#iq scale
detentiontrack · 2 months
you have a 140 iq???? isn’t that like genius level??!?!?!
Technically yes, but you need to understand that the IQ system is a joke. I’m probably not smarter than the average person, I’m just really good at memorization, recognizing patterns, and puzzles, so that gives me an advantage. Some people will take the test and score low, and then take the exact same test later and score high. The IQ system started because people wanted to make sure that immigrants coming to America were “smart enough” to be “functional members of society”. They gave the IQ test to immigrants that didn’t speak a lot of English in ENGLISH and then when they got a low score because it wasn’t in a language they understood well people were like “well they’re too dumb to come to America”. It originally started as a tool to test where primary school children were at educationally so they could meet them where they were, but then it turned into eugenics. IQ isn’t an adequate scale of intelligence, because it ONLY counts if you are fluent in English, have good memory and reading skills, and have the privilege of a good education. We need to stop using it as the perfect scale of if someone is smart or not.
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charmikarma · 4 months
"x is the smartest homestuck kid" "y is the smartest homestuck kid" what you call intelligence is an arbitrary measure decided by a society that wants to exploit your skills.
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Morbius is just like me! A highly intelligent autist with a lack of social skills and severe depression.
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3hks · 9 months
50 Questions For Your Characters
What motivates your character?
How does the public view them? (Doesn't have to be anything major, it could be classmates, friends, strangers in the park, etc.)
Is your character an optimist or pessimist?
Does your character care about their reputation and/or how others perceive them?
Is your character more of a family or friends person?
What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
Is your character good with kids?
What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
If your character is an antagonist or something of the like, do they self-justify their actions? If so, how?
What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Who is the closest person to your character?
How did they become so close?
What habits does your character have?
What is your character's relationship with their family?
Overall, is there anything special or peculiar about your character compared to others in your story?
Who/what comforts your character?
Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
Who's in the way of those goals?
What is your character's relationship with their emotions?
What regrets do they have, if any? (From any part of the story, not just exposition.)
If your character is at a loud, people-filled party, how would they act?
From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
What is the main setting of your story and how does it impact your character?
What are the top three most distinguishable personality traits of your character?
How does your character view themselves? (Expectations, intelligence, confidence, self-belief, etc.)
What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
What are the three things that your character values most?
Is your character hiding something from other people, if so, what?
What genre of music does/would your character love?
How does your character view their past?
What are three positive traits that your character has?
What are three negative traits that your character has?
Imagine the ideal home for your character. Where would it be located? What type of housing would it be? Who/what would be there?
What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character.)
What does your character want to change about themselves?
Someone your character dislikes goes up to them and confesses. How does your character react? (Doesn't have to be a rejection.)
What does your character have yet to realize about themselves?
Is your character good at time-management and responsible?
What kind of clothes does your character wear?
What is one thing that your character dislikes about themselves? ("Nothing" is also a valid answer.)
What does your character see as the greatest injustice?
What does your character fear?
On a scale from 1-10, how intelligent is your character? (1 being incredibly stupid with almost no knowledge of the world, and 10 literally being Light Yagami. If you don't get it, that's on you lol; but it's basically having over 200 IQ.)
Does your character specialize or have remarkable talent in anything? If so, what is it?
In a group setting, what role would your character have? Leader, co-leader, follower, or outsider?
What event in your story altered your character the most?
In the end, what is your character grateful for?
Why did you choose to use this character to answer these questions? (I would love to see your answers!)
Happy writing~
3hks :)
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tawasl · 2 years
كيفية قياس ذكاء الأطفال فى مصر
مراكز قياس ذكاء الأطفال فى مصر  خبراء مركز قياس ذكاء الأطفال هل فكرتي في قياس ذكاء طفلك؟ طب لية تقيس ذكاء ممكن نقيس ذكاء ابنك ؟!! طبع�� ممكن ” لأنه مهم جدا , لان من خلال قياس الذكاء هتقدر تعرف حاجات كتيرة منها :  تشخيص التفوق العقلي والنبوغ والموهبة تشخيص الضعف العقلي وصعوبات التعلم وبطء التعلم تحديد مستوى و نوع التعليم المناسب للطفل وكمان مهنته قياس كل القدرات العقلية اللفظية والعملية. تشخيص…
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mycartoonmonster · 18 days
With the context of the Book of Bill and the characterisation of Bill, I ended up finding that all the members of the Zodiac have a thing or two in common with Bill Cipher.
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Six fingered hand-Stanford Pines
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-Both have a genetic mutation which they got ostracized for but made them interested in the worlds beyond.
- Both are egocentric and smart.
-Both have a thirst for revenge to prove the people around them they were wrong about them.
