#irma serrano
forever70s · 10 months
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Irma Serrano, circa mid 1960s
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bitter69uk · 2 years
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Adiós to tempestuous Mexican diva and kitsch icon Irma Serrano (née Irma Consuelo Cielo Serrano Castro, 9 December 1933 - 1 March 2023). Nicknamed La Tigresa, the showgirl turned ranchera singer, actress (she made her film debut in 1961 with Santo contra los Zombies (aka Santo versus the Zombies) starring Mexican wrestler Santo), mistress of (married) Mexican president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, businesswoman, extreme plastic surgery enthusiast, TV personality and left-wing politician has died aged 89. A fixture of Mexican tabloids, Serrano continued freaking out the squares into old age (she married a 29-year-old man aged 71 – get it, girl!). Do yourself a favour and do a Google Image search on Irma Serrano!
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mauricedelafalaise · 8 months
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Irma Serrano “La Tigresa”
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belovedtruck · 2 years
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Rip queen
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gargolita · 3 months
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Irma Consuelo Cielo Serrano Castro La actriz y política mexicana Irma Serrano, mejor conocida como ‘La Tigresa’, murió a los 89 años, según lo confirmó la Asociación Nacional de Intérpretes. Aún no se dan a conocer las causas. “A sus familiares y amigos les mandamos nuestras más sentidas condolencias”, escribieron a través de sus redes sociales. En los sesenta destacó como cantante de música…
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alertachiapas · 2 years
“Prohibieron que la viéramos mucho”, sobrino de ‘La Tigresa’
Irma Serrano fue una de las figuras más controvertidas de la izquierda mexicana y la polémica la persigue aún muerta; sus restos fueron velados este miércoles en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
Irma Serrano fue una de las figuras más controvertidas de la izquierda mexicana y la polémica la persigue aún muerta; sus restos fueron velados este miércoles en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Al domicilio marcado con el número 1636 en la Calzada Emiliano Zapata de la colonia Terán de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, llegaron la tarde del 1 de marzo los restos de Irma Consuelo Cielo Serrano Castro. “La…
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Epilogue
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Chapter 33
Since the two culprits in Daliah's murder were dead, the case was finally closed. They had no one to question except Jane and me, with our testimonies. It was assumed that Grace and Daliah must have met after filming some scenes and, with that excuse of talking, Grace set a trap for Daliah in which Ralph was also involved, being him the one who murdered her, while Grace recorded everything to continue with the plan to torture me. Jane's explanation to the police was that while Ralph was busy with me trying to kill me, she tried to defend herself against Grace, kicking her, making her throw the knife into the van and from there, drag it into her hands to untie herself. The rest is that they fought each other until they managed to kill Grace and then she went after Ralph, catching him off guard. I know they doubted that story, but it was what she could say to avoid saying that Jake was there to help her. And more so because they found traces of a still unidentified motorcycle. So, there was only the case of Irma Roth and her accusations that she drugged Daliah and me, the accusation being a crime of passion, because she said that her husband and Dalilah had an affair, something that thanks to Daliah's diary it was proven that they didn’t have an affair, thereby causing Mr. Serrano to divorce Mrs. Roth, not helping her in her defense. He wanted nothing to do with this woman after having committed such a horrible crime. Ironic coming from him right? And he thought he was going to get away with his crimes? In the end Carter decided to speak to the police about Serrano's second job, which got him arrested as well. A family of criminals is how I see them. Of course, I eventually had to give Daliah's computer to the police, but not before I had printed something important that certain people needed to read. My sister had written very well about each of my friends, feeling happy to have met them. I want them to read that little piece that she left me, I'm sure it will make them happy.
I've spent a few weeks at my parents' house until things have calmed down and I'm finally going to Duskwood tomorrow, so it's time to go home to pack. I get ready a bit and go downstairs to go to the kitchen. I see my mother sitting in the dining room, with a cup of coffee. So I change direction, to go towards her.    “Well, I’m leaving mom” I say kissing her hair “, I have to pack my suitcase.”     I adjust my bag and walk away, but her words stop me.    “I knew Janis Krebs.”     I freeze in the dining room, then turn and look at her.    “What are you saying?”     My mother sighs and moves the chair next to her for me to sit. I walk over and place the bag on the back, sitting in the chair.    “It was summer and all my friends always went to Mount lake, including Janis Krebs” she begins to narrate, with a calm voice “. One year, he came with his little brother, he had to take care of him. He would be six years old” I take a deep breath in fear, crossing my arms in front of me, shielding myself “. He left us in his care for a moment while he went to get some drinks that we had forgotten to buy, so we started joking with the child.”    “Joking?” I ask confused "What do you mean joking?"     She swallows, her lip trembling.    “We passed around his favorite toy, trying to get him to take it” I bite the inside of my lip, controlling myself and preparing myself for the worst “, so, as a joke, we threw the toy into the lake and encouraged him to go look for it-“    "You killed a child?" I ask incredulous of what she was hearing.    "I know how it sounds, but it wasn't like that, honey" she reaches for my hand and I pull it away, angry with her ", it was an accident."    “An accident that caused the creation of a monster.” I say harshly, clenching my fists “You pissed off Krebs to the point where he decided to take revenge for what you did!”    "He and his family moved after what happened. How did you want us to know years later that he was the one who was killing our children?"    “I don't know, perhaps because the children who died were the children of those who caused the death of their brother?” I raise my voice, banging on the table “And dad is also involved in that murder?”    "No, he wasn't in the group yet when it happened" responds by rubbing her hands “and don't say it that way, MC, it looks like we killed someone, it was an accident.”    “But that's how I see it.” I get up from the chair furious. Not that I feel sorry for Krebs now, of course, I just want to go. She's the spark that got my sister killed. Or at least one of those people.    "MC, wait!" I hear her call my name and drag herself out of the chair, but I don't stop.     I reach the door and my mother stops me, placing her hands on my cheeks. Crying.    “I'm so sorry, darling, I know that you and Daliah have suffered a lot because of me” she caresses my hair, placing her hands on my shoulders “. Please, don't hate me, I'm not to blame for what happened to those children or to Daliah, nor for the fact that that child died, we were just playing, we weren't doing anything wrong.”     I stare at her, not knowing exactly what to say. Or so I believed. I lower her hands, pulling away from her.    “I think I have decided” I tell her with a neutral voice, without any emotion “. When the whole Irma Roth trial is over, I'm leaving Rosenschwarz forever-“    "No, please, MC, don't leave me too." she tries to hug me, but I push her away.     I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. My emotions right now are all confused, I love my mother, but I don't know what to think about what she has told me. I know that people change over the years, that they mature, but I can't see her now as the loving mother I had after what she told me.    "I don’t leave you, mom" I try to answer as calmly as possible “, I just want to go my own way, away from here” I place my hand on the knob, opening the door.    “No, MC, wait, please, don't go” my mother tries to stop me, but I break away “Forgive me! Please!”     I stop in the middle of the porch, letting out a sigh. I turn and look into her eyes.    "It's not with me that you should apologize, but with Daliah" I answer harshly ", and I hope that one day you can forgive yourself for everything you put her through."     My mother falls to her knees, crying. I avoid looking at her so it wouldn’t hurt me. I know, she's my mother, but I can't think straight now about how I feel about her now. The protective figure of my mother has vanished and I don't know when she will return. But for now, I will decide what I finally want to do: Break the glass that I created by closing myself in.
When I got home, the first thing I do is put my new phone card in Daliah's, taking photos that weren't there on the computer. At the moment I have not changed the lock screen background, I haven’t found something appropriate or that inspires me, but the wallpaper at least I will leave it. After all, my family is in it. My friends. I put the first phone number in contacts. Well, rather, a special chat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Hi Jake, here I am again after a long time with a new phone number 😊 I just wanted to add you the first one, I'm going to pack my suitcase
------Nym-0s has connected-----
Nym-0s Hello MC. Such an honor to be the first :)
MC Hello 😊 Of course, it’s the only number I know from memory Although I am ashamed to say it…
Nym-0s Ha ha. The girl who makes songs does not know the numbers of her friends from memory.
MC Oh, don't make me feel worse 😮‍💨
Nym-0s ;) And what is that to pack the suitcase?
MC Yes, I’m going to Duskwood for a few weeks before I prepare everything for the Roth trial I need to get away from Rosenschwarz for a bit
Nym-0s I understand. What time will you leave?
MC I guess I’ll go to the station early The sooner it is, the better Why do you want to know?
Nym-0s To calculate when you arrive at Duskwood.
MC Hmm... That's a bit scary...
Nym-0s It would not be good if you get into another case without wanting to, don't you think?
MC I hope so, I need some peace 😩 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And I hope not, I’ve had enough. This is the last one I will do. The investigations are over for me. I see that Jake calls me and I accept it.    “What's up?” I ask worried.    “I just could not stand not hearing the sound of your voice again.”     I smile noticing my cheeks burn. I can't deny that I missed him too. And it is then that I remember the conversation this morning with my mother and I understand that I cannot keep it to myself, I need her support.    “I can tell you something”? I ask thinking maybe I'm breaking the mood.    "Sure, what is wrong?"     I tell him everything that happened, leaving nothing. Little by little I'm feeling better and I hear Jake telling me to keep going when I stop sometimes, thinking that I'm boring him or that it wasn't something he expected to hear now that we're on the phone.    "Do you think you will be able to talk to her again?" she asks me in a concerned tone.    “For now I need to get away from her” I finish packing my suitcase and lie down on the bed, looking at the ceiling “, I don't know what to think now.”    "I understand" his voice sounds calm, I like it ", after all, if she had told you earlier, we would have understood this whole thing much better."    "I guess in time I'll forget about it." I reply with a grimace.    "She is your mother after all" he says and I hear a soft laugh ", she is always going to be there for whatever you need."    “Yes, but for now we both need some time to think about what has happened” I let out a sigh, determined to change the subject “And how are you doing fixing the building?”    "Luckily I am more focused now than before and Rudy has told me that I am always welcome if I ever need to hide somewhere."    “She won’t get in trouble if you do that?”    “According to her, she is used to problems.”     I laugh at the way he said it, it sounds funny.
We continue talking until nightfall, about everything that has happened with the Rosenschwarz group. Although Jake doesn't admit it, his questions make him curious about everything I explain. And he's even fine with the idea of ​​Jane and Carter taking time off after what he did. When I tell him that Jane asked me if he had a twin brother, he laughed and replied:    “Who knows? You already know that I still keep many secrets so as not to expose my life from before.”     He really knows how to keep me in suspense. Then he shared a screen with me, saying he had a moment to relax and we watched a movie. By the time it was my turn to sleep to wake up early, I left the phone next to it, with a smile.    “Goodnight Jake” I say as I pull the blanket around me, closing my eyes “, I had a good time today, thanks for cheering me up.”    "Thank you for making me forget about my problems for a few hours" I look at my phone, smiling affectionately “. Good night, love.”     I sigh beginning to fall asleep, without erasing the smile. It feels amazing when you don’t have a heavy load with you.
