#iron man armored adventures rp
bortbytingen · 1 year
Iron Man: Armored Adventures Sentence Starters, Part 1 (S1E1-8)
“Wow, is that boring.”
“Take a look, smart guy.”
“Woah! Are you nuts?”
“Try racing helicopters before breakfast. Now, that’s stressful.”
“I may have outgeniused myself.”
“I hear scientists have developed these amazing things that tell you about ancient history, they’re called books.”
“Arrogant rich kids are the worst.”
“He seems to me a little, I don’t know, creepy.”
“Oh, well, nevermind, he’s a scientist.”
“So what exactly is detention?”
“Do you eat? If not, you should.”
“They’re right, you know. You have to relax, have some fun once in a while.”
“I’ve got a better idea! And by ‘better idea’ I mean horrible, horrible idea.”
“You can’t have any weapons, especially a tear gas grenade.”
“Here’s a crazy thought, you ever try sleeping? It’s something normal people do at night.”
“You lost me at ‘normal’.”
“Oh, are there any dead-end alleys you can take me to? Maybe I should just hide in the bad guys’ van.“
“I’ve tried to tell you a million times, but you won’t stop talking long enough to let me.“
“Well, you’re gonna be a classified smear on the wall If we don’t figure out a way to stop them.”
“Autopilot just took over. He’s… he fell asleep!”
“That’s just how he talks, all snide and smug and jerky.”
“I’ve tried to give you space, to respect your privacy, but it can’t go on like this.”
“You know what happens when I don’t push myself? Lives are on the line and if I’m not there, people die.”
“Wow, when you screw up, you do it big.”
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voidfell · 1 year
Oh no, the Ultimate Spiderman fixation is returning. Time to go work on my self-indulgent fic for a long-dead show I've been working on and off again since 2015
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heroprogeny · 2 years
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Marvel rp hub blog. Following muses are available through their own sideblogs:
Bruce Banner (mainly 616 based) - @angrophobicscientist
Francis Barton (main verse: Earth-555326) - @heroprogeny
Johnny Do (adapted to 616/MCU) - @demondosha
Tony Stark (Iron Man: Armored Adventures) - @hightechgenius
All muses have multiple verses, including MCU and DC.
Mun is 30+, non-native English speaker, living in the UK.
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hightechgenius · 2 years
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You know what happens when I don't push myself?
People die!
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indie Tony Stark rp blog || based on Iron Man: Armored Adventures || follows from assortedmarvelmuses
rules || bio || memes || starters
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flirtatiousgreen · 2 years
Hey I’m Han and this is FlirtatiousGreen, an indie Yu-Gi-Oh RP blog for my Boy Li Gurin. This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals will be blocked
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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Do you like Iron Man: Armored Adventures? How about adventures of a genius 16 year old and his jock of a twin sister? How about secrets and lies between family members that put their bonds to the test?
Then come check out StarksWonderTwins! An indie Dual Muse blog for Tony Stark of IM:AA and his twin sister, Ella (an OC)! Lovingly penned by Haneul!
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mutantking · 5 years
hello! I rp as harry osborn and I’m looking for a peter parker to rp parksborn with!
a long shot but i also rp as gene khan and am looking for a tony stark rp partner (iron man: armored adventures)! message me if interested!! :D
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hantheheart · 5 years
hey yo
Iron Man Armored Adventures fandom
where are your roleplayers
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ryokeiyumitori-blog · 6 years
Looking for RP: Ryokei Yumitori/Balmung
NAME: Ryokei Yumitori
AGE: Unknown, appears as an Elder.
RACE:  Elezen (Appearance)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, is comfortable around others though. SIGN: Llymlaen the Navigator
SERVER: Balmung
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HAIR: Variance of colors, natural hair color is white. Currently brunette with silver streaks. Short or long depending.
EYES: Hardly ever shown, but when they are. The color of fire, one darker eye than the other. Ember.
BUILD: Slim build, athletic. Nothing distinguished with armor on, off in swim suit wear. Toned legs for all that *jumping*. Described as handsome mostly, but he doesn’t pursue over this. Average according to himself. Your typical Elezen male.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Runic markings etched into his skin, upon his chest mostly. Upon his features are that of scars, riddled along his jawline.One over his left eye, crossing down to the left cheek. Another beneath his right eye.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Golden necklace (sometimes). His lance, through and through has this weapon been his pride.
PROFESSION: Studies into the medical field. Commander recently promoted for the Seventh Regiment. Romance Author on the side (Has many books out dating back from years prior, we’re talking thirty some odd.) Doctor for Ishgard within the Pillars, mostly seen attending the Veterans that cannot do much for themselves no longer. A musician, but only at the tavern during Wednesday nights, violin. 