-Both didn't mean to endanger their dimension (Ford wanted knowledge and Bill wanted to show them the stars)
-Animals aren't safe around them (Ford set a bird on fire by mistaking it as a Phoenix and Bill ripped out a deer's teeth in his debut and in the storyboards of Weirdmageddon P1 he uses a deer to forcibly kiss Ford's statue as if they were his Barbie and Ken)
-Both have a weird sense of humor
-Both are considered criminals in the multiverse (Theft in Ford's case and Manslaughther, Murder alongside other stuff like mass property destruction in Bill's case)
-Both project onto others they see as similar to themselves (Bill with Ford-and on a minor scale Pacifica-and Ford with Dipper)
-Both ended up getting tricked by a conman (Ford by Bill and Bill by Stanley)
-Both are authors! (The Journals and the Book Of Bill, which are essentially diaries that talked about what their lives were, a bit about themselves and the creatures they found through their life)
Crescent symbol/Fish-Stanley Pines
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-Both are scammers
-Both share mannerisms, one of them being referring to Ford as Sixer(which led to people theorizing Stan was Bill's reincarnation)
-Bad relationship with their parents but seem closer with their mom (Bill's parents tried to make him blind to the 3rd dimension but it seems Bill genuinely loved his mama Scalene while Fildbrick didn't value Stan as much as Ford and Caryn was the only one worried about Stanley and was one of the 2 persons that assisted his fake funeral)
-Both were seen as a bad kid growing up (Bill by the people on his dimension due to his mutation and the habilities this granted him while Stan was seen as lesser than Ford due to the latter's gigantic IQ and his rebellious nature)
-Both made one mistake that heavily affected the course of their lives and can never return home because of it (Stan ruining Ford´s project and Bill setting his home ablaze)
-Both didn't mean to push Ford away from them nor put their families in any danger initially(Bill wanted Ford to continue with the portal and got sad after their fallout and Stan did what he did in a moment where he wasnt thinking rationally and it cost him 30 years of loneliness and guilt)
-Both went to jail on different occassions (Stan on Colombia and Bill after going on a rampage in the bar while drunk after the fallout with Ford and the Theraprism if you wanna add it)
-Both tend show only 1 eye to people as well as a cane (Bill only has 1-although he can shapeshift and have multiples as seen in his demon form- and he uses the cane mostly in Dreamscappers, a bit in Sock Opera and in the intro for Weirdmageddon while Stan uses a patch and an 8 ball cane for tourists during his mystery man persona)
-Both used their art to influence people (Stan with the Mystery Shack's attractions and Bill using animation and figurines which failed, unlike Stan's works, unless you count the Lil' Stanley comic)
-Both have used a red demon costume once (Bill in the book and Stan in a picture in Gideon Rises)
-Both wanted to set the journals on fire (with Bill actually doing it in Weirdmageddon Part 1)
-They find Dipper's disstress/fear and annoyance hilarious (Stan teasing him vs Bill terrorizing him)
Glasses-Fiddleford McGucket
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-Both end up going insane after a traumatic event (The destruction of his home dimension in Bill's case and McGucket taking a peek into Bill eating his own exoskeleton after crossing the portal)
-The times they helped/aided people it ended bad for them (In McGucket's case, Dipper with his new voice and the Gideon Bot that ended up getting destroyed in the scuffle with Dipper and in Bill's case; Dipper became Bill's puppet and Gideon didn't get the Shack's signature hence he had to use dynamite as a plan B and Weirdmaggedon only lasted 4-5 days for the Henchmaniacs while in McGuckets case's Shacktron didn't survive against Bill as they didn't consider protecting the arms and legs the same way that the Shack was protected)
-Both played a part in the creation of secret societies (Fiddleford by creating The Societyvof the Blind Eye and Bill by the Ciphertologists and inderectly creating the Anti-Bill Cipher society by terrorizing 4 persons)
-Underneath all that insanity and very deep in that broken mind, there is one very smart broken guy.
-Both lost their families (At least Fiddleford could reconciliate with some of it but Bill doesn´t have the same chance anymore)
Bag of ice-Wendy Courdory
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-Both are rebellious and dislike authority figures.
-They like to do what they want with no regard for rules
-Both abused their power on more than one occasion (Wendy by stealing snacks and throwing water balloons at the elderly when working at the pool and Bill throughout his deals and in Weirdmageddon)
-They've had guts to face powerfull creatures (Bill the Time Baby and Wendy stuff like the ShapeShifter, the Unicorns or the Eye Bats in Weirdmageddon)
-Both lost a mom when they were young.
Questioning Mark-Soos Ramírez
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-Both are smarter than what they look like upon first sight.
-Both lack a dad (Bill's died while Soos's left him)
-They have a funny side to them (Bill more leaning to sadism though)
-Both had their eyes damaged by Mabel (Soos by getting attacked with glitter in Stan Is Not What He Seems and Bill by getting sprayed with graffiti paint in Weirdmageddon Part 3)
Stiched heart-Robbie Valentino
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-Both had their relationships ruined by their own arrogance, negligence and dishonesty (Bill being an abusive partner while Robbie was immature).
-They did not take the fallout with their partner well (at least Robbie would never dare to do anything similar to what Bill did)
-They tried to pursue their partner after the break up but to no avail (Bill with threaths and later on with offers of power and Robbie by using music as seen in Gideon Rises and both actually using messanges-Bill wasting Ford's Post-it notes and Robbie sad emails and texts to Wendy)
-Both are good with music (Bill can play the piano and xylophone as seen in his apology video and Robbie can play the guitar and both can sing)
-Both insulted Soos or referred to him in condescending ways (Robbie called him Big Dude and Bill adressed him as "the fat one")
-Both had beef with a 12 year old and wanted to harm them (Robbie wanted to fist fight a child aka Dipper and Bill planned to commit suicide in Dipper's body, turn the mystery twins into corpses, disassamble their molecules and almost kills Mabel in the series finale)
'Both got turned to stone at one point in Weirdmageddon (Robbie when it started and Bill at the end of it)
One eyed Pentagram-Gideon Gleeful
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-Having too much power that they acquired at a young age which heavily affected them and began their rise to villainy
-Both have a hatred towards Stanley Pines for meddling with their plans to obtain absolute power and ultimatetly ruining their plans which ended with them in prison.
-Both burnt a picture of the object of their affections; destroying the section with the rest of their family and leaving their faces untouched.
-Both planned to use Mabel and Dipper to get one of the original mystery twins to give them what they wanted
-Both left the Pines Twin they were interested on imprisoned during Weirdmageddon.
-Both deep down craved adoration and attention.
-Both lead a gang of criminals but dont treat them with a much respect as the one Pines Twin they are pining on while hating the other twins for thinking they turned them away from them when in reality it was their actions that did.
-Both got punched in the face by a Pines Twin in a season Finale inside someone´s head (Gideon Bot's and Stanley's)
-Both seem to care about their appearance (Gideon worrying about his hair the most and Bill about his bowtie, given the scream he lets out when Dipper blasts him and him readjusting it a couple of times during Weirdmageddon)
-Both ended up in prison after acquiring a position of absolute power where they do art therapy
-Both are snappy dressers and use their charm to trick people
Llama-Pacifica Northwest
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-Both had messy childhoods that turned them into who they are now.
