A Second Chance, A Father's Curse - Part 4 (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader)
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haha sorry it's a bit shorter than usual I've been really off my sleep schedule, it is 12.30am as i type this and i SHOULD be fixing my sleep schedule but i'm not bcuz i hate myself :)
Part 3 here
Warnings: Brief panic attacks, really shitty time skips because I'm bad at continuity, nothing else really (I promise this story will kick off soon)
Word Count: 3k
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“Consequences be damned, we’re husband and wife now,” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple that makes the crowd erupt into cheers. A bright smile crosses your lips and you nestle into his side, waving out at the crowd with him, before your father nudges you to stand at the podium beside Gojo.
You take a breath, feeling the sorcerer’s energy channel at your throat as he amplifies your voice, “Dearest Iqorians!” You say, “My beloved people, you have been nothing but kind to me as I have grown within the palace walls, and I understand the newest addition to our family was unexpected and may cause a stir, but I hope you can find it in yourself to continue trusting us,” The crowd has fallen to a quiet murmur as you speak.
“Ryomen L/n is our new Prince, my husband, and I want him to feel welcomed here,” You take his hand and pull him up to stand beside you, “He bears the tattoos of the L/n clan, and if that isn’t enough for you to trust him as much as you trust me, then I don’t know how else to convince you. Trust me as your lady, as your princess, that this man will strive to protect anyone who calls Iqoria home and will be a valuable addition to our defense and strengthen our nation,”
The cheers have grown almost deafening and you take it as a good sign, “We look forward to serving you as Prince and Princess for the long future ahead!”
The speech has drained your energy and you allow yourself to be herded back inside where Ryomen presses a kiss to your lips for the first time since your wedding day. You nudge into his space and lean your head up, following his lead for a moment before he pulls back, “You looked sexy up there,” He smirks, causing a blush to flare up on your cheeks.
You poke him gently, “Ryomen!” You scold, “You never know who could be listening,” He shrugs, “You’re my wife, aren’t you? I’m allowed to compliment you if I please,” Your cheeks hurt from how much you’ve been smiling and you feel emotionally charged, “Well… then I appreciate it,” You nod with satisfaction.
He pulls you back to his chest and you nestle yourself under his chin, breathing softly in the open silence. There are no more words, at least not for today, and you both quietly make your way back to your rooms where a large lunch has been set out for you to share in peaceful private.
“Why can’t I go see him?” “He is the Crown Prince my dear, he is tired and they need time to themselves after the long session,” You bury your face against your mothers skirts, “But I want to see him!” You whine.
Your mother sighs softly, petting the back of your head as she crouches down to look into your watery eyes, “Oh my dear,” She murmurs, brushing your tears away with her thumbs, “I am sure he misses you dearly, but we must let him rest as long as he needs, it is a taxing process, one which you will have to endure one day as well,”
You shake your head indignantly, “Nuh uh! I won’t get married, boys are mean!” “And B/n?” She smiles, her eyes twinkling, and you stutter, “B-but he’s different!” She pulls you into a hug, “And one day you may find another man like your brother who is, as you say, different. You just have to keep your mind open,” You roll your eyes, “Yeah yeah, I know mother,”
“I heard you were looking for me?” A voice behind you makes you break away from your mother with a grin, “B/n!” You shout, racing to him and throwing yourself into his arms. He lifts you up and spins you around a little, making you giggle with delight until he sits you on his hip and supports your body, “Did you really miss me that much?”
You nod, clutching at the shirt he’s wearing, “Of course I did! Nobody else would play with me the way you do!” The age gap between the Crown Prince and his baby sister was around thirteen years due to health complications your mother experienced after a miscarriage brought her to deaths doorstep. You were the miracle baby that brought light back into her eyes and energy into her bones.
Forced to marry and have a child young after she took the throne at around 19, she demanded respect and anyone who went against her prior to her miscarriage at age 22 often suffered great consequences. Her husband, the King, was her greatest strength and her closest ally, never overshadowing her and never once making decisions unless she specifically entrusted them to him.
Your mother was 32 years old and still ruling with a kind heart and an iron will, but there were small fractures. She knew her son was lonely, she was afraid of failing him, of failing her kingdom, should she fail to produce another child. She spent most of her pregnancy hiding it from the people until the doctors were sure you would survive to term.
And then when you finally arrived, everything fell into place. Your mother encouraged a bond between the two of you from day one and you were almost inseparable. He was fiercely protective when you were finally allowed to be seen by the people and insisted that he carry you or hold your hand when you were nervous or overwhelmed.
“Well now, we must change that!” He smirks, “Come! We shall go and play out in the gardens, I’m sure mother would like her turn to rest,” You make a quick stop in the kitchen and down in the attendants houses to collect the children of maids and attendants living in the palace before gathering in the garden for a raucous game of tag.
