buzzing again. "Y-YES?!" He answered so eagerly that he cringed over his own behavior. What the hell is wrong with me , he asked himself. "Ueda-kun...? Are you there?" "Yes, it's me! I’m here!" "Can you talk or are you busy?" "It's fine…" "What are you doing right now?" "I'm still in the garden…" Hikaru leaned back against the tree, happy to hear the man's voice. "Isn’t it lonely out there?" "I don’t like people, they’re troublesome. Being alone outside in nature is much better." Did I just say that I don’t like people?! He’ll think I’m a freak , Hikaru thought, panicking. “Yeah, I don’t like people either, but I have to be social due to my job…” Hikaru’s heart throbbed with happiness. “Really...?” “To be honest, I’d rather spend my days writing code alone in my office than socialize. Talking to people is straining, but not talking to clients would be kind of bad for my business.” “Yeah, probably…” Hikaru smiled broadly as he felt understood in that regard for the first time. “Where are you right now?” “I'm in my car on my way home to Tokyo, that’s why I thought I'd call since I can't type and I didn’t want to wait for an hour before answering. Luckily the meeting with your father was over quickly. He knows exactly what he wants, which makes it easy to work with him.” "So it went well?" "Let’s say, your father is quite a character, but yes, it went well and we’re gonna work for him in the future... Honestly, I've never met someone like him before, and to be blunt, I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing." "It sure isn't. So… That means you're not one of them?" "T hem ? Oh, you mean Yakuza?” Howl asked bluntly. “Yeah…” So it is true , he thought. “No, I’m not and that's not my usual clientele, but having him as a client will actually be great for our growth, he has a lot of influence... As long as they don't want me to do anything shady, I don’t care what my clients do in private." Hikaru felt relieved. "What does your company do?" "It's just boring IT stuff, mostly. Among other things, we develop Smart Home Security Systems and such. We're going to set up new IT systems at your father's offices and install a new Home Security system..." Howl kept rambling about his line of work for a while and, though Hikaru didn't understand most of the technical terms, he wasn't bored for a single second. He enjoyed hearing Howl talk so passionately about his profession, and couldn't help but smile the whole time. "Jeez, I’m babbling, sorry,” Howl interrupted himself at one point. “To continue where we left off earlier, you said you’re going to attend T-Uni in September, right? What faculty?" "Education, I want to become a teacher," Hikaru replied. "Is that so?" "Yeah, my Brother-in-law is a professor and he always talked so passionately about his job, it inspired me." "I see. Well, good luck and work hard, Ueda-kun." "Th-Thank you, I'll do my best. My grades are quite good and I'm really looking forward to my University life." "Are you going to move to Tokyo? It would probably be more convenient than to travel by train every day, right?" "I want to, but I wasn't able to find a job there yet, and there are no free dorms currently.” "Can't your father pay for your rent?" Howl asked bluntly. "Well, he could and he even offered it, but I don't want to rely on his money. It’d make me indebted to him, that’s why I worked hard for my scholarship. I should explain why being independent of him is important… You know, in our world, you’re supposed to take the path your family chooses for you. Basically, you have to work in the family business… My father decides what exactly you’re going to do and his will is our law. But I didn’t want to waste my life doing something I hate, so I made a deal with him that allowed me to take my own path.” “A deal?” “I had to fulfill certain criteria like getting straight A’s in school, present him a life plan and such, which was fine and somewhat reasonable. But if I depended on his money and did anything he’d be displeased with, he could just go and cut me off financially. I'd be forced to come back here and work for him after all. With a job, I would be able to stay in Tokyo and live my own life no matter what.” “So you’re creating your own safety net, huh…” “Yup, that’s the plan. Even if it’s a shitty job and I’ll have a tiny, run-down apartment, anything is better than this house. I really have to find a job, I wanna move out as soon as possible. And the commute would be horrible. By train, it’s one and a half hours each way every day..." “I’m impressed, Ueda-kun. Your determination to stand on your own two feet at such a young age amazes me.” “R-Really?” Hikaru blushed and was glad Howl wasn’t able to see it. “Absolutely! You could live a comfortable life, but you’re choosing the hard way. That’s honorable in my opinion.” “Th...Thanks…” Hikaru replied flustered. “Wait, wasn’t there something you wanted to say when Kitamura-san interrupted us? I just remembered… You said it’s funny that I’m attending T-Uni, because… And then Kitamura-san came in.” “Right, I wanted to say that my sister is a T-Uni alumnus.” “Oh really? Right, you mentioned a sister when we talked about your name. You said you’re both named after the main characters in the book, so her name must be Sophie…?” "Correct. She's my twin and moved to Hokkaido after graduating. She works as a dojo instructor. She’s incredibly talented when it comes to martial arts." " That sounds impressive! But isn’t it tough to live so far apart when you’re twins?" “I do miss her, but she’s working for a prestigious dojo and a famous sensei who’s won many awards, she couldn’t say no to that. We talk on the phone often, though. We’re still very close.” “Do you have any more siblings?” “No, we’re the only family that’s left. Our parents passed away and we only have an aunt who partially raised us. But she lives in the UK… We don’t have a big family like you, unfortunately.” “Well, I might have a big family, but I’m not close with all of them. I’m closest with my brother Hacchan.” “I’m trying to recall the family portrait… He was…” “The one next to me who was holding my hand. He’s very protective over me, even though I’m the older one,” Hikaru smiled lovingly. “We also have a childhood friend, Kaito, who’s my age, and like a brother to me also.” “It’s important to have someone you’re close to.” “Yeah… Especially if you don’t like people,” Hikaru chuckled, and Howl did as well. “That’s true…” They continued to have a very long conversation and both didn't realize how much time had passed. Howl had gotten home, had had dinner, but they were still on the phone together. "Ah-choo!" Hiki suddenly sneezed, interrupting a heated conversation where they were discussing the latest episode of a drama both of them were watching. "Oh, bless you! Wait... Ueda-kun, are you still outside?!" "Yeah, I haven’t moved an inch…" "Jeez, go inside, it's dark already and the nights are still cold! I hope you won’t get sick..." Hikaru smiled, happy that Howl cared about his well being. "I will, sorry." He got up and walked back to the house. When he had reached his room, someone suddenly grabbed his shoulder from behind. Hikaru jolted and almost dropped his phone again. "Wah, what the…? Oh, it’s you… Jeez, you scared me!" His younger brother Hajime was standing behind him. He was the complete opposite of Hikaru. Hajime was tall, strong, and had a toned body due to the martial arts he did. Hiki on the other hand was very slender and looked rather frail. Not unhealthily skinny, but also not muscular at all. So naturally, everyone mistook Hajime for the older one. "Niichan, there you are! Kai came over to play video games, wanna join us?" "Umm no, not today, sorry." Hikaru tried to hide his phone. "What're you up to," Hajime asked curiously as he noticed his brother’s weird behavior. "Noth-... AH-CHOO!" "Eh, are you getting sick again? You should take a hot bath. Want me to-" "No, no, it's fine, really! I'll just go to bed, I'm sleepy, goodnight! And say hi to Kai for me." He turned around and hurried to his room, leaving a startled Hajime behind. Hikaru sighed loudly after he shut the door. "Are you still there Harada-san?" "I am, are you okay? What happened?" "Nothing, just my brother. Where were we?" Hikaru slumped down on his bed and they continued talking for a while longer until the boy started nodding off.On the next morning, Hikaru woke up with a throbbing head and moaned as he got up. He felt horrible. In addition to his throbbing head, his nose was stuffed, his body hurt and his throat felt sore. “Guess I caught a cold after all,” he said to himself with a husky voice. "Jeez, and I fell asleep with my clothes on… Wait! Did we even hang up last night? Oh no..." Hikaru realized that he must have fallen asleep while Howl was still on the phone. His feverish cheeks became even redder. "How embarrassing!" He coughed and took his phone. “A message!” He opened it and read: [Ueda-kun, I hope you're okay. I'm sorry, but I hung up the phone after you fell asleep. Well, I listened to your breathing for a while, which sounds creepy, but it felt so relaxing… Can I call you again tonight? I haven't had that much fun in a long time...] Hikaru's heart skipped a beat. It's fun for him to talk with me , he thought excitedly and typed in an answer. [I feel the same! Sorry for falling asleep (⌒_⌒;) Call me whenever you have time.] Unexpectedly, he received a reply right away. [Can't wait. I’ll call you in the evening after work, around 8.] Hikaru was so happy, he almost forgot how sick he felt. “Niichan?” His younger brother suddenly knocked on the door and opened it. “Are you ready for breakfa- Woah, you look awful!” “Thanks, Hacchan. Good morning to you, too,” Hikaru replied sarcastically. “I knew it! I knew you caught a cold! You were hanging out in the garden for way too long again. How often do I have to tell you to at least take a blanket with you? You know how easily you get sick,” Hajime scolded him. “Anyway, stay here, I’ll go and ask the chef to make some rice porridge and tea, no objections! Do you still have cooling pads? If not, I’ll ask Kai to bring some from the konbini, he’s coming over after work as