-Both are pretty good liars and can trick people very easily (Bill with his deals and Pacifica in the Lost Legends comic)
-Both look down on people they see as inferior to them(Bill with humans and Pacifica with the working class, hillbillies and the Pines before the events of The mystery of the Northwest mansion and Weirdmageddon)
-Both see themselves as monsters that cause havoc no matter where they go or what they do (Pacifica in dreams and Bill due to what he did in his home)
-Both were forced by their parents to act in a certain way (Bill´s at least loved him and were good intentioned)
-Both are fighters (Pacifica by defying her parents wishes, facing against the ghost and the face stealer in Lost Legends and refusing Bill's deal in her dream and Bill could stand a fight with Shacktron which he ended up defeating and in his book its implied he can fight easily against demons or ghosts)
-Both have wore a crown (Pacifica in her debut episode and Bill in his portrait in the Penthouse suite of the Fearamid)
Shooting Star-Mabel Pines
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-Both are agents of Chaos (Mabel being Chaotic Good/Neutral and Bill Chaotic Evil).
-Both enjoy partying and to have fun.
-Both have a wild imagination and a sense of style.
-Both like karaoke and have had a karaoke night with one of the original mystery twins
-Both have eaten stuff normal people shouldn't eat/gross things(Bill his exoskeleton and illegal punch and Mabel getting wasted with Smile Dip, a leaf, huge amounts of sugar that would end with her sick, Mabel juice and she once got hospitalized by eating sniff and scratch stickers)
-Both like makeovers (as seen in a part of the book of Bill where he talks about hiding the blood of his past)
-Both think highly of themselves (Bill's bottomless ego vs Mabel being secure about her talents, qualities and appearance)
-Both have social skills that made others attracted to them, mostly loners or freaks (Bill with his Henchmaniacs for their shared love of chaos and Ford with his smarts and cosmical knowledge and Mabel with Candy and Greta by being weirdos and not being as popular as Pacifica and her posse)
-Both adress Ford as "Fordsy"
-Both have rolled in the grass in Gravity Falls(Bill while possesing Ford during puppet hour and Mabel in Tourist Trapped)
-Both put their wants over other people's and/or their needs (Like in Sock Opera but even if Mabel is sometimes selfish at least apologizes and learns from her mistakes while Bill doesn't care who he hurts and would never apologize)
-Both use white out to exclude certain stuff they dont like from reading material to "fix it" or crayons/markers to cross them (Mabel with the dialog in the Comix Up story in Lost Legends or certain things such as her summer romances and in the Mabel´s guide to color with the picture and Bill with a section where part of The Great Gatsby is shown on his book where he mentions assigned reading or stuff like his exes and his former friend The Oracle/Seven eyes)
-Both became gods of destruction, first time by accident and the second with full intention(Mabel by accident with the rift and ending with MabelLand and Bill with the accidental destruction of his home and with Weirdmageddon)
-You could argue they're awfull when it comes to romance (Mabel's attempts always end in failure and Bill fumbled Ford so so hard)
Pine Tree-Dipper Mason Pines
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-Both are good at decoding codes and solving mysteries and have good academic skills.
-Both didn't have many friends growing up and were picked on as kids (Bill for his mutation and Dipper for his birthmark)
-The times they wanted to prove themselves to others ended badly for them (Dipper caused a zombie apocalypse and Bill destroyed his dimension by accident)
-The names they use aren't their real names (Bill confirmed in an AMA years ago that Bill Cipher is just a name he picked so humans could converse with him without going bonkers upon first contact and Dipper's name is actually Mason but everyone refers to him as Dipper due to his birthmark)
-Has cloned himself (Bill's are a natural hability for him while Dipper made copies of himself via paper-rest in piece Tyrone)
-Both were adorable as babies.
-Both got obsessed with someone to the point of messing with their personal lifes (Dipper with Wendy during her relationship with Robbie and Bill with Ford and his relationship with McGucket)
-They changed hats at different points in their life; Dipper in Tourist Trapped changes from his green hat with a five point star to the classic blue pine tree while Bill sported a multicolor hat as a kid before changing into a tophat (if we take the theory that Bill's hat was originally his father's then both Dipper's and Bill's were owned by a family member before being passed on to them, Dipper's belonging to Stan)
I know this is probably just a coincidence (save the stuff with Ford as some were meant to highlight the bond these two had and establish parallels between the two, making them doomed soulmates and adding another layer of sadness over the toxic yaoi) but a fun one still.
Thanks for reading!
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wwiqtest · 2 years
Introduction of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale or WAIS is an IQ test that was designed for measuring intelligence and cognitive capabilities in adults and young teens. It was published for the first time in 1955 by David Wechsler, after whom this IQ test is named. It is largely considered as a revision of the Wechsler–Bellevue Intelligence Scale. It is considered as one of the most used official IQ tests in the world currently. It was developed at Bellevue Hospital. It was used to test schizophrenic patients who could score well in verbal tests but not other types of cognitive skills measurement.
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What Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Measures
Wechsler created a definition of intelligence that was holistic and he defined it as a person’s response to his environment in terms of purposeful action, rational thinking patterns, and effective handling of the challenges and opportunities of his environment. Wechsler assumed that intelligence was made of specific components that can be measured with the IQ test he had designed. And he believed that factors were correlated and working in sync and the IQ test needed to reflect this synergy. This is why he came up with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IQ test.