HOBBIES: Going to Burlesque shows. Yes, he supports them. Socialization, writing. Reading other books to keep his mind fresh. Crime books is a favorite pass time. Along many other hobbies, when he has time for it. Adventuring is something he does daily.
LANGUAGES:  Common tongue, Eorzean, lastly. Doman. Yes, you read that right. Doman. CRIMINAL HISTORY: Once near framed as a heretic, jailed for a month due for it. Barely missed execution until proven innocent of his ex-wife.
RESIDENCE: The Mist, at the tavern.
FEARS: Spiders. Those eight-legged creatures can go somewhere else!
SPOUSE: Not married. No relationship currently. Had interests, still does, but all taken. Unfortunately. More fortunate for them. He’d spoil them. 
FAMILY: Unknown for the most part, an ancient soul otherwise or so proclaimed as told by others.He has one legit brother Lancefer, the other is adopted. An Au Ra by the name Ryosen. He resides with the Skyhawk family, the head of the Estates he’s Lord to ironically is his ex-wife.
PETS: None currently, too much travel. Only his faithful companion mount, Nightmare.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / apathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
VICE –––
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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Ishgardian Knights of any, having dealt with many endeavors. He knows of the Estates as well -houses- within Ishgard. 
Medical staff, or healers from the area. Some within Ul’dah if they travel there. He frequents the Quicksands to meet new faces. 
Authors. Why not?
Pirates, yes. Pirates, due for his ex-wife being one he’s localized with many, if not all of them. Some he’s not even heard of yet!
Doman. Othard mostly, Xaela or Raen. His adopted brother is Ryosen Yumitori whom named Ryokei years ago his given name shedding his Ishgardian name he were given to honor the family.
Of the Yumitori family.
Nobles of Ishgard. He is a Lord after all. The Skyhawk Estates is revered with its status to keep peace between the others as long as there are no heretics proclaimed involved. Even though they do some dealing with him.
Ishgard military. Due for the Commander of the regiment he’s within. He would know you from another branch/section of Ishgard.
Seen around the cities, there’s a possibility someone might have heard of him as being an author. His face isn’t posted on -every- book, only some limited edition copies in the back of the jacket. Perhaps they know him simply due for the fact of his silver tongue. Suave. 
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Anything really goes with this Dragoon. He’s a chatter box to some extent, though reserved by his own rights. He adores to meet new faces, man or woman!
Marriage is all right in game. I have three characters married off already, and I have a flexible schedule for roleplay all the time.
Just whatever comes this dude’s way. He’s really a relaxed yet wise character with a general understanding of most situations. He will assume if he’s not correct on something, he’ll take the down fall for it.
He’s loyal to a fault, friends are what he’s looking for. (Or relationship)
Medical or anything of the sort! He researches the ley lines of the universe so to speak. Anything Aetherial involved he’s all for for topic!
Engineers. He’s attempting to become one himself to avoid going to the armor smith to fix his armor. There’s a lot more that goes into it than just *fixing*
Romance enthusiasts! 
Relaxed, easy going. Prefer to keep ooc out of ic content, but I like to discuss what goes on involving roleplay for plot. As well like to know ahead of time if there’s a change happening so I can prepare for it. Emotions happen man, emotions happen.
I do not /roll fights, but I will do so if I must.
I don’t care what you roleplay, I’m free-willed. You want to roleplay a Lupan, go ahead. You want to roleplay a dragon, sure! They are my favorite! I don’t care what it is, as long as you are having fun as I. It’s a game, not reality even if we do get sour on subjects. It happens.
I work for GameStop as a Manager, so yes, upcoming game title releases I’d be more than happy to discuss with others.
I love lore, adore it. If you find a way to work your character into it somehow and it makes sense. Go for it. 
I am an author, and attempting to publish my second book. My first is yet to hit shelves! Waiting on final publish will let everyone know the title if asked privately!
US East Coast for timing! I work with other time zones as well, sometimes it doesn’t always work out though depending on job restrictions.
We as a roleplay community are very misunderstood but there’s so many of us. I love the communication between others. I am on the server Balmung US, and sometimes Mateus if need be for extra roleplay.
I don’t do discord heavy roleplays, I have a forgetful mind with stress IRL this year. So, I apologize before hand for that. I’ll start something, then it won’t be finished until a few days later. 
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Tumblr, Discord, and in game. I’m always on, in some way shape or form. I have tumblr on my mobile device as well Discord. PM me for Discord addy through my tumblr page. 
