natthephanlover · 6 years
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natthephanlover · 6 years
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Day 80: same pic of dan and phil everyday
@danielhowell @amazingphil
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natthephanlover · 6 years
Did it hurt when you fell?
Phil: did it hurt when you fell?
Dan: from heaven? Listen, Phil, I get that you're into me, but-
Phil: no, I meant when you fell waling in. I watched you trip on your foot and kind of lay there on the floor for about ten minutes
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natthephanlover · 6 years
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natthephanlover · 6 years
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the best boys :’)
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natthephanlover · 6 years
What do I zoo?
I am very sorry for the title.
Summary-Dan and Phil are dating, and Dan has been desperately trying to get Phil to join his friends instead of staying with his mean ones. Maybe all of that will change when Dan has a panic attack at a zoo. 
This is my first fic and i would highly appreciate any feedback you could give me. :)
Dan was just about to open his locker when he felt arms wrap loosely around his waist. He strained his neck to look behind himself at Phil, who looked like he hadn’t had his usually obscene amount of coffee.
“I woke up late and didn’t get to have any coffee before I left. I had to drink it on the way to school Dan, it was horrible. I’ve only had a cup so far and I just want to go back to bed.” By now his face was shoved on top of Dan’s shoulder as Dan tried to put all of the things he didn’t need away.
“And here I thought you were sad about seeing the penguins. Really made me worried there bud, as yesterday you might have actually squealed when you talked about them.” Dan said, as the whole biology class was going to the zoo today.
“No, pretty stoked actually. It was the only way my parents could bribe me out of bed this morning. I just wish I could have grouped with you.” Phil said as he lifted his head and pouted at Dan. He turned to look at Phil again, this time pecking him on the lips.
“Oh come on Phil, no one wants to see you and him making out, it’s disgusting.” Ah, and how Dan wished that Phil would leave his current friend group. Phil blushed horribly as he jumped away from Dan, looking over at Jace, who was walking up with Kai and Mick.
“Sorry, um are you guys excited for today?” Phil asked, still blushing.
“Excited for what, seeing animals? I feel like Mrs. Matthews thinks we’re all five or something. Explains why you’re excited Phil.” Jace scoffed and his minions laughed a bit too loudly for the cringy joke that a five year old could make, just saying. Dan leaned over to Phil and whispered that he might see him later if he’s lucky, and kissed him on the cheek just to see the three douche’s faces. He waved and left to wait for his friends to show up.
He had tried many times to convince Phil to come over to Dan’s friend group, but Phil won’t budge. He says that “sometimes they aren’t that bad” or “if I leave then they might become bullies because they won’t have me to bother anymore”. While it could be true, and Phil always smiles his way out of the conversation, Dan can tell that his smile is not very sincere.
“Dan Howell I am going to scream if we don’t see the sloths first.” said Keith as he walked to his locker, which Dan was currently leaning against. Dan pushed himself off of it with a smirk and stood behind Keith so that he could sort through his things. Keith is a very excitable sloth enthusiast who had been friends with Dan for four years.
“Whatever you say, it’s fine with me,” Dan said, and as Keith started to get even more excited, continued, “but it isn’t me you need to convince-it’s Rory.” And there goes the classic Keith eye roll. Rory was by far the ‘leader’ of their group. But unlike Phil’s friend group, Rory being the leader meant that he was their protector. All of them were kind of targets for hateful remarks, and they don’t really defend themselves because. . .well because they’re terrified to. Especially Lily-the newest addition to their group of losers. She was new last year, and constantly had the look of a startled deer, so Rory decided to take her under his wing and now she’s in the clan of four.  She is very shy, even around the group, but she is the sweetest bean Dan had ever met-besides Phil.
Dan and Phil met each other in eighth grade, they were in the same algebra class and started to hang out with each other as no one else would pick them for groups. They were kind of forced together in a way, but Dan could never be happier that it happened.
Dan spotted Phil as he boarded the school bus, and for a second his heart jumped because he thought he could sit by him, but he was sitting by Mick. Then he remembered that if Phil was with him, then Phil would get bullied. Mick is probably the most tame from Phil’s group. Phil is his neighbor and their families are best friends. Maybe Phil thought that he would have no one if he didn’t join the group that Mick was in, but he would have people now and it still makes Dan angry. Instead of showing that internalized anger, he just smiled at him when he caught his eye, and sat down by Rory.
“He’s still hanging out with those guys, seriously.” Rory exclaimed, probably a bit too loudly. Rory had always wanted to be able to protect Phil as well, but Phil wouldn’t leave.