Your brother looked strong and ethereal with his new tattoos, you found yourself distracted by them in the few weeks to come, and he let you trace the ones on his face with your gentle fingers when he came to read you stories to help you sleep. You never asked any questions, aside from one, “Did they hurt?”
He looked down to you in bed beside him, “They hurt a little, but don’t you worry, they prove that you’re strong and you’re part of the greatest kingdom in the world,” He took a knee beside your bed as you shifted to face him better, “I give you my word as an honorable man,” You smiled brightly, “Then maybe I shall get married someday, just so we can match!”
He smiled sadly, “You should marry for the love of your partner, not for your love of me,” He brushed hair from your face, “Dear sister I love you,” You clutched your hands together, looking away shyly, “I love you too, and I promise I won’t do it just for you,”
“Sister must you be so rash?” His voice called out behind you and you turned, your arms crossed, “You know they mean well,” He caught up to you and you turned back to the gardens, continuing your walk. “Will you not even speak to me?”
“What is there to say? Do I get a choice of husband? I thought I was allowed to marry for love and not politics, but apparently I was wrong,” You ranted, “Mother can be so frustrating at times,” You can see him move to comfort you but he backs down at the last moment.
“I know you’re angry and upset, but you mustn’t speak to her like that, you can just tell her no and she will listen, you are not yet an adult after all,” “And what is that supposed to mean?” You spat. “Just that you are not ready for that kind of marriage, I meant no offense,”
You finally backed down a bit, crossing your arms and sulking in front of your favourite rose bush. “Sister will you look at me?” You peeked out of the corner of your eye at your elder brother, the ring on his finger catching the sunlight and twinkling cheekily as if mocking your outburst.
“I hope you will apologise to mother, you must know she would not go through with it without your explicit consent,” You felt you should have been angered further by his insistence on an apology but instead you just felt weary. “I will ask her to apologise as well, just promise me you won’t stay mad?” You nodded, if only to placate his fears. You didn’t feel like apologizing at the time, but you might.
You gathered your skirts, racing through the halls until you reached the stables. A quick scan revealed nothing, but you soon found him, “Brother! Must you go? So close to her birthday?” You cried, breathless. He looks up at you from where he is adjusting his gauntlets, “I’m afraid so, my cursed energy will be more helpful out there than it will be cooped up in this stone cage,”
He smiled, it was lopsided and reminded you of a rabbit, “Do not worry, I will be back soon, these cowards are nothing but rats, ambushing defenseless people in the middle of the night,” With a frown you raced closer and wrapped your arms around him, a little awkwardly because of the armour he wore but that did not deter you, “Please be safe brother, I beg,”
“I will return to you, do not let your roses die while I am away, alright?” You knew he meant more than just the physical roses you cared for in your part of the garden. You’d always been his rose, and you nodded as you pulled back, hugging yourself tightly, “I won’t let them perish,” Your voice shook but you forced your head high, displaying nothing but confidence.
You believed in his abilities, you believed more than anything that your brother would survive because he always did. “Her gift is hidden in my closet, I am sure you know where to find it,” He winks. A twinge of fear in your heart once again twisted like a knife. His daughter would miss him, she would ask where her daddy was and you would have to assure her that he would return, that he was out protecting her from the evil that roamed the earth.
She would not understand, as you had once refused to, but you would be there for her if she needed you. You stayed at the gate protected by a pair of guards until you could no longer see the light from the torches the battalion carried, allowing yourself to be gently escorted back to your rooms and what restless sleep awaited you.
“Your highness! Princess Y/N!” A voice behind you makes you turn from your closet to face the maid who spoke, “Yes?” She’s out of breath from running and you can see there are tears on her cheeks, “M-mail for you,” She whimpers, holding out a letter. You’ve been preparing for a dinner with the few nobles of Iqoria and wanted an out, this might be your ticket.
However you’re reluctant, considering her obvious distress, but you decide you must take the letter from her hand and unfold it. The seal is already broken from someone inspecting it and you smooth it out on your dress momentarily, lifting it to your eyes.
Dearest sister,
Your dearest and bravest brother.
If this reaches you safely, then I’m afraid I am either not long for this world or already gone.
Do not let my efforts in the settlements be in vain, I hear your new husband is strong? How I wish I could have met him, Gojo tells me he is raucous and proud, his energy overwhelming. I knew you’d find someone to match your energy. If only you’d married him a few weeks earlier. My sister, how I wish I could see your smile one last time. How are Mother’s tapestries coming along? How are Father’s hunting dogs? How are your roses? Do you still walk through the gardens under the stars, awaiting my return? It’s been too long since I saw you last, I fear you will be just beside my lovely wife as the last things on my mind when everything fades. I wish I could continue to protect you from the darkness, but alas I have been bested. Take care of yourself for me, take care of our people. I suppose they’re your people now, your husband will help you lead them well. I will miss you forever.
