#is ghosts supposed to be a comedy i forget
beelxebub · 3 months
the fact that humphrey isn't considered by the others to be one of the core group is so fucked up. he's literally all alone for eternity and he can't even move around. they don't even remember to invite him to mary's funeral???? i'm gonna throw up
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cloudypariah · 8 months
love How to perpetrate and sabotage your own kidnapping: A guide for dummies.
What if reader was or is married. If reader was married, do you think the boys would try and copy what their previous partner did, and try to be better if reader is divorced.
Reader is married, their trying to sabotage the marriage in every pay possible, they deserve you not that idiot you married. and they won’t stop until you’re single again and ready to be theirs
Thanks! I’m terrible with compliments but I’m happy to bring you this silly black comedy of a series.
Now if reader was married, they boys would dig in to find out what happened. That board comes up a lot earlier. If your ex-partner was still alive, their information goes on the other side of the board. The guys are less concerned about them so long as they stay out of the picture. They’ll dig in about how your ex messed up the marriage because there’s no way it was you, you’re too lovely.
The problems lies with getting said information from you. It’s not exactly like they can ask you about that, but they’ll note the way your nose scrunches in a sour response to something mundane.
(One time Ghost overheard you muttering to yourself while you were going over a pile of recruitment paperwork, “He looks like he bites into bananas with the skin on. Never making that fucking mistake again.” He promptly wheels himself back to the cafeteria on base where he sees Johnny halfway through an unpeeled banana, grateful that he now finally has a decent enough excuse to tell Johnny to absolutely never do that again because fucking hell that shite should be considered a war crime.)
If you are still married, then that’s more of a problem. Your spouse remains on the other side of the board, which fills up quickly with personal information, from their first job through to their diet. Even if your partner appears infallible they will find something.
The problem is, if your partner seems like a paragon of niceness, you’re all too aware of it. And forget about bringing up something which could suggest how unhappy the 141 men are, because you - in a baffling fit of blindness - truly believe that it must be because they’re single and lonely. This you begin your crusade of blind doubles dates, so not only do each of the men have to watch you cozy up to the “supposed” love of your life, they have to let somebody down at the end of the night too.
(One time Johnny shows up with you only to find that his date is Simon. The car ride to base is very awkward for the two of them.
“Price and Garrick-”
“-are to never fucking hear about this.”
“… So we aren’t, y’know-”
“Is it the way I eat bananas? I am capable of using less teeth, Lt.”
“Sergeant, do us a favour and shut the fuck up.”)
At the end of the day, Task Force 141 are exceptional at infiltration and will utilise their skills to ensure that no matter how small any fissure may be in your relationship, they will with time crack it open further, to the point of instability. The love you and your spouse share may withstand the test of time, but not the test of pressure that’s about to come your way.
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saphiraarts · 3 months
Chapter 5: A Grocery Trip to the Ghost Zone
Danny stood in Vlad’s lab with Vlad gathering the necessary supplies and maps he had crafted over the years. Danny was nervous he hadn’t been in the Ghost Zone yet and he rubbed his arm. He took in Vlad’s lab with it being very organized and clean showing his dedication to it as well as his wealth. He had advanced technology and weapons locked up on shelves but his notes showed where his messiness lay.
“Don’t worry Daniel it will be alright,” Vlad said as he finished gathering the supplies and putting on the bag it was cinching his cape.
Danny looked to Vlad and snorted seeing the sight of ghost form Vlad who resembled a vampire or iteration of Count Dracula looked like some sort of renfaire halloween hiker version. What made it worse was when he picked up a cooler and stood ready to go. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back and caused Danny to break into a fit of laughter. Vlad arched an eyebrow and let Danny just laugh a smile creeping onto his face. He laughed as well as it was the most contagious disease one could have.
“Alright alright let’s go,” Vlad said as he approached the portal.
Danny wiped the tears from his eyes holding back further giggles as he put on the backpack he was supposed to. He opened the gate and looked down at Danny and gave a small snort seeing the teen.
“Come on, remember what I told you my boy,” Vlad said with a warm smile.
“I will I will fruit loop!” Danny said as Vlad flew through the portal and Danny drew in a breath the comedy of the sight fading as he flew through to his godfather’s side.
Vlad had a map in hand and the spot where the new market likely was circled onto it and he began to lead the way. The ghost zone was otherworldly. A realm of floating islands, debris, objects even, with doorways scattered throughout it amidst a backdrop of swirling ectoplasm. It had swirls of different colors and seemed to go on further expanding in all directions including south into darkness. It was like space but worse. So little was known about it even to Vlad which terrified him. He stuck close to Vlad and the silence was eerie.
“Soooo uh what do you normally get at the market?” Danny asked awkwardly.
“General ingredients that vary based on the planned recipes for the week. I normally go once a week like a normal grocery store,” Vlad said. “The old market I went to was run by a collection of ghosts who possessed different farms but it was slowly dissolving. Less and less ghosts brought ingredients to it.”
“I see. Why did they stop?” Danny asked as he followed Vlad and took the cooler from him so he could focus on navigation.
“Thank you Danny. Well a variety of reasons. Some lost themselves. It is a phenomenon whose nature among ghosts isn’t fully studied but it is when a ghost forgets themselves. Who they were and devolve into beasts. Beasts with some degree of intellect and cognitive function but reduced to their base instincts and obsession for lingering,” Vlad explained.
“Wha?” Danny asked.
“It is basically a state ghosts can enter where they stop resembling their original human selves and become intelligent monsters,” Vlad clarified, hoping that cleared things up.
“Can it happen to any ghost?” Danny asked, a new fear was unlocked.
“In theory yes but how it happens and why is unknown. From the cases I could study the length of time a ghost was in the ghost zone varied drastically, some a couple centuries others thousands of years,” Vlad said. “I don’t think it is possible for us. We still have our human halves to keep us grounded.”
He turned to Danny and gave him a reassuring smile and Danny did gain some comfort from it but the anxiety was still there. They passed by floating islands and Vlad turned towards them flying to one with a lush forest and Danny could see why. It was filled with activity and lights and the pair flew towards it and landed. It was a bustling scene with ghosts at stalls selling ingredients of different kinds, cooked street food, drinks, and even seasonings.
“If it ain’t ol’ Vlad,” An elderly ghost said from a stall selling what looked like corn but it was bright purple with vibrant blue leaves and had a slight curve to them.
“Farmer Ed,” Vlad said approaching his stall and Danny followed, now acutely aware of the crowd of ghosts around him. He prayed no one he fought was here.
“Who is da lil laddie?” The ghost looked like who would expect of an elderly midwestern farmer. Overalls, a plaid button up shirt, heavy duty work gloves, a wide brimmed hat that would have blocked out the sun. He had a thick beard and tan green skin with a pale blonde beard. He had more facial hair than hair on his head. “Did ya finally ‘ave a kid?”
“He is my godchild,” Vlad answered, shaking his head, sighing and Farmer Ed laughed seeing Danny’s shocked expression.
“Darn I ‘oped ya settled rig’t on down,” He formed.
“So who is running the new market?” Vlad asked.
Before he could answer there was a reverberating, “YOU!” Across the market that silenced all the activity. Above the crowd was an older woman who was dressed like a lunch lady.
“Oh shit,” Danny said tensing. “She uh… hates me.” He told Vlad stancing for a fight and Vlad held his arm out.
“Farmer Ed? Keep an eye on Daniel,” Vlad spoke with a tone Danny hadn’t heard from him before. At least in such a raw form.
“You dare show yourself here after such a disregard for food yourself?!” Lunch Lady called floating down before the pair.
“He is a growing boy and needs to eat. If you have a problem with him being here I can make a new problem for you,” Vlad said firmly, his eyes glowing and he made clones of himself appear around him and all spoke at once. “Several new problems.”
“This market is a sacred place! Where meals are born! Those who disrespect it will face my wrath! But seeing as he has behaved he can stay.” She concluded as she stepped back under Vlad’s unwavering death glare and the clones. If looks could kill she would be dead again. “But I'll be watching him!”
“And Jazz wonders why I have trust issues,” Danny said, sighing with relief.
She disappeared into the crowd and Vlad turned his clones merging back into himself and Danny looked with amazement, “How did you do that?!” He called.
“Do what?” Vlad asked.
“The cloning!” Danny said.
“Father’s secret,” Vlad purred.
“Oh come on!” Danny called exasperated.
“Come along,” Vlad said with a laugh and he picked up ingredients for meals and snack foods for Danny he could hide at home. Other than that near encounter things went by mostly smoothly. Danny was almost conned a few times and Vlad took ages picking ingredients which Danny just had to wait. He didn’t want a fight to break out and them be outnumbered so he sighed as he remained patient.
Vlad finished shopping and he and Danny were on the way back when a blast rang out through the silence and Vlad made a barrier in front of Danny.
“There you are, ghost child,” Skulker rumbled with satisfaction. “I see you have a guardian! No matter! He can join you!”
“Oh come on!” Danny called and his fist glowing with ectoplasm. “Can’t I go on a food run in peace without a near fight and an actual fight!?”
Vlad knew they needed to get the food back unharmed after all Daniel’s health was on the line. He made a clone of himself who took the cooler from him and put on his backpack and another that took Danny’s.
