#is he responcible for other peoples choices?
summonthebats · 1 year
Senju Tobirama gets some really dumb takes tbh
Killing Uchida Izuna starts everything? Uh, Madra and the Uchida Elders had multiple offers of truce before that fight, the fight is on them. The natural consequnces of people trying to kill each other because of their choices are also on them.
Responcible for the Forth Shinobi War? The man had been dead for (trys to check timeline, fails) somewhere between 30 and 60 years at that point and the Zetzu's have been encouraging the war the entire time, and for centuries before he was born.
He taught Danzo and created that bullshit? Lets not pretend that Danzo 'abuse children for my profit' Shimura was actually listening to Senju 'takes suicide runs so kids don't have too' Tobirama.
Uchida racist? Sure he is! And he expresses that by, side eyeing them really hard and putting the people with a proven tendancy to go dangerously bonkers in one of the most protected jobs avaliable. The police force stay in the villiage, where they are about a tenth as likely to die as all the other forces and are best placed to be the final line of defence if everything goes wrong. Or stage a coup. There is a lot of trust implied with that one.
He has one absolute fuck up and its creating the Edo Tensei
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Hi! I’m sorry if this is dumb but I’m not understanding why the Ed hate is racist? From what I’ve seen it has nothing to do with his race, just his actions? What is racist about it? I’m asking this very genuinely because I want to understand and learn more from this so please don’t take this as being annoying or patronizing or something!
ok so not all Ed hate falls under the racism catagory some people just have genuinely bad taste. The thing that is racist is insisting that he's an abuser. I've explained several times why he's not abusive, as have many many others. But, here's the quick recap: Izzy was abusing him, Ed has a history of lashing out towards his abusers with physical violence and Izzy established that he had been doing this sort of thing to Ed for years so you know, he's going the way of Ed's father and nobody would argue that Ed was abusing his father. Ed wasn't abusive towards the crew. Like he did some shitty things while suicidal. He hurt his friends I'm not saying he didn't. However: 1. This show is full of very very over the top violence and no one is getting up Button's ass about Lucius's finger. 2. It would be an incredibly strange move for a rom com to make one of it's leads a domestic abuser, It's not such a weird move to give a character in a rom com a suicidal arc where they push all their friends away. The first choice would yeild a completely unwatchable show the second is what happened in ofmd. 3. David Jenkins himself has talked about this and he said "What Blackbeard did was by the standards of the pirate world a bit much" I don't know if I even agree with this considering everything we've heard about Hornigold but I certainly agree with the sentiment that Ed did some shitty things but nothing that was significantly more horrific than other characters in the show who nobody treats the way they treat Ed.
So with all of that in mind: Why is it racist to call him an abuser. Like sure, all of this adds up to the abuse truthers being wrong and stupid but what does it have to do with Ed's skin color? This ties into the history that the Maori people share with a lot of indigenous groups who were colonized by europeans. I would encourage you to do more research on your own but I'll point you in the generally right direction. Indigenous men are portrayed as hyper violent in order to justify their subjugation (see head hunters stereotypes or how often people assume indigenous cultures were doing human sacrifice). A lot of the Ed hate exaggerates how violent he is in comparison to other characters. Indigenous men are portrayed as dirty and barbaric and in need of being civilized by a benevolent white savior. A lot of fic and meta positions either Stede or Izzy as needing to save Ed from himself, or as needing to babysit him or teach him to read or bathe, ect. That's why people are so up in arms about the soap eating joke.
And finally the abuse thing. Positioning indigenous men as abusers has been used historically as a shoddy justification for family separation. This stereotype pairs incredibly well with the violent stereotype. So IF Ed was abusing poor defenseless little white Izzy it would actually be a racist decision for the writers to make. Like there's a way to portray characters of color doing abuse, because being nonwhite doesn't make you incapable of doing shitty things, but that would not be it. Thankfully that is catagorically not what's happening, we've been told that the Kraken is an abuse responce, Izzy provokes the Kraken, we've seen Izzy be paralelled with Ed's two other abusers (Hornigold and Ed's dad), we've been shown Izzy controlling the flow of information between Ed and his crew, we've been showing Izzy manipulating Ed, we've been shown him lying to turn the crew against Ed, we've been shown Izzy attempting to murder someone Ed cares about specifically because Ed cares about them, we've seen Izzy threaten Ed's life for acting wrong, we've heard Izzy confess to doing all of that shit FOR YEARS on his death bed (a time which it would completely undercut the emotional impact of the scene if he was lying). So like... people ignoring all of that shit in order to portray Ed as shooting off his leg for no fucking reason and say he's the abuser is very... "You forgot the racism don't worry we'll add it back in for you" and continuing to insist on that and be shitty to people who won't cop to your dumbass shit is actively making the fandom a more racist space.
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stick-ball · 10 months
pspspspsp Kevin's trauma and his choice to stay with Thea, why her why not someone else? How does it work considering his characters as whole books/ec , does it make sense or just feel "random"
<Picks you up like a little cat and smooches your head.>
This responce has been sped up by the people who asked Nora on twitter to break Kevin and Thea up, making me see red KillBill style, so:
For me, Kevin's and Thea's relationship makes perfect sense. Maybe it's the realist in me, maybe its the idealist in me, I don't care. When it comes to Kevin's traumas, I think that since most people can't really relate to a majority of them, they get all hung up on the one they most definately can, as in, his mommy issues. When we relate to something, it becomes a really big deal. And here we go! Thea/Kevin suddenly is feared to be toxic instead of being seen for what I think it is: finding love in a hopeless place.
The main issue i see discussed is the disproportion of power at the beginning of the relationship. The main concern is the age difference. I personally don't really get the hate about the age gap between them, because if you read the extra content you will know that while they met when Kevin was 14 and Thea 18, it's not like anything happened between them at that age? First, Kevin saw her as an impressive player, when he did actually see her. That wasn't all that often bcs from what I understand from the EC, Kevin and Riko trained with the Ravens sometimes before they joined the team but a big part of their training happened without them, as well as their life growing up was more detached from the Uni students than people seem to think. And honestly, do you think Tetsuji would just let all the freshmen know they signed into the Yakuza sportsTM? Methinks not, but be delulu if you want I guess. 💋
So anyway, from the EC, it seems like Kevin had a crush slowly build up for Thea over the years, growing from his appreciation of her skill and athletism. Considering how cold that guy is, it probably took him some time to realise, after his irritation at her romances (yeah hello she was dating people her age when Kevin was mooning for here as a pathetic teenage boy, bye bye Thea haters) with other teammates started having nothing to do with the fact it could result in the teams distraction during the game, bcs of their hormones and feelings, and turned to conscious jelousy. And here I have to applaud young Kevin because he did not even realise he was distracted from the game by being jealous. Knowing how oblivious Kevin can be about non exy issues, it likely took quite a while.
So what's next? The "getting together"? Kevin and Thea only started having a sort of physical relationship when Kevin and Riko were already freshmen for Edgar Allan, at 18/19.
Whoever wants to fight me on this being a toxic age gap, what exactly is your angle?
Anyway, Kevin was the one to initiate their relationship, after Riko was done with his distraction from the game and his focus on picking fights with Thea, and told him to sleep with her and get it out of his system. (And that's how i met your mother.) It wasn't much more than that for a long time, because having a relationship on a 12 hrs day/night full of training and uni and juggling two other teams on top of that as well as celebrity status literally sounds like the most insane schedule ever, so it's insane they even managed to talk privately at all.
Now, we circle back to the question, why Thea? Why not someone else? Well, first and fucking foremost, because Nora Sakavic said so. Second of all, because Jung and Freud weren't as stupid as imternet memes would have you believe. (Read their books, read all the books please, i can rec you like a 100 psychology texts, dont be shy)
To keep it short, we do base our attraction on the role models we have, one way or another. I saw enough of my friends pick partners that have the exact character quirks that make them just slightly like an after image of their guardians. Kevin doesn't really have a father model, but his mother? She's always going to be a huge part of his life, is it really so weird and dangerous, that he got infautated with a strong, driven, 4 years older woman, who's incredibly talented and just as determined as him? I don't think so. Is it unhealthy? Is it unsafe? As much as life is, I guess, no one is perfect, but I think he could've done much much worse for himself.
Why did Kevin decide to stay with Thea? I would find it pretty obvious, because she doesn't actually need him. She built herself, but she wants him. Even if she will never have the same fame and recognition in her career that he does. Being wanted this way must be really new for Kevin, who was always a trophy to show off because of his legacy, always a property. But Thea is not competing with him, she doesnt want to own him either. I believe his mother is as much of a role model to her, as to him. So, they have sex, when they want to, they talk - when they feel like it. They don't, well fucking fine, so they don't, they fall in love anyway. It's okay if exy comes first in the beginning, considering both spent a lot of time in cult mentality, I think neither is all that bothered as long as its not obsessive (we could discuss how reasonable it was of Kevin to ghost her for over a year and not tell her about how he broke his hand but thats a whole other essay).
What's really wild to me, is that I think the power imbalance in this relationship is the opposite of what many may think.
Kevin holds all the cards. Thea joined the Ravens as a 18 years old talented athlete, she was one of the only girls on the team, and the Nest was not a place to make friends, on top of that it was a mafia cult. She had everything to prove there, and no way of being prepared for all the grooming. On top of that, she knew nothing of the Moriyamas or even of what actually went down with the whole Perfect Court thing. Kevin knew everything, on top of that, up until he left, he had nothing to prove. He ghosted her, is it so hard to believe she accepted his cold shoulder in this dynamic, in which she obviously is not at the top of the foodchain? He kept secrets from her, is it really so hard to believe she was angry? I think neither of them was ready for neither what life at the nest was like, or for a relationship when it happened, but I also think they are incredibly lucky that they have eachother, their shared passion for exy, their daughter, their dog and friends from the dog park who can't talk about exy to save their lives.
I think Kevin was incredibly lucky for finding Thea, because maybe she did not know everything, maybe it wasn't easy for them, but they understood that Rikos death wasn't a one dimensional victory, that it was just as much of a tragedy for them, for Kevin. I'm happy with the canon and I wish more people appreciated this ship, as its very soothing.
As an ending fun fact, did you know I am the only person to make a playlist for Thea Muldani in all of spotify? Pretty insane if you ask me.
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Ohhhhhh I did send an ask about wolf characters, but now that you've decided that your F/O's are werewolves, I must send this one in now XD
How exactly do you see your F/O's as werewolves? Some I can easily see like Otis. But Cruella??? Oh the poor woman XD do you think they were born werewolves or bitten? Are they a specific type woth different attributes? How do you think their wolfy forms look like? I'm very intrigued
I have been thinking about this since you sent this in!! ^^
To preface: These werewolves struggle less with their full moon's the more that they have given in to their wolf side. The more they connect with the animal and leave humanity behind, the more of their actual minds (Their humanity, their thoughts) remain after they've transformed. ... and also yes. They all had ruts XD - but those stop around menopause time. Even for the men who do not get menopause. No pups are coming outta these oldies, so theirs no need.
🖕Otis B Driftwood🖕:
Otis is pretty much totally connected with his wolf side- by complete choice. Which means he's feral, he lacks basic personal hygiene and communication skills (His rants are almost incomprehensible and he often growls/grunts in responce to people.), he'll sniff you for signs of weakness/aggression/etc, he's aggressive, he'll lick his wounds, etc. He's still Otis, he's just very very wolf-like.
Otis is so stubborn and strong of mind, and is so connected with his wolf side, that if he doesn't want to shift- he fucking wont. He used to like it, though, the freedom; but as he grows older he wants to shift less and less (Its hard on the joints 😅) so he's becoming more human and disconnected from that canine side of him. Hence the bettering in his appearance and his seeming to become less feral in 3 From Hell.
... but that also, of course, means that his shifting is becoming a lot harder on him. It takes him by force now and then he's even more aggressive then ever when he's in the wolf form. He doesn't have as much clarity as before, either, because he's fighting it. So he knows he's pissed off, but the wolf doesn't know why. Just that it needs to dig its teeth, into something.
Otis is a born wolf (His parents were werewolves, and they left him behind when he was 14 cuz like- grown. Pup is all grown.) and he changed the rest of the Fireflies/Coltranes+Captain Spaulding.
🐊Jim Bickerman🐊:
Jim is not quite as connected with the wolf as Otis is (Or as Otis was, I should say). But he is better off then the others.
