#is bc Chinese restaurants don’t usually close on Christmas
gameboyhamazing · 9 months
I just had an idea for a restaurant management game where you manage a Chinese food restaurant, and it follows the real-world date system starting sometime in August or September as opposed to “day 1, day 2,” etc. This has no impact on anything gameplay-wise apart from certain days being designated as vacation days or w/e, until Christmas rolls around. Everything leading up to it has customers and anyone else you talk to in-game talking about winter vacation plans, and what they’re doing over Christmas, and they hope you enjoy your break, etc etc.
And then on Christmas Day one of the single largest surges of customers in the game takes place in the form of Jews who swarm the place for their tradition of Chinese food on Christmas
the entire purpose of the buildup is to try and fool those who don’t know about this tradition into losing out on one of the most profitable days in the entire game
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chinaaesthetic · 4 years
Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!
*please note that the information below isn’t celebrated by everyone in the same way. Some customs are more common in northern China rather than southern China and vice-versa.
How to wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year:
1. 新年快乐!Xīnnián kuàilè! - Happy New Year! (This can be used one the first day of the lunar calendar as well as the Gregorian calendar).
2. 新春快乐!Xīnchūn kuàilè! - Happy Spring Festival!
3. 新年好!Xīnnián hǎo! - Hello! (This is how you greet people during Chinese New Year).
When greeting or wishing someone a Happy Chinese New Year, many Chinese people wish their family and friends things like: “I hope you have a happy and healthy family,” “I hope you get a job promotion,” “I hope you have good fortune and pockets overflowing with gold.” Here are some examples:
4. 恭喜发财!Gōngxǐ fācái! - Wish you a successful and prosperous year! (This saying is known well because of this Chinese New Year song you can watch here).
5. 阖家幸福! Hé jiā xìngfú - Wish you a happy family!
6. 事业有成! Shìyè yǒu chéng - Hope you have a successful career!
You can watch this YouTube video or read this article to learn more about how to wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year!
What is Chinese New Year?
Chinese New Year, also known as lunar new year or the spring festival, celebrates the first day of the new year on the lunar calendar. In 2021, this holiday falls on Friday, February 12!  This holiday is the most important holiday to those who celebrate this - its importance can be comparable to how Americans celebrate Christmas.
People have been celebrating Chinese New Year for about 3,500 - 3,900 years. It’s exact origins are unknown, but this tradition is believed to have started in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1049 BC) when people would make sacrifices to the gods and their ancestors towards the end of a year. However, the tradition was recorded and official during the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD) when Emperor Wu began using the lunar calendar. He chose to follow this calendar because it would let him know when second new moon after the winter solstice was.
Now, many Southeast Asian countries and people besides the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year such as: Koreans, Vietnamese, Tibetans, etc. However, it is common to not see Japan celebrate Chinese New Year.
Why do I keep hearing about the Year of the Ox/Cow?
Just like in western culture, there are zodiacs in eastern culture that the Chinese follow. There are 12 zodiacs, and these zodiacs follow a cycle of 12 years. Each new year represents one of the zodiacs. 
In order, they are: Rat/mouse, Ox/cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
2021 is year of the Ox/Cow - 2020 was year of the Rat/Mouse - 2019 was Year of the Pig... and so on. 
Because each zodiac has its own characteristics, they define a year. Chinese zodiac scholars have said in 2021, Year of the Ox, will be a flip-around positive change. They believe this year will be lucky and that it will be a good time to focus on love and relationships. People who are born in years of the Ox are known to have a lot of endurance, be calm and confident, but are also stubborn.
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Just like in western culture, these zodiacs are believed to affect personality, fortune, etc, and instead of getting your zodiac by your birth month, you get your zodiac by your birth year. If you are interested in your Chinese zodiac, you can type in your birthday on this calculator and read about it.
What happens during Chinese New Year and how long do you celebrate it for? Lantern Festival?
On average, Chinese New Year is celebrated for about 15-16 days (from about New Year’s eve to the first full moon). Preparations start seven days before New Years because stores and restaurants close and people travel to be with their families. Most students are also on their big break during this time - they get off from school around the beginning of january and go back after Chinese New Year. It should also be noted that Northern China and Southern China celebrate the new year differently.
During the preparation period, people go shopping for food and decorations. They also clean the house very well. If living in a different city than one’s family, many people will travel back to their hometown to celebrate with family.
During the New Year’s Eve period, the house is decorated with New Year’s decorations, and there is a reunion dinner with family at the host’s house. Out of all the dinners you have during the year, it is incredibly important you don’t miss this dinner, which is why there are so many issues with travelling during this time. At this dinner, you eat many lucky foods such as dumplings and fish. Also during this time, the older generations will give younger generations something called 红包, which translates to “red envelope.” These envelopes are filled with money and are only given on very special occasions such as new years and weddings. Friends give these to each other, but it is not common at all for a younger generation to give one to an older generation person. There is a custom where families stay up late to “watch over the new year,” which is called 守岁. Late at night, people also like to go to temples to hear the first bells of the new year ring because they believe it will drive away bad luck.
On Chinese New Year’s Day, fireworks go off, families cook and eat large meals together, sacrifices are made to ancestors, etc. (Fireworks are especially important because they believe it will make your business more successful.) One popular tradition you might know of is the dancing lion/dragon parades where people wear a dragon costume and parade through the city. Dragons are very representative of Chinese culture and are thought to bring luck to a community. Lions are a symbol of protection.
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For about a week after the first day, most people go visit family and friends. A lot of times people will visit the other side of their family. For example, someone will spend most of the time with their mother’s side of the family during the new year, then during this week, they will go visit relatives of the father’s side.
After that week, most people go back to work. This is around day 8-10. Businesses, restaurants, and stores reopen, and many people leave their hometown to go back to jobs in the city.
Day 15, the final day of Chinese New Year, is the Lantern Festival. On this day, the first full moon of the new year happens. To celebrate, people will light more fireworks, revisit family, eat sweet dumplings (called tangyuan), and participate in the Lantern Festival. People release lit lanterns into the sky to honor dead ancestors. This is called 元宵节.