@aizaepocan @zankriaskyhawk @worrentigre @interdimensionalpeacekeeping @balmungrp 
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hightechgenius-a · 6 years
Please, please, please read Tony’s bio before interaction. This is not a younger version of MCU Tony (although I do rp with MCU muses, we just need to figure out how they meet). This Tony is based on the Tony Stark from Iron Man Armored Adventures aka Earth 904913.
If you’re on the app, I have mobile friendly links in my description.
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a-d-n-d-journal · 5 years
Game Session #2
After a bit of a difficulty with scheduling, we were able to have our second session. This one was entirely remote! Many thanks to Rysiel’s player for taking notes (without me knowing even!)
Bakunawa, dragonborn paladin; copper scales, chainmail, a longsword and shield
Zastu, dragonborn rogue; white scales almost completely covered in a hooded cape and mask, leather armor, short bow and shortsword + dagger
Rysiel, half-elf druid; simple clothing and leather armor, scimitar
Teir, tiefling warlock; vibrant gold skin and black hair w/silver highlights, horns, hooves, expensive-looking clothes and leather armor, carries a crossbow and a hand-axe but doesn’t use them
Resuming where we left off last time… Bakunawa lies unconscious on a bench within the sparsely outfitted Temple of Lathandar. The conscious adventurers take a short rest* while they wait for their paladin to awaken, and decide they want to check out the inn next door, since waiting in the temple kind of sucks.
(*I allowed Bakunawa to regain 1d10 HP, even though the PHB states that characters at 0 HP can’t for some reason, because we follow the rule of fun in this game)
With everyone somewhat rested, the adventurers approach the inn building cautiously. A ornate wrought-iron sign declares the inn’s name–Nightstone Inn–above the double-door entrance to the town square. Windows cap two protrusions on both the western and eastern sides, and a door sits between the two on the west. The sun is close to setting, casting long shadows and making it difficult for the two dragonborn (Bakunawa and Zastu) to see through the windows. Zastu moves around the east and peers in, seeing a dining area half-demolished by a boulder that fell through the roof, missing the outer walls. The remains of a couple beds, a wardrobe, and a few tables and chairs can just be seen in the rubble. Rysiel peers in through the opposite side, his half-elf darkvision giving him a bit of an edge. This side has non-destroyed tables and chairs, and he can clearly see the destruction on the opposite side of the room, as well as a set of stairs to the left (north) leading upstairs. The adventurers continue carefully around the building and find out that the north-western corner of the building has been completely demolished by another falling boulder. Teir sends his spectral raven in through the large hole to scout while they wait around the corner. Inside this room is the kitchen and prep area–a fireplace and several cooking pots adorn the north wall, and several long tables act as counters for food preparation and holding pots, pans, dishes, food and the like. In the middle of it all is a lone goblin (Gum-gum), very busy with stuffing a large sack full of food and miscellaneous items. She is completely oblivious to the Raven making a fly-by overhead. Since there’s only one goblin, the adventurers decide to brutally murder take her out. They climb carefully over the rubble, preparing for an ambush, but the sound of debris shifting–and Zastu’s failed attempt to climb–alerts the goblin and deprives them of a surprise attack. Rysiel is the first inside, hopping off the debris mound and delivering a wicked downward slash with his scimitar. The goblin, visibly bleeding, turns to run as Teir fires a crackling Eldritch blast over her head. (goblins have disengage as a bonus action, so Rysiel doesn’t get a free attack) The goblin shuffles quickly out the door, but doesn’t get any further than that, her large sack slowing her down. Bakunawa skids off the debris pile and past Rysiel, swinging their longsword and evicerating nearly bisecting the poor goblin.
The goblin had several interesting things in her sack, and some uninteresting things as well–several muffins, a block of cheese, a cooked chicken, a frying pan, an iron pot, a bullseye lantern, two flasks of oil (for the lantern), a set of cook’s utensils, a jar of cloves, a jar of saffron, a dented silver jug, and a cracked hourglass. The anventurers divy up the loot, correctly guessing that the spices and silver jug would be worth something, and keeping the food and lantern for later. (Bakunawa takes a pot and frying pan, for… reasons.) Continuing their cautious approach–learning from their earlier troubles–they move through the door seperating the kitchen from the hallway stairs and the dining room–which they find empty. They spot the corpse of a goblin in the middle of the dining area with a crossbow bolt sticking out of it, hidden from the windows by tables and chairs and rubble. Teir investigates while the others hang back on the stairs, and he discovers that the goblin did not die of suffocation (failed Medicine roll). Unknown to the players (at this time), a female human hides in the shadows beyond the hole in the ceiling above them.