You can see it in his eyes when he sees something- or someone (Prey)- he likes. Or wants. You can hear it in his voice when someone pisses him off in the quiet growl rumbling in the back of his throat. You can feel it in how his body heat's a noticeable amount warmer then the average person.
His full moon is not as easy as Otis'; he doesn't have a chance to not shift and he doesn't have the clarity Otis used to have and it hurts- but Jim kind of looks forward to it. The week before the full moon he's stronger then ever (No more limp, no need for Viagra anymore, etc.), and he can see farther then he has in years, and he can hear what the rest of the town is saying about him, which is always interesting... (he knows exactly who he hopes he bites later).
Also, it used to be that he was glad that he (His personality, his thoughts his mind) disappeared for the night that he is the wolf as he was having a particularly bad time of it when he first turned. More on this next paragraph
Now, as much as I'd love the whole Bickerman clan to be werewolves- I also know that Jim is just the idiot to get himself bitten. So yeah, he was bitten. I'd say it happened around age 36-40. Probably when he was in a really bad spot in his life (No job, gambling debts, a tab at the bar the same height as him- double sided) which is why he took to the werewolf thing so considerably easily compared to some others- it actually improved his life. He was stronger, his head clearer, his vision better (Which made shooting a lot easier), and on a full moon he could eat all he wanted.
ALSO!! a thought I'm sure you've had- how do his lost limbs factor in to his wolf form? Does he still have the prosthetics? The answer is no he does not, he's a 3-legged one-eyed wolf. Its just lucky for him that his hand does not get factored into the change since technically the wolf doesn't have arms- he has legs.
(not sure about that last bit yet, I'm still thinking ^^)
📕Professor Callahan📕:
Alright!! So when I think about werewolf!callahan I get really excited XD He of course does not connect with his wolf side much (not even as much as Jim)- he of course has that predatory thing about him when it comes to pretty students, which is something, but its not enough to cause the full moon to take it easy on him. Ahhh, I just love the idea that this very sensible modern man has such a crazy dark secret (: That after the day of a full moon, after he's taught Harvard students law- he goes home and gets more irritated and more pissed off-
until he transforms into a goddamn wolf.
Before a full moon Callahan's personality and treatment of students and employees alike gets worse. He's even meaner (Nastier, more angry then ever before. And generally Cal's not an angry man. Just a dick), he'll make you look dumb just so he can yell at you for incompetency, his hair and clothes are just enough out of place that people notice and think he's just so stressed and frazzled.
But at the same time- he's even sharper then usual. He sees holes in arguments and contracts faster then anyone, and he can beat anyone in court. Its amazing, his mind is so clear and so focused, and you feel a chill when he walks into the room because his energy becomes so domineering. He's truly shark-like.
I think Cal was also bitten.
👠Cruella De Vil👠:
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy. Cruella actually FIGHTS the curse- which is what it is, for her. A curse. She REFUSES to BE a BLOODY COAT.
Poor her you say??? Poor Alonzo having to be around her the week of the full moon!!! 🤣 He is not coming out of it without blunt force head trauma, lemme tell you.
Okay so, I know Cruella is pretty wolf like already; she's aggressive and focused and almost animalistic- but thats just her. Her personality. That is not her giving in to the wolf at all, no. In fact she fights it so hard she almost becomes animal completely separately from the werewolf gene. She will fight the change until she bursts a blood vessel. She will scream and shriek and hold onto her 'humanity' (... hah) with everything. But of course there are things that happen to her because of the oncoming change.
Such as mood swings. Now, she already has those- I know. But these ones are far more severe. Yes, just imagine it. Its terrifying. She can go from all over the place to laser focused at the drop of a hat. Her appearance also becomes messier- her hair refuses to do anything but stick up in random directions (If you were a person who didn't know about her wolfieness you would almost believe that her hair has gotten... thicker, since yesterday. Which it has. Thicker and stronger), her eyes seem to shine brighter then usual, her nails become longer and sharper, she grows a few centre metres taller, etc. She also gets stronger, her throwing precision becomes more focused, and other stuff like that.
Cruella was DEFINITELY bitten. It is Karma (:
I hope this is all legible, I feel like its written crazy 😅 Well thank you so much for this ask!! This was a blast to think about XD
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voskhozhdeniye · 10 months
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This is what vote blue no matter who gets you. The Democrats have chained themselves to a sinking ship with no life boats. When your entire platform is, well at least it's not the other guy,........
My tags on the pinned post are from a post I wrote then deleted.
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Look at how he frames it. Young voters and their disapproval of a genocide, not the Democrats doubling down and refusing to call for a ceasefire is what is going push America over the cliff.
I guess we have reached the stage of late capitalism where we simply acknowledge that this country's dominance is maintained by being as ultra violent as possible. Get in line and accept it, you're either with us or against us.
So back to the impending election, Biden's entire platform is, I'm a better choice than Trump. This is where the vote blue no matter who really fucks you. Trump is the boundary line. As long as Biden doesn't cross those lines, he can always say he's better than Trump. But as we are witnessing, he and company will get as close as they possibly can with out crossing. That way they'll always be the better choice. Not by much, but enough to say they are.
The further the Republicans go right, the further the Democrats can push right along with them, they just can't overtake them.
And that is the situation we are in. Yelling at voters for the failures of their government. Who are you voting for, Genocide Joe or Trump? Third party? Don't throw your vote away!
I said it in 2020, and I will say it again. The ONLY reason liberal whites flock to Joe Biden as their savior is because Trump made them feel like niggers in America. Four years of Trump gave you a taste of what the rest of us have been dealing with, regardless of which party is in control, and y'all said by whatever means we will get Trump out of here. We will vote blue no matter who.
That 2020 post, I wrote it after someone responded to another post of mine. They said they knew Biden had been racist in the past, but we needed to look past that for the health of the country.
I wrote a long essay like this one in responce, but the only thing I truly wanted to write was "got you bitch!"
You were willing to look past Biden's racism, sexism, Harris' transphobia, and a slew of other troubling things to save your ass from Trump. The things they hated about Trump they just glossed over in Biden and Harris, for the good of the country. In the year 2020, they asked us to ignore the racism of a presidential candidate, for the good of the country. LMFAO
I know who follows this blog, so most of you already know what I'm talking about, but I need everyone to take a step back and look.
The lesser of two evils is giving unlimited funding, ammo and no red lines to a state that is committing genocide.
That's the "safe" option to vote for.
You know in Loony Tunes when someone runs off a cliff and keeps running because they don't realize they aren't on solid ground anymore?
This is already too long, but I've been wanting to talk about this and just haven't. Living in Trump country, means I interact with his fans on a daily basis. A lot of my coworkers are either outwardly or quietly supporters. Every time Trump supporters get mentioned on here it's always to highlight how stupid they are. Yes there are some glaring holes in their logic, but there is a method to the madness. They're also all very nice white people who would never consider themselves racist.
Many of them rightly realize this country's government is working against them. They may not know what the term class conscience means, but they have an understanding through life experience. Many vote for Trump because they see him as a wrench in the system. A revolt against the liberalism of Obama, Pelosi and Clinton, and the system that rewards people like them. It makes sense. The problem is that Trump is a fascist, and sells snake oil to desperate people. That's how fascists market themselves to voters. The person with the plan, and a cure for all their problems.
Voters will vote for anyone in order to have a better life. Even a racist, sexist, genocidal maniac. Wait a minute, are we still talking about conservatives and Trump?
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minusgangtime · 3 months
Ay buddy-more spookyverse creatures! :D:
Shadows: a creature that looks humanoid,but is entirely made of shadows,thier mostly black and foggy with optimal tentacles that can appear in thier bag,aside from clothes,and thier eyes and mouth,which are purely white. They can EASILY blend into dark shadows and squeeze into tight spaces,cause they don’t have a physical form so they can do anything with thier bodies without feeling any pain. It’s theorized they would be killed if they came in contact with the real sun,as of current,they have no cause of death,they can only be contained. They were made by the Halloween king,as he made a monster based on humans fear of shadows and the dark.
Campfire: campfires are humanoid creatures with their hair being made up of fire. It can be either be long or short depending on the person. They also have the ability to manipulate and control fire. Their biggest weakness is of course,water,though unlike headless horseman,when their flames are extinguished they don’t die,it’s more of the equivalent of losing your hair. If thier fire hair gets too long,they would go to a stylist or do it themselves by pouring water at the end of thier fire hair. They were created by the Halloween king,who wanted to make a creature off the popular activity of setting up campfires.
Aldrich octopus: Aldrich octopuses are sea creatures that can go on land just like sirens Aldrich octopuses are the same size as sirens underwater but are much more intimidating,their legs and arms are all tentacles,having a razor sharp mouth full of teeth with feral looking eyes. On land they actually look cute. The tentacles are now only on their bag,their clawed arms can shift between a normal arm and a tentacle arm. They also have incredible spirited,eating large portions of food in seconds. They were made by the Halloween king,as he wanted to make a creature based on people’s fear of octopi.
Moth-person: this creature is,what else,a moth-person. They have a humanoid body but all the features of a moth,they have big insect sparkly eyes,they’re covered in fluffy furr, antennas and big fluffy wings. They spend most time flying around when going from place to place.They’re incredibly social,always wanting to talk with others,they also are very attracted to light,they can stare at a light source for hours. They mostly come out at night,not cause thier weak to the light,but cause their nocturnal and sleep during the day. They originate by an experiment in the human realm,as a couple were experimented on and made them into moth people,they were hopeless in a lab until they got the portal to Halloween town.
“Killer” robot: this monster is exactly what it says,a robot. This robot is capable of feeling human emotions,they also house many of weapons inside their metal shell that they can pull out at any time. Killer robots can be like animals,at times they were imprint on a person and will love them unconditionally,while also becoming EXTREMELY protective of them,in the verge of shooting anyone who makes them remotely cry-even if it was a accident. They originate from the human world,a few killer robots were made by mechanics to overthrow groups of people,which the robots didn’t want to do,but they didn’t have a choice to them,then the portal opened up and they arrived in Halloween town.
Storm bringer: this creature is the embodiment of storms,they appear to look mostly human apart from pointy ears,sharp cares and yellowish marks on their bodies. Thier hair is constantly crazy,it is never under control,even if someone else takes it,it’ll get crazy again within a hour. They have the ability to control and manipulate the weather and lightning. They can summon lightning with their hands,they can also teleport in a spark of lightning,they can stop a storm if it gets too intense. They originate from Halloween town,as the Halloween king created them as a responce to humans fear of storms.
Jackolattern: a creature based on the iconic jackolattern. They have the head and skin of a bumpkin,their hair being made if steams/leaves,their faces always being a carved face,the face varies from pattern to pattern,none of them look the same. They can control the roots of plants. Thier faces are always lit up,glowing in the dark,depending on the situation it can look kinda terrifying-when a jackolattern becomes a parent,they lay seeds,upon planting them in the ground,in a few days,their new kid/kids will rise up from the ground. When a jackolattern dies,it’s common for their loved ones,or grim reapers to take the seeds from their head and plant them,so their legacy can still live on. They were made by the Halloween king,inspired by the jackolatterns in the human realm.
The shrooms: these creatures are very humanoid,but they are covered in mushrooms. It varies from person to person,sometimes there are few mushrooms,sometimes it very much obscures the body,and of course they are always different shrooms on their bodies. The shrooms often don’t talk much as either no one talks to them or thier throat/lungs are so filled with shrooms they have difficulty speaking. Thier shrooms always let out a pleasant smell,shrooms will use thier shrooms to help others fall asleep. They originally came from the human world. A human was experimented in,causing them to became nothing more than humanoid fungi,they were then welcomed into Halloween town.
Jellos: these creatures are entirely made of jello. The only thing not made of jello are the clothes they wear. Jellos can pretty much eat every and anything,when they eat,what ever they eat is consumed by their jello bodies. They can also fit in any tight space,they often use this to rescue small animals or kids. Currently,it’s unknown how a jello dies. They were made by the Halloween king,inspired by how the human realm turned a squishy food into a creature in fiction.
Anglers: another deep sea monster,these ones are in the darkest depths. They have a tattered looking fish tail,scaley looking claws,pointy ears,brightly colored eyes,extremely sharp teeth and of course,thier shiny antenna. On land their dark scales are lighter,they’re teeth are shorter,and their eyes aren’t as bright,though their Athena is mostly used to catch pray,it can also be used to light up dark areas,anglers mostly stay in the water cause they have trouble making friends thanks to their intimidating aura. These creatures were made by the Halloween king in inspiration from humans fears of angler fish.