You can read more here.
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What foods are eaten during Chinese New Year, and what do they represent?
During Chinese New Year, many special foods are eaten, and these are foods that are considered to be lucky and to bring fortune into the new year.
1. Dumplings - represent wealth. Dumplings take hours to make and involve family help. They’ve been eaten for at least 1,800 years and are especially popular in northern China. It is said that the more dumplings you eat during the new year, the more money you will make.
2. Fish - represents prosperity and success. The word “fish” in Chinese sounds like the word “surplus” in Chinese.
3. Glutinous Rice Cake/Nian gao - represents success in your work (more money, better position). 
4. Spring rolls - represent wealth. They get their name because they are most often eaten during the Spring Festival which is CNY. This dish is more popular in eastern and southern China.
5. Oranges, tangerines - represents luck and fortune. This is originally a Cantonese custom, but many people grace their tables with citrus fruits. The word for “tangerine” sounds similar to the word for “good fortune” in Chinese.
6. Longevity noodles - represents longevity. These noodles are longer than usual to represent a person’s long and happy life. This is more commonly eaten in northern China. *It should be noted that these are mostly eaten on birthdays but can be eaten during the NY as well.
7. Sweet rice balls/tang yuan - togetherness in family. This food is eaten during the Lantern Festival, the last day of Chinese New Year. The shape and pronunciation is associated with closeness of the family.
8. Snacks - represent a sweet and pleasant life. Any sweet snack like dried fruit, candy, tanghulu is eaten during this time.
When it comes to food during Chinese New Year, there are superstitions about how foods should be prepared and what makes them lucky. You can read more about them here as well as here.
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What kinds of decorations are put up in houses during the new year? What do the colors represent?
1. Spring/door couplets - These couplets originated in the Shu era. As seen in the picture below, you post these on doors in couples - in Chinese culture, even numbers are seen as good luck. On many of these couplets are written wishes or poems for the new year. Each couplet should have the same rhythm and the same number of words.
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2. Paper cutting - Translated as “window flower,” these intricate, red paper cutting pieces are placed on windows and often represent the zodiac of the new year or other symbolic animals such as fish, dragons, and phoenixes.
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3. Upside down characters/Fortune - Many Chinese people during the new year hang up positive characters such as Fu, which means happiness and good fortune. It is written in calligraphy on a red piece of paper and then put upside down on doors and windows. It is hung upside down because the people want the good fortune to fall down onto them.
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4. Red lanterns - These lanterns push away bad luck and are seen during both the Spring and Autumn Festival. They can be hung on trees, outside houses, etc. There are also many styles - they can come in many shapes and have symbols written on them.
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5. Kumquat trees - As said before, citruses represent good luck and fortune. People place kumquats and citrus fruits on their tables or decorate their homes with small kumquat trees.
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You can read more about decorations here as well as here.
Common colors seen during Chinese New Year are red and gold, but green can also be found.
The color red is not only dominate during Chinese New Year, but it is also very representative of Chinese culture as well. Red signifies fire, good fortune, and happiness. It is representative of good luck, keeps the holiday very joyous, and scares away bad spirits.
Gold or yellow is considered to be a very beautiful color. Gold symbolizes wealth, riches, and prosperity.
Green represents money, harmony, and growth. 
Though these are the most common colors, it should be noted that a color combination of green and red is considered to be tacky in Chinese culture. 
What do people wear during Chinese New Year?
On the first day, it is traditional to wear new clothes and new accessories as it symbolizes new beginnings. However, there are people who like to wear sentimental accessories to respect and remember their ancestors.
Some people like to wear traditional Qipao/Cheongsam, Tang Suits, and Hanfu, but many people stick to western clothes like skirts, dresses, and pants. There is also a tradition of wearing lucky, red underwear for New Years.
Tang suits are the most popular to wear during the New Year, Qipao is also popular, but it is often too cold to wear during the winter months. Many people are starting to wear Hanfu again to celebrate the new year, but it isn’t widely accepted yet to wear during the new year.
During the new year, people wear a lot of red and gold. It is important to NOT wear mostly white and/or black. These symbolize death, and white is worn at funerals. Anything that is bright, bold, and upbeat should be fine to wear, but you should go for something that is red.
*If you want to wear something that is traditional Chinese for New Years, please make sure you know about cultural appropriation and know how to wear these properly.
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As there is so much information about Chinese New Year, I cannot possibly tell you all about it in one post. It is truly something that you must experience in your lifetime. It is very beautiful, fun, and there are so many things to do and celebrate. I ask you that you please research this more and look at all the beautiful pictures of food, lanterns, fireworks, etc. 
Please stay safe and 新年快乐!
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madsteacup · 5 years
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @diemetzgermeisterin ! 😊❤️
20 random FACTS about yourself that may surprise people.
1. do you make your bed? Haha no. I used to when it was just me but now that I’m married I have given up haha, so it’s always a mess.
2. what’s your favourite number? 3
3. what’s your job? I’m a dietitian for patients with kidney disease on dialysis, so I teach them about foods and help them with their medications. I can’t say it’s my true calling but I love teaching and helping people - and my patients really need a lot of help - so it is very rewarding (aside from the awful paperwork - American healthcare blows). Sorry *gets off soapbox*... 😅
4. if you could, would you go back to school? My first instinct was to say “NO!” since I had such an awful experience in graduate school (sometimes I regret sticking with it but what’s done is done 😔). If I did though it would be to take a class in painting, Photoshop or digital art. This fandom has reignited my creativity and I love it! ❤️
5. can you parallel park? Yes but I don’t do it very often.
6. a job you had which would surprise people? For four years during college I was a waitress at a sushi restaurant. Here are some amusing highlights: the kitchen staff only spoke Chinese so by necessity I learned to speak some Chinese (sauce on the side, to go, no broccoli, etc), I witnessed a fight where a customer broke a large beer bottle over another customers head and we had to call the police, and I actually found my therapist through some regular customers there (they were receptionists at a clinic and at the time I had no idea how one finds a therapist).