The adventurers enter into a dark hallway, with four closed doors. They decide to make a careful investigation of the rooms, hoping to find something worth their while, even if it’s just a place to rest more comfortably than the temple. The first room they enter belongs to the innkeeper, and was mostly destroyed by a boulder taking out that corner of the inn, and landing in the kitchen below. A nice tapestry of a mountain landscape hangs on the walls (which Teir dutifully checks behind for hidden compartments), and a large locked chest sits under the single window. Teir sends his raven to sit on the chest (to check for traps, he says), but nothing happens. Noticing the lock, they all look at Zastu, who seems confused. “Why are you looking at me?” She asks. “Don’t you know how to pick locks?” Teir asks. “What did I hire you for?” (+inspiration for RP) “Oh right,” she says, and gets to work on the lock. She’s more rusty than she realized, and it takes a second attempt to crack it. (Unknown to her at this time, is that her lockpicks have been damaged by the failed attempt.) Inside they find chainmail and a helm obviously sized for a dwarf, a couple nice gemstones, 45gp, and a Potion of Heroism. Recognizing the potion, Teir immediately starts negotiating for it, giving up his share of the gold and agreeing to open the next door. Bakunawa and Zastu each pocket a gemstone (as part of their ‘wage’), each worth quite a bit. They check out the wardrobe, but find nothing but well-made dwarf-sized clothes. They leave the chainmail and helm behind, and remind Teir it’s his turn to open a door. Across the hall, the second of the inn’s rooms is empty of anything interesting–two beds, clearly unused since they were last made, an empty wardrobe, a desk and chair under the window, and lanterns on both the desk and the little table between the beds. A bearskin rug lays in the middle of the room, pulling everything together, and the adventurers eye it uneasily. They prod Bakunawa to lift it up and look underneath, but all they find is dust.
Onward to the third room–next door to the second. This is the room through which a boulder punched a hole, right down to the first floor. All that remains is a desk and a chair, and a blonde human female in monk’s clothes. There is a tense moment–as the woman was obviously hiding, from the goblins at least–before she relaxes, “Thank the gods, you’re not goblins!” She recognizes the emblem of the Order of the Burning Dawn (a rising sun with rays outlined in a flaming triangle) on Bakunawa’s armor, and says how happy she is to see a goodly mercenary in town (the group misses the masked sarcasm in her voice). Meanwhile, unnoticed by the rest of the group, is how relieved Rysiel appears when he finally sees a human (since his companions are the only ones he’s encountered thus far, and they all have horns and a 'demonic’ appearance.) They chat briefly, with Teir taking the lead. The woman’s name is Kella (the others introduce themselves), and she was staying at the inn when boulders started to rain from the sky. She didn’t see from where, only just managing to get to the window to look, when one crashed through the roof and knocked her unconscious. She woke up as goblins entered the village and started moving about. She took out one with her crossbow, through the hole in the floor, but was afraid to leave her room, especially when she heard rummaging downstairs (the goblin in the kitchen). She presses them to confirm whether or not the inn, and then the town, is free of goblins. They admit that they haven’t explored the rest of the town, but the inn itself is clear, and yes, they were the ones that stopped the damned bell from ringing. Kella sighs with relief as she fiddles with her sleeve. Teir notices the small movement, and something else… He insists on seeing what’s there, which makes Kella uneasy. Why should I show you my arms? She sighs, and pulls back her sleeve slightly, revealing the head and neck of a brightly coloured snake coiled there. Zastu wants to know why she’s travelling with a snake, but Rysiel thinks it’s legit, and Teir, being interested in such exotic creatures, becomes excited and starts asking prying questions about it. Kella is obviously uncomfortable, and reveals that it was a gift from a man interested in her, but she doesn’t return his feelings, though she likes the snake.
Eventually, they check out the fourth–and final–room, finding it identical to the second one, and just as empty. Kella thanks the adventurers for taking care of the goblins thus far, and says she’s looking forward to 'getting some actual rest’ in one of the empty rooms. They decide to check the stable next, which they can just see from Kella’s window.