usual...” “I have a whole box left in my drawer...” Hikaru mumbled. “Alright. Rest now, I’ll be back in a bit.” The boy slumped back down into his pillows as his brother rushed out. “Not gonna put up a fight, too tired…” he huffed to himself. But he appreciated Hajime’s mothering a lot since their actual mother wasn’t exactly the loving type. Hikaru made sure to thank him when he brought the steaming hot meal and freshly brewed tea. Despite his bad health, he was excitedly looking forward to his new friend’s call, but his condition only got worse over time and he slept most of the day. In the end, Hikaru missed the call.He was devastated when he woke up the next morning and saw the missed call on his phone. “I bet he’s mad now…” Hikaru muttered, struggling while trying to sit up, weakened by his cold. He couldn't help but tear up as he gave in and just laid there. “I hate this… I hate myself…” he whispered frustrated and disappointed in himself. He hadn't even noticed that his brother and his childhood friend Kaito had entered his room to look after him. "Niichan, are you crying? What happened, are you feeling worse? Want me to tell Sasara to drive you to the hospital?" Hikaru shook his head. "I’m sad… I really like him, you know… I wanted to talk to him more and maybe even see him again, but now he's probably super mad at me because I didn't pick up the phone last night… Or he thinks I hate him , which I don’t," he sobbed. Hikaru didn’t want to tell them about Howl, but the words just slipped out while Hajime and Kaito looked at each other in confusion. “Finally someone I got along with who isn't my brother or my best friend and I screw it up just because I have to get sick again. Great timing, Hikaru! Well done, you weakling! Dammit…” Hikaru cursed, talking more to himself than to Hajime and Kaito. "What’re you babbling about?" "Maybe he’s hallucinating because of the fever. I mean, he’s done that before... Or he’s just going crazy," Kaito said in his typical nonchalant manner. "I’m so sad," Hikaru sniffled. "The day before yesterday, I met someone and he liked my cookies and accepted me, didn’t judge me… But he probably hates me now and I deserve it!" "Niichan, who the heck is he?" Hajime asked concernedly. Hikaru sat up, moaning. "Ugh, I’m dizzy…” He took a deep breath. “His name is Harada-san. He totally gets me, and he’s just so cool, and it’s sooo much fun talking to him," Hikaru swooned with a runny nose. "Ew, gross…" Kaito remarked at that sight and threw a tissue at his friend. Hiki blew his nose weakly and continued: "He had an appointment with father because something, something, computer stuff.” Hiki nodded knowingly. ”He likes computers more than people. Just how I like… Anything more than people. Okay, I like some people. Like him ... He was waiting for father and I offered him tea and cookies... He really liked my cookies, did I mention that…?" Hiki grinned dreamily. “Wait, he’s one of father’s business partners? Niichan, those people are dangerous, what the hell’s gotten into you?!” “He’s not like that, Hacchan. No, no. He’s a good guy. Very good. A good cookie...” Hiki giggled. "What’s with the damn cookies all the time? You're such a weirdo..." “See, even you think that I’m a weirdo. But he doesn’t!” Hajime stepped closer and placed his hand on his brother's forehead. "Jeez, you're burning up, Niichan! Come on, lay back down." Hiki diligently did so and Hajime tucked him in. "I'll go and get you breakfast, you need to eat something, you’re completely delusional. Kai, can you stay with him?" Kaito nodded and sat down at Hiki's desk which was covered in books and notepads. "Hacchan, please don't tell mother that I got sick again, she’d kill me..." Hiki mumbled drowsily. "As if I would do that," Hajime replied, clicked his tongue and left the room. “Hey Hiki, I didn’t want to say anything in front of your brother, but you sound like you have a crush on that guy,” Kaito said, but all he got in reply was snoring. “...Rude. Well, maybe it’s all just nonsense because of the fever… Last time you were down with a cold, you talked about a purple elephant with green wings and antennas that was taking you for a ride over Mount Fuji...” Kairo dismissed his assumption. But then his eyes fell on one of his childhood friend’s notebooks on the floor next to his bed, which had the name ‘Howl’ written all over it, with notes added such as: ‘likes chocolate chip cookies and chips’, ‘has a twin sister named Sophie’, ‘born on February 7th’, ‘likes the color blue’... “Jeez, Hiki... Let’s hope this is going to end well…” Kaito mumbled, frowning. "Crap, he didn't even eat or drink anything," Hajime cursed when he reentered the room a few minutes later and saw that his brother was sound asleep. "Just put it on his nightstand, he’ll eat it later.” “You know that he won’t, I’ll have to remind him. He’s so negligent when it comes to taking care of himself.” “True… Hey, that was some weird stuff he said, huh? Will you keep an eye on that?" "Definitely. If what he said wasn't a fever dream, then there's someone who obviously has some sort of interest in him. And a guy at that... Older than him too," Hajime clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "But it didn't sound like it was another Yakuza, so he should be safe, right?" "I don't know. It's weird that Niichan is so into someone he just met. It's not like him at all, you know how shy and reserved he normally is towards anyone, even other family members. This is concerning..." "Or maybe you're just overprotective? Maybe you're overthinking and they just get along well…? He doesn't have any friends besides us, so maybe he finally decided to open up a little more…" "Kai, you’ve known him since you were four… Do you really believe that he all of a sudden decided to become sociable? Niichan, who barely even opens up to us?!" "Okay, not really. But what are we going to do? He's not a kid, we can't tell him not to talk to strangers…" "Yeah, but…" Hiki's buzzing phone next to his pillow interrupted their discussion. Hajime leaned over and looked at the screen to see who was calling. "It says Cookie-san… So it wasn’t a fever dream..." "Are you gonna pick it up?" The second Kaito had finished his question, Hajime had grabbed the phone and answered the call. "Listen, whoever you are! I don't know what kind of game you're playing with my brother, but you better not have any shady intentions, or I'll find you and tear you a new one!" "Ah, you must be his little brother... Hacchan, right? My name is Harada Howl, nice to talk to you." "My name is Hajime! What do you want from him? I swear, if you’re from a rival group and hurt him in any way… You know what my family is capable of, right? You’re gonna regret the day you were born!" "Growing up in certain social circles probably makes you raise suspicion against others easily, but I'm a decent guy,” Howl replied calmly. “I’m not in that line of work. I run my own successful IT company. I'm not a crook, and I have no bad intentions regarding your brother. I respect that you want to protect him, that's what family does, and your brother speaks very highly of you. The two of you seem very close, but he’s eighteen, he can make his own decisions..." Hajime was surprised and even impressed by that man's straightforwardness and calm manner even after being threatened. "What exactly are your intentions?" "I don't have any. I just enjoy talking to him. It’s fun, interesting, and invigorating… He has a great personality and I would like to get to know him better." "Tch. You sound like you have a crush on him," Hajime said provocatively. "My brother isn't gay, so don't get your hopes up. You should just leave him alone." "Can't do that, sorry. Like I said, your brother is old enough to make his own decisions. If he tells me to leave him alone, then I will respect that. But brother or not, you don't have the right to tell me that in his place. Though you can rest assured that even if I had a crush on him, I would never force myself onto him. Anyhow, is this interrogation over? Because I would like to talk to him now." "He… He's sleeping off a cold,” Hajime replied honestly, startled by the stranger’s words. "I see, so that's why he didn't pick up my call last night. I will let him recover then. It was nice talking to you, Hacchan-kun. Maybe I'll have the pleasure again. Goodbye." "Hacchan-k…? I told you, my name is-... He hung up…!" Hajime looked at Kaito dumbfounded. "What happened? What did he say?" Hajime needed a moment to process their conversation. "...I hate to admit it, but I guess he's cool. Very blunt, but he seemed honest. I don't think he's a threat to Niichan... I'll still keep an eye on this whole situation though. Come on now, let's leave so he can get some rest." “He is resting… He didn’t even flinch. Once this guy’s asleep, it’s like he’s in a coma…” “I know, but do you wanna stay and watch my brother sleep, or do you wanna go to my room and make out?” “Hmm… Not sure what's more fun...” Kaito replied teasingly. "I'll show you what's more fun," Hajime growled, grabbed Kai's hand, and dragged him out of the room. For the next few days, Hiki was down with his cold. Due to his weak immune system, he was used to getting sick easily, but this time it hit him really hard. He had a very high fever and was out cold most of the time. Thankfully, Hajime and Kaito took good care of him. They wanted to call a doctor, but Hiki declined because he didn’t want their mother to get wind of it. They had a very strained relationship, and she hated when he became a bother to her. Hiki desperately wanted to avoid one of her tantrums, so he assured them that he’d be fine. After three days of mostly sleeping, he had finally recovered. Though, even his illness couldn’t keep him from constantly checking his phone to see if Howl had at least sent a message. But there was nothing. Hiki figured that this new friendship was over before it had even really started, and it made him incredibly sad. He thought about sending Howl a message to apologize but didn't dare to. "Jeez Niichan, stop sulking over some stranger…" Hajime rolled his eyes after he had entered his brother's room to check up on him. But