“Yeah, I think I’ve finally gotten through to him a bit but he still won’t leave them.” It was true. Dan was starting to notice Phil’s face getting filled with hope at the possibility of having true friends when Dan would give him the option, but then that hopefulness would fall as Phil’s doubts took over.
“Well I hope he joins us soon, its sad seeing someone who you care about looking so miserable around people who are supposed to be his friends.” Tell me about it.  
They ended up going to see the sloths first, as according to Rory ‘no one can resist Keith's begging face’ which is a fair point. Lily actually seemed to be comfortable today, she didn’t jump as much and she gave input in their conversations.
About a fourth of the way through their visit, Dan had to go to the bathroom. He told the group and they said they would wait for him by the lions. It might have been a good idea for Dan to have remembered where the lions were and did Dan mention that his biggest fear is getting lost. Dan tried desperately to find a map but he couldn’t, especially with the tears starting to blur his vision. After that he could feel that air was not going into his lungs as they should be and-yep there goes the hyperventilation.
Dan started speed walking while turning his head in every direction, probably looking insane with tears streaming down his face. After walking for about two minutes, he spotted not his friends or the lions, but Kai-the most physically abusive of Phil’s friends. While Jace relied on mean remarks, Kai shoved people and tripped them every chance he got. But hey, Kai being there meant that Phil wasn’t that far away.
Dan, despite his heart beating even faster than previously, walked towards Kai. No, he wasn’t going to talk to him, just watch him to see if he goes to where Phil is. Turns out he does, as in less than five seconds of watching him Kai runs back up to where the rest of Phil’s group is. Oh Dan is gonna look like a fool but this is slightly-less-hyperventilating-because oh there’s a solution-Dan’s only option. Dan starts running over and discreetly walks around to the front of the group, then turns around because obviously he has to act casual. Dan starts to realize his flaw as Phil’s face immediately grows with concern and oh right, Dan had been crying freaking rivers.
Deciding to just screw casual Dan runs into Phil’s arms and balls, because he was stressed and Phil makes him release his stress and if that release is by crying then so be it.
“Oh baby whats wrong, are you okay? No Phil obviously he’s not okay you dingus-”
“Get him away from here, the fairy boy has his other fairy friends to cry on.” Jace said and then made a gagging noise, how wonderful of a human being.
“Lets go sit on the bench okay?” Phil whispered in Dan’s ear. He nodded and they started walking towards the edge of the huge path.
“Don’t wait up for me guys, you can go.” Phil called over his shoulder as they left, although they both knew that they had already started walking away. It just helped Phil feel more appreciated.
They sat on the bench with Dan cuddled into Phil’s side until he calmed down enough to talk, and then Dan started rambling all of the events that had happened that led to his panic attack.
“Did you try calling them?” Phil questioned as Dan face palmed.
“No cause I am a stupid person who forgets basic solutions in times of crisis.” Phil just giggled and asked Dan to guide him towards the bathroom he used, and oh wow there they were. Of course Rory had one of those portable zoo maps with him. Rory was just taking his phone out of his pocket, to call Dan he supposed when they walked up. When Rory saw Dan he immediately was swept up in a lanky hug, and then everyone started talking.
“Where did you go are you okay-”
”We waited by the lions but then Keith saw funnel cake, but the line was ridiculous, we thought that you might have gotten lost when you didn’t come back after a while but we couldn’t leave until Keith got his god damn funnel cake.” Keith then held up a funnel cake as proof as Lily glared at him. And Dan had never seen Lily get so feisty, it was exciting.
“We are so sorry we didn’t think Keith would be gone long.” Rory said, his arms finally releasing me. His eyes then wandered up about four inches behind me.
“Oh hi Phil.”
Phil spent the rest of the day with their group and Dan had never had so much fun. Usually even in his happiest moments with his friends he would wish that he could share them with Phil, but Phil was there. On the bus Phil found his ‘friends’ and told them that he didn’t want to hang out with them anymore, to put it simple, although Dan thought he heard a few words from both parties that he didn’t want to repeat. Dan napped on Phil’s shoulder the rest of the way back to the school as Phil got to know his friends better. It was a weekend which meant that Dan would be staying at Phil's house for the night, as per tradition.
Dan and Phil could finally say that they were content in life, and that is all they had ever asked for.
The enderino.
Ta-ta for now my dudes-Nat
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natthephanlover · 6 years
me, one minute after finishing the last episode of dilmas waiting for dapg to return from the hiatus,
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natthephanlover · 6 years
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natthephanlover · 6 years
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I also made this a sticker … it’s on Redbubble … :) under Ellie8189 idk I just started it not too long ago and still have no idea what I’m doing…
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natthephanlover · 6 years
this is literally the cutest thing ever
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