7. do you think aliens are real? I agree with @diemetzgermeisterin that it is highly unlikely that we are alone in the vast universe. But do I believe all the sightings people have are real? That I can’t say...? (But I do absolutely love the X-Files - kind of unrelated but whatever, it’s my tag thing, I can say what I want lol).
8. can you drive a manual car? Yes but it’s not a smooth ride and I might stall occasionally. But I feel hella cool when I do it right. 😎
9. what’s your guilty pleasure? Idk if these are guilty pleasures bc I don’t really feel guilty about them but they are what comes to mind: reading/writing fanfic, staying up late and sleeping in, eating more dessert than I should, drinking diet cola, keeping the Christmas tree up as long as possible, Baileys and Kaluha in my coffee...? 🤷🏻‍♀️
10. tattoos? I don’t have any. I’m not opposed to them but it’s not something I’m really wanting either.
11. favourite colour? I love lots of colors but I suppose I would say dark red, pink, purple, and green? Unless is rainbow or iridescent a color?
12. things people do that drive you crazy? Lying, being disrespectful, making fun of people, being condescending, chewing with mouth open close to me, driving on the shoulder/cutting in at the last minute, having two sets of audio going at the same time (like TV + computer - I usually can’t think until one is turned off).
13. any phobias? Drowning, bees/wasps.
14. favourite childhood sport? Kickball or Prisoner in elementary. When I was older I wasn’t really into sports but I did take ice skating and tennis lessons for awhile.
15. do you talk to yourself? Oh yes, helps me organize my thoughts.
16. what movie do you adore? The first one that comes to mind is Pacific Rim. It’s just so entertaining. The music is amazing too. I’ve watched it more times than I can count. It kinda makes sense bc I used to watch Gundam Wing and Evangelion. Oh and fun fact I plan to write a Hannigram/Pacific Rim AU fic someday 😉
17. do you like doing puzzles? Sometimes. If there is one in front of me I’m compelled to, but I don’t usually seek them out (that applies to pretty much all types of puzzles - crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc). My favorite puzzles are brain teaser word puzzles kinda like this - they’re so frustrating until you get it but they’re so clever! My grandma used to save them for me from her class, we both enjoyed them.
18. favourite kind of music? I don’t think I have a favorite kind per se. I like many kinds of music.  My Spotify playlist this month has The Neighbuorhood, Eivør, Above and Beyond, Jay-Z, SYML, Fallout Boy, Jimmy Eat World, Metallica, Sofi Tukker, Panic! at the Disco, Linkin Park, Maren Morris, My Chemical Romance, Billie Eilish, and Taylor Swift, as well as other random songs. So idk?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s always changing.
19. tea or coffee? Coffee for sure. I wish I liked tea better - I drink it sometimes but I much prefer coffee. Flavored coffee is my favorite - raspberry mocha...peppermint mocha...etc. 
20. the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? I remember as a child I wanted to be a graphic artist (inspired by Holly on Under the Umbrella Tree).
I’ll tag people but you really don’t have to do it, only if you want to: @madsmeetsmisha @balanced-demons @wolfnotadevil @fleet-commander-6710221b @clehjett @murasaki69 @c0keandwh1skey @jellybeanjustin @misstiana7 @breathingblue @some-sick-deja-vu @ittlebitz @zombieutopia @winterfalconx @xithisreconlion @as-cold-as-her-sorrow @mercurywaterblue and anyone who wants to 😁
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What’s the most played song on your iPod? I haven’t used my iPod since 2012. I use Spotify on my phone, but I don’t think it tells you what your most played song is. What is one quality you admire most in others? People who are driven and get shit done. What would you do with a million dollars? Sigh. I’d have to first and foremost pay off my debt. I’d also help my parents and brother out. I’d get us a new house. Traveling is a must. What’s your favorite song to dance to? I don’t dance. Well, unless you count a little head bobbin’ and maybe a little movement of my arms or shoulders. lol. What would your ideal birthday party be like? I’m 30 and old so I don’t look forward to my birthday anymore, ha. If I were able to travel for my birthday then that would be nice.
If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I don’t want to be reincarnated. I don’t believe in it. What talent would you like to have? A talent at all would be cool, but in particular I wish I had any artistic ability or was musically inclined.  Are you ticklish? Just my neck. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? 30+ hours. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? I don’t make those anymore. What are three songs that mean the most to you? Everlong (acoustic) by Foo Fighters, Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and... I’ve having a hard time choosing a 3rd. There’s so many songs that mean something to me for one reason or another. So many memories and emotions. Who is the one person you miss the most? There’s 3 someones.  What do you think of your parents? I love them with all my heart. I couldn’t keep going if I didn’t have them. My mom and I are super close, she’s my rock. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? I don’t know what I could do. What is your favorite kind of sandwich? My sandwiches at home consist of bologna, sharp cheddar cheese, mayo, mustard, and spinach with olive oil on the side mixed with basil and oregano for dipping. At my favorite deli I get turkey, salami, provolone, mustard, mayo, and oil and vinegar. If you had a puppy, what would you name it? My doggo’s name is Princess Leia. She’s 2, but she’ll always be my puppy. (: If I were to get another dog; though... I’m not sure what I would name him/her, but it’d also be after a character. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? I don’t know.  How much cash do you have on you right now? Zero. What do you think makes you attractive to other people? Nothing. Would more money make you happier? It would help with a lot, but I wouldn’t be cured of my mental and physical health. I’d still have that baggage. Money isn’t magic. What is one of your favorite memories as a child? So many. I loved my childhood. It’s not that I didn’t have any struggles or obstacles, cause I did, but honestly that’s not what stands out. I was a strong, brave, resilient kid. Kid me would be so disappointed in current me. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? I’ve had a lot of struggles. How do you measure intelligence? I don’t know. There’s issues with the IQ test for one. Grades aren’t accurate representations of intelligence either; neither are exams. It’s a complicated thing.
