#is both Prime and reads enough as a Seekerkin mech to agitate her
witchofthesouls · 4 months
Eee Seeker Lennox is just chef kiss! What’s your hcs on frame behaviour differences with him and his fam to the autobots grounder frames.
Fr need more seeker Lennox in ma life xD if you don’t mind pleaseeeeeee write more
When it comes to Lennox family's physiology, there's differences that stem from them being Seekers as well as carryover from their old human selves.
Between Sarah and Will:
Think of Sarah more like a dark and matte version of Blitzwing from the Bumblebee film.
Sarah is larger and heavier compared to her husband. Her color palette is far more muted compared to Will's glossiness.
Seeker femmes don't have digitigrade legs as they require extra stability to carry the extra weight and density. Seeker mechs are geared towards agility, speed, and stealth.
Will has an extra set of talons in his lower legs. His kicks are far more deadly as he can extend the talons for a greater reach.
Yes. Seeker!Will has digitigrade legs.
Them as Seekers versus the groundbound Autobots:
Both are constantly communicating. While wingcant is culturally shaped by the city-state, there's a lot of instinctive movements.
Sarah has the capability to track down Energon deposits across the planet.
Sigma abilities. Will has a very advanced chameleon-like ability to blend in his surroundings. To the point of neutralizing his entire presence.
Typically, Seeker femmes don't have sigma abilities, but Sarah has one. She's capable of scrambling electrical signals that target movement within Cybertronian frames with a furious shriek.
Sarah and Will are aggressively affectionate to each other. Not just blending their fields together, but they have intense urges to constantly be physical. To the point of microtransforming their frames to either mesh into each other or be as close as possible. Wingspans tapping together or realigning to rest side-by-side in public. Nuzzling and necking in private.
Seekers are a very social frame-type. That instinct is made worse by the sudden cut from everyone else as they fled north and their new status as bondmates.
The Autobots don't have to worry about the Decepticon Seekers poaching away Will because the negative influences of no trine are kept in check by his and Sarah's sparkbond.
(If anything, they would need to worry about the Decepticon Seekers attempting to court or capture Sarah. Especially in the period where she's essentially a newbuild that's getting used to her frame but proven with a newspark!Annabelle.)
Ironhide being a goodsport as the pair aggressively rope him into activities that's usually between close ties among Seekers. But he's also needs to be a buffer between Sarah and the rest of the Autobots.
Seeker!Will has accepted that the Autobots are a potential flock, and Optimus acts as his Winglord. Seeker!Sarah, not so much...
The human sensibilities and the Seeker instinct war with her, whereas it's generally aligned with Will due to his exposure and close relationships to the Autobots as a human.
Sarah is slowly coming around as she uses Ironhide and Will to ease the Seeker agitation to defend or challenge down.
Worst comes to worst, Optimus may need to intervene and force the instinct to submit to the hierarchy of the Autobot 'flock.'
The humans thought it's a carryover from their humanity to be more comfortable resting in their root-modes. No. It's their social drive. Nesting is easier with bipedal frames.
The human influence on Lennoxes' Cybertronian frames:
Will's appearance is less of a Dorito and more similar proportion to his old body. His wings in root-mode seem to be split to create the appearance of two sets. One longer, primary pair and one shorter, secondary pair.
They're far more flexible. Especially Sarah, as she actually has a habit of yoga and stretching. Surprises the hell out of Ratchet when she's able to bend in ways that would usually put immense strain on her frame-type.
Far greater tolerance towards lower-grade fuels and able to digest a greater variety of raw ores. Their frames have an edge with more specialized platets across their entire frames to convert UV light into small bits of energy .
Their expressions are far more fluid, even with the more mechanical mandibles. Sarah and Will have a greater range of facial micro-expressions with their optics, conveniently placed ridges to mimick a close form of noses and eyebrows, and the shape of their 'mouths.' A major tradeoff is that their faces are far more vulnerable compared to the rest of the Cybertronians.
Annabelle's development seems both behind and advanced. Her plating is still too soft and lacks the typical density of her mobility. Her sight is more aligned with a newspark, but she has the vocal range of a near first-star sparkling. Ratchet is keeping a firm optic on the little one.
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witchofthesouls · 25 days
Curious question! How would you describe seeker kin using their sensors to detect energon and incoming bots? Like biology. I saw the snippet you did on seeker Lennox and Sarah. :0
In that verse, Energon detection is a unique skill to Seeker femmes as they're meant to manage flocks and balance a multitude of relations as an extensive network from their incredibly dense sparks, which naturally gives them a wide EM field range to encompass others. Think of it as a very keen sense of spatial awareness and territoriality as Cybertronian sparks are unique to each mecha like a set of human fingerprints.
Sarah is able to sense more adult sparks when she initially came to Diego Garcia, and the Seeker did not like it.
(It doesn't help Sarah is basically a newbuild, so her senses are sharp and agitated as she has yet to figure out or be taught by another how to filter out or dull input, and it's made aggressively worse because she has a protective streak over her sparkling. Plus, Optimus is there, and he is both a Prime and has enough coding in his lineage to read as another Seekerkin mech, so she's even more defensive of her space.)
Basically, large veins of crystal Energon capture their attention as it can mess their sparks' perception of the environment. The effects could manifest as very specific sensation-perception cues that varies from femme to femme: auditory, visual, scent, tactile, and even taste.
Those cues act as markers that grow stronger with proximity and are highly reliable and accurate tells that modern science has yet to replicate even half as well.
Sarah will eventually describe her cue as a sequence of clear, vocal demands that tug harder on her spark the closer she gets to vein, so hers is an auditory-tactile cue.
Surprisingly, the femmes of their grounded counterparts of Praxus and Polyhex don't have this Energon detection quirk. However, Seekerkin are still very attuned to the harmonics of crystal Energon to manipulate it. The immense variety of art from Praxus' famous crystal gardens and elegant tea ceremonies to Polyhex's unique pottery goods and architectural designs for navigating their wetlands stood as testament to it.
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