all he saw was a blanket ball on the bed. “How are you feeling today?” "I'm not sulking. My fever is gone, I feel much better. Thank you for taking care of me, Hacchan, you're the best,” the blanket ball replied with a muffled voice. "I know, I know." Hajime smiled, happy about his big brother's praise. Hiki sat up and uncovered himself. "Where's Kaito? Don't you have karate practice today? He usually watches you…" "We had a fight…" Hajime sighed and slumped down on Hiki's bed. "Oh really? What happened?" "I wanted to make out earlier, but he didn't... And then I… kinda told him to stop bitching - OW!" Hiki had reached out and smacked his brother on the back of his head. "You're an idiot! Apologize, now!" He glared at Hajime. "I know, it was extremely shitty of me, and I feel really bad about it, but he won't pick up his phone…" "So what? Go to his house, it's just down the road! Hacchan, you need to understand that now that you guys are more than just friends, you have to be a little more careful with your words and actions. You’re so perfect for each other, please don't ruin it. I wish I had what you guys have…" "...Really?" "Of course! I mean, just because I never had a love interest doesn't mean I want to be alone for the rest of my life. I want someone who I can love and who loves me back…" "I really love him, that's why I can't help wanting to touch him all the time- OW! Niichaaaan, stop that!" "Hacchan, seriously, I know you’re only 16, but get your teenage hormones in check! If you love him that much, and I know you do, treat him with the respect he deserves. I can't believe that I really have to tell you that!" "Hey, I’m turning 17 next month! But you're right. I'll go over and apologize in person. Maybe I should pick some flowers on my way there..." "Now that's more like you, Hacchan!" Hiki patted his brother's head. "Niichan, my hair~" Hajime got up and walked over to the door. "What are you going to do today? Are you gonna stay in bed again?" "Hm… No, I think I'll sneak out and head over to Ramen Jiji." “I’ll go with you!” “No. You go and apologize. You don't have much time anyway, your practice will start soon, so hurry up.” “But you shouldn’t go to town all by yourself. Ask Sasara-san to drive you…” “I don’t want a guard, it’s awkward.” Hajime sighed. “So stubborn... But you barely ate anything in the past few days, so a big bowl of Jiji’s stamina ramen would do you good… Just be careful, okay?" "Yup." Hiki scooted over to the edge of his bed. "But first, I'll take a shower…" "And… You should call him," Hajime mumbled. "Huh?" Hiki's heart skipped a beat. "Call whom? What are you talking about?" Hajime rolled his eyes. "That guy you were swooning over when you were running a fever. If you like him, call him. Anyway, talk to you later.” He turned around and quickly left the room. Hiki blushed. He had absolutely no recollection of talking about Howl. ‘If you like him, call him’ , he thought. “As if that’s so easy…” Hiki sighed, got up, and went to the bathroom to get ready. Afterwards, he snuck out of the big, fenced property through his usual secret exit to go on the thirty-minute bike ride away to his favorite restaurant. Hikaru cursed the remoteness of their home every time he went there. Riding the bike for that long was exhausting to him, especially after lying in bed for days. Though the scenery of the countryside and the great air kind of made up for it. It was one of the rare moments when he felt free. At least a little bit. After Hiki arrived at his destination, huffing and sweaty, he sat down at the counter and placed his favorite book, that he had brought along, on it. The shop was quite busy, so he decided to start reading until the waitress had time to take his order. He loved going to that small and cozy shop. It was a little run down, but that just added to its charm, and the staff was always very kind to him. Plus, to Hiki, Jiji made the best Ramen in the world. "I'll be right there, Hiki-kun," the waitress shouted over when she noticed him. "No hurry, Kida-san," Hiki replied. "Ueda-kun?!" A deep voice behind him startled Hiki and he jolted around. His heart stopped when he saw the person standing there. "H-Harada-san? What are you doing here?" "I had an appointment at one of your father's offices nearby and got hungry… Since you're here, I assume you're feeling better?" "Huh?" "You were sick, weren't you? Are you okay yet? You look pale…" he frowned concernedly. "I-I'm okay… But how do you know?" "May I?" Howl asked before sitting down on a chair next to him after Hiki had nodded. "I called the other day, and your brother picked up your phone." "Hacchan? He didn't mention anything…" "He told me that you were sick, so I wanted to give you time to recover before contacting you again. But… I couldn't stand to wait anymore and wanted to call you yesterday. Unfortunately, something came up at work, and in the end, it had gotten very late. I was planning to call you this evening, but now that I met you here, would you like to have lunch with me?" Howl smiled and Hiki’s heart skipped a beat. "I-I would love to," he sparkled, happy and relieved. Howl's chest tightened. He's way too cute for his own good , he thought. Howl didn't plan on making any advances towards Hiki, but seeing him again in person, he was now 100% sure that he had fallen for that boy. "Alright, Hiki-kun. What can I bring you today," the waitress asked smiling as she approached him. "Um, I'd like a bowl of stamina ramen, please," he replied. "And for your friend?" "Can you recommend anything, Ueda-kun?" Howl asked. "Hmm… Everything tastes great here, to be honest. But maybe… Jiji’s special Tonkotsu Ramen? I mean, if Tonkotsu is something you like, you should try it, Jiji’s is the best!" "Sounds great, I'll have that," Howl told the waitress, who nodded and walked over to the kitchen. In the meantime, Hiki and Howl switched to one of the tables in the back for more privacy. "I'm really happy to have met you here, Ueda-kun. I wanted to talk to you more and I would like to have more of your delicious cookies… Jeez, I sound like a creep again…" "N-No, not at all! If I would've known that I'd meet you here, I would've brought you some. Next time, I promise," Hiki smiled broadly. "Next time? Love to hear that," Howl said and returned the smile, which made Hiki's heart throb, and he swallowed hard. What the heck was that, he thought, startled by his own reaction. "Oh, by the way… I stopped at one of my family's branches and got you this." Howl rummaged around in his dark brown leather briefcase and handed Hiki a black box with a golden peony emblem, and the writing 'Harada Sweets" on it. "Good thing I forgot to take it out after I bought it." "W-What is this?" Hiki asked dumbfounded. "Open it… I didn't know if you like them, but I decided to give it a shot." Hiki opened the shiny box and inside was a mix of colorful Japanese sweets that were shaped like flowers. "Uwah~ Namagashi! I love Namagashi, and these are especially pretty, thank you Harada-san!" Hiki sparkled. Howl cleared his throat, touched by the boy’s blitheness over such a simple gift. "I'm glad you like them. And thank you for having lunch with me, food always tastes better with company." "I agree! And… Well... I enjoy talking to you too,” he stuttered blushing. "Here you go..." The waitress suddenly showed up and placed their ramen on the table. They thanked her and Howl took a bite. “Oh wow, it’s really good! I haven’t had Tonkotsu this good in Tokyo!" “I know, right?” Hiki grinned and slurped in some noodles. “Oh, hold on… There's something on your cheek…" Howl reached out, wiped a little soup smudge off of Hiki's cheek, and licked it off his thumb. "W-What are you doing?" Hiki asked with a shocked expression. "It was a reflex," Howl replied, realizing that he might have gone too far, while Hiki's heart was beating like crazy and his face was glowing red. "Sorry for crossing a line,” he added and quickly changed the subject. "What was that book you were reading earlier, by the way?" "Book...? Oh, it's called Midair, Deep Sea by Usami Akihiko. He's my favorite author! It's one of his older works, they're a bit sad and gloomy. His more recent publications give off a lighter feeling, but I really like this one. He's a great author, he was the youngest person ever to win the Aomori Award," Hiki babbled. "I see," Howl smiled. "Ah, I'm sorry. I got carried away again..." "It's good to have something you're passionate about. Nothing to apologize for," Howl encouraged him. "Passionate… Like you and your computer things?" "Yeah… I've talked about that a lot, huh… I know it's boring, I get carried away too, I guess," Howl smiled apologetically. "It wasn't boring at all… It's good to have something you're passionate about. Nothing to apologize for," Hiki quoted him grinning. “Okay, you got me there,” Howl chuckled, glad that his action from before hadn’t ruined the mood. They continued talking about everything and anything and enjoyed their time together. There wasn't a single moment of awkward silence or anything alike, and they didn't even notice how time passed, just like during their call the other day. But then, all of a sudden, Hiki's phone started ringing. "Oh… Please excuse me, that's probably Hacchan checking up on me…" Hiki said, but then his soft expression hardened as he looked at the display. Howl was a bit startled by that since the boy almost looked like a different person. "Yes, Harumi? Oh... Okay. As you wish, I'll be there in half an hour… I’m sorry, I can’t be there sooner, I… Yes. Okay... Understood." He hung up and looked down on the table. Howl thought he seemed daunted, which made his heart throb heavily. "I'm sorry Harada-san, but I have to leave now.” Hiki got up. “Right now? Why so sudden? I hope nothing bad happened…” “That was my sister, she needs me to take care of her daughter. Something came up, and it's their Nanny's day off." Hiki sighed, he was devastated. He would've loved to spend more time with Howl but it couldn’t be helped. He knew that if he'd refused to follow his sister's orders, she would make his life a living hell. She was just like their mother. "I see... What a shame, I