“Let’s make this quick,” Vlad said and Danny nodded as his clones flew back to the portal and Vlad blasted Skulker and Danny flew in for the punch.
The trio became engaged in the dance of combat exchanging blows but it was a short dance with Vlad present. He showed his skill in battle and he did not hold back either and the pair forced Skulker to retreat. Skulker did manage to land some strikes against the pair but they were few with Vlad covering Danny and Danny covering Vlad. Following the clones the two made it home but both had been a bit beat up. Vlad shut the portal changing back and his clones vanished and he put away the food and gave Danny his snacks. After a patch up Danny was taken home.
My friends next chapter will be a long one and doozy. Angst filled deliciousness so I hope you all are ready!
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player-1 · 5 months
And speaking of the Mandrass Incident, there is no end to the levels of comedy Nexomon Extinction fans don't know if they've only played the newest game for now. (The only playthrough I can find is w. commentary though, but it's still funny to see the reactions.)
Besides that, the Mandrass Incident goes as followed (with relevant context and spoilers below):
The Nexomon 1 protag defeats Omnicron and his kids in the main game, but post-game story makes our plucky hero travel to the literal afterlife (ie. the Netherworld) to destroy Omnicron's soul and ensure he never returns for vengeance in another doomsday plot. However, the door to Omnicron is guarded by Ziegler's Wardens; confidants of the Netherworld King that will do everything and more to stop anyone that threatens their job of keeping the dead safe and secure in their realm, since the Wardens' lives are tied to their prisoners while said prisoners live in a Inception-like dreamscape that keeps them unaware of their previous demise (and yes, the game references Inception too). Also Ulzar is there cause finishing overdue ghost business (and previously building each Nightmare prison), Deena out of obligation of being the guard between the border of Life and Death, and your usual partner-in-crime Atlas.
Because of this roadblock, Protag is forced to deal with the Omnicron fam all over again and send their souls to the Vortex (possibly the portal/birthplace/permadeath of all Nexomon) in order to get rid of the Warden they're attached to. Even the linked episode (at 8:47) mentions Ulzar previously making a prison for Nara before he realized she's on the side of humans (ouch), the one time Metta/Nexolord is mentioned by name; and how yes, he went MIA after Ulzar's previous fight against Omnicron and even his temporary Nightmare is still empty in the current age...so the N3 Metta theory is still valid >:).
At this point, the gang went through the gauntlet with Arqua (the "weakest") -> Fona (too angy to forget why he's angy at everyone that wronged him) -> Grunda (now Ulrich w. his jacked village chief vibe) -> Zetta (trigger-happy goober that treats humans (aka. Spencer) like a dog) and getting into Ventra's Nightmare for the second-to-last Nightmare (and Atlas is not at all thrilled about facing the bird-woman again).
But their path is blocked by a noticeably large Mandrass, a talking one at that, that refuses to move unless they find his 4 friends that were swept about the place from Nadine/Ventra's powerful winds. After a somewhat lengthy search through the area, they finally procure the missing Mandrasses and bring them back to the main 'mon. The Mandrass is overjoyed and grateful, and then the group (and player) realize far too late why it seems larger than the other four they've met...
He eats them. He eats the other Mandrasses...And absolutely everyone is shocked at the spectacle, stunning Ulzar so bad he legit forgets they were supposed to fight Nadine's Warden and obviously driving Deena to tears. But they still have a job to do, and they push through the troubling memory regardless...
Now after all of their loose ends with Omnicron's Children are dealt with, the Protag opens the massive door holding the King of Beasts inside...and finds nothing. Yet the confusion fades for now as a wall is broken away to find a trio of familiar faces; Atlas, Deena, and Ulzar... Wait a minute-
After a bit of back and forth (before Ziegler appears to rain on the parade), its revealed that the entire story of the Netherworld (minus the Omnicron kids' Nightmares) was a Nightmare all along; keeping the Protag oblivious of the mortal sin of travelling to the Netherworld without actually dying, failing the task of destroying Omnicron and letting him escape to the real world, and getting trapped in his stead with Ziegler himself being the Warden in charge as he crafted a world of dreamlike sights and fabricated allies to aid them in their journey...-Oh yeah, and all that happened two weeks before the story even began, so the real team were scrambling to find Protag while battling Omnicron by tooth and nail.
Yet the Protag perseveres despite it all, fighting off the fake Deena that's been with them since the beginning, the king of Death and the revived Wardens, and finally Omnicron himself as his soul is snuffed out for good...Yet all good things come with a cost, and with the Beast King's death comes the death of his monstrous subjects, starting a slow and painful extinction of all Nexomon that were bound to his command. Minus Nara for being the embodiment of Nature and Life, Metta out of spite, and the rest of his kids in undead limbo cause of mystical Netherworld magic, it's not a great time for everyone involved here.
Now after all of that, as the Protag is forced to process this monumental burden that's placed on their shoulders, they eventually go to talk to the real Deena/Nara for advice and emotional support. At some point, Protag would've mentioned the Mandrass Incident since 1. It's the first time they met another Nexomon that had human-like intelligence besides Omnicron's kids, 2. Questions how/why Ventra's Nightmare was built around a dog-eat-dog world unlike everything Nexomon was before, and 3. Most likely a "you'll never believe what I went through" story to laugh about in the future and mention how surprisingly accurate the fake/Nightmare Deena reacted.
And despite it all, even if the real Deena only got a second-hand account of the event, was just as horrified about the story as well. And after all of that, after a literal millennia until Nexomon Extinction takes place, she's still salty about the whole thing. Whether it's from the Protag not realizing anything is wrong about the world until the final stretch (which was the whole point of a Nightmare) or being dumb/complacent in leading those poor Mandrasses to their death (even if they were already in the afterlife?), she still held onto that horror/betrayal of her new human friend the entire time. Even after she started her own plot of getting her kid to become Omnicron's heir through extreme mental gymnastics and a whole lot of dumb luck...
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And that's what I love about the series so far. If you know the joke they were winding up in a previous game, you'll understand the punchline in another.
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The Rolling Stone review tore Ghosted apart uh oh...🫣 (but they didn't lie, honestly.) 😬
My curiosity got the better of me.
"Sadie runs into Cole (Chris Evans) at a farmer’s market to Portugal. The Man’s “Feel It Still,” which has been played-the-fuck-out for years. He’s peddling homemade honey, and is so forgetful that he puts AirTags on everything. His grief is of the more trivial variety: he was recently dumped for being “too needy,” as his pal puts it. He spots Sadie buying potted flowers and makes a beeline (sorry) for her. When Sadie informs him that her job takes her out of town for weeks at a time, Cole proceeds to relentlessly neg her, ranting that he refuses to be the “accomplice to a crime” because she’d likely kill it out of neglect, and offers up a mini cactus instead (more on this later). Sadie leaves in a huff, because Cole seems like a colossal dickhead, though an onlooker informs him that their “sexual tension was off the charts” (reader, it most surely was not), leading Cole to leap in front of her car in the parking lot, causing her potted plant to crack and cover the backseat of her car in soil. This is all seen as endearing instead of creepy and annoying, so she asks him to coffee as Wilco’s “Love Is Everywhere (Beware)” plays (get it?!)."
And it just keeps going from there....
"I suppose the comedy here lies in the notion that this has probably never happened to blue-eyed, buff, swinging-dick, People’s Sexiest Man Alive, Captain America himself Chris Evans, and that he has probably been the one who’s engaged in said behavior on the regular."
OMG, they even got his dick in there.
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hypmicdaydreams · 1 year
Sasara and rosho hcs with a hyperactive daughter who doesent remember to drink water much, or doesent remember things easily? thankies☆〜(ゝ。∂)
I hope these are to your liking anon~ I wasn't entirely too confident about these,, but alas! they were fun writing. Please enjoy 🧡
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-pairing: sasara nurude x f!reader, rosho tsutsujimori x f!reader
-genre: fluff, platonic/familial
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well, you probably inherited some of your hyperactiveness from your father. not that sasara is too hyperactive, but i think he can definitely be too quick or excited at times? like he can also be all over the place, but more so in a somewhat organized way
anyway, point is, there's definitely a bit of your father in you. mayhaps you pick up some of his fidgeting habits too? unconsciously so
sasara can keep up with you, especially when you were younger and were more prone to running around everywhere, as tired as he gets; sasara may not be in the best shape, but he will always chase after you
he does find your hyperactivity a bit cute, like how you always seem to be full of energy and wanting to do something. though sasara does sometimes simply get too exhausted and has to tell you that daddy needs a rest
your guys' energy definitely bounces off one another. it's contagious, and honestly, you guys can become a bit too active with each other since sasara tends to match you
a bunch of (cute) menaces
he loves loves loves practicing his comedy routines with you or any new material sasara comes up with
you're always so receptive! and sasara's heart absolutely melts at the way you're laughing so hard and loud — truly contagious. his own daughter was his absolute favorite audience, and if you don't like a joke entirely, then he'd scrap it
with your tendency to forget or not remember things easily, sasara often had to remind you constantly. sometimes though, he can forget to do that though, oops..