Gargoyles: these creatures are dragon like beings,they got sharp claws,fangs that don’t fit in thier mouth,wings and horns with a long tail. They also have the ability to turn into a stone statue. They’re like pranksters,using that stone gimmick to bodegas a normal statue and when someone’s back is turned,they spook em. Gargoyles are incredible loyal to anyone thier close with. Gargoyles were created by the Halloween king,hearing tales of gargoyles in the human world.
Naga: these creatures are half human,half snake. Their top half is human like,while their bottom half is a snake tail. They have snake like fangs,pointy-ish ears and slitted reptilian like eyes. Depending on the bags,thier bites can be poisonous/venomous. While some nagas tend to be cold and calculated. Some are very silly,just goofing around while slithering-nagas were made by the Halloween king,inspired by the popular creature from the human realm.
-mod shelby
(Creatures!! :3)
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aikoiya · 2 years
I don't understand Pro-Choicers. These days, there should be enough different types of prevention that no one should even get pregnant unless they want to. We have birth control in both pill & shot forms, we have implants, we have condoms, we have plan b. Hell, in county health departments birth control is free!
All things considered, these women shouldn't be getting pregnant at all if they are doing their due diligence, but they are & it makes me think that it means they're not actually trying that hard. So, in cases where it's NOT rape, it's the woman's fault for being negligent! Then, even when it is rape, plan b should help with that! It exists for a reason!
Why take that out on an unborn baby? It's not their fault you were dumb & lazy. Take freaking responcibility for your actions!
Also, there's the fact that research shows infants can feel pain as soon as 12 weeks after conception. You know what that means? You're ripping the limbs off of someone that can actually feel it happening! But no one wants to talk about that!
Now, I'm not saying that there aren't situations in which abortion shouldn't happen. Those would be when, say, the baby is already dead in the womb or would be born without internal organs. In those cases, yeah, there's nothing you can do & there's no point going through with the rest of the pregnancy. At the same time, if a woman abort in these cases, then no one is dying because the child is already dead, so there's no conflict.
Also, why is it that only the woman gets to make the choice? Like, I get it, "my body, my choice" & that's fair. But, I don't think that quite fits this specific situation because, personally, I've always believed that when a woman gets pregnant, then it's not just her body anymore. It's also the baby's body, because they are relying on her. So, in an ideal world, shouldn't that baby also get a say in whether it gets killed or not?
At the same time, I understand that an unborn child can't really voice an opinion. Like, I'm not an idiot. So I think, instead, the father, provided the child didn't come about via rape, should be allowed to put in his 2 cents. After all, a child doesn't just come about from a woman asexually reproducing. It's not all her!
It's like if 2 people are baking a cake. 1 person provides half the ingredients, the other person brings the other half. The 1st person prep the dry ingredients, the other prep the wet, then they mix it all together & put the resulting batter in an oven. However, the oven itself only belongs to the 1st person. So, technically, you could argue that the end product mostly belongs to the 1st person, but that doesn't mean that the 2nd person did nothing, so it's still, at least partially, theirs too.
It's the same with pregnancy, the father provided half of the baby's DNA & aided in the act that created the child, so even if it isn't his body that carries the infant, then he should, at least, be allowed to way in on the situation!
Now, sure. If he agrees with the mother that she should abort, then there's nothing for it. I don't agree with the decision, personally, & I hate that a life is getting snuffed out before they really get the chance to live, but at the very least, in this situation, with the child unable to voice their own opinion, this would be more fair.
If the man doesn't care or is abusive or is killed or whatever it is; then, yes, it all falls on the mother, but he should still be considered. If the man is dead, then even if it's only a single factor amongst a hundred others, she should still try to determine what she thinks his perspective would be based on what she knew of him & consider it.
The idea of Pro-Choice feels so steeped in selfishness from what I've seen of it. If you don't want a kid, just take the damn pill! Or tell your guy to put that plastic on! Or have the kid & put them up for adoption! You have other options besides abortion, so why is it being treated as the only way?!
Did you know that in NY, it's now perfectly legal to get an abortion literally an hour before a baby is born?? At what point does abortion become infanticide??
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
snake in the clovers
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all of the snake facts in this one are brought to you by my younger brother, all of the moss facts are brought to you, by me.
Naga! Aizawa x Fox! Reader
warnings: none
word count: 1,300 (about)
summary: a work-study in Mexico leads you to discover not only some fascinating bio diversity, but fascinating creatures as well. 
Lots of your friends went to Mexico for spring break, I mean you were college students after all, but instead of spending a week getting trashed in Cancun or even on a beach somewhere in Cabo you were on a work-study with your botany class spending your time swatting mosquitoes away on the peeks of Sierra Mader Occidental, the mountains of Sinaloa. 
And you wouldn’t have it any other way, where else would you be able to see this beautiful greenery surrounding you, and you should feel lucky to see Amoreuxia Gonzalezii bloom in person, The only real draw back wasn’t even where you were, but who you were with. 
“Does this mushroom look poisonous to you?” Nate, a boy from your class who was also on the work-study.  You glanced at the spore he was holding
“Its Amanita Verna,” you identified than when you saw the blank look on his eyes you added “Fools Mushrooms”
“So is it edible or not?” Nate asked. You huffed and swallowed a bitter responce.
“It’ll kill you in five to twenty-four hours and your death will be excruciating,”  you said and Nate dropped the mushroom.
Maybe it was because of your fox-like quirk that you felt so close to nature, and why this field of study came so easy to you. Never the less you slightly resented your classmates for not taking the class as seriously as you did. 
Just as you were thinking that you heard a loud shriek. You whirled and saw Amanda cowering from a patch of clover.
“S-Snake!” She whaled. You stepped closer and saw the snake in question. He was a medium length and striped with black and gray scales. Phyllorhynchus browni. his pink forked tongue poked out and he stalked slithering towards Amanda. You quickly grabbed him holding him aloft so she didn’t stomp him out of reflex. 
“Jesus Christ! Drop that thing before it kills you!” She yelled. 
“It’s not Venoumus,” you said flatly dropping the snake to the side and watching it slither away into a nearby bush. 
“Of course you’d be able to tell,” Amanda scoffed, embarrassed now that the apparent danger was gone. “I bet you were planning on eating that thing if we weren’t here to judge you,” She sneered.  The others laughed before your professor quieted them. You could feel your cheeks go pink.
“Just because I’m a fox doesn’t mean I eat snakes,” you murmured, but no one was listening. The hike continued, deeper into the woods. Taking notes, pictures, and samples of the local flora as you went. 
“We should start heading back down the mountain,” your professor said you looked up at the sky and saw the sun hanging surprisingly low in the sky. How time flys when studying fungi and soil you guessed. 
“Hey (y/n),” Nate snickered falling in step beside you as the class made its way back down the trail. 
You weren’t supper in the mood to be teased but you answered him anyway.  “What is it?”
“Well I was looking at this moss-” he unclenched his hand and showed you a patch off moss in his palm “-and I wondered if you could use your fox senses or whatever to tell me what it is,”
 You could hear other people laughing behind you but you ignored it. 
“It’s sphagnales,” you said simply. 
“Okay, but what’s the lamen term- you know what would the rest of us normal people call it?”
“Sphagnales,” you frowned. Not understanding what he was saying, sphagnales didn’t have a common name. 
You were looking at him confused when you stepped down on a vine and your ankle rolled. You yelped and fell staggering back. You had been distracted by the moss and you hadn’t been paying attention to what part of the trail right next to a sharp drop into a ravine. You felt your stomach drop as you fell. You clawed wildly for something to grab. Nate’s eyes went wide and he reached for you. He missed. 
You wailed as you fell through the trees, crashing against the solid ground before rolling down again.  You landed against the thick trunk of a tree and finally, the world stopped spinning.  You couldn’t breathe there was a seaering pain in your left leg, your vision was swimming. There were scratches along your face and arms some of them were bleeding. You needed to call out, yell so your class could find you. But you couldn’t muster it. Your vision went blurry, then completely black.
Dimly you heard the sound of dripping water. Your body ached and slowly, you forced your eyes open. The first thing you saw, once your eyes adjusted to the darkness, were dozens of tiny purple flowers on the ceiling of the cave you were in. Barkeria Dorotheae. A type of orchid local only to these mountains. 
Where were you? You remembered falling down the mountain-side but not how you had come here.  You shifted and realized you were on something soft and downy, that’s when you heard the voice. 
“Don’t try to move, you’re hurt badly,” you looked and saw a man with long black hair and stubble looking at you from the mouth of the cave, at least the top half of him was a man,  the bottom half of him was a coiled scaley tail. He unfurled himself and slithered towards you. It was hard to see color in the dim light but you made out the color of his scales, black, and grey stripes.
You’d read stories of Naga, creatures that were half snake half man. You remembered reading in at least some myths that these snake-men were helpful. And since you really had no other choice, you decided to trust this man and stay still like he asked. 
“Where m I?” you croaked, your voice raspy from lack of use. 
“Still on Sierra Mader Occidental, just in a cave on the mountain,” he explained, curling up next to you in the nest. 
“What- why-?” 
“When I found you, you were unconscious and badly hurt and unconscious, so I took you here to dress your wounds but you still need rest, your party continued down the mountain, planning to come back for you tomorrow when it’s light out and with help,” He explained and you saw that he had in fact bandaged you up. 
“Oh, I don’t know how to thank you,” you breathed. 
“It’s fine, I couldn’t just let you die there,” he grunted. As you looked at him you realized how handsome he was. 
“What is your name?” you asked. 
“You can call me Shota,”
“Well, I’d still like to thank you Shota, for all you’ve done for me,”
“Like I said think nothing of it,” he repeated. 
“Do you think they, er my classmates that is, do you think they will find me here?” you asked and silently you wondered if half of your class would even bother looking for you, it wasn’t like any of them liked you. 
“I’ll do my best to lead them here,” he said, then added “most people aren’t as calm when they see me as you were,”
“And what if they don’t find me?” you croaked. 
“I am more than prepared to provide for you until you are well again, or until you are found, whichever comes first, and if you don’t mind me saying, I saw the way those humans interacted with you I almost think you would do better in the forest here then where ever you are from,” he said. You thought about it. You had always liked camping, spend days alone out in the forest alone. And it wouldn’t be bad to live in these beautiful woods with an equally beautiful creature. 
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
The Cancer King's Court ~ The Scourge Sisters
Vriska Serket/The Pirate Queen
Everything in this timeline goes the same as in our timeline up until Terezi confronts Vriska. Terezi can’t bring herself to kill her and Vriska goes off to fight Noir. Noir ignores her and proceeds to slaughter her entire team. Vriska is narrowly able to kill Bec Noir, but it’s too late. Everyone else is dead.
Vriska is overtaken by remorse. Stranded alone on the meteor in a Doomed Timeline of her own making, Vriska is left alone with her thoughts. She tries to make conversation with the humans, but she finds she can’t confess what she did. Eventually, the humans start asking about the other trolls and Vriska stops talking to them.
After a few weeks of stewing in her own grief, Vriska gets an idea. If she can’t fix this problem, then her ancestor surely can. Everything Vriska did was done in a failed imitation of her ancestor’s exploits. Surely the person who did it right would have an answer for this problem. She could fix her mistakes. She could get her friends back. She could fix everything. Vriska dedicates her every second of sleep to finding her dancestor in the dreambubbles.
Vriska eventually tracks down the legendary Marquise Spinnerette Mindfang….. only to find her living in a regular hive. Sure, it was a fancy hive, but that’s every Cobalt’s hive. When she finds the ghost of her ancestor… she finds her lazily writing in her diary. Turns out, Mindfang’s journal was just her own self insert fanfiction. Everything Vriska had imitated, looked up to, and based her own self worth on was a lie. 
Vriska wanders the dreambubbles in a depressive slump when she’s approached by a cloaked version of Aradia. Vriska basically blows up at her, profusely apologizing for everything she did before trailing off as she realizes that this isn’t her Aradia.
“well, this pr0bably d0esn’t mean much t0 y0u, because i’m n0t y0ur aradia, but f0r what it’s w0rth, i f0rgive y0u. we’ve b0th made s0me pretty big mistakes, but it’s n0t t0 late t0 c0rrect them.”
“welc0me t0 the cancer king’s c0urt, vriska serket.”
