#ferroics 01
houndofireland · 5 years
This was bad. What was once a city now looked like a city of the past overflowing with magic. Humans were rare as most inhabitants were either naga, merfolk, beasts, fairies, and other strange mixtures. 
Lancer was vigilant and perched on a rooftop, sitting, crouching and thoughtful. This had been the strangest summoning he could remember, nothing made sense. Probably the Grail never made sense at all (that probably explained why Kotomine wanted it so much)
And then he saw it, finally, a familiar face. The unmistakable orange hair he’d never forget, that color against the spilled blood under the moonlight. 
‘Hn’, Cú inwardly sighed and braced the spear. He’d properly greet him.
His agility had been diminished but his skill persisted. And so he allowed himself to drop from the rooftop, all his weight focused on the tip of the lance as the weapon was aimed from the sky to the boy, falling. 
“Oi, kiddo!”
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He expected a quick reaction.
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terribletornado · 5 years
Tatsumaki moved through the air with ease, doing her best to destroy any creature that attempted to fly as she was in order to cause trouble. While she could not stop the out-pouring of monsters that hailed from the sky, she could do her best to remove as many of them as she could. What was left would slip through to the people fighting below, and though Tatsumaki was hardly the type to help others, she supposed it was her duty as a hero to lighten the load for those working hard beneath her.
However, upon swooping down in order to better assess the situation below her, Tatsumaki had not expected to see a young man flying through the air. The two of them almost collided, and she paused in mid-air in shock. A red-headed boy, she noted, one that was strong enough to jump higher than a normal human. That was reckless, and more importantly, he had nearly gotten in her way. She watched him land on his feet, but she was already annoyed with his behavior, and could not allow him to get away without an earful.
“You there, you brat!”
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“Watch where you’re jumping around! Don’t get in my way again!”
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wishxwish-blog · 6 years
The small girl grumbled and huffed as she walked, clearly agitated by something or other-- perhaps if one were to listen closely, they would hear her muttering softly under her breath, or even the rubble she kicked away out of frustration.
Yet, with how distracted she was with her own thoughts, Alluka did not notice the rubble and dust she kicked up was unintentionally aimed at some poor passersby. When she did realize this, however, she looked up in surprise.
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Unsure of what to say, or how to apologize for her rudeness, Alluka stood there in awkward silence.
“I.. uhm...”
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fireofansuz · 5 years
Caster was sitting on one of the benches in the park, the staff at his side, the cerulean hair messy, his whole appearance shabbier than usual, almost as if he had been trying to hunt or sleeping in the wilderness. But there was a certainty, his pockets were as empty as his stomach. 
For someone who knew no defeat, this was the closest thing to misery he had known in several years. Whatever he had, had gone for Medb’s ‘funds’ as he tried to show her around the city... somehow. And the rest had been smoked into nothing. Good ol’ cigarettes, he’d never get tired of his companions.
He’d have to wait until the next payday or beg at the zoo for an advance. Caster’s eyes were closed as his head hung backwards on the bench as he snored or tried to think what he’d do with his dinner. So far, mentally facepalming was the only idea lodged in his mind.
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eigou-blog1 · 6 years
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Standing at the edge of the dance floor, she quietly munched on her festival food. Festivals were still out of her experience range and it was silly to pretend she would miss the opportunity. Selfishly dragging the unwilling hero that accepted helping her while they stayed in the island, she took upon her to decide on the activities of that night. There was so much to see, so much to do. While looking at everyone who enjoyed the music, Marie took an interest and started to grow a tad anxious from the fact he was only watching like her. Someone needed to take the initiative and it seemed it was upon the goddess to do so.
She grabbed his sleeve and pulled it, pointing with her empty skewer at everyone else. A new song was starting to play, it was now or never.
“Hey, take me to dance. I want to learn.”
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erroneoux-blog · 6 years
Being stopped at a shout of surprise at the sight of her Command Seals was surprising, especially when it had been by someone she didn’t know. He was somewhat familiar - vaguely - but certainly not anybody she had faced in her own War. Was he even a Master ? Or just a magus who happened to know about the Holy Grail War ? There was also the option of being an AI, that certainly could have been why she recognized him, but no. He didn’t seem to give off any sense of being like Sakura or BB - nor did he appear to be an NPC.
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❝ I was a Master, yes. There isn’t a war happening here though, so I don’t really see much of a use in using that title anymore. ❞ Plus, there was the whole situation of her missing ( unknown ) Servant. A Master without a Servant was pretty useless, and she couldn’t even figure out who had been by her side for those many weeks spent traversing arenas and fighting for survival. ❝ And you are ? Not from the Moon Cell, I’m guessing. Or were you just eliminated early ? ❞ 
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