would've loved to spend more time with you. But I guess it can’t be helped," Howl said, and again, the boy’s heart skipped a beat. It was as if he read Hiki’s mind. "I’m so sorry, I have to hurry. They don't know that I'm here, I'm actually not allowed to leave the property without a guard. The bike ride back will take half an hour, so..." Hiki wanted to take out his wallet to pay for his meal, but Howl stopped him. "Please… That's on me." "B-But…" "Let me handle it as compensation for the tea and your delicious cookies the other day," Howl smiled. "Um… Okay. Thank you very much." Hiki blushed again and bowed. "I really, really enjoyed talking to you, Howl-san." "How about I drive you back home? Your bike would fit in the trunk…" "Huh? No, I don't want to trouble you," Hiki replied politely, but secretly hoped Howl would insist on it, just so they could spend 15 more minutes together. “No objections. I probably kept you here for longer than you would’ve originally stayed, so let me make up for it. Now let’s hurry so you won’t get into trouble." “Thank you,” Hiki smiled, happy that he would actually get those 15 extra minutes with Howl. They carefully placed Hiki’s bike in the Audi’s trunk and got into the car. Weirdly, they didn’t talk much on their way to the Ueda estate. Howl mentioned the beautiful scenery, but Hiki frantically thought about what he could use as a reason to meet with Howl again as soon as possible. “Ah, please stop here,” Hiki suddenly said. “If you drive me up to the main entrance…” “Yeah, they’d know you snuck out. But isn’t this too far from the house?” “There’s a hole in the fence over there. I’ll have to run, but this is the only way in.” “What about your bike?” Howl asked as they got out of the car, and he took it out of the trunk. “I always hide it over there in the bushes. Thank you so much, Harada-san. For everything…” Hiki said and turned around to leave, wanting to ask him when they could meet again, but his shyness was too overpowering. “Ah, Ueda-kun!" Howl stopped him and he jolted around. "Y-Yes!?" “I would like to meet you again soon… There's a festival in Machida this weekend, I saw a poster somewhere this morning. Would you like to go?” “I would love to,” Hiki gleamed. “Great! How about 7 pm? I could pick you up here...” “Let's meet at Machida station instead. There are guards patrolling the area around the property at night, they'd see the car... The train station is safer.” “Alright. Saturday, 7 pm at Machida station. Can't wait,” Howl smiled. Hiki smiled back broadly and nodded enthusiastically in agreement before he turned around and left in a hurry. While he was watching his niece, Hiki thought about Howl and their conversation. That man’s face always had this earnest expression, but when he smiled, he looked so kind and even cute. Though to him, he also looked cute while wearing that earnest expression. Is it even appropriate to think of someone as cute who’s seven years my senior , Hiki wondered. He also thought about how he smelled really nice, how big his hands were, and that his deep voice had such an interesting sound, which was even more intense and mesmerizing when he wasn't talking through a phone… Hiki suddenly shook his head to clear his thoughts as he built a lego tower with his niece. Why did he feel so drawn to this stranger? He had never experienced feelings like that before… “Hikaru-oji, stop daydreaming or I’ll tell mom that you did a bad job,” his seven-year-old niece complained, and for the rest of the time, he focused on the spoiled little girl. After he was done complying with his uncle-duties, Hiki went to his room and dropped on his bed. Normally, he was exhausted after watching that kid, but this time, he felt ecstatic. "Ugh, why am I so happy…?" he whispered as he touched his cheek where Howl had wiped off the soup. "Please let Saturday come quickly."
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sasorikigai · 3 years
[ a treat for you, an offering of soft ]
With storm raging outside, the windows shut snug and curtains pulled for the night. Hanzo; rests with his wife both of them warm and safe, and there is a fast sound of footsteps following a crack of thunder and as another loud crackle breaks through the sky they hear Setoshi yelp as he practically pounces onto his parents.
" Papa! Papa the sky is yelling again! "
He clings onto his father and nuzzles to try and hide under his arms and blankets, young eyes wide before snapping shut as thunder booms once more.
" What did we do to make it angry? "
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || anonymous, mention of @tsumaa || always accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Tonight from his eyes’ unfathomable and expansive sky, stars rain on his bareness, as his fingers spark, set ablaze with his proverbial warmth and intensity. Hanzo Hasashi’s fevered, raving poem ascended further by its desires, hurling itself once again into the fire, the flames’ relentless caving. So their sensual love began, and though the road’s end had already brought them in the throes of exquisite wanton spillage, the intoxicating scent lingers on the spent body of night beneath Harumi’s kimono and Hanzo’s robe. How he had lost himself in his dearly beloved, his heart, his Harumi - letting his dewy sigh’s fevered soul waft over the sensual, petite body of his wife, wrapped in sleep’s silk against his defined chest. 
In his own sinking halcyon repose as his dreams wrap him in wings of light, as he flies through its open door beyond the world’s fences and walls. For Hanzo Hasashi can be with Harumi, her, and with all of her. And if life repeated a thousand times, still her, and her again. She will be forever saturated in the sea of his being. How could he ever hide it? How could he ever describe such exquisite cornucopia of emotions inside his heart and soul? 
Hanzo Hasashi is so filled with her hat he wishes to run through meadows, bash his head against mountain rocks, give himself to ocean waves of his immeasurable love. How he becomes so filled with her, that he wishes to crumble into himself like a speck of dust, to gently lay his head at her feet, cling fast to her weighted light and weightless shadow that materializes her entire silhouette. 
The Shirai Ryu warrior’s honed heightened sense immediately reads the scurrying footsteps as Satoshi’s, as the abrupt collision of his son’s little form immediately sharpens Hanzo’s attentiveness to redirect his focus onto him. “Remember Lord Raiden? The tall guy with the cone-shaped hat who visited us just yesterday?” Sleep-laden thickness of his voice emanates, as his protective arms subconsciously drape over both Harumi and Satoshi, as he senses the former stir in his arms. “Perhaps you are far too young to understand, but imagine the booming thunder as Raiden’s footsteps. He is the Protector of Earthrealm, the Thunder God who is responsible for keeping us all safe. Perhaps its anger could be repainted as the multitudes of safeguards he is offering us. Know that its strength and power, drives the Shirai Ryu and our family whole, as do the arsenal of my skills, which will protect your mother and you until I am no longer able to.” 
The upcurrents may swirl around them, and there will moments when Hanzo Hasashi has nothing else to do, but to jump off the precipice and into the billows of the ravaging storms’ air and wind as the ripping tides will lacerate and macerate him. How the vehement intensity and visceral of his strength reflects upon the gentle sensitivity of Satoshi’s innocent gaze. Satoshi Hasashi is growing to be a fine, intelligent boy, but as a Hasashi and the immediate descendent to his bloodline, he has a lot to learn. “Do not let fear consume you - let it become the fuel for your inner strength, my son, you will learn that down the unknown path of your life, there always will be moments where you have to face your fears in order to become fearless. Let this be a lesson, that you do not ever let your fear consume and eat you whole.” ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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sareenademon · 4 years
Bi Fang and Havik create mischief together! fluffy/weird/concerning
(Btw Havik might be a lil OOC or he might not be bc he’s the biggest wildcard in the mk universe.)
Bi Fang is the son of Bi Han and Sareena: Info on him (btw Bi Fang is inspired from Richie Tozier from Stephen Kong’s It, he curses a lot)
Once Noob Saibot got redeemed and rejoined the Lin Kuei he cut ties with all of his evil associates. This included Havik. Well kinda.
They don’t consider each other enemies and Havik still considers Bi Han his bestfriend! And sometimes he’ll randomly insert himself back into his life to cause a bit of chaos. He’s more of an annoyance to Bi Han if anything.
(Bi Fang is 10 at this point. And this before he meets Satoshi and Liu Jerrod)
Years later, when Havik found out that Bi Han has a son he became curious.
So, he decided to pay the boy a visit and meet him!
For a day, he stalked Bi Fang from a far.
Havik realized how powerful Bi Fang could be. The boy shared the DNA of a cryomancer and a demon. His ice powers could be legendary. It could be powerful enough to one day kill that bastard Hotaru.
He also realized how different Bi Fang was from his father.
Unlike Bi Han, Fang has a great sense of humor! Havik finds the boy’s pranks on the other Lin Kuei members to be hilarious! But he also notices the boy’s loneliness. He sees how the other children of the Lin Kuei shunned him.
So Havik decides he should take the boy out for some good ol, chaotic fun!
He appears to him when the boy is alone hanging out in a forest.
Havik: Hello Bi Fang, I-
*Havik watches as he runs away towards the temple. He quickly teleports in front of him and grabs Bi Fang and puts a hand over his mouth to stop his screaming*
Havik: I am not here to harm you! I am here to fun with you!
Bi Fang: You do realize how fuckin creepy that sounds right?!
*Havik giggles and lets him go*
Bi Fang: Who the hell are you anyways?
Havik: I am the Cleric of Chaos! Me and your father worked together back in the day.
Bi Fang: Cleric of Chaos? You sound like a bad guy to me.