When I got up to get dressed and have breakfast, I saw that the call was gone. This time he didn't stay on call all the time. Better, I don't want to be a burden either, he has things to do.
Arriving at the station, I wait for the train. I'm nervous, I don't know why, it's just going to Duskwood as usual. The warning sounds that the train is about to arrive, my heart beats fast. I think part of me knows that the next time I come here, it will be to leave forever.    "Were you leaving without saying goodbye to us?" I hear behind me.     When I turn around, I see Mason, Seo-ah, Carter, and Jane walking towards me. I smile when I see them, and then hug them, surprised.    “Aren't you shooting the short?” I ask confused.    “We've all been talking about it” Carter says, looking at the group and then back at me, “, we've decided not to finish it, so we have to find another topic in the little time we have.”    “We did it for Daliah.” Seo-ah continues, and I watch Mason take her hand.    “Thank you very much” I smile at them, happy to hear their words “, it means a lot to me.”    “Even if you want you can participate” Mason tells me with a laugh “Would you participate in a horror short that is musical?”     I let out a laugh, but shake my head.    “I'll continue to stay behind the cameras.” I say, and he rolls his eyes.    “Will you return?” Jane asks me and I watch her and Carter's hands control each other by holding onto them. I think they will be back soon.    "Yes, I'll have things to do." I turn my head as soon as I hear the train approaching and I look at them “. Well it's here...”    "Let us know when you're back." Seo-ah hugs me and I remember then that I don't have their numbers.    "Oh wait, give me your numbers." I pull out my phone, preparing to add contacts.    "I'll start." Mason says.     The train stops opening the doors, while I continue writing down the numbers. I still have time yet.    "Ah!” I look up when I hear Jane scream and see Seo-ah's face as if she's seen a ghost.    “What's wrong?” I ask worried.    "Jane?" Carter calls her, placing a hand on her shoulder, making her react "Are you okay?"    "I…" shee looks at me and then at Seo-ah and back at me "YES! Perfectly!”     Mason looks at me, raising an eyebrow, and I shrug, not understanding anything. I finish writing down the numbers and they hug me again to say goodbye.    “Take care while you're there.” Mason tells me, waving goodbye.     Carter hugs me and I feel less tense. That's when he whispers something to me that makes me happy.    "Thank you for your advice" I understand what you mean ", I'll do everything possible to take care of my brothers."    "I hope so." I reply, pulling away slowly.     He smiles at me and signals to the girls, who come up to me in a big hug.    “Do everything I wouldn't do.” Jane whispers to me, and I hear a teasing tone in her voice.    “What?” I ask separating myself from them.    “Have a good vacation!” Seo-ah nudges Jane "You deserve it."    "Thank you." I smile, releasing charged air on my chest.     Yes I need them. Get away from everything. I then go to the train, while Carter helps me with the suitcase. Once inside, I look at the four of them. I had a totally different image of them and now, I can already say that they have become my friends.
The warning that the doors are going to close begins to sound and I leave the suitcase in the cargo area. I see that the train is empty, except for one person sleeping. It's still early for it to get crowded, that's why I chose to come at this time, to be alone. I try not to make noise and sit next to the window, taking out my phone. I put my headphones on and watch a video of the ones Daliah had. I've been watching them on repeat since I got the phone, it makes me laugh. We are the whole group together, having fun at the Aurora bar. Though I see her zoom out the window, taking in the street, Thomas and Hannah, in one of their quiet moments.    "Now is when he puts his hand on her shoulder and looks at her with those loving eyes." Daliah says and I see that Thomas does what she says "I never fail!" You're predictable Thomas Change tactics!”     I let out a laugh and the focus shifts to Dan, Jessy, and I at a table, chatting. Cleo was coming over later, because she didn't want to step foot in the bar.    “Hello, hello” Daliah says in a singsong voice, “Here we have the future couple!” she says zooming in on Dan and Jessy, which she rolls her eyes at and he's bothered by the recording. If it wasn't because he recorded himself, he wasn't interested “And the great MC!”     Instead of zooming in, she puts the phone up to my face and I push her away with a laugh. Which makes me actually laugh at her response.    “Boring.” I watch as I stick my tongue out at her, because she did it to me.     She records the surroundings covertly, to later focus on Phil. He is talking to a girl, or rather, flirting.    "I'm sorry Phil, but she's not going fall," she says in a whisper, to focus herself “, I have warned her about you, someone has to stop you sometime or you will end up being chased with torches by all the women of Duskwood, but Ssssh” she makes the hush gesture with her hand "you'll never know it was me."     I roll my eyes. Of course, since she really wasn't in love with him, she used her manipulation tricks for something else: Keeping all the girls away because she really interested in him.    “What are you recording?’ I ask in the background.    “Nothing” Daliah focuses on us and laughs “, I was just filming the bar.”    "You're going to bother the customers, sit down now." I replied without much interest, while Jessy laughed. I think maybe she had noticed.     I guess that's what happens when you've never noticed the signs. I laugh again as she focuses one last time on Phil. It was truly unbelievable that she actually did. I move on to another video and it's from the same night at Cleo's house, at a dinner. We laughed, we said nonsense... Daliah then focuses, with a mischievous smile.    "You know who's going to pick up all this later, right?" she asks as if signaling that she's not going to do it.    "You'll all help me." Cleo replies, appearing on camera.    “Of course!” Cleo shoots her a look and walks off, then Daliah shakes her head that she wouldn't.     