Once outside, Rysiel expresses his excitement about the horses (+inspiration for RP), and Zastu groans about all the mud (+inspiration for RP). The stable is a two-storey building which is open from chest-height up to the roof at its main entrance, with a pair of unlocked gate-style doors granting access at the eastern end. Before entering, they see nine horses in stalls, and–as they get closer–a boulder right in the aisle between them, having narrowly missed the nervous animals during its fall and leaving the stalls intact. A smaller service door leads inside from the south, on the far side of the stalls. A loft filled with hay serves as a second storey, covering half of the stable, with two ladders providing easy access. The adventurers discuss briefly what they want to do about the horses (Rysiel wants to let them loose to graze), standing in the open gateway. They miss the telltale rustling from the loft as a goblin (Derp 'the stealthy’) lines up a shot with his shortbow. They get a second chance to avoid a surprise round as the goblin shuffles a second time as he looses an arrow at Rysiel, which misses. The half-elf rushes inside, hiding under the hayloft. He considers his Produce Flame spell, but doesn’t want to burn down the stable house. Teir retaliates with a forceful Eldritch blast, but the goblin is hidden in the hay (¾ cover, +5ac), and the energy goes wide–sending hay flying everywhere. Bakunawa charges for the ladder and climbs to the top. Zastu’s keen eyes pick out the hidden goblin (using inspiration to negate the disadvantage), negating some of his cover (down to ½ cover, +2ac), and she manages to shoot him with an arrow, visibly injuring him. Still in the hay, the goblin fires his own arrow, hitting Bakunawa, who is now halfway between the ladder and the goblin. Rysiel, not having a non-fire ranged attack, picks up a stone from the rubble and tries to hit the goblin, but misses. Teir tries to hit the partially covered goblin with another Eldritch blast, but he just sends more hay into the air. Fortunately, Bakunawa is able to close the distance between to the goblin, and spills his guts neatly cuts him in half. Their reward for killing this poor goblin are a single copper piece and a wooden box engraved with the Lionshield crest (a blue shield with a stylized golden lion) containing 10 silvered darts. Noting Rysiel’s lack of ranged attack, Bakunawa gives him the box (ignoring the dead goblin’s shortbow, because druids are only proficient in slings and darts…) In return (and because they’re hurt), Rysiel gives Bakunawa 6 of the 8 remaining Goodberries–reserving one for himself, and giving one to Zastu. Being somewhat familiar with horses, Rysiel, Teir, and Bakunawa take care of them–giving them food and water and a brief brushdown. When they finish, Rysiel lets out a black riding horse, equips it with a bit and bridle, and leading it along behind them. (+inspiration for RP, if they had used any…..)
Our adventurers continue their search of the town, passing by and invesigating several empty and/or ruined houses. To the north of the stables is the chicken and pig pens where they fought a pair of goblins earlier (the body of one still laying in a corner). The house is ruined by a falling boulder, and they miss the crushed body of Semile Southwell in the rubble. Beyond that, a pair of escaped pigs graze at the base of one of the town’s seven watchtowers (they do not go in). They turn south, and follow the path past the stable again, and another watchtower (they do not go in). To their right (west) is a house attached to a large garden, and another house to the left (east). Teir sends his raven to check the immediate area, revealing said garden nestled between the house and the trading post, and another house to the south of the one on their left, but no goblins. The house on their right has been ransacked by the goblins, and they find the corpse of a human man under a rock in the middle of the field. The house on the left was hit by another falling boulder, leaving it half intact. It was inhabited by halflings, judging from the remaining furniture and belongings. Outside is a nice herb and flower garden, and–following a hunch–Zastu takes a second look around, finding a loose floorboard with a herbalism kit, some antitoxin, and 15gp. Sadly, they also find the body of a male halfling in the rubble. The next house in line appears to be the same as the others–until they get closer. This one hasn’t been destroyed by a boulder, and locked shutters cover the windows. The (locked) door is covered in ornate ruins, which Teir recognizes as infernal, a demonic script which he understands. He translates the runes as follows: “Let all who enter this home without the consent of its owner burn for ninety-nine years in the depths of Nessus and freeze for a thousand more in the icy wastes of Cania.” They decide not to chance any curses, and continue on. The path curves to the right (west) past another house with a field behind it. Another watchtower lies directly south of that. As the adventurers check out the inside of the house (ransacked and in shambles, but not destroyed by a boulder), Teir sends his raven to scout again. Two goblins with pumpkins on their heads dance and chase each other in the pumpkin field, bumping into each other and laughing.
