#ir event: cupid shuffle
moraypower · 8 months
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She'd been staring at the heart-shaped box of white chocolates sitting in the window display for a little too long by now, her own half-empty chocolate box left oddly forgotten in her hands.
"...wish I could bring some of these things to Big Man..."
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curseshared · 8 months
"It's just, I..."
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She has to stop mid-conversation, turning away to wipe tears from her eyes. Something doesn't feel right—but she was having an ordinary day up until now. There is a strong scent wafting over from a nearby market stall. She thought it was pleasant at first, but who knows, she could be allergic to one of their incenses...
Look how quick she is to reach for excuses.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what's come over me."
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archaictold · 8 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐀 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑 in his doorway and strangely, he's not particularly thrilled at the idea of company. For the better half of an hour, he's been lost in thought—or maybe dwelling is the better phrase, if he's honest, as so often happens when he's within the walls of the university. On an average day, it's quiet. Ignorable. Today, it's loud. Incessant. It makes the typically welcome sight of Eiden something worth being anxious over. He prepares to mask it, but it poorly fits; the malaise physically manifests as tension in his face, a delay in greeting him.      ❝ Oh... Eiden? ❞ Remembering the pen stuck in a standstill over his notes, he sets it aside, albeit absent-mindedly. His head hurts and he rubs it as he stands, reasoning that he might just not be feeling well. He wonders if the smell of poor-quality incense still trapped in his nose is to blame, having burned some unfamiliar variety from the market at home. Next time, he'll make sure to avoid that specific fragrance no matter how compelling a pitch the shopkeeper makes.
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     ❝ Um. Sorry. Did you need something? I wasn't expecting you to drop by. ❞ @kleinstar — cupid shuffle.
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rxsurgcnt · 5 years
She feels lighter. As if that extremely heavy weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She feels she can be happy, smile, laugh even. She feels she can trust this place and be who she used to be. She...feels at peace with herself. It’s the golden hour right now. The sky is TREMENDOUSLY gorgeous. The different colors from orange, red, dark blue, it’s all wonderful to look at. With Feniks perched on a tree just happens to be a perfect picture to start painting. She’s been at it for a bit now. Maybe about 30 minutes. she’s careful. She doesn’t want to mess this piece up after all. She wants it not only in memory but also on this sketchbook. 
The Crow caws, alerting Corvus that someone may be nearby but does not fly off. Feniks stays where they are. At least Corvus is aware that she’s not alone. “You’re more than welcome to join me if you want.” 
She normally would prefer to be alone but today is a very different day. A different mood. Familiar yet....it’s been so long since she’s felt this before.
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rhythmortem · 5 years
I wasn’t sure why, exactly, but I’d found myself in a really good mood. Maybe it was because of that nice incense in the air, maybe it was one of those chocolates I’d eaten, I couldn’t say for certain. But when that dumb bard caught my eye, I found myself less intent on chewing him out for trying to screw me over with that Susie gal, and more focused on just having a chat.
“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”
It wasn’t too hard to pin him against a wall, smiling. I wasn’t sure why I was in such a good mood- like, should I not have been angry? He’d wasted so much of my time, and caused endless trouble in the brief period of time I’d known him. But still, I just couldn’t get mad.
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“You’ve been causing no small share of trouble, haven’t you?
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cosmooze · 5 years
She was always happy to see her friend, that was no strange thing. Today however, she was exceptionally happy to see her, and she’d sought her out especially for that! What a great holiday! A celebration of those you were close to! They had been in each other’s bodies and how much closer than that could you get?
So, with no small amount of squish she hugged right into the side of the lancer, a big grin on her face as she looked up at her.
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“How are you doing?! You look really good! I mean you always look really good but you look extra really good today, wow! I have something for you!”
Still hugging her, she tried to raise one arm holding a bag she was carrying. With some reluctance she prised herself free and pulled out a heart shaped box and offered it to the Servant. 
“It’s chocolate! For you! They’re really good! I mean I didn’t eat any of them! Not these ones anyway! But you know I had to make sure they were good so I ate one and then accidentally ate the whole box, whoops! Haha, but it’s okay! Because I got you another box because they’re really good and I really like you!”
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cursiren · 5 years
A low whistle as she took a step forward, giving the other woman’s metal arm a gentle tap with her knuckle. “Hey that’s pretty impressive, it looks a lot more functional than the one Troy’s been using.”
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“Where’d you get it?” She cupped the metal biceps as she turned to face the stranger, a lollipop dangling out one corner of her mouth.
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anghexescu · 5 years
“I’d advice you stop looking at me unless you want to become blind.” He’s already have his hand on the handle of his sword in a threatening way. Eyes are narrowed into a glare her way. GOD he hates people ALL the time!
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ombraventi · 5 years
flynni replied to your post: “why is everyone here so much more annoying than...
i hate you
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“And I hate you too, idiot.”
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warpedglass · 5 years
Ammutseba rarely did anything in half measures, emotions included. The past week or so had certainly been... Interesting. She wasn’t necessarily for or against mood altering substances that weren’t alcohol, she was just rarely interested in them personally. Or rather, she believed she didn’t need them. Current events were less a matter of choice though. 
Currently she had another arm full of... Well, gaudy Heart’s Wake merchandise really as she stepped backwards out of a large pane of glass right onto the middle of a street. 