(like father like daughter)
he always makes it a point to remind you of things in a cute, totally non-serious way. like with a joke or puns or something
or sometimes he simply overdramatizes the entire thing, jokingly of course
"you didn't drink water today?" he fake gasps, dramatically. "y'know, if you don't drink some right now, the ghost of waters time will take you away from me!"
does it work? not really, but sasara is always on you to take care of yourself. and actually, sasara always finds some smart, roundabout way to get you to actually do your tasks
you're not entirely sure how your father does it. but one moment, he's asking you for help with something, and the next, you're actually finishing up your homework that is due tomorrow in class. sasara has his mysterious ways..
overall though, sasara is totally a caring father! albeit he def matches your energy at times, but he's always making sure that you never forget what you're supposed to do
at first, rosho does have a bit of trouble keeping up with you. you were so all over the place and active! always running around. he's definitely gotten used to it over the years, but it has tired rosho out to some extent
i like to think that he also can't help but be a bit worried for you. given how hyperactive you were, rosho is a little nervous that you'd hurt yourself, bad
of course, he'd always be there to bandage you up, but he's simply worried for his only girl! (he goes pale as a ghost when you first come in, all bloody from cuts and bruises but still giddy nonetheless)
rosho does lecture you time and time again to be more careful. you can't keep giving your poor father a heart attack each time; it wasn't good for his weak heart, rosho sighs
he's always needing to remind you of things, whether it's drinking water or to actually finish your homework on time. you have gotten reprimanded for that before..
"did you drink water today?" rosho quirks a brow, though he already knows the answer with the way you sheepishly smile and rub your neck. he sighs and rubs his temples; gosh, sometimes his daughter couldn't help but worry him so
(he makes you drink a tall glass right then and there, not wanting you to be dehydrated especially if it was during the grueling summer)
you have gotten many (light) scoldings for always forgetting things such as appointments or schoolwork or self-care, but rosho is always there to remind you regardless. it's almost routine at this point
he also likes to check up on you throughout the day and text reminders, especially to drink water or eat since you often forget to do so
on the off chance you do remember one time or more, your father is certainly...surprised? well, it's more like he's totally flustered and taken aback
he does have to sometimes monitor you, when you were younger at least, to make sure you're doing your work; all that meant was checking up on you once in a while, really
rosho isn't overbearing by any means (ok he may be, but just a teeny tiny), but he just wants to make sure that you were on track given how you can easily lose focus
overall though, while you may certainly be a handful, it wasn't bad by any means! rosho still loves you so, as much as he fatherly scolds you to remember to drink more water
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #27: “Jazz” | September 8, 2008 - 12:30AM | S03E07
Hey, this is a good one. Alright? Perhaps less-than-classic. This one has a runner where Tim & Eric are Jazz musicians who smugly tell meandering stories that make them sound like a coupla stupid dopes. I like these segments mostly! Ending the show with the smug delivery of “online? What like WAITING online at the BANK??” is just great. To me. I keep forgetting to say “to me” after all my opinions, sorry! There are a handful more segments in the deleted scenes of these two funny funny jazz men. 
The cold open is James Quall doing Ronald Regan, probably originally shot as part of the season two sketch. This seems slightly like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but it turns out they’re setting up a strong sketch in the middle of the episode. More on that… LATER!! Anyway, this sketch references David Stockman, which is an ancient reference. He worked for Regan and may or may not have tried to list ketchup as a vegetable in some school lunch legislation. It is hilarious that this is where his mind goes. Tim & Eric sorta acknowledge the weirdness of the reference by putting up a bogus, likely unrelated portrait of the supposed David Stockman as if it explains anything.
Maria Bamford! For some reason I fail to think of her as a member of the Tim & Eric family even though she is maybe one of the best guests ever. That is not a dig on Maria, Maria is such a singular entity that it’s hard to think of her being part of anything else. Even me periodically thinking about how she’s the funniest person in the world, possibly, is to vastly underrate her. She fits in with the Tim & Eric universe really well, I THINK, TO ME. Here she’s a host of a show about cleaning up after your cat. The little belly crawl towards the litter box in the opening makes me laugh, and I realized that this imagery used to pop into my head everytime I had to scoop my cat’s litter. Lucy. Her name was Lucy. She has passed.
There’s a fairly good Doug animation in this one, too featuring funny guys and their funny hats. This leads into a Beaver Boys sketch that is exceptionally brainless. The Beaver Boys are up to their old tricks!! They are on a sex-having date with freaking TWINS, but they blow it by not being able to control themselves and gorging themselves on shrimp and white wine being served at the table next to theirs. It’s very stupid, but I see the Beaver Boys as some kind of meta commentary on the nature of very specifically-premised one-note recurring characters in various forms of media, especially on sketch comedy shows. Their return is the joke. I also just like this sketch, despite there not being much to it. There is something funny about the stereotypical way the girls get up and leave, angry, as though what they are doing is typical guy behavior and not the product of a serious brain disease, which is what these boys must have.
Probably the best sketch is a fake trailer for a James Quall biopic where Quall is portrayed by Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader. His impression is immaculate, and he’s very funny as Quall. There are some charming outtakes from this one, including one where David Liebe Hart (who shines as himself) ruins a take with indigestion, and one where we see the real James Quall watching Hader work his magic and laughing like crazy.
Everything outside of the Quall trailer feels a little dashed off, but I found most of it funny and the episode worked for me as a whole. I think a lot of what made this episode great is the editing, which I think this show should have won an Emmy for. 
I forgot to mention the guy who wants to make sure his condo has enough room for his boys. Dang it. I love that guy.
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast: From the Kentucky Nightmare DVD (aka Volume 5) (September 11, 2008)
The final DVD release of Space Ghost Coast to Coast… EVER! This was a two-disc set that included the final Cartoon Network season and the first Adult Swim season. This was the first time I ever saw the uncut Fire Ant. The extras included the colonial man ending of Snatch, which before I’d only seen in a very low-quality internet vid, Table Read Extra, the Conan and Busta Rhymes Raw Interviews, and two nice videos of George Lowe and, C. Martin Croker’s audio recording session for “Kentucky Nightmare”. George’s in particular is fun to watch, because he loves to josh between takes. There’s also easter eggs, but I forget what they are. 
This is a GREAT release and like Volume 4, it was only available through the Adult Swim online store, and is considered very rare. At one point, it sold out and they repressed it and put it on the store for $15 and you could get a copy of Volume 4 for $5. Imagine! Paying a combined $20 for volumes 4 & 5 of Space Ghost Coast to Coast! I came perilously close to selling both my volume 4 and 5 DVDs when I was jobless, but was able to pull them off eBay when I made some money sucking dick.
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sparklingdreams444 · 9 months
Here’s How To Stop Loving Them
Ari Eastman
When you decide to stop loving then, your body will convince you this is the wrong decision. Everything inside burns with promises, with ideas about the future, with a different you. The you before the shattering. Before the ending. Before you were faced with the strangling thought that norm you are not supposed to love them anymore. Now, you are supposed to move on from this feeling.
Open up a box with all the memories you’re trying to forget. Scatter them across the entire room, taking yo time to not miss a single moment. Sit with all of it. Wonder if you can still smell someone on a shirt you haven’t worn in so many moons. Do not run to the bottle or cell phone, ready to send messages you’ll regret when the melancholy isn’t aching so loudly. Just sit there.
Remember how it felt when they kissed your clavicle, or how their laugh always reminded you of s stampede. Wildebeest heard be damned, you’d risk being trampled every time.
Think about the first time your heart told you this feeling was different front before. It wasn’t the live you’d heard of. This is the kind that bubbles up, an unwatched pot of water ready to explode. There is a power in it you cannot turn down.
Silently curse it. And then, we rally curse it. Look at all these ghosts of happier times and think how no one warned you of the leftover haunting. Saying goodbye doesn’t mean everything ends.
Feel dirty, ashamed, like you should be better than this. Life you should know how to be okay. But you’re not. So, yell. Yell to no one and everyone.
Pick out your favorite memory. The one that fills you with an ethereal glow, a warmth no fireplace or glass of wine could ever replicate. It’s full body feeling. Remember the purity in your happiness. Pin this memory to your chest and out the rest of them back in the box.
Store the box away. If it feels right, maybe you’ll throw it out entirely. Just let it be out of sight right now.
Feel for your pulse. Marvel that every day, your heart beats about 100,000 times. It feels like you think of them 100,000 times. But your heart is still beating and pumping. Even though it feels broken, it’s still going. And so are you.
Watch a movie or comedy special that forced laughter from your lips. One of those string belly type laughs can send 20% more blood flowing, so giggle even when you aren’t sure you can. Watch Aziz Anarsi, or Amy Schumer, or John Mulaney, pick your favorite. Feel hearty bellows healing your body.
Remember your heart is not broken. Broken things do not continue working. You are bruised. But you still work.
Call or or reach out to someone who has always been there for you - a friend or family member. Tell them five different reasons they matter to you and how much you value your relationship with them. Sip on some nostalgia and joke about a story from your past together. Romantic love, while beautiful, is only one kind of love, and never enough to fully sustain a person. Take note of all the people you have in your life. All the live you have surrounding.
Go for a walk and make yourself a promise for the duration of your walk. I will allow myself to feel whatever I feel. And listen. With every step, check in with yourself. Are you sad? Are you angry? Do you feel utterly lost? Listen to all of it. Accept all of it. Decide this walk will be the time you finally let yourself off the hook. Decide this walk will be when you are allowed to grieve however you need.