Havik: Well I wouldn’t say bad..It’s of no matter. I’m here to see if you’d like to come create some mischief with me!
Bi Fang: Why would I go anywhere with a fucking weirdo like you?!
Havik knew that the boy wouldn’t go with him this way, so he decided to use a bit of manipulation.
*Havik fakes a hurt expression, faces away from Bi Fang and starts sobbing*
Bi Fang: Hey, are you...crying?
Havik: *sniffles* I-i just hoped you’d be different is all.
Bi Fang: What do you mean?
Havik: Nobody wants to be my friend! They all think I am a freak! I thought you could understand what how it feels...to be rejected because you’re different...
*Bi Fang’s suspicious expression visibly softens*
Bi Fang: I do know how it feels...I don’t have many friends either, they all think I’m a freak too...hey I’ll be your friend, just don’t cry.
*Bi Fang hugs Havik*
Havik: Oh goodie! Now let us go have some fun!
Bi Fang: Where are we going?
Havik: Hehe, to create havoc of course!
So that’s exactly what they do. Havik teleports them to America, California where their disruption of the peace begins.
They run around pranking random people and they do every prank in the book.
They Teepee people’s houses, egg people’s cars, put a flaming bag of dog shit on someone’s front porch, put Whoopi cushions on the chairs of Starbucks, put bugs in people’s food, stink bombed stores, etc.
Havoc scares passerbys by taking his head off or breaking his knee caps or turning his torso 360 degrees. Bi Fang laughs his ass off at their freaked out people’s reactions.
They made this really buff big guy scream like a little girl and they laughed until it hurt.
Havoc was so delighted that he finally had a mini me. Bi Fang was way more fun than his killjoy father and uncle.
He would make a wonderful son and heir!
Of course, the cops were soon called on them and They soon found themselves surrounded by Stryker and Kabal, and a couple other cops.
Havik: Allow me to deal with these party poopers hehehehe.
(At this time Kabal and Stryker haven’t met Bi Fang yet and they don’t know he’s the Lin Kuei grandmaster’s son)
Bi Fang cheered him on as Havik made quick work of the squad of officers but when he went to finish off Kabal and Stryker. Bi Fang quickly intervened.
Bi Fang: Stop! You’re gonna kill them!
Havik: I know! It’s going to be so much fun to watch the life leave their eyes.
Bi Fang: ...You can’t kill them...it’s-it’s wrong!
Havik: Come now, Do not be so dull! Just think of the chaos it will cause in their loved one’s lives! Hehehe!
Bi Fang: Y-you’re starting to scare me...if you kill them...I-i won’t be your friend no more.
The chaos cleric glared at Bi fang for a couple of moments before he sighed and released the two beaten officers.
He didn’t want to run the boy off yet. He still had plans for him.
Havik: Very, well...say, all this mischief is making me hungry. Let’s go get something to eat.
*Havik takes the boy’s hand and starts pulling him away from the unconscious cops*
Bi Fang: Ya, I’m kinda hungry too, but where are we gonna eat? I don’t have any money.
Havik: Hehehe, who says we’re going to pay for the food?
So they go to a McDonald’s. All the employees look terrified of Havik and they don’t dare to stop him when he walks behind the counter and starts making a McFlurry.
Bi Fang decides to follow Havik’s suit and starts taking some chicken nuggets and fries. They run out of the McDonald’s before another group of cops can arrive.
It was getting late and Bi Fang was getting sleepy so the Chaosrealmer returned Bi Fang to his home. Before leaving Bi Fang asked if they could go have fun again tomorrow. To which Havik replied, anything for his best friend.
Once Havik disappeared, Bi Fang ran into his parents on his way to his bedroom.
Let’s just say, they weren’t too happy to learn who Bi Fang has spent the day with. Especially Bi Han, who was livid that Havik had the nerve to kidnap his child.
Bi Fang: He said you two knew each other.
Bi Han: That doesn’t mean he is someone good or trustworthy! You know you shouldn’t speak to anyone that isn’t Lin Kuei! You are to never speak to that freak again! Understand?!
Bi Fang: He’s not a freak! He’s my friend, and he likes hanging out with me! Not like you!
*Bi Han is about to scream at his son but Sareena steps in*
Sareena: Bi Fang, you do not realize how dangerous that man truly is. He is most likely trying to manipulate and use you.
*Bi Fang starts tearing up*
Bi Fang: N-no! You’re wrong! He’s like me-
Bi Han: -Enough! Go to your room! And do not come out until I say so!
Bi Fang runs to his room crying. Bi Han feels a bit regretful for upsetting him so much, but he has the Chaos Cleric to deal with first.
He, Kuai Liang, and Smoke go to the Chaosrealm and face Havik. Bi Han is on Havik’s ass before he could even greet them. Bi Han is strong enough to pin the Cleric to the ground and starts choking him.
Havik: Y-you...se-em upset...with m-me, Bi Han...
Bi Han: *growls* How dare you kidnap my son! I’ll rip out your heart!
Havik: W-as...not kidnap, h-he came willing-ACH
*Bi Han tightens his hold on Havik’s throat. Kuai steps in and pull Bi Han off of the cleric*
Kuai Liang: Why did you take him to America? What scheme are you plotting Havik? 
Havik: What schemes? I only wanted to show the boy some fun! Your child is a riot! He is the son I have always dreamed of! Hehehe!
*Bi Han lunges at Havik again but this time Havik evades him*
Smoke: You expect us to believe you did this for fun?
Havik: ....Yes. Do you really expect me to make sense?
*The 3 Lin Kuei stare him for a couple moments and then look at each other*
Bi Han: I am warning you now Chaos Cleric. If you ever go near my son again I will rip apart limb from limb, and give your remains to demons and they will torture you for the rest of eternity...
Havik: Oh Bi Han, do not threaten me with a good time. Fine, I will leave your boy alone. You have my word.
*crosses his toes in his boot*
Havik was lying of course. But it was enough to get the Lin Kuei and Bi Han to return to Earthrealm.
Havik wasn’t going to give up on Bi Fang just yet. The potential of havoc that boy could unleash was amazing. Somehow, Bi Fang will become his son, and together they will plunge the realms into chaos.
(I’m gonna end it here bc it became longer than I meant it to be. Hope you enjoyed)
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theintrovertowl · 5 years
“Always with you” – Hanzo x Harumi Hasashi One Shot (+ a very cute Satoshi)
As much as I love SubScorp, I felt the need to put some emphasis on Hanzo’s relationship with Harumi as well, since he mentions her so often during the games (which means that he obviously loved her to death, so much that he had to become Scorpion but oh well). I now portrait it as that extremely wholesome relationship, because we all know Hanzo is the epitome of lifetime commitment and whatnot ♥
Disclaimer: I have done as much research as I could on the Japanese terms and culture aspects, but if I had done anything out of place, please let me know!
Note: The words in both bold and italics have their meanings at the end of the story.
Warning: Rated F for feels
Summary: Hanzo Hasashi grows wistful of the memories with his family, and relives them in one of his dreams.
Hanzo never thought he would ever see his clan restored, especially after the wraith phase that he went through a long time ago. Once Shirai Ryu has regained its identity and existence, new students have arrived at the Fire Gardens, mostly the unfortunate youngsters who have escaped from the merciless threads of the present society. Orphans, refugees, defectors, homeless...fragile souls with various heart-breaking stories. Just like Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi used to be. However, he has not only gained fighting skills and the power of Hellfire, but an extremely hard shell around his emotions, learning to cope with all the tragedies that happened in his life. Even if that meant submitting to Netherrealm’s sorcerer, Quan Chi. Seeing all these young lads mid training, he gradually remembers his son, Satoshi, and anticipates his outcome, had his offspring got to see the light of the day during these times. The fiery Grandmaster was undergoing through harrowing sentiments of melancholy, all involving thoughts about his family. The students were young and oblivious  at times, but not entirely blind towards their mentor’s state of mind, manifested through his changed behavior. It was known among the Shirai Ryu students that Hanzo was a very strict teacher in general, who implemented excruciating training sessions; he was never afraid to speak his mind in a harsh manner while the disciples were failing their exercises. But they knew it was for their own good nevertheless. In the latest days, though, Hanzo became more mellow, and approached the incoming training fails with more indulgence; everyone felt it was like a ‘paternal phase’, which became even more confusing than the image of a stern Grandmaster. Therefore, no one dared to question Hanzo about his thoughts; they barely knew his origin story in general. Most of the students actually assumed he grew up as a loner, a celibate who had different ideas of honor and inner fulfillment than the common man. But little did they know of their master’s true tale…
Hanzo has finally entered his room, after another long day full of intense training and teaching. It was all quiet and peaceful, hence every student had got the same strict sleeping schedule. It was only him...and his thoughts, again. The moment he placed his head on the soft pillow, Hanzo could finally feel the exhaustion, both mentally and physically. The Grandmaster fell asleep pretty quickly, considering his restlessness usually involves staring at the ceiling for a long time, just reflecting about everything that happens throughout his existence, whether it’s the past, present or future. He simply prefers those silent moments, where he can truly be at peace for a short while. When he closed his deeply ringed eyes, everything faded to black, and slowly transitioned to bright, but warm hues of yellow and orange light. This light suddenly formed shapes...some familiar ones, to be precise. And then there were another two familiar silhouettes: a smaller one, and a more feminine one. Hanzo suddenly found himself in his old household, and the silhouettes got more defined: they were Harumi, and Satoshi. His family...it is back? It all felt so real and authentic for him, more than ever. However, he started inspecting himself, but could only take a look at his hands; he recognized the fabric and belts on his arm, they were part of his Scorpion’s former attire. Everything seems more confusing now.