I laugh again, amused to see the scene.    "You are too scandalous, you know that? You just woke me up.” a shiver runs through me when I hear the voice. I hadn't realized that they had removed the earpiece.     I turn and find myself face to face with Jake. Although he is wearing a mask, I can see from his eyes that he is smiling.    “What are you doing here?” I ask between surprise, happiness and concern.    "I am going to Duskwood" he gets up from his seat and sits next to me “, with you.”     I open my mouth to say something, but close it quickly, giving him a look.    "Couldn't you go from the Colville stop?" I ask him worried "The FBI is still in Evergreed." I whisper, looking at the next stop.    “Do not worry, is all fine.”    "You risk it again." I cross my arms, angry with him.    "And I am glad to see you, love.”     I roll my eyes, relaxing. He takes my hand and caresses my cheek. I notice how my cheeks are starting to feel hot. I said I was going to change, but this is beyond me. He will always make me nervous for everything he does with me.    "Glad to see you, too." I admit with a sigh.      We arrive at Evergreed and I start to get nervous when I see that an agent is about to go upstairs to inspect. I look into his eyes, he winks at me, what will he have done this time? I see Rocco appear and he approaches, flirting. The agent then stops from his duties and I see how Rocco looks at us with a smile. Finally the doors close and I lean back, breathing in and out deeply.    "You played with the luck, Jake." I frown at him angrily.     Jake does the same, leaning back in the seat, still not lowering his mask.    "I know, sorry" he tells me clearly feeling guilty ", last time I do it."     I bite the inside of my cheek, not taking it anymore. I hug him tightly and he reciprocates me. His scent comforts me, it's like he feels more at home than my own. I separate myself looking into his eyes, I almost find it hard to breathe. I swallow hard and then blurt out my question, a little nervous.    "Can you... can you kiss me?"     Jake lowers his mask slowly, placing his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer to him.    “My pleasure.” he whispers against my lips, and I tremble.     I receive a kiss very carefully, but unlike last time, I don't push it away. I feel much better and I had been dreaming of kissing him again for a long time. I place my hands on his shoulders, squeezing hard. I was deprived of this feeling that now I need it. Him. I pull away for air and see how he smiles.    "You really missed me, MC." he tells me, making me blush.     I hide my face in his jacket and he laughs, stroking my hair. But I keep smiling.    "I need to ask you a favor" I listen to him then nervously and look up to see him ", I am not only going to Duskwood for you, but also because Lilly asked me to."    “Something has happened?”     Jake takes a breath, running a hand over his neck. Uncomfortable.    “She wants to see me”his voice shakes a little “, and also for me to see Hannah.”    “And you want me to come with you to the meeting.” I say, cocking my head.    “If it is possible.”    "Of course I do" I take his hand, squeezing it lovingly, but he does it hard. I lean back a bit in the seat, placing my head on his chest ". Don't worry, it'll be fine."     Jake kisses my head, stroking my hair. I know that everything will be fine. I trust it.
We're supposed to go to Schwarzwasser Lake to meet them. Luckily I'm not terrified of being around, I'm not afraid. But the one who seems to have it is Jake, who's holding my hand so hard it looks like he's going to break it. We had gone after leaving our bags in the motel room, and he has not stopped shaking. I had never seen him so nervous. When Lilly sees me and sees that I’m with a boy, she begins to understand who he is even though they’ve never met.    "You..." she starts to say, putting a hand to her mouth, "My God... are you..."    “Yes” Jake says sheepishly “, I am Jake.”     Lilly keeps her distance not knowing what to do either. It's like that moment in the chat, when they were nervous. Slowly, she approaches him, hugging him. Jake hugs her back as well, beginning to relax. Then they slowly separate. Lilly's eyes are red from crying.    “And Hannah?” Jake asks.    "In the car" her sister glances back, where we see Hannah sitting in the passenger seat “, I told her to come over, but she wants to talk to you alone.”    “Alright” Jake exhales and looks at us “. Then leave us a minute.”    “Sure.” I reply, watching him slowly approach.     Lilly stands next to me, watching as well. Hannah gets out of the car slowly, moving closer to Jake at her own pace. When they are in front of each other, at first they don't talk, they just look at each other. Hanna reaches for her hand to his face, but pulls back. They start talking and I watch the conversation flow.    "Do you think she's going to take it well?" I ask doubtfully, knowing that Hannah in the past had feelings for Jake.     Hannah puts her hands to her face and I can see how she shakes. In the end, she ends up hugging Jake tight.    “Apparently so.” Lilly replies, with a smile.    “Lilly! MC! come near!” Hannah exclaims, not letting go of Jake's arm.     We let out a laugh and began to get closer, paying attention.
The four of us spend the day alone on the lake, listening to how Hannah feels and what she wants to do. It is very clear to her and even more so after what has happened to me. She doesn't want to keep leaving things behind, she wants to face what she did. Lilly still thinks it's a bad idea, but accepts her decision, Jake just nodded, telling her that he understands her position and will support her even from afar. I feel like an outsider right now, watching them spend some sibling moment. Maybe I should have gone. Hannah then looks at me and then looks at Jake, smiling.    “You are together?” she asks us.     I feel my cheeks burn at that question. Jake takes my hand, caressing it lovingly.    "Could be said so" I answer shyly ", if you don't mind."    “If I don’ mind?” Hannah shakes her head and hugs us "I'm glad to know he's not alone."     Jake and I looked at each other and smiled, returning Hannah’s hug. Lilly joins us, with a laugh.