This Vriska is almost unrecognizable next to her canon counterpart in terms of attitude. She’s here to make amends, but with her confidence smashed and no one to look to for guidance, she doesn’t really know how to do that. That’s why she’s willing to go along with the Cancer King’s plan, despite moral reservations. Honestly, that’s why everyone goes along with what Karkat says. They want the happy ending they were robbed of or they want to fix some huge mistake, they just don’t know how to do that. If Karkat, the guy with the huge heart hidden under all that bluster, says everything will be fine then it surely will right? More pertinent to Vriska, ignoring her friends concerns got everyone killed last time. She’d best listen to the leader of the group this time.
That said, she’s still Vriska. Sweeps worth of ego don’t just vanish. When she goes to apologize to Tavros, Tavros bites back. Vriska angrily points out that she’s not the same Vriska that hurt him and things nearly escalate into a fight until Aradia steps in. After a few rounds of mediation from the Red Death, tensions calm down a little. At least the Pirate Queen is trying to make amends, which is more than can be said for the Beast Master’s Vriska. Neither version of Tavros owes either version of Vriska any kind of forgiveness and they both acknowledge that.
Vriska actually sympathizes with her main timeline counterpart. She gets it. She was there. Literally the only thing that separates the two is a split second decision and a punch to the face. Out of everyone in the Cancer King’s Court, the Pirate Queen is the one who comes the closest to turning her main counterpart over to their side. 
But, while Tavros would never forgive Vriska, Terezi will. Both Terezi and Vriska admit that a relationship between the two of them isn’t feasible. They aren’t the same people from their alternate timelines, so continuing where they left off isn’t really feasible. Instead, Terezi makes a point of keeping Vriska from turning completely self destructive. Yes, she fucked up, but suffering does not equal redemption. Getting herself killed won’t fix the damage she did. 
The two are able to build a genuine friendship, something like what they could’ve had had they grown up somewhere other than Alternia. Vriska even serves as Terezi’s wingman regarding a certain feline hunter, but more on that later.
In combat, the Pirate Queen is the Magnificent that canon Vriska thinks she is. Now that she’s not glory hounding and us just trying to get the job done, she’s dangerously effective. She’s consistently misjudged by the Condescension’s forces as that same smug brat who keeps getting her team into trouble. Then they’re caught flat footed when Vriska fights smart and doesn’t take obvious bate. On the manipulation side of things, Vriska’s able to play up her remose and genuine desire to atone to earn people’s trust. It’s all technically true, they just don’t know how she intends to atone. It’s far more effective than the blunt mind control past Vriska would’ve gone for.
Vriska is every bit the dangerous, competent, complex, anti-villain she used to think she was. Difference is, now she doesn’t enjoy it.
Terezi Pyrope/The Hung Jury
Terezi’s timeline was exactly the same as ours up until one crucial point. Terezi was quick to notice when Vriska went God-Tier, so she decided to preemptively go God-Tier to match. Once immortal, Terezi’s precognition goes into overdrive and she’s able to instantly see into the future where Vriska makes the choice boost up Bec Noir and get everyone killed. She realizes that, for whatever reason, she doesn’t actually want Vriska dead, so she dedicates herself to trying to reason Vriska down. She sees the negative impact it would have on her to kill Vriska, after all. Vriska is confused by this abrupt change in behavior and so her responces are a mixed bag. As such, she ends up getting a lot closer to Vriska a lot quicker than in our timeline, but she isn’t quiet able to deter her either. Terezi understands what makes Vriska tick, far moreso than in canon, but she doesn’t understand how to rewire her. It doesn’t help that, from Vriska’s pov, her rival and kismesis is suddenly pale flirting with her.
So, when the time comes for her to kill Vriska to stop Bec Noir, Terezi can’t go through with it. Then the predictable happens. Vriska dies fighting against Noir, but Terezi manages to best him while he’s weak. Doesn’t change the fact all of her friends are dead because of her failure to act. Terezi isn’t sure what to make of her failure as she’s stuck floating on a meteor in a doomed timeline. She can’t think that killing Vriska would’ve been the right thing to do, because she was so close to redeeming her. But, her failure to do that got everyone killed. She starts to miss the days where Vriska was just the person who blinded her. When Vriska was just someone she wanted dead.
So, when the Cancer King approaches her about fixing her mistake, Terezi counters that she doesn’t even really know what her mistake was. She tried her best, made logical choices, tried to save everyone. What went wrong?
Karkat tries again. Saying that it’s unfair that she arguably tried to do everything right, but inexplicably failed anyways. Again, Terezi shuts him down. She’s getting the vibe that the only reason he’s having this conversation is because he fucked something up and, knowing Karkat, it probably wasn’t his fault. So she presses at his motive and Karkat explains his plan. Terezi remarks that it’s… incredibly cruel by his standards. Realizing that she’s unswayed, Karkat tries to drive his point home. He takes them to doomed, hopeless timelines that otherwise can’t be salvaged. If he gains control over the narrative, he can fix these. Terezi just asks him to take them to the timelines he’s already visited, see first hand what kind of damage he’s doing. This back and forth continues for awhile.
At one point, Terezi closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Words start to spill out. Words that seem wiser than her. Above her somehow.
She briefly wonders if the Terezi from Karkat’s timeline is speaking through her somehow. She’s more right than she realizes. 
Karkat stands there, far off in a way Terezi couldn’t quiet imagine. For just a minute, it looked like he might walk away.
There was still time. He could find an easier solution. He didn’t need to hurt anyone. 
…Karkat dismisses it as wishful thinking.
The Cancer King gives her a glimpse of the main timeline and the ruined state that it’s in. He shows her everything that’s been lost. Everyone who died. He shows her the image of a bloodparched Empress tearing through reality. 
He chokes on the words, taking a deep breath before continuing. 
Terezi’s gaze into the future reveals nothing. There’s only so far a doomed Seer of Mind can see. So her only choice is too believe him.
As a member of the team, Terezi serves as Karkat’s moral conscious even more so than Aradia does. Aradia keeps things in perspective for the group as a whole, while Terezi forces Karkat to consider his motives. Why are we going after these people? They aren’t God-Tiers and you swore you’d only absorb God-Tiers to keep from becoming as bad as the HIC. It helps that it isn’t just The Hung Jury that’s speaking to Karkat. Main Terezi, after dying and appearing in the Dreambubbles, has found a way to speak through her alternate timeline counterparts via a Heart artifact she got from Nepeta. She’s been trying to use The Hung Jury to redeem Karkat, but the Jury is becoming increasingly aware of her interference and is starting to hunt her down.
Terezi is a bit awkward around the Pirate Queen at first. A Vriska who is looking to atone for everything she did is uncomfortably close to what Terezi almost achieved. Still, she doesn’t hold that against her. Honestly, the two tend to act as moirails here. Terezi keeps Vriska from turning into a self loathing mess, while Vriska keeps Terezi distracted from her own guilt. Killing so many people in the name of the greater good weighs on her mind, and the only way Vriska knows to handle that is too keep her distracted. This has the added benefit of making main Terezi rethink her relationship with her own Vriska, seeing how comparatively healthy this one is.
At the advice of Nepeta (who I can assure you has been taking notes on this entire relationship), Vriska tries to help Terezi fill her other quadrants. Karkat is an immediate no, as his fuck ups with his own Terezi are still fresh in his mind. The others on the list turn her down for other reasons. Lack of interest, already taken, or have other quadrants to maintain. At Vriska’s suggestions, Terezi constantly ends up going back to Nepeta for advice about her latest target. Nepeta happily lists all the pros and cons about that particular relationship, points out all the things they might, and even roleplays with Terezi to practice her confession. Those meetings keep getting longer, Nepeta’s advice keeps getting more detailed. Nepeta starts slipping out of character in their roleplays more. Meanwhile, Vriska is watching from a distance with a shit eating grin and giving herself the greatest wingman award.
…Main Terezi is in denial about this having any effect on how she views her Nepeta. Not developing a crush, no siree.
As an active agent, Terezi tries to only target people she views as actively guilty. Not only will she set up large swaths of the Condescension’s army to be absorbed by the Cancer King, but she actively tries seeking out evil people so that she can bring justice down upon them. It helps her head rest easier. Terezi’s a consumate manipulator already, conning doomed players is a cinch. When The Hung Jury isn’t doing that, she’s actively hunting for her main timeline counterpart. Main Terezi knows better than to tango with a God-Tier version of herself, so she stays one step ahead. 
The Hung Jury is the King’s conscience and right hand strategist. A force to be reckoned with and a mind few can match.
Also that neprezi - GOD YOU GUYS ARE ACTIVELY JUST THROWING THAT IN NOW HUH. should I just declare it the next ship on my list?? its the one that snuck its way up there. evil john anon this is SO good this is REALLY good I’m just AAAAAAAAAAAA
Anyway here are your outfits: 
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Here’s your Pirate Queen - I imagine with Vriska’s assured blinding confidence gone and the image of her hero being shattered, she’d attempt to find herself while also still trying to seek that familiar ground. She doesn’t look like an awe-inspiring pirate adventure seeker anymore but she still has a fashion sense. What scored me this was this line: 
Vriska is every bit the dangerous, competent, complex, anti-villain she used to think she was. Difference is, now she doesn’t enjoy it.
Like OOF that just hits the mark!!
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Terezi’s was more thoughtful, as she is - I imagine she finally takes up that fucking Lady Justice pose and setup but more like morally for Karkat, and I REALLY love what you did with her. I like how she’s the most pressing about his objectives here, because of course she would want to sniff out what this Karkat’s deal was, offering something of this magnitude, and then seeing the damage he caused to the main timeline. This Terezi doesn’t feel like a normal God Tier (although her outfit is heavily inspired so) but rather like a very ultimate mistress of Justice. 
Doesn’t change the fact all of her friends are dead because of her failure to act. Terezi isn’t sure what to make of her failure as she’s stuck floating on a meteor in a doomed timeline. She can’t think that killing Vriska would’ve been the right thing to do, because she was so close to redeeming her. But, her failure to do that got everyone killed.
Everything Vriska had imitated, looked up to, and based her own self worth on was a lie.
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The sense of loss and hopelessness in this really drove it home.
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peach-the-owl · 4 years
Child of the Nein
When you first meet (Mighty Nein & Child!Reader) Part 1
This popped into my head one day and I don’t think I‘ve seen anyone else do something like this so I thought: Hey why not? You know because a child in a group of adventurers couldn’t possibly go wrong
Also they may not be 100% accurate to their back story but I kept them as close as I could
Jester weaved her way through the streets of Nicodranas until she had reached the edge of the port side city. Looking now at the necklace upon her, lost in thought, her bittersweet thoughts of home quickly interrupted however by rustling bushes nearby. Thinking one of the guards had found her she readied herself to run, only to freeze when a child looking no older then 8 comes tumbling out of it.
You pick yourself up off the ground and brush off some dirt, you then look up to see a pretty blue lady in front of you. She seemed nice, and it’d be rude not to say hello to her. "Hello, pretty blue lady." You give her a wave and a smile, which is happily returned by them.
"Hello! What's a cute little kid like you doing here all alone?" She kneels down and pokes your nose when asking, causing you to giggle.
"I’m exploring!" You state eagerly.
"Oh, I see. Where’s your momma and papa?" You look around before giving a shrug. "Do you have a momma and papa?" You shrug again, not knowing how to answer.
"Hey what’s that?" You ask pointing to the pendent on her waist. This caused her eyes to brighten more.
"This is my symbol of the Traveler, have you ever heard of him?" You shake your head and lean in closer to hear more. "Well he’s a really cool guy and can do really amazing things."
"Wow! That sounds awesome! Oh, I’m (y/n) by the way!" You say, realizing you forgot to introduce yourself.
"I’m Jester." Jester holds her hand out for you to shake, which you eagerly do.
"So Jester, what are you doing here all alone?" You ask, mimicking her earlier question. You see Jesters smile drop a little.
"I made a really powerful man reeallly angry, but he was also a big jerk so he had it coming, *sigh* but to stay safe I have leave home."
"Can I come! I love adventuring and exploring, it’ll be sooooo much fun with someone else too!" You bounce on your feet and look at her expectantly. Jester did like the sound of having someone to travel with and an opportunity to talk more about the Traveler, and by the looks of things you didn’t have anyone else with you (which is a little sad for someone still so young).
"Of course you can!" Jaester agreed, having you around seemed like fun not to mention you reminded Jester of herself when she was young and couldn’t wait to introduce you to the ways of the Traveler and all the mischief you two would make. What could possibly go wrong?