Harumi looked at him with a warm smile plastered on her face, while Satoshi couldn’t contain his pure excitement. The Japanese woman slowly approached her husband and delicately touched his wounded and calloused hands. In that moment, Hanzo could feel it so well: the reassuring soft touch that he has been missing for such a long time. For the first time, it all felt so overwhelming, and he was trying so hard not to sob in front of his son, but he also wanted to enjoy this peaceful moment, so he contained himself, for now.
“Welcome home, anata (1). We have been waiting for you…”
The warrior could not wait any longer, and he quickly, but gently pulled his wife into a silent hug. Satoshi didn’t even have to ask, and he hastily joined the hug as well. The familiar warmth is finally, and Hanzo didn’t feel like letting it go.
“I have missed you both…so much…” he muttered under his breath, his voice softer than ever.
“I know…but let’s have dinner now. Then we can talk more” Harumi replied, slowly releasing herself from her husband’s affectionate embrace. She cupped his face in her tiny hands, with a soft smile, then caressed his broad shoulders before she left to the dining room and prepare the meal.
As it was expected, the dinner was fairly quiet at most, but no one contested the peacefulness. The Japanese family had ramen this evening. He never admitted it to anyone, but Hanzo always missed his wife’s dishes, although he is now able to cook by himself.
“This is some delightful ramen, Kana” he pointed out as a conversation starter.
“It is miso with Chashu (2), just how you like it” Harumi replied with a faint smile.
“Dad, have you tried mom’s Daifuku (3)? They are even better!” Satoshi exclaimed.
“No, Jubei. But I would love to” Hanzo confessed to the child.
“I believe it is time for you to go to bed, young one” Harumi intervened. “You can spend time with your father tomorrow.”
“Aw, alright…” the boy frowned. But that didn’t stop him from approaching his father and giving him a hug before he headed to the Realm of Dreams. The man gladly returned the embrace and then softly kissed his son on the forehead.
“Oyasumi, papa!(4)” Satoshi exclaimed joyfully while he went to his room with Harumi.
“Good night, Jubei!” Hanzo replied.
After the child fell asleep, the Japanese couple retreated to the master bedroom. Hanzo has removed half of the battle garments and only remained with the base clothing. Meanwhile, Harumi took off her daytime kimono and put on her jinbei(5). Of course, he couldn’t help but notice more of his wife’s delicate, porcelain skin, along with her soft and naturally feminine features that he fell in love with at the first sight; she looked even more beautiful in his eyes when her long and dark hair was loose from all the accessories. The Grandmaster slowly approached behind his spouse and gently caressed her tiny shoulders, while planting a few genuinely needy kisses. Harumi softly hummed with content, although it was quite rare for her loved one to be this affectionate.
“It feels as if you were gone forever, anata…”
“Kana…I fought through Hell to spend another day with you” Hanzo replied with a lower tone; he later nuzzled against Harumi’s neck and pulled her in another embrace.
In a slow pace, the woman turned around and pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was no doubt Hanzo has craved this form of intimacy for so long, and his wife used to make these intimate moments so unique, so sacred in their own way. As strange as it seemed to the outsiders, his commitment has been undeniable, and almost eternal…
“No matter what, I will always be with you…we will always be with you…” she said quietly, but with a convincing tone.
However, this last phrase finally broke Hanzo from his long lost dream. The intimate moment faded to black, and all he was left with was the surroundings of the present. On top of that, he started sweating profusely, then softly broke down into hot tears filled with anguish and regret. No one could hear him in the numbness of the night, as it should be. But it all felt…so real and authentic: the conversations, the touches, the atmosphere. Once again, his mind has played with his vulnerabilities. As an impulsive reflex, he quickly headed to one of the drawers in his simplistic room, and pulled out a cloth. But it was no ordinary cloth, it had flowery embroideries of a sakura tree, and more than that, it was the only physical memory from his loved one, Harumi…Somehow, he managed to save it, even during the experience with the Netherrealm. And he swore to protect it until the end of his own existence.
“You might not be here in person, but I am certain you meant that you will always be in my heart, and you were not wrong…Kana…”  he muttered before he headed back to the bed and prepared for a new morning at the Fire Gardens.
(1) jap.:darling; usually an endearing term among couples (hiragana: あなた) (2) (cuisine) pork belly tied into a cylinder, braised and then served in slices; it is one of the main ingredients used in Ramen. (3) (cuisine) Japanese dessert made out of mochi (glutinous rice cake) and usually stuffed with anko (sweetened red bean paste) or fruits (4) jap.: Good night, dad! (hiragana: おやすみ、パパ!) (5) Traditional Japanese nightwear, worn by all genders
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a matter of time
Once again, I’m back on my MK bullshit. This one’s kind of delving into morals, ethics, philosophy, and Liu Kang having a hard time of it, generally, but hey, ain’t that just the way of Kombat? 
Ft. First Person Present Tense horseshit--Raiden being a dad. Liu Kang doing his fucking best. 
As usual, tumblr doesn’t preserve italics and I’m too lazy to find ‘em. Unedited, blah blah blah
Broken Timeline (references to Restored Timeline)
“I cannot do this, Lord Raiden—there simply…. There is just no way…” The young fire god paces before Kronika’s hourglass, eyes shot through with sparks of anger, moisture shining on his cheeks. God he may be, but his heart is still that of a mortal and it bleeds for the pain he must cause. There are no words of comfort for him, nor of description to properly depict the true horror of that place into which he has just stepped. I do not envy him. I was born with this burden—not of time, of divinity—but that does not mean I cannot sympathize.
“What is it you cannot do?” There is time for reprimand later, as he is the Lord now, and I am not. I regard him carefully and the hourglass even more so. What it has done to him, the lines upon his young-old face, the worries that I see prowling through every inch of his body; this, too, pains me. He settles upon a large stone, fists tight, eyes downcast.
“Over and over, no matter what I do to shift the sands,” he grunts, keeping his voice low, hating the tears of frustration which he has already shed and fighting those that have yet to fall, “I cannot save them all. Someone falls—someone always falls, sometimes many.”
“…the Shirai-Ryu massacre.” The guess is a simple one, but weighty. He looks up, surprised, for but a moment, that I have guessed the current source of his distress. “I know this because I know your heart, Lord Liu Kang, and I have always known it… Furthermore, I have come to respect and appreciate its openness, warmth, and honesty—it is that heart which makes your fires burn so hot, but…”
“It… is a two-edged sword, isn’t it?” His shoulders sag and I am compelled to move closer, to stoop before and lay a hand upon him.
“Love is that way, yes—all emotions are, but love is the sharpest… not hate, or fear, or joy… Love. It is a root, remember that, and leads to all else.”
“I wish I didn’t—”
“No!” I snap vehemently, perhaps even more strongly than I’d anticipated doing. “No, do not speak those words aloud here, at the dawn of time… This void before all things is sacrosanct—our words affect it, even if we do not realize…” His eyes are wide, searching my face for exaggeration. He will find none. “More importantly, it affects us.”
“Forgive me, Teacher—I… it was the boy, Satoshi…” Liu Kang trails off. He need not finish his thought. I understand. As a deity, I have watched the lives of many mortals—they come and go, so fleeting in the grand scheme of things, but no less important for all that. I ache for the thought of those I have lost. He knows this pain as a mortal and perhaps is now beginning to understand that it is not unique to those with finite lives. Perhaps it is worse still for those who persist through the eons; we live with our grief, never quite mastering it.
“There are events which, in all of history, are pivotal to a certain outcome,” I explain gently, “as was our inevitable kombat to Kronika’s plans.”
“But we overcame it,” Liu Kang insists, his fists still clenched, hard, upon his lap. “You saved me—your decision to do that tipped the scales past where she could hope to control that outcome.”
“A one in a billion chance, nothing more,” I remind him, squeezing his shoulder and standing, hoping he will follow, hating to see him in this desperate position and myself, helpless to assist beyond my words.
“No!” This time, it is his turn to snap. “You can’t believe that—you can’t say that here, to me, like this… It isn’t…” He straightens and finally looks up at me. There are tears caught in his eyelashes, but resolution in the set of his jaw. Good. He will need that for what is to come. “It is not the Lord Raiden who chose me.”
“Even gods change.”
The look upon his face is one I remember well. It is frustration, stymied by words of someone he considers far wiser than he. If only he could know just how incorrect that supposition is. By virtue of my endless life, I should, by all rights, be wiser than the young Liu Kang, but I am not. I have been a fool, have known defeat and failure, and have carried grief and remorse as constant companions. That alone will change a person.