What cartoons do you watch? Hey Arnold, Rugrats, and Doug. Have you ever used drugs? Only weed. If you were a Skittle, what flavor would it be? The red one I guess that’s the only one I liked. How would you describe your style? Very casual, ha. I wear leggings and oversized graphic tees. If you had to spend $1,000 in one hour, how would you spend it? Christmas presents for my family. What’s your favorite smell and why? I have many. Where do you buy your clothes? Mostly Hot Topic, Boxlunch, and Kohl’s.  What’s your favorite kind of cake? White cake with buttercream frosting, funfetti/rainbow chip with funfetti/rainbow chip frosting, red velvet with cream cheese frosting, lemon with lemon frosting, and strawberry with strawberry frosting. Does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe? I don’t think there is in space, but what do I know. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? I’m good right now. Are you into tattoos? Nah. Do you like photography? I mean, sure? I’m not a photographer, but I can appreciate nice photos. If you were a holiday, which one would you be? I love Christmas, but I’d probably be Halloween cause it’s dark and gloom, ha. Do you have any siblings? I have 2 brothers. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be of? I’ve wanted to get free bird tattooed on my inner wrist for several years, but I highly doubt I’ll ever get it done. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? Jamie Lee Curtis. I met her at a book signing years ago. How many pushups can you do? Zero. What person in history do you admire most? There’s a lot of admirable people in history. Who is your favorite actor? Alexander Skarsgard. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? Nothing. Have you ever lied about your age? Only back during the AOL chat room days. :X Have you ever cried while watching a movie? If so, what movie? Yeah, I’m not usually one to cry during a movie, at most I may tear up a little, but there’s been a few who have managed to get me. When The Fault in our Stars came out I ended up seeing it by myself cause no one else I knew wanted to see it and I was in there bawling my eyes out lmao so it was better that I went alone. The Avengers: Endgame definitely got me. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Probably a few things.  Where do you see yourself five years from now? I just gotta take it day by day. What is your favorite candy? I haven’t had any candy in like over a year, but Reese’s are always a good choice. And white chocolate.  Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Yes. Who do you look up to for your style? I don’t look up to anyone for my style.  Who is your favorite sports team? I don’t care about sports at all. How often do you drink alcohol? It’s been 6 years since I last had any alcohol.  What is your life in three words? Blah, bleh, and meh. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be? Healthy. Would you have a pet dragon? If so what color would it be? Um, no. I’m no mother of dragons or whatever. What’s your favorite sport? None. Do you believe that homeless people are dangerous? Just because someone is homeless it doesn’t mean they’re dangerous. Sure, some homeless people can also be dangerous, but it’s not mutually exclusive. If you could be skinny and miserable or fat and happy, which would you be? Well, I’m skinny and miserable now. I’m not miserable because I’m skinny, but it is related to some of the issues I have and also adds to some. I just want to be healthy and happy. Period. If your life flashed before you, what do you wish you would have done? I want to do something meaningful with my life.  If you were to invent something, what would it be? I have no idea. Who would you like to get to know better? No one at the moment. Have you ever had a near-death experience? I’ve had two. Do you fear death? Yes, of both losing my loved ones and dying myself. What is the strangest food you ever ate? I don’t eat anything I consider strange. I’m so picky and basic. Do you think you’re cool? Nope. I’m definitely not. What reality show would you like to be on? None. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Chow mien, pot stickers, egg rolls, and crab rangoon. I used to love orange chicken and kung pao chicken, but I can’t either one anymore due to the spicy food sensitivity I developed a few years ago. As someone who was once obSESSED with spicy food... it sucks. Are you happy with your life? No. If you could name your own planet, what would you call it? Planet Nowhere. I know that’s already a thing, but shh pretend it’s not. If you could live another 200 years. What would you hope to see? Oh yikes. I mean, the future terrifies me and I don’t want live 200 years, but I am curious about what the world will be like then. Like the advancements made and such. Hopefully it’s not worse... Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold. Definitely. How would you rate yourself? In the negatives. Would you ever move to a different country in an attempt to start over? Not another country, but another city, maybe even another state, yes. My family and I want to move out of here. If you could be a character from any book, who would you be? Hmm. Do you prefer taking baths or showers? I only take showers. I haven’t taken a bath since I was a kid. Do you still collect toys from Happy Meals? No. I heard they were bringing back popular ones from my childhood; though, and I kinda want to get those. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? Uhhhh. I have no idea. I’m not the most spontaneous person. In your opinion what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? * Like, the world or jst humanity? Bc I think humanity is its own worst enemy <<< Most definitely. Do you like dogs or cats better? Cats are cute and all, but I’m a dog person all the way. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Earlier this year I got really sick and it knocked me flat on my ass, causing a lot of issues and setbacks. I didn’t think I’d be able to get to where I am now, which still isn’t good, but not like it was then. It was just really, really bad. If an ex texted you out of the blue, how would you respond? I probably wouldn’t even respond at all to be honest. Do you have a favorite poet? No. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Picking my nails, picking at/biting my lips, and picking at acne. Would you rather go on a shopping spree with $200 or put it in the bank? Put it in the bank. What was the last rumor that you heard? *shrug* What country star would you most like to meet and why? Blake Shelton. He seems cool. Have you ever been in a car accident? No. Are you an organ donor? No. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Not taking care of myself like I should be...not doing and neglecting certain things.  What is the meaning of life? Uhhh. What word do you like the sound of? I can’t think of an example right now. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry. Wow, I haven’t had ice cream in like 3 or 4 years.  Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? I like both.  Are you an athlete? Nope. There’s nothing athletic about me at all. What did the last text message on your phone say? I don’t feel like checking. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? Hmm. I don’t know what I’d choose as the funniest movie ever of all time. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? Losing my mom in one and my brother in another. I woke up literally shaking and sobbing. What do you know how to cook? Ramen. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had, and what was it from? The one that made me a paraplegic takes the cake I’d say. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Most of the rides at Disneyland. What do you wish you were doing right now? I’m fine with doing this. Who are your musical influences? I don’t have any. I’m not an artist or musically inclined at all. What was your favorite band or musician when you were 12? The popular artists and groups at that time circa 2001. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I’ll never forget this one guy in high school who actually came up to me and asked me my sign lol. How many drinks can you handle? I was a lightweight. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? A few hours. I can’t believe I actually used to spend that much time on the phone at one point. What’s your favorite candle scent? Autumnal ones from Bath & Body Works are great.
