#irish fisherman's sweater
loveshetlands · 4 months
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bdsmsub67 · 4 days
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whitecablesfan · 11 days
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Aran Polo Neck Cable Sweater
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threshasketch · 11 months
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Dooley gave him an Irish fisherman's sweater to "use as a defense against the bone-chilling conditions at sea." It's a toss-up whether they're going on a sea voyage soon or Twin Lakes gets completely flooded like that one prophecy says...
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐀𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐡 | fbawtft character profile
warnings: none really, aside from trauma related to her parents’ childhoods
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Full Name: Aisling Maeve Lynch
Nicknames: Ash
Name Meanings: Aisling → Irish, “dream ; vision” ; Maeve → Irish, “she who intoxicates” ; Lynch → Irish, “mariner.”
Date of Birth: April 22, 1907
Gender: Female ; she/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland (birth to 21) ; TBD
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Adult Faceclaim: Hannah Dodd
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Child Faceclaim: Shay Rudolph 
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Height: 5’6” 
Build: Average 
Hair: Blonde (or brown or auburn…)  that is either pulled back or left down
Eye Color: Blue 
Childhood & Hogwarts: None 
Adulthood: While not a physical scar, Aisling was on the receiving end of a jinx that makes her hair alternate between its natural blonde, brown, and auburn. 
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) Her ears are pierced. 
Other Distinguishing Marks: A small mole by her upper lip
Clothing Style: Sweaters ; blouses ; trousers ; dresses ; denim ; loafers ; collared shirts ; irish fisherman sweaters ; skirts ; the occasional waistcoat ; hats
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Accessories: A necklace, wrist watch
What’s in Her Pockets: Her wand ; a compass ; money ; a pocket knife 
What’s in Her Bag: A rosary ; maps ; letters ; money ; lipstick
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Voiceclaim: Hannah Dodd
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Dublin English but influenced by her father’s Ulster and her mother’s Connaught dialects 
Languages Spoken: English, bits of Irish Gaelic, French, Spanish, Latin, and Italian 
Languages Understood: English, some Irish Gaelic, French, Spanish, Latin, and Italian
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MBTI Type: ISFP — the adventurer
→ ISFPs are gentle caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are flexible and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. ISFPs are quiet and unassuming, and may be hard to get to know. However, to those who know them well, the ISFP is warm and friendly, eager to share in life's many experiences.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 — the buddy 
→ 6w7 may be better off, socially, than their type 6, or type 6w5 counterparts, as their social nature is likely to make their insecurity better, as they may not constantly be afraid of abandonment. At the same time, the type 7 traits in 6w7 may make them more open to experiences as well, and they might stop feeling quite so afraid that the people in their life will leave them because they will have something else catching their fancy.
Positive Traits: Kind, loyal, intelligent, fair, hardworking, imaginative, passionate, curious, self-confident, courageous, empathetic, warm, considerate
Neutral Traits: Reserved, sensitive to others, independent, observant, practical, quiet
Negative Traits: Stubborn, can be quite competitive, can be a bit oblivious, overthinker, can be indecisive, somewhat conflict-averse 
Common Stressors: Period-typical attitudes ; spiders ; homesickness 
Comforting Things: Her family ; traveling ; books ; sweets ; time to think ; visiting the countryside 
Interests & Hobbies: Reading, hiking, traveling, embroidery, sewing, stamp collecting, listening to music, photography 
Description: Aisling takes after both of her parents in many ways. She has her father’s reserve nature and her mother’s empathetic nature as well as both of their stubbornness. Aisling also has her father’s case of obliviousness, but it’s nowhere near as bad as his was. In addition, she has a case of wanderlust that was at its strongest when she was in her early twenties. Aisling is also used to be underestimated, just like her mother. It does annoy her, but often she uses it to her own advantage, especially when trying to complete her work as an aurologist, although it is a career that is considered appropriate for her. Aisling is an intelligent and warm young woman with a heart of gold.
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Wand: Aisling’ wand was made of maple wood with a unicorn tail hair core and is 10 inches with a supple flexibility.
→  Maple wands often chose owners who were travellers and explorers by nature; they were not stay-at-home wands and preferred ambition in their witch or wizard, otherwise, their magic grew heavy and lacklustre. Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene caused this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grew, with its partner, in ability and status.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Deerhound
Patronus Memory: Her family giving her the freedom to travel (with a whole lot of advice and gifts, including a pocket knife from her father)
Boggart: Herself, trapped by the attitudes and behaviors of the time visualized by chains
Riddikulus: The chains are broken after being turned into sweets and it’s the loud crack of a broken hard stick candy 
Aisling smells like vanilla, strawberries, rose water, and ink.
