#is actually worse on that topic it is so infantilizing and demeaning and it makes my skin crawl when i catch it outside the corner
winepresswrath · 3 months
People are so resistant to learning new information about Louis on the learning new things about Louis show. And to be petty for a second it's embarrassingly obvious that it's not even about their attachment to Louis' perspective and the story as it was originally told it's about rejecting any information that doesn't work with their hiatus theories. Louis will be like "shit I remembered that wrong. I have been lying to myself a little because the truth both hurts and fucks with my self image and the story of Us I have been telling myself to cope. And yet I care so profoundly about every detail and especially this specific thing. The truth of this matters to me because her story matters to me. I want you use the more accurate take" and people will be like "wow fake. probably his delicate little mind malfunctioning." Louis will be like "man in retrospect I have made a bunch of shitty choices, and I might have made them under extraordinarily fucked up circumstances but they were still mine. And I find I value being a person who makes active choices and I want to own those choices and after years of lying to myself and being lied to by both my husbands and on a minimum of at least one occasion having my literal memories altered I want to learn to live honestly. For myself. I want to become a person who tells the truth at least to himself." and they will be like "a regression. sad days." girl you just don't like the show it's fine.
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sailor--spoon · 4 years
My thing was more about how both disabled and fat people get the ‘this is who you may become at some point’ horror story. I was kind of lazy and didn’t elaborate (though probably should have). Sorry if it came off as something totally insensitive, as it wasn’t intended to be. I’ll delete it since other people may also get the wrong idea.
No, I get where you’re coming from. Again, I’m in that intersection. But highjacking the post that was blatantly made about something horrendously shitty that virtually everyone has heard or said is gross. The simple fact is that disability is considered to be the worst outcome possible. A fate worse than death. An “If I ever get like that just pull the plug.” An “I could never live like that. I’d just kill myself.” And it doesn’t matter what they are specifically referring to because it doesn’t matter if they mean someone with a feeding tube or an amputated limb or a wheelchair or anything else, because to people who think about becoming disabled one day the outcome is no different. They view disabilities the same way. They don’t think that it’s a life worth living. And people do not say shit like that about fat people. There is a small amount of overlap, but people aren’t out here talking about how they would kill themself if they wore a size 20. And that overlap? That’s mostly because of the disabled people with eating disorders. The ones that people make demeaning documentaries about. The ones who end up on TLC or Channel 4. The ones who are so big that they have to have oxygen or can’t even clean themself. The ones who are so thin that they can’t move on their own, who have had muscle eaten away to the point of heart damage. THOSE are the fat people who get the kind of judgement that other disabled people get. They’re who pull the kind of distain that your average disabled person. And they STILL do not get to jump on a post and make it about weight.
I get it. I’m not visibly disabled aside from a cane I don’t always use. I’m fat. More than twice the healthy weight range for my height and age. I have a BMI so high that that alone could allow me a covid vaccine. The brunt of the societal bullshit I directly get is because I’m fat. That does not mean that I should jump on a post that may or may not actually apply to me just to make it more about me, to highjack the topic because I want to try to include something completely irrelevant to what’s being talked about.
Disabled people have been consistently subjected to some of the worst atrocities in history, throughout history. And people may think that’s only in the past. That the medical experimentation on disabled people ended with the Holocaust. That the disabled haven’t been taken advantage of or infantilized to the point of uselessness in a capitalist society. That eugenics is the biggest problem that we face right now. But as I type this Goodwills is paying disabled workers as little as $0.25/hr. There are leper colonies in India to this day. There was still one in America as recently as 5 years ago. As I type this there’s an island in Korea where disabled people who have essentially been kidnapped are taken and all but enslaved. Permanently.
Fat people have been a sideshow staple for a long time. You can’t deny that the title Freak is given thanks in part to that. But no one is out there sewing fat people together to try to create the illusion of a conjoined twin. No one looks at fat people and decides on sight that they were the unwitting victims of experiments for biological warfare disguised as healthcare. Fat people are fat. Period. And that can suck. It can be embarrassing and ostracizing and disheartening. But it is not on par with being disabled.
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