Seeing a grand opportunity for easy homicide, the adventurers initiate combat, starting with a surprise round (since the goblins are effectively blind) Teir takes the lead, mumbling infernal curses and sending a crackling Eldritch Blast at the forefront goblin (Flik), blasting it off its feet and killing it instantly. Apparently a target has to be blind for Teir to hit it XD Rysiel takes out one of his new Silvered Darts and hurls it at the second goblin (Blik), dealing a fair amount of damage with the weighted missile. (advantage) Zastu follows that attack with an expert shot from her bow, killing the goblin. (advantage + sneak attack damage) The adventurers cheer at the easy victory, but the noise attracts two more goblins (Larv and Snokk) from the nearby watchtower. Bakunawa uses his turn to rush them, and attacks with his longsword, taking a chunk out of the first one he could reach (Larv). Teir dahes to the side so he can get a clear shot with his Eldritch Blast, and hits the other goblin (Snokk) with sheer magical force. Rysiel glides in with scimitar in hand, but misses his attack (on Larv). Zastu drops her bow and approaches with a shortsword and dagger in hand (she gets sneak damage if an ally is beside her and the target), but misses with both. Seeing himself suddenly surrounded, one of the goblins (Snokk) tries to run away, but is careless and forgets to use disengage. He is brutally murdered run-through by Bakunawa’s sword as an opportunity attack, and dies. Bakunawa then uses his turn to slice the last goblin, which also dies. Their loot from these two consists of some worthless utensils, three perfume vials, a stuffed blood hawk, and a copper flagon emblazoned with the grinning visage of a halfling, while the ones in the field left two sacks with some coins, a smoking pipe, a stuffed teddy bear, a tinderbox and a boxed set of three dragon ante cards. They divy up the coins, and Rysiel takes the pipe, Teir the cards, and Bakunawa the tinderbox.
Afterward, the finally enter one of the watch towers. Inside are a couple benches and stools where gaurds would (presumably) play cards, and a ladder leading to the roof. From the roof the adventurers get a proper view of the village for the first time. Boulders are strewn all across it, and have destroyed several houses, as they already knew. They see over the wall to the south and east–on the other side of the river to the east lies forest, and to the south is a large hill/mound, atop which the keep sits, surrounded by its own walls–so that all they can see is the roof. The bridge leading from the village proper is at an angle because of this, and right in the middle is a gaping hole, where a boulder fell, cutting off easy access. Another boulder-wrecked house lies directly west of them, south of the pumpkin field, and just before the road to the bridge. Beyond that is a windmill atop a hill, and a watchtower which has been wrecked by more falling boulders.
The adventurers decide to take a moment to consider their next steps, and the session ends here!
Spells cast:
Teir: Eldritch Blast x5
6 goblins - Gum Gum, Derp, Blik and Flik, Larv and Snokk Bakunawa: 4 Teir: 1 Zastu: 1 Rysiel: 0
Treasure looted:
60gp 3sp 5cp
2 gemstones
potion of heroism
several muffins, a block of cheese, a cooked chicken
a frying pan, an iron pot, a set of cook’s utensils
a bullseye lantern, two flasks of oil
a jar of cloves, a jar of saffron
a dented silver jug
a wooden box engraved with the Lionshield crest (a blue shield with a stylized golden lion) containing 10 silvered darts
herbalism kit
some antitoxin
three perfume vials
a smoking pipe, a tinderbox
a boxed set of three dragon ante cards
Left behind:
the goblins’ shortbows, arrows, and shortswords
misc worthless stuff (like a stuffed hawk)
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guardmyspark · 7 years
RP Muse Meme
Post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. Feel free to go over ten, too. )
Firewall (Transformers OC)
Karen (Pixar OC, temp. hiatus) Murfy (Rayman 2 & 3) Living Laser (Iron Man: Armored Adventures) Lexie (Marvel OC) Kathleen Smart (Lego Movie OC/persona)
Not sure, but I’d like to play more TF characters, once I get to know them better. Maybe some from G1 or Cybertron.
Tagged by: @thebestdecepticonleader
Tagging: Everyone who recently followed me!
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schattenmagier · 7 years
Main verse
Verse Tag // Old Verse Tag
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RL faceclaim: (to be added)
Name: Lilli Hikari Age: 25 Birthday: 13. October Race: Human Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual/Biromantic (leans more towards men tho) Job: Waitress Current Residence: Germany/Nürnberg
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Hair: Brown, appears to darken on the tips of her hair Eyes: Blue Height: 5'3 Weight: “Rude” A little underweight
Abilities: Shadow manipulation Hobbies: Reading, Causing trouble, trying to kill her boredom
Lilli grew up in the city Nürnberg (nuremberg) in germany with her family until some events happened, and she and her sister had to move to their grandma’s place. Shortly before Lilli turned 18, she moved out, and went back to Nürnberg to take there a job as a waitress in a small cafè. 
Soon though some unfortunate events happened, that changed her life, and personality completely. She learned to control her magic in that time, and is now casually travelling between wordls with the help of her magic. Why she does that, and whatever she is looking for in these other worlds is unknown to anyone though.