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willgayers · 7 years
Omg you're from Finland?? So cool!! As an American that is very seriously considering moving out of country somewhere and is considering moving to a Scandinavian country, I'd really appreciate it if you'd share a little bit about what life is like there? Do you enjoy living in Finland?? Sorry if this is weird...America is just a pretty scary place to be lately.
first of all; i spent half an hour writing the answer and then accidentally closed the tab. i am sCREAMING INSIDE !!!!!
but, lets do this again, so:
hey!! yeah i am from finland! born and raised! and its not weird to ask ,, tbh i kinda get your point. i actually answered to an ask yesterday telling what are my 5 favorite things about living in finland, but i can tell you some more under the cut, especially differences etc ! this was actually fun to write 
ok first things first, food is very expensive. ofc not in fast food chains like mc donalds etc, but restaurant-restaurants are expensive and also grocery stores, unless you’re buying the store’s own product so at least we’ve got a cheaper option. but yeah restaurants are very expensive (salads starting from 12euros, pizzas from 13euros, chinese/nepalese starting from 12euros, sushi is so damn expensive dont even get me started on that, i only ever eat it in a lunch buffet… and if you wanna order a steak or something like that lmao prepare to pay nearly 20euros OR MORE),, anyway during lunch hours there are usually special offers. coffee prices aren’t that bad. we also have starbucks! but not all the drinks that you guys have
just like food, alcohol is very expensive, so if you like your liquor be ready waste a lot of money on it. thats why finnish people actually go to estonia by ship to full the cabinets bc their alcohol is so much cheaper! its a finnish tradition lol. same goes with cigarettes. its 8 euros for a pack in here so 9 dollars.
traveling abroad is pretty expensive, but mostly just to the states and some very exotic places like the maldives idk. its like 1000euros to travel to california (i would know because i’ve always wanted to visit but im poor af 3). traveling inside finland is not that expensive , gas is p expensive but depends on the gas station 
clothes are not that expensive, at least it depends on what you’re buying. mostly anyway its the same price range that in usa i think but we don’t have the same stores, at least not forever 21 and primark for example but we do have h&m and zara and then some european stores like bik bok (which is my personal fav!) also victoria’s secret is super expensive cause it’s not normal for finns. there are only 2 of them in here anyway, one in the capital city aka helsinki and a small one at the airport
now to holidays! in actual calendar order ;-) valentine’s day; not big on celebrating, stores have stuff and some people do spend it but… not like… many easter; we have a thing similar to trick or treating, kids only dress as bunnies and witches tho may day; basically students (from like college) get “crowned “with student caps. everyone goes out to a park for a picnic and to drink. a lot. im telling you finnish people are huge drunks,, also its part of the tradition to dress funnily, stores sell weird may day clothing (like glittery hats and neon colored sunglasses), also there are sugar donuts and a either alcoholic or non-alcoholic (you decide) drink called sima. aaand decorations like balloons and paper streamers are literally everywhere midsummer; other finns go to their cottages and barbecue and go to sauna and swim in the lake. others go to a festival to get wasted. either way its a beautiful finnish tradition lmao, also this is the night when the sun shines for the whooole night!! not like literally shines but its not dark at all. there are bonfires and honestly, i’d say midsummer is the one holiday where finnish people really drink. like its -the- heavy drinking holidayhalloween; NO trick or treating which was very sad to kid-me bc no one gave me candy when i went t-o-t as a kid. also still pissed off cause it’s my fav holiday. stores sell halloween stuff and people dress up for parties, but no one really decorates. which sucks. finland sucks for halloween tbh. one plus is that we have the perfect halloween weather because its super dark and chilly and rainy and orange leaves everywhere during halloween-time!!thanks-giving; very very very little people celebrate this. definitely not a common thing. i only do it with friends and we call it friends-givingindependence day; obviously finland’s independence day. 100 years this year!!! christmas; 1000000% celebrate. so much snow. so cold. every store has christmas things and plays christmas music. everyone decorates. i mean it’s only fair bc santa claus lives in finland duhnew year; well i don’t think theres a country that doesn’t celebrate this tbh. stores sell stuff again. we have fireworks. also a lot of drinking. againalso obvs moher’s day and father’s day
concerts happen, not as often (especially with big stars) as they do in the states, but they happen! so do festivals. i actually summer-work at the largest one in finland ayyyyyy 
also, finnish people swear. like. a lot
MINUSES;- it can get freezing in the winter. last winter the lowest we hit was like -32 degrees- most of the time during summer it rains. this is also a finnish people joke because there was a meme saying “in the bible it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. they called it the apocalypse. in finland it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. they called it summer”- some finns are very narrow-minded, so expect not everyone to definitely not agree with you. i actually have a hard time dealing with this and usually always stood out from the mass mainly bc i am way too social and open-minded and everything to hang out with kids my age because their opinions and standards never really match to mine. finns are tbh kinda raised to be cold and they have to be well educated. oh boy if you only would’ve heard all the things they have told me after i have told them that i wanna make a living out of singing and acting and writing! - well the expensive things that i mentioned and the lack of halloween :-( - also if you wanna make it big, like international-big, in the music industry for example, it is very hard to try and do that from here because literally no one either knows that we exist or thinks that we live in igloos and have polar bears in our backyard. also everyone loves sweden more lmao and we hate that. there’s actually a finnish joke ,, we won them in hockey one year with 6-1 and every time we argue with a swedish person… thats always a great comeback, no matter how long its been :-)
PLUS- THINGS;+ we are mostly a very safe country with an amazing president+ free health insurance+ free studying + same sex marriage is approved+ summer is very beautiful if its not raining. especially in the countryside. amazing!!! + finns aren’t over-all bad, for example there is an incredible bond between finns when it comes to extreme finnish stuff, like midsummer drinking, seeing dramatic movies that revolve around finnish history (like war for example, a re-make of an old movie called the unknown soldier just came out and it was intense in the cinema!), hockey victory and this especially!!!! like it doesn’t matter if you hated that guy from your math class, if you two run into each other on a victory night, you fucking hug for three hours because WE FUCKING WON and tbh that is what i find most beautiful in our culture. its cute + ok honestly, just christmas again. finland is the winter wonderland i am telling you!