Differences from the Traditional Binet Scale
Wechsler probably felt that things like confidence and cultural attitudes were not being incorporated into the scores given by the Binet IQ test. As such a new method of IQ measurement was needed and he came up with the Wechsler Scale for IQ tests. The Binet test in the view of Wehsler was more oriented towards children and adolescents and adults could not be accurately measured by its IQ test. The focus of the Binet test was largely on quick answers and it did not help adult IQ test takers as they needed a more detailed approach to arrive at the right IQ score. Also IQ test performance could improve or downgrade and it was not static.
How Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Is Measured
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale also provides a numerical score that is used as a comparative rank to measure IQ. In Stanford Binet Test, mental age and actual age were divided and a score was given. In the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the focus is to use the test score to compare it to the median score in the age range of the test taker, and then this is used to measure the range of IQ that is average, above or below average.
Versions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
The versions presented of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale are:
WAIS 1955 that was the original version. WAIS 1981 was termed WAIS R and included multiple verbal and information tests.
The 1997 version included several revisions related to newer sub-tests for verbal, performance and overall intelligence performance.
The fourth revision was launched in 2008 and is made of 10 subtests and five supplementary tests. These multiple versions include the regular feedback test providers get from the test takers over and over again.
With these revisions, the test was constantly updated and it is used to keep the test more accurate and weed out biases and assumptions as much as possible. There are cultural aspects to intelligence that we can’t really measure.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is considered as a holistic and constantly updated measurement of the standard IQ tests basket. It improves upon the limitations of the Binet test and provides a more overall picture by incorporating multiple aspects of the IQ that a person may possess and arrives at an overall score after measuring these multiple aspects.
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justvora · 20 days
An appreciation post to Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain body reading skills and why they should be the top tier in martial arts
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Hello there :)
I recently saw a post that talked about Cassandra and Lady Shiva's analytical reading skills should not be a compelling reason to say they are the best martial artists as there are such things as feints, grappling and other 'techniques' as such….. So I do this not just as an answer anymore, but to explain why, in theory, this skill that both of them have is much more than it seems (and what actually ends up being represented in American comics).
Let's start with what I just mentioned: Within American comics generally hand-to-hand and martial arts fights are usually represented poorly when it comes to talking technical and realistic, but in terms of spectacle they are usually a delight, so this is mainly one of the reasons why this skill that mother and daughter share is not usually delved into, and neither do they go into the terms of grappling and so on.
Next up: Cassandra Cain and Lady Shiva are not only the best martial artists in their universe for that skill, but for their position, potential and narrative.
Cass general fighting performance
When talking about Cassandra Wayne (Cain) we have to take into account that she is still young, so she has a lot of potential for improvement to evolve... And yet, since she was born, she has received specialized training to become a great professional assassin (within the Post-Crisis continuity, she was trained by the entire league of assassins, including among her many trainers the Bronze Tiger; however, in the New52/Rebirth continuity she did not go to the depth of all this). The fact that she was raised and trained to kill means that she does not perform so well in non-lethal combat, since she is omitting and restricting an arsenal and naturalized instinct to fight against her own impulses, notoriously limiting herself - and this is something that has already been commented on several occasions.
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Why Cass and Shiva are at the "top" of the martial arts tier list due to their narrative / and the powerscaling stuff from martial arts in comic books.
In this section I will not only talk about why I think that mother and daughter are at the top of the best martial artists, but also about how stupid it usually seems to me to do martial arts power scaling with characters that are very evenly matched.
To start I would like to attach the following screenshot from "LetsTalkLadyShiva's" "CuriousAsk", which I consider, in my opinion, deals with many quite relevant and interesting points about why these characters are above average beyond their own feats (although later there will be characters like Karate Kid whose martial arts are a power in themselves that take him to a level of literally cosmic surrealism).
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Now, moving on to the topic of martial arts powerscaling… It makes no sense. It makes no sense because it's not something that can be quantified, and because many comic book characters present a dissonance between the hype, the statements, and their own feats. I think it's not a new complaint to say that many of us are fed up with reading "And he's versatile in all existing martial arts," when it's nonsense without logic due to the nature of these things.
The most that can be quantified in a general way around skill is usually: The number of martial arts that a character knows, and the level of skill around said martial arts - Their years of experience, which is what allows them to develop Battle IQ - And the win rate.
Beyond that, many characters exist for and by the hype, and by their own position within a universe. Lady Shiva was introduced in The Question comics as an alien force of nature, one who broke away from the material world to prove to Sage that he was just a fish in the big pond of his world. There she has narrative power, one as one of the most skilled characters by being a technically insurmountable barrier for combatants. And that's what matters: Not her feats, but who she is.
And... Cassandra? She is The One who is All.
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Another thing I consider necessary for martial arts power scaling is the fact that many people try to do the typical:
"[x] character beat [y], who is extremely powerful and skilled And [z] beat [x], so he is even more skilled…etc"
All hand-to-hand combats that can occur are unique, and in many cases there are completely circumstantial situations that define the winner. These circumstances, such as the way and objective that someone seeks, the desire to fight, or how the fight began are defining, and may not mean that someone is, really, more skilled or a better martial artist than another.
In addition, there is a thing called "compatibility", where "A" can beat "B", and "B" can beat "C", and "C" will beat "A". And what is this due to? To the compatibility between styles, where striking can beat judo grappling, and judo can also beat a grappler specialized in BJJ who is capable of beating a boxer, but this will not happen vice versa.
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Now… Let's finally get to the interesting part of all this…
The true potential of Cassandra Cain and Lady Shiva's analytical body reading ability.
In this case, and now, I will focus on talking mainly about Cass.
Cassandra was born and raised not to understand verbal language, but body language. In this way she would understand every micro-gesture produced by the human body to interpret it instinctively and naturally in order to understand people… And to predict what they are going to do.
There are several panels that explain this in depth, in short Cassandra reads body language, which is what we often do unconsciously, without realizing it, and this is something I have to highlight because it seems that there are people, both in-universe and IRL, who do not fully understand how this works and confuse it with telepathy.