Cry. Question. Break and look them up on social media. Want to cry more. Think of calling them. Of texting. Don’t.
When you decide to stop loving then, you will do everything you can think if to make it come true. But maybe you aren’t ready it stops maybe turn, distanced or some other magic ingredient will do the trick. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s okay to still love them. Perhaps your heart has enough room for some piece of love to stay forever. A preserved painting. An artifact of what you shared. An echo in the back of your chest. You will figure it out.
And if after all if this, you still find yourself loving them, so what? We all could use more love, even if it’s the type top be tucked away in a box.
0 notes
meanypunches · 1 year
Ghost World movie
This is a horror movie of sorts I suppose. I want to write about it on my horror blog so we’ll squeeze it in. We can say this is a horror movie, but about the mundane/surreal horrors of modern life. So also a comedy. Could this movie even be made today? I wonder what Mr. Clowes is up to of late. I admit I stopped following him after leaving the comics scene almost entirely in the wake of my letter writing campaign to get him to make a full comic about Squirrel Girl and Candypants. He did print part of a letter of mine in one of those Eightball Issues but I can’t recall the number. Turns out he went on to describe the fabulous David Boring. Squirrel Girl and Candypants never got their own book. My letter writing campaign is now just an embarrassment in a sense but still I am unashamed. I really do like his work. Clowes seems untouchable, such a superstar. I always wanted to be like him but I never even came close. I even tried once to date a woman who (reportedly) had a brief fling with him but she turned me down cold. I think she might have been the model for Enid. She was way too cool for me. Clowes is way too cool for me to review. My own foray into comics ended in abject failure. I was the writer for a little rag called the Incredible Drinking Buddies (the mini comics and first four issues) but now Bertozzi skips over that in interviews I’ve read so the laughs on me but I’ve accepted my fate. I’m so kidding around and I don’t mind. Nick was super supportive of me during a time of my life when I was mired in negative habits. Dean Haspiel has a Wikipedia page now and he said I was a jerk. Dean was right. But back to Ghost World. This movie is great. Yes I would say the comic is superior but overall this is the best of Clowes on the big screen so far as I can tell. It is a joy to watch. The characters are brought to life nearly flawlessly. The mood is serene and contemplative, yet raucous and bawdy, a careening meditation on these two characters growing up. It makes me nostalgic for my own listless years between college and adulthood, when the world was wide open and beautiful but I was too young to understand how great it was. And let’s not forget David Cross is in this. I’m suddenly aware of how jealous I am of even minor celebrities, but much of my life I was engaged in a campaign of self-sabotage driven by my underconfidence. David Cross possesses a personal magnetism which I could never hope to match. Suddenly I miss the 90s. I need a time machine to travel back and relive my wild youth. This movie is perhaps the perfect coda to that decade. The cynicism of Enid and Rebecca has infected me and I’m like why did I use the word ‘coda’? Hahaha. I’m an idiot. Clowes is too smart. Enid and Rebecca are like Kafka’s assistants, Kafka’s Valkyrie, carrying us to the next world. Despite the famous cynicism on display I see only love for all these strange characters. All the ugliness of the world disintegrates into love. These idiosyncratic and unique individuals trapped outside our modern society, tapping on the windows of our hearts dying to get in. Open your heart to them! Open your hearts, America! This world is one I would like to visit again, but alas I got on the bus to adulthood and now my day job has turned into a career. Have I given up on writing which has never put meat on the table!? I will try to finish my one novel that I think still has a chance of being halfway decent. I am now trapped in the mirror, looking back at you, the observer. I am now the idiosyncratic character to be poked fun at by Enid and Rebecca. Farewell ghosts of yesteryear! I knew thee well.
0 notes
ggukkieland · 2 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Mar to May (Pt 1)
I have been doing this monthly reading lists for years now 🥺.
I was supposed to do something for my blog anniversary but I couldn’t find the time  👉🏽👈🏽🥺.  I couldn’t organize my readings enough to share (and went back to silent reading too 🥺). But anyway, I’m sort of back and here’s my attempt to organize fics reblogged, commented on, bookmarked, etc. from March to May🌹
💟 Please show these authors appreciation the most by commenting/ reblogging their fics and sending them nice asks =). Thank you, dearest authors! Days are usually tough and your stories have been part of my activities to de-stress💟
[around 100+ fics]
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author link and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted]
🥕 Completed - drabbles | one shots | series
🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
Mostly Mature, 18+ only please
I read different members, different genres so please take note of the tags, description per fic
Don’t forget to reblog/comment on author’s work, too 😊
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🥕 [Ongoing Series]
↬ Yoongi
Bad Cop Chronicles @sunshinerainbowsbts - [4/?] | 3.5k+ | Single Dad!Yoongi, Bad Cop!Yoongi, bad boy!yoongi, secret agent!reader, action | s, a
Cardiac Affairs @joheunsaram - [1/?] | 648 wc+ | drabble series, surgeon!yoongi x surgeon!reader, enemies to lovers, coworkers au, hospital au, medical au | f, a
Dating Advice @taleasnewastime - [8/?] | 19k+ | strangers to lovers, bar au, bartender!yoongi, drabble series, dating woes (for reader) | f, a, future s
Only Yesterday @borathae - [6/?] | 58.4k+ | neighbor au, strangers to lovers, small town au, slice of life, tae shop au, memory loss/amnesia, hurt/comfort fic | f, s
Renai @flowerwrites06 - [1/?] | 2k+ | fantasy au, gods/goddesses, prince!yoongi, princess!oc (Kiku, my favorite OC 🥰) | a, f
Summer @thottae - [9/?] | SMAU | frat au, rapper au, nerd!reader, college au, Just Friends!Yoongi | f, a
The Spork @chimcess - [1/?] | 7.8k+ | coworkers au, journalist!yoongi, artist!reader (Cartoonist), pianist!yoongi, slow burn, yoongi pining over ex, reader will help yoongi get ex back | s, f, a
Wish You Were Sober @prodsg - [1/?] | 4.2k+ | friends to lovers, unrequited love, pining!reader, fuckboy au, best friend au, college au | a, f
↬ Jimin
Unorthodox @chaoticneutralwriter - [30?] | 224.6k+| guardian demon!jimin, slice of life, comedy, slow burn | f, a
↬ Taehyung
Almost Deadly Desserts @kpopwitches - [5/?] | 6.3k+ | mafia!taehyung x baker!reader, comedy (taehyung’s men accidentally kidnaps her instead of rival’s daughter) | f
Lake Nantahala @kimnjss - [27/?] | SMAU with written parts | childhood friends (ex-friends), enemies to lovers, ghosted reader | a, s, f
Latte Love @pleuvoirr - [3/?] | 3.9k | drabble series, college au, barista!reader, idol!taehyung, age gap (Taehyung is 26, OC is 20) | f, future s
Poison Heart @wishesunderthestars - [2/?] | 7.6k+ | Prince!Taehyung x Queen!Reader, Royalty AU, Queendom, hurt/comfort | a
Saudade @kimvvantae - [4/?] | 86k+ | soulmate au, soulmate system is a timer (and OC’s timer points to centuries ago), supernatural au, vampire au | a, f, s
The End is You and I @yonkimint - [8/?] | SMAU | college au, friends to lovers, best friend au, advice column/secret identity | a, f
↬ Jungkook
A Business Proposal @jjeongukkie - [2/?] | SMAU with written chapters | fake dating, ceo au, comedy, boss-employee | f, a
Behemoth @bearseokie - [2/?] | 7.3k+ | lycan!jungkook, werewolf au, horror, supernatural | s, f, a
Coquet @shina913 - [3/?] | 12.4k+ | fake dating au, escort au, strangers to lovers, brother’s wedding (taehyung, cousin!jimin, THERE IS ONLY ONE BED trope (woot woot) | f, a, s
Lion and the Fox, Part 2, Part 3 @/flowerwrites06 - [3/?] | 22.8k+ | vintage au (1940s), mafia au, journalist!oc |  a
Midnight Suck @kainks - [4/?] | 24k+ | vampire au, supernatural, slow burn, soulmate au, sort of mystery too | a, f
Sweet Tooth @btsgotjams27 - [3/?] | 13.6k+ | vampire au, slow burn, blood donor!reader | f, eventual s
That Time @dfdph - [2/?] | 3k+ | drabble series (not chronological), slice of life, break up au, established relationship, exes au | a
The Fallen @whoretan - [1/?] | 3.6k+ | Fallen Angel!Jungkook, fantasy au, demon au, god!jimin | a
The Hit List @/whoretan - [2/?] | 4.5k+ | Fratboy!jungkook, fuckboy au, introvert!reader, college au, popular bangtan, drunk jungkook ends up at OC’s doorstep, mistaken identity (he thought she was someone else), comedy | f, future s, a
To Be Damned | The 7 Deadly Sins @jungk0oksthighs - [5/?] | 31.5k+ | fantasy, college au, witch au, history major!reader, slow burn, demon!jungkook, witch!reader, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers | a, f, eventual s
