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arosenbomb · 6 years ago
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oursimsinfinity · 8 years ago
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click for better HQ
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thattocodude · 7 years ago
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kalethegrey · 7 years ago
Bc I like it okay
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They got no idea what’s it gonna be 
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zoenat · 7 years ago
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TRY AGAIN . #nct #tryagain #edit #ireallylikethis #chapter #aesthetic #picsart #vsco #sky
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johnlockishell · 8 years ago
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Najlepsza cześć licencjata 📊 #nodoubt #ireallylikethis #chart #colorfulcharts #innermathematician #numbers #statistics #bachelor #degree #licencjat #pracadyplomowa #komunikacja #ankieta #jużniedługo
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drenardo · 8 years ago
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The Element of Cheyenne! #BroGoneKillMeButOhWell #IReallyLikeThis (at Little Rock, Arkansas)
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tehcookieninja · 8 years ago
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Omggggggg. I love how her hair came out. It's obviously not done but I still wanted to share. :3 #omg #yay #drawing #sketches #painttoolsai #gettingbetter #practicemakesperfect #xoxo #ireallylikethis #bustdrawing #adagakiaki #masamunekunnorevenge
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arifskinchen · 8 years ago
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#OfRapImAFan ... props to @apollonightla artists @laffyette aka @NutzoMusic and #ChuckTheRapstar ... #iReallyLikeThis Destructive Unicorn album.
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tashika-99-blog · 9 years ago
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#mormingtime #winterseason #fogs #photography #ireallylikethis 😍🌴☁🇫🇴🇬🇸 6:00 am (at Dhaka, Bangladesh)
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shortstoriesforu-blog · 9 years ago
A World With Out Art
"What are you doing?" I snapped out of my day dream "What do you mean?" "Your paper..you ruined it." My history partner said with a look of disgust. I looked down at my history test and sure enough it had the side effects of my disease on it. "Mr. Handle? Can I be excused?" I asked "Did it happen again?" Because of school rules my parents had to tell all my teachers of my case of the disease. "Yes.." I answered with my teeth clenched in pure embarrassment. Everyone had turned around and stared at me like I was some rabid dog that was foaming at the mouth. The looks of disgust and shock were normal and happened to me frequently but I still felt embarrassed whenever it did happen. "Go to the nurse and then to the principals office." Going to the nurse was mandatory after something like this happened but going to the principals office was new. After walking down the stairs and making a right to the nurses office, I saw a group of older kids picking on a new freshmen boy with the huge, special glasses made to minimize side effects of the disease. Only kids with rich parents could afford to buy those, while kids like me had to take pills regularly which the nurse gave me every four hours and when the side effects acted up like right now. I felt bad for the little freshmen but I couldn't do anything about it. It would happen sooner or later to him and helping him now is pointless. I manage to make it to the nurses office and began the ritual of answering questions and taking the five pills I needed to drown out the side effects. "Can I see the paper you ruined?" I handed her the paper. She studied it for a moment, opened a drawer and fished for the file with my name on it. She placed it on top of all the others and then put the file back in its place. I looked at the clocked. Almost third period..at least I had study hall and I could maybe take my mind off of the head aches I will soon receive to tell me the pills are working. So I now began my journey to the principals office. This year we had a new principal and she seemed friendly if you did what you were supposed to. I walked and in "Me. Handle sent me here." "Ah, yes Baily Kinder, junior and surprisingly in all AP classes." Surprising yes, because the disease is known to decrease IQ and cause lack of focus, generally teenagers dropped out their junior year because of their disease. "Baily, do you mind helping a student around school?" "Um, sure but why me?" "Well, I think he will relate to you more." Of course I knew what she meant by "relate" it seemed he also had the disease. "Maybe you could walk him to his classrooms and show him his locker?" "Sure." I really did not need this right now. Not when I knew I would be getting headaches and still had to catch up on the history listen I missed from zoning out and being sent here. A faint knock on the door and he came in.
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coffinqueen13 · 10 years ago
"We can describe the mind as a garden that may be carefully cultivated or allowed to run wild. Whether cultivated or neglected, however , it must grow- and it will. If no useful seeds are planted, then useless weeds will grow instead of the desired flowers and fruits, and they will continue to intrude and produce their kind."
As We Think So We Are: James allens guide to transforming our lives
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eucataestrophe · 10 years ago
GUYS look what I made due to procrastination!
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