After the meeting, we stayed a little longer in the lake, watching the movement of the water. I take a breath with a smile, not letting go of Jake’s hand.    “They found out it was not an employee who sent Roth's video.” Jake says, breaking the silence.     I look at him with fear then.    “What do you mean by that?”     Jake takes a deep breath, looking into my eyes.    “They suspect that it was me, knowing that we have a connection and that the case revolved around you.”     I bite the inside of my cheek hard, shaking my head.    “Does that mean you're going to have to leave the apartment?” I ask confused "You said it was safe!"    "And it is" He places his hands on my cheeks, caressing himself carefully “. It will just be a while until things calm down, then I will be right back.”     I nod trying to understand. Well, I have to understand, after all, I'm dating a “criminal” right? I look into his eyes with a smile, Jake has never broken his promises. In the end he came back right?    "Will you miss me when we're not together?" I ask despite knowing the answer. I have known it for a long time.    “I have not left yet and I am already do it, love” he says, whispering against my lips “. I love you MC, I promise you will not lose me again.”    "I love you too, Jake" I answer biting my lip "and I know I'll never lose you, you're already part of me."     He lets out a small laugh, kissing my forehead. I give him a small kiss that ends up becoming a long one, noticing his hand on my waist. I didn't want to part with him, but I understood. I trust that he will return.
Not only after that day he gave me one of the best days, but also one of the best nights. He left every trace of his on my body, I think it even made me forget who I was. And even if it didn't see it, I have his name tattooed all over my body. There is no one else in my life but him. And there never will be.
It was hard saying goodbye to him, watching him get on that train heading the other way from Colville. But that's how our lives are and we have to live this way. I then decide to set out on my mission. I carry a printed part of Daliah's diary in my bag, ready to give it to him. I walk into the Aurora and see Phil cleaning the bar counter. As soon as he sees me, he nods in greeting.    “Are you ever going to be in the crosshairs of the police?” he asks me in a mocking tone "Good girls shouldn't get into trouble, you know that?"    "If it worries you so much, there won't be any more cases" I answer, approaching, taking out the folder “. I've come to give you this, I think you need to read it.”    “What is it?” he asks, lowering her sunglasses a bit.    "I want you to know that Daliah was actually the only person who really appreciated you" I say while adjusting my bag “, I think that you better than anyone will understand what she wanted to say about you” I tighten the strap tightly “. Well, that's it, I'm leaving.”    "Wait a moment, MC" he stops me and looks at me, then nods “. I'm glad Daliah's killers are dead” he puts the glasses on his head, moving the folder around as he talks “. I'm going to miss her a lot, I liked her better than the whole town.”    "I know" I smile fondly at him “. See you around here then.”    "You're invited to a free drink anytime." he winks at me and I roll my eyes.    "Bye Phil."     I walk away and when I get to the door, I turn to see him. He has started to read the sheet, he has even sat down. I see his smile as he reads her words. Proud, I leave the bar, hoping that it has been of some use to start leaving a legacy of her in all the people she loved.
Four months have passed since everything that happened. Irma Roth's trial went even faster than I expected, all her employees testified against her, although she also pleaded guilty, but because she had no other way out. She had lost everything. She said it while glaring at me, but I didn't care. I stood my ground the whole time, not showing myself weak.
Now I live in Duskwood, working in a small music academy, teaching children to play the guitar. Every Friday we get together to make a dinner, remembering the good times and the bad, also supporting Hannah, in her upcoming trial. We will be with her no matter what, despite the fact that it is a tough situation, we have all accepted her decision. It's funny, I had never thought about living here, with a group of friends who love me just the way I am, who have supported me through all the bad times. Daliah, if you were still here, you'd probably still be pretending to like Dan's memes, eating Cleo's delicious food, listen to the dark stories that Jessy writes, talk to Lilly about the latest vlogging trends and come up with an idea together, having to listen to Thomas's slightly geeky conversations and nod as if you understand him, braid Hannah’s hair when she was feeling down and you listened to her. You should have seen them argue over who was your favorite when they read what you wrote about them, it was… Like that video of the rats fighting! Is the comparison a little weird? It was too much fun to see them talking about their qualities as friends.
Jake and I have been texting and talking on the phone like I've never done in my life. Once I didn't even realize it was dawn, I had spent the whole night talking to him! Can you believe it? I ended up falling asleep a bit in class and my students laughed. I made them promise not to say anything. I blamed him because he's capable of staying up all night, but I'm not.
About Phil… Well, he's kind of business as usual, but I think he's a lot less flirtatious than I expected. Or rather, he behaves differently towards girls. I think he liked knowing that you saw something good in him… Although I don't know exactly. I don't even know what happened, what happened to him for wanting to talk to Jessy in private and it seems that they are siblings again? Perhaps your death made him understand that family must be valued because we never know when it's time to say goodbye. Seriously, did you get that deep into him? And then you say that I was the amazing one.
I'm still talking to the Rosenschwarz group. Mason and Seo-ah are officially together, you should see the photos they have from their profiles, they are from those shared photos. And I'm sure their wallpapers must be the same too. In a certain part, they are a little worried about how some people look at them, but they try not to let it affect them too much. When Mason's mother found out, Seo-ah told me that she asked her a lot of questions, but not the uncomfortable ones, but asking about her life, knowing if she has been well with her father. So, after telling her the truth, they denounced his father for mistreatment for years and now, Mason's mother has decided to make a documentary interviewing transgender people in order to raise money to help them. Mason tells me that unlike him, she's angry about what he did to her classmates. So she treats Seo-ah more like her own daughter than him. But he laughed when he told me, so the situation must not be that bad, because she has put him to work bringing materials to her films, so he can earn yourself some money if he want to make his own short cleanly. They are a united family.
