englishlovaffair · 8 years
irwintroubles replied to your post “I've never seen that show skam before is it good?”
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7lesbian · 9 years
14,35, 39 😊
14. What makes you laugh no matter what? 
There are a couple of (catalan) tv programmes that always make me laugh. There are a lot of things that make me laugh tho, I laugh mostly at stupid shit and memes. 
35. If you could move somewhere else, would you?
yeah, germany maybe or england, maybe somewhere else but who knows
39. Three names you go by...
ari, ari, ariadna..... ?
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pastelmikey · 9 years
i ship you with calum because both of you look so cuddly !! (btw girl you have an amazing voice !!!)
awww thank u b!
who i ship you with: ashton
ur guys’ ship name: biash
who binge watches netflix with you: luke
who sings drunk karaoke duets with you: michael
who is your concert buddy: cal pal
song on shuffle: infinity by 1d
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hoesolos · 9 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
tragic photos of a tragic girl
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muketrash · 9 years
I don't put butter in the fridge and I know it is weird but?? I think it kinda tastes better
really?!? I always think it tastes better when it's cold and put on something warm like its a good contrast
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maiamitch · 9 years
This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain ~ nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Thank you babe. :)
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bultaereume · 9 years
HOW WAS THE CONCERT?!?! ( sorry for yelling )
it was literally amazing like, they sang so beautiful and michael’s solo’s were amazing and michael loves amsterdam so much im gonna cry. pcd is hitting me hard like i wanna go back so bad it was literally the best night of my entire life and i love them so much i just can’t put it in words
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nllhoran · 10 years
happy b-day darling !! have good day ly xx
thank you sweetie❤️
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5soslovefam · 10 years
i want to nominate irwintroubles for best ashton url :) xx
Like/Reblog to vote for irwintroubles for best Ashton url!!
Enter our blog awards!!
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7lesbian · 9 years
Allium Primrose Magnolia
Allium: What's the best thing you can cook?
I can’t really cook, all i can do is some basic pasta dishes and spanish tortilla??? how is it called anyway
Primrose: Favorite kind of soup?
I AM A SLUT FOR SOUP, give me anything
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
I.... don’t eat candy?? Eventually a lollipop but that’s it. Never liked candy, feels like I am eating plastic
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hugsxforxdrugs · 10 years
i voted and i want number 3 :)) and good luck!! u'll win it
url: | meh | okay | nice | cute | hella |
icon: | meh | okay | nice | cute | hella |
theme: | meh | okay | nice | cute | hella |
posts: | meh | okay | nice | cute | hella |
overall: | meh | okay | nice | cute | hella |
following: | no, sorry | i am now | yes | follow forever! |
ship: | Michael | Ashton | Calum | Luke |
*want this*
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englishlovaffair · 9 years
me when i see ur posts: sofi is so in love with michael
i dont need this kind of thing in my life im blcoking u sjhgdfsgbh
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englishlovaffair · 9 years
@irwintroubles akszhsja ❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞 me @ u rn!!!!
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englishlovaffair · 9 years
melon / vanilla / plum ( if u say the titanic one i'll will end u ) / strawberry
melon - my first impression of you
i actually... dnt remember properly akjshak im so sorry rip 😥 i remember i didnt understand why some people were kind of mean to you? nd it made me rly :/// but i was an idiot 2 probably yikes idek.. asjkhsjk AND ALSO i remember thinknig u were a rly good friend??like even when we weren’t proper friends if that makes sense.. i once talked to dani abt this hashtag fact.. i do remember when we became closer tho?? nd i found out u were super funny... Bye..... nd also the cutest person prob?? (i already thought this but like. a new Light?)
vanilla - what i like most about you
laksjdghsjak LISTNE !!! u are v caring and so comforting lkasdkdhsjska just.. a nice presence!! u are also an Idiot and our senses of humour are rly similar so i always laugh so much when we hang out aslkjk nd u dont think im weird!well u do but ur weird too so we can do the floor cuddle thing :+) u Get me? nd have good thoughts abt things so talking to u abt ? anything ? is cool!! and we have a lot of similar interests which is always nice and u listen to me yell abt things that u dont care about nd u cook me pasta!! thnk u for taking care of me askdjgshdjak and i also love your boobs bye u make me hashtag happy!!! otp: how romantic
plum - a song that reminds me of you / your blog
but.. it is the titanic song.. (i literally made a playlist for u what else do u want) but songs that arent in the playlist uHM there’s so many alksdjfhjakhf try hard bc we jammed to that a lot and air drummed and beside you because chichi!!! nd half a heart actually! but mostly the titanic song :) 
strawberry - i secretly think…
(i jst read this nd it got deep) i wish u weren’t so hard on yourself all the time because!! u are fucking wonderful!!!! nd i wish i could help u more the way u do bc i always feel like i dont do enough (or anything sjalsd) nd yea! + this one isnt a secret but i wish u loved ur hair as much as i do because i rly love how it looks a lot nd yea not im done
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englishlovaffair · 9 years
irwintroubles replied to your post “irwintroubles replied to your post “irwintroubles replied to your...”
Danm I love that place ( sOFIA WE ARE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT WHAT U DO TO MY BUTT HERe, people don't need to know)
we shld go there again together laksdjfhsdjak going w my mom aint the same... rip (ok.... ;) only i need to know)
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englishlovaffair · 9 years
irwintroubles replied to your post “irwintroubles replied to your post “irwintroubles replied to your...”
Cheese..... I want blue cheese. Yntshtshtsjtshrhat lov u 2 ( ew no I don't what is lov ?? Is that a feeling I don't have that kind of stuff)
omg i had blue cheese on that spicy salad @ the diner.. Heaven...... (yes u do. u lov me nd my feet up you BUTT)
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