#ir event: fantasia war pt 2
edibledragons · 5 years
@hunting-apricity for part 2
When was this place not trying to end? Mika could barely keep up with current events already without things already changing on him. He wasn’t even used to the change his body had made! By night and wandering back to where he and Kite called home while in this state of Spirale, did Mika come face to face with someone who looked like... Him. This wasn’t as surreal as it should have been, having already met with a double in the past but this one looked as if really no one was home.
“Is this what Cujo meant by me looking like a dope?” Mika asked no one in particular, the question more so to himself than anything else. Without this new double looking particularly violent, he didn’t find any reason to back off when it approached. His peaceful nature got the better of him when the mist reaper grabbed the front of his shawl and yanked him close. 
What happened next, Mika couldn’t say as all prior memory felt like it was yanked out of his skull by something with cruel hands and as the mist faded, leaving now only one of the Faeken, he just stared skyward briefly. His wings fluttered briefly, as if he wanted to fly by really, he was already home and the day was near it’s end. Nowhere important to be.
“What was I doing?”
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skillxhunter · 5 years
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He had observed what happened when these things came into contact with someone. He had also observed that they only went after who they looked like. Something of a horror story walking through these streets. Chrollo watched his approach from a distance, but he simply led it on a chase, amused if anything else. If this thing was him then he’d make a bet that it could do what he could. Curious what would happen if his own ability could be stolen by a copy. A copy of all things!
The thought was just ridiculous. He smiled something soft. The only thing that made it different than a person was it’s almost robotic like advance and the dead expression. There was no personality. Well this wouldn’t be the first time he was chased through streets, from one place to another. He could almost laugh-- bitterly if that. He’ll devise a way to remove his double eventually, knowing full well that during the day they disappeared but at night they crawled right back out again. Would they after he killed it?
“I feel like I’m being followed,” he told a stranger, putting on that fake, spooked face, back to acting. “Every time i look back, there’s someone there. You wouldn’t know what’s going on, would you?”
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phantommirrored · 5 years
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“Be careful!!”  A voice calls out from below, if the child looked down, they would see a hero clad in red, fending off any monsters from the ground.  But, when he saw an enemy going to attack the other from the sky.  Shadow performed an upward movement that sent an energy beam from the sword and deflected the monster back.
“You need to be more aware of your surroundings!!”  The disguised shadow called up, “You could have gotten hurt.”  He may not have truly been the Red Link, but he knew what he was like, he was technically part of him.  No one would know he was “a fake” unless they knew Red.  So, Shadow was in the clear here.  If anything, this was appropriate, the only way Shadow knew how to help people was to look more trustworthy...And who to be more trustworthy than a Link?  That was his thought process, he was still stuck in his old ways for now.
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malevolute · 5 years
Finally, Octavo thought, an arsenal of magical instruments was at his disposal.  With all of the strife going on, he looked crazy just plucking at strings.  But, as his song began, it was enough to put any surrounding enemies in a trance and confuse them.
He took a step back to pull his baton from his cummerbund, but bumped into someone.  Last he’d checked, no one had been behind him.  Octavo glanced, and what the conductor found was a now irate wind mage.
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“If you’re going to just stand there and shoot the breeze.  May I suggest you go somewhere else?”  He wanted to mess with the mage, but ultimately knew that would get this no where.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have a show to put on.  My audience is captivated.”
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leafslash · 5 years
@existentialismee    ——  planned thread !
Unfiltered adrenaline spurs them on, courses fiercely through the veins of their unholy body while the battle continues to rage. The demonic dragons thrive, at home in combat and triumphant from the power again bestowed to them, for no longer are they useless, stripped wrongfully of their natural prowess. Such strength is befitting to them — THEY, the twin beasts whom humanity and monstrosity alike feared — and together they thrum with renewed energy, feeling closer to their prime since what has been far too long. It would not be wrong to name what fuels them as arrogance, but as they see it... where is any harm in that? A little fun is necessary every once in awhile, is it not? And if they can blow off some steam by assisting a dire cause, then truly can they be blamed? Of course not. Certainly Ashton, the one from which they borrow this form, won’t fault them for that. Right? Right. No problem. So with abandon they take down reaper after reaper, comfortable in being left to their own devices. But chance is an extraordinary thing indeed, and as fate would have it, the two encounter a familiar face in the chaos. They know this human — sufficiently well, in fact — though a meeting of this circumstance, for lack of a better term, is a first. He stands a short distance to their left, seemingly unaware of their presence, while onto him one of those wicked creatures advances. It is uncertain which of the two entities reacts first, but instinct sends them leaping forward, and then —— Shwing! Duel blades catch its imminent strike by the claw, consequent to pushing it back. The fiend staggers in momentary confusion, and this familiar silhouette, the body that bears wyvern's curse on his shoulders, takes battle stance between them. “ You. The human called ‘Watanuki.’ ”    Crimson and cobalt eyes glance over shoulder to look upon him, aglow in a way that is unmistakably supernatural. The face that belongs not to them grins, flashing a set of razor sharp canines that would be otherwise absent.   “ Shall we handle this together? ”
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terribletornado · 5 years
Tatsumaki moved through the air with ease, doing her best to destroy any creature that attempted to fly as she was in order to cause trouble. While she could not stop the out-pouring of monsters that hailed from the sky, she could do her best to remove as many of them as she could. What was left would slip through to the people fighting below, and though Tatsumaki was hardly the type to help others, she supposed it was her duty as a hero to lighten the load for those working hard beneath her.