Being the young runt in a clan of goblins made things hard for you, being seen as weak and useless lead to them constantly bullying and pushing you around. One day while forced to help carry some of the heavy equipment for the torturer you had slipped up causing everything you carried to crash to the ground. You try to ignore the yelling and ridicule from the torturer but you could feel the tears pricking your eyes which lead to more yelling, you slowly pick yourself up and start going to grab the equipment. It’s then you notice the stares of the assistant on you, you duck your head down lower and continue about your prior job.
Nott watched from a safe distance as her "boss" yelled at the smaller goblin, she knew better then to intervene. Still she couldn’t help but feel some pity for the little one as she understood what it’s like to be bullied for being different, and she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to feeling her maternal instinct kick in for the child. When the torturer finally left Nott decided to make her move, carefully approaching them.
"It's no fun being bullied around is it." Her shrill voice causes you to stumble a bit. After a brief moment of pause you you slowly shake your head. "Do you even like it here?" You didn’t know what she was getting at, nonetheless you shake your head again. After a longer pause you figured the more one-sided conversation was done so you once again go back to heaving the equipment along.
"What if we could leave?" Now she had your full attention.
"H-how do we do that?" You voice came out quiet and scratchy, due to hardly using it.
"I’m not sure yet but I’ll figure something out."
"Ok… but why-why help me? I’m not very big or strong, I’d probably just hold you back." You look into her big yellow eyes in search of an answer, unsure if you could actually trust them.
"I used to feel the same, still do sometimes, but I think since we both don’t like it here we can help each other out." Being young the logic seemed sound enough for you.
"Alright, let's do it." You wanted to shout with excitement but kept you voice down not wanting to redraw the attention of the torturer.
"I’m…… Nott, that’s N-O-T-T." Nott gave you a faint smile, you stare at her with a confused expression which she catches onto. "Oh that’s right, you don’t know how to spell do you. That’s alright, can you tell me your name?"
"I don’t got one. They just call me runt because that’s what I am." You look down to the ground, suddenly finding it more interesting as you shuffle your feet about. Nott pondered on this for a moment before lighting up with an idea.
"How about I call you (y/n), has a good ring to it don’t you think?" The name sounded a little strange to you but in a good way, definatly not a traditional goblin name, still you liked it all the same. Giving Nott a nod and your first real toothy smile in awhile (hey that rhymed), you both decided to sneakily think of ways to free yourselves from the clan. What could possibly go wrong?
The people here in Vergesson Sanatorium said you were psychotic. Being 5 you didn’t know what that meant, all you can remember is watching as the "pretty colours danced" and now you where here in this big boring building. They say it’s for your own good, that it’s the only place you’ll get the help and care you need. Again you didn’t quite understand what that was supposed to mean, you had asked if you could go home once but they said that this was your home now and it would have to be until you were older and fully recovered. Everything they said just left you confused and with more questions; why couldn’t you go home, what were you even recovering from, and many more all of which you never got the answer to. There were other people "like you" here but many of them didn’t seem much fun or up for a chat leaving you bored to wits end, but that all changed (when the fire nation attacked) when you bumped into someone while roaming around. You crane your neck up to see a man with messy reddish hair, next to him laying on the ground was a guard, you could recognize that uniform anywhere. The man then turns to look at you with a glare, you stare into his eyes for a moment before pointing to the guard.
"Is he sleeping?" It seemed like an odd question but you had always been a curious soul. The man looks between you and the guard, his glare having now turned into a deadpanned expression.
"Ja, he is." Is his responce to you before he starts walking away, you take this as a sign and follow him. Not without noticing a small red puddle by the guard as you pass them, however you just thought he must’ve had too much tomato juice before taking a nap. Continuing through the winding halls of the sanatorium you realize you’ve never been to this area yet.
"Where are we going?" You pipe up, causing the man to halt his movement in surprise so wrapped up in his objective he didn’t realize you had been following him.
"I am leaving." He put a big emphasis on the I hoping you take the hint, you didn’t.
"Can I come? Please it’s so boring here, everything’s the same, I wanna go outside and-"
"Stop!" You stop and look at him, his eyes calculating you, not that you would’ve caught onto that. After a moment of your little staring contest he mumbles something you can’t quite catch, other then the words "small" and "useful". "Very well," he says loud enough for you to hear now, "you may come along but you must listen and do exactly as I say, understand."
"Yeah, ok!" You couldn’t contain your enthusiasm, practically bouncing around, finally you could leave this boring place and go somewhere more exciting. You would’ve run to give this man a hug but he held up his hand, once again stopping you.
"First rule, none of this… over excitement. Second rule, stay as quiet as possible, we don’t want to attract any attention." You immediately stop and give a slight nod to show him you were listening, just like he’d asked. After what felt like hours of wandering to you, you finally find yourself back in the colourful outside world, it’s also at this time you realized you never gave this man your name.
"I just remembered that I forgot to tell you my name's (y/n). What’s yours?" You look to him expectantly, waiting for him to tell you his name. He turns to you, a slight annoyed expression on his face. Opening his mouth to say something he hesitates.
"My name… is… not important right now." He says, carefully picking his choice of words. "First we must focus on leaving the area undetected, and remember to stay quiet." You give a quiet "oh yeah" before following his lead and sneaking off. At last you were free from the sanatorium, with a strange and scruffy man… What could possibly go wrong?
You pushed through the thick vegetation that surrounded the area going as fast as your legs could carry you. You can hear your mothers words repeating in your head; "My child, you must hurry! Go! Seek help at the Blooming Grove!" You’d heard of the place before, from others in your clan, but never visited it yourself. None of that mattered at the moment as you continued to traverse through the sharp, thorny vines, giving little thought to the various cuts you were receiving. Finally after days of running and hiding you see a graveyard, and based upon what you were told it matched the description of the Blooming Grove. You only take a few steps forward before your knees buckle under you, the exhaustion of tireless travel and the various wounds having finally crept up on you to take their toll. You pass out soon after.
Another day of tending to the graves of the departed had become a pleasant routine for Caduceus, however he did have to admit it felt lonesome since the last of his family had left to seek a cure for the blight that plagued the area. The sound of a soft thud draws him away from his thoughts, he looks over his shoulder but doesn’t see anything at first. Slowly he makes his way over to the source of the sound and scans the area, surprised to find a rather young firbolg laying unconscious a few feet from the entrance of the temple. He scans the area again but finds no one else in the immediate vicinity, as he makes his way closer to the child he soon notices the many cuts and bruises that litter their body. It's as if some maternal instinct kicked in as Caduceus carefully gathers the child into his arms and brings them into the temple without a second thought. He gently lays them on one of his sisters beds and begins treating their wounds, patching up the smaller cuts with bandage and using his magic to heal the more concerning gashes that covered the youngling.
You slowly creak your eyes open and immediately notice your new surroundings, you also couldn’t help but notice the bandages that now coverered your arms and legs. "Good to see you’re finally awake." You shift you’re attention to the door where the pink haired firbolg stands with what looks to be a fresh kettle of tea. "I’m Caduceus." He says gently, seeing the slight confusion on your face.
"Ummm… hi. I’m (y/n)." Despite everything you find it hard to form words, settling on the awkward greeting. He laughs softly before setting down the kettle and pouring a cup of tea, the gentle aroma wafting around you. He silently offers you a cup which you happily accept, the awkwardness of earlier quickly melting away.
"So tell me (y/n), what are you doing here all alone?" He gives you a concerned look, you shuffle in place, trying to find the right words to use.
"My… my home got raided by a tribe of forest giants, my family tried to settle things calmly but they wouldn’t listen. My momma told me to look for help at the Blooming Grove, and from what I was told this seems to be the place." The was a long pause once you finished your story, the silence feeling suffocating the longer it went on.
"I’m sorry that happened to you, and while you did find your way here I… I’ve been the only one here for the last 5 maybe 6 years now." The information slowly sinks in and as it does your ears flatten and your tail wraps around your legs, curling yourself into a ball. Tears well up in your eyes at the thought of everything you did being for nothing, only when you felt Caduceus' hand gently place itself on your back did you snap back to reality and redirect your attention onto him. "It’s not all bad if you think about it."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"You’re still alive and you were able to make through the dangers of the forest and find your way here without ever having been here before. I don’t think that’s just some coincidence, I believe you were guided here for a reason, that somehow someday you and I will have a greater role to fulfill."
"You really think so?" You rub the tears from your eyes a bit and give him a rather adorable doe eyed stare. He gives you a kind smile and nods. His words defiantly helped you feel a little better, and the both of you now had each other for company until destiny decided to call you elsewhere. What could possibly go wrong?
Part 2 will be out soon-ish (hopefully) with the rest of the Mighty Nein I didn’t feature here (obviously)
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sunflowersupremes · 4 years
I think, respectfully, that there is a lot of people who misunderstand what Yennefer’s storyline is about. Yennefer’s storyline is not actually about having a child. She says she wants one, because she dreams of being loved unconditionally. But that’s not the crux of her character arc. Yennefer’s storyarc is about autonomy, freedom and choice. It’s also about abuse.(1/7)
I’m not sure if this is a responce to Why Yen’s Storyline is Frustrating to me, A Childfree Woman or if it’s a responce to Jaskier is Better than Yennefer so I’ll link both. 
I’ll agree with you that her storyline is about autonomy, freedom, and choice. As I specifically said, I was fine with the idea of ‘I can’t have kids and I’m bitter about it’ as it was presented in the books. My biggest issue was that Netflix fucked it up and turned it into some sort of ‘overcoming disability is strength torture porn’ (because of the weird surgery that she was awake for) and also went into ‘womb magic’ which is just.... nah. 
When Yennefer of Vengerberg was fourteen years old, she was sold to Aretuza. She had no choice in the matter and no means of escape. She was told over and over again that her only real path to power is to follow the path set forth by the Brotherhood: She learns, she ascends, she takes the transformation, and she becomes a powerful, admired mage who can create her own legacy. To do this, she is told she has to give up a part of herself.(2/7)
Yeah slavery is bad. 
And yes, the sorceresses go through a lot of shit. 
But they’re also incredibly spoiled and privileged once they get out of school, so don’t forget that. It’s specifically stated in Season of Storms that the mages could make everyone on the continent immortal and immune to disease but they choose not to because they like having power over poor, non magic people. 
If Yen really wanted to fuck over Aretuza she would share her knowledge and make the world a Utopian paradise, but instead she’s all “me, me, me” and just wants a baby, fuck the poors. 
Yennefer is not someone who is sterile for a medical reason. She was not born this way. She did not give up her reproductive ability as part of a medical procedure to save her life. This isn’t even a matter where the use of magic lowers her fertility naturally (as is implied, I believe, in the books.) Yennefer of Vengerberg was eighteen years old. She was promised everything she’d ever dreamed of. And she also knows what happens if she fails. (Anica says hi from the eel tank).(3/7)
I never said Yen was sterile for medical reasons, I said that her storyline was dangerous to people who want that sterilization.
Just like how JK Rowling’s book about a crossdressing serial killer is dangerous to Trans folx despite having no Trans characters (I know this is an extreme example, it’s all I could think of). 
Things don’t have to be exact for people to draw correlations if they have no other experience with that thing. 
But like you said, that’s not how the books handled her infertility, and there’s my whole problem. The books which were written 30 years ago by a man somehow handled this better than a show written in 2020 by a woman and that’s insane. 
It is not clear that the Brotherhood would accept no for an answer. She was also very desperate and not necessarily thinking clearly. She’s discovered that she was betrayed. The person she trusted gave her secret to people who are now using it to screw her over. She’s desperate. She makes the choice. And then, she learns that everything was a lie. The power and respect are non-existent.(4/7)
How is it not clear that they would accept no for an answer? Discount Dandelion was already putting his tools away when Yen came to him. He was done doing surgeries. He is clearly uncomfortable performing the procedure on her. 
She spends thirty years cleaning up messes of people who are happy to insult her as soon as she’s not doing what they want. She’s not going to have a legacy at all. Neither Yennefer, nor the show itself, has ever tried to say that a woman needs a child to be complete. But what did happen is that Yennefer was abused and manipulated into making a huge sacrifice for absolutely nothing. And she’s incandescently angry about it.(5/7)
She didn’t make a sacrifice for nothing. She got a lot out of it. In fact she got exactly what she was told she was going to get: power, beauty, and magic. 
You just said she can create her own legacy and now you’re saying that she needs a kid for her legacy so???? 
Children are not your legacy. Full stop. That’s ridiculous. Children are indepent, free thinking humans who do not owe their parents unconditional love.