Lilli seems to be a rather calm person. She often smiles, and jokes even in the most bad situations. She often teases people, and sometimes even flirts. You will usually see her smile. It is possbile to piss her off or annoy her though. Though she usually doesn’t stays annoyed for long…_____________________________________
Child Verse
Verse Tag
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RL Faceclaim: [To be added]
Name: Lilli Hikari Nicknames: Lil Age: 8-9 Birthdate: 13. October Race: Human Gender: Female Current Residence: Germany, Bavaria, Nürnberg
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Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 4'0
Hobbies: Reading, playing with her friends
A very courageous and adventurous young girl. She might have some anger problems sometimes, but is actually a very nice girl who loves her family and friends. A little shy when she meets older people but it depends on the situation. Lilli is also very protective, and doesn’t hesitates to beat up someone who bullies others. She bet up most of the guys in her class and school already.
She is born, and live since then, with her parents and sister in Nürnberg. Currently Lilli visits the second grade of elementary school. 
Verse Tag
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RL faceclaim: [To be added]
Name: Lilli Hikari Age: 25 Birthday:  13. October Race: Human (?) Gender: Female Orientation:  ???   Job: ? Current Residence: Unknown
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Hair: Completely Black Eyes: Blue Height: 5'3 Weight: A little underweight Clothes: Usually wears a cloak made of pure darkness
Abilities: Shadow/Darkness manipulation Hobbies: She doesn’t seems to be interested into anything. Maybe still reading?
… What if Lilli had chosen a different path? A darker path? What if the knight in shining armor had came to late? Then this is the time to answer these questions!
She had died… well almost died. And woke up with the darkness and the hate, for those who had let her die, flowing through her mind and body. And she wanted revenge… Revenge on the people who betrayed her. Who left her to die. Who she called once friends and family. The mage was even successful in killing one of them… but the others could get away because she had to flee from a light mage who protected them.
Now Lilli is wandering, searching for some kind of way to strengthen her own power. To find a way to bring darkness over her world, and everyone who betrayed her trust. All of them should suffer the same fate, because all of them are not better than the other… Or is there someone who is different?
Cold. Emotionally cold. That describes her the absolute best. Talking to Lilli is almost like talking to a doll or anything alike. Barely anything that the woman once was, or could have been, is still present. She appears to be rather apathetic towards most things, and barely shows emotions. But is she truly feeling nothing?
This is one side of her. The other? The darker one? It’s truly terrifying. The moment Lilli get’s angry, her usual apathetic behavior disappears and pure anger and rage replaces it. If someone manages to make her angry for whatever reason, she will make sure that this person will not wake up the next morning…
Medieval verse
Verse Tag
This verse is created to interact with muses from media’s with an medieval / vicrorian settings (like Fable 3 for example)
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RL faceclaim: [to be added]
Name: Lilli Age: 25 Height: 5’3 Weight: ??? (not much) Race: Human Sexuality:  Bisexual/Biromantic (leans more towards men tho) Job: Thief/Fence/Assassin/Adventurer (whatever brings her some money tbh)
Weapon(s): 2 rapier-like swords. She also has some daggers hidden on various places on her body.
Since her childhood, Lilli learned from her parents how to work as a fence and also as thief. They were always travelling around, dealing with different thiefes, other merchants and selling many stolen goods. Until the day came that a ‘friend’ of her parents sold them to the guards. Her parents were executed, but Lilli could flee. She started to travel then through various countries, stealing, selling stolen good, surviving with the goal to find the traitor who had betrayed them, and kill him. 
And the day came that she found him finally. They had a fight, after she got finally through to him, and was in the end able to avenge her parents. Lilli had finally reached her goal! … But then? What was she suppose to do after she got her revenge? Well, no one was holding her back to do anything she wanted to do… She was free. So Lilli decided to continue to travel the world. Maybe she will find a new goal then?
Usually friendly to a degree. She tends to be still a little hostile though. Lilli is still now more laid back as she was when she was younger. She also tends to be a little sarcastic when she gets the chance to, and sometimes to enjoys it to play with people a little to much. A very loyal woman though to those she sees as friends or something alike.
But even though she usually acts friendly towards others, Lilli sure has no problem to kill anyone who stands in her way or is a threat to her or someone she is close to.
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Rayman verse 1
[Verse Tag]
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Name: Lilli Hikari Age: 25 Birthday:  13. October Race: Human Gender: Female Orientation:  Bisexual/Biromantic (leans more towards men tho) Job: 'Soldier’ of Mister dark Current Residence: The Candy Chateau
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Hair: Brown, appears to darken on the tips of her hair Eyes: Blue Height: 5'3 Weight: “Rude” A little underweight
Abilities: Shadow manipulation Hobbies: Reading, taking strolls, annoying/teasing Dark
Literally the same backstory as the older verse
Lilli once accidentally ended up in the Glade of Dreams, right in the Candy Chateau where the eeeeevil Mister Dark resided. Their encounter ended in them making a deal. Dark got Lilli to ‘work’ for him as a ‘soldier’ of sorts, and she got some magical items + more from him. 