However, upon swooping down in order to better assess the situation below her, Tatsumaki had not expected to see a young man flying through the air. The two of them almost collided, and she paused in mid-air in shock. A red-headed boy, she noted, one that was strong enough to jump higher than a normal human. That was reckless, and more importantly, he had nearly gotten in her way. She watched him land on his feet, but she was already annoyed with his behavior, and could not allow him to get away without an earful.
“You there, you brat!”
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“Watch where you’re jumping around! Don’t get in my way again!”
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encoeurs · 5 years
the cry that rallies
      They sing to him like a chorus, eager and intent-- voices rising steadily crying out relief, release, retribution. 
          The last is a singular thread weaving through them all, struck hard and true as if it’s all they can do to not solely focus on it. They want payback for being so unfairly chained-- after all, haven’t they all suffered quite enough of that already? So he lets them have their pound of flesh, releasing them in bursts of flame and frost, blessings and curses. More than anything though, he finds them aching to reach for the girl in the sky, and as much as he would like to drag her out of the sky himself for a long talk, she isn’t their problem right now.           Annihilation isn’t an unfamiliar threat, and he has the answer to it tucked into the back of his mind, all focused fury and intent as he finally begins to wake.           There’s a problem with letting him do what he thinks is the obvious solution though. Satanael has to save that particular shot for when it matters, and there’s no indication just yet of when (or if) that might be.           But that doesn’t mean that’s all he has.           With that confirmation, his Persona is at the ready with an almost startling immediacy, and Akira can feel him welling, vibrantly gold in the light behind his eyes.           “...it’s time,” he calls, eyes closing and mask rising, stepping back as if to cede the floor.            There is an instant of absolute silence in his mind, then the familiar sensation of someone taking to the fore-- albeit someone he seldom brings forth. Where Akira had moments ago stood, one of Satanael’s heels materializes, a brief touch to the ground lasting no more than a heartbeat.            Wings unfurl, arms spread, and the second son takes to the air with only the idle thought shot toward Akira that maybe he should step back. Akira’s hands find their home in his pockets, and he stands his ground, feeling the amused acknowledgement as his Persona turns his attention back to the battlefield. A single, taloned hand extends, pointing at the group before them with almost disdainful dismissal. Akira’s shoulders rise and fall in a shrug-- it’s as good a place as any to start-- and Satanael’s hand reaches for the gun at his belt, raising it high. 
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          “Ravage them,” he assents, and the shot is fired into the sky, only to shatter and rain down upon the closest large cluster of enemies. Some fall under the onslaught, some simply take heavy damage. Those Akira refocuses on and makes as if to give the word for another shot, but Satanael is already putting his weapon away and dissipating.           “There’s still a battle to be fought,” are the words that resound in his mind, “do not expend yourself too quickly.”           Curling his fingers against his face, he staggers as the cost of his Persona’s ability hits him all at once after nearly a year of not using it, and recognizes the sage advice for what it is. Self-sacrifice will not serve him well here. Not until he knows for certain what good it will do.           “Alright,” he says, taking in a deep breath, steadying himself on his feet, and beginning to march forward, “We’ll take it slow.”
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ziodie · 5 years
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         “He’s back, baby!!” Who was Kanji referring to? Take-Mikazuchi? The Dark Lord? He’s not being very specific but he sure seems excited. 
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flameseternal · 5 years
       -- @lunadriven
        he could not be more glad to be back in his casual attire, completely ditching all the hair that covered his form as practically a dog. however what had just transpired now couldn’t be more surprising with the entire kingdom painted white. lea may have suspected something was coming-- sooner or later and it seems like he’d be immediately placed into the fight with the newly spawned monsters that invaded. everyone else seemed to have gone towards different areas, scrambling to their feet to make themselves useful in this situation. but while he was confident enough to take one on his own, it was better if he had help when it comes to two.
        “hideous creatures, aren’t they? and they possess the same damn face.” one of a demon, specifically. 
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       with his keyblade back in his hands and letting it rest on his shoulder, he makes eye contact towards the buddy next to him. “isa, don’t just stand there with your hands in your pockets. i’m ready to pick these guys off!” jumping out of range of an attack, he strikes twice. maybe he sounded too thrilled about being able to get his own keyblade back in his possession once again after losing it, eager for a fight if given the opportunity. 
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warpedglass · 5 years
“I need you to know that I’m not enjoying myself. It was almost quaint at first, but now it’s really trying my patience. Running away! From away from spectral doppelgangers! Me!”