“It is that changeability which granted us a chance to defeat her. Kronika underestimated a great many things, including mortals… and the depths of my ire for those who would harm them. I became a god of vengeance at the ends of her strings, but she did not anticipate the desperation that would arise from my grief-tainted rage.” I cannot meet his eyes, not now, remembering that, so many times, in so many other timelines, Liu Kang had met his end at my hands.
“But Shinnok’s amulet!” His voice rings out in the roaring darkness and he claps his mouth shut, realizing the curse upon that name in this blank canvas of a place and time—or a lack of place and time; such things are difficult, verbally, to describe. “And the tainted Jinsei…”
“It was the lure of my father’s trinket, not the trinket itself, Lord Liu Kang, which corrupted me, the power granted by that tainted stream of life force which called to me,” I confessed, eyes upon the hourglass. “I am a recursive being, defined by myself; my sins are my own and my nature—which I have fought from my inception into this and every other timeline—is that of a god of destruction.”
The silence drifts between us. I consider him, Liu Kang, and what he has suffered. I wonder if perhaps I am not speaking to the lamb of his own slaughter, to which I have led him. Am I the author of some future madness? But it does not bear meditating upon—it cannot. It has been done and it was, I am certain now, the only way to overcome Kronika. All paths led to destruction except for this one and that, I think, was due in part to my nature, not his.
“So Sh—so he was your father, and Lord Fujin’s.” He seems disappointed, somehow, that this whispered legend or rumor has proven to be the truth. “I guess I knew that—or I thought I did… I’d heard it, but… Asking about family, among our friends?”
We both seem to recall, at once, the multitude of strange circumstances which had brought together the representatives of Earthrealm in the first place.
“Not a wise choice, were tact to be maintained,” I agree, “but the sire is no reflection upon the offspring—or it does not need to be. I knew that immediately when I looked upon my brother and saw someone I loved and someone I would always seek to protect.”
“You’re more human than you ever let on, Lord Raiden,” he observes. “Maybe we’ve softened you.”
“I have always been ‘soft’,” I assure him, “and it may have been my downfall, but for the memories of friends I keep stored up in the very core of my being. You strengthen me, even now… And so you must be, Keeper of Time, strengthened by love and compassion, tempered by reasonable logic and justice… and softened by empathy, but never destroyed by it.”
“So how, then, can I do this? How can I allow it?” He gestures to the glass, standing and straightening, wiping his cheeks and eyes with the other hand. The gesture is so reminiscent of his childhood, it brings a pang to my chest. In this moment, Liu Kang looks more boy than man, and like no god at all, despite his divine attributes. The shining markings which once adorned my flesh now wrap about his, with his own additions, variations to suit him. Never, in all the eons of my existence, have I felt more certain that I had made the correct choice.
“You choose the shift of the sands which, to you, seems most just.”
“The death of an innocent boy is not just, Raiden! How can you demand this of me?”
I shake my head. “I cannot,” I admit quietly. “It is your choice to make. I am not the Keeper of Time. I conferred my divinity upon you for a reason, Lord Liu Kang. This, as it turns out, was your ultimate purpose… All the Shao Kahns of every timeline—all the Raidens… could not stop you. Your inevitability and unpredictability are, at least in part, why Kronika did not see us coming. This, in the end, is why I chose you and why you alone are the appropriate choice to be time’s keeper. Her numerous, repetitious attempts only served to build the foundation of her defeat. She had intended to use that unpredictability to reverberate through time, shattering our alliance and, thence, every timeline, using our konflict to reset existence. She made a mistake.”
“So I must choose the lesser of two—no,” he corrects, “the least of many evils. Raiden, in one shift, I see Bi-Han himself leading the charge—I see the Shirai-Ryu fighting to the last man, but each time, Harumi and Satoshi die at his hands. Quan-Chi is always behind it, no matter who strikes the final blow and always, Hanzo’s family suffers and he…”
“He becomes a wraith.” I nod quietly, gesturing back to the hourglass. “But then what happens?”
“He… fights his way through Netherrealm and confronts Quan-Chi, every time.”
“He is also inevitable.”
Liu Kang nods, “yes, but, such suffering…”
“It builds him into the man we see today, fighting alongside Grandmaster Kuai Liang, for the protection of Earthrealm. Would the Shirai-Ryu and the Lin Kuei not still be at war, were it not for that avalanche of fate?” It is, admittedly, a question even I am not equipped to answer, but it stops him, makes him consider. He sighs and then shrugs.
“I… do not know.”
“So, rather than the least of many evils, Lord Liu Kang, you have been called upon to serve the purpose of balance—true balance—and justice… and to choose that which fulfills your duty.”
“You have always spoken of duty as if it is the only choice,” he observes, though the verbalization clearly pains him, “yet your duties, in service to the Elder Gods, have led you down many paths of destruction.”
I am silent a while, considering the truth of this. There is no simple answer, because he is correct. He has learned much over the years and now has the wisdom of many timelines from which to pull. Experience is the harshest teacher, but the best, by far—we do not soon forget those lessons taught us by pain and force.
“I served their purpose as a dutiful son and… I believe that purpose was, in many ways, to illustrate to me that fighting my nature could only lead to the inevitability of the Storm. I was wrong to follow and obey as I did. You will not be so unwise because you have many lifetimes to recall and to relive… infinite possibilities of wisdom and foolishness, infinite lives and deaths. You were… built to bear this burden.”
“Would you... take it from me?”
“Yes, Liu Kang, I would.” His countenance changes as I lay aside the deified title. It is as if I have regained my student, at least for a time. “My divinity prevents me taking up the crown with the same efficacy as a mortal, however—as I said, you are perfectly suited to its weight.” The pain in his eyes lances deep into me, but I hold his glowing gaze, as he always held mine. “You haven’t the arrogance of a titan or a god; your humility is yet another great strength.”
Liu Kang observes his hands, then me, then the hourglass. He takes in a breath which fills his lungs and then, closing his eyes, he releases it, slowly, through his nose. I watch his countenance shift once more, to something I have not yet seen. There is a certain serene nobility to it and not a note of resignation to be seen. He has begun to truly understand what his duty truly is, what a joy that burden will be to bear—and what a terrible tragedy.
“I understand,” he says finally, opening his eyes once more. Lifting off the foundational stones of all timelines, he moves to the hourglass and begins, once more, to manipulate the sands of time. There is security in his movements, a certain sureness that each decision is being made the right way—even if it is not the “right” decision. After all, at the beginning and the end of all things, one often finds one’s moral compass to be somewhat useless. There is no grander scheme than the one which Liu Kang now manipulates with novice hands and an open, empathetic heart and I could not be more proud of him.
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isshinene · 6 years
You know for your one shot ask meme thingy for #16 "Maybe you didn't love me after all"... you said that it's based off of a angst fic idea that you had. Can I ask what it is? You got me hooked but you said you're not going finish the story!!!
AH… Hi, anon! Yeah… that story… I am probably not going to finish it, it’s just too hard for me to do. But the story was supposed to be called “A Flower’s Letter”. I have the first chapter published here. The title is from the Ilijimae OST.
As you will see below, I had like THE ENTIRE THING PLANNED OUT! ugh… I even had like chapter titles and all. Idk what I’m more sad over, the plot or the fact that I did all that work and like gave up on it.
I’m gonna put a “read more” bar thingy here because I’m just gonna vomit my basic plot line below lol. I’ll let you read it and imagine the stuff in your head (you don’t need my terrible writing ya? XD)
Chapter 1: My Letter to You, First of Many
Basically, a letter to Satoshi from Nene, explaining her hesitance to talk to him again. It hints to some past stuff and that they don’t keep in touch anymore. Nene says that she doesn’t want to feel that bitterness anymore and just wants to see him again. (happens after ch.5)
Chapter 2: Blossoming Love
Some lemony action taking place here. Nene tells him that she loves him which really catches Satoshi off guard because she doesn’t say it often. The two are engaged and happy, but Satoshi is suddenly called by his parents to Kyoto for a meeting.
Chapter 3: Scattered Petals
Isshiki goes back to Kyoto and his family is trying to set him up in another arranged marriage. They’ve been doing it for the past two years and he sort of just played along with it. His family gets upset when he ruins another matchmaking date. He tells his family that he doesn’t want them dictating his life and finally informs them that he is actually already engaged to Nene, telling them to stop.
His father is surprised that he has intentions of marrying a Kinokuni. Satoshi doesn’t understand why his family won’t approve since Nene is basically an ideal wife for his family. His parents state that although the clans are friendly, it’ll become a power struggle if they try to merge the two families. There’s a reason they stayed in the east and that the Isshiki’s stayed in the west.
They tell him that if he marries her, he will be kicked out of the clan.
Chapter 4: Grasping at Thorns pt. 1
He returns. Nene finds out about what happened in Kyoto (idk how she did, I didn’t think that out). She also finds out about the fact that his parents were trying to set him up with other women for two years behind her back. He tells her that he was just playing along, trying to not cause conflict with his parents. She asks him why he did say anything and he says he didn’t think it was a big deal.