It’s not about a child. Not really. It’s about having choices taken away. If being an Aretuza sorcerer required celibacy, she’d be having a hundred orgies. If it forbade marriage, she’d be hunting for spouses every day of the week. She has convinced herself she wants a baby, because it represents what Aretuza stole from her.(6/7)
LIke I said before, if she really wanted to fuck over Aretuza she could help poor people without demanding money and share their magical secrets, but she doesn’t do that because it doesn’t directly benefit her. That would annoy them so much more than one random chick having a baby. 
Is that a great reason to have a kid? Probably not, as Geralt points out. But let’s be honest, there are plenty of uterus having people in the world who have children for worse reasons, or sometimes without any reason at all. Why shouldn’t Yennefer have that right? Why should Yennefer allow herself to be deprived from something she never really understood she was giving up?(7/7)
Just because other people are having kids for bad reasons doesn’t make it okay for Yennefer to do it. If that were true then everyone could do anything to their kids and just say “yeah, but the Duggars” and we’d have to accept it. 
No you’re absolutely valid that she’s abusive
(I’m not sure if this is the same anon or not)
Yeah I wish Netflix would acknowledge this more. Yen is much more complex than they showed. Instead of giving us random people watching her and Istredd fuck they should have developed that out more.
They took away everything that makes Yennefer an interesting character and just tried to turn her into a Super Feminist who Can Do No Wrong (tm). 
They don’t acknowledge her complexities, they don’t acknowledge that she’s abusive, they don’t acknowledge that she’s still incredibly spoiled and immature despite being fucking old as balls. 
Mostly because I think it’s important to show that Geralt, a physically strong, large and able bodied man, is still able to be a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault.
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reinabell · 5 years
Far From Home (Thorin x Reader)
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A/N: So, I believe the song Far From Home (The Raven) by Sam Tinnesz is such a perfect song for Thorin. The video is above. I wanted to make a story about the reader singing it and Thorin being a bit awe struck. I decided to make the reader from our modern world, and she fell into Middle Earth, I’m sure you might have read stories like these where the reader is modern an stuff. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my first Thorin fanfic! Let me know if I captured his character correctly.
-Part 1- , Part 2
Pairing: Thorin x Modern!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing, angst, again?
Word Count: No idea.
I remembered when I woke up here, Middle Earth. I had seen the movies, and read the books. I highly enjoyed J.R.R Tolkiens writings, they helped me escape reality. But to really, really, be in the story. That was something new entirely. The company was around me when I woke, of course naturally I freaked the fuck out. I was no longer in the safety of my own home, and strangers where circling me. I yelled and got up quickly, backing away only to have my back hit another person. That person I now know as Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey. He was one of my favorite people in Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit. 
They argued about what they should do with me... Gandalf said said that I’m a good omen or something of that sort and they should bring me along. To which some agreed, but the leader, Thorin, of course did not. The thing that really got Thorin to bring me with was the fact that I was alone, and if they left me out here I would surely die. He said they would drop me off at the nearest town they could.
I soon found out that I dropped in just a day before they ran into the Trolls who stole the ponies. Let’s just say that ordeal was... a bit traumatizing in person. Trolls are disgusting. Although I knew of how this story goes, and what the company and I would face, it was different to actually be in a life threatening situation over and over again. 
Then soon after being captured by Trolls we played a life endangering game of Hide and Seek. I am not a good runner, never was. Thorin was quite pissed when I kept falling behind and nearly falling on my ass every 5 seconds. So he just kept a hold on me, literally. I thank him for saving my life, although I did not appreciate being thrown into a rocky hole in the ground. That hurt.
Let me say, Rivendell is absolutely beautiful! It’s bigger than shown in the movies, much more places to explore. At the dinner I sat with Elrond, Gandalf, and Thorin (and Bilbo?). That made me really nervous, but Elrond seemed to know that I was not from this world. He practily took a look at me and told Thorin “Take her with you”, in a much fancier way, of course. I don’t know if it’s because he knew I knew the fate of them, or because he didn’t want me there. I hoped it was not the latter. Either way, Thorin wasn’t so happy. It took a lot of talking to get him to finally agree to take me with him. Elrond had approached me after dinner and said I was always welcome in Rivendell if I decided I didn’t want to go with the company, I kinda wanted to take his offer but I knew I had to save the line of Durin. I wanted to make a difference.
Giant mountain rock monsters? Terrifying. But I survived, so that’s good. The Goblins, I fucking hate them. They’re worse then the Trolls. When It came time to run again, Thorin quickly realized I’m still, in fact, slow. So he once again kept his hold on me, another point to Thorin for keeping me alive. Oh, and this is about the time that it finally kicked in that I’m in Middle Earth, but I managed to dodge that crisis of realization by having to run for my life, once again. Surprisingly, I managed to keep up this time.
Dwalin kept on having to pull me up from the tree branches because I kept falling. Point to Dwalin. I realized I have an overwhelming fear of heights, at least when I’m hanging from a tree for dear life. Bilbo mustered up his courage and did his, “I’mma save Thorin” thing. Thank god, because I was too busy trying not to fall to my death. The Eagles came to our rescue, a point to Gandalf because I was literally falling when they came. 
Once we where put down on Pride Rock, I had to sit the fuck down to catch my breath. That Bilbo and Thorin hug was sweet, but then the realization had time to fully hit me, it was not fun. Would I get to go home? Did I really want to? I wasn’t sure, but my mood was the lowest it had been in a while. I guess the Durin brothers realized I was quieter then normal, so they tried to cheer me up. It kinda worked, but not much. I managed to convince them I was only tired, so they gave in and let me be. 
Soon after came more running, Thorin kept his hold on me as soon as we started running. Thorin earned his third point for saving my life, funny thing is that it was all over the same thing. Running. That leads us to where we are now, in Beorns house. I was very thankful to have a place to properly relax. Of course I started to thing more about the fact that I might never see my family again, and may not be able to save the Durins, which of course made me sad. I sat farther away from everyone else, I decided to get my mind of all the bad by taking a look around, so I did. There wasn’t much to really look at, but a guitar caught my interest. It was a little big but I didn’t mind. 
I always enjoyed playing the guitar back on Earth, so I picked it up and sat down with it in my lap, I started to play a tune to one of my favorite songs. 
“You play the guitar, lass?” Bofur called from across the room. 
“Yes.” I gave him a short answer. I hadn’t talked much to anyone in the company, I mostly only talked to Fili and Kili and even that wasn’t often, so it caught me off guard. 
“You where playing a tune you seem to know, mind singing it?” Fili said.
“Oh- no no, I’m not a good singer.” I replied with a chuckle.
“Sure you are, just give it a try.” Kili joined in with his brother. He had a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
“It may lighten the mood.” Bofur added.
“The tune I was playing isn’t exactly a happy song, Bofur.” I said. “Nor do I know how to play any other song.” 
“Well, I would sure like to hear it either way.” He said. 
“Yes! Please do sing for us Y/n.” Fili added, once again.
“Leave the poor lass be.” Balin said across from the room, but they ignored him.
“Once we take back Erebor, I’ll ask Uncle to add your chambers into the royalty part of the mountain! We would have windows unlike the rest of the mountain.” Kili said.
“Kili, what makes you think I want to stay in Erebor?” I asked with a giggle. Kili put his hand over his heart and gasped, mocking offense. 
“Seriously though, will you sing for us?” Kili said.
“If I do, will you all shut up about it?”I asked them all. “No offense.” I added.
“Promise.” Fili said. Bofur, Kili, and surprisingly Ori, who had been listening, nodded along.
“Okay then...” I said. A small sigh escaped my lips, I didn’t think this through. I really didn’t want to sing in front of everyone. For a moment everyone seemed to get quiet, but I ignored it and put the guitar up in the right position. I took a deep breathe and...
(Play song now if you want to, video is above. I know the song isn’t with a guitar or a female but just pretend I guess.)
I'm sending raven Black bird in the sky Sending a signal that I'm here Some sign of life
I'm sending a message Of feathers and bone Just let me know I'm not forgotten Out here alone
The air is cold The night is long I feel like I might fade into the dawn Fade until I'm gone
Oh I'm so far from home So far from home Oh Not where I belong Not where I belong Oh
I'm so far from home So far from home
I'm sending a raven With blood on its wings Hoping it reaches you in time And you know what it means
Cause out here in the darkness And out of the light If you get to me too late Just know that I tried
Oh I'm so far from home So far from home Oh Not where I belong Where I belong Oh I'm so far from home So far from home
The air is cold The night is long I feel like I might fade into the dawn Fade until I'm gone
Oh I'm so far from home So far from home Oh Not where I belong Where I belong Oh I'm so far from home So far from home
Oh Not where I belong Where I belong So far from home Not where I belong I'm so far from home
The song ended and everyone was quiet, I started to get really nervous and embarrassed. I laughed it off, and tried to play it cool.
“I told you it wasn’t really a happy song.” I said, while looking at the ground. 
“That was beautiful, lass.” Balin said, his eyes held a gentle look to them.
“It really was.” Ori added.
“Um, Thank you. I know I don’t have the best voice and all...” My voice trailed off.
“Oh, it was amazing Y/n! You should sing more often.” Kili said. He had a bright smile on his face.
“You flatter me.” I laughed. I kept my eyes to the ground though. Suddenly, Thorin spoke up.
“Everyone, find a place to rest. We have a long day ahead of us.” Thorin said. I looked up and gave everyone a small smile the got up and walked to a different room. I pretended to be looking for something but really I just needed to calm my nerves. After a while of “looking”, I sat down at the table and laid my head down. 
“Everyone is getting rest, you should too.” I heard Thorin’s voice say. I simply hummed as a responce, keeping my head down. I heard shuffling and a chair move, I guess that he sat down opposite of me.
“I know it wasn’t your choice to go on this trip. So if you want, we can drop you off next town, where ever that it.” He spoke. I lifted my head up to look at him.
“Thorin, you have it wrong. I chose to go on this journey, Elrond offered me to stay in Rivendell if I didn’t want to go on the quest, but I declined. I chose this.” I told him. He stayed quiet for a moment.
“Why?” He asked. 
“Why did you chose to come along? You can’t fight, you can’t even run. Why did you come along?” Thorin replied. I was a bit hurt, he really didn’t want me on this quest, did he? It took a moment for me to respond, I looked down at my hands.
“I know I slow the company down... I know I get in the way. I try not to, I really do, but it happens anyways. But...” I looked up back at Thorin, his blue eyes locked with mine. “I know why I’m here, I don’t know how, but I know what I’m supposed to do. And I intend to do it. You may not know but I do.” I finished. Thorin was quiet his eyes now on the table, he was deep in thought.
“That song...” He started, his voice was strangly softer than before. I hadn’t seen this side of him. He looked back up to me, and I seemed to read the question that was on his mind.
“I don’t know if I’m going home, Thorin.” I answered for him. “I’m not even sure if I want to...” 
“Any reason for that?” He asked me.
“Yeah, but I won’t tell you.” I stated simply, a smile graced my lips. Thorin nearly smiled back but he stopped himself. 
“Get some rest, we don’t want you slowing us down more than you already do.” He said, his voice was still soft though. I laughed and got up from my seat.
“You too, Thorin.”
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I really don’t know how I did on this. I had an idea, idk if I executed it right. I also have no idea how to write Thorin’s character so If you have any idea’s on how to improve let me know. Not even sure if there is enough Thorin x Reader in there. This might just be the begining of a story, maybe I can make a part 2 so I can add more Thorin x Reader. Oof, I really don’t know about this one. Give me an honest review so I can improve :)
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req: Kashima, Lev, Hori, Kuroo, Yaku when swimming at the pool. Kenma is playing animal crossing at poolside, Kashima, Lev and Kuroo having some competition. *Bubble bubble bubble* where is Hori and Yaku? * bubble bubble bubble*
This turned into “Hori Can’t Swim and Kashima is a Good Wingman”
This idea spiraled and I’m not even sorry
Under a read more because it’s a lot
Hori had a secret
Okay that’s not true Hori had a lot of secrets but he had one BIG secret
One that was about to be outed when he saw the group chat message from Kuroo
It sounded fun in theory but there was an issue
Hori couldn’t swim. 
Like at all. 
He sank like a rock.