overall, i enjoy living in finland very much. it is a home and even though i wish to live abroad one day, finland will always be my home!! so if you really wanna move out, i suggest you at least consider finland. we are actually an amazing country. i hope this helped you! XO
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torontotravelblog · 5 years
18+ Unique Things to Do in Toronto
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You’ve smashed the standard Toronto itinerary. You’ve climbed the CN Tower for the views, shopped ‘til you drop at the Eaton Centre and snapped a selfie with the 3D Toronto sign at Nathan Phillips Square. So what next? This guide will share the best unique things to in Toronto including food, places to see and tours to take.
I (Gemma) went on a girls’ trip to Toronto, to spend time with my friend who flew over from Scotland, leaving my partner (the other Scot, Craig) back in BC. Never one to settle for the TripAdvisor top ten, I sourced tips on the cool places to go in Toronto using my good Canadian friend, Maddie, for her local tips. So let’s get started. Expedia asked me to create a guide on Toronto, all opinions are my own as usual.
18 Unusual but Cool Things to do in Toronto
1. Kensington Market
Kensington Market is where the interesting kids (and their dogs) hang out. The area is awash with quaint print shops, vintage stores, art, tattooists and every type of world cuisine you could imagine.
Want burritos and churros from Mexico – no hay problema! Arepas from Colombia – chevre! Frites from Belgium – Oui! Patties from Jamaica – Irie!
You’ll need some organic beer or hot cider to wash that down.
A couple of streets over from Kensington Market you’ll find Chinatown. Naturally, you can get cheap dim sum but we actually had the nicest pizza slice (C’mon it’s North America) on Spadina and College (Europeans – this means the crossroads where the two streets meet!)
We made Kensington Market our base and didn’t regret it. You can check out accommodation options for Kensington Market and other areas in the city at Expedia who offer great hotel options in Toronto for everyone.
2. Bata Shoe Museum
These boots were made for walking so get them stomping down to the pretty extraordinary Bata Shoe Museum (BSM) in Toronto where over 4,500 years of history is told through feet!
That’s a lot of souls shared through soles under the roof of this award-winning building. If you are looking at what to do in Toronto on a rainy day, the BSM is worth a stroll.
Expect to see everything from Chinese bound-foot shoes to celebrity shoes.
There are often special exhibitions at the BSM such as Manolo Blahnik’s The Art Of Shoes (made famous by those Sex And The City chicks).
Address: 327 Bloor St W.
Price: $14 CAD per adult.
3. Annex
The Annex area of Toronto (Bloor and Bathurst) is home to many of the University of Toronto students so you can expect coffee shops, discount stores, bars and cafes.
Annex is also where you can rock out at Lee’s Palace, visit Canada’s largest museum, Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) and catch a film at Hot Doc’s Cinema.
4. Philosopher’s Walk
South from Bloor (Annex) you’ll find Philosopher’s Walk which is a lovely green space in the city if you want to walk off a coffee high, poutine or a hangover!
5. Madison Avenue Pub
What does one do with three Victorian mansions? You open a number of bars and connect them all of course! The Maddy has booths, games, outdoor seating and serves food.
Address: 14 Madison Ave.
6. Live Organic Food Bar
Reward your hungover body with plant-based, sugar-free food which is served up daily at the Live Organic Food Bar. The menu which includes kimchi pancakes and pulled burdock burrito is organic, gluten and wheat free too.
Address: 264 Dupont St.
7. Toronto’s Half House
Rarely do you hear of a city v resident demolishment story fall on the side of the homeowner but in this case, we have a winner! The Valkos family of 54 ½ St. Patrick Street. won the battle to remain in the 1970s so the developers sliced it in half like a birthday cake.
Toronto’s famous Cube House looks to have lost its plot to a scrapyard so check out the Half House before the other half disappears too.
Address: 54 ½ St. Patrick St (thanks for the picture Andrew Stapley!)
8. Graffiti Alley
Obviously cool equates to graffiti in any city! Toronto’s Queen Street West has its own colorful corridor of street art. Unfortunately, the word is out at the two blocks of graffiti get rammed with visitors so go early for those Instagram worthy shots!
Address: Rush Lane.
9. Trinity Bellwoods Park
Grab a few beers from Bellwoods Brewery and head to Trinity Bellwoods Park for a serious people-watching sesh!
Address: 790 Queen St W.
10. Hipster Queen + King
Move over Kensington, there’s a hipper kid in town. Queen West was crowned one of the world’s hippest neighborhoods by Vogue but with notoriety comes price increase.
From Bathurst and Gladstone, over a hundred stores are occupied by studios, shops, galleries and bars. It’s a great place for brunching too.
11. CN Tower Edgewalk
Sure, everyone that visits Toronto heads to the Entertainment District and takes the elevator to the viewing floor of the CN Tower but how many tourists walk the walk?
Leave the comfort of the secured windows and hang handsfree from the circumference of the roof with The Edge urban adventure experience (356m/1,168ft above the ground).
This is probably the most expensive activity going in Toronto but if you are a thrill seeker you might just want to take the plunge (well, hang not plunge).
Address: 301 Front St W.
12. Toronto Island
Unlike Vancouver Island’s proximity to Vancouver, Toronto Island is actually close to Toronto!
The island can be reached by boat and takes about 15 minutes to cross Lake Ontario.
There are three stops – Ward’s Island, Centre Island and Hanlan’s Point. We exited at Ward Island and slowly made our way to Centre Island; I biked, and Helen strolled.