Aisling smells chocolate, peppermint, peat, wood smoke, and tbd.
Mirror of Erised: Aisling sees herself doing what she wants and this image changes quite a bit.
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House: Hufflepuff
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Acceptable
Herbology — Exceeds Expectations 
History of Magic — Acceptable 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectation
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Outstanding
Divination — Exceeds Expectations
NEWT Classes:
Care of Magical Creatures — Outstanding
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Exceeds Expectations
Divination — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
Extracurriculars: Prefect in her fifth and sixth years ; head girl in her seventh year
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry 
Age 18 to 21 - Aurologist apprentice 
Age 21 to 92 - Aurologist, with a lean towards magical creatures
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Father: Tadhg Oisín Lynch
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Born on March 5, 1874, Tadhg was the second son of Bain and Clodagh Lynch. He had an older twin brother, Cillian. Tadhg had a rather unhappy childhood. His mother died during childbirth and his father was a cruel man who spent most of his time ignoring his sons or pitting them against each other. Bain even kept his sons away from Hogwarts and Tadhg only began attending in his third year, after Bain had died. 
Tadhg was sorted into Gryffindor upon starting Hogwarts in 1887. His Hogwarts years were generally quite uneventful, although he did cause a lot of trouble alongside his friends. He also was known to fight with his twin quite often. But, Tadhg still managed to scrape by quite well and gain a lot of friends.
After graduating, Tadhg began working as a cursebreaker. However, the most impactful moment was a chaotic duel with his family that resulted in Tadhg nearly dying and becoming deaf in his right ear. After that, Tadhg continued with his work and met Niamh in 1901. They became friends quickly and that eventually turned into a romance where Tadhg married Niamh in a small ceremony on December 24, 1904. They would have three children together, Aisling Maeve on April 22, 1907 and twins, Saoirse Adelia and Oscar Theodore on October 10, 1912.
Aisling has a good relationship with her father. He’s always been supportive of her dreams and ambitions and she knows that she can count on him. Aisling loves her father a lot, even if she’s not going to tell him everything that is going on her life. 
Faceclaim: Rob Lowe
Mother: Niamh Brigid Lynch née Kelly
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Born on February 9, 1875, Niamh was the second and only surviving child of Donal and Maeve Kelly. She had an older brother, Ronan, but he passed away a few months before Niamh was born. Niamh had a good childhood, as the apple of her parents’ eyes. She learned how to do tasks that were traditionally given to women, but also how to do tasks that were traditionally considered to belong to the realm of men. 
Niamh was sorted into Ravenclaw upon starting at Hogwarts in 1886. Her Hogwarts years were rather uneventful and she was content with that. She made friends, although very few remained forever friends. She became a prefect in her fifth year, beginning her journey to finding her place in fields that were male-dominated.  
After graduating from Hogwarts, Niamh enrolled in auror training and quickly rose to the top of her class. However, she did not do any field work until 1901, doing desk work instead as no one was interested in a female partner. She did gain a partner and that led her to meeting the love of her life, Tadhg Lynch, who she first met when she caught him with his stockinged feet on her desk. A friendship formed quickly, although their romance moved slowly. It ultimately came to head when Niamh approached Tadhg and asked if he was ever going to ask her to dinner. He did the next day and that was the start. She married Tadhg in a small ceremony on the morning of  December 24, 1904. They had three children together: Aisling Maeve on April 22, 1907, and the twins, Saoirse Adelia and Oscar Theodore on October 10, 1912. 
Aisling has a good relationship with her mother. She was the one who encouraged Aisling to find her passion in life and who played a large part in Aisling being able to travel and see the world when she was twenty-one. Aisling loves her mother dearly and is more likely to tell her mother what is going on in her life. 
Faceclaim: Robin Wright
Sister: Saoirse Brigid Lynch
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Born on October 10, 1912, Saoirse is the second child of Tadhg and Niamh Lynch, five years younger than Aisling, and a Gryffindor. Aisling has a good relationship with her younger sister, even though they are very different. Saoirse is headstrong where Aisling is soft-spoken. However, they’ve always had a good relationship, although it can become strained at some points. Aisling loves her sister very much, though, and tries her best to make sure that Saoirse can count on her. 
Faceclaim: Abby Ryder Fortson
Brother: Oisín Donal Lynch
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Born on October 10, 1912, Oisín is the second child of Tadhg and Niamh Lynch, five years younger than Aisling, and a Ravenclaw. Aisling has a good relationship with her brother. They’re rather similar in personality and get along well. Oisín is closer with Saoirse, but Aisling doesn’t mind. After all, there is a five year age gap. However, Aisling loves her brother very much and is always trying to be there for him. 