[ Read the tread here ]
Rayman verse 2
[Verse Tag]
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Name: Lilli Hikari Age: 25 Birthday:  13. October Race: Human Gender: Female Orientation:  Bisexual/Biromantic (leans more towards men tho) Job: Member/Ally of the robot pirates Current Residence: The Robot Pirates Stronghold
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Hair: Brown, appears to darken on the tips of her hair Eyes: Blue Height: 5'3 Weight: “Rude” A little underweight
Abilities: Shadow manipulation Hobbies: Reading, taking strolls, annoying/teasing Razor, Spyglass, and                       everyone else in the stronghold, drinking with the other pirates
Literally the same backstory as the older verse
Lilli once accidentally ended up in the Glade of Dreams, somehow met the robot pirates, and for some reason that won’t be named here joined them. (verse goes with @robotpirateleader)
Pokemon verse
[Verse tag]
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Name: Lilli Hikari Age: 25 Height: 5'3 (1,60) Orientation:  Bisexual/Biromantic (leans more towards men tho) Hometown: [ Redacted ] Current residence: (deepending on rp) Job: Barkeeper, trainer Languages: German, English
Pretty laid back, and calm most of the time but she can be also very sarcastic. As a barkeeper she has to keep her cool a lot of times. Doesn’t means though that she isn’t going to throw hands with customers who misbehave inside her bar. She also occassionally flirts with people. 
Lilli was born, and grew up in [redacted]. She was the second child of a apparently criminal man. What kind of crimes he had done is unclear, or at least kept a secret by his daughter Lilli. She ran away from her home, and ‘family’ one day for various reasons. Later she opened a bar with her small team of pokemon.
Her bar has the name ‘Hikari Club’ (she isn’t very creative). It is in a basement of a small building, where also her apartment is. The bar can be reached over stairs next to the front door of the building. It’s very easily to miss, so she doesn’t have that many customers. On the topic of customers… her usual ones are… criminals… Team rocket, magma, aqua, skull, etc. are often seen in her bar. Not that she cares. As long as they pay, and don’t misbehave nor start fights inside her bar, she is fine with them. And if they don’t pay then… well, let’s say she has her methods to get her money.
Current Appearance:
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Pokemon Team:
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Name: Rio Pokemon: Lucario ♂️ LVL: 60 Attacks: 
Aura Sphere
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Claw
Dark Pulse
Info: Lilli’s first partner. Rio would do anything for Lilli and is very protective of her. He wears a scarf that was given to him by his trainer.
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Name: Ellie Pokemon: Pachirisu ♀ LVL: 25 Attacks: 
Quick Attack
Electro Ball
Iron Tail
Info: A very lively pokemon. She likes to chase other pokemon’s tails…or things that look to her like tails. Ellie also likes to run off occassionally.
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Name: Treecko Pokemon: Treecko ♂️ LVL: 10 Attacks: 
Quick Attack
Info: A very laid back pokemon. Lilli found him in an pokeball on the road in a forest. Apparently his previous trainer had abandoned him.
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Name: Flygon Pokemon: Flygon ♂️ LVL: 60 Attacks: 
Hyper Beam
Dragon Claw
Info: Even though Flygon is a rather big pokemon, it is rather shy when humans, he doesn’t know, are around. It does not shy away from a fight though as long as his trainer is around. Lilli occassionally rides on him.
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Hi, I'm Gene Khan from Iron Man: Armored Adventures and I hate the acephobia in the fandom. I can't even RP or write fanfic about myself because everyone has a ship they want me involved in and refuse to acknowledge aro-ace people exist. It's obnoxious and I hate it.
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heroesoftomorrowhqs · 7 years
hey i was wondering and looking at the family pages, i was wondering if it were possible to create a different family with the same character? so, i watch iron man armored adventures and while the show pushed for tony and pepper, i ended up shipping pepper and the mandarin (who's name is gene). would it be okay if i applied that au child to this group? sorry, this is my first time applying to a group rp and this one seems like a lot of fun
Hi! no worries! we asked Sah (Pepper) about this and she was cool about the idea. Only request is that the kid’s age is around 23-28 because the oldest Potts-Stark kid is around 20, so that it wouldn’t conflict! We hope to hear from you soon! 
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Starter Call!
The blog is set, the muses are prepared and we are all green!
Go ahead and give us a like or reblog if you’re interested in roleplaying with an Iron Man: Armored Adventures universe Tony Stark or his sister, Ella Stark (An OC) and we’ll get you a starter ASAP!
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