Carter and Jane… At the moment, they are not together yet. I thought they would, but no. Still, Jane helps Carter because she's still fond of him after years of being together and knows all the good he does for her brothers. So, her father found him a job in a store with a lifetime contract. Which quite possibly if he continues to work well, he may get promoted. I have faith in him, because if it's for his brothers, I'm sure he'll continue to make an effort. Sometimes they both confess to me that they miss each other, that they want to be together, but Carter knows that he has hurt Jane a lot and Jane is not ready to go back to him yet. I think the time spent being friends will make them better in their relationship again, I'm confident of that at least.
Dad still works in real estate, he was the one who even helped me find an apartment in Duskwood because the company he runs in Rosenschwarz, It's also in Duskwood, so they talked to each other and got me a little apartment, near Jessy's. You could say that we are neighbors. Dad was happy when I told him I wanted to leave Rosenschwarz, supporting me in my decision to find my own life away from town. He said I needed it, because he knows my friends live here and that would make me much happier. About the relationship with mom, it’s still a bit cold. From time to time we talk to each other, to find out how we are doing, how the store is running or how I am teaching. I'm still waiting for her to tell dad the truth, though. Perhaps she is afraid that he will divorce her if he knows that it was all her fault. But if it does happen, at least I'd be proud of her for having the courage to do it. I just want her to get rid of that guilt that she has inside.
I guess for now, things are flowing pretty well.. Life in Duskwood is a bit like Rosenschwarz, people like to gossip, but is there a town that doesn't? The only difference is that here I have the people I've loved the most in the world, so it doesn't bother me. Oh! And yesterday I went to leave a bouquet of flowers in the cabin where Richy showed me by video call. Even though he did horrible things, I think I can't help but think of him and our good times we had. Were they true? were they fake? I don't know, I just know that they were important to me.
I’m preparing the garden table for dinner. There's a barbecue tonight. I hear the notification sound and see that it's Jake. I smile when I see that it has his name in the Nymos chat. He could have improved it. But what he sends me is what surprises me the most. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake Do not be mad at me, alright? [Nicolas Amstrong.PDF] It is your nephew's adoption file. I know, you did not want me to get in any more trouble, but I thought you wanted to know about him when I read the files. Now it is your decision to choose whether to talk to his parents or not.
MC Jake, this is it! I don’t know what to say!
Jake Do not say anything, just think about it. Whatever you choose, I will agree with you. Although maybe not Mike, who is the one that has cost him money. ;)
MC Oops, so I can't refuse to take a look in the archive 🤭  But I’ll have to think it over They will ask a lot of questions
Jake Tell them you are a professional investigator. I am sure that after everything you have done, you get them to trust you :)
MC You say it like it's easy
Jake And it is. For you. It is easy to trust you when they know you well. I do :)
MC Silly… ❤️  Thank you for this
Jake You are welcome, love. Enjoy dinner with your friends.
MC Thank you And… I miss you
Jake Me too. But do not worry, we will see each other again soon. I promise you.
MC I know See you tomorrow jake 😊 
Jake See you tomorrow, MC. :)
-----Jake has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put the phone away with a smile. The group starts to go out into the garden and I look at them with tears in my eyes.    "MC? What happened?” Jessy asks me, running up to me.     The rest also come quickly and I dry my tears.    "Nothing bad" I reply with a laugh “, I'm just so glad I met you all and…” I take a breath and laugh nervously “Maybe I'll meet my nephew.”    “WHAT?” My friend screams in my ear and then hugs me, happy.    “That's great!” Thomas exclaims, giving my loving arm a squeeze.    "I guess we have to celebrate then." Dan begins to uncork the bottle of wine, beginning to pour us into the glasses.     Daliah, I know you wouldn't want me to meet him, but I want to, I need it. I want to at least know if he's okay or if I can be of help to him at some difficult time in his life, like we both did with each other.
Thank you very much for all the life we ​​have had together. Now I finally know what you wanted for me and it was this. Have a life. Friends. One Love.
Live my own life.
And I will do it intensely for both of us.
✨ The End✨ 
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clownwoman · 2 years
today two older women at work told me I reminded them of a young Irma Serrano and I could live off that compliment forever honestly
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bitter69uk · 10 months
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Born on this day ninety years ago: glamorous and tempestuous Mexican diva and kitsch icon Irma Serrano (née Irma Consuelo Cielo Serrano Castro, 9 December 1933 - 1 March 2023). Nicknamed La Tigresa, the showgirl turned impassioned ranchera singer, actress (she starred opposite Mexican wrestler Santo in Santo contra los Zombies (aka Santo versus the Zombies) in 1961), mistress of (married) Mexican president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, businesswoman, extreme plastic surgery enthusiast, TV personality and left-wing politician was a scandalous fixture in Mexican tabloids for over five decades. In fact, Serrano continued freaking out the squares into old age (she married a 29-year-old man aged 71 – get it, girl!). See Serrano in full cry here.