Faceclaim: Benjamin Evan Ainsworth
Cousin: Conor Ryan Lynch
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Born on March 29, 1900, Conor is the only child of Cillian and Orla Lynch, seven years older than Aisling, and a Hufflepuff. Aisling has a good relationship with her cousin, although she doesn’t see him that often. Conor is quite busy with his own life and is married with a child by the time that Aisling is 18. She doesn’t see him as much as she would like, but she knows that in a bind, she can turn to Conor for help with things that she wouldn’t want to go to her parents with. 
Faceclaim: Colin Ford 
Godmother: Theodosia “Theo” Abbott (@smarti-at-smogwarts)
Childhood: An owl 
Adulthood: A barred owl named Jules
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Love Interest: Joseph Victor “Jojo” Sapieha (@slytherindisaster)
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→ Aisling has known Jojo since she was a child, as her father and his father had a very close, brotherly relationship. Rest of the details are TBD
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Daughter: Margaret Brigid “Maggie” Sapieha 
Slytherin | b. November 10, 1935
Aisling generally has a good relationship with her eldest daughter. They definitely have the most difficult relationship, but it’s not that bad. Maggie is just a lot like her father and both of her grandfathers, which can make it a bit difficult for Aisling to find something to connect with her. She loves her daughter very much and is quite proud of her. 
Faceclaim: Juno Temple
Son: Richard Tadhg Sapieha
Gryffindor | Seeker | Prefect | Heterosexual | b. June 20, 1942
Aisling has a good relationship with her only son. Richard is never what anyone expects. He’s the responsible one, but doesn’t look as Aisling cannot help but more how much he looks like his father. They get along quite well, even though Richard is her quietest child. She loves her son very much and is quite proud of him. 
Faceclaim: Harry Collett
Daughter: Audrey Callidora Sapieha
Ravenclaw | b. May 28, 1945
Aisling has a good relationship with her youngest daughter. Audrey is the family’s animal lover and Aisling has had to tell Audrey that she cannot bring that animal into the home. She loves her daughter very much and is quite proud of her. 
Faceclaim: Imogen Clawson
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Willa Stagg (@kc-and-co)
Friends: TBD
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Jocelyn Somerset (@endlessly-cursed)
Willa Stagg (@kc-and-co) 
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland 
Hometown: Dublin, Ireland
Aisling Maeve Lynch was born on April 22, 1907 as the eldest child of Tadhg and Niamh Lynch, approximately five years after their wedding. She was an only child for five years, as her younger twin siblings, Saoirse and Oisín, were born on October 10, 1912. In addition, she had an older cousin, Conor, who moved in with her family when she was six. He was thirteen.
Aisling had a good childhood. Her parents were kind and fair and supportive. Her father traveled a bit for his work as a cursebreaker, but he always brought something small back with him for Aisling and her siblings. Her mother didn’t travel much, but had a rather dangerous job as an auror. That didn’t affect too much of her childhood, though. In addition, Aisling had a wide network of non-biological families, with her father’s closest friends and one or two of her mother’s friends as well. Altogether, Aisling’s childhood was quite perfect and rather idyllic. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts in 1918, Aisling was sorted into Hufflepuff, making her the second Lynch to join the badgers as her cousin, Conor, had also been a Hufflepuff. Her time at Hogwarts was rather uneventful. Aisling made some good friends, especially connecting with the children of her parents’ friends. In addition, she was made a prefect in her fifth year and was awarded the position of head girl in her seventh year. 
At the age of 21, Aisling began fulfilling a lifelong dream to see the world. Her wanderlust had been nurtured by the knickknacks that her father had brought back, reading, and just a desire to see the world in general. For five years, she would travel and see things, always coming back home for the Christmas holidays. 
While traveling, Aisling began to run into Jojo Sapieha, a family friend who was working as a cursebreaker. For nearly a year, the two continually found themselves in the same city and they began to reconnect, revealing all sorts of things that they hadn’t expected to say. Aisling soon found herself falling for Jojo and panicked the first time that she realized it. Eventually, Aisling married Jojo, a fact that made their fathers laugh and smile. 
Old Age:
Aisling retired at the age of 92, spending the remainder of her old age surrounded by her family. Her parents had both passed away by that time, but her siblings and other family were still living. She even managed to continue spending time doing a bit of traveling, mostly around Europe. 
Aisling passed away at the age of 121. She lived a long and fulfilled life, and left family behind. 