The page is dotted with tears when you clutch it to your chest, letting out an unfiltered cry and falling to your knees. The cry evolves into something animalistic, a scream tears itself from your throat, and suddenly Ryomen and Geto are sprinting into the room, your husbands hands on your cheeks as you wail. The letter is almost beyond readable but Geto manages to pry it from your hands as Ryomen pulls you into his lap on the floor, rocking you back and forth and gently shushing you.
You grip at his shoulders, fistfuls of his shirt pressing into your palms as you gasp for air, “Someone call for her parents!” Geto orders and the same maid who delivered the letter is gone in an instant. “Oh my love,” Ryomen murmurs, brushing his hands through your hair and rubbing your back, “Please, I am here,”
You shake your head, “My brother,” You gasp, chest heaving, “The Crown Prince, he falls in battle!” You sob, your tears streaming as Ryomen stiffens. Realisation seems to hit the both of you simultaneously and you look up, suddenly devoid of the ability to cry. His wife and her daughter will remain a part of the family but as she married into the royal family she is no longer the Crown Princess.
“Hail… the Crown Prince and Princess of Iqoria,” Geto says slowly, as shocked as the pair of you are. “I…” Ryomen’s fingertips dig into your hips as he pulls you closer, tucking his face against your shoulder to hide from the maids remaining in the room, “I’m not ready for this,” He whispers, his voice shaky against your ear. Your hand shoots up to the back of his head and holds him there gently, you feel yourself breaking apart but you cannot allow yourself to grieve for what you’ve lost just yet.
“Ryomen L/n,” You murmur, “Crown Prince of the Iqorian kingdom,” “My father will come for me,” He whispers, “He never intended for this to happen, he would never let me be king, not in Khoccadia and not anywhere else,” His voice rises in panic and you gently shush him, shooing everyone out of the room.
Once alone his tears begin to fall and you rest your forehead to his, your own dripping into your lap and dampening your dress, “He has no authority here,” You say, your voice shaking with grief, “You are mine, and he will never harm you again, do you hear me?” His eyes are frantic and his breaths uneven, “Ryomen, do you hear me?”
“I was never meant to be king, he will come for me, he will do anything to prevent it! You have to let me go, I’m just putting you all in danger, please, you have to let me go!” He shifts underneath you and you struggle to keep him down for a moment, before drawing on your own cursed energy to send an unrefined wave of it at him. He gasps for breath and you plant yourself solidly on top of him, “Ryomen! Listen to me! I’m not letting you go back there on your own, you’ll be killed and I’ll never forgive myself!”
His eyes finally meet yours and you take his face between your palms, “Ryomen L/n, Iqoria is your home now, and if Iqoria needs you to be a king then you will step up by my side like I know you can, do you understand?” He nods, his lips thin and tightly pressed together, “Stay with me,” You murmur, your body and voice softening, “Please,”
“You… need me?” He murmurs, and you nod, tears slipping down your cheeks once more. You push forwards and bury your face against his chest, hands gripping him so tightly as you fear he might shove you off and walk away. “You need me,” He whispers, holding you tightly as the two of you gently fall apart in each other’s arms.
Your big brother… your big brother is gone. You just wish you could have one last time with him, you imagine all the things you would do if you knew he was going to die, but all you can seem to picture is the gardens. Stars stretching above you, love in the words unspoken and golden memories held in each precious twinkle.
The door to your room opens and your parents enter, their faces as crestfallen as yours as you peek over Ryomen’s shoulder, “Oh my darling,” Your mother sobs, stumbling to the floor by your side and burying her face against your shoulder. You reach for your mother, staying on Ryomen’s lap as you hold her close, “It was supposed to be just an ambush, what could have gone so wrong?” You whisper against her hair, feeling her body shake like a feather in the wind.
“None of that matters, it is all up to you now,” Your father murmurs, his hand on Ryomen’s back as he tries to stay strong for the three of you, “You will ascend to the throne within the year, your mother…” His words die but you know what he’s implying. Your mother and father will retire and you will step up in their place, just barely a month after marrying.
“Everything will be alright, for I will be your light,”
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hope you enjoyed!
Part 5 here
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9.21.23 Thursday
4:51 am
I'm home again from Iqor floor ...
Guess what? My black heart ring is suddenly here on the sofa,angels...
Yeah! It is fine for me to buy my own ring and flower hahaha as long as I have a job angels...
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5:05 am
I'm happy coz I was able to buy a new ring and I'm happy coz my black heart ring is here again..
I'm flatly happy seeing the dread-locks guy after the shift, I really, really like his hair... Hmm... I'm wondering if there is twinning there...
Now, I see and saw Miles today after the shift ( the dread-locks guy )... But he didn't text me anymore... So, it was just a flatly ohkay seeing him and smiling at him.