Total Eclipse @jungkookienoona - [7/?] | 10.2k+ | action, superhero au, fantasy au, some supernatural themes, friends to lovers, archaeologist au, turned roommates of some sort knight!jungkook | a, s
Until You Survive @/ughcore - [4/?] | 21k+ | hunger games au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, war au (this was part of my reading list a year ago or so too under the author's other pseud) | a
Why We Broke Up @/jjeongukkie - [8.5/?] | SMAU with written parts | this is a repost/rewrite, break up au, chaebol!oc, rich au, rich girl x poor boy | a
↬ Multi/OT7
Seokjin x Reader | Yoongi x Reader
The People’s Princess @i-am-baechu​ - [13/?] | 35.9k+  | arranged marriage (with seokjin),seokjin also has another love interest, established relationship (prince!yoongi), fantasy, some lucid dreams, royalty au (western, not saeguk), fairy tale-ish | a, f, s
No Refunds @foreignfingers  - [2/?] | 5.3k+ | fake dating au, neighbors au, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, love triangle, fwb!yoongi, cooking class instructor!seokjin | s, f, a
Jungkook x Reader | Jimin x Reader
Knife’s Edge @readyplayerhobi​ - [6/?] | 40k+ | mafia au, love triangle, infidelity au (with jimin), arranged to be married to jungkook  | s, a
The Way of a Criminal @agustdakasuga  - [2/?] | 6k+ | mafia au, reader’s father recently passed, sudden appearance of mafia!bangtan, father with secret identity? | a, f [on hiatus], also on ao3 → until chapter 7)
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🥕 [Completed Fics/Series]
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Best (Friend) Man @jjungkookislife​ - drabble | 735 wc | brother’s best friend, enemies to lovers | s, slight f
Butterfingers @jincherie​ - one shot | 8.2k | strangers to lovers, coworker au, hybrid au, teacher!namjoon, teacher assistant!reader, super fluffy | f
Meet me in your Memories @jamaiskookie​ - one shot | 11.8k | lucid dreams about OC, established relationship (in the dreams), memory themes, writer au, themes of mental health, themes of grief | a, f (my heart cried over this)
Pups Series @ubemango​ - drabble series [18/?]  | 12.1k+ | established relationship, boyfriend au, college au, extra hot and super fluffy | s, f
Rely on Me @spiderlilyserendipity​ - drabble to Top Drawer | 792 wc | established relationship, hurt/comfort, producer!namjoon x producer!reader, bad day kind of fic | f, a
Ride or Die @jungcock - one shot | 6.9k | part of the themed series: BTS Road Trip Collab, childhood friends au, bestfriend au, unrequited, OC in a toxic relationship with Jungkook, bad girl!reader, infidelity themes | a, s
Something in the Way @tayegi - two shot  [2/2] | 12.2k+ | werewolf au, ceo!namjoon, hired!reader to help with the heat, sex worker au (I guess but make it werewolf universe), sugar daddy au, strangers to lovers | s (there was supposed to be another chapter but tagging this is two-shot
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A Dose of Relief @bangtanlalaland​ - one shot | 5.7k | scientist au (both of them), coworkers au, crack/humor | s
I Can't be with You @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue​ - one shot | 3.5k | exes au, rich au, Seokjin from prominent family | a
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Across the Hall @gukslut - one shot | 4.7k | humor, neighbor au, flirty!oc, writer!yoongi, mission to seduce yoongi | f, s
Broken Hearts Club @bbangpanmen​ - SMAU | broken-hearted OC (yoongi too), best friends to lovers au except you’re not the best friend, strangers to lovers | f, slight a
Canvas @kidguk - one shot | 3.2k | soulmate, but kind of sad (emotional constipation themes), soulmate system: colors indicate how much you’ve fallen for your soulmate | a, s, f
Caprice @mytaerminology - one shot | 3.4k | husband!yoongi x brat!reader, vacation au | s
Fermata @jeongi - one shot | 5.8k | pianist au, kind of rivals (known since childhood), composer!yoongi | s, f
Fuck Being Friends @strawberrynamjoon​ - one shot | 12k | unrequited, pining!reader, best friend au, college au, fuckboy!yoongi, tired OC x oblivious yoongi | a, f
FWb with Yoongi @btssmutgalore - drabble | 1k | part of the themes series: FWB with BTS, fwb au, secret relationship | s
Kiss Me at Midnight @jungshookz​ - bulleted | 8.1k | rom-com, CEO!reader, secretary!yoongi, secret pining, comedy, new year au | f
Lovers’ Paradox @taesthetes - one shot | 10.5k | part of a themed series Bangtan Police Unit, slice of life, humor, enemies to lovers, coworker au, office au, this is super cute (the bangtan police shenanigan is in full force) | f
Make Me @ppersonna - one shot | 4.4k | best friend au, dirty fluff (trust me on this), sleepover feat. very noisy neighbors | s, f
Mezzanine @/mytaerminology - one shot | 3.4k | idol au, pining, the one that got away (totga), coworker au, staff!reader | a
Recite @blkjmn​ - drabble | 844 wc | pastor!yoongi, taboo | s
Soon @ppersonna - one shot | 3.1k | established relationship, impreg kink | f, s
The King’s Serpent @apotaeose​ - drabble | 1.6k | daechwita!yoongi, mercenary!reader, assassin au, badass!oc, royalty | s (implied)
The Story of Us @eleventoes​ - one shot | 7.1k | exes au, mutual pining, a bit poetic (at least Yoongi’s POV) | f, a
Virulent @honeyedhoseok - drabble | 3.7k | kind of bad boy au, unstable/moody yoongi, on-and-off relationship | a, s
Yoongi, It’s Y/N @seokjinish​ - one shot | 13.9k | action (? the car racing part was exhilarating), badass!oc, coworker au, racing au, mechanic!reader, engineer!reader,  racer!yoongi, i love how this made the world of racing so fascinating (didn’t know about such politics/favored racers, etc) | a, f, s
💟Yoongi Birthday Reblogs (40 fics)💟
🎂 around 40 fics
🎂 some of my favorite yoongi fics from long ago
🎂 couldn’t add to this list because of limit (but will create a separate fic rec list for yoongi instead 🥰
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100 to 1 @mytaerminology - one shot | 6.7k | established relationship, LDR, boyfriend au, idol | s, f
Double-cross (my heart and hope to die) @taesthetes - one shot | 9.2k | part of a themed series Bangtan Police Unit, humor, slice of life, police au, strangers to lovers, muralist!reader, secret identity, artist!reader, office set up (but make it the precinct) | f
Heat @writtenyoongi​ - one shot | 23k | racer au, street racers, rivals, enemies to lovers theme, secret identity (oc wears a helmet all the time), star-crossed (kind of), secret relationship, college au, poor!hoseok, action | a, f, s
I Flirt in #MyCalvins @bxebxee​ - drabble | >3k | humor, staff!reader, model!hoseok, coworker | s (but it’s really just flirting)
Next @dreamscript - one shot | 2.8k | humor, best friend au, college au, a drabble about pick up lines! (cute) | f
Show Off @taeverie​ - one shot | 7k | roommate au, camboy au, sub!hoseok | s
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💟 PART 2 | Maknae Line 💟 
posted: 2022 June 16
link to other reading lists
other fic rec lists (by theme)
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xxfillerxx · 2 years
Arcade dates with Twisted Wonderland characters
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!reader
Ratings: Fluff, comedy
Word count: 590
Spoilers for Octavinelle's book 3!
A/N: I was gonna put a few TWST boys in this but I wrote way too much for Azul lmaooo. Consider this a preview for the other TWST characters I may end up writing
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-So, if he's on a date at the arcade with you he's most definitely going to overthink all of the games and go full strategizer
-Think Death Note-level of inner monologuing, but one-sided
-'Now, the trick to beating pac-man is simple. If I focus on all the tricks I've learned beforehand, I should be able to win the entire game. I must avoid the ghosts, taking as many turns as possible. Clear the map in quarters, to ensure I gain the so-called 'power pellet' once every so often: these are the bigger dots on the map. I must be sure to consume the ghosts that are near, but not to waste my time chasing after them. However, every few levels-'
-"Azul, are you going to start playing or not?"
-Wants to get as many tickets as possible, playing fewer games for maximum gain.
-He will stay as FAR away from the DDR machine once he sees it's for dancing, won't even go on if you beg.
-Unless you use up a BIG favour or find a miracle, only then will he even think about stepping on it
-In the case you somehow manage to get him onto the machine- his hands are gripping the rail behind him SO hard, you worry that he might break it. Underneath those dark gloves of his, his hands are white.
-Even on easy mode, he somehow ends up tripping over his feet. Do NOT laugh at him or he'll give you the silent treatment for the rest of the day 😔
-"Hmph. Of course I fell, I've only had these legs for a little over a year- dancing is… a talent beyond me, for now. This is why I didn't want to go on here."
-This one's a little specific but there's this one game called Speed of Light that's a tall board of buttons and you gotta press as many as possible before time runs out
-Azul almost wishes he were in his merman form… almost. Think about how many he could slap with his tentacles plus his hands!
-Although if he were using the underside of his tentacles, they might stick instead.
