isolaradiale · 5 years
// It's with a heavy heart that I say, after two fantastic years, it's time for Corona's new royal science nerd to go home. Dropping Varian from Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, housed in Marceline's house. Maybe I'll be back someday, but until then, keep on keeping on
Dropped for you!
– mod maia
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brookespages · 4 years
Yesterday had been so nice. A wonderful birthday, spent with her friends and her boyfriend. Brooke had gone to bed with a smile and a warm feeling in her chest.
Today it felt like had ice flowing through her veins. Her chest hurt, her eyes were heavy and sore from tears, and she found it hard to breathe.
Periodically, she’d check her phone, check her contacts list, but it got harder and harder to lift the small device, knowing it wasn’t going to change.
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Varian is gone.
They’d spent last night cuddling, enjoying each other’s company, smiling and laughing. Now she didn’t know if she’d ever get to do that with him again. For a short while this morning, she’d thought maybe, possibly, he’d be back, like a few months ago, and he’d come running to her with stories from home, about how the adventures finally ended.
That hope faded a few hours ago. And there was every possibility that she’d never see him again. And even if he did, there was even more possibility he wouldn’t remember her. She’s seen that happen, where people will return but their memories of this place are gone entirely, like they’ve been reset.
Brooke doesn’t know if she could handle that.
So she’s holed herself away in her room, under her blankets on her bed. She hasn’t left her bed, let alone her room, all day. She doesn’t want to move. Moving, thinking, existing hurts right now, so she’s going to stay where she is and pretend she doesn’t for as long as she can.
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suplex51 · 5 years
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Commission of Travis and Varian ( @alchemicalvariable ) done by SasukeDoesStuff!
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maarcelline · 5 years
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“Var? ... We need to talk.” Marceline’s arms are crossed, and her face is carefully composed.
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glorywaited · 5 years
@alchemicalvariable​  ( reply to )
how many miles have you run in snow cassandra. while performing a musical number.
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you don’t know my life !! 
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kindergardening · 5 years
alchemicalvariable replied to your video
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allcapsisola · 5 years
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- Varian ( @alchemicalvariable )
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hosttrick · 5 years
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Kid ain’t sure where he is this time. This place is like Caelondia in that it’s big, fulla people going to and fro. And it’s unlike Caelondia in almost every other way. No walls to guard the city, no familiar faces, no statues of the gods. Though.. maybe that’s a good thing.
It’s not home. There’s probably no way to get back home. ‘Home’ is long gone, it’s been gone since the Calamity. So, the Kid don’t mind much when he realizes he’s off the Bastion for good. A new start, in a new place... sounds mighty fine.
Maybe he’ll go searching for an armory, try to find a way to spruce up this kid’s toy he’s been given as a weapon.
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adiratm · 5 years
@alchemicalvariable  (  s.c.  )
      VARIAN, SON OF QUIRIN -- it’s a bit of a surprise to see him here though as far as circumstances went it numbs the shock of it because literally anything can happen when you’re seemingly pulled into a futuristic island. she won’t exactly let on that she knows who he is -- not unless he asks -- there’s plenty of information she holds from everyone. but the woman lifts her hand in gesture with the palm (  && mark  ) facing out as it’s clearly caught his eye -- she knows exactly why but, again, she won’t let on to that.
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       ❝ you know, it’s rude to stare. didn’t your father ever teach you that ? ❞
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tangledbea · 6 years
alchemicalvariable replied to your post “Watch the midseason! It has two new songs!” Two, huh?”
// To be fair, I'm not sure how much that was a "song" or "a combined moment of anxiety from everyone in the audience while simultaneously all the fanfic writers' dreams come true at once"
Best answer. 
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tailoredhonnouji · 5 years
alchemicalvariable replied to your post: “Amateur move. Should have rigged explosives onto...
“Okay, I know you’re friends with marcy and Peri, and I know you probably think you’re helping but…you’re not helping.”