But I remember Bella told me he got a wife already...
5:13 am
Hmm....On the other side of the story... I got my intellicare card, my health card that I'm still wondering if this is official... Official me? Being an iqorian employee...
I have this up and down emotion... This call center job really shake my inner emotion, shaking my self-esteem even my self-confidence...
11:18 am
Let's go back to my hearing on Monday and our final nesting which is I don't know what will happen to me or us??? I will pray that I can stay or be on an another training if they will dismiss me coz of my 6 ghost call last Sept.17 that I couldn't remember or hoping for a rewave just to have a job for now there in Iqor but if I can stay in wave 468 it is much better than leaving them...
I will have a hearing coz last Sept.17, the day that I had a 1 quality call coz almost all day we were on training and coaching... Then, I didn't know there were 6 ghost call or 6 dead air appeared on my list which I couldn't remember that it happened...
About Coach John I don't like him but I respect him in a way coz of him being the coach on theory but...I don't like him coz I can't trust him... Sometimes, he is teaching me a reverse or making a confusion on me on a minimal secretive ways...
I still have pelvic pain and right leg cramps... I badly need a therapy massage.
Another thing after lunch yesterday coz before that I wasn't able to call coz Coach John transferred us from row 3 which we already set-up our system then Coach John suddenly announced that will be transferring to the 2nd row or middle-row...
I had my call after lunch which was around 11:45 onwards then my atlas bullshit, it doesn't have pop-up! It was shit for me but I need to have a call yesterday. I was on manual angels... Getting numbers or ban account numbers.
When you are on a manual on atlas it is really hellish.... You will get the mobile number or account number and type everything... Here is the thing it can be there will be a "conspiracy"... Nothing is impossible these days...
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chaikezchaz · 5 years
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119/365 My own kind of Grab. Its my first day at work, and as usual same old routine of my Dad is to make sure i'll arrive at work on time. and this time my parents unwavering support is seen in this picture add Chaz on the side haha. #feelingspecial❤❤ #eldestdaughter #newjourney #2019adventures #iqor #iqorian #tmobile #parents #son #love #family #tatayandnanay #firstdayofwork #backtobpolife https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw59bxuDssuWl_36iurVJOVmt6GT2Jhc1qZwTM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rej2d27k8os1
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dhyterm · 7 years
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#iQorian #BlackAndWhite #YearEndParty (at SM Dasmarinas)
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demiboi24 · 5 years
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WAZup👌🏼 #IQORIANS YEAR END PARTY https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ctwDuhDdEyrCWUsVt4s-aKj6SO1jN_09ose40/?igshid=b462jsu5lp5x
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bitchimblessed · 7 years
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#autismwalk #iqorians #workfamily (at Kino Sports Complex)
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mrticman · 7 years
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Change the way you look at things. 😉 . . . . . . . . . . #capitaloneuk #capone #shades #glasses #sunglasses #iqor #iqorian #bemorewithiqor #bemore #change #perspectives #views (at Clearwater Resort & Country Club)
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lizelcabs · 7 years
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Black to black #iqorian #yearendparty17 #latepost 😂
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dhyterm · 7 years
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Team #StressEating 😂 #HumanResources #iQorian (at Mcdo Pala-Pala)
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dhyterm · 7 years
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Accidentally bumped into my girls earlier while I was just getting a cup of joe! 😍 Short and unexpected but pleasant encounters like this is one of the reasons why I love working near my home. ❤️ So quick plug: If you want to enjoy experiences like this and make the most of your time, come and join our team and be part of iQor, the company that brings work closer to your home. 🏠 Send in your application now to [email protected] 😊 #TheFriendsIKeep #HFgirls #iQorPh #iQorian #Joyful2017 (at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf)
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dhyterm · 7 years
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iQor Dasma x Sta. Rosa HR Year-end dinner meeting. ❤️ #iQorian #HumanResources #TeamHR #Joyful2017 (at Cabalen, SM City Dasmariñas)
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dhyterm · 7 years
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Too proud of my new shirt! But not of my face in this pic 😅🤪 . . . #work #iQorian #HumanResources #Joyful2017 (at Dasmariñas, Cavite)
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dhyterm · 7 years
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iQor Philippines HR 😊❤️ © Clicker ni Mic 😂 #iQorian #Workworkwork #HumanResources (at Iqor Clark Site 3)
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dhyterm · 7 years
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#Legit ❤️ #workworkworkworkwork #iQorian (at SM Dasmarinas)
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lizelcabs · 7 years
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The selfie queen, selfie king and the ordinary girl. Eme. Hahahaha #welcom #magenta #pink #iqorian
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dhyterm · 6 years
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Comp&Ben x NEO/HRIS ❤️ #DasmaReprezent #TeamHR #iQorians (at Starbucks Coffee SM Dasmariñas)
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