-Avoids the crane & chance games, prefers to stick to skill-based ones e.g air hockey, shooting games, pac-man. Actually he asked Idia how to win at the arcade games over a deal the minute you suggested going to the arcade so he could both impress you and win
-Omg the photo booth…
-You pull him inside, already posing for a picture. Azul's frozen stiff, barely processing while the camera flashes. It's cramped and he's SO close to you, practically squeezed up in the booth.
-Still looks like a deer caught in headlights while you're already getting up to collect the photo reel
-When he comes to his senses he BEGS you not to share the embarrassing photos, what are you talking about they are NOT cute, the pictures could be used as blackmail against him… even though the whole school knows you two have something going on… in the end he lets you keep one of them. As a treat.
-None of the prizes there are of any interest to him, so he supposes he could let you choose any one of them… for a price.
-If you end up getting an octopus toy or plushie he will become so flustered that he might just end up 'forgetting' about the so-called payment you owe him
-If any of the twins happen to be tailing you two on your date, the amount of blackmail they end up with is HUGE
-Mostly against Azul tbh
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Legacy of the Green Ninja” E8: The Day Ninjago Stood Still
Shorter than usual this week! Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy!
Make sure to reblog, comment, and/or like! And tell me your thoughts!
- Intro ✅
- This opening shot implies Skales’s tail to be much longer than it actually is ❌
- It’s very nice that all these snakes, including the tribe generals, just let Skales rule them all and don’t even attempt to challenge him. Clearly, they have all watched the show and seen that he’s been through way too much sh*t trying to accomplish this one goal for the last 2 seasons, and failing at every possible turn, and have decided to just be nice and hand it to him. Surely this won’t go wrong in any way. ❌
- “Hey! Open the window, let me in!” Jay yelled, standing less than two feet away from the front door ❌
- “I’d forgotten how pale Garmadon was before his turn to evil was complete.” Dude looks more like a ghost than the actual ghost characters in this show, so I don’t know how you forgot that ❌
- “My, there’s so much [research about prophecy].” There’s 8 scrolls here, which could be a lot considering the Overlord stuff is really old and most written knowledge is probably lost to time, but Wu claims that looking through all this stuff will take days, and that could only be accurate if these two read at the same speed that my grandparents type. ❌
- “I should’ve chosen you.” Misako doesn’t have an “it,” but it still needs to stay in her pants. ❌
- People like to say that Misako shouldn’t flirt with Wu here because she’s technically still married, and I get that, but at the same time, Garmadon turned evil, got himself banished to the Underworld, and has done some pretty f*cked up things pretty much the moment he got back, so honestly, I’m not really gonna hold it against her too much.
- “Lloyd’s father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm’s way.” Except for the fact that he’s been doing it this whole d*mn season. Leaving a child orphaned and traumatized is still harming them! ❌
- We just saw Skales following right behind the digging Constrictai, but the next shot shows him to be several meters back ❌
- “My plan has been in the works since the beginning of time.” We know that the battle between good and evil took place before time had a name, and if you think about it hard enough, the Overlord’s line here could imply that the moment after that first battle was the very moment that time was given its name. I know it’s probably not meant to be thought of like that, but I’m still winning it because I think it’s a cool concept. ✅
- I still f*cking love this ninja-chain thing they do sometimes. Idk, it just shows great teamwork and how much they know and trust each other and AGHH ✅
- “A few more inches, guys!” It’s moments like this when I need to question if my audience would or wouldn’t like the occasional s*x joke
- Also, right after he says this, Cole ignores Lloyd’s order and steps backwards, probably to spite the writers for forgetting that he was technically the leader ❌
- This tomb is decorated with scorpion symbols, an animal that has nothing to do with the Overlord. ❌
- Skales has been gunning for leader since s1e1. It was his definitive character trait throughout his whole arc, yet he failed each and every time. He became the general? Sorry, now the tribes are being taken over by Pythor, and he’s better off just being second in command. Wait, now Pythor is gone and he wants to be their king? Nope! Here’s Garmy! But it’s fine because the other generals went with him and wait, no. Now he’s in jail and they’ve gone with Garmadon. Now he’s out of jail but has to work for Garmadon, and now he’s finally got what he wanted and not 20 minutes later he’s landed his entire race into the same f*cked up crisis that they were in for decades and just got out of. Remember, the show was supposed to end after s2, so this was resolution to Skales’s character arc. This is hilarious in the most morbid and tragic ways possible and it doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as it should.
- “Do you wanna be my new cameraman?” “Not really.” “Great!” Gayle Gossip I love you ✅
- “Stay strong, show no weakness!” *Lloyd runs soldiers over* That moment when your little brother suddenly has the skills to outshine all of you at once ✅
- We just saw Mother Doomsday flee from his store, but now we saw him hiding inside it ❌
- “It’s unwise to take the elevator during an emergency, Dareth.” Which educational consultant do we have to thank for that line?❌
- Is the soldier that scared Dareth floating? ❌
- The ninja are supposed to be slowing the soldiers down, but they actually spinjitzu well past most of the army in the stairwell. ❌
- “They just keep coming!” Look, if they don’t want me to make 2 s*x jokes in one episode maybe they shouldn’t make it so easy!
- This is supposed to look like a mass amount of destruction but given the states we’ve seen Ninjago City in in later seasons, this is practically nothing, and in-universe that is a horrifying reality. ❌
Sentence: Skales’s irony
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wri0thesley · 3 years
I propose slow loving sex with Gojo thank u for ur time
propose and you may receive
prince charming - gojo x reader (2.5k)
[comments and reblogs are much appreciated! // my jjk masterlist] 
warnings: afab reader, no pronouns. not sfw. minors dni! light fingering, piv sex, coming inside, soft. . . soft . . .
Most people who know Satoru Gojo would tell you that the man has two modes. Two ways of being. There is the way that he is from day to day; the laugh, the shovelling of sweets into his mouth, the constant stream of upbeat nonsense and jokes that few people are able to keep a proper track of. This is the Satoru Gojo he is with his students, you think – when the weight of being the strongest does not weigh so heavy on his shoulders.
Then, there is the Satoru Gojo in battle. There is the lift of his blindfold, the way that his blue eyes bore into his enemies – the self-assured way of talking, the ruthless precision with which he deploys his skills. This is the Satoru Gojo that does bear the weight of all of his strength; but his lips still quirk at the corners, he still cracks a joke sometimes though his tone is steely. They have shades of one another, those two personalities - but still, they are the two personalities that he chooses to show the world.
You, however, are permitted to see a different side than most people do.
You see Gojo now, with his body over yours, his soft lips brushing your jawline. You see him with his big hands, cupping your face so he has more access to your neck and your ear, the kisses coming slow and soft and relaxed. He is a large man, despite the fact that he is tall, lithe muscle as opposed to pure brawn – he cages you beneath him like he never wants you to be able to escape him.
You do not want to escape him. Not least when you finally manage to capture those lips in your own and you taste sugar on his tongue. As his teeth nip gently at your lower lip and a breathy sigh is transferred into his mouth; as his long fingers run down your body, appreciating you with a soft hum.
“I’d ask what I did to get so lucky,” he murmurs, voice low and throaty, “but I think I deserve you.”
Some things do not change; Gojo’s arrogance is always there, beneath the surface. He is lucky you find his self-confidence charming, your lips sliding into a smile as your own hands gently push up the shirt he’s wearing. His skin is warm and soft beneath it (you dread to think how expensive it was; Gojo spends money like it’s going out of style, and you have a myriad of gifts to prove it).
“You don’t shut up, do you?” You ask him, mildly, your smile not leaving your face. He laughs softly, and it feels like wind blowing through a field of flowers.
“You love me for it,” he says, all fondness, and he’s right. His shirt is parted from his top half and you admire him; unmarked skin (you suppose his technique means he’s free from the scars so many other jujutsu sorcerers learn to live with), the lean but taut muscles of his abdomen and shoulders. You run your fingers over him and he sighs, leaning into your touch like a cat. Your thumb brushes the hollow of his throat as you take a handful of his pale hair and drag him down into another kiss.
If nothing else, it occupies his mouth.
You can feel his hardness straining in his ripped jeans (pre-ripped for his convenience, with an eye-watering price tag, but even you have to admit that they make his ass look rounder and cling to his thighs and crotch in a way that makes you needy and heated if you stare for too long) as he moves his body against you, half-grinding.
You’re on the couch. You really should move to the bed – heaven knows Gojo’s is big enough for both of you – but there’s something domestic and sweet about Gojo kissing you here, amongst the remains of the sweets he’d been feeding you and with a romantic comedy neither of you are watching any more playing on the screen.
It’s so easy to feel like everything with Gojo is a life-or-death situation – to ascribe more meaning to a brush of his fingers on your shoulder or a murmur of ‘I’ll be home later tonight’ than you really need to.
This, though - this is simple, and easy. It lets you forget the world outside, just for the moments in which Gojo’s body is pressed against yours – lets you think of yourself as a normal couple.
There is nothing more romantic to you than the thought of you and Gojo being able to be just anybody.