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She could rant like this for a long time and she’d certainly like to, but even she could manage her self-indulgence from time to time. Ammu closed her eyes and exhaled with volume. “I think we’ve made good headway at least, it shouldn’t be long until dawn now.” 
A moment to study her frondescent friend. “How are you doing? I’m afraid I didn’t bring a watering can with me, but I could carry you if you’re tired.”
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wildberryoras · 5 years
STAR PLATINUM In Battle Basics  *:・゚☆
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☆ Semi-corporeal ☆ Super speed ☆ Super Strength ☆ Super precision ☆ Flying ☆ Unable to be killed unless by another Stand, soul-based creatures (such as mist reapers), or Deities
    Star Platinum is a team player and though his main directive is to survive to return to his User, he is a guardian to his core. He will viciously defend those who need it. Primarily a close-range fighter, he’s perfectly capable of switching to improvised ranged attacks.
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leafslash · 5 years
@dxrkestmirror  ❤‘d for a starter !
Flash of crimson, burning bright like the ravage of flame. It charges, steeling forward unto the siege of battle, and slashes with duel blades brandished wildly in hand. Its strike has no falter, lethal in utmost precision, and as metal meets flesh of beast, the enemy disperses into black shadow... leaving only its strangely familiar form to stand in boastful victory. “ AHAHA!  You wretched creatures have no chance against the likes of we. RUN, now, lest we damn you to eternal slumber! ”
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“ Your recklessness knows no bounds... Calm your blood thirst; you act as if it’s been centuries since we’ve last been outside. ”    Like ice, the same voice seems to chide itself. A second entity in a single body. “ Hmph. Your complaints only dampen the mood. Who knows when our next chance will come? Savor it — ”    Another lunged attack, and yet another monster falls.   “ — and don’t be a buzzkill. ” “ I? A buzzkill? You just don’t know how to act. ” (Is this one, uh, person... arguing with themselves? Absolutely.) “ Oh? Is that so? By all means, show me how you would rather handle it. ” So starts the bickering. In some poor sap’s hijacked body. Where practically anyone could happen across it. And happen across it someone does. Ah, but they recognize this being! Mismatched eyes of red and blue lock on the passerby instantly, and they jab a finger in his direction. “ You there! Human of shadows! Watch and help us settle this argument: which of us is more capable? ”    The ‘human of shadows’ in question... is in for a ride, because the figure that seemingly speaks to him is one he is most definitely going to know.
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leafslash · 5 years
@clowschosen  ❤‘d for a starter !
This girl... The recognition is instant, and sight of her brings forth a throb of warmth in the cavity of their chest. Perhaps it is their host’s fondness that responds, as they know well that she is one he cares for strongly. And it could be, that fondness belongs a little to them, too; shared between the three of them. Her kindness has not been exclusive to Ashton alone. Somehow, she appears unscathed by the ongoing rampage, and to that they feel relief. 
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“ It is unwise to remain out here on your own, ”   they speak to her. Her head lifts at their voice; it seems as though she’s tried remaining hidden throughout the fray.   “ Come with us. ”
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leafslash · 5 years
@justsworn  ❤‘d for a starter !
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“ Unless you intend to help, I suggest you move back, human.”    Voice frigid as ice speaks low in warning. They know of this one, have seen him time or two before; an acquaintance of Ashton’s, as they recall him. To hurt him is not their intention, rather it is the opposite. Out of harm’s way they seek to keep him, for this foe is far bigger than most encountered thus far. The energy that radiates off it is heinous, they can sense it. Bi-colored gaze of red and blue breaks its stare as blades are drawn, instead facing forward and turning back to this mortal. “ Mistake here could mean your death. Neither of us can guarantee your safety. ”    Any consideration of the confusion they could possibly be inflicting unto this poor boy is not made. To Goro, this may as well be a case of mistaken identity, for this body still retains Ashton’s likeness despite the few apparent changes. (The glowing eyes, the elongated teeth, the beastly slit of pupils — all very bizarre and inhuman.) However, time is of the essence, and explanation will simply have to come later.    “ So? Which is it? ”
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terribletornado · 5 years
Upon hearing the commotion of the oncoming onslaught, Tatsumaki fashioned herself at the center. Much to her delight, her powers and true form had returned to her during the chaos. While Tatsumaki would have preferred to have a word with the teenager she presumed responsible for the original restriction upon her telekinesis, the hero knew that such a confrontation would have to wait. A horde of unsightly creatures took precedent, after all.
Soaring above most of the action, Tatsumaki looked up at the dark hole that was scarring the sky. How ugly, she thought. Despite her attempts, any psychic attacks of her’s seemed to have little to no affect to whatever creature was hiding in the darkness. In comparison, however, the infinite amount of monsters that were borne of the same hole were much more susceptible to her telekinetic strikes. They were so easy to destroy, in fact, that perhaps she was enjoying getting rid of them a little too much. 
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“These things are so weak, it’s almost laughable.”
She knew that every monster she struck down, another would be quick to replace it-- that did not bother her, however. With her telekinesis, Tatsumaki confidently believed that she could win against any number of opponents, even if that number were seemingly infinite.
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