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noticiasdelcanar · 9 days
CNE inició proceso de inscripción de candidaturas
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El 13 de septiembre marcó el inicio del proceso de inscripción para las precandidaturas a las próximas elecciones generales de 2025. Este proceso es totalmente en línea, facilitando la participación de las organizaciones políticas en la actualización de sus candidaturas. Para apoyar a aquellos que requieran asistencia adicional, el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) ha habilitado tres mesas de apoyo en sus instalaciones, donde los representantes de las organizaciones podrán subir su documentación o recibir ayuda directa. El plazo para completar la inscripción de precandidaturas es hasta el 2 de octubre a las 18:00. Los movimientos políticos están llamados a realizar este trámite dentro del tiempo estipulado para asegurar su participación en las elecciones. Tras el cierre del período de inscripción, en noviembre se llevará a cabo la elección de los miembros de las Juntas Receptoras del Voto (JRV), y se iniciará la capacitación de los mismos para garantizar una adecuada preparación para el evento electoral del año 2025. Durante el proceso de inscripción, se permitirá la presentación de objeciones e impugnaciones, las cuales deberán ser realizadas en el mismo período de inscripción. En la provincia del Cañar, actualmente se encuentran registradas 14 organizaciones políticas en calidad de precandidaturas. Entre estas, se destacan dos alianzas ya preestablecidas que, una vez superada la etapa de inscripción, serán formalmente candidatas: Alianza Revolución Ciudadana – Reto (5-33) Alianza Avanzando por la Democracia (8-20) A continuación, se detallan los precandidatos principales de cada partido político: Movimiento Nacional Centro Democrático (Lista 1): Gissella Janeth Piza Camino Partido Unidad Popular (Lista 2): Segundo Hilario Guailas Medina Partido Sociedad Patriótica, 21 de Enero (Lista 3): Mercy Noemí Guadalupe Junco Alianza Revolución Ciudadana – Reto (Lista 5-33): Blasco Remigio Luna Arévalo Partido Social Cristiano (Lista 6): Santiago Javier González Castro Movimiento Acción Democrática Nacional, ADN (Lista 7): Fabiola Maribel Sanmartín Alianza Avanzado por la Democracia (Lista 8-20): Irma Umbelina Llivicura Naranjo Partido Izquierda Democrática (Lista 12): Fernando Marcelo Chérrez Peralta Movimiento Amigo (Lista 16): Carlos Cristóbal Lazo Villa Partido Socialista Ecuatoriano (Lista 17): Luis Ernesto Quinde Quizhpi Movimiento de Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutik (Lista 18): Segundo Manuel Choro Duchi Movimiento Creando Oportunidades (Lista 21): Carlos Wilfrido Rivera Reinoso Partido SUMA (Lista 23): Martín Fabián Serrano Idrovo Movimiento Construye (Lista 25): Paul Fernando Buestán Carabajo La inscripción de precandidaturas es un paso crucial en el camino hacia las elecciones generales del 2025. Una vez finalizado el proceso de inscripción, se dará a conocer oficialmente a los candidatos principales, conforme al calendario electoral establecido. Las próximas semanas serán decisivas para definir la composición de las candidaturas y los actores políticos que competirán en los comicios. La participación activa y el cumplimiento de los plazos por parte de las organizaciones políticas son fundamentales para garantizar una elección transparente y ordenada. Read the full article
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tetevelderrain · 2 months
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Esto es lo que era la casa de Irma Serrano “La Tigresa”, en Reforma, Lomas de Chapultepec, en la Ciudad de México, ahora se rentan los cuartos para negocios, ésta es la entrada a la tienda de la diseñadora Jasive Fernández, tiene diseños divinos.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Four Indicted - Money Laundering - Human Smuggling Network
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Texas News - Four Indicted for Money Laundering in Prolific Human Smuggling Network Takedown (STL.News) A federal grand jury in the Southern District of Texas has returned a superseding indictment charging four defendants with conspiracy to launder money. The new charges were filed against Erminia Serrano Piedra, aka Irma, aka Boss Lady, 32, of Elgin, Texas; Oscar Angel Monroy Alcibar, aka Pelon, 40, also of Elgin; Pedro Hairo Abrigo, 34, of Killeen, Texas; and Juan Diego Martinez-Rodriguez, aka Gavilan, 38, of Dale, Texas. As alleged in the superseding indictment, the defendants conspired to engage in financial transactions designed to conceal the nature, location, source, ownership, and control of ill-gotten proceeds of illicit human smuggling and the unlawful harboring and transportation of undocumented aliens.  The leaders of the organization allegedly recruited and used straw persons to accept human smuggling proceeds in their bank accounts and then transferred these proceeds to the leaders under the pretense of “work” payments for construction.  The defendants also allegedly used businesses and business accounts to transfer the human smuggling proceeds.  In addition, the defendants allegedly recruited individuals to accept human smuggling proceeds in the form of cash in exchange for checks from the recruited individuals’ business bank accounts. The superseding indictment also notices the criminal forfeiture of three properties with values currently estimated at approximately $2.275 million, $515,000, and $344,000, as well as money judgments amounting to at least $2,945,027. Three of the four defendants previously were charged with human smuggling in an indictment filed in the Southern District of Texas and unsealed on Sept. 13, 2022.  That indictment was the culmination of a significant enforcement operation to disrupt and dismantle an alleged prolific human smuggling organization operating in Texas and elsewhere.  That operation resulted in the arrests of 14 alleged human smugglers alleged to be members of a human smuggling organization led by Piedra that facilitated the unlawful transportation and movement of hundreds of migrants within the United States and harbored and concealed those migrants from law enforcement detection.  The migrants were citizens of Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia, and they or their families allegedly paid members of the human smuggling organization to help them travel unlawfully to and within the United States.  According to the indictment, the human smuggling organization used drivers to pick up migrants near the U.S.-Mexico border and transport them into the interior of the United States, often harboring them at “stash houses” along the way in locations such as Laredo and Austin, Texas.  Drivers for the human smuggling organization allegedly hid migrants in suitcases placed in pickup trucks and crammed migrants in the back of tractor-trailers, covered beds of pickup trucks, repurposed water tankers, and wooden crates strapped to flatbed trailers.  