So you spread your legs further apart so he can settle between them, sighing as his mouth moves from your own to brush kisses over your cheeks and the bridge of your nose instead.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” he tells you, as he pulls back and tugs on your own shirt – you allow it to be removed, thrown onto the ground where you may never see it again. Much more interesting than the lost shirt are Gojo’s hands, large and warm, sliding up the expanse of your stomach and to your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh. He undoes the catch of your bra as if the motion is as easy as breathing – and maybe to him, it is. Upon your flesh being newly bared, he sighs, leaning down to kiss the swell of the curve. To find your nipple with the warmth of his tongue and tease it to hardness as he flattens his tongue against it and laps at you, the motion sending little electric shocks of pleasure to the place between your thighs. You sigh and squirm, and he gives the hardened bud a gentle graze of his teeth as he pulls back to look at you.
The sight of his blue eyes concentrated wholly on you and all of the distilled starshine contained within always makes you lose your senses for a moment. It should be unfair, you think, for him to look like that. For those wide blue eyes to seem so innocent when you know that he is not--
“You’re so beautiful,” he tells you. You know that he’s telling you the truth; Gojo is not the kind to mince his words. His hands rest on your waist, curving down over your hips to tug at your bottoms and make short work of those too. You lift yourself slightly to allow it, Gojo wriggling so that he can get them off without ever having to really move from between your legs. The bottoms go the same way as your shirt, and you are below him now in nothing but your underwear--
Though that’s barely covering anything. Gojo sighs to see the pale white of the piece you’re wearing has gone translucent from the gush of your slick, clinging to the outline of your folds and showing him just how needy the kissing and the touching and the groping has gotten. He trails a finger down and brushes your mound through the fabric, ghosting over your clit.
“This is for me, doll?” He asks you, a smirk on his face that you want to kiss off.
“You know it is,” you breathe, lifting your hips – and the smirk softens into a smile.
“Maybe I like hearing you say it,” he murmurs, increasing the pressure of his touch so he is rubbing you through the cotton; his big fingers pressing against your clit, making your hips jerk. You don’t know if you want to jerk away from the sensation of the fabric pressing against your swollen nub, or jerk into the pressure that you want so badly – so you settle for circling your hips, panting soft little noises.
Gojo smiles at you and the expression on his face is dazzling. Your heart skips a beat; he’s so beautiful. You’re so unbelievably, amazingly lucky--
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says, leaning and kissing your cheek, burying his face in the crook of your neck to kiss and lick and suck at the skin there. Your back arches as his attentions send yet more shivers down your spine, set you aflame even further. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear his face was warm – is he blushing? “If you could see yourself, you’d understand--”
“If you could see yourself,” you tell him, through the pounding need in your chest, “you’d understand exactly why I’m looking at you like that--”
“Oh, I know,” he preens, though his face is still warm. He hooks his fingers into the wet underwear and pulls them over your thighs. “I know why you’re looking at me like that! I’m gorgeous-- but . . .” He seems to stumble over his words before he manages to get a good hold on them again, before he pulls back and the flush on his cheeks is only barely there. “You don’t know how gorgeous you are, and . . .” He places a hand to his chest. Your underwear is dangling from his thumb, though you’re not entirely sure how he fully tangled you out of him in the position the two of you are still in. “It breaks my heart!”
You smile despite yourself.
“You’re being too romantic,” you tell him, though your insides are secretly all aflame and bubbling. “It’s not like you.”
“I’m wounded,” he says. One hand lands on your thigh, drawing circles and patterns on the slick skin – his middle finger gently nudges the very outside of your sex, teasing the puffy lips apart so he can brush your clit. Your gasp dies in your throat. “I’ll have you know I’m an absolute Prince Charming, baby--”
And he’s giving you that charming smile, even as that same finger presses deep inside you in one swift movement and your knuckles clench on the couch cushion. You groan aloud, lifting your hips to allow him deeper, to make you feel fuller--
Your eyelashes flutter, eyelids somewhere between open and closed, but you still see that Gojo’s own gaze is fixed on you. It’s tender. Loving. You feel strangely exposed beneath it – but at the same time, you feel warm and comfortable and right as he adds another finger and stretches you out on it, scissoring them apart. He brushes the spongy spot of your walls that always hits different and you sigh, murmuring out his name--
“Satoru,” you’re practically whining. “Satoru, faster, please—”
“Prince Satoru,” he corrects you, with a grin that’s slightly crooked to one side and more charming than it has any right to be. He pumps his fingers in and out of you a few more times, until they are thoroughly coated in your wetness, until the fire inside you has been suitably kindled and your breath is uneven and your face is hot – and then he pulls them out.
You don’t have time to whine.
Not with the sound of his zipper, the sound of him kicking off his expensive jeans – the heat of him settling over you on his knees and taking your hips to slide you easily onto his cock.
He groans out your name like it’s all he ever wants to say.
“You feel like you were made for me,” he says, and you reach up and grab a handful of his hair again. He lets it be pulled with only the softest sigh – lets you bend him over you so the two of you are cheek to cheek, chest to chest, so close that you can feel his heart beating. “Fuck, doll--”
He’s right. He fits inside of you like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle; warm and tight and perfect.
It’s a triumph, for Satoru Gojo to be lost for words – but he stops speaking as he fucks you slow and soft. It’s not that you and he only usually fuck hard and rough – but his job is stressful, and he is teasing and smug, and it’s more usual for you to be bent over on his bed as he pulls your hair and runs his mouth than it is for anything like this to happen.
He doesn’t seem to have any complaints about it, though – and neither do you. How can you complain when he holds you so gently? When he kisses you like he’s savouring the taste of you instead of devouring you?
He’s not speaking, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t noisy – he’s panting, groaning, moaning. He’s always loud in bed – he has almost no self-control when it comes to pleasure, you don’t think – but the noises also go right through you in only the best of ways, making you shiver and shudder. It’s unfair that his voice should sound so good. It’s unfair that he should have almost no flaws--
Some people might say his personality is a flaw, you suppose, but you unfortunately find him charming.
You wrap your legs about his waist and his cock hits deeper, brushes that same spot inside of you – but you find you do not care so much about the orgasm as you care about having Gojo in this embrace.
Not caring about it, though, doesn’t mean that is not going to happen – not with the slow thrusts of his hips, or with the sight of him with his lip bitten and his hair all mussed up from your tangling.
You’re not sure if Gojo has ever found something that he isn’t good at, and fucking you is no exception. His cock hits every spot inside of you and seems to find new nerves you didn’t know would feel so good when stimulated; your entire abdomen (hell, your entire body) feels like it’s on fire. You were slick enough before he’d entered you, but now you can feel your own arousal pooling on the couch cushions beneath you – you can hear how wet Gojo’s cock must be, on the push-pull of him fucking into you. The glide is slick and silky and searing, and your fingers flex on his back, as the tight string inside of you readies to snap.
“Sat-- I’m-- ‘m gonna--”
Your words are lost to the feel of him, to the haze that seems to descend around you whenever you and Gojo are together. You see the curve of his smile, hear him softly whisper;
“S’alright, baby--”
A stroke of his hips that has the flat plane of his pelvis pressing against your clit and you let yourself go, tumbling into the bright lights of your oblivion, your thighs tightening reflexively about him as if you want him to drown inside of you. Gojo sighs, groans, moans out your name as your cunt milks him for all he is worth, squeezing around him – and, he, too, lets go. Heat. Warmth. Gojo’s cock, twitching, heavy and perfect and right inside of you.
“I love you,” you whisper, against his collarbone, in time with the beating of his heart – and Gojo looks at you as his hips continue to roll slow and leisurely, eking out the final drops of his release as it settles inside of you like a claim, and he smiles slow and soft like honey or syrup.
“I know,” he says, quietly. “I love you too.”
He stays inside of you, on top of you, in the embrace, even as his cock begins to soften. Enjoying your warmth, your presence, your closeness.
Maybe he is a Prince Charming.
You’re not going to say that aloud to him, though.
He’d never let it go.
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mindofharry · 3 years
here’s a part 2 to ghost!harry and medium!Y/N. enjoy, loves!!! part 1.
“Is there a reason you’re following me around harry?” Y/N asked smiling to herself. Harry had been a little clingy, to say the least. Y/N absolutely loves the company ands it’s new territory for her too, she’s loves to learn. But she’s worried for harry. She thought the thing for him to pass on properly, would to get answers from his mom. Talk to her for a bit. But that doesn’t seem to be the answer because he’s still following Y/N around like a lost puppy. So harry definitely has some unfinished business, but he likes Y/N way too much to answer any of her questions.
“I like being near you” He shrugged, Y/N sighed and turned around lighting the candles near the shop window. Halloween is coming up very soon, which is the shops busiest time of year. Y/N does free readings and even dresses up. It’s her favourite time of year. Her mother used to bring her trick or treating all the time, even when she was much older.
“Don’t you have a house to haunt?” Y/N teased turning around to see harry leaning against a shelf. She didn’t mind him being around here, it’s just getting a little frustrating not knowing what his unfinished business is. It’s got to be something to do with how he died right?
Harry tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. Harry knew what he had to do to cross over — he just didn’t feel like doing it. He found so much comfort in Y/N, so much peace. Why not stick around for a bit. No matter how many times shes asks harry to leave, she’s secretly hoping he’ll fight and stay. Harry knows that.
“Listen, harry” Y/N started walking towards harry. She sighed itching the back of her hair, then wiping her sweaty hands against her satin skirt. Her mother’s actually.