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Nightwing and Jason Todd, on one occasion, have believed that by acting erratically, and without knowing what they are going to do, they could surprise Cassandra, but this does not work like that. As much as they try not to rationalize their movements and keep their minds blank, Cassandra is not reading their thoughts, but the gestures that their bodies make, indirectly and involuntarily. These are micro-gestures, expressions and so on that even reveal some things that people do not know they do or feel.
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Another thing I'd like to point out (as a rejoinder to everyone using her fight against Jason as an anti-feat) is that Cassandra wasn't fighting Red Hood - She was communicating through combat. She didn't want to defeat him, but rather explain a situation to him… While he was fighting bloodlusted —this is also a perfect example of how circumstances really matter in a fight—.
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To give an example of what I was talking before: "Through telepathy you can read a mind, but when it is blank, nothing can be done. However, with body reading, you can read what the body, unconsciously, will reveal."
Secondly… This ability of Cass is based on an existing concept of martial arts known as "sensen no sen" (which I will call pre-initiative as it is practically the same thing to simplify it). What does it consist of?
Sen sen no sen (先々の戦, before the attack), or sensen no sente (戦線の先手, anticipate the movement), is a concept and a technique of the martial arts of Japan that consists of adopting a preventive behavior towards the opponent and, at the slightest trace of aggressive attitude, a defense technique is performed. That, however, does not simply mean that it is enough to act before the opponent or that you will act at any moment, but it means that you must be aware of the opponent's posture and, only when the blow is made, do you intercept his movement to obstruct his force.
Cody, Mark Edward. Wado Ryu Karate/Jujutsu (en inglés). Bloomington: AuthorHouse. p. 82.
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In short: It consists of anticipating and obstructing an attack before it happens. Do you know that they are going to attack you with a straight attack to the face? Well, before it happens, you have already carried out your counterattack perfectly - It is done before, at the right moment, and not when the other movement is already being carried out, all to produce an overtaking effect with which the opponent can be cornered.
Within the Kengan Ashura and Kengan Omega manga, this is one of the skills that only true masters can use… And Cassandra Cain possesses it in a naturalized and instinctive way. So with this she can anticipate any feint that she can predict by reading her opponents and understanding what their intentions are. Is someone going to try to counterattack a punch of hers to throw it with a judo-throw? Well, she will predict it by anticipating and counterattacking in the most optimal way not only to surprise the opponent, but to punish him.
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And this goes for grappling as much as anything else.
Again I refer to the nature of comics… This ability is so powerful in H2H, but it's often poorly represented, so characters like Cass or Shiva are never really given the credit to recognize the level of something like this.
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blueteller · 1 day
Do you know how smart Cale actually is? Like- what extent his intelligence can reach?
That's an interesting question! Let's take a look.
From what I know of IQ scores, anything above 120 puts you in top 10% of the population. So I easily see Kim Rok Soo!Cale belonging in that category; of >120 IQ. However, IQ had always felt a little vague to me. It's nice to have a number to put on a scale and all, but what does it actually mean in reality? Let's try this from a different angle.
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences model of divides talent into eight categories, plus one additional one:
Why not try to measure him up against each one, as no person is actually intelligent in every way and not even a fictional character can excel in all of them (unless they're a Mary Sue or something lol).
Visual and spatial judgment stands for easy reading, writing, puzzles solving, recognizing patterns and analyzing charts well. I think Cale is definitely a pro in this category; he does loves reading and he's fantastic at analyzing data.
Linguistic-verbal is for remember written and spoken information, debates, giving persuasive speeches, ability to explain things and skilled at verbal humor. And while I constantly make fun of Cale for not being able to explain himself, he IS good at using the "glib tongue" and being persuasive, so I think he is very skilled in this category as well.
Logical-mathematical means having excellent problem-solving skills, the ability to come up with abstract ideas and conduct scientific experiments, as well as computing complex issues. Cale is an incredible strategist able to change his plans in an instant, so he is definitely a genius in this field.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is a fun one, because I think it's the hardest one to judge, considering that he literally changed bodies. It of course stands for sports, dancing, craftmanship, physical coordination, and remembering better by practice rather than learning theory. Cale... does not like that. However, it doesn't mean he's BAD at it. If he was a genius in this field, however, I believe he would like it a bit more. Thus – I suspect he was average. In the past he was forced to exercise for the sake of survival, but once he was given the option of taking it easy, he quit instantly. He is capable, but does not have any particular predisposition for it.
Musical Intelligence drives me nuts, because we literally do not know, and I dearly wish I did. There was not a single mention of it in the whole series. As much as I want to believe in a cool headcanon of KRS being an unrealized musical genius... I think he was probably average or below average in this.
Interpersonal Intelligence stands for communication, conflict-solving, perception and the ability to forge connections with others. And while you might have some doubts about Cale, I say he IS a total pro in this. Those are all leadership skills, and Cale is one HELL of a great leader.
Intrapersonal Intelligence is where Cale is severely lacking. It could be partially due to trauma, but I think at least some of it comes through his natural personality. It stands for introspection, self-reflection, the ability to understand one's motivation and general self-awareness; and that is Cale's biggest weakness, one that might actually cost him his slacker life dream in the end, due to all the misunderstandings he causes.
The last two, Naturalistic and Existential Intelligence types, are also not really Cale's forte. The first is for things like botany, biology, and zoology, paired with enjoyment of camping and hiking – none of which Cale actually does for pleasure, only because he has to. And yeah, farming is in that category too, but it's not like Cale is actually a real farmer just yet. And the second is for stuff like philosophy, considering how current actions influence future outcomes, the ability to see situations from an outside perspective and reflections into the meaning of life and death – and Cale is REALLY not interested in this type of self reflection.
Which leaves Cale with 4 types of intelligence he excels at, 2 which he is REALLY BAD at, 1 where he's below average and 1 he's probably average, with 1 left completely unknown.