But, he tried to reason with himself, maybe it wouldn't be so bad
It wasn’t like he was gonna embarrass himself in front of too many people
Kashima, Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, Bokuto, knowing Bokuto Akaashi too, and -
His totally not a crush shut up Kashima
Things got a little complicated there but no problem it’d be fine
He repeated this mantra on the train to Nekoma basically tuning out Kashima’s rambling
He repeated it when they walked into the school
He repeated it when Kashima veered off to the woman’s changing room and he went into the mens to change into swim trunks the he probably didn’t even need to bring
And then he saw a certain blonde saltshaker talking to Bokuto in the changing room 
And Hori decided that in that moment this must've been karma for fly kicking Kashima so many times
Did he change hiding behind a row of lockers to avoid conversation? 
Fortunately he managed to change unnoticed and took definitely too much time changing because when he finally got to the pool area everything was in full swing
He tried to weigh his options in his head
In the deeper end, Kashima, Kuroo, and Lev were lining up to start a race with Akaashi at the finish line and Bokuto paddling a little ways away with a whistle in his mouth
That was a no go zone for him
Yaku was also floating in the pool, looking like he was very close to drowning Bokuto if he blew the whistle again 
So he was no help
Last option was Kenma and Tsukishima sitting in the bleachers, Kenma on his switch and Tsukishima half watching half listening to music
And as slightly mortifying interacting with Tsukishima was, it was better than drowning.
Not much better but still better
So Hori plops his stuff down on those metal bleachers 
Now the setup is Kenma is on a middle bench, Tsukki is beside him but on the one a level below bc boi is tall and if he reclines he can see the game
Hori had a moment of “oh fuck where do I sit” before sitting beside Kenma bc he did kinda wanna see the game
And all was fine, the idiots were screaming in the pool, the quieter idiots sat on the bench, all going fine.
Until Kuroo decided it was time for Kenma to get into the pool
By telling him to put down the switch, which he does, and then casually picking Kenma up
And YEETING him into the pool
How Kuroo got Kenma’s hoodie and flip flops off before he threw him was beyond anyone
So now Kenma was in the pool and Hori was concerned 
Because Tsukishima was pulling off his headphones and he looked ready to go in the pool
And if Tsukishima went in the pool then Hori would be the only one not in the pool
And that would raise questions
Chicken. Right. Thats a shallow end game this is fine
Wait. Chicken...what game was that again?
Oh right. That game. Fuck
But Hori drags himself down to the pool because he’s competitive at heart
His first choice was to pair up with Kashima, but Yaku had his hand wrapped around her wrist and Hori really didn’t wanna mess with that
Also he’s a good bro ™ to both Yaku and Kashima so they're both out
Kuroo had grabbed Kenma and lifted him onto his shoulder, and Bokuto was climbing a slightly put off Akaashi 
So his options were Lev, or Tsukishima
Fortunately--or unfortunately depending on who you ask--the choice was made for him
The choice being Tsukki unceremoniously pulling Hori into the pool and towards the game
“I’ll be with Hori”
One issue
Tsukki had pulled Hori into water where he was standing therefor was shallow
Minor detail, Tsukishima is fucking TALL
So Tsukishima standing is definitely not Hori standing
And now Hori is flailing in the water because fuck where is the POOL FLOOR
And panicking leads to Hori inhaling pool water
Which is never good
He’s pretty sure this is where he's gonna die
In an overly chlorinated pool he was pulled into by his gangly crush
So Hori’s lowkey blacking out and the others are starting to realize “wait Hori’s not joking he genuinely isn’t coming up oh SHIT”
Kuroo moved the fastest, call it captain instincts or something, but before Hori could completely pass out he was being yanked out of the pool and onto the concrete 
And Kuroo is whacking him on the back and he’s hacking up water and is Hori crying a little? Maybe.
Hey YOU try inhaling pool water and try not to tear up
At this point Hori was only kinda aware of what was happening around him
He heard Kashima say something, a few other voices, and then he was being picked up bridal style
He’d roll his eyes if he were more aware because c’mon not again Kashima but also thank you because he’s not 100% sure he can walk right now
And then he was sitting on the locker room bench and a towel was wrapped around him and someone was rubbing lightly on his back as he leaned into them
“Thanks Kashima”
Wow Hori hadn’t heard himself sound that sad since he was a kid almost drowning was a trip!
Also lightheadedness that was fun too
But he was coming too and the world was less blurry and his breathing was evening out
And he was realizing that wow this silence was kinda awkward and really filled with pity and Hori didn't DO pity. 
So with the towel over his head to dry his hair Hori tried to end the awkward silence 
“Tsukishima pulled me in right? Tall bastard.”
No responce. Kashima was probably just going to let him rant which Hori appreciated 
“Damn he’s lucky he’s cute because he’s an asshole sometimes. Honestly who pulls someone into a pool like that!”
At that moment, Hori pulled the towel off his head and decided he was going to jump back into the pool and drown himself
Because that wasn’t Kashima sitting next to him
It was Tsukishima 
“Oh shit”
This is why he didn't drown, because he was destined to die of cringe in this exact moment 
Tsukishima didn’t look particularly bothered though
Granted he never really did
“Well I was going to apologize but if you think I’m such a bastard-”
Hori punched Tsukki in the arm. Snarky asshole 
All Tsukki did was snicker 
Cute bastard but still a bastard
“I am sorry though. I didn’t know you couldn't swim”
“Who are you what did you do with Tsukishima?”
“Ha ha very funny.”
Hori realized at that exact moment that Tsukishima’s hand was still on his back and wow they were sitting really close
And was he...smiling?
Not smirking but genuinely smiling?
FUCK he was pretty and FUCK Hori was screwed
Aaaand there went the moment
Thanks Lev
Hori made a mental note to have Yaku kick his ass later
But Tsukishima just stood up and stretched with an unbothered look as if nothing had happened
“Yamaguchi is with Wakamatsu at the mall a couple stations away. Change quickly so we can catch the next train.”
Hori just stared at him
Was Tsukishima...inviting him to leave?
“Don’t you want to stay here?”
Tsukishima looked back over his shoulder from the doorway of the locker room
How dare he look like that so casually
“Swimming’s lame anyway. I’m bored and want to go to the mall.”
Well that was the closest Hori was gonna get to a genuine invite
And Tsukishima’s neck turned red when he was embarrassed 
Not like Hori was gonna tell him 
But it made him smile as he changed into regular clothes
And if Tsukishima was walking a little slower than usual so Hori could keep up with his long ass legs
Hori wasn’t gonna complain 
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Thoughts on 2gether ep10
if you’re wondering about the noise, that’s me
me screaming
the first 5mins grabbed me in a chokehold and didn’t let go till the ep was over
I’m absolutely in love with so many things in this ep like this show just keeps delivering and it makes me all gooey and mushy inside
keep that up till the end, ok, @show?
I love that they got Tine out of confessing in front of all these people like I’ve never been a fan of that whole public confession thing (unless both partners know about it) and I was worried how Tine was gonna handle it not only in regards to Wat himself but also the fact that everyone was staring at him
AND THEN we went to the actual confession scene with only Tine and Wat and this bitch lost it all
can we talk about the fact that Tine CRIED - like full on started sobbing his precious heart out - thinking he had failed Sarawat despite all his practicing??
and how disappointed he was when he thought Wat wasnt serious about dating him???
and then the way Wat coaxed him into making his own choice again and Tine DID THE THING WITH THE BOTTLE like he did last ep with using Wat’s line back at him
and then Wat just.... falls face first into Tine and calls him cute
valid responce
oh man, for a second there I was SO TERRIFIED that the whole thing was Tine just fantasizing again when we got to the cafe scene like damn, @show, dont give a damn heart attack yet please
Tine be like “I’m going to get coffee” *takes Sarawat with him*
Tine, baby, subtlety just ISNT your thing *Type noises in the background*
I know I’ve said it before but like I really LOVE the way they play the boob thing like it could have been something creepy and off-putting but the way it’s handled is just so playful and cute it makes me smile every time
also the fact that Tine is in complete control of it like Wat only does what Tine allows him to do and doesnt step over the line is very good
also I’m glad the situation kind of forced Tine to stop hiding from his friends cause I think he did want to tell them but was afraid of their teasing
Tine had like a 2-second flashback of the only other time he’s spent the night with Wat and IMMEDIATELY said yes to moving in together
boy knows what he wants and he GOES for it
this moving in/domesticity montage was extremely important for my health and well-being I feel like my soul is no longer in my body
did I mention how PRECIOUS they are?
Man and Boss went to the TtharnType school of giving condoms as presents
both Tine and Wat are such incredible saps they absolutely deserve each other
I love how much more confortable and open Tine is now with Wat and about his own feelings like he doesnt hesitate to say he likes Wat or that he wants to be with him and those BIG smiles everytime he says it, he’s just so happy to be with the guy he likes finally
I love that Wat isnt too happy with Type but he’s respecting Tine’s wish not to tell him yet
I KNEW Mil didnt sent those guys to attack Wat nice!
the way Wat treats Tine like he’s the most precious treassure in the world is just *clutches heart* giving me heart problems
cuddling on the couch, petting his hair, making sure everything is comfy for him like sir, please restrain the boyfriend excellence a little bit?? but no, keep going
Man *flirts* Type *attempts to attack him with his bare hands*
I don’t know what I expected from the Type/Man dynamic but this is definitely... interesting
the return of jealous!Tine but this time in Boyfriend Mode(TM)
I LOVE how Wat goes after him IMMEDIATELY like subtlety who?
another one for the favourites list - this whole scene *chef’s kiss*
the way Wat was STILL going along with Tine’s wish not to tell his brother even though not a minute ago he was saying how unhappy he was having to fake being just Tine’s friend; the way Tine was looking directly at Wat during the whole convo and didnt even looked at Type when he admitted the truth because that wasnt about Type; it was about Wat and himself and their feelings and what would make them happy
the way Tine was worried his brother wouldnt accept him having a boyfriend but still said “yell at me all you want but leave him alone” HE LOVES WAT SO MUCH TOO
and I’m glad the way they handled Type too, I was worried the whole overprotective big brother thing would go too far but it didnt and in the end Type was just worried for Tine and knew all along they were together but wanted Tine to tell him himself
“cuddling on the couch is your way of keeping a secret?” like I said, subtlety we dont know; cuddling one’s boyfriend that we know
I didnt expect Mil and Phukong to break my fucking heart yet here we are
I do appreciate that they’re not having Mil get over his feelings for Tine just like that and that it’s clearly gonna take him some time and the fact that he turned Phukong down as gently as possible
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
~ Part one ~
Ateez (all members) x reader
A/N - this was originally meant to be a oneshot but I got a bit carried away with the storyline and decided to make a mini series. I hope you enjoy! 😁
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~ Flashback ~
“It’s all your fault.” the bitter tone makes blood rush to your face, the fact you had been accused in front of your best friend making you feel highly embarrassed.
“Is it?” Mingi turns to look at you in shock, his eyes wide in disbelief.
After all that had been going on recently, the last thing you thought would happen was for you to be blackmailed into this situation. It wasn’t your fault and you were adamant on that. You were backed into a corner so to speak.
“I-i had no choice.” You begin to tremble. The lump formed in your throat restricting the volume of your voice to just above a whisper.
“How? Why?” Mingi utters in confusion as he retracts into his mind while it goes into overdrive.
“Because (Y/N) here doesn’t really value your friendship as much as you thought she did.” San evily smirks at you, taking great pleasure in watching as the world seemingly crumbles down around you.
“Mingi i-”
“Stop.” Mingi harshly interrupts you, his expression solumn and eyes full of disappointment. “I think you should go.” He continues after a moment of unbearable silence.
Your head hangs low as you try to swallow your emotions, nodding lightly before grabbing your coat and walking away.
You didn’t put up a fight, or try to defend yourself that day and everytime you think back on that time you feel another piece of your heart break off. You had been friends with all the members of Ateez, knowing them for years before their debut. And you’re not really sure how or why it happened, but one day San turned against you and from then on made it his mission to break your friendship with the group. It was just before they released their first song and, looking back, you assume it was because he wanted everyone to focus on their careers and not have any distractions. But deep down you knew it was more personal. The day you walked away you had been deleted from their lives. Knowing fully well that you had to move on from them and focus on yourself.
You let San win, you let Mingi go without a fight, and worst of all, you destroyed everything you and Mingi had built.
You welled up with tears as you stood in front of the shop window and gazed at the giant poster advertising their upcoming show.
You had been following the group since their debut, their success in just a year ashonishing and you couldn’t be more proud. You knew they deserved it. You just wished you could be there to support them.
You couldn’t stop yourself from the sadness that bubbles up inside of you as your eyes focus onto Mingi’s face. He looks so happy in the picture, he is quite literally gleaming with joy and that only makes you feel worse. You let out a little sigh, your shoulders slumping and your posture becoming deflated as you finally turn and continue walking in the direction of your university buildings.