“I love having you around. You’re really great company, but sooner or later you need to find your unfinished business and move on. Bad things happen if you don’t” Y/N said, she then nodded to herself.
“We’ll find out what your unfinished business is together, how about that?”
Harry bit his lip and instead of speaking up, telling her that he already knew what he had to do in order to pass on — he kept quiet and nodded smiling brightly at her. It’s definitely going to come and bite him in the ass later on, but he liked Y/N. she’s kind. Kinder than any girl he’s ever met.
When he was alive ladies (and men) adored him. Harry was popular in school and in college. Although he wasn’t in college for long, all he can remember is having a great time. Partying, sex, drugs. But he was getting good grades and making genuine friends - even had a girlfriend for a bit. Harry was liked everyone and everyone liked him.
Even though he had girlfriends in his time on earth and recently before his death, they had never been like Y/N. She’s bubbly, weird but cute and the most beautiful person harrys ever seen. If he had known about her gift when he first became a spirit he thinks he would’ve crossed over a lot sooner.
When the day is done and Y/N decides to close up the store, harry heads to her car. He likes cars a lot, he used to race a bit with his college friends and surprisingly that wasn’t his cause of death. Harry was a good driver, the feeling was exhilarating and the adrenaline rush he got afterwards was something he chased for weeks after. He had never felt something like that before — harry felt the same way about Y/N. His feelings were exhilarated and the rush he got in his bones from just seeing her smile was electric.
Once Y/N was in the car and they were on the way home, Y/N felt like it was a right of passage to talk a little about harrys family, seen as he’s not visited them a lot since the last meeting. She’s not too sure way because he was so eager when they met.
“You know emily is asking for you?” Y/N asked softly, turning off the music. Harry rolled his eyes and looked out the window.
Y/N knew it was hard for harry seeing his mom move on - sometimes she thinks harry forgets he’s dead and people are supposed to move on. And if that means her adopting a new child and giving her a better life, then so be it.
“Harry she has a gift too, she can sense what you’re feeling. She’s just a little girl trying to help her mom” Y/N said trying to reason with him, but she could feel the jealousy coming on again.
“Just tell them i’ve passed on or whatever shit terminology you use. I don’t want to see or talk to them again. I’ve got you now” Harry said, making Y/N slightly worried.
Harry is so dependent on her, it scares her sometimes. She just wants to be kind and help him. But he’s not making it easy.
“I don’t want to talk about them anymore” Harry said clearly agitated. Y/N sighed and nodded keeping quiet.
The car ride home was silent from then on, Y/N felt bad for questioning harry - but she did not feel bad for trying to help another family get some relief and heal. Harry is being extremely selfish, and she just hopes he’ll come to terms with that soon enough. She just needs to settle down and try and help this kind soul.
While Y/N was getting ready for dinner, harry had popped back into the house. She could sense him behind her, but she didn’t make a move to speak or connect with him like she usually did.
Not this time.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so overwhelmed trying to find my ‘unfinished business’ and i didn’t mean to take out on you, mom or emily. i really appreciate your help” Harry said leaning against the wall, Y/N smiled softly and put a plate down on the dining table.
“I’m always here, wiling to help, harry. You know that. Now let me eat and then we’ll get started”
After a rather quiet dinner, the ghost and medium resided in the living room. Paper upon papers scattered around them, a comedy on in the background and a cold tea on the coffee table in front of them. Y/N was determined, it almost made harry feel guilty. But she would understand in the end why he kept it from her right? He wanted to stay longer, learn more.
Be with Y/N for as long as he could.
Harry didn’t care about the repercussions it could have on his spirit or Y/N for that matter. It would all work out in the end, right? It always does.
“I have a ton of people i need to talk to. Maybe i’ll get your mom to come with me so it won’t look suspicious” Y/N giggled and harry couldn’t help but laugh with her, almost forgetting his previous thoughts immediately.
“What’s wrong?” She asked feeling his anxiety.
Harry couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“I know my unfinished business”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and almost let out a gasp.
“It’s you, Y/N. You’re my unfinished business”
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Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons of tendou, bonito, and yaku going to the haunted house with their s/o and their s/o gets really scared?
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Tendou, Bokuto, and Yaku Going To a Haunted House With Their S/O
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Synopsis : You Go to a Haunted House With Your Boyfriend and This Is How It Goes
Genre : Comedy , romance , fluff , comfort
Pairing(s) : Tendou x reader , Bokuto x reader , Yaku x reader
Word Count : 0.97k
Warning(s) : None , nausea was mentioned in Bokuto’s ,
Masterlist Link : Here
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— Tendou is an avid horror movie fan even though he suffers through restless nights afterward, so I no doubt think he’ll be terrified but also thrilled to go to a haunted house with you!
— That being said, he knew the best and scariest haunted houses around. Once you voiced your interest in visiting one, his plan “Scaring-His-Significant-Other-At-A-Haunted-House-Until-They-Cling-On-To-Him-For-Dear-Life” was finally a go (it’s a working title.)
— As soon as you two entered the place, he felt you tightening your grip on his forearm. Now, usually, he would have teased you for being scared, but he was too busy being flustered that you find so much comfort in him that you feel safe being close to him.
— During the first jump scare, he tried to toughen up for you but he later let go of that act; he realized you’re too terrified to notice his own fear.
— “Save me, [Name]-Chan!”
“Satori! You’re the one who’s supposed to protect me!”
“Says who?!”
“Me! Now, you better stop using me as a human shield, or else I’ll leave you behind!”
— Honestly, the staff were very amused by you and your boyfriend’s reactions so they decided to mess with you two even more specifically. “[Name]-Chan, stop moving! I don’t want the flying doll to come near me!”
— He loves you, he really does. He just won’t hesitate in using you as a human shield to protect himself from the jump scares, so by the end of the day, it’s a competition between the two of you of who’s yelling louder. You were literally carrying him just as you would for a baby, getting weird stares from all around. Some even looking at Tendou shamefully.
— It’s safe to say that you two won’t go back there— at least that’s what you believe; Tendou has other plans in mind. Just praying for both you and your sanity. “Satori, we are never going back there.” “That’s what you believe.” “Wha?!”
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— It was actually you who suggested going to a haunted house together, Bokuto immediately agreed enthusiastically forgetting the fact that haunted houses are supposed to be scared.
— “[Name]-Chan, I’m so excited to go to the haunted house with you! How romantic is that!” “Kou, angel, it’s supposed to be scary.” “What?”
— He still agreed to go since it was too late now that you booked your tickets. “Kou, it’s okay! We can go to the festival and not visit the haunted house!” “No! Your boyfriend is brave and he’ll showcase his braveness for you!” “Angel, I know you’re brave, you don’t have to do this.” “I want to, though!”
— Yeah... as soon as you two enter the haunted house, he screamed because he saw his reflection and thought it was a ghost. At that moment, you knew it was a long ride.
— He realized that you were also scared so he tried his best to swallow his fear and protect you. And he did that! He was coddling you in his arms, ready to fight any force that dared take you away from him, AKA the haunted house staff.
— By the end of the whole fiasco, you were limping, visibly nauseous, still having his arms around you. It was truly a sight to see, a 6’1 giant paling, looking like his life just flashed before his eyes.
— He tried distracting himself by protecting you but that clearly didn’t work, observing his post haunted house state. He loves you and only wanted to protect you, and now he feels like going to the nearest bathroom and throwing up.
— “[Name]- Chan, you didn’t tell me it will be scary!” “Babes, I did. But you did very well! Thank you for protecting me, you’re my knight in shining armor.” “Hmm, I guess I am! I love yo—” he didn’t have the chance to complete that sentence since he did actually go throw up...
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— It neither of your ideas. Kuroo just challenged him to go to the new hotspot haunted house everyone was talking about. At first, he denied his request and ignored him until Kuroo pulled the big guns, AKA taking Lev under his care instead of Yaku’s, then Yaku was more than happy to comply!
— “Mori-Kun, why was I dragged into whatever bet you and Kuroo made?” “[Name]-Chan, this is more than just a bet! One week free of Lev, that’s freedom!” “Still! Why was I dragged, what am I gaining from this?” “My love?” “Nice try, Mori.”
— Somehow, he managed to convince you to come along with him; he bribed you with food. Now that it’s your turn up, you regret not bargaining your deal more. A week’s supply of food doesn’t seem enough for what feels like going through the gates of hell.
— After the first jump scare, Yaku for the first time was glad of his short height; you were carrying him whilst he clung on to you as if he’d die any second. But, there was a really bad jump scare that made you drop him on the floor and make a run for it.
— “[Name]-Chan! Don’t leave me behind!” “You can die yourself, I have plans to live!” it truly was a comedic scene, your boyfriend running after you whilst a man in a black hair wig with a hammer ran after him.
— Miraculously, you two made it out alive, in one piece. ‘Was this worth not training Lev for a week?’ Yaku wondered for a second before shaking his head vigorously, ‘Of course it was. Anything would be worth not training Lev for a week!’
— Kuroo was there and saw you carrying Yaku out. Yaku never heard the end of it </3. Kuroo also was sure to take pics of him crying out clinging on to you!
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Author’s Note : This was very fun to write! I HOPE IT’S UP TO YOUR LIKING <333
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