So what’s on offer?
Toronto Island is like a beautiful big park. Ward Island is unique because it’s a small town with a small number of beautiful houses. These are very sought after.
Rather than paying top dollar to secure a property, hopeful buyers instead have to add their name to a capped list of 500 in the hope of moving their way up to the 100 mark. When a property is available the top 100 will be offered it at a fixed price.
The ethos is to ‘keep it simple.’ With these views of Toronto’s skyline (below), you can see the attraction.
The Island Cafe is a popular family-owned lunch spot. The resident and cafe owners aim to use fresh produce from local farmers and also sell home baking.
Centre Island has a pier, small farm, lighthouse, fairground, maze and a clothing-optional beach.
No one needs to see these fading white bits so I left the towel back on the mainland!
13. St Lawrence Market Events/Tours
With over 200 years of action, I know what you are thinking – how is St Lawrence Market a unique thing to do in Toronto?
Although one of the popular Toronto attractions, this food and antiques market is special and it is the merchants that make it that way. With over 120 stores selling everything from shrimp to shortbread, you can easily swallow up an hour or two at the market.
Craig would be happy to see ‘proper bacon’ rolls being served too.
If you are in town for a few days, check out the special events, talks and maybe even a food tour in Toronto?
Address: 93 Front St E.
Just four minutes from St Lawrence Market you will find the stunning and extremely photogenic French Gothic, Gooderham (Flatiron) Building. Well worth a snap if you are a keen photographer.
14. The Distillery District
The red-bricked Victorian-era buildings of the Distillery District now play home to 40 boutique shops including clothes, craft beer and candles.
There is also a variety of restaurants and cafes from ice cream shops to oyster bars. A food market runs every Sunday during summer too. During winter, the Christmas Market sets up here.
15. Red Heart / Parliament and Gristmill Lane
This red sculpture was created for the Toronto Christmas Market mistletoe to hang come December but stands all year round for lovers to walk through and have a smooch underneath!
16. Lovel Lock Sign
Forget Paris, Toronto has a designated sign which spells out ‘love’ for its locks and it makes a great picture for Instagram! We saw two engagement shoots in the area.
Take a picture and show me it, lovers! Send me your shots [email protected]
Toronto Light Festival
If you happen to visit Toronto in January through to March, don’t miss the annual Light Festival which takes place to force residents outside during the -20 harsh winters. Expect installations, lights and even fire.
Address: Distillery District.
17. Ghost Walks in Toronto
90 minutes of gore, graveyards and ghosts sound appealing? You can take a Toronto haunted walk tour and stroll through the Financial District to the Old Town hearing stories of scary tales.
18. Nuit Blanche
During the first Saturday night in October, art opens up normally sleepy spots around the city to encourage locals and visitors to go outside and engage with the exhibitions.
Museums stay open late and public art runs throughout the whole night. Expect lots of crowds, I was really impressed with how many citizens were taking advantage of the well prepared annual event.
Nuit Blanche exhibitions include print, projections, light, film, DJs, political and social justice commentary. Some take place outside, others inside. I really liked the large elephants which came in lots of shades!
Toronto Essential Information
Shopping in Toronto
For brand names, the Eaton Centre is not to be missed but remember Toronto whacks a 13% HST (harmonised sales tax) on top of prices so shop with caution!
If vintage is your bag (like me), check out the shops in Kensington Market as well as those scattered along Queens Street and in Annex neighborhood.
You might want to check out our cheap accommodation guide cheap accommodation guide to Toronto too.
Toronto has lots of history, look out for the blue plaques on the side of buildings to find out what they used to be. We spotted the jail, the old post house and Gooderham Building (that thin one from Pinterest!)
Niagara Falls
No trip to Ontario would be complete without the ninety-minute journey to Niagara. We hopped aboard a group tour which stopped off at one of Niagara’s vineyards so we could taste the delicious ice wine from the Niagara region before getting wet at Niagara Falls.
Transport in Toronto
Toronto is a grid system and is really easy to navigate.
Full of beans, we pounded the streets for the first few days (walking from Kensington Market to the Old Town will take about an hour) but by midweek our feet were pleading with us so we used the streetcar and subway system.
You can purchase day tickets, which let you use any mode of transport to get around the city.
How to Get to Toronto From Pearson Airport
From Pearson Airport, the quickest but more expensive way to travel is by the Union Pearson Express (UPE). This train takes 25 minutes and costs just under $13 CAD one way to Downtown.
The more economical option takes longer, naturally. For $3 CAD, a 75-minute journey using the public transport system will get you to and from the airport. Take the Airport Rocket (bus 192) to Kipling (approx. 45 minutes) then the green line subway into the city, your stop will depend on where your accommodation is. You may then need a streetcar or the yellow subway line.
A taxi will cost approximately $60.
We did option two and I was a little hurried at the airport so leave ample time.
Toronto Packing List (Spring/Summer/Fall)
Nice dresses that can be layered with tops.
1 x jeans.
Skip the umbrella, invest in a sturdy but stylish waterproof like my Mountain Equipment Rupal.
1 x comfortable, good looking but waterproof boots (I recommend Salomon hiking boots).
1 x eco bottle such as TreeTribe – keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold.
Electrolytes for the damn hangovers.
Battery pack like our Anker packs for phone recharge on the go.
Camera, charger and SD card.
Toronto Packing List (Winter)
Merino wool base layers Icebreaker’s range.
Hats, gloves, scarf.
1 x Mountain Equipment Rupal.
1 x padded down jacket, I like North Face
1 x Salomon hiking boots.
Hand warmers if waiting around.
1 x  TreeTribe – keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold.
Anker packs.
Camera, charger and SD card.
My Final Tip for Toronto
The only thing you need a map for is to look lost.
As soon as you take it out, a local will approach you to ask if you need help! It’s a help magnet.
And don’t believe what other Canadians say about Canadian city folk not being friendly, if someone in Edinburgh (Scotland) saw you with a map, they’d cross over the street!