Does this make Cale a genius? Pretty much, yes. Does it also make him stupid in very specific ways? VERY MUCH, YES.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
How to write genius level characters? :(
One of the most reliable measures of intelligence today is the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale—currently in its 5th edition, with an upcoming edition in the works.
Using the tool/scale, scores are converted into nominal categories designated by certain cutoff boundaries for quick reference:
Measured IQ Range — Category
145-160: Very gifted or highly advanced
130–144: Gifted or very advanced
120–129: Superior
110–119: High average
90–109: Average
80–89: Low average
70–79: Borderline impaired or delayed
55–69: Mildly impaired or delayed
40–54: Moderately impaired or delayed
To write your "genius" character, you may want them within the Gifted to Very Gifted categories.
Note: With reference to this list, Roid (2003) cautioned that “the important concern is to describe the examinee’s skills and abilities in detail, going beyond the label itself”. The primary value of such labels is as a shorthand reference in some psychological reports.
These are the factors measured by the scale, and you ideally should aim for your "genius" character/s to exhibit high levels of:
Fluid Reasoning: Novel problem solving; understanding of relationships that are not culturally bound
Knowledge: Skills and knowledge acquired by formal and informal education
Quantitative Reasoning: Knowledge of mathematical thinking including number concepts, estimation, problem solving, and measurement
Visual-Spatial Processing: Ability to see patterns and relationships and spatial orientation as well as the gestalt among diverse visual stimuli
Working Memory: Cognitive process of temporarily storing and then transforming or sorting information in memory
Or maybe your character doesn't excel in all of these areas but in a specific one, or just a few of these. Maybe they perform within the average or high average in some, but are highly gifted in other areas.
The following may also guide you in writing your genius character, based on research compiled by Dr. J. Renzulli, which can be found in the Mensa Gifted Youth Handbook:
Characteristics of Giftedness
Has unusually advanced vocabulary for age or grade level
Has quick mastery and recall of factual information
Wants to know what makes things or people tick
Usually sees more or gets more out of a story, film, etc., than others
Reads a great deal on his or her own; usually prefers adult-level books; does not avoid difficult materials
Reasons things out for him- or herself
Becomes easily absorbed with and truly involved in certain topics or problems
Is easily bored with routine tasks
Needs little external motivation to follow through in work that initially excited him or her
Strives toward perfection; is self-critical; is not easily satisfied with his or her own speed and products
Prefers to work independently; requires little direction from teachers
Is interested in many "adult" problems such as religion, politics, sex and race
Stubborn in his or her beliefs
Concerned with right and wrong, good and bad
Constantly asking questions about anything and everything
Often offers unusual, unique or clever responses
Is uninhibited in expressions of opinion
Is a high-risk taker; is adventurous and speculative
Is often concerned with adapting, improving and modifying institutions, objects and systems
Displays a keen sense of humor
Shows emotional sensitivity
Is sensitive to beauty
Is nonconforming; accepts disorder; is not interested in details; is individualistic; does not fear being different
Is unwilling to accept authoritarian pronouncements without critical examination
Carries responsibility well
Is self-confident with children his or her own age as well as adults
Can express him- or herself well
Adapts readily to new situations
Is sociable and prefers not to be alone
Generally directs the activity in which he or she is involved
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hope this helps with your writing. Do tag me, or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
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cinnamonest · 5 months
hii!! do you think any gnsn yandere would go for anal with the intention of making it very pleasant for darling? like, "I'm telling you, it can feel so good" and "I read about it" (<- that's definitely Haitham lol) and maybe "I know what I'm talking about"
Yessss he would! Alhaitham thinks himself The Expert™ and that any fears you have are silly and unfounded. He takes the matter very seriously and has actually done his research, which, while he can be very annoying at his pretentiousness and stubbornness about it, is actually reassuring, because he does actually know what he’s doing, makes sure he gets in at an angle that will still press against the sweet spots that make you feel good, and keeps his hand practically latched to your clit too.
He develops quite the fixation, actually. You know, you can make this a regular thing, some people get into making it a lifestyle, and the thought appeals to him quite a bit. So he can train you, keep toys inside your ass throughout the day to ensure that if he ever wants it, it’ll be easy to access without having to go through the process of stretching you out a lot each time. And eventually, he can set a day or two per week — or maybe a full week per month? — where any other hole is off-limits, ensuring you get mentally adjusted as well.
Also, the man has a specific little fantasy he intends to fulfill... that is, he's into the idea of switching holes while he's fucking you. Having you on your back and railing you hard and fast, letting the slick fluid pour out of you and drip off his cock as gravity makes it trail downward, coating your asshole too... then pulling out and flipping you over onto your stomach before sliding into your ass, lubed by the grool your body already made for him, feeling you stiffen and clench and gasp... let him live that out just once, and he can die a happy man... well, he thinks that, but you let that happen once, there's no way he can leave it at once.
Albedo has something very similar going on, perhaps an even more intense fixation, although for him it’s part of a much larger pool of kinks and turn-ons ranging from fairly normal to outright depraved, and you’re not quite sure where this compulsive need to ream your poor ass falls on that scale. He’s just not content until he feels like he owns every part of you, and the more vulnerable and sensitive a part of you is, the more satisfying it is to take it for himself.
Still, he at least knows what he’s doing, and he has a way of keeping you calm with how gentle-sounding his voice is. He can also make you various consumables that act as either aphrodisiacs or numbing agents and so on, anything that enhances the good while diminishing any discomfort as much as possible (unless he’s mad and wants you to have some discomfort, of course).
He gives you the I know what I'm doing line quite a bit, and assures you that if you just calm down and hold still, it'll feel good... and he ends up being right, at least to some degree, as he also manages to make you cum that way.
He in particular develops an obsession with trying to get you to cum just from anal stimulation and nothing more, and no matter how slow and gradual the process may be, he's quite determined and patient with training you to achieve that, and it'll be all that much more rewarding when he finally does get the desired result.