Just as Mingi and the rest of the guys had progressed in the last year, so had you. After re-evaluating what your options were, you decided to go to uni and study as hard as you could to be able to do your dream job. And that’s exactly where you were heading now. You enjoy your walk to class through the busy heart of the city everyday. There is always something happening, always something new going on and it creates this feeling of excitement inside you.
As you turn into a side street you are brought out of your thoughts when you encounter a sudden large group of people excitedly shouting and taking pictures as they crowd around each other on the opposite side of the street. It’s mainly girls, seemingly around your age who are making the biggest commotion and you can’t help but wonder who could possibly be catching their attention.
But you don’t have time to give in to your curiosity and shrug it off, continuing down the street. You pick up your pace a little wanting enough time to buy something to give you some energy before going into class. The shop you were heading to was down that same, usually quiet, street and you wanted to be out of the way before it got too busy.
You take a deep breath as the shop door swings open and the bell chimes, walking through with heavy breaths from your accelerated walk.
Approaching the cooler your eyes scan the shelves of drinks, stopping when they land on the bottle of coke, a smile breaking out across your lips. This is exactly what you needed.
The bell rings through the small shop once again as you are at the register. The sounds of screaming and the rushing cluster of heavy feet grabbing your attention away from handing the money to the man behind the till.
You roll your eyes and huff in annoyance upon seeing what looks like two security guards blocking the door. Great. Now you’re trapped and you really don’t want be late for class.
Walking over to the men you awkwardly clear your throat to get their attention, a feeble and nervous smile on your face as they direct their attention onto you.
“Excuse me, I’m actually in a bit of a hurry.” You softly speak as you gesture with your head to the door which they are obstructing.
“Sorry, you can’t leave. Not until they all go.” The taller and arguably slightly more intimidating one reply’s, his voice is gruff and harsh, but at the same time controlled.
“But I really need to-”
“(Y/N)” you are interrupted and your body stiffens as you hear your name, the lump back in your throat upon hearing the unmistakable voice. You almost don’t want to look around to confirm it is who you think it is, but before you can process your actions you already have.
“Mingi...” you shakily speak his name, your eyes nervously taking in his tall frame to confirm it really is him.
“It’s been a while.” He speaks, his tone ominous and expression unreadable but you can tell he feels awkward.
“Ah Mingi, Jongho found a back exit-” Yunho rushes up to Mingi from behind, falling silent and stopping in his tracks when he sees you. “Oh” is all that comes out of his mouth, the dumbfounded tone expressing Yunho’s loss for words.
“Tell the guys I’ll be there in a minute.” Mingi lightly hits Yunho in the arm to draw him back into the moment. Yunho wordlessly nods before turning and waking back the way he came.
“Look, I’ve got to go but take my number and text me- yeah. It’d be nice to catch up.” Mingi forces a small smile as he hands you a crumpled piece of paper which he scrawled his number on. You take the paper and put it in your pocket, holding it tightly in your fist.
“...sure?” Your reply kind of comes out as a question which makes Mingi snicker, the smirk now on his face making your heart flutter. He really hasn’t changed one bit.
You stand on the spot as you watch him rush off the same way Yunho did, your mind empty of all thoughts.
You sigh as you turn to look at the clock ticking on the wall behind you. You’re definitely going to be late for class now and judging by the security guards pressing onto the door to keep it shut you know you are going to have to leave out the back and take the long way.
You stare down at your phone, thumbs anxiously twiddling together as you try to build up enough courage to send a text to Mingi like he asked you to. But you don’t know what to say.
You are on the edge of your bed, chewing nervously on your bottom lip as you finally begin to type.
Just a simple message... just say hi.
No, scrap that...
[From Y/N] Hey, this is (Y/N)
You press send on the message and anxiously look at the screen. Why is this so difficult. It’s Mingi, the boy you have known for years... the same one that got a crayon stuck so far up his nose he had to go to hospital to get it removed.
You get so caught up in reminiscing that your heart almost jumps out of your chest when your phone lights up with a reply.
[From Mingi] I’m so glad you messaged me
[From Mingi] ...and hi
[From Mingi] sorry, I don’t want to make it weird but I was waiting to hear from you
You can’t help but giggle at Mingi’s responce, your cheeks turning red at picturing him watching his phone waiting for your text.
[From Y/N] like this isn’t already weird anyway...
You smirk as you watch the bubble pop up to show Mingi is typing, your face falling flat when you see his message.
[From Mingi] are you free to meet?
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ikemenshakespeare · 5 years
Title: Deviled Eggs and Sandwiches
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Character(s): MC, Black Army, and mystery suitor. 😉
Warnings: N/A
Prompt: Valentines First.
Authors Note: A creativity contest is being held in one of the many discord servers I’ve joined into, and this is my entry! It was due today 2/24. So although it’s no longer Valentines Day, I still hope this was a little something cute to get ya through your day. Thank you for reading!
“No! No way!” My face burned with embarrassment.
“Oh c’mon MC, it could be fun! After all, it’ll be Valentines Day. It wouldn’t kill ya to be a little spontaneous for once” Fenrir’s grin was nothing short of mischievous.
“Listen, I know you get a kick out of teasing me but I’m not naive enough to believe in love at first bar meet. Especially not when I’d have you for a wingman.” His laughter in response was almost infuriating. “What’s so funny? I’m being serious.”
“Okay. I got a better idea.” Fenrir and better ideas were almost always anything but. Still, I waited expectantly for him to finish. “Why don’t you put an ad out in the paper? A lot of people do it to find dates. When we find a guy who seems suitable-”
“Okay, when you, then the two of you could write eachother back and fourth to set up a nice date you’d both enjoy. And BOOM, just like that you won’t be ms. lonely anymore.” I’ll admit, if this idea somehow does work it would be infinitely better then the last. Not only that, but theirs no promise anyone will actually respond in the first place. Plus it’s only a little over one week till Valentine’s Day actually arrives, which doesn’t give anyone much time to figure arrangements out.
“Fine. If that’s what it takes to get you off my back, I’m willing to give it a try.”
“Alright!” I smiled slightly but quickly frowned. Why do you care so much anyway? As if sensing my thoughts, Fenrir stopped his celebrating. “Huh? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m gonna start dinner.” And with that I left the room in a hurry, no longer wanting to think of what scheme he had up his sleeve. I ran into Ray and Seth on the other side of the door.
“Alice?! What’s going on?” Seth squealed as my face smacked up against his chest.
“I don’t wanna talk about it. Ask Fenrir.” The sly smirk on Ray’s face gave me the sense he was ready to be filled in.
“Suit yourself.” A short second later they were both sitting next to Fenrir on the couch. “What’s MC going on about?” A tricky look appeared on Fenrir’s face.
“I have a master plan for MC’s first date night in cradle, and I’m gonna need your help.”
“ALICE?? My poor Alice?? Oh no no no, we absolutely will not-”
“Oh relax Seth! I’m sure you’ll approve of this one, just make sure not to tell Luka or the old man.” While Seth continued to worry over MC’s innocents, Ray had a devils smile to rival Fenrir’s.
“You can count on me.” A couple days passed by all to quickly, and there was only 7 days till MC’s first Valentines in Cradle...
“Come in!” I heard a knock at my door and sure as the sky was blue, Fenrir came yelling in his usual fashion.
“Mornin’! You ready to respond to your future boyfriend?” FUTURE WHAT??
“You’re telling me it worked??”
“Well of course it did. I’m the one who wrote it after all.” The cocky look on his face was already getting old.
“YOU wrote the ad?? And beyond that, I thought we discussed that I would be choosing the candidate- wait, why am I even taking this seriously??” I huffed. Even though I just woke up from an amazing sleep, I couldn’t help but throw myself back onto the mattress. I’m already tired from a couple minutes of talking to the black army’s very own maniac.
“Yeah, yeah, but we were running out of time and there was only one responce.”
“Wow, doesn’t that make me feel great?” I spoke sarcastically but I knew I was looking at him hopefully. Maybe it won’t be all that bad after all, it’s just one silly date. Fenrir wasted no time, as quickly as he had entered my room and shut the door, he began reading the response aloud.
“Dear MC, I’ve thought about it and I’d be extremely interested in meeting up, how about a late lunch date at the park in central quarter? Please respond to let me know.”
“That’s pretty vague, did he leave his name?”
“No, but I think it’s worth a shot.”
“Eh, I don’t know about that... but still, lunch at the park doesn’t really sound all that dangerous...” I went back and fourth with myself for a while until I finally came to a conclusion. “Alright! Let him know he’s on! BUT also let him know that we’re each responsible for cooking half of the meal, just Incase I get a bad feeling and it seems like he’s trying to poison me or something.”
“You worry to much, but now you’re talkin’!” And just like that Fenrir sat down next to me and we began brainstorming what to write in response. Just as before the next few days flew by, the air outside filled with love, the 14th of February had arrived.
Fenrir and Ray both got the day off to help assure things went to plan, a carriage headed toward the park in central quarter. It just so happened Sirius would be working in that same direction today, so all four of them rode together. Finally the ride came to a stop and MC jumped out nervously with the food she prepared in hand, she was already looking around curiously for the man writing her letters. But before the other two could follow her out, Sirius firm voice rose up.
“Before any of you get yourself into trouble, do you mind giving me a heads up of what’s really going on? Because all I could get out of Seth is that he absolutely would not participate in such a horrible act of indignity towards MC, but he promised not to say why.” Ray and Fenrir exchanged a glance.
“I guess since the plans already in full swing it wouldn’t hurt to tell him.” And so Ray did the honors.
“We tricked MC into thinking she’s going to be meeting a stranger here for lunch today. Truth is this man is no stranger, in fact she knows him quite well.” Sirius was one to keep his expressions under control but when he went wide eyed the two knew they’d got him good.
“But... that could only mean...”
LUKA?! Why does he have a blanket set up by beside the pond?? More importantly, the pond I’m supposed to be meeting my mystery date at. The facial response Luka gave back when he saw me standing there said the exact thing I was thinking.
“Angie?...” he started to stir around in his sitting position.
“What are you doing here?” I didn’t think things could get anymore awkward until Luka began to blush furiously.
“Honestly, I’d rather not say.” I just stared at him until finally he sighed in defeat. “Okay, Ray just wouldn’t leave me alone about needing to find some sort of Valentines Date. I guess you could say I gave in, and now I’m here waiting for her... if there even is anyone coming.” He hung his head low, and my heart broke just a little.
“You think you’re being stood up?”
“I think those two over there are playing a prank and now I just look stupid.” Off in the distance, standing on either side of a tree was Fenrir and Ray. They were laughing so hard, they were almost in tears. In unison they both shouted over to us a good luck and ran in the opposite direction. What a bunch of kids. I turned back to face Luka.
“I don’t think YOU look stupid, I think we both do. They set us up.” I splat down on the space next to him on the blanket, looking like a piece of old bumble gum on pavement. “How do we always get sucked into things with these two!” Luka wore a shocked expression, giving me a crooked eyebrow. I took the next thirty minutes to explain all that I assumed happened. When my story was over he looked grumpy.
“I see.” We stayed silent for a moment. Just listening to the sounds of the park around us. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was opening them wide again. “But I guess if we’re already here we might as well finish our date- I mean...” he trailed off. I was the shocked one now, to see Luka wasn’t running away from me at full speed from embarrassment was already a surprise. Now he’s actually agreeing to go through with what I assumed would be his nightmare. A date, and with me? It only took a second before the wheels started turning in my head again. I gave him the softest smile I could muster.
“I guess you’re right. Here, I made some deviled eggs and brought some fruit. You can have some if you like.” I opened my basket to share and he gave a sheepish grin. He popped an egg in his mouth and the look of delight sent a small rush of happiness to my brain.
“Those are amazing! I decided to go pretty simple myself since I didn’t know what to expect, so if you want a sandwich have at it.” I looked at the array of different choices to choose from.
“This is supposed to be simple! Luka, you’re truly fantastic, thank you!” The rest of our afternoon was spent talking about our favorite foods and other things we liked to cook, we even took a stroll around the park. As it started getting darker Luka reached for my hand, holding it softly.
“It’s getting late, we should get on our way home.” The way he took my hand in his was so natural, it had me feeling like I could get used to this. As much as I didn’t want to admit thanks to Fenrir and all his shenanigans, I was really happy not to be Ms. Lonely, even if it was just for the day.
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