Nene asks what they think of their engagement and Satoshi tells her that they don’t approve to her surprise. He also tells her that he didn’t answer his fathers question whether he would choose Nene or the family. Nene gets upset because he didn’t choose her, but he argues that he may not get along with them, but he still cares about his family. He gets sort of mad at her because he thinks she is being selfish.
“Was there ever a moment where you considered going along with your parent’s wishes” to which he doesn’t respond. She storms out of the apartment.
Chapter 5:  Grasping at Thorns pt. 2
(ok I didn’t think this chapter out very well yet so it’s rough) Nene goes to like a restaurant or something to calm down. She orders like a normal soft drink but it gets spiked by the waitress. A mysterious guy tries to talk to her at the counter, asking her if she is alright since it looks like her eyes are a bit swollen.
The next day, Nene wakes up, alone and naked in a hotel room. She can’t remember anything and she starts to panic as she gets dress and leaves the hotel to go to work. She sees her phone is full of messages from Isshiki but she ignore them still trying to figure out what happened. When she returns back to the apartment, Isshiki is worried sick about her. He asks where she was the night before and she lies saying that she was at a friends house. They both apologize and reconcile.
A couple of weeks later, they both are asked to go back to Kyoto. Isshiki thinks that his family has finally come around to accepting their engagement and decides to go. But actually, they confront the couple about pictures they received of Nene at a hotel sleeping with another guy. They both are shocked. His father tells Satoshi to break it off with her immediately.
Satoshi comes to her defense at first though. He asks her if she lied to him about where she was that night. She admits that she did and that she did wake up in a hotel but she tells him that she couldn’t remember anything. She swears though that she didn’t have sex with the guy. The family claims that the pictures say otherwise but Nene still refuses.
Satoshi talks alone with his father. Says that he should break it off before it hurts the entire family.  Isshiki says that he still trusts Nene and that he knows she would never do something like that.  His father gets angry, saying he is still willing to defend this girl when she obviously cheated on him. Isshiki hotly defends her, saying maybe someone set her up. The waitress said she was talking with the guy at the bar, that they left together. The receptionist says they did get a room together. The pictures show the evidence for themselves. His father says that if they have access to the pictures, then others will as well. If they leak, not only will he be hurt, but Nene’s entire family as well.
His father makes a deal with Satoshi: end things with her and he will try to stop the photos from getting out.
From here it’s basically the one-shot
Chapter 6: Withering
It’s a year later, and guess what… Nene’s been really ill for a while. When she starts to get treatment, that’s when she starts to write letters to him. (aka Ch.1) She asks him multiple times to come and see her.
(In the form of a letter) She asks him if he has been reading her letters. Talks about her small shokugeki with the hospital chef. Tells him that the treatments weren’t working and that they just make her feel sicker. She’s considering getting off treatment. She says it’s not her giving up, but rather she just wants to live her life the way she wants. She’s scared, but she is trying to come to terms with it all. Nene leaves him a visitation card if he ever decides to come and see her.
Time skip another year and a half, Nene actually goes to Kyoto to go an see him. She’s been off of treatment for a while. She enters the restaurant kitchen and seeks him out. He is surprised to see her, but he is still hurt by what happened. He pulls her to the back room for a private conversation.
“It’s Isshiki, call me Isshiki please.”
She asks him how he is. He asks her why she is there. Nene is kind of in a lost for words to see him again. He tells her he’s busy and has a lot of order to fulfill but she asks him to wait because she wants to talk about what happened.  He tells her it’s pointless, he is over her and doesn’t feel the say way anymore (he obviously lies). He says it was nice seeing her again, but it’s for the best if they don’t meet again.
She’s hurt but she conceals it, understanding that he is probably still hurt about what happened. She also realizes that he doesn’t know that she’s sick. She realizes it’s probably for the better if he doesn’t know. She smiles at him, trying her best to hide her tears. Nene tells him it made her really happy to see him again.
He is taken aback by her emotions and watches her leave. He can’t help but sense something is up with her. Something in him tells him to go after her. He sees her walk away, wiping some tears. His heart constricts seeing her tearful face.
“Wait, Nene—”
But he’s stopped by his father.
Chapter 7: Fallen, Carried by Gentle Winds
It’s 8 months later (3 years since breakup). Isshiki overhears his parents and younger brother talking about how some guy they hired wants more money. He becomes suspicious and finds out that his family was the one that staged everything for their break up. Of course, he becomes enraged when he hears this, absolutely heartbroken over the fact that he left Nene and didn’t trust her but also for the fact that his own family would do that for him.
“It was for your future!”
“She was my future!”
He leaves the house, saying he wants nothing to do with them anymore. He tries to call Nene’s phone but she doesn’t pick up. Finally, he goes to Tokyo and tries to talk with her family but is immediately refused at the door. No one seems to know how to contact Nene.
The last person he tries to get in touch with is Rindou. Even she isn’t too receiving of him though. Satoshi thinks it’s because of how he treated Nene. He begs her to let him meet with her and Rindou finally agrees.
“Come with me, I’ll show you where she is.”
She takes him to Nene’s grave. He’s in shock— in disbelief. Rindou tells him that Nene died 4 months ago. Her family tried to keep the whole ordeal as quiet as possible. Really only her family knows. He breaks down, not believing she’s gone.
Rindou: He isn’t coming, Nene! Just tell him what’s happening if you want to see him so badly! I’ll do it for you, I can call him!
Nene: Rindou-senpai! Please, don’t.
Rindou: Why?! Nene you don’t have much ti—
Nene: Rindou-senpai, I know. Don’t worry.
Rindou: Nene, don’t you want him to come?
Nene: Yes. But I want him to come on his own accord when he is ready. The last thing he needs to feel for me is pity on top of his hatred.
Rindou: What if he is never ready? What will you do then?
Nene: Then he can forget. That might be better than forgiving in the long run, don’t you think?
_____end of flashback_______
Rindou: I understand you were upset over what happened but was it so hard to just send one letter? Why didn’t you ever reply? Give her a call? Something! She was waiting for you!
Isshiki: Letters? What letters?
Rindou: She sent you letters almost every week for two years but you never returned any of them.
Isshiki: Wait, I never got any letters. What are you talking about?
He storms back into the house late at night, clearly very livid. He furiously asks what they did with her letters. His mother tries to calm him down but he keeps repeating the question. His father says that he threw them away when they arrived causing Satoshi to sort of lose tension (like he lost everything). He tells his family that she died. “She told me she was in the hospital! That she was dying! Why couldn’t you have let me be by her side when she wanted me there? Was keeping me here that important to you? Why did you throw away those letters… why…”
“You’re all monsters. But I’m the worst.”
His brother catches him before he leaves, and shows him a box with all the letters he managed to save. He couldn’t forgive himself for keeping the secret from Satoshi but since he is engaged now, he understands what it’s like to love someone. The only reason he helped was that if Satoshi wasn’t the heir, the responsibility would fall on him and he couldn’t bear it.
Isshiki goes to his room and begins to read all the letters. He cries when he gets to the last one, requesting him to come to the hospital one final time. His mother tries to come in, telling him to eat something.
“She died believing I hated her, but that was never true to begin with. Why was I so terrible to her, mother? I didn’t even get to tell her I still love her.”
Chapter 8: A Flower’s Final Letter
He received a call from Nene’s mother to come over. When he arrives, he notices that she is much more receiving than last time. She tells him that his mother personally came over earlier and explained everything they did.
“That doesn’t excuse how badly I treated your daughter. I never deserved her to begin with.”
Her mom lets him see her family alter. He chokes back tears when he sees a picture of her genuine smile.
“Satoshi-kun, you did deserve Nene, and she deserved you as well. I could tell how much you two really loved each other. But it was the world that didn’t deserve the both of you together.”
She hands him Nene’s actual last letter that was never sent.
Nene’s last letter: She comments on how he remained stupid until the very end, but says that it’s alright since Isshiki wouldn’t be Isshiki if he wasn’t just a little bit of an idiot.
She says that she doesn’t resent him at all or even hold an ounce of hatred towards him. Regardless of how he feels towards her, she knows that her passing isn’t going to be easy to take. She knows he’ll regret things.
She confesses that she knew he was lying when she can to the restaurant. That he was acting tough. She’s sorry that she didn’t try harder to resolve things but she didn’t want to push it. Nene tells him it’s okay to mourn, but she doesn’t want him to get caught up on her; she wants him to move forward. She asks him to not regret their time together, including the good and bad.
Dying isn’t something she’s afraid of anymore, but she is worried about her family. She asks him to visit them every once in a while to make sure they are doing well.
Her heart becomes full when she thinks about him, so she wants him to feel the same whenever he thinks about her.
“Thank you for sincerely loving me, and for letting me love you in return. I truly have no regrets, because I know that in one moment in time, we were happy together and that’s all I need.
Maybe I do have one regret though. I’m sorry I rarely ever told you how I felt. So let me tell you here.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you, Satoshi.
Don’t think of this as a goodbye forever. Just a goodbye for now. And if the time is right, let us meet again.”
- Nene
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