The post “18+ Unique Things to Do in Toronto” was seen first on Two Scots Aboard
Toronto Naturopathic Doctor - Dr. Amauri Caversan
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silvershadow1398 · 6 years
Are you young at heart, or an old soul? Idk, both in different ways
What makes someone a best friend? To me, someone I can be around 24/7 and not get tired of bc I get tired of everyone normally
What Christmas (or Hanukkah) present do you remember the most? I got a GoPro this year
Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life. Happy Feet is the reason why the emperor penguin is my favorite animal
Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. I have nice hair, but I hate my face
Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? Sure, maybe a few from high school
What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? Emotional connection
Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. Emoji movie
What holiday do you most look forward to? Christmas
How is the relationship between you and your parents? Not perfect, but very good
You’ve got the TV on, but you’re not really watching. What channel is the TV on? Usually the news
Name a song that never fails to make you happy. Anything by Muse
You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him. The brother of the only guy I’ve ever kissed
Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to? No
If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where would it be? Kennebunkport, Maine
Can money buy happiness? It helps, but no
Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not? Nope to both
Is there anyone close to you that you know you can’t trust? You don’t have to give names. There’s a lot of people I don’t trust
Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid? The bookstore
Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? No
Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people? I like being with 2-8 friends
Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do your parents like the type of music you listen to? Not really, and I don’t think they care for the most part but they’ve enjoyed songs I’ve showed them
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied anyone else? Yes and yes
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Spaghetti
If your partner wanted to wait until marriage before having sex, would you stay in that relationship? Of course and sometimes I feel that way
Do you believe in a god? Sure
Of all the social networks in the world, why use Tumblr? I can be fully honest here, no judgment
What’s your favorite Tumblr tag to track? Any of my fandoms
Would you call yourself/your family “middle class?” Yes
Name a TV series you didn’t enjoy until after it ended. Idk I don’t watch TV that much
Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? Yes
If you could give up your car and never have to drive again, would you? If I could find another way to get around, yes
If you go back to one point in time to give advice to yourself, when would you go and what would you say? Don’t take 6 weeks of summer intensive, get a job instead
What’s your “quirkiest” habit? I click the right side of my jaw
What is “normal?” Are you normal? You live up to society’s expectations and no one judges you or laughs at you, I am NOWHERE NEAR normal
Someone close to you is dying. You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years, but if you do, you cause the death of 10 strangers. You don’t have to see them die. Do you take the offer? Pretty grim, but yes…
What is one thing you could never forgive? People who have used me and/or were fake to me
Would you rather be in a relationship after the honeymoon period ends, or be single? It depends on how much I care for and love the person
Is it possible for guys and girls to be just friends? Of course
Where do you and your friends go to hang out? One of our dorm rooms
Write the first paragraph of your obituary. Jesus Christ I am choosing not to go there rn
What is the best TV theme song ever? Everywhere You Go, Full House
When you were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up? Pilot or astronaut
When you’re alone in your own home, do you walk around naked? No
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Needing to pee
Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? Yes
What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? When I got accepted to my study abroad university
You win a scratch-off lottery game that gives you $2000 a week (after taxes) for the rest of your life. Do you keep your job? Nope!
Could you be in a long-distance relationship? If you’re in one, what makes yours work? If I really really care about this person and see a future with them, then we’d figure it out!
What’s the best route to your heart? You accept me for who I am and you’re not socially tiring to be around
Have you ever met someone through the internet, then met them in real life? No
What is your favorite sport? I dance, but I enjoy watching gymnastics and figure skating
What has been troubling you lately? Stress over upcoming travel
Did you enjoy your high school prom? If you haven’t gotten there yet, do you look forward to it? If you didn’t go, why not? Lol no I hated it
What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? Logical reasoning
Do you know what makes you happy? Anything in which I can be in the moment and truly enjoy life
Tell me about the last book you read. I don’t remember
What is the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? Someone at school told me they liked my eyeliner
Who was your first crush? A boy when I was in 3rd grade… ugh
Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Yes
Predict what your life will look like a year from now. My final semester of college!
Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. Never been in a relationship
Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? Any Italian restaurant
What is something you want to change about your current situation? Can I just go to Australia already
Early bird or night owl? Night owl af
Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? Yes
Give me an unpopular opinion you have. I am not a huge fan of Harry Potter! I have a house, I definitely know things about Harry Potter, and I support people who enjoy it, but I’m not a fan!
What was the last song that was stuck in your head? The Lollipop song lol
Where do you live? Be as general or specific as you want. New England USA
Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? I believe in giving medals and trophies for achievements, but not to define first, second, third, etc. place
What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? 13 hours
Have you ever taken part in a protest? No
Would you ever use an online dating service? NO
What is your ethnic heritage? Chinese
Describe a person that inspires you. Dan Howell and Phil Lester
If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you? No
Do you believe in luck? Yes
Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. Chances are I’m probably very upset while dealing with people I dance with the majority of the time
Do you want to live until you’re 100? Nah
Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? Yes, you have to support each other and be there to help the change occur in a good way
Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? No
Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? Alone doing something I enjoy
Do you practice what you preach? I try
If you take precautions to stay safe, do you ultimately act more recklessly? Nope
What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence? Intelligence
Are you hard-headed? Not 100%, but yes
Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? Not uncontrollably, but yes I’ve laughed
When have you felt most alive? When I do something I didn’t think I could do before, and when I achieve something
Would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? Somewhere between city and suburbs
Do you often skip breakfast? No
How do you know what true love is? Never experienced it so idk
Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die? Not really
Where is “home” for you? The place in my current residence which I feel safest
What song best describes your life right now? Idk
Do you want to be perfect? I used to want it and I still struggle occasionally with it, but ultimately no
What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back? Having an amazing job and being able to travel a lot, I am still financially and emotionally dependent on my parents lol
How do you express your creativity? Dance, photography
Describe your neighborhood. I don’t talk to anyone
Name something you only liked because it was popular. Idk, music maybe
Give me the story of your life in six words. Chinese adoptee who doesn’t know herself
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