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Favorite Color: Purple 
Favorite Food: Fresh pasta, which she learned how to make while visiting Italy at the age of 22
Favorite Drink: Butterbeer 
Favorite Weather: Cool and sunny 
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Book: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen 
Favorite Music: Ella Fitzgerald and other 1920s American jazz (as a result of her time in the United States) 
Dislikes: Spiders ; bullies ; broccoli ; wet socks and shoes ; her name being mispronounced ; fish ; being reduced to a housewife or someone only suited to domestic work
Aisling was previously named Róisín.  
Aisling has a very open mind and wants to experience a lot of different things, ranging from food to music. She is also very intrigued by muggle things, even though she grew up with a lot of exposure.
Aisling loves animals and creatures. She’s a bit particular when it comes to pets, though.
Despite her love of traveling, Aisling is rather prone to homesickness. She writes a lot of letters back home to her parents and siblings. 
Important Links:
Aisling’s tag
More information on her siblings, Saoirse and Oisín, and cousin, Conor
More information about her children
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shelikespretties · 8 months
'Tis a frigid night
But my tum is full of ginger garlic noodle soup with bok choi, and I have a blanket with a kitty on top. Plus a thick Irish fisherman's sweater. I know how to do winter.
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pagan-stitches · 2 years
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It’s an Irish fisherman sweater kind of day here in the Ozark foothills. Our first light dusting of snow was this morning!
One of my best thrift store finds ever!
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navalwear · 1 year
9 Knit Fisherman Sweaters
We set down to the sea, where the men are draped in mystical patterns of hopeful cables, diamond fields, honey combs of wealth, among other ancient symbols worn as a cuirass against the unrelenting swells of the deep and spiteful bitter shrieking of the wind…
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Aran Sweater Market's Heavyweight Merion Wool Aran Sweater
Outer Material: 100% Merino Wool
Colors: 18 colors
Made in: Ireland
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Blarney Woollen Mills' Traditional Hand-Knit Aran Sweater
Outer Material: 100% soft Merino Wool
Colors: Natural
Made in: Ireland
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SNS Herning's Fisherman Crewneck
Outer Material: 100% pure new wool, coarse & fine
Colors: Black Void, Navy Blue
Made in: Latvia
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O'Connell's Irish Fisherman’s Sweater
Outer Material: New wool
Colors: Natural, Charcoal, Red, Green, Blackwatch, Blue Heather, Oatmeal
Made in: Ireland
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Inverallan's 1A Country Meetings Crew Neck Sweater
Outer Material: 100% Medium Weight Lambswool
Colors: Oatmilk, Ultramarine
Made in: Scotland
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Schott NYC's Merino Wool Fisherman’s Sweater
Outer Material: Heavyweight 100% Merino wool
Colors: Navy, Rust, Hunter Green
Made in: Imported, Not Specified
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The Irish Store's Traditional Aran Sweater
Outer Material: 100% Merino wool
Colors: 16 colors
Made in: Ireland
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Irish Inspiration's Kerry Woolen Mills Heavy Aran Wool Sweater
Outer Material: 100% pure new wool
Colors: Charcoal, Denim
Made in: Ireland
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Sweater Chalet's Strathtay Hand-Knit Crew Neck Pullover
Outer Material: 100% Scottish Blue Faced Leicester Wool
Colors: Navy, Natural, Grey
Made in: Scotland
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awayforanera · 2 years
2023 Project plans:
- Trans flag sweater vest
- Fisherman cable sweater
- At least one National Park hat
- Colorwork Fears Tams
- Colorwork socks
- A good pair of fancy socks
- Accomplish any kind of Irish Crochet project
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norafraser · 11 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: L.L. Bean Men's Heritage Sweater, Irish Fisherman's Button-Mock Size L-Reg. (264.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aran WOOLLEN MILLS Irish Fishermen Cable Knit Wool Vest SIZE XXL.
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whitecablesfan · 1 year
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ARAN POLO NECK CABLE SWEATER Irish Fishermans Sweater, Wool Fisherman's Sweater (aran.com)
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retropolitanllc · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mens Size Large LL Bean Dark Gray Vintage Pure Irish Wool Fisherman's Sweater.
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johnny-sells · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tivoli 2XL Oatmeal Beige Handknit Pure New Wool Irish Fisherman Sweater.
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nomarsfinery · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aran Crafts Sweater Women XL Irish Gray Fisherman Crew Neck Cable Knit Pocket.
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fashionfox41-blog · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ARAN CRAFTS Merino Wool Chunky Ireland Cardigan Sweater Button Front XXL.
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