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“On the contrary, I had no interest in helping. It was merely an observation. Going after a monarch requires a lot of time and careful planning, as I’m sure you know, so I’m wondering where and why you made your mistakes. Might as well air them out with all the rest of these discoveries coming about.”
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isolaradiale · 5 years
// Welp. Apolgies for slipping up with activity, but I'm here to reapp Varian from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 429!
You’ll retain everything from your previous stay!
Enjoy your stay!
— Mod Lyra
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brookespages · 5 years
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Brooke walks up behind Varian and wraps her arms around his middle, pressing her face to his shoulder. “Hello, Mr. Alchemist.”
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suplex51 · 5 years
With a short and simple shout of rage and pain, your fist hammers a hole through the stonewall fireplace.
Just the thing you needed right now.
Waking up to text messages both heartfelt and heartwarming, sent to yourself, Marceline, Peridot, and Brooke— yeah, that should’ve been real nice. If only the single person who could’ve logically done the typing still had his name in your contacts list, or, hell, a working phone number.
Both telltale signs of a complete departure from Radiale Island, possibly forever. 
Not again. Not Varian, not again. That’s almost all you could think about before the punch. Pacing back and forth, remembering how badly you took it last time, last year- the loss of the brother you never really had. And god, poor Brooke— the love of her young life, gone again… torn away by the whims of the author, at a juncture where she was already struggling so much. 
Yeah, this was all perfectly valid grounds for lashing out.
Lashing out… just the thing you needed right now. Because that violent release, however brief, lets you start thinking of other things. 
Namely, how little sense this whole mess makes. 
Last time you checked, the city’s all-too-frequent eclipses were the one and only method to permanently check out of Radiale, and the sky’s been clear for days. Besides that, the timing… Varian, leaving on the same month, two years in a row? It can’t be for the same reason. 
Something’s gotta be going on beyond the fourth wall. You can feel it. Maybe Varian’s undergoing a rank-up challenge, or-or a canon point update! Maybe he’ll be back before you know it!
Maybe you’re just getting your hopes up.
But you’ll gladly take that any day of the week over giving in to despair.
You’re off like lightning heading towards the garage, hopping onto your bike, and revving up the engines to maximum overdrive. You’re soon tearing your way through the streets, traffic laws be damned, Because your family doesn’t have the blessing / curse of meta awareness. They don’t have the hope you’re clinging so desperately to. Not yet. 
That’s where you’ll have to come in, until Varian returns. 
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maarcelline · 5 years
Marceline had been thinking about this for a very long time, since before the other city went down and she woke up here in Spirale. And now, finally, it was a reality.
She walked through the front door of her new house and took everything in, just basking in the feeling, in this accomplishment, for a minute. Then, with an unnecessary but stabling breath, she turns and grins at Peridot and Varian, practically vibrating with stifled excitement.
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“Well, guys... welcome home!”
@kindergardening​, @alchemicalvariable​
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glorywaited · 5 years
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☽ /  anon ( @alchemicalvariable​ ) :  A little tupperware of dark chocolate cookies can be found outside the door to Apartment 333. There's a note with it just reading "Cassandra- Happy birthday". The cookies are actually quite well made and a gesture of goodwill, no funny business, despite the handwriting that may be familiar if she read a certain note tied to a certain lantern a very long time ago.                       prompt:  IT’S CASS’ BIRTHDAY !!
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       TREATS ARE FOUND as she makes it back to her apartment -- not expecting anything there when she arrives home, though she can make an educated guess as to who they were from. huh -- maybe he really was getting better. though she doesn’t blame him for not showing his face && just leaving them with a note. the woman isn’t entirely sure how to think of it -- it’s at least an extended olive branch of sorts that slightly tips the scales in favour of giving him a chance. maybe.
       owl is sent out to track the boy in return -- simply fluttering to him with a handwritten note that read: thank you.
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