“Guess who darl-”
But she was cut off by the surprise of backing right into someone. Then the surprise of being entirely where she hadn’t intended to be.
“What the-”
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“Where the hell is this? Did she throw it out?! And who the- Oh, well, hello. You’re tall~” She shook her head slightly. “I mean, who the hell are you?”
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solarsubterrestrial · 5 years
Okuu rarely felt bad. No, she was easily distracted, rarely dwelt on sour thoughts and was generally too caught up in her own self perceived brilliance to feel bad. But today, she felt exceptionally good. So good that she had decided to go and see her favourite person in the city! 
Maybe it was the many good memories she had of her, maybe it was the sugar high from eating an entire box of chocolates she had... Found. In the street. In someone’s hands. Maybe it was something else! But a simple visit alone wasn’t enough; she had decided to bring a gift. 
Clack clack clack.
Her beak tapped against the glass door on Jill’s balcony. Okuu was impatient though, and when movement wasn’t instantly visible she moved around to the next window and started tapping on that, a great many strings pulled behind her.
Clack clack clack.
She started hopping on the windowsill as soon as she saw her, wings flapping excitedly.
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As soon as she could she dived straight into Jill, squawking despite all the threads behind held in her peak, trailing upwards out of the window. 
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suboceansong · 5 years
From inside the house it was probably difficult to tell anything was different, apart from perhaps a slight increase in the sound of car horns from outside.
Knock knock.
They weren’t light knocks, heavy and made by something hard. Whoever opened it would be greeted by the sight of the kraken lying on her side in the middle of the street, right outside the house.
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“Hello, fancy seeing you here. I brought you something. Some things.”
Her other claw opened and dropped a small mountain of Heart’s Wake merchandise. Clothes, chocolates, plushes; all deposited next to the Mesprit.
“You know, because I was passing through.”
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haemoneiron · 5 years
Strange happenstance gripping the city once again. At least it seemed, this one wasn’t malicious, not from what she’d gathered anyway. The last hadn’t been particularly sinister either, though it had been somewhat unfortunate. 
It was... An experience. She’d never really had much issues speaking her mind, but processing her emotions had never been easy. Well, it could be worse, at least she wasn’t hurting anyone. Currently, she was at Memo’s house. staring at a plush with a... Well, she wasn’t sure how to describe its face. It almost looked like letters.She picked it up.
“Memo; what’s this?”
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archaictold · 8 months
𝐙𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 biggest sweet tooth, but Haochen has a good eye for desserts. They sit together at the coffee table this afternoon, sampling treats and tea over conversation. It is often that he shares these sorts of meals with his brother, something the both of them might even call tradition: Meals were eaten together just like this back home, a staple of their family bonding all throughout childhood. It's comfortable, familiar. Zhilan always appreciates it, the quality time this habit of theirs tends to bring. In Spirale, most of this quality time is spent reminiscing. Of the past, of home and the people they miss. Zhilan talks kindly of these things as he portions off a helping of dessert for Xerxes, who would most certainly envy these cakes and chocolates he's having without him. The thought of him enjoying it later, smiling as he nimbly spoons chocolate mousse into his mouth, briefly brings one to Zhilan's lips as well.      ❝ I almost can't remember the last time we both shared a meal like this with our grandparents, ❞ he muses, a little wistful. ❝ It'd be nice to laugh with them again at our dinner table. ❞ He hikes a leg up as he repositions below on the carpet, casually slinging an arm over his knee. Haochen, proper as always, had opted to sit on the adjacent couch instead.      ❝ It'll probably be a while before we do. I made it difficult for us, after I... ❞ It leaves his mouth without meaning to, and it only hits him that he's saying it as it's halfway out. Zhilan feels his gut flash cold despite the warm tea settled in it, bewildered that he would make mention of such a bleak thought. Especially one that has no ground in truth. ( ... Right? )      ❝ A- Ah, sorry, that's not... It's nothing. I'm not sure where it came from. ❞
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@stoicstoryteller — cupid shuffle.
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pearluminates · 5 years
Clutching a pot of roses to her chest, Pearl was, once again, staring at the strange archer girl except perhaps for the first time she wasn’t stomping on some thing.
“Hello. Again.” She sat down besides the girl, as she plucked a rose from the plant. “I remember how you said that you hated this holiday, so I doubt you would have gotten any gifts...”
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Offering the flower towards her, Pearl expressly made sure to avoid eye contact. “Here. Happy Hearts Wake.”
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brookespages · 5 years
The box of chocolates had looked cute in the shop window, and Brooke thought there were enough treats in the box that it would be a nice snack to share with Varian while visiting him today. So, of course, she purchased the box and brought it with, smiling at Varian when he lets her into the house as she excitedly shows him the box of treats.
She follows him into the basement that he and Peridot have essentially turned into a lab, already eating one of the chocolates and holding out the box to let him take one as well.
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“So for the holiday on Friday, I was trying to think if we should go out or if we should do a night in,” Brooke chatters away, like usual. “I mean, both sound nice, and we don’t go out very often... but at the same time, I love having a small pile of snacks and just watching movies with you.”
She pulls another chocolate from the box and bites it, chewing thoughtfully. “We could also bake, or even cook a meal together. As long as we don’t cook anything spicy--we both know what happens then,” she lightly teases with a giggle. “What do you think?”
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