These methods allegedly placed the migrants’ lives in danger because they were frequently held in confined spaces with little ventilation, which became overheated, and they were driven at high speeds with no vehicle safety devices. Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani for the Southern District of Texas, and Executive Associate Director Katrina W. Berger of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) made the announcement. HSI Laredo, along with Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) U.S. Border Patrol Laredo Sector and Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS-OIG), led the investigation and received substantial assistance from HSI offices in Austin, San Antonio, Waco, and Corpus Christi, Texas; HSI New Orleans; HSI Gulfport, Mississippi; HSI Mobile, Alabama; HSI West Palm Beach, Florida; HSI’s Human Smuggling Unit in Washington, D.C.; CBP’s National Targeting Center; the U.S. Marshals Service; Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations – Austin; and the Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture.  Police departments in Laredo, Killeen, Elgin, and Round Rock, Texas; the Wiggins, Mississippi Police Department; the Bogalusa, Louisiana Police Department; the Webb County Constable’s Office; the Webb County District Attorney’s Office; sheriffs’ offices in Webb, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties in Texas; sheriffs’ offices in Harrison, George, and Stone Counties in Mississippi; the Mobile County, Alabama Sheriff’s Office; sheriffs’ offices in Jefferson and Washington Parishes in Louisiana; the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics; and the Louisiana State Police also provided substantial assistance. Trial Attorneys Christian Levesque and Angela Buckner of the Criminal Division’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP), Trial Attorney Daria Andryushchenko of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS), and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Day for the Southern District of Texas are prosecuting the case, with substantial assistance from MLARS Financial Investigator Kelly O’Mara, the Criminal Division’s Office of Enforcement Operations (OEO) Electronic Surveillance Unit (ESU), and ESU Acting Deputy Chief Jessica Reid. The indictments against these defendants were brought under Joint Task Force Alpha (JTFA).  Attorney General Merrick B. Garland created JFTA in June 2021 in partnership with DHS to strengthen the department’s overall efforts to combat these crimes based on the rise in prolific and dangerous smuggling emanating from Central America and impacting our border communities.  JTFA’s goal is to disrupt and dismantle those human smuggling and trafficking networks operating in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, with a focus on networks that endanger, abuse, or exploit migrants, present national security risks, or engage in other types of transnational organized crime. Since its creation, JTFA has successfully increased coordination and collaboration between the Justice Department, DHS, and other interagency law enforcement participants, and with foreign law enforcement partners, including in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico; targeted those organizations who most significantly impact the United States; and coordinated significant smuggling indictments and extradition efforts in U.S. Attorneys’ Offices across the country.  To date, JTFA’s work has resulted in over 100 domestic and international arrests of leaders, organizers, and significant facilitators of human smuggling; several dozen convictions; significant jail sentences imposed; and substantial asset forfeiture.  JTFA is comprised of detailees from U.S. Attorneys’ Offices along the southwest border, including the Southern District of Texas, Western District of Texas, District of New Mexico, District of Arizona, and Southern District of California.  Numerous components of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division are part of JTFA, led by HRSP, and including the Office of Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training, the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, MLARS, OEO, the Office of International Affairs, and the Organized Crime and Gang Section.  JTFA is made possible by substantial law enforcement investment from DHS, FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and other partners. An indictment is merely an allegation.  All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice Read the full article
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mishabiesgolas · 1 year
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Aproximación a la pintura desde Jusep Torres Campalans en “La cuestión es ir tirando” Centro Cultural de España en México (2020)
Con Alain Urrutia, Alex Reynolds, Ana H. del Amo, Antonio Ballester Moreno, Belén Rodríguez, Carlos Maciá, Damián Ucieda, Diego Delas, Elena Alonso, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Fernando García, Irene Grau, Irma Álvarez-Laviada, José Díaz, Juan López, Julia Spínola, Laia Estruch, Leonor Serrano Rivas, Marc Vives, Miguel Ángel Tornero, Miren Doiz, Misha Bies Golas, Nacho Martín Silva, Nuria Fuster, Patricia Gómez & Mª Jesús González, Taxio Ardanaz y Víctor Jaenada. Comisariado: Ángel Calvo Ulloa
Lo cierto: el año pasado –1956– fui a París, le conté a Jean Cassou, que regresaba de México, el encuentro. Se quedó estupefacto: —¡No me digas! ¡Jusep Torres Campalans? ¡Pero es fantástico, hombre! Y alzaba los brazos con su acostumbrada generosidad ante la vida. Le brillaban los ojos: —¡Jusep Torres Campalans! ¡Mira…! Revolvió papeles en una habitación vecina, sacó triunfante un cuaderno: —Mira. Notas suyas. Espera. Volvió a entrar y a salir, con un folleto en inglés. —Mira: un catálogo de los cuadros todavía existentes. De Henry Richard Town. Murió en un bombardeo en Londres. El que se va a caer de culo es Picasso. Lástima que no esté en París. Tienes que ver a Sabartés, a Camps, a Roselló. Yo mismo tengo muchas notas. Además, Alfonso Reyes debió conocerle bastante bien. ¿De verdad no sabes quién fue? —No. Ahora lo sé: me metí de hocico en su vida. Este libro es prueba.    
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alertachiapas · 2 years
De un infarto, murió Irma Serrano ‘La Tigresa’
Los restos de la leyenda que nació en Comitán, hija del poeta de Suchiapa, serán velados en #TuxtlaGutiérrez, prevén un homenaje en el emblemático Teatro Fru Fru de la CDMX.
Los restos de la leyenda que nació en Comitán, hija del poeta de Suchiapa, serán velados en #TuxtlaGutiérrez, prevén un homenaje en el emblemático Teatro Fru Fru de la CDMX. Hoy nos despedimos de una leyenda, una mujer que dejó su huella en la música, el cine y la televisión: Irma Serrano, también conocida como “La Tigresa”. Con su carisma, talento y belleza, conquistó los corazones de personas…
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