But also, he uses his anatomical knowledge against you, because he knows you’ll take whatever he says seriously, so he will do his best to convince you of the therapeutic and health benefits of letting him cum in your ass, and unfortunately he’s actually quite convincing…
Childe’s on the list too, except it is 100% a lie and he does NOT actually have the requisite knowledge, he just has a level of confidence that is directly inverse-correlated to his IQ and it will become your problem. He’s alarmingly uneducated on something that by definition necessitates a lot of know-how to do properly, so please be on guard or else he will just approach it the same way he does pussy — trying to shove it in all in one swift motion, not enough lube, goes way too fast and hard, etc… he still wants it to feel good and insists it will, he just doesn’t actually have any idea what he’s talking about, so be wary and force him to slow down lest you suffer for not doing so.
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realpokemon · 1 year
Is the thing about Alakazam having 5,000 IQ true? Because that seems like a lot. That seems like more than enough to raise ethical questions about why we're regarding them as pets instead of equals (or even our betters) if they're even more sapient than *we* are at that point. Like, how do you have *fifty times* human intelligence and still not pass the Harkness test, at the very least?
no that is complete bullshit. since the iq scale works on a distribution, it isnt even Possible to get a "5000 iq"
also iq is bullshit and is a uniquely human scale that, evidently, does not work when applied to pokémon. alakazam can also be stupid
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syeren · 9 months
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summary — sampo loves to rile people up, no matter who it is and what rank you are. but, once you step into his life, could he still keep up his uncaring demeanor?
genre — comedic fluff
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Sampo is an easy guy, albeit, a con-artist but a real hunk of work. If something doesn’t catch his eye within a second or stimulate his brain for more than a minute… You can say bye-bye to trying to talk to him.
Majority of people view the picture on the vacation postcard of “not-giving-a-shit” and fall in love with the idea — swimming through the clear blue waters in this mental Mediterranean sea can be more deceiving than many think. It’s a one-way ticket to losing the most important skill in life, to feel concern. He for one, couldn’t care in the slightest. It all goes to show as to why he took up the very interesting and controversial means of work in the first place.
But once he stumbled across a person completely opposite to him, he couldn’t help but feel even more irritated. Of course, it was you, with your logical and reasonable thoughts and actions. Your morals were way higher on the scale than his, and he definitely could assume your IQ and EQ followed suit. He never felt so ridiculed and threatened by your demeanour because of this aura of “coolness” and “rationality.” That was the issue, he was always the smart one— or the lack thereof. If both your brains jostled within the ring, his would be pummelled to smithereens.
He wanted to brush off this problem as per usual, forcing himself to play the “unbothered” role because his ego couldn’t handle it anymore (ahh yes, the “be the bigger person” card.) But if this were a choice between mind over matter, the latter would reign dominant. He needs to showcase his true skills, it was his only “skill” anyway.
“Hey,” Sampo called out to you while you fumbled through your satchel. You gave him a quick eyebrow raise in response.
“What’s seven times eight?” he blurted out, standing directly in front with his arms crossed over his puffed chest. Yeesh.
You, on the other hand, gave him an indescribable expression that probably amounted to confusion, irritation, and most likely concern. “What?”
“C’moonn… I don’t have all day!”
Rolling your eyes, you continued to fish out some papers from your bookbag and grumbled the answer. “Fifty-six.”
“— Riddle me this. Imagine you’re in a tough situation where your pal is crying over their partner who was absolutely shit to them. Do you, A, comfort them, B, make fun of them, or C… Listen and give advice.”
Now it was completely indescribable about what you’re feeling or thinking. You slowly looked up to meet his eyes with a blank stare. You were judging him hard.
“… A with a mix of C.”
“No, only one answer!” he protested, wagging his finger in the air.
“Then A.”
He dropped his hand and returned to the same arm-crossed position. “This isn’t fun.”
“You think you’re not having fun? This feels like an interrogation, Sampo,” you playfully snapped, closing your book bag. “The fuck was that about?”
A mere shrug was all he responded with. “Just wanted to… Figure some things out,” he vaguely responded, to which, prompted your irritation even more.
“Okay, okay! Just heard from a little bird that you’ve got a head on your shoulders,” he replied in defence. “Wanted to see if it was true or not.”
“Of course I have a head on my shoulders,” you reiterated, shaking your head in disbelief. “What? You mean like, smarter?”
Sampo nodded his head. “Precisely.”
His answer made you immediately chuckle, letting out a breathy laugh. “Shouldn’t this little questionnaire prove the point? Such dumb questions.”
“Hey! They made you think though!” he argued. “Putting you on the spot and such.”
“… Easy questions like that won’t put anyone on the spot.”
Sampo inched even closer as he let out a prideful scoff, flipping his floppy bangs back with calloused fingers. “Fine. I’ll prepare something harder then—“
“Nope,” you interrupted.
“One thing’s for certain, you are one hell of a party pooper,” he stated dejectedly, rolling his eyes as he straightened his posture. “Natasha mentioned you were smart n’ all, but how is that any good if that pretty little head of yours is full of brash comments and half-assed sarcasm.”
“Since when were you and Natasha friends?” you deadpanned, the same sarcastic tone dripping from your lips.
“We always were! Hey! Don’t give me that face!” Sampo responded but as soon as he was speaking, your figure was slowly walking away from him. You lazily waved a hand in the air without turning around.
You, 1. Sampo, 0. Try harder next time, big guy.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 10 months
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"I'm so happy to see my daughter, Marissa, finally embrace her full potential! Her father and I were worried for a while there. She was fiercely independent, athletic, never went out and had fun. Twenty, with zero kids! We felt like we had to make excuses for her at family functions. Why our beautiful girl was out hiking mountains and rock climbing instead of pushing out six kids at once!
Well, I talked to some moms on this parental support group for girls refusing to become breeders and figured out the issue! She visited us and we talked her into staying at our place for a month while she was waiting for her engineering classes to start back up. We slipped a few things in her tea: fertility drugs that give a huge boost to libido, and IQ-reducing drugs. Turns out Marissa's independence was to blame on her high IQ and low sex drive!
Within a few days we noticed the effects. She was fanning herself at the dining room table waiting for breakfast. She humped her chair. Her father and I were giddy by the quick results. We noticed she at seconds and wanted more. Evidently she was trying to quell her libido with food, and we happily obliged. I always wanted a fat, spoiled daughter! Casually we mentioned she should go out jogging, 'maybe meet some cute guys'. She looked flushed, and agreed, sporting the biggest food baby we've ever seen on her, Marissa went out jogging..... and came back three hours later with a pussy full of cum.
The results were unbelievable. We continued her medication, convincing her to stay longer and do classes online because she was pregnant (with triplets!). Marissa's willpower decayed. She soon started snacking and overeating constantly. She drank beer with her dad, smoked cigarettes with me, and smoked weed in her room, as she stuffed her face and masturbated. She started playing with herself constantly, even in public. We knew the IQ-lowering drugs were working incredibly well when we all went out one day, she was eight months along and saw a group of guys playing basketball. With us right there, she casually asked them if they wanted to fuck her. We were shocked, and let Marissa go have her fun.
Fast forward to now, with this pic I took of our beautiful new Marissa, carrying sextuplets. She tips the scale at about 300lbs and doesn't think for a second she needs to slow down her appetite or lose a pound. She shakes her fat ass in front of the camera and giggles. She smacks her flabby thighs, rubs her hips and belly, admires her fuller cheeks and double chin. I think she likes being fat, and we couldn't be happier! This is her third pregnancy--after triplets, quintuplets, and now sextuplets, hopefully her pregnancies will only get bigger, as her ass does.... We contacted her college and found out she had a whopping 168 IQ. Now she scores at a 55 on a good day. Oops, might've overdone it, but if it means our Marissa is constantly horny, filled to the brim with babies, and stuffing her face, then I'd say it was worth the loss!"
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 5 months
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Ghost vs Jade
Strength: Ghost
Speed: Jade
Battle IQ: Ghost (Or it's a tie)
Durability: Ghost
Stamina: Ghost
Endurance: Ghost
Agility: Jade
Martial arts: Jade (Or Ghost. Idk)
Offense: Ghost
Defense: Ghost (?)
Reflexes: Jade
Weaponry: Ghost
Technique: Jade
Overall: Ghost (High diff)
Full-Scale IQ: Jade
Overall EQ: Jade
Overall SQ: Jade
Logical Reasoning: Jade
Analytical: Jade
Observation: Jade
Perception: Jade
Intuition: Jade
Planning: Jade
Cold reading: Ghost (Or it's a tie)
Overall Manipulation: Jade
Deception: Jade
Prediction: Jade
Anticipation: Jade
Overall: Jade (Mid diff)
I'm not sure about a few aspects, since I don't know everything about Jade. These are just assumptions by reading Jade's description that you wrote.
Hello! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)/
And OMG this is amazing!? Pretty accurate if I say so myself 👁️👄👁️
- For the Combat Battle, it's Ghost's win with 9-4. It's mostly an easy win tbh. Ghost's win is from the size advantage (which is a lot). Jade might need to play dirty to win.
- For the Intelligence Battle, it's Jade's win with 13-1 (OH MY GOD Jade clears Ghost??? 😭 Sounds so odd but if that's your deduction I'm totally in on this 😂) . Jade is MASTER at reading and predicting people's behaviour. Ghost is the master enforcer of the team while Jade is like the Seer.
This reminds me of those versus edits with characters 😂 if only Jade was real 😩
Thank you so much! 💕
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hannigramislife · 5 months
"Oh, the abuse cycle in bsd–"
Yes, let's talk about the abuse cycle in Bsd. Let's talk about what people don't seem to mention, ever.
Mori. Dazai. Akutagawa. Kyouka.
Though nothing is certain about what the relationship between Mori and Dazai was really like, there is a clear difference between these relationships.
Mori is appreciative of Dazai. Much as he is scared of him, Mori would take Dazai back to the Mafia in a heartbeat. From the flashbacks, we could see that Dazai and Mori had relatively easy talks, Mori confided in him, was always honest, and 15 year old Dazai seemed to talk freely with him. The abuse is, far as we know, emotional manipulation on a great scale.
Akutagawa was probably violent with Kyouka, just as Dazai was with him, though I suppose at a lesser scale (i don't think he ever shot bullets at her, for example). One thing that we do notice, though, is that Akutagawa never talks down to her? He acknowledged her strength and gave her the same reason to live that he believed in himself. Then, he also acknowledges her growth, is actually happy for her happiness, and in Dead Apple, even suggests for her to kill him when he's at his weakest. There's also a lack of emotional dependence— unlike his own case, Akutagawa did not mold her to depend on his approval. And when she sees him, she has a less severe reaction than she did when she saw Mori, for example.
And then, you have Akutagawa and Dazai. And this is what really pisses me off. Because not only is Dazai both emotionally and physically abusive to Akutagawa, he continues to keep his hold on Akutagawa even after he has become a "good guy." He keeps Akutagawa tethered to him, manipulates him in dangerous situations Akutagawa has no business being in, and purposely plays into the boy's trauma bond to him to use him. All while giving everything to a random orphan he met on the streets that - objectively speaking - is no better than Akutagawa?
This is my personal view on their relationships, and I haven't read any light novels but Beast, so there might be information I'm missing.
But no amount of context can change the fact - and I mean fact - that Dazai had absolutely zero excuse to do what he did to Akutagawa. While in the Mafia or after it. Because the guy with an IQ of a billion, who was himself saved and shown